Podoplelova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, senior lecturer of the Department of Documentation, Library Science and Bibliography, educational and methodological complex (2). Secretarial affair is five years old Secretarial affair magazine online

(electronic magazine No. 6, 2011, Belarus)

To help the secretary, office manager, administrator, office worker

Our publication is primarily intended for secretaries, office managers, administrators, executive assistants, office workers. But we are sure that any office worker will find something interesting in it.

In each issue of the magazine, we talk about the nuances of office work, document management, as well as the creation, registration, search and storage of documents, and control over their execution. We endeavor to highlight any changes related to business paperwork requirements.

On our pages, competent authors acquaint readers with the intricacies of organizing and maintaining an archive, the use of computer and office equipment, as well as automated systems documentation support management (ASDOU). In the magazine you will find consultations of psychologists, recommendations on office furnishing, style and business etiquette.

You will surely appreciate the applied nature of the materials for holding meetings, presentations, business negotiations and corporate events, to optimize office work, increase personal efficiency and time management.

In the "Secretary Plus" section, we try to cover some issues related to the activities cadres, legal advisers, accountants. All this can be useful for the "right hand" of the manager, because often the secretary has to combine duties.

In addition, in the magazine you will find information on:

Business correspondence

Drawing up a nomenclature of cases

Submitting documents to the archive

Organizing a meeting of clients and partners in the office

Prevention of conflict situations

Improving personal efficiency

And many, many other topics.

A.E. Rybakov, director of BelNIIDAD;

A.N. Sukach, Head of Documentation Department, BelNIIDAD;

ON. Kapmole - Senior Researcher, Documentation Department, BelNIIDAD;

N.N. Novik, Researcher, Documentation Department, BelNIIDAD.

G.A. Kudryakov, chief Specialist general department of the State Institution "Main Economic Administration" of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Belarus;

T.V. Rahubo, lawyer;

I'M IN. Monich, a practicing psychologist.

Frequency of publication - once a month. The volume of the journal is 84 pages.

In the room:

5 News review



Registration of documentation on the creation of an organization

13 Denis LAEVSKY

Organization regulations

What is position? The requirements of what regulatory and methodological documents must be observed in its development and execution? What should be the structure of the provision text? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article.

18 Olga SOKOL

A few words about printing

The seal of the organization is present on every document that has legal force, and is a kind of business card of the company. Today we will discuss this in more detail.

Secretary School

21 Galina PESHKOVA

Fifth lesson. Details of the formalizing part of the document



It is necessary to prepare for a meeting with the State Archivenadzor

Gosarchivnadzor monitors the state of archiving and office work in all organizations, regardless of the form of ownership, as well as in individual entrepreneurs. Therefore, you must always be ready for the arrival of an employee of this institution.

What does Gosarchivnadzor pay attention to during inspections?


Steps to your career


Time to make legs

Perhaps our advice will be useful not only for those who have recently got a job in a new job, but also for those who have already worked for some time in this or that organization. The main thing is not to be afraid of changes and not to forget: everything that is done is for the best! And also to believe that the best is yet to come.

37 Tatiana SAMATYA

The role of the secretary in the new organization

What needs to be done first of all, what issues to solve and what to tackle? These questions arise by themselves, as soon as you cross the threshold of the office of an organization that has just begun its existence. However, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance.


Organization of a modern office. Secretary's workplace

The word "reception" speaks for itself: here visitors are waiting for a reception by the manager. But it is also workplace secretary, which must be rationally and efficiently organized in accordance with his functional responsibilities, connections within the organization, work schedule.

45 Marina GLADKAYA

Little tricks of memorization

It is impossible to become a truly professional secretary without the ability to memorize names, faces, numbers. And for this you need to train your memory.

49 Valentin PANEVCHIK

Choosing paper for the office

At first glance, the choice of paper does not seem to be a very difficult task. However, a wrong decision can lead to both unplanned costs and deterioration of the organization's image.

Etiquette or not


Tea and coffee for guests and clients of the company

We write and speak correctly


Compound nouns and adjectives: spelling rules


58 Tatiana SAMATYA

Feng Shui Workplace

60 Valentin PANEVCHIK

Not boring office

63 Denis KOVALEV

First date


Inequality in love

69 Anastasia MIGNO

Colors of life


Which scent is right for you?


74 Andrey SUKACH

Using email in an organization: where to start?

The popularity of e-mail today is due to a number of factors, including the high speed of sending information, low costs for its creation and transmission, the ability to reuse and multiply the information sent.


80 Oksana VANCHUK

Features and Benefits of Microsoft Access 2010



How to start your own business: we decide on the form and content


What is "primary" and with what it is "eaten"





Secretary School

Fifth lesson.





Steps to your career







Etiquette or not


We write and speak correctly

Complex nouns and adjectives:


















The Secretarial Business magazine as a source

professional information

To be a professional in your field of activity, you need to constantly improve your knowledge and skills. Today there are many sources for obtaining the necessary information and channels for their transmission. However, the periodical and, in particular, the journal as a means of mass communication, still occupies a leading position. This is due to a number of its specific properties, due to which the materials published in the journal become especially significant for specialists. Among them, the relevance and novelty of the topic, the originality of the knowledge fixed in the publication, the completeness of the information provided, and most importantly, the promptness of the dissemination of professional information, which allow the specialist to keep abreast of not only the latest scientific achievements, but also experience. practical activities... Such a periodical for most of the country's specialists involved in information and documentation support for the management sphere is the Secretarial Business magazine. 1 His appearance was caused by the urgent need of the time. In the 90s, in connection with the development of market relations in the economy, a large number of commercial structures appeared, the leaders of which needed highly qualified secretaries-referents. The secretary corps refers to the group of specialists that provides information and organizational services to the leadership of any organization or structural unit... The areas of activity of the secretary are multidimensional, and the requirements for the knowledge and skills of different categories of secretaries are determined by qualification characteristics. One of the directions of the secretary's work is information and documentary services related to the preparation of draft documents on the instructions of the head, collection of information and processing of materials for his reports and speeches, printing and execution of documents. In addition, the secretary performs all technological processes of working with documents from their receipt to transfer to archival storage. The most important duty secretary is a paperless service, that is, assistance to the manager in organizing the working day and the most efficient use of his time. Thus, the range of duties of secretaries is wide enough and requires high professionalism. In order to perform the tasks set by the management in a quality manner, the secretary must have an appropriate education and constantly improve his knowledge, skills and abilities. It is precisely this mission that the Secretarskoe Delo magazine has been fulfilling since its publication. It enables its subscribers, including secretaries with higher and secondary specialized education, to navigate in all the achievements of their chosen profession. The content index prepared for the 10th anniversary of the journal allows to summarize the first results, summarize the available material and formulate promising directions for the development of this publication. A multifaceted analysis of the array of published articles will help to determine the role and place of the journal as a source of professional information. The publications of the journal will be considered according to several parameters: quantitative data, authorship, thematic and substantive orientation of articles, their species diversity. During the decade, 68 issues of the magazine were published, of which 26 were quarterly and 42 monthly. Total diverse publications of 382 authors, during this period amounted to 1190 titles. From the very beginning, the journal began to be published by the teaching staff of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The key role was taken by the Department of Records Management of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities, headed by Professor Tatyana Vyacheslavovna Kuznetsova. This department had many years of experience in training personnel in the field of office work, including secretaries with higher education... Each issue contained articles by teachers and graduate students from different departments of the Russian State Humanitarian University. Statistical analysis of publications indicates that in the total volume of published materials, articles by authors of this particular educational institution prevail. T.V. Kuznetsova (60 articles), E.M. Emysheva (60), S.L. Kuznetsov (51), O. V. Mosyagina (45), G. Yu. Maksimovich (32), V.I. Berestova (28), L.P. Afanasyeva (26), G.A. Serov (25), G.A. Osichkina (23), E.M. Burova (21), E.V. Alekseeva (20), M.N. Kostomarov (20) and others. Over a dozen articles have been written by such authors as M.I. Dodonova (18), E.A. Efimenko (18), N.V. Shatina (17), L.V. Sankina (15), A.I. Aleksentsev (14), L.A. Sysoeva (13), T.A. Bykova (12), T.I. Vladykina (12), I.A. Kossov (11), Yu.M. Kukarina (11), L.M. Vyalova (10). The intellectual support of the journal was provided by scientists from VNIIDAD and State University management - O.I. Ryskov (19), O. I. Mitchenko (10), A.N. Sokova (5), A.V. Pshenko (16), E.A. Stepanov (14), V.F. Yankovaya (11) and others. In the late 90s of the last century and at the beginning of the new century, many higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the country began to prepare and issue document managers and secretaries-assistants. In this regard, the authorship of the journal has increased significantly. Teachers, graduate students and graduates of universities, academies and institutes began to publish their works. Among the representatives of regional universities, L.R. Fionova, V.G. Pashchenko, O. I. Semyankova and I.V. Usmanova (Penza), A.I. Isachenkov and N.N. Podoplelova (Perm), T.N. Kolokoltsev and S.P. Kushneruk (Volgograd). The geography of the magazine's authors is represented not only by different universities and organizations in Moscow, but also by other cities. Russian Federation: G.G. Aralbaeva, S.M. Druzhinina (Orenburg), A.V. Ermolaeva (Saratov), \u200b\u200bM.S. Slepneva and Yu.N. Smirnov (Samara), E.V. Karpycheva, O. G. Leontyeva, E.A. Pigarkina (Tver), G.Sh. Mavlyutova (Tyumen) and many others. The study of the authors on the basis of the publication data indicates that among them there are not only university teachers with academic degrees and titles. The editorial board of the journal actively attracted leading scientists from academic and research institutes, representatives of state authorities and administration, managers and leading specialists of corporations, companies, firms and many other organizations for cooperation. This made it possible to successfully disclose in the magazine theoretical aspects management as a special area of \u200b\u200bactivity and experience in their practical implementation. The publishing house and the editorial board of the journal, having determined the thematic focus of their periodical, expanded the boundaries of the concept of “secretary”. This word meant executiveresponsible for organizing the work of a specific team or organizational structure. Versatility this concept due to the fact that there are honorary positions of academic secretaries of universities and departments of the Academy of Sciences, general secretaries of parties, the United Nations, and others. The multidimensional secretarial activity was taken into account when forming the general content of the journal. The subject of the journal, the formation of its headings were determined primarily by the requirements that apply to the secretary as a specialist. Starting from the fourth issue of 1999, the journal's table of contents includes such headings as "Profession - secretary", "Organization of the secretary's work", "Working with documents", "Computer technologies", "Information security", "Etiquette", "Psychology of communication "," Education "," Archival business "," Government agencies "," From history ". Since the end of 2001, the heading "Human Resources Management" and "Labor Law" are our guests. Since the journal has become a monthly publication since 2003, the number of published articles increases, and in this regard, new sections appear. If earlier the annual volume of published articles varied from 80 to 92, then since 2003 it has become 210-220 titles. The increase in the frequency of the journal influenced not only the quantity, but also the subject matter of the publication, its relevance. New and original headings appear: “Regulatory and Legal Framework”, “New in Legislation”, “History of the Profession”, “Secretarial Fates”, “Documentation”, “Secretary's Work”, “Internet for the Secretary” and others. The materials presented in the listed headings help secretaries to comprehend all facets of their profession, to form professional thinking and consciousness in order to correspond to the status of a modern specialist in this field. Articles published under the headings "History of the profession" and "Secretarial destinies" made it possible to reveal the main stages in the development of this profession, to present the appearance of people and the directions of their work in different historical eras and in different positions. The publications of T.I. Poretskaya, who provided the readers of the magazine with invaluable information about people who, by the will of fate, became secretaries of Russian emperors, statesmen, scientists, writers and other celebrities. This is truly a research work that allowed to collect bit by bit the factual material, generalize it and recreate the portraits of prominent secretaries. Articles by T.I. Poretskoy in many ways contributed to the formation of the image of the secretary profession and were a kind of bridge thrown from the past to the present. The organizers of the magazine tried not only to show the specifics of the secretary's profession, but also to reveal all the areas of his work in different areas of activity. Guided by qualification characteristics secretary, in which the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities are indicated, the editorial board introduces special headings “ Regulations"And" New in legislation ". Articles by editor-in-chief T.V. Kuznetsova, published in these headings, allowed the secretaries and all subscribers of the magazine to receive up-to-date information about the system of legislation related to documentation management activities, as well as learn about all the changes in its regulatory and methodological regulation. Working with documents takes up the bulk of the secretary's working time, so the magazine paid a lot of attention to the issues of documenting and working with documents. For this purpose, similar headings were introduced ("Documenting", "Drawing up documents", "Working with documents"). The authors of the articles acquainted the users of the journal with theoretical foundations the functioning of the management document, i.e. with its functions, properties, methods and means of documentation, details and rules for their design. The documentation systems available in organizations were considered in detail, not only the unified OSA system, but also specific groups of documents. A number of authors specializing in documentary linguistics (E.N. Basovskaya, E.V. Belokurova, G.V. Leonova, O.I. Semyankova, V.F. Yankovaya, etc.) helped to understand the linguistic subtleties and nuances writing texts of various documents. Thanks to this information, the secretaries were able to navigate the specific structure of the documentation, learn more about the specifics of working with it. Over the years, the journal has published materials on the organization and technology of working with documents in both traditional and automated modes. The issues of receiving and primary processing of documents, registration, control, procedures for preparing them for filing for archival storage were disclosed in detail. Many articles are devoted to the organization of the current storage of documents in institutions, the methodology for preparing the nomenclature of cases and the formation of cases. All of these topics were essential in improving professional activity secretaries. It should be noted that the authors of individual articles (L.M. Vyalova, A.Yu. Kon'kova, A.L. Raikhtsaum, T.V. Vinogradova) provided comparative materials that allow getting an idea of \u200b\u200bthe domestic traditions of organizing office work in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods. ... This is how the picture of the state of documentation support for the activities of institutions was formed in different periods of national history. Archival activity is closely connected with office work. From the very first issues of the journal, the leading specialists of the Department of Archival Science and Archeography E.V. Alekseeva, L.P. Afanasyeva, E.M. Burov, G.A. Osichkina introduced readers to the archival aspects of office work. They managed to reveal all aspects of this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, including the formation of the archival fund, its use, as well as the informatization of the archival industry. The modern activity of the secretary is unthinkable without the use of computer technology. The last decade has seen a rapid pace of renewal computer technology, the possibilities of using automated technologies in the office work of organizations are constantly expanding. The magazine paid attention to this topical topic from the first issues. The bibliographic records placed in the 6th section of the index "Computer technologies in preschool educational institutions" clearly indicate how dynamically the focus of the articles changed. Secretaries were introduced not only to the possibilities software PC and the use of a computer in their work, but also taught to solve problems of the selection and implementation of corporate systems for automating work with documents. Such specialists as S.L. were generously sharing their professional knowledge and skills. Kuznetsov, G.Yu. Maksimovich and V.I. Berestova, G.A. Serova, L.A. Sysoeva and many others. Accessibly and visually, they helped the entire readership of the magazine to master the capabilities of a computer in drawing up and processing documents, to show the advantages electronic document management and modern information technologies for storing, searching and transmitting information, including Internet technologies. Of particular interest was the section "Information Security". Competent in these matters is the head of the Department of Information Security Methodology of the Russian State Humanitarian University Professor A.A. Aleksentsev and Associate Professor of the State University of Management E.A. Stepanov in his publications revealed the whole range of issues related to the types of secrets and confidential information, the specifics of working with restricted documents. The authors outlined the theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of ensuring the security of information resources of various organizational structures, directions and methods of working with personnel with confidential information, the capabilities and characteristics of various technological systems and methods of processing and storing confidential documents. The organizational activity of the secretary involves not only conducting telephone conversations, but also receiving visitors, assisting the head in organizing meetings, negotiations, business trips, meetings with foreign partners, etc. This area of \u200b\u200bwork should be based on knowledge of the fundamentals of the psychology of communication with people and business etiquette... The editorial board of the journal introduces these two headings, and they make the publication even more attractive and versatile. The authors of the "Psychology of Communication" rubric E.N. Kiryanova, N.A. Litvintseva, N.F. Lukyanova, M.I. Stankin and others reveal the psychological types of people, the causes of conflicts, patterns of behavior and rules of communication in conflict situations... Secretaries are offered tests for psychological insight, stress resistance, ways to relieve stress, and advice on dealing with people of different temperaments. The publications of psychologists and other specialists contain valuable information and enhance the role of the secretary in maintaining normal working conditions for the leader. The heading "Business etiquette" also changed from year to year. If in the first years of the publication of the magazine, articles were published in this section, revealing the principles of etiquette, the relationship between the manager and the secretary, and the peculiarities of telephone etiquette, then later, along with the domestic traditions of business etiquette, a lot of materials are published on communication with foreign partners. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation A.S. Loginova, teachers of the Department of Documentation of the Russian State Humanitarian University E.M. Emysheva and O.V. Mosyagina, associate professor of Moscow State University of Education R.N. Moseev and other authors in their publications reveal the traditions and characteristics of Russian business communication, the national character and business culture of communication between representatives of foreign countries. A review of thematic headings shows that on the pages of the journal, with varying degrees of completeness, practically all the content blocks that make up the competence of a modern secretary were considered. The materials of this index give a fairly complete picture in this regard. For secretaries, articles were published on information and technical support management, archival aspects in office work. They were introduced to the areas of activity government agencies power and management, experience in working with documents in specific organizations... A great merit of the editorial board was the publication of materials under the heading "Foreign experience". Only in the journal "Secretarial business" specialists in the field of preschool educational institutions could get acquainted with the articles, which covered the issues of legal regulation of documenting processes and organization of work with documents in different foreign countries... Thanks to the dissertation research of young scientists Yu.M. Kukarina, L.N. Varlamova, L.M. Morozovskaya, O.I. Ryskova, interesting works appeared on the pages of the journal on electronic documents and electronic document management, the activities of national organizations to create a document management system in Europe and Asia, the United States, Canada and Australia. Articles by VNIIDAD O.I. Ryskov and O. Yu. Mitchenko allowed readers to familiarize themselves with the ISO 9000 series standards in the field of information and documentation, with the requirements international organization to the composition of documentation and documentation of the quality management system processes. The organizers of the “Secretarskoe Delo” magazine have made other magazines permanently involved in the work of their periodicals. This is how the columns appeared in which the materials of the guests of the magazines "Labor Law", "Personnel Management", "Housing Law", "Criminal Law" were published. The variety of journal genres, and these are articles, interviews, commentaries of experts, allows, along with others, to use an interactive form of communication. Leading scholars and practitioners in the field of jurisprudence appear on the pages of the journal, who shape the legal culture of secretaries, helping them to better master the norms of legislation on issues that most often arise in their professional activities. Statistical analysis showed that the magazine published 44 interviews with figures of various levels - from governors and political leaders of parties to heads of major domestic and foreign companies and secretaries of heads of small firms. The guests of the Secretarial Business and Personnel Management magazine reflected on the problems of politics and economics, focusing on the issues of management, business, human resources management, professional education of modern specialists. The opinions of authoritative people in different fields of activity allow the secretaries to expand their knowledge and ideas on a whole range of issues of the country's socio-economic development. The scope of this article does not allow for a full review of all materials published in the journal during this period. The team of authors of the first professional periodical was purposefully carrying out its activities to form the personality of a secretary of a new type. The information array of the magazine can be compared with a guide to the profession, without which no specialist in the field of document management can do. The magazine acted as a kind study guide for different categories of secretaries, teachers of educational institutions and students. Articles in the "Training" section helped to improve their qualifications. Everyone used these materials either for the purpose of self-education, or for the development of lecture courses and methodological support of the conducted practical classes. The journal successfully combined different types of articles. Among them are publications with elements of theoretical and historical knowledge, of a methodological and production-practical nature. The pages of the magazine reflected work experience, consultations, practical advice specialists. The magazine informed about scientific and practical conferences, organized competitions for secretaries, introduced subscribers to novelties in literature and digests of specialized magazines. The heading "Reference Information" reported on news in the cultural life of the country, on interesting facts and events. The "Editor's Column" contained information about new developments in the development of the journal, and drew the attention of subscribers to individual articles. All publications were aimed at the comprehensive development of the secretary's personality as the main consumer of professional information. At the same time, some of the materials were also addressed to the management staff, which contributed to the establishment of mutual understanding between managers and secretaries, their more successful joint work. Summing up the results of the ten-year edition of the journal, a number of tendencies should be noted that are traced in the analysis of the bibliographic array of the content index. One of them is the inclusion of specialists in related fields of knowledge and practice in the author's composition. Historians, lawyers, economists, philologists, linguists, psychologists, library specialists, medical workers, as well as a large group of university professors with academic degrees and titles in the field of humanities and technical sciences spoke on the pages of the journal. The integrative principles in the subject matter of the journal and the content of the articles allowed it to acquire its own appearance and uniqueness. Another tendency manifested itself in the fact that teachers of educational institutions and practitioners from many regions of Russia joined in the formation of the journal's topics. Their publications enriched the content of the journal and made it possible to make the regional experience of working with documents and training secretarial personnel available to the general public. It should be noted that, thanks to the index of the content and systematization of the journal's publications, it was possible to record the corresponding level of development of scientific thought in the field of management records management and practical activities in the field of documentation support for management of the late XX - early XXI centuries. Determining further prospects for its development, the organizers of the "Secretarial affair" must take into account the fact that the journal has been published for several years in conditions of the parallel existence of other, no less interesting periodicals: "Secretary-assistant", "Directory of the secretary and office manager", "Office work and document management at the enterprise." The competitive situation should stimulate the activities of the editorial board to search for new forms of reflection of professional knowledge. From our point of view, both domestic and foreign experience in all areas of interest to secretaries should be disclosed more broadly. Under the conditions of the administrative reform, the functions of federal, regional and local authorities and administrations have changed, therefore, there is a need for a new understanding and characterization of the directions of their activities. The emergence of new national GOSTs in the field of standardization and information technology obliges practitioners to understand their system. At the same time, it is necessary to update the content of the traditional headings of the journal. Time is inexorably moving forward, not only new technologies appear, but also the very sphere of management and its information support are changing. The Secretarial Business magazine must continue to fulfill its mission and be an irreplaceable source of professional information for its subscribers. He has the potential for this. A.I. Isachenkova

Index of log content

1. Regulatory framework

management documentation

1.1. General work

    Albrecht, B.V. Regulatory and organizational and methodological issues of organizing work with documents on personnel. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 9 - 11. Kossov, I.A. Legal regulation of accounting, storage and use of forms and seals with the image of the state emblem of the Russian Federation. - 2001. - No. 2. - P. 22 - 24. Kossov, I.A. Legal aspects of documenting the activities of the commission on labor disputes... - 2000. - No. 2. - P. 6 - 9. Krylova, I.A. Legal and normative-methodological regulation of issues of organizing the current storage of documents in commercial structures. - 2003. - No. 5. - P. 16 - 19. Kuznetsova, T.V. Changes in the legal and regulatory framework for office work. - 2003. - No. 5. - P. 7 - 13. Kuznetsova, T.V. Changes in 2003 in the legal and regulatory framework for the documentation of management. - 2004. - № 2. - P. 4 - 6. Ryskov, O.I. Regulatory and methodological support of electronic document management: comparison of domestic and foreign experience... - 2005. - No. 2. - P. 54 - 58. Ryskov, O.I. Overview of the regulatory framework electronic documents In Russian federation. - 2005. - No. 11. - S. 5 - 13.

See also: 525, 531, 545 - 552, 561, 565

(electronic magazine No. 9, 2011, Belarus)

To help the secretary, office manager, administrator, office worker

Our publication is primarily intended for secretaries, office managers, administrators, executive assistants, office workers. But we are sure that any office worker will find something interesting in it.

In each issue of the magazine, we talk about the nuances of office work, document management, as well as the creation, registration, search and storage of documents, and control over their execution. We endeavor to highlight any changes related to business paperwork requirements.

On our pages, competent authors acquaint readers with the intricacies of organizing and maintaining an archive, the use of computer and office equipment, as well as automated management documentation systems (ASDOU). In the magazine you will find consultations from psychologists, recommendations on office furnishing, style and business etiquette.

You will surely appreciate the applied nature of materials for holding meetings, presentations, business negotiations and corporate events, for optimizing office work, increasing personal efficiency and time management.

In the "Secretary Plus" section, we try to cover some issues related to the activities of personnel workers, legal advisers, accountants. All this can be useful for the "right hand" of the manager, because often the secretary has to combine duties.

In addition, in the magazine you will find information on:

Business correspondence

Drawing up a nomenclature of cases

Submitting documents to the archive

Organizing a meeting of clients and partners in the office

Prevention of conflict situations

Improving personal efficiency

And many, many other topics.

A.E. Rybakov, director of BelNIIDAD;

A.N. Sukach, Head of Documentation Department, BelNIIDAD;

ON. Kapmole - Senior Researcher, Documentation Department, BelNIIDAD;

N.N. Novik, Researcher, Documentation Department, BelNIIDAD.

G.A. Kudryakova, Chief Specialist of the General Department of the Main Economic Directorate of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Belarus;

T.V. Rahubo, lawyer;

I'M IN. Monich, a practicing psychologist.

Frequency of publication - once a month. The volume of the journal is 84 pages.

In the room:

5 News review



Organization of work with written requests from citizens

In this material, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some aspects of organizing office work on requests from citizens, work with which is strictly regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11 Natalya NOVIK

We draw up and draw up an attestation characteristic

An employee profile is an official document that contains an assessment of business and personal qualities. But since today uniform form characteristics are not provided, when it is designed, one should be guided by the basic norms and requirements of some regulatory legal acts.

19 Denis LAEVSKY

Registration of requisites giving legal force to documents

The requisites are intended to be consolidated in a legally significant form and brought to the addressees of documents, other officials and individuals instructions for the performance of managerial actions, confirmation of a fact of legal significance, certification of the origin of the document. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Secretary School

24 Galina PESHKOVA

Lesson eight

Description of administrative documentation

The duties of the secretary often include not only printing the administrative document, but also preparing its draft. Today we will consider several questions that will help you quickly and accurately fulfill the instructions of your manager.



Once in the office ...

36 Marina GLADKAYA

Little Tricks for a Perfect Chef Relationship

Steps to your career


Job ads: read between the lines

How not to fall for the entrepreneurial employer


"Clothes" by which they are greeted. Bad advice

How to screw up your resume

47 Tatiana SAMATYA

Interview as an exam

How to make a first impression


Secretarial profession: runway or career dead end

How to achieve success in the professional field


Career on hiatus

How to change yourself for job satisfaction

Conversation with a psychologist

56 Marina GLADKAYA

How to join a team and become "your own" in a new workplace

60 Jadwiga MONICH

Notes to the leaders

We write and speak correctly


Numbers in documents

Of notebook secretary

63 Alexandra MANTSEVICH

I will put in a word about my own place (working) ...


66 Denis KOVALEV

First date


How long does cosmetics live?

70 Anastasia MIGNO

Colors of life


74 Ekaterina SAZONOVA

Search and storage of information on a PC

76 Oksana VANCHUK

Electronic readers and paper technology E Ink: a pleasure to read

78 Ksenia BELOVA

Choosing a webcam


80 Alexander GARBUZ

We fill in the reverse side of the certificate of incapacity for work

84 Tatiana RAKHUBO

You asked ...








Secretary School

Lesson eight





Steps to your career



Bad advice





Conversation with a psychologist




We write and speak correctly


From the secretary's notebook













Reader's question - expert's answer


15. Training of specialists in the field of preschool education

15.1. Journal "Secretarial business"

as a source of professional information

    Kuznetsova, T.V. The Secretarial Business magazine is five years old. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 3 - 8.

    Kuznetsova, T.V. The Secretarieskoye Delo magazine is ten years old. - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 5 - 9.

Review of the directions and prospects for the development of the journal to help the professional activities of specialists in the field of working with documents. Analysis of thematic headings, their content.

15.2. General questions of vocational education

    Dodonova, M.I. Where and what are the secretaries taught. - 1997. - No. 2. - P. 27 - 33.

    Karpycheva, E.V. Problems of teaching records management to students in the specialty “Document management and preschool educational institutions”. - 2001. - No. 4. - P. 74.

    Kuznetsova, T.V. Training of highly qualified assistant secretaries. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 3 - 5.

On the educational standard 350800 "Documentation and preschool educational institutions" and the peculiarities of training secretaries-referents in the universities of the Russian Federation.

    Kuznetsova, T.V. The work of the assistant secretary is the topic of the graduation project design. - 2004. - No. 7. - P. 5 - 7.

    Martynova, L.A. State educational standard of secondary vocational education for clerical specialists ( elevated level). - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 75 - 77.

    Martynova, L.A. The standard of secondary vocational education for specialists in office work. - 1998. - No. 2. - P. 107 - 110.

    Mosyagina, O. V. All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Problems of teaching archival and documentary disciplines: modern practice and prospects" / O.V. Mosyagina, G.A. Osichkina. - 2001. - No. 2. - P. 71 - 73.

    Sokolov, A.V. About additional professional education in the field of preschool educational institutions. - 2005. - No. 8. - P. 45 - 49.

Types of additional programs, their organizational and methodological support.

    Fionova, L.R. On the issue of assessment professional competence specialists working with documents. - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 46 - 50.

Qualification of competencies. The content of the questionnaire to assess the importance of the competence of the document specialist. Design educational programs in the system of training and retraining of specialists.

    Khristich, T.Yu. Features of training secretaries-practitioners / T.Yu. Khristich, E.V. Bozhenko. - 2004. - No. 7. - P. 68 - 69.

Training program, options for assignments for practical training and business games.

15.3. Personnel training methodology

    Arkhipova, N.I. The role of the discipline "Personnel management" in the training of specialists in the field of records management and teaching methods / N.I. Arkhipova, O. L. Sedova. - 2000. - No. 4. - P. 65 - 68.

    Basovskaya, E.N. Concept of the course "Documentary linguistics" for secretaries-assistants. - 1996. - No. 4. - P. 34 - 42.

    Basovskaya, E.N. Learning assignments (the art of business writing). - 1998. - No. 3. - P. 119 - 122.

    Beklemysheva, E.E. Educational research work of students (exchange of experience). - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 71 - 74.

Experience and methodology of teaching a special course on office work in a vocational lyceum No. 3 in Perm.

    Bozhenko, E.V. The use of various forms of training, depending on the category of students (work experience). - 2004. - No. 11. - P. 69 - 72.

Tasks, forms of training and control.

    Dodonova, M.I. The concept of the lecture course "Secretarial business". - 1997. - No. 3. - P. 89 - 96.

    Dodonova, M.I. We learn to draw up documents based on management situations. - 1998. - No. 3. - P. 127 - 134.

    Dodonova, M.I. Methodology for conducting practical training in the preparation and execution of official documents / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2003. - No. 11. - P. 41 - 44.

    Dodonova, M.I. Educational and methodical developments for the preparation and registration of acts / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 45 - 47.

    Dodonova, M.I. Educational and methodical developments for the preparation and execution of reports and explanatory notes / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 43 - 47.

    Dodonova, M.I. Educational and methodological developments for the preparation and execution of information certificates / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 37 - 39.

    Dodonova, M.I. Educational and methodological developments for the preparation and execution of the order for the main activity / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2003. - No. 12. - P. 46 - 48.

    Dodonova, M.I. Educational and methodical developments for the preparation and execution of the protocol / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 55 - 58.

    Dodonova, M.I. Educational and methodical developments for the preparation and execution of service letters / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 46 - 49.

    Dodonova, M.I. Educational and methodical developments on the compilation and execution of telegrams, telephone messages / M.I. Dodonova, E.A. Efimenko. - 2004. - No. 7. - P. 65 - 67.

    Efimenko, E.A. Collections of files and documents for practical training (on the history of organizing office work in the 16th - early 20th centuries). - 1998. - No. 3. - P. 123 - 126.

    Efimenko, E.A. Methodology for conducting practical training in office work. - 1997. - No. 2. - P. 135 - 138.

    Efimenko, E.A. Methodological support of practical exercises on the topic "Document, its functions, methods of documentation." - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 67 - 70.

    Efimenko, E.A. Visual aids for practical exercises on the preparation and execution of documents. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 79 - 84.

    Efimenko, E.A. Visual aids in practical lessons on organizing work with documents (XVI - early XX centuries). - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 78 - 81.

    Efimenko, E.A. Normative and methodological support of practical training. - 1998. - No. 2. - P. 111 - 115.

    Efimenko, E.A. Regulatory and methodological support of practical training (new documents). - 2001. - No. 2. - P. 74 - 76.

    Efimenko, E.A. Practical training in the preparation of official documents. - 1998. - No. 1. - S. 128 - 132.

    Efimenko, E.A. Practical lessons on the organization of office services / E.A. Efimenko, L.V. Sankin. - 1997. - No. 3. - P. 97 - 100.

    Zueva, E.N. Business games in the learning process. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 59 - 61.

Classification of business games and their technologies. Business game "Firm".

    Ilyushenko, M.P. Educational and methodological developments for the lesson "Organization of document flow". - 2004. - No. 6. - P. 48 - 52.

    Podoplelova, N.N. Methods of teaching the course "Organization of secretarial services" at the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture. - 2002. - No. 1. - P. 57 - 62.

    Podoplelova, N.N. The problem of employment as an integral part of the course "Organization of secretarial services." - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 41 - 42.

    Podoplelova, N.N. Conducting practical training in the course "Organization of secretarial services". - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 62.

    Podoplelova, N.N. Development of analytical skills and consolidation of practical skills of students in the course "Organization of secretarial services." - 2003. - No. 4. - P. 41 - 42.

    Sankina, L.V. Testing in teaching methodology for secretarial affairs. - 1998. - No. 4. - P. 85 - 90.

    Sedova, O. L. Technical controls - an academic discipline / O.L. Sedova, N.Yu. Gureeva, O. L. Burtsev. - 2000. - No. 1. - P. 66 - 68.

    Surovtseva, S.P. The system of self-control of knowledge according to the course "Secretarial business" / S.P. Surovtseva, A.A. Old woman. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 50 - 51.

    Fionova, L.R. Mastering the skills of working with office equipment using virtual office models / L.R. Fionova, A.V. Pechersky. - 2003. - No. 1. - P. 42 - 43.

Training of highly qualified secretaries, Training on virtual office models at Penza State University.

See also: 222, 655, 745.

16. Guests of the magazine "Secretarial business"

    Interview: [with O. Akhmedova, specialist of the client department in the bank cards department of "Crystalbank"]: (the conversation was conducted by L.V. Sankina). - 1997. - No. 2. - P. 34 - 46.

    Interview: [with I. Belova, assistant secretary to the president of the Russian Chamber of Highly Artistic Productions]: (the conversation was conducted by AS Loginova). - 1997. - No. 3. - P. 63 - 66.

    Interview: [with O. N. Ilchishnoy, assistant to the general director of the Kultura TV channel]. - 2000. - No. 2. - P. 59 - 61.

    Interview: [with T. Kizenko, secretary of the personal assistant commercial director French pharmaceutical company "SANOFI"]. - 2000. - No. 1. - P. 69 - 70.

    Interview: [with M. Komissarova, secretary of the executive director of the public relations department of the company "Lukoil"]: (the conversation was conducted by L.V. Sankina). - 1997. - No. 1. - P. 71 - 72.

    Interview: [with T.M. Kreis, specialist of the first category, senior lieutenant of the tax police, head of the secretariat of the Information Technology Department Federal Service tax police of the Russian Federation (FSNP RF)]. - 2000. - No. 3. - P. 72 - 74.

    Interview: [with I.M. Lubyagina, head. by the office of the open joint-stock company "Kirovochepetsk Chemical Plant named after B.P. Konstantinov "(JSC" KChKhP "), E.V. Chistyakova - head of the archive of JSC "KChKhP", M.Yu. Krysova - the head of office work of one of the factories included in the structure of the plant]. - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 75 - 76.

    Interview: [with M. Nadershina, presidential aide construction company "Temp-Stroy", a graduate of the Russian State University for the Humanities with a degree in "Documentation and preschool educational institutions"]. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 106 - 107.

    Interview: [with A. Yatsenko, winner All-Russian competition "The face of the company - 2001"]. - 2002. - No. 3. - (color insert).

    Our interview: [with O. Vinogradova, head of the office of the REGENT group of companies]. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 39 - 41.

    Our interviews: [with O. Pavlova, head of the secretariat of the Rusmed company, assistant to the general director]. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 85 - 87.

    The secretary is the face of any enterprise: [interview with B. Heeger]. - 2006. - No. 3. - P. 49 - 51.

    The secretary is a man of the front line of fire: [interview with Oleg Cherepenin, Manager for Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States of Herbalife International Distribution, Inc.]. - 2003. - No. 11. - P. 4.

    To be a good secretary, you must have a set of certain qualities: [interview with S. B. Pronin, General Director of the TARESS consulting company]. - 2006. - No. 3. - P. 5 - 8.

17. Visiting the magazine "Housing Law"

    Grishaev, S.P. The rights of the owner of a residential premises in the seizure of a land plot for state or municipal needs... - 2006. - No. 3. - P. 69 - 73.

    Kamyshansky, V.P. Reorganization and redevelopment of an apartment according to the new housing code. - 2005. - No. 7. - P. 93 - 96.

    Makarov, S.Yu. Protection of the rights of bona fide acquisition of residential premises. - 2005. - No. 9. - P. 68 - 75.

18. Visiting the journal "Labor Law"

18. 1. Labor legislation

    Anisimov, L.N. Legal status foreigners in Russia and its peculiarities in the labor sphere. - 2005. - No. 6. - P. 85 - 92.

    Ershova, E.A. Dismissal by on their own (new aspects of legal regulation of termination of an employment contract at the initiative of an employee) / E.A. Ershova, Yu.G. Poponov. - 2005. - No. 2. - P. 81 - 87.

    Changes in the calculation of the unified social tax and insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance in 2005. - 2005. - No. 6. - P. 94 - 96.

    Kanunnikov, A.B. Responsibility of employers for the labor code of the Russian Federation for compulsory pension insurance / A.B. Kanunnikov, A.A. Pastukhov. - 2004. - No. 3. - S. 83 - 84.

    Lopatenko, N.A. Criminal offenses labor legislation... - 2003. - No. 4. - P. 73 - 78.

Violation of labor protection rules; unjustified refusal to hire; non-payment of salaries, pensions, scholarships and benefits.

    Makasheva, A. Zh. Some aspects of legislation and the state of legality in the field labor rights women. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 85 - 89.

Labor protection standards for women, additional guarantees of women's employment.

    Moskvicheva, T.M. Benefits, guarantees and compensations provided to employees with family responsibilities and guardians (trustees) of minors during working hours. - 2004. - No. 10. - P. 86 - 94.

    New Code of Civil Procedure and Judicial Protection of Labor Rights: [interview with a judge The Supreme Court Of the Russian Federation V.Yu. Zaitsev]. - 2003. - No. 9. - P. 84 - 84.

    Popova, O. V. Average wages (Article 139 of the Labor Code). - 2003. - No. 9. - P. 85 - 88.

    Savelieva, N.N. Work time. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 80 - 91.

Working time, normal and reduced working hours; irregular working hours, flexible working hours.

    Snigireva, I.O. The constitutional basis of the labor legislation of Russia. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 83 - 88.

    Soifer, V.G. Legal Mechanism of Employment: Today and Tomorrow. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 79 - 82.

    Chebotareva, E. Staffing table: friend or foe to the HR officer. - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 74 - 78.

    Sheptulina, N.N. Work time. - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 90 - 93.

Legislative regulation of working hours (based on materials Labor Code).

    Sheptulina, N.N. The role of working time legislation in ensuring the health of workers. - 2005. - No. 6. - P. 62 - 84.

About normal working hours. Overtime work; work outside of normal working hours.

18. 2. Consultations and comments of specialists

    Bakhnov, M.S. Legal consultation... - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 60 - 62.

On hiring women.

    Bakhnov, M.S. Legal consultation. - 2001. - No. 4. - P. 92.

Collective material responsibility; required documents when applying for a job; granting leave; registration of a pension; industrial accident.

    Bakhnov, M.S. Legal consultation. - 2002. - No. 1. - P. 93 - 94.

Dismissal; hiring women; compensation for moral damage; determining the severity of an occupational injury.

    Belyalova, G.A. The procedure for awarding bonuses to employees of organizations. - 2004. - No. 4. - P. 92 - 94.

Bonus regulations; incentives for work, protection of workers' rights.

    Borisova, S.A. General requirements for the processing of personal data of an employee and guarantees of their protection. - 2005. - No. 11. - P. 82 - 88.

Employee's rights and employer's obligations; responsibility for the misuse or loss of the employee's personal data; ways to protect information.

    Vanyukhin, V.N. On the question of dismissal. - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 75 - 78.

    Gavrilina, A.K. Termination of employment and protection from unemployment. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 85 - 89.

    Dorosheva, M.V. Outplacement. Help in finding employment for employees you are firing. - 1999. - No. 1. - P. 75 - 78.

    Zaitseva, O.B. Personal data of the employee and their transfer to the employer in connection with labor relations... - 2003. - No. 8. - P. 96 - 99.

    Kozlova, T.A. Material liability employee. - 2003. - No. 8. - P. 91 - 95.

    Kozlova, T.A. Appealing the employer's illegal actions in court. - 2003. - No. 6. - P. 73 - 89.

On violations of workers' labor rights and their judicial protection.

    Consulting on letters from subscribers of the magazine (question-answer). - 2003. - No. 12. - P. 85.

    Krikunov, S.A. Grounds for termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer. - 2003. - No. 11. - P. 80 - 86.

    Kumalagov, G.Kh. Employment of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation. - 2005. - No. 11. - P. 89 - 94.

    Maksimovich, L.B. State benefits for citizens with children. - 2003. - No. 6. - P. 64 - 72.

About one-time and monthly benefits associated with the birth of a child, caring for him, etc.

    Mironov, V.I. Review of judicial practice in cases of dismissal for absenteeism. - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 92 - 98.

    Mironov, V.I. Article-by-article commentary on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - No. 3. - P. 82 - 90.

    Mironov, V.I. Procedural innovations in the resolution of applications in the field of labor and social security. - 2006. No. 3. - P. 54 - 57.

    Moseev, R.N. To work for foreigners ... (some issues of employment in foreign companies). - 2004. - No. 11. - P. 52 - 55.

    Rybakova, E.L. Guarantees and compensations for termination of an employment contract. - 2003. - No. 11. - P. 87 - 90.

19. Visiting the journal "Criminal Law"

    Egorova, N. On the criminal liability of legal entities for corruption crimes. - 2003. - No. 10. - P. 78 - 79.

20. Visiting the magazine "Personnel Management"

20.1. Personnel management: experience, problems

    Bekoeva, D.D. Red dress and manic psychosis (ethical and axiological aspects of preparation and training) / D.D. Bekoeva, V.G. Tikhenkiy, G.V. Chernyaeva. - 2005. - No. 7. - P. 84 - 89.

    Blinov, A.O. Features of personnel management with a predominance of women. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 77 - 79.

    Gornostaev, S. Intangible factors affecting the level of loyalty of the organization's personnel. - 2005. - No. 3. - P. 90 - 92.

    Gorchakova, V. Goldfish cannot be on parcels. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 76. - 77.

Professionalism as a quality of a specialist; communication with top personnel.

    Dashyan, M. E-SPY METHODS in the process of personnel management. - 2005. - No. 7. - P. 90 - 92.

About the correctness and legality of use technical means control over labor activity employee.

    Dolganov, Yu. Board of Directors of the Joint Stock Company. How to plan your work? / Yu. Dolganov, V. Korolev. - 2003. - No. 10. - P. 74 - 77.

    Dudanova, Zh.A. Effective communication: no problem? - 2003. - No. 5. - P. 74 - 75.

    Egudkin, V. What is a successful meeting? - 2003. - No. 12. - P. 73 - 76.

    Zhadko, N. Corporate library - a factor of stability / N. Zhadko, M. Churkina. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 74 - 75.

On the reorganization and creation of new information and analytical centers within the company; recommendations to the head of the company on the creation of a new information department.

    Zimin, A. Branding - recruiting and corporate culture in one bottle. - 2004. - No. 6. - P. 92 - 94.

Brand as a tool for intra-company communication.

    Ivanov, Yu.V. An integrated approach to job assessment (integrated assessment, design and certification of jobs manufacturing enterprises) / Yu.V. Ivanov, S.V. Belova, E.S. Korneeva. - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 69 - 73.

    Research of the personnel services market in Moscow (2003). - 2004. - No. 5. - P. 83 - 88.

    Moscow recruitment market research: [on Moscow labor market research in 2004]. - 2005. - No. 7. - P. 74 - 83.

    Cappadocia is the 8th wonder of the world. - 2005. - No. 8. - P. 78 - 81.

Tourist trip of the staff of the "Human Resources Management" editorial office to Turkey.

    Kirillov, L. How to build a strategically oriented HR-system? - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 74 - 79.

Strategic objectivesHR-management, incentives for implementation, team coordination.

    Kiseleva, E.A. Gender approach to staff motivation. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 81.

    Komarov, E.I. Clan recruiting, or how to break the asphalt for a new employee. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 65 - 68.

    Komarov, E. Psychology of wages. - 2002. - No. 4. - P. 92 - 95.

    Konev, I.V. Barriers to innovation. - 2005. - No. 10. - S. 83 - 85.

Interpretation of socio-psychological barriers to innovation and their change.

    Konovalenko, M.Yu. The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves (self-help technique in stressful situations). - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 66 - 68.

    Kryukova, E. Slogans as the quintessence of a firm's mission. - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 89 - 91.

    Labunsky, N.V. Principles of personnel competence development. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 77 - 78.

    Litvintseva, N.A. Man has the right. - 2001. - No. 4. - P. 78 - 81.

On the search for a compromise between the requirements of morality, law and human desires.

    Lyskovskiy, V. Ideal'naya KISka through the eyes of a buyer, seller, developer, consulting expert. - 2004. - No. 2. - P. 63 - 65.

About an integrated information system.

    Magura M.I., Kurbatova M.B. Personnel performance evaluation [excerpt from book]. - 2002. - No. 3. - P. 92 - 95.

    Mayorova, E. Personnel adaptation. Survival training. - 2005. - No. 10. - P. 86 - 90.

    Menshikova, A.G. Interlocutor management by phone. Is it that simple. - 1999. - No. 4. - P. 86 - 88.

    Pancheva, O. "Golden" rule of the customer. - 1999. - No. 3. - P. 62 - 64.

About cooperation of the enterprise with recruiting agencies and recommendations for the selection of personnel.

    Pass, Y. The most important thing is the weather in the house ... / Y. Pass, K. Torshina. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 23 - 24.

On personnel assessment and its procedures.

    Poznyakova, E. Occurrence of labor conflicts is a consequence of serious problems in the personnel management system. - 2003. - No. 3. - P. 75 - 76.

    Potrebich, V.A. Do you need professionals? - 2002. - No. 1. - P. 68 - 69.

On the problem of the selection of qualified specialists.

    The results of the Moscow recruiting market research conducted by the "Personnel Management" magazine. - 2002. - No. 4. - P. 96 - 99.

    Solomanidina, T. Two main requirements are imposed on the new generation of leaders: professionalism and dedication. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 78 - 80.

    Timofeev, M. Golden rules (experience of intracorporate relationships). - 2005. - No. 4. - P. 82 - 91.

    Timofeev, M. How to break through your idea. - 2005. - No. 8. - P. 74 - 76.

Tips for promoting your ideas to organization.

    Torchinsky, M. Motivation for the transition. What motivates a candidate to change jobs? - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 82 - 83.

    Heager, B.Yu. Secretary-assistant: [excerpt from the book of B.Yu. Heeger "Non-traditional methods of selection, personnel assessment"]. - 2003. - No. 7. - P. 90 - 91; No. 8. - P. 77 - 83.

    Chernykh, E. Organizational culture of an enterprise as a tool for making managerial decisions. - 2004. - No. 3. - P. 79 - 81.

    Shekshnya, S. Leadership in modern business. - 2003. No. 3. - P. 81 - 86.

    Steinberg, A.G. Gender hindrances: social and role aspect. - 2005. - No. 3. - P. 93 - 94.

Woman in business, role stereotypes and new thinking.

    Shubenkova, T. Attention! The meeting begins. - 2003. - No. 11. - P. 77 - 78. Document

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