In case of conformity of the object of certification. Mandatory certification of goods: concept, goals, objects of certification. The main objects of certification in Russia

The certification procedure is aimed at confirming the compliance of the object of certification with the standards and requirements imposed on it.

As a result of laboratory research and testing, an act is drawn up on the compliance or non-compliance of the research object with the necessary requirements of the standard or technical specifications. In case of compliance of the object of certification on the basis of the act, a certificate of conformity of the object under study with the required quality parameters is issued.

Certification is carried out both on a voluntary basis and on a voluntary basis. Three parties are involved in the certification procedure.

  • The first party is the manufacturer or seller of the product.
  • The second party is the buyer or consumer of the product.
  • The third party is an independent body from the first and second parties.

Certification is a conformity assessment procedure by which an organization independent of the manufacturer (sellers, performer) and consumer (buyer) certifies in writing that the products comply with the established requirements (Law of the Russian Federation of June 10, 1993 No. ").

Certification system - a set of certification participants that carry out certification according to the rules established in this system (rules for certification in the Russian Federation). The certification system is formed at the national (federal), regional and international levels. In our country, the certification system is created by specially authorized executive authorities according to Russian standards: GOSTR, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Communications and Informatization (GosKomSvyaz), etc. The certification system of the state standard of Russia covers the area of ​​\u200b\u200bconsumer consumption and services.

The certificate of conformity is a document issued according to the rules of the certification system to confirm the compliance of certified products with the established requirements (law of the Russian Federation "On certification of products and services").

A declaration of conformity is a document in which the manufacturer (seller/performer) certifies that the products supplied (sold) by him meet the established requirements. The list of products, the conformity of which can be confirmed by a declaration of conformity, is established by a decree of the government of the Russian Federation. The Declaration of Conformity has the same legal force as the Certificate of Conformity. In addition to the certificate of conformity and the declaration of conformity, there is a sign of conformity.

The mark of conformity is a mark registered in the established order, which confirms the conformity of the products marked with it to the established requirements.

· The main objectives of certification are:

  • creating conditions for the activities of organizations and entrepreneurs in the single commodity market of the Russian Federation, as well as for participation in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation and international trade;
  • assisting consumers in making competent product choices;
  • protection of the consumer from the dishonesty of the manufacturer (seller, contractor);
  • control of product safety of the environment, life, health and property;
  • confirmation of product quality indicators declared by the manufacturer.

Objects of certification

The objects of certification are products, services and other objects, including processes, works, quality systems, etc. (“a service is the result of both the interaction between the contractor and the consumer and the contractor’s own activities to meet the needs of the consumer”)
According to the functional purpose, services provided to the population are divided into two groups:

  • material services - services that ensure the restoration (change, preservation) of consumer properties of products or the manufacture of new products on the orders of citizens, as well as the transportation of goods and people, banking services, etc.;
  • intangible services - services that ensure the maintenance and restoration of health, the spiritual and physical development of the individual, the improvement of professional skills, etc.

Conformity assessment and its methods are intended for a whole family of international standards of the ISO 17000 series, on the basis of which conformity assessment is defined by a set of functions. And certification is one of the existing methods for conformity assessment applied to certain objects. A distinctive feature of certification is the participation in the conformity assessment of a third person independent of the object of assessment - the certification body.

Conformity assessment such as accreditation also involves a third party. But certification and accreditation differ from each other in the objects to which the conformity assessment is directed. The objects of certification can be processes, services, works, products, management systems. But the conformity assessment of the certification body itself is not the object of certification. As well as the conformity assessment of the testing laboratory participating in the certification procedure. Only the conformity assessment method, accreditation, can be applied to these objects of conformity assessment.

As a method of conformity assessment in the form of certification, a set of sequential actions is presented that aim to prove or disprove the compliance of the certification object with certain requirements of standards or other rules established during the conformity assessment procedure.

Certification provides for the following actions or steps for conformity assessment:

  • Choice. This action provides for both the establishment and detailed analysis of standards or other regulatory documents, for compliance with which the object of assessment is to be examined. This step involves searching for an already completed conformity assessment of similar objects. Drawing up a test plan and establishing evaluation criteria. When choosing a test methodology and conformity assessment, the procedure for sampling the products themselves for research in the laboratory is determined. The duration and set of specific actions of this certification step largely depends on the object under study.
  • Definition- this is the activity of collecting evidence confirming the object's compliance with the requirements of a regulatory act or standard for compliance with which this analysis is being carried out. At the same time, this certification step may include the following types of activities, such as testing, audit, control, examination and peer review. Specific steps such as examining the drawings and specifications of the item, examining the records or systems associated with the item to be certified, evaluating its quality characteristics and performing tests to obtain actual performance against the established characteristics, examining or measuring the physical properties of the item to be certified can also be used as a definition. .
  • ). Depending on the degree of risk of non-compliance of the certification object with the established requirements, the verification of the results obtained at the determination step and the final conclusion on compliance can be performed by one person or different persons. As part of this step of certification, verification of evidence of the object's compliance with the established requirements is carried out. If such evidence is insufficient or contradictory, then a return to the definition stage is carried out to resolve the ambiguity. In case of recognition of the compliance of the object with the requirements, a document confirming compliance is drawn up and issued. The mark of conformity is placed on the product that has passed the certification.
  • Supervision(inspection control). In some cases, certification ends with the stage of attestation and execution of the certification document. In other situations, periodic confirmation of the object's compliance with the requirements is required. This area of ​​activity for certification (supervision) is determined primarily by the needs of users (products). Inspection control, depending on the facility, can be carried out both at the stage of production, and when it enters the consumer market, as well as on the market itself, or it can take place at the site of operation of the facility. If nonconformities are found, surveillance activities may be repeated. The result of this step of certification is the issuance of a document confirming the permanent compliance of the object with the certification requirements.

Certification as a form of conformity assessment according to Federal Law No. 184

Let's try to correlate the actions related to conformity assessment, which are dictated by the international standard ISO 17000, with the set of functions that are defined by the framework of the Russian law, namely, the main legislative document in the field of certification - Federal Law No. 184 "On Technical Regulation".

The initiator of certification is an applicant who submits an application to a certification body that has accreditation in the required field. Those. The certification body itself must first undergo a conformity assessment procedure, which is called accreditation. The application is accompanied by a package of documents legally defined for a specific certification object.


Based on the presented package of documents, their reliability and sufficiency are analyzed. At this stage, an agreement is concluded with a certification laboratory for independent testing. Together with the applicant, a test program is determined (if we are talking about products) or an audit program, when one of the management systems is the object of certification. In the case of product certification, the procedure for providing product samples is determined.


In the case of product certification, measurements are carried out by the laboratory. When certifying management systems, an inspection audit is carried out in the organization in order to determine the fulfillment of the requirements of Russian legislation and certification in a particular field of activity. The result of this step - the definition is the preparation of official documents of the tests (test report) or the result of the audit.

Verification and confirmation of conformity (or attestation)

An expert who has attestation in the field of the industry to which the certified products belong or a commission of experts in the case of certification of a management system related to the certification body make their conclusions about the compliance or non-compliance of the objects under study with the requirements of certification. If the object is recognized as complying with the requirements of laws and standards, a certificate of conformity is issued. The form of the form in this case may depend on whether this certification was carried out on a voluntary basis or on a mandatory basis. In Russia, the certificate of conformity is entered into the Register of Certificates of the system in which the conformity assessment took place.


Whether or not this stage of certification is required for the object of research depends on the object itself and on the scheme that the certification of the object provided. Thus, certification of management systems entails audits once a year. within the time limits established by law.

Currently, every entrepreneur is familiar with the certification process, since it helps not only to obtain additional profits, but also significantly improve the production process or the provision of services. In the certification procedure, products, services, certain works, quality systems, production, technological process can act as objects of certification. That is, there are a large number of certification objects for which various certificates can be issued.

Certification objects are usually classified into groups. The first group of objects of certification includes any goods, production and products. The second group includes services, works. Services are usually divided into tangible and intangible. Material services are the transportation of goods and people, banking services, that is, such a service involves the restoration or creation of a new product, its transition to a different state. An intangible service concerns restoring health, filling the inner world, improving professionalism and much more.

The main objects of certification in Russia

When certifying goods or services, voluntary and mandatory certification should be distinguished. Mandatory certification should be subject to those goods or services that have safety requirements from various legislative acts. That is, those goods or services that are presented in the list become objects of mandatory certification. This list is compiled by the State Standard of Russia or the bodies that will conduct the audit for certification. is carried out at the request of legal entities or individuals in order to improve the quality of products or services. It should be noted that the objects of voluntary and mandatory certification do not differ much from each other, but for some products there are a number of requirements, the presence of which is revealed during the audit.

The objects of certification must be specified in the application for certification. Usually, the application has a standard form, but it is very important that it contains maximum information not only about the product, but also about production. After submitting the application, the expert organization will request product samples, as well as check the production technology of this product. If the product meets the requirements and the State Standard, then it will be assigned.

Separately, we should mention the certification of production, which involves checking all areas of the technological process. Often certification of production is included in the overall system of product quality control, but sometimes it is carried out separately.
Thus, the objects of certification are goods and services that can be certified voluntarily, at the request of the manufacturer, or without fail according to the list of goods and services subject to certification in Russia established by the State Standard of Russia.

The certification procedure is aimed at confirming the compliance of the object of certification with the standards and requirements imposed on it.

As a result of laboratory research and testing, an act is drawn up on the compliance or non-compliance of the research object with the necessary requirements of the standard or technical specifications. In case of compliance of the object of certification on the basis of the act, a certificate of conformity of the object under study with the required quality parameters is issued.

Certification is carried out both on a voluntary basis and on a voluntary basis. Three parties are involved in the certification procedure.

The first party is the manufacturer or seller of the product The second party is the buyer or consumer of the product.

The third party is an independent body from the first and second parties.

The objects of certification are: consumer goods, services, processes, jobs, quality system personnel, etc.

In a market economy, the manufacturer is fighting for the competitiveness of their products. In pursuit of quick profits, unscrupulous manufacturers offer products that can harm human health and the environment.

The state, represented by the legislature, establishes legal, administrative and civil liability for putting low-quality products into circulation, and also determines the basic mandatory requirements for the characteristics of the product as a whole and its individual parameters.

The main objectives of certification of products, including imported ones, are as follows.

1. Ensuring consumer confidence in the quality of goods and services.

2. Facilitating the choice of necessary goods and services for the consumer.

3. Providing the consumer with reliable information about the quality of goods and services.

4. Ensuring protection in competition with non-certified goods and services.

5. Prevention of access to low-quality imported products.

6. Influence on the development of the scientific and technical process.

7. Promoting the growth of the organizational and technical process.

All work on certification is carried out by the certification system, headed by the State Standard of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services".

A special role in the certification work is given to the development of enterprise quality systems and environmental protection systems in accordance with the international standards of the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series.

Certification of goods and services is carried out at the international, state (national) and regional levels.

2. Conditions for certification

When carrying out the certification procedure, the following conditions must be met.

1. Certification works are carried out on the basis of the legislative framework (Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services", Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and other regulations).

2. Enterprises, organizations, institutions participate in the certification work; the form of ownership of organizations does not matter.

3. Harmonization of recommendations and rules for certification with international rules, norms and recommendations. Harmonization ensures recognition of marks of conformity and certificates outside of Russia and interaction with national, regional and international certification systems of other countries.

4. Openness of information: when conducting certification, it is necessary to ensure that all parties involved in the procedure are informed - the manufacturer or manufacturer, consumer, enterprise, public organizations and other legal entities and individuals interested in the result of certification.

5. Secrecy of information: when conducting certification, it is necessary to ensure the confidentiality of information that is a trade secret.

3. Rules and procedures for certification

Rules and procedures for certification

1. The applicant submits an application to the appropriate body for the certification procedure. Information about this body is provided by the territorial body of the State Standard or in the State Standard.

2. The certification body accepts an application for consideration, makes a decision that includes all the necessary basic conditions for certification, including material costs, a list of accredited testing laboratories that have received a certificate for the right to conduct tests, and a list of organizations that have permission to certify systems quality or production.

3. The applicant selects a testing laboratory or a body for certification of quality systems or production from the list proposed by the certification body, and an agreement on certification is concluded with the certification body.

4. The testing laboratory or certification body performs the procedure for selecting the necessary samples for testing.

5. The body for the certification of the quality system or production or the commission of the certification body conducts an analysis of the actual state of production or the quality system and draws up a conclusion to the certification body.

6. The applicant and the certification body receive a test report drawn up on the basis of the studies carried out by the testing laboratory.

7. The certification body, after analyzing the test report, conclusions on the actual state of production and other data on the compliance of this product with the regulatory requirements for compliance with which the product is being tested, comes to a decision to issue a certificate of conformity or refuse to issue a certificate of conformity. Based on the received certificate of conformity, a license is issued that gives the right to use the mark of conformity.

8. The certification body duly draws up and registers the certificate of conformity and hands it over to the applicant simultaneously with the license to use the mark of conformity.

9. Products subject to mandatory certification are marked by the manufacturer with a mark of conformity in accordance with the requirements of the document "Rules for the use of the mark of conformity for mandatory certification of products."

10. Control over the certified products is carried out in accordance with the procedure chosen during the development of the necessary certification scheme by the certification body.

table 2

Stages of the product certification process

4. Development of certification

One of the first countries to establish the mark of conformity is Germany. It was in it that in 1920 the Standards Institute established the mark of conformity with the DIN standard, registered in Germany on the basis of the Law "On the Protection of Trademarks". In the same period, the VDE (German Electrotechnical Association) certification system began to develop and operate in Germany.

In the UK, certification procedures are handled by several national systems. The most significant system is the British Standards Institute. Products certified in this system are awarded a special kite mark, certifying compliance with British national standards.

Products certified in France use the NF mark. This mark was developed by the national certification system. The French Association for Standardization (AFNOR) organizes and manages the national certification system. The presence of a mark on the product indicates that this product fully complies with the requirements of the standards in force in France. Products that do not have the NF mark are not in consumer demand. In this regard, in France, in order to obtain the NF mark, more than 75% of products manufactured by French companies undergo a voluntary certification procedure.

In December 1989, the Council of the EU adopted the document "Global Concept for Certification and Testing", the main task of which is to ensure certification and accreditation according to a single European standard and to form a consumer's trust in a European product.

In 1979, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On improving planning and strengthening the impact of the economic mechanism on increasing the efficiency of production and the quality of work."

In 1986, “Temporary regulation on the certification of engineering products in the USSR. RD 50598–86” establishes the basic requirements and rules for the certification of engineering products.

In 1992, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" was put into effect, which is the basis for certification of products and services of GOST.

In 1993, the Federal Law "On Certification of Products and Services" is adopted, which is valid until the adoption in 2002 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".

The concept of "certification" was defined and included in the ISO Guide (ISO / IEC 2) "General terms and definitions in the field of standardization, accreditation and certification of testing laboratories".

Certification Committee (CERTICO) of the international organization (ISO) for standardization in 1982, the concept of "certification" is defined by the action confirming the established certificate or law of conformity that a product or service meets the requirements, certain standards or other regulatory documents

5. The concept of product quality

Quality of products or services- this is a certain list of indicators of the properties of a product or service, thanks to which they are able to satisfy the necessary needs of the consumer during their use and operation, including destruction and disposal.

In our time, such concepts as profitability, efficiency, productivity, price, profit are closely related to the quality indicators of products. Quality becomes an object of planning at all levels of the state. In this regard, there is a need for a numerical expression for measuring and evaluating product quality.

Qualimetry from lat. "kvali" - "which", etc. - gr. "metreo" - "measure, measure." The development of qualimetry occurs in two main directions.

1. Applied Qualimetry– develops methods for quality assessment.

2. Theoretical qualimetry considers surveys of the methodology and evaluation of the quality of the object.

The main goals of qualimetry are: 1) creation of methods for determining the numerical values ​​of quality indicators, data processing and determination of requirements that ensure the accuracy of calculations;

2) creation of a list of methods for determining the most optimal values ​​of product quality indicators;

3) justification of the selected list of product quality indicators in the development of ways to improve quality and planned standardization;

4) determination of common methods for assessing the level of product quality to be able to compare the results;

5) determination of uniform methods for assessing individual properties of products.

To determine the quality of products, three independent concepts are used.

1. Product quality - product properties that determine its ability to meet the needs associated with the purpose of the product.

2. The main (single) product quality - determines one, the primary property of the product and determines the use value.

3. Integral product quality - is determined by the totality of all properties (economic, aesthetic and functional) of products.

Methods for determining product quality indicators are as follows.

1. measuring method- product data is obtained by using technical measuring instruments. Using this method, physical parameters are determined (speed, mass, geometric dimensions, etc.).

2. Calculation method- based on the processing of information obtained by theoretical and empirical dependencies, and serves to determine power, mass, performance, etc.

3. Organoleptic method- is based on the perception of the human senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell) and is expressed in points. Using this method, the quality indicators of perfumery, tobacco, confectionery and other types of products are determined.

4. traditional method– carried out by competent specialists in laboratories, on test benches, etc.

5. expert method- carried out by specialists - experts (designers, merchandisers, tasters, etc.).

6. sociological method- direct use of products by the consumer and the collection of information about the quality of products through questionnaires, exhibitions, conferences, etc.

Nomenclature of product quality indicators.

1. Purpose indicators - characterize the properties of the product that determine the functions for which it is intended.

When determining destination indicators, the following are taken into account:

1) the purpose of the assessment being performed;

2) conditions of operation or use of products;

3) purpose of products.

The group of target indicators includes subgroups:

1) indicators of structure and composition - chemical composition, structure, components;

2) classification indicators - depend on the specifics of the product;

3) indicators of technical excellence - reflect the relevance of the technical solution adopted when creating products.

2. Reliability indicators determine the properties of products to maintain the specified quality parameters during operation, repair, transportation, etc.

Reliability indicators include:

1) persistence - the property to maintain the specified quality parameters during storage and transportation;

2) maintainability - the property of products to detect, prevent and eliminate failures and damages;

3) reliability - the property of products to maintain performance in a certain period of time;

4) durability - indicators that determine the resource or service life of products.

3. Manufacturability indicators characterize the effectiveness of design and technological solutions adopted in the production and operation of products.

The main indicators of manufacturability are cost, labor intensity, material consumption.

Relative indicators of manufacturability - the coefficient of use of the material.

4. Indicators of standardization and unification are determined by the level of use of standard components and parts in the product, as well as the degree of their unification.

Indicators of standardization and unification are expressed:

1) coefficient of applicability;

2) repeatability coefficient;

3) unification coefficient.

5. Transportability indicators - the property of products to maintain quality indicators in the process of movement that is not associated with operation.

Direct indicators of transportability are the costs of preparation for transportation, transportation and preparation for operation after transportation.

6. Ergonomic indicators characterize the degree of human interaction with the product.

Ergonomic indicators include:

1) anthropometric - compliance with the size of the human body;

2) hygienic - noise level, illumination, toxicity, etc.;

3) physiological - compliance with the physical capabilities of a person;

4) psychophysiological - take into account the capabilities of the human senses;

5) psychological - take into account the characteristics of the human nervous system.

7. Aesthetic indicators characterize the composition, form and rationality of products.

8. Patent-legal indicators characterize the patent protection of new technologies.

Patent-legal indicators include:

1) the indicator of patent protection indicates the use in a product manufactured in our country of inventions recognized in Russia and abroad;

2) the indicator of patent purity indicates the possibility of selling products in Russia and abroad.

9. Uniformity indicators characterize the invariability of product parameters during mass production.

10. Sustainability indicators - the ability of products to maintain their properties when interacting with a harmful environment during operation.

11. Environmental indicators determine the level of harmful effects on the environment and humans that occurs at the time of product operation.

12. Safety indicators are determined during operation for service personnel.

13. Economic indicators determine the costs for the development, production and operation of products.

6. Consumer protection

Consumer protection from low-quality products is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services". In accordance with the current legislation, the following persons are liable for violation of the rules of mandatory certification:

1) individuals;

2) legal entities;

3) bodies of federal executive power. Responsibility for violation of the law can be:

1) criminal;

2) administrative;

3) civil law.

7. Certification system. Certification Scheme

The system of mandatory certification GOSTR, created and managed by Gosstandart of Russia, includes:

1) certification systems for homogeneous types of products (light industry goods, food products and food raw materials, dishes, toys, etc.);

2) certification systems for homogeneous types of services (hotel services, catering services, education services, medical services, etc.).

The voluntary certification system consists of more than 100 voluntary certification systems:

1) certification system for ecological production (Eko Niva);

2) vehicle valuation system (SERTO-CAT);

3) system of certification of sanatorium and health-improving services (CSCR), etc.

At present, preference is given to mandatory certification in Russia, and voluntary certification abroad.

A certain combination, necessary during the certification procedure of inspection and control actions, constitutes a certification scheme. In each process of certification of a product or service, a certain certification scheme is adopted, taking into account the characteristics of the product, the organization of its production, economic indicators, etc.

ISO has carried out a compilation of experience in the application of certification schemes.

Along with the certification schemes used and adopted by foreign and international organizations in the document "Procedure for Certification of Products in the Russian Federation", several more schemes are proposed. In total, this document contains 16 different certification schemes, which are defined as recommended.

The main task when choosing a certification scheme is to provide the necessary evidence for certification.

8. Mandatory certification. Voluntary certification

Mandatory certification- the procedure for confirmation by an accredited body for certification of product compliance with established mandatory requirements, is a form of control of the state and the safety of products and services.

Mandatory certification is carried out in cases specified in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation:

1) laws of the Russian Federation;

2) normative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 7 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" the list of goods (works and services) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and is subject to mandatory certification.

Taking into account these lists, the Gosstandart of Russia developed and put into effect the Resolution "Nomenclature of products and services (works) subject, in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, to mandatory certification."

The list includes classes of the All-Russian classifier with a two-row code (OK 005-93-OKP - for products, OK 002-93-OKUN - for services) and contains the object

you, subject to mandatory certification at the moment, and objects, mandatory certification of which is marked in the future.

The nomenclature contains types of products and services with a six-digit code and consists of objects subject to mandatory certification at the moment.

When conducting mandatory certification, they confirm the mandatory requirements for products or services established by law for mandatory certification.

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", when conducting mandatory certification, it is necessary to confirm the safety of goods, works or services.

The certificate of conformity and the sign of conformity issued on the basis of the mandatory certification procedure are valid throughout the Russian Federation.

Carrying out and organizing work on mandatory certification is carried out by a special authorized body of the federal executive power in the field of certification of goods, works and services - Gosstandart of Russia.

The procedure for conducting mandatory certification of certain types of goods, works and services is carried out by other federal bodies.

Participants of obligatory certification are:

1) manufacturer of products and service provider (first party);

2) the customer and the seller (can be both the first and second parties);

3) organizations that have the authority to certify goods, works and services (third party).

Voluntary certification- the procedure carried out

in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services" at the initiative of the applicant to confirm the conformity of the product or service with the required standards, rules, specifications, recipes and other regulatory documents submitted by the applicant.

The condition for the voluntary certification procedure is an agreement signed between the certification body and the applicant. Voluntary certification does not replace the mandatory certification of goods, works and services. Nevertheless, goods, works and services that have passed mandatory certification can be checked for compliance with additional requirements using voluntary certification.

9. Certification bodies

The certification body (CB) performs the following actions:

1) certification of goods, works and services; issuance of certificates and licenses for the use of marks of conformity;

2) conducting inspection control over certified goods, works and services;

3) suspend or cancel the validity of certificates issued by him for goods, works and services;

4) provide the applicant with the necessary information;

5) is responsible for compliance with the rules for certification of goods, works and services; the correctness of issuing certificates of conformity.

Testing laboratories (TL) that have passed accreditation perform the following functions:

1) testing of specific products;

2) carrying out specific types of tests;

3) issuance of test reports required for certification;

4) is responsible for the reliability of the results and compliance with the requirements of certification tests.

A certification body that has received accreditation as a testing laboratory is called a certification center.

To coordinate and organize work in certification systems for homogeneous types of products or services, central bodies of certification systems (CSOs) have been created.

DSPs are:

1) All-Russian Research Institute of Certification (carries out voluntary certification in the GOST R Certification System);

2) The Technical Center of the Register of Quality Systems (carries out voluntary and mandatory certification and is part of the State Standard of Russia), etc. The duties of the CSO are:

1) coordination and organization of work in the led certification system;

2) definition of rules of procedure;

3) consideration of the applicant's appeal against the actions of the IL or OS.

The specially authorized federal executive body for certification Gosstandart performs the following duties:

1) formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of certification;

3) implementation of the state registration of certification systems and conformity marks operating on the territory of the Russian Federation;

4) publication of official information on certification systems and marks of conformity operating in the territory of the Russian Federation;

5) submission of information to international organizations for certification;

6) development of proposals for joining international certification systems;

7) conclusion of agreements with international organizations on mutual recognition of certification results;

8) representation of the Russian Federation in international organizations on certification issues;

9) implementation of intersectoral coordination in the field of certification.

Expert- the main participant in the certification work, having a certificate for the right to perform one or more types of work in the field of certification of goods, works or services.

Federal executive authorities take part in certification activities. The coordination and work of these bodies is carried out with the participation of the State Standard.

Coordination is carried out on the basis of agreements that stipulate the choice of certification systems for certification objects, an accreditation body, etc.

On the basis of the agreement, the federal body has the right to: 1) carry out certification outside the GOST R system according to its own rules with the issuance and issuance of a certificate and a mark of conformity;

2) be a member of the GOST R system and perform work in accordance with the rules of the system.

10. Confirmation of compliance. Compliance Forms

Confirmations of conformity are:

1. Product certification- a procedure aimed at confirming conformity, through which a body or person (third party), independent of the manufacturer, seller or performer (first party) and consumer or buyer (second party), certifies in writing the conformity of products to established regulatory requirements.

2. Product Declaration- notification by the manufacturer, seller or contractor in writing of the conformity of the product or service offered by him with the necessary regulatory requirements.

The list of products, the conformity of which can be confirmed by the declaration, is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

The declaration of conformity has the same legal force as the certificate. All responsibility for the quality of products rests with the bearer of the declaration (manufacturer, seller, performer).

Compliance Forms

1. Certificate of conformity- an official document issued according to certain rules of the system for the certification procedure, providing confirmation of certified products for compliance with established regulatory requirements.

2. Declaration of Conformity- a document in which the manufacturer, seller or contractor directly certifies that the product or service offered by him fully complies with the required rules and regulations.

3. Compliance mark- a mark registered in a strictly established manner, defined in this certification system and confirming the full compliance of the products marked with the mark with the established regulatory requirements.

11. Accreditation of certification bodies

The functions of the certification body are performed by the State Standard of Russia. Within the competence of this body, the development of procedures, rules and procedures for accreditation is carried out. The necessary requirements for documents, experts and objects of accreditation are developed, as well as interaction with international accreditation bodies is carried out.

Accreditation, like certification, is carried out in areas regulated and unregulated by law.

The area regulated by law includes accreditation of testing laboratories and certification bodies that ensure the implementation of mandatory certification. This is due to the requirements of legislation to ensure the safety of products and services for humans and the environment.

An area not regulated by law includes the coordination of the work of testing laboratories and certification bodies that ensure the implementation of voluntary certification.

The Accreditation Council considers and resolves issues in the following areas:

1) determination of the parameters of general technical requirements in the processes of performing work on accreditation;

2) study and research of advanced technologies in this field;

3) solution of economic issues;

4) organization of the coordinated work of the bodies carrying out accreditation;

5) close cooperation with international accreditation bodies;

6) systematic summing up and analysis of the activities of accreditation bodies;

7) compiling a register of objects that have passed accreditation and experts in the accreditation procedure The accreditation body manages the accreditation system in accordance with the requirements established by the RF GOST R 51000.2–95 standard, taking into account the pan-European requirements of the EK45003 standard. To obtain the right to carry out accreditation work, the body must have the necessary legal status; stable funding; an established organizational scheme that ensures professional competence, absolute independence and impartiality in the course of accreditation work; premises and modern technical equipment; highly qualified specialists and employees; the required regulatory and technical literature on the criteria and ongoing accreditation processes; a developed system that ensures the quality of accreditation work.

At the moment, the following structures are carrying out the accreditation of bodies and testing laboratories in Russia.

1. Subdivisions of Gosstandart– for carrying out works on obligatory certification.

2. Central bodies of certification systems– for carrying out works on voluntary certification.

The executive directorate of the body consists of the head, expert auditors, accounting department, secretariat and performs all the necessary tasks related to the conduct and organization of work on the implementation of accreditation.

The Governing Council consists of employees of ministries, trade union organizations, departments, enterprises and other departments interested in and organizing work in this process for the implementation of accreditation.

The Supervisory Board consists of representatives of the founding organizations and oversees the work of accreditation.

The Appeal Commission accepts for consideration complaints from applicants on issues related to the implementation of accreditation work.

Responsibility for the quality assurance system rests with an employee of the organization or an independent person invited from outside and having the appropriate skills and qualifications.

The Accreditation Commission approves the acts of examination on the completed accreditation and decides whether to issue or refuse to issue an accreditation certificate.

Sector committees are made up of specialists from organizations of various profiles and specialists hired to assist in the development of accreditation procedures and rules.

The procedure for applying for accreditation includes certain steps:

1) obtaining full information about the possibility of carrying out work on accreditation, the rules for conducting and the requirements of this testing laboratory or certification body;

2) consideration and preliminary discussion of issues on accreditation between the applicant and the contractor based on the submitted materials;

3) execution of an application for accreditation work, in which it is mandatory to indicate in which area accreditation is carried out, products or services, types and types of tests, form and terms of payment;

4) official registration of the submitted application for accreditation works;

5) duly formalizing an analysis of the data contained in the application and an annex to this application containing the legal status of the organization performing certification work, information on areas, availability of qualified personnel, regulatory documentation, equipment, as well as a duly executed questionnaire with data on readiness to undergo accreditation and resolve the issue of quality assurance;

6) the conclusion of a bilateral agreement, in which the applicant and the performer stipulate the obligations and rights of both parties.

The examination procedure consists of:

1) approval of experts to carry out accreditation work, agreed with the applicant. A full-time employee is appointed as the head of the examination, and employees invited on the basis of a subcontracting agreement are appointed as technical consultants;

2) distribution by the chief expert among the members of the formed expert commission of certain responsibilities for conducting accreditation;

3) conducting an analysis of the organization carrying out accreditation;

4) organizing and conducting in the accreditation body or testing laboratory expertise on special and general issues;

5) compilation and execution of a report on the examination by members of the formed expert commission. The accreditation decision-making procedure consists of the following.

1. The head of the accreditation body and representatives of sectoral committees that are part of the formed expert commission check the report on the results of the examination and decide to reject or approve the decision of the commission carrying out the examination.

2. If the commission decides positively, an accreditation certificate is issued indicating the scope of certification or testing and the validity period of the certificate.

3. Inclusion of an accredited certification body or testing laboratory in the register.

The procedure for conducting inspection control is carried out by the accreditation body and consists in monitoring the implementation of regulatory requirements for the performance of accreditation work throughout the validity period of the certificates.

Control is carried out once a year on the basis of a signed contract and is paid by the applicant himself.

Based on regulatory requirements, the accreditation body must:

1) have an organizational structure independent of outside influence, materially interested in the result of accreditation and protected from pressure or other actions that could affect the impartiality of the work performed;

2) have appropriate agreements giving the right to engage independent experts in the examination as consultants on technological issues.

The regular accreditation group includes a leader, an expert, an expert responsible for quality, a secretary, an accountant, and external experts (if necessary).

List of required regulatory documentation for accreditation:

1) internal regulatory documentation of the accreditation body;

2) general regulatory documentation with established rules for accreditation;

3) reliable information about the accreditation body and information about its activities. The quality manual contains sections:

1) indicating the direction of policy in the problem of quality assurance;

2) a diagram of the organizational structure of the accreditation body;

3) functions and tasks of employees providing quality;

4) general quality assurance issues;

5) issues of phased quality assurance in the process of performing accreditation work;

6) interaction and correction of arising discrepancies;

7) the procedure for considering disputes, appeals and claims.

The quality assurance manual should be available and used by all personnel of the accreditation body.

12. Financing of works on certification

Mandatory public funding applies to:

1) direct development of forecasts in the field of certification;

3) providing the necessary official information in the field of certification;

4) participation in the work of international or regional organizations for the certification procedure;

5) organization for carrying out work with foreign state bodies for the implementation of certification;

6) participation in the development or development of international or regional recommendations and rules for the certification procedure;

7) development in the field of certification projects of the legislative power;

8) carrying out research or any other certification work of public interest;

9) organization and conduct of state supervision and control over compliance with the rules for the certification procedure and for products that have passed certification;

10) compilation and maintenance of the State Register for Accreditation and Certification;

11) ensuring the storage of archival materials on state registration of marks of conformity and certification systems;

12) organization and performance of other work on the implementation of mandatory certification, designated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Payment for work on the implementation of mandatory certification of this particular product must be made in the manner determined by the federal executive authorities in the field of certification work in Russia and the federal executive authorities in the field of finance. The financial costs used to carry out the procedure for mandatory certification of their products are included in its cost.

13. Certification of imported products

For consumer safety, mandatory certification of both domestic and imported products is carried out. Certification of products imported into Russia is carried out not only to ensure consumer safety, but also in connection with an increase in the flow of imported products to the domestic market of the Russian Federation.

Products entering the Russian market and subject to mandatory certification in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation must meet the necessary requirements of Russian certification systems.

On the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services", contracts or agreements for the supply of products in the Russian Federation, provided for certification, must have a certificate and a mark of conformity certifying its compliance with the necessary regulatory requirements.

Goods imported into the territory of Russia by the owner are not subject to certification in case of their personal use.

Goods for which safety confirmation is required, when imported into the Russian territory, are coded according to the TN VED (commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity). When a motor vehicle is imported into Russia, a certificate of conformity "Approval of the type of vehicle" is issued.

A certificate or a certificate of its recognition is provided to the customs authority along with cargo customs declarations and constitutes a package of documents required for registration and receipt of goods imported into Russia.

Gosstandart together with the State Customs Committee (SCC) has established a list of goods for which safety confirmation is required when imported into the Russian Federation. Along with this, the State Customs Committee of Russia provides for the option of importing samples and samples to Russia in order to carry out their testing and certification.

Certain types of imported products must have confirmation of compliance with specific safety standards and requirements (hygienic, veterinary, etc.)

When importing goods into the territory of Russia subject to mandatory certification, along with the documents required for customs clearance, a customs declaration and a copy of the certificate are provided.

Perishable goods undergo customs clearance and certification out of turn.

Goods entering the domestic market of Russia undergo customs control and confirmation of their safety with the help of:

1) confirmation of a foreign certificate;

2) carrying out a certification test. Confirmation of foreign certificates is carried out by the territorial body of the State Standard.

The reached agreement on mutual recognition of the result of certification makes it possible not to certify imported goods imported into Russia.

Recognized certification bodies:

1) Dean GOST TUV - certification society in Europe;

2) Hungarian firm "Metrkontrol";

3) Swiss company SGS (or SGS), etc.

These bodies are classified by type of accreditation and location:

1) located on the territory of the Russian Federation and accredited by the GOST R Certification System;

2) located abroad and accredited by Gosstandart of Russia or representative offices of Gosstandart outside Russia in the GOST R Certification System;

3) are located abroad and accredited in foreign national certification systems and verified by the State Standard of Russia;

4) located in Russia or abroad and accredited by the certification system;

5) are accredited in accordance with the procedures and rules approved in eight countries - members of the Interstate Agreement on Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

Goods imported into the territory of Russia undergo certification before they are delivered to the Russian Federation. Test reports carried out in foreign laboratories are the basis for issuing and obtaining a certificate, provided that the testing laboratory is accredited by the State Standard and is entered in the Register of the system for the GOST R certification procedure.

Goods subject to certification for import into the territory of Russia must have information about it (labels, instructions, etc.) written in Russian.

Imported goods that are not confirmed by a safety certificate are not allowed through customs.

14. Nomenclature of certified services (works) and the procedure for their certification

Provision of services is a widespread activity that fulfills the needs of customers by providing certain services needed by people, organizations or social groups.

The simplest services– assistance in everyday matters that do not require special training and knowledge.

Complex Services- provision of costly assistance by qualified specialists with special knowledge and skills using the necessary equipment.

Certification of services includes such concepts as service, need, activity.

Large sectors of the economy are in the service sector:

1) transport;

2) finance;

3) healthcare;

4) trade;

7) education, etc. The classification of services includes:

1) household services;

2) housing and communal services;

3) legal services;

4) services of freight and passenger transport, communications;

5) services of the education system, culture, tourist and excursion services;

6) services of physical culture and sports, medical, sanatorium and health services.

Nomenclature of certified services (works). By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the list of works and services includes household services subject to mandatory certification:

1) trade and catering services;

2) dry cleaning and storage;

3) hairdressing services;

4) housing and communal services (services of hotels and other places of residence);

5) repair and maintenance of household radio-electronic equipment, household appliances and household machines;

6) maintenance and repair of motor vehicles;

7) transport services (services for the transportation of passengers by road);

8) tourist and excursion services. In addition to existing regulatory documents (GOST, GOSTR, SNiP, SanPiN), when performing the certification procedure for services included in the List, the rules for performing a separate type of work and providing a separate type of service approved by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation are applied. These include:

1) rules for the sale of certain types of goods;

2) rules for the provision of public catering services;

3) the main provisions for the admission of vehicles into operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, etc. The work on certification of services is carried out in the same sequence as in the certification of products, and consists of six stages.

1. Registration and submission of an application for certification of services.

2. Consideration of the application and making a decision on the certification of the service.

3. Assessment of the necessary compliance of services and works with the established requirement.

4. Making a final decision on issuing a certificate.

5. Registration and issuance of a certificate and a license giving the right to use the mark of conformity.

6. Implementation of inspection control over the certified service or work.

When carrying out certification of services and works, seven schemes are used.

Scheme 1. The quality and safety of services depend on the performer (tour guide, hairdresser, teacher, etc.).

Diagram 2. Evaluation of the service delivery process:

1) availability of regulatory documentation;

2) methodological, metrological, informational, organizational and other support for the process of rendering services;

3) process stability and safety;

4) qualification and professionalism of working and maintenance personnel;

5) safety of the sold goods.

Scheme 3. Certification of production services. Scheme 4. Evaluation of the organization - the provider of services for compliance with state standards and the correctness of assigning a category (category, type, class, etc.).

Scheme 5. Certification of the most dangerous services and works (passenger, medical, etc.) is carried out according to the standards of the ISO 9000 series.

Scheme 6. Certification of services and works of small enterprises.

Scheme 7. Certification of a contractor with a quality system.

To check the result of a service or work, sociological surveys are conducted or expert methods are used.

To evaluate material services (dry cleaning, repairs, etc.), an instrumental method is used. If necessary, the certification body has the right to involve a testing laboratory.

15. Regulatory framework for certification

Works on the certification of goods and services are carried out on the basis of a system of documents that are mandatory (except for recommendations).

1. Legislative acts of the Russian Federation

This group of documents includes the laws of the Russian Federation:

1) Law of the Russian Federation "On certification of products and services";

2) Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". On the basis of these laws, mandatory certification of objects (goods, services, jobs, etc.) specified in legislative acts is carried out, federal executive authorities are appointed, which must organize work on the certification procedure for these objects, create the necessary systems for the certification procedure , determine the list of goods and services subject to mandatory certification.

2. Bylaws- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

This group of documents performs the following functions:

1) develop and put into effect a list of goods, services and works subject to certification;

2) establish the rules for conducting the certification procedure on other issues;

3) determine the regulations for the implementation of the certification procedure for certain types of work and services.

3. Fundamental organizational and methodological documents

This group includes documents that define the requirements for organizational work on the certification procedure; participants in the certification procedure; establishment of uniform principles for the certification procedure.

The fundamental organizational and methodological documents are divided into two levels.

1) documents, the effect of which is carried out at the national (state) level, and covering all systems of certification of goods and services;

2) documents developed by the federal executive authorities and defining the functions of a particular certification system for goods and services.

4. Rules and regulations

This group of documents consists of organizational and methodological developments aimed at carrying out the certification procedure for homogeneous groups of goods and services (“Transport services, passenger transportation”, Rules for the certification of food products and food raw materials, etc.).

5. Lists, nomenclatures and classifiers

Scroll- a document that provides all participants in the work on the certification procedure with the required information about the goods and services defined for mandatory certification. Government of the Russian Federation. For products imported into the territory of Russia and subject to mandatory certification, the State Standard and the State Customs Committee have developed and put into effect the List of goods that require their confirmation when imported into the territory of the Russian Federation.

Based on the lists developed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, Gosstandart of Russia together with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Gosstroy, a nomenclature of objects is compiled. The nomenclature of goods and services subject to the mandatory certification procedure provides all parties participating in the certification with information about the regulatory documentation and the detailed nomenclature of goods and services on the basis of which the certification procedure is carried out.

The Government of the Russian Federation has established Lists of products (goods and services), the conformity of which can be confirmed by a declaration of conformity.

In the work on the procedure for certification of goods and services, the following are used:

1) All-Russian classifier of products (OKP) - designates and identifies the product using a 6-digit code;

2) All-Russian classifier of services to the population (OKUN) - designates and identifies work and service using a 6-bit code;

3) Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity - an international classifier that designates and identifies import and export products using a 9-digit code.

They define and develop issues related to the organization of the certification procedure, the choice of methods and forms that increase the efficiency of the work of all specialists involved in the process.

7. Reference information materials

This group of documents contains complete information about those registered in Gosstroy:

1) products;

2) certification systems;

3) certification bodies;

4) testing laboratories;

5) experts.

16. Legal regulation of labeled products

The marking of any products is regulated by the State Standard or technical conditions (TU). Product labeling can be: commercial, industrial, transport, special, etc. General requirements for product labeling: availability, reliability, sufficiency.

Product labeling is carried out with the help of the Gosstandart conformity mark, which is a mark registered in a certain order, confirming the compliance of the product with the basic regulatory requirements.

The product labeling mark is established by organizations licensed by the State Standard of the Russian Federation. Organizations that have licenses, as well as services and products that have received the label, are entered in a special State Register.

Incorrect labeling or its absence can result in criminal or administrative liability for the heads of organizations.

LECTURE No. 4. Basics of certification and licensing

1. General concepts of certification, objects and purposes of certification

The certification procedure is aimed at confirming the compliance of the object of certification with the standards and requirements imposed on it.

As a result of laboratory research and testing, an act is drawn up on the compliance or non-compliance of the research object with the necessary requirements of the standard or technical specifications. In case of compliance of the object of certification on the basis of the act, a certificate of conformity of the object under study with the required quality parameters is issued.

Certification is carried out both on a voluntary basis and on a voluntary basis. Three parties are involved in the certification procedure.

The first party is the manufacturer or seller of the product The second party is the buyer or consumer of the product.

The third party is an independent body from the first and second parties.

The objects of certification are: consumer goods, services, processes, jobs, quality system personnel, etc.

In a market economy, the manufacturer is fighting for the competitiveness of their products. In pursuit of quick profits, unscrupulous manufacturers offer products that can harm human health and the environment.

The state, represented by the legislature, establishes legal, administrative and civil liability for putting low-quality products into circulation, and also determines the basic mandatory requirements for the characteristics of the product as a whole and its individual parameters.

The main objectives of certification of products, including imported ones, are as follows.

1. Ensuring consumer confidence in the quality of goods and services.

2. Facilitating the choice of necessary goods and services for the consumer.

3. Providing the consumer with reliable information about the quality of goods and services.

4. Ensuring protection in competition with non-certified goods and services.

5. Prevention of access to low-quality imported products.

6. Influence on the development of the scientific and technical process.

7. Promoting the growth of the organizational and technical process.

All work on certification is carried out by the certification system, headed by the State Standard of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services".

A special role in the certification work is given to the development of enterprise quality systems and environmental protection systems in accordance with the international standards of the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series.

Certification of goods and services is carried out at the international, state (national) and regional levels.

2. Conditions for certification

When carrying out the certification procedure, the following conditions must be met.

1. Certification works are carried out on the basis of the legislative framework (Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services", Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and other regulations).

2. Enterprises, organizations, institutions participate in the certification work; the form of ownership of organizations does not matter.

3. Harmonization of recommendations and rules for certification with international rules, norms and recommendations. Harmonization ensures recognition of marks of conformity and certificates outside of Russia and interaction with national, regional and international certification systems of other countries.

4. Openness of information: when conducting certification, it is necessary to ensure that all parties involved in the procedure are informed - the manufacturer or manufacturer, consumer, enterprise, public organizations and other legal entities and individuals interested in the result of certification.

5. Secrecy of information: when conducting certification, it is necessary to ensure the confidentiality of information that is a trade secret.

3. Rules and procedures for certification

Rules and procedures for certification

1. The applicant submits an application to the appropriate body for the certification procedure. Information about this body is provided by the territorial body of the State Standard or in the State Standard.

2. The certification body accepts an application for consideration, makes a decision that includes all the necessary basic conditions for certification, including material costs, a list of accredited testing laboratories that have received a certificate for the right to conduct tests, and a list of organizations that have permission to certify systems quality or production.

3. The applicant selects a testing laboratory or a body for certification of quality systems or production from the list proposed by the certification body, and an agreement on certification is concluded with the certification body.

4. The testing laboratory or certification body performs the procedure for selecting the necessary samples for testing.

5. The body for the certification of the quality system or production or the commission of the certification body conducts an analysis of the actual state of production or the quality system and draws up a conclusion to the certification body.

6. The applicant and the certification body receive a test report drawn up on the basis of the studies carried out by the testing laboratory.

7. The certification body, after analyzing the test report, conclusions on the actual state of production and other data on the compliance of this product with the regulatory requirements for compliance with which the product is being tested, comes to a decision to issue a certificate of conformity or refuse to issue a certificate of conformity. Based on the received certificate of conformity, a license is issued that gives the right to use the mark of conformity.

8. The certification body duly draws up and registers the certificate of conformity and hands it over to the applicant simultaneously with the license to use the mark of conformity.

9. Products subject to mandatory certification are marked by the manufacturer with a mark of conformity in accordance with the requirements of the document "Rules for the use of the mark of conformity for mandatory certification of products."

10. Control over the certified products is carried out in accordance with the procedure chosen during the development of the necessary certification scheme by the certification body.

table 2

Stages of the product certification process

4. Development of certification

One of the first countries to establish the mark of conformity is Germany. It was in it that in 1920 the Standards Institute established the mark of conformity with the DIN standard, registered in Germany on the basis of the Law "On the Protection of Trademarks". In the same period, the VDE (German Electrotechnical Association) certification system began to develop and operate in Germany.

In the UK, certification procedures are handled by several national systems. The most significant system is the British Standards Institute. Products certified in this system are awarded a special kite mark, certifying compliance with British national standards.

Products certified in France use the NF mark. This mark was developed by the national certification system. The French Association for Standardization (AFNOR) organizes and manages the national certification system. The presence of a mark on the product indicates that this product fully complies with the requirements of the standards in force in France. Products that do not have the NF mark are not in consumer demand. In this regard, in France, in order to obtain the NF mark, more than 75% of products manufactured by French companies undergo a voluntary certification procedure.

In December 1989, the Council of the EU adopted the document "Global Concept for Certification and Testing", the main task of which is to ensure certification and accreditation according to a single European standard and to form a consumer's trust in a European product.

In 1979, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On improving planning and strengthening the impact of the economic mechanism on increasing the efficiency of production and the quality of work."

In 1986, “Temporary regulation on the certification of engineering products in the USSR. RD 50598–86” establishes the basic requirements and rules for the certification of engineering products.

In 1992, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" was put into effect, which is the basis for certification of products and services of GOST.

In 1993, the Federal Law "On Certification of Products and Services" is adopted, which is valid until the adoption in 2002 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation".

The concept of "certification" was defined and included in the ISO Guide (ISO / IEC 2) "General terms and definitions in the field of standardization, accreditation and certification of testing laboratories".

Certification Committee (CERTICO) of the international organization (ISO) for standardization in 1982, the concept of "certification" is defined by the action confirming the established certificate or law of conformity that a product or service meets the requirements, certain standards or other regulatory documents

5. The concept of product quality

The quality of products or services is a specific list of indicators of the properties of products or services, thanks to which they are able to meet the necessary needs of the consumer during their use and operation, including destruction and disposal.

In our time, such concepts as profitability, efficiency, productivity, price, profit are closely related to the quality indicators of products. Quality becomes an object of planning at all levels of the state. In this regard, there is a need for a numerical expression for measuring and evaluating product quality.

Qualimetry from lat. "kvali" - "which", etc. - gr. "metreo" - "measure, measure." The development of qualimetry occurs in two main directions.

1. Applied qualimetry - develops methods for assessing quality.

2. Theoretical qualimetry considers surveys of the methodology and evaluation of the quality of the object.

The main goals of qualimetry are: 1) creation of methods for determining the numerical values ​​of quality indicators, data processing and determination of requirements that ensure the accuracy of calculations;

2) creation of a list of methods for determining the most optimal values ​​of product quality indicators;

3) justification of the selected list of product quality indicators in the development of ways to improve quality and planned standardization;

4) determination of common methods for assessing the level of product quality to be able to compare the results;

5) determination of uniform methods for assessing individual properties of products.

To determine the quality of products, three independent concepts are used.

1. Product quality - product properties that determine its ability to meet the needs associated with the purpose of the product.

2. The main (single) product quality - determines one, the primary property of the product and determines the use value.

3. Integral product quality - is determined by the totality of all properties (economic, aesthetic and functional) of products.

Methods for determining product quality indicators are as follows.

1. Measuring method - product data is obtained by using technical measuring instruments. Using this method, physical parameters are determined (speed, mass, geometric dimensions, etc.).

2. Calculation method - based on the processing of information obtained by theoretical and empirical dependencies, and is used to determine power, mass, performance, etc.

3. Organoleptic method - based on the perception of the human senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell) and is expressed in points. Using this method, the quality indicators of perfumery, tobacco, confectionery and other types of products are determined.

4. Traditional method - carried out by competent specialists in laboratories, on test benches, etc.

5. Expert method - carried out by specialists - experts (designers, merchandisers, tasters, etc.).

6. Sociological method - direct use of products by the consumer and the collection of information about the quality of products through questionnaires, exhibitions, conferences, etc.

Nomenclature of product quality indicators.

1. Purpose indicators - characterize the properties of the product that determine the functions for which it is intended.

When determining destination indicators, the following are taken into account:

1) the purpose of the assessment being performed;

2) conditions of operation or use of products;

3) purpose of products.

The group of target indicators includes subgroups:

1) indicators of structure and composition - chemical composition, structure, components;

2) classification indicators - depend on the specifics of the product;

3) indicators of technical excellence - reflect the relevance of the technical solution adopted when creating products.

2. Reliability indicators determine the properties of products to maintain the specified quality parameters during operation, repair, transportation, etc.

Reliability indicators include:

1) persistence - the property to maintain the specified quality parameters during storage and transportation;

2) maintainability - the property of products to detect, prevent and eliminate failures and damages;

3) reliability - the property of products to maintain performance in a certain period of time;

4) durability - indicators that determine the resource or service life of products.

3. Manufacturability indicators characterize the effectiveness of design and technological solutions adopted in the production and operation of products.

The main indicators of manufacturability are cost, labor intensity, material consumption.

Relative indicators of manufacturability - the coefficient of use of the material.

4. Indicators of standardization and unification are determined by the level of use of standard components and parts in the product, as well as the degree of their unification.

Indicators of standardization and unification are expressed:

1) coefficient of applicability;

2) repeatability coefficient;

3) unification coefficient.

5. Transportability indicators - the property of products to maintain quality indicators in the process of movement that is not associated with operation.

Direct indicators of transportability are the costs of preparation for transportation, transportation and preparation for operation after transportation.

6. Ergonomic indicators characterize the degree of human interaction with the product.

Ergonomic indicators include:

1) anthropometric - compliance with the size of the human body;

2) hygienic - noise level, illumination, toxicity, etc.;

3) physiological - compliance with the physical capabilities of a person;

4) psychophysiological - take into account the capabilities of the human senses;

5) psychological - take into account the characteristics of the human nervous system.

7. Aesthetic indicators characterize the composition, form and rationality of products.

8. Patent-legal indicators characterize the patent protection of new technologies.

Patent-legal indicators include:

1) the indicator of patent protection indicates the use in a product manufactured in our country of inventions recognized in Russia and abroad;

2) the indicator of patent purity indicates the possibility of selling products in Russia and abroad.

9. Uniformity indicators characterize the invariability of product parameters during mass production.

10. Sustainability indicators - the ability of products to maintain their properties when interacting with a harmful environment during operation.

11. Environmental indicators determine the level of harmful effects on the environment and humans that occurs at the time of product operation.

12. Safety indicators are determined during operation for service personnel.

13. Economic indicators determine the costs for the development, production and operation of products.

6. Consumer protection

Consumer protection from low-quality products is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services". In accordance with the current legislation, the following persons are liable for violation of the rules of mandatory certification:

1) individuals;

2) legal entities;

3) bodies of federal executive power. Responsibility for violation of the law can be:

1) criminal;

2) administrative;

3) civil law.

7. Certification system. Certification Scheme

The system of mandatory certification GOSTR, created and managed by Gosstandart of Russia, includes:

1) certification systems for homogeneous types of products (light industry goods, food products and food raw materials, dishes, toys, etc.);

2) certification systems for homogeneous types of services (hotel services, catering services, education services, medical services, etc.).

The voluntary certification system consists of more than 100 voluntary certification systems:

1) certification system for ecological production (Eko Niva);

2) vehicle valuation system (SERTO-CAT);

3) system of certification of sanatorium and health-improving services (CSCR), etc.

At present, preference is given to mandatory certification in Russia, and voluntary certification abroad.

A certain combination, necessary during the certification procedure of inspection and control actions, constitutes a certification scheme. In each process of certification of a product or service, a certain certification scheme is adopted, taking into account the characteristics of the product, the organization of its production, economic indicators, etc.

ISO has carried out a compilation of experience in the application of certification schemes.

Along with the certification schemes used and adopted by foreign and international organizations in the document "Procedure for Certification of Products in the Russian Federation", several more schemes are proposed. In total, this document contains 16 different certification schemes, which are defined as recommended.

The main task when choosing a certification scheme is to provide the necessary evidence for certification.

8. Mandatory certification. Voluntary certification

Mandatory certification is a procedure for confirmation by an accredited body for certification of product compliance with established mandatory requirements, is a form of control of the state and the safety of products and services.

Mandatory certification is carried out in cases specified in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation:

1) laws of the Russian Federation;

2) normative acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

According to Art. 7 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" the list of goods (works and services) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and is subject to mandatory certification.

Taking into account these lists, the Gosstandart of Russia developed and put into effect the Resolution "Nomenclature of products and services (works) subject, in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation, to mandatory certification."

The list includes classes of the All-Russian classifier with a two-row code (OK 005-93-OKP - for products, OK 002-93-OKUN - for services) and contains the object

you, subject to mandatory certification at the moment, and objects, mandatory certification of which is marked in the future.

The nomenclature contains types of products and services with a six-digit code and consists of objects subject to mandatory certification at the moment.

When conducting mandatory certification, they confirm the mandatory requirements for products or services established by law for mandatory certification.

In accordance with Art. 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", when conducting mandatory certification, it is necessary to confirm the safety of goods, works or services.

The certificate of conformity and the sign of conformity issued on the basis of the mandatory certification procedure are valid throughout the Russian Federation.

Carrying out and organizing work on mandatory certification is carried out by a special authorized body of the federal executive power in the field of certification of goods, works and services - Gosstandart of Russia.

The procedure for conducting mandatory certification of certain types of goods, works and services is carried out by other federal bodies.

Participants of obligatory certification are:

1) manufacturer of products and service provider (first party);

2) the customer and the seller (can be both the first and second parties);

3) organizations that have the authority to certify goods, works and services (third party).

Voluntary certification is a procedure carried out

in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Certification of Products and Services" at the initiative of the applicant to confirm the conformity of the product or service with the required standards, rules, specifications, recipes and other regulatory documents submitted by the applicant.

The condition for the voluntary certification procedure is an agreement signed between the certification body and the applicant. Voluntary certification does not replace the mandatory certification of goods, works and services. Nevertheless, goods, works and services that have passed mandatory certification can be checked for compliance with additional requirements using voluntary certification.

9. Certification bodies

The certification body (CB) performs the following actions:

1) certification of goods, works and services; issuance of certificates and licenses for the use of marks of conformity;

2) conducting inspection control over certified goods, works and services;

3) suspend or cancel the validity of certificates issued by him for goods, works and services;

4) provide the applicant with the necessary information;

5) is responsible for compliance with the rules for certification of goods, works and services; the correctness of issuing certificates of conformity.

Testing laboratories (TL) that have passed accreditation perform the following functions:

1) testing of specific products;

2) carrying out specific types of tests;

3) issuance of test reports required for certification;

4) is responsible for the reliability of the results and compliance with the requirements of certification tests.

A certification body that has received accreditation as a testing laboratory is called a certification center.

To coordinate and organize work in certification systems for homogeneous types of products or services, central bodies of certification systems (CSOs) have been created.

DSPs are:

1) All-Russian Research Institute of Certification (carries out voluntary certification in the GOST R Certification System);