Which electronic decoy is best for hunting? Electronic decoy allowed? Text: Sergey Alexandrovich

A wide assortment of various luring devices is presented to the attention of hunters on the shelves of specialized stores. Products are handcrafted and electronic. Judging by the numerous positive reviews, electronic decoys are in the greatest demand. For hunting, you can pick up a product of any modification. All devices perfectly simulate the sounds of various animals. The article contains information on the most popular electronic decoys for hunting.


Decoys are manual and electronic. Hand bait devices are made from a wide variety of materials. Products can be plastic, wood, metal, etc. Whatever the device, the desired effect from its use will be achieved if the hunter has perfect hearing. However, not everyone can boast of it. It is for the consumer who does not have special hearing that the electronic decoy for hunting has been developed. This device, as well as a manual one, has one purpose: to recreate the voices of animals and birds as believable as possible in order to lure them to the distance of the shot.

What are the differences?

Unlike a manual device, using an electronic decoy for hunting is much easier. You can operate it without prior preparation. It is enough only to correctly tune the product to the voice of a certain animal or bird. As a result of the inept use of manual decoys, an echo effect often occurs, which depressingly affects animals. This is not the case with electronic products. Based on numerous reviews, electronic hunting decoys are guaranteed to produce high quality sound.

About selection criteria

When buying an electronic decoy, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to pay attention to the material from which the device is made.
  • It is advisable to purchase a decoy with a wide range and a large number of voices.
  • The product must be certified. The products that are on sale with a quality certificate will last longer.
  • It is best to buy decoys at a hunting store or at a retail outlet. In this case, the product will be supplied with a warranty card. If the decoy does not meet expectations, the owner will be able to replace or return it.

Types of electronic devices

Electronic decoys are:

  • Cassette.
  • Equipped with chips.
  • Equipped with memory cards.

Today, the first two types are considered obsolete. Decoys with memory cards will make it possible to most accurately select and reproduce the sounds made by animals.

Electronic decoys for hunting "Huntsman-56D"

The electronic device using the recycling power system is very convenient and ergonomic. The decoy has a range of up to 150 m. The device is completed with a removable microSD memory card. Equipped with digital display and dedicated speaker amplifier. The product is designed to reproduce 206 voices of various voices of birds and animals in 16-bit format. It can be connected to external speakers if needed. The decoy is completed with: a clock, a flashlight and a special system that allows you to control the battery charge.

About product characteristics

  • The internal speaker has a 0.5W output power.
  • An external speaker is connected to the device using a special connector. Its size is standard and is 3.5 mm.
  • The power source is represented by: batteries (4 pcs.) LR6 format "AA" and an external source, the power of which can vary within 6-12 V.
  • The weight of the electronic decoy is 300 g.
  • The device is green.
  • Made of shockproof ABS plastic.

About strengths and weaknesses

The product has the following advantages:

  • Wide amplitude of reproduced sounds and extended sounding time.
  • Increased memory and high sound quality.
  • Very user-friendly and intuitive interface.
  • You can use two separate power sources for the product: an external or built-in battery.
  • Judging by the numerous reviews of the owners, this decoy is very compact and lightweight.

In addition to its advantages, the electronic device is not devoid of some disadvantages. These include:

  • High cost.
  • The presence of too bright indicator light, unmasking the device during the hunt.
  • According to some owners, the decoy is equipped with an inconvenient cover.

Mundi Sound MR104

This electronic decoy is intended for hunting a goose and other birds and animals. A very high-quality display is provided for the product. Plays a beckoning device with up to 40 different voices. The sound is adjustable. With the help of a special amplifier, you can reproduce the sounds of animals up to 1.5 km in diameter. For the manufacture of the case, shockproof plastic is used. The device weighs 130 grams together with the power supply. The product is very compact. The kit comes with a protective case.

"Biofon 8M"

These electronic decoys are used for hunting quail and any other bird. Also, with the help of this device, you can lure and animals. The total number of votes recorded on the device card is 90 units. By choosing this model, the hunter becomes the owner of a very functional and convenient electronic device. A feature of semolina is the ability of its memory to store four phonograms. The playback frequency indicator varies between 200-11000 Hz. Dimensions of semolina 116 x 75 x 27 mm. The product has a maximum output power of 3 W. The decoy is very lightweight and compact. The mass of an electronic product reaches 150 grams. It is completed with an electronic sound simulator, an external emitter, a passport and a bag.

About the Berkut Profi TWIN model

According to the owners, even in severe weather conditions it is possible to hunt roe deer with this model's electronic decoy. The product is equipped with two advanced 49 watt speakers. Sound range increased to 4 km. Judging by the reviews, this decoy can be operated without interruption for four days. The device comes with a remote control. The range of its action does not exceed one hundred meters. Playback quality - 256 kbps. The decoy works well even at a temperature of -20 degrees. It can also be operated in heat up to +40. The case is moisture resistant, so the device can be taken with you on a hunt in rainy and snowy weather.

About Plurifon Micro-RDP decoy

The product has a built-in speaker and is designed for the midrange. The body has special connectors, with which additional external speakers are connected to the device. To power the luring device, the owner can use two methods: use a 12-volt power supply or an internal battery, the voltage of which is 9 W. The electronic decoy is effective in rainy and snowy weather. The advantage of this model is the presence of an LED charging indicator. In addition, the owner can pause the playback of sounds. After switching on, the electronic decoy continues its work from the place where its sound was interrupted. Despite all the indisputable advantages, this model has one drawback: the product is sold without a memory card. After purchasing this model, the owner will have to purchase a Micro-Card card separately.

Tromba 10 Canti

This model of electronic decoy is made by the Italian company Tecnoest. A digital player is provided for the product. Its library contains 10 types of bird and animal voices. According to the owners, this alluring device is quite easy to use: you can select the desired sound, adjust its volume and set the timer with one button. This electronic decoy model is considered a great option for a beginner. You can find out about the state of the battery by looking at the display: if the charge is insufficient, a warning appears on the screen. The brightness of the display can be adjusted according to the conditions.


  • You can use the electronic decoy to hunt goose, mallard, gray duck, teal, wood grouse and other birds.
  • The speaker power rating is 25 W.
  • Voltage - 12 W.
  • The dimensions of the semolina are 68 x 88 x 90 mm.
  • The device weighs 350 g.

Plurifon RDP-2 Stereo

Sound reproduction is carried out using two-channel speakers and a built-in amplifier. Feeding is possible from four columns. According to the hunters, the sound will be more spacious and will not scare away the flock if the speakers are placed around the entire perimeter. A similar result is not possible if the signal comes from one point. The electronic decoy is effective for attracting different types of birds. Owner reviews are mostly positive. The strengths of an electronic product include:

  • Ease of use.
  • There are no mechanical moving parts in the product.
  • Control can be carried out using the remote control.
  • The decoy is designed for use in all weather conditions.

The disadvantages of the device are its too high price and leakage of the case.

How to make an electronic decoy for hunting with your own hands?

Experienced hunters advise those who decide to make a luring device on their own to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • A homemade electronic hunting decoy should be compact and weatherproof.
  • It is recommended that you use only a reliable sound reproduction device as a homemade device. Cell phone speakers will not work as they will not be powerful enough to propagate sounds over long distances. To increase the power, you will also have to use externally powered speakers. Inexpensive digital players are best for homemade decoys. Additionally, you should get a separate column.
  • The voices of the animals are recorded on the player. A speaker should be connected to it, which is used as an amplifier.


Hunting using an electronic decoy will be effective if the device has been configured in advance. It should be borne in mind that frequent volume changes can confuse an inexperienced hunter. An incorrect setting will scare the game away. Therefore, experts recommend choosing the best option and stop at it.

... There was such an old anecdote about the boy Vovochka, who said "ass" in the lesson. - There is no such word, Little Johnny! - said the teacher. - Wow, - Little Johnny was surprised. - There is an ass, but no words. I remember this anecdote almost every time I go to a hunting store. In any of them - "from Moscow to the very outskirts" - you will be offered a wide range of electronic decoys for every taste and budget, from several hundred to several tens of thousands of rubles, with external and built-in speakers, with remote controls, with and without mixing ... Meanwhile, they are strictly prohibited for use.

So in the newly approved "Rules of Hunting" it is said that (Article 52, Clause 14.) It is prohibited to "use electronic devices imitating the sounds made by hunting ... and other animals" ...

One can, of course, assume that there are hundreds of thousands of amateur bird watchers in Russia and that they are the main buyers of all this variety. After all, we believe that the explosive growth in baseball bat sales is a testament to the rapidly growing popularity of this overseas sport!

Well, if seriously, without mockery, then the actual situation clearly indicates that the hunting community en masse ignores the ban on electronic decoys. And the point here, perhaps, is not so much in the feeling of impunity caused by weak control (for example, in the Vologda region, at the August openings on marsh-meadow game, I myself witnessed several hunting inspections "raids" - the decoys were seized and the protocols were written right in the huts) how much in internal disagreement.

I will not tell you for the whole of Odessa (in the sense, for the whole world), but in countries with a very high hunting culture and strict legislation, such as the USA, Italy, Sweden, I personally observed the use (legal, of course) of electronic decoys for hunting. Neighboring Belarus, originally, as usual, inherited the set of Soviet rules, a few years ago, in their new edition, canceled the ban. And rightly so, in my opinion, did it.

Nowhere and never have I seen statistical calculations, research results, or, at worst, some kind of logical argumentation in favor of the ban. Yes, and a rather long personal experience of goose hunts (if I say that I have never hunted with an electronic decoy, the reader will still not believe it) says that geese, of course, react, but by no means as submissively as the rats from the well-known fairy tale on the rat-catcher's pipe ... And the presence of the most perfect electronic decoy does not at all guarantee that anyone who wants to fill them with bags. At the same time, I have witnessed more than once that an experienced hunter, who has a good command of the spirit decoy, for a clear advantage "fired" at colleagues with electronics.

The only experience of using the electronic decoy that really impressed me was a couple of years ago, when we filmed for television a story about the spring woodcock cravings. I don’t know if it always happens that way, or if the chip just went down that time, but under the recording with the "chirping", the woodcocks really fell on their heads. However, since I a) have never heard about the use of electronic decoys for hunting on traction and b) meet hunters who would generally consider cravings as a source of obtaining delicious meat, I think this experience does not conceal any practical threat to weevils.

And in general, the problem, it seems to me, should be considered in a fundamentally different plane.

The ban on electronic decoys is in the same ideological line with the prohibitions on semiautomatic devices, night optics, etc., and so on. And the very idea of ​​"giving an animal (bird) a chance" and limiting the use of modern technologies in hunting raises very serious doubts in me ...

First, the starting point is chosen very arbitrarily. Hardly anyone will be able to reasonably explain why the barrier should lie between, say, a semi-automatic and a double-barreled gun, and not between a double-barrel and a single-barrel? Or between the "shop" and the treasury, and better muzzle loading? Or generally between a firearm and a bow or spear? Between day and night optics, and not between optics and its total absence? Well, and, accordingly, between the wind and electronic decoy?

Rather, if this is a personal and ethical barrier - for God's sake. A hunter who chooses the maximum competitiveness and fundamentally does not shoot in fences and feeding grounds, appreciates the beauty of one accurate shot and the ability to lure the same goose himself, causes me the most sincere respect. A medal around his neck! (I, honestly, without any irony.) But why the reverse side of this medal should be a ban for those who cannot, cannot, finally are not ready to spend additional time and energy on conquering real hunting peaks? For example, I belong to the category of citizens about which they say that an elephant stomped their ears in their childhood. I am not able to reproduce the simplest melody without total falsehood. The song I sang around a hunting fire guarantees the listeners nightmares. The sounds that I make from the brass decoy instantly drive the flocks of goose over the horizon. And an electronic device miraculously neutralizes this drawback.

Secondly, restrictions on the use of modern technological advances in hunting usually have side effects (this, however, does not apply to decoys). For example, bow and arrow are, of course, a class. This is competitiveness, this is aerobatics! But what do we have there (if we compare archery and rifle hunting) with the percentage of wounded animals? What does ethics say about the chance to get away from a meeting with a hunter, which the animal receives along with an arrow in the side and then bends for a long time from a rotting wound?

Or, say, a ban on night optics. In my opinion, it is quite obvious that with the simultaneous absence of restrictions on hunting in the dark, the flip side of this medal is shooting at an indistinct target and, as a result, the same wounded.

Once a well-known human rights activist and hunter with great experience S.A. Kovalev, when asked by a journalist about the ethics of hunting, said: "Let's first try to understand the ethics within our species." In principle, I tend to agree with him.

The "Rules of Hunting" (Article 51) says: "The shooting of hunting animals is carried out in ways that do not allow cruel treatment." Somewhat clumsy, of course, but in general it is clear what this is about. Animals and birds should not be inflicted with such suffering that can be avoided. There are also seasonal restrictions protecting primarily the reproduction of livestock. And this is all that, in my opinion, should be regulated by hunting legislation (not mine or yours, reader, the idea of ​​the beautiful, namely, a mandatory law) in the ethical sphere.

And everything else is quotas and limits.

It is allowed for you to get X geese on the day (I deliberately do not put a number so as not to open a new thread for discussion) - try, get it. Yes, at the time permitted by the rules and in the place permitted by the rules. And with electronic or spirit decoys, or even without it - your problems.

As an argument “for the ban”, I have heard that the effectiveness of hunting, they say, is increasing, and it is not possible to control the use of an electronic decoy by a hunter. And this argument, I confess, annoys me the most.

Let’s then prohibit coming to the pile to hunt in a jeep - you can hide illegal prey in it, and you can get away from the hunting inspector “UAZ”. Better yet, we will prohibit hunting as such. Then there will be no violations at all.

Yes, one more consideration about the electronic decoy outside the homeland: we use it for 99% in hunting for waterfowl. And in the big world - and roe, and elk, and deer, and predators. And nothing, the livestock is such that we can only dream.

To avoid any ambiguity: the law must be obeyed, no matter how good and reasonable it is. And I urge readers to do so. But the implementation of the law does not interfere in the least with expressing disagreement with it and seeking its revision.

Text: Sergey Alexandrovich

The use of journal materials (reprint, full or partial articles and illustrations, citation) is possible only with the written permission of the editorial board.

The ROG editors decided to publish an article by Vladimir Rodchenkov from the archive on the Spring Hunt with Electronic Decoy website for only one reason. What is happening today in hunting Russia cannot but cause extreme concern.

We remind you that the use of these devices is prohibited by current legislation.

Spring is approaching. Not today or tomorrow shoals of geese and ducks will appear in the sky, screaming hunting souls and announcing the beginning of the long-awaited and most preferred and beloved by many hunters spring hunt.

Anyone who is seriously keen on this hunt and has at least some experience knows very well that it is necessary to prepare for this hunt in advance. It is necessary to check the old ones, make or purchase new stuffed animals and profiles, update or build new huts and huts, and of course, lovers of goose hunting, as well as drake hunters who do not have a decoy duck, will need a good decoy.

It is about decoys in this story I’m going to talk about. If someone decides, due to their inexperience, that it will be enough to go to the store and buy a mechanical decoy at an expensive popular company - he is deeply mistaken! It takes time, practice, and most importantly, ear for music and diligence to learn at least good command of this or that decoy (otherwise the result threatens to be sharply negative).

Hunters in many European countries, as well as the USA and Canada, where hunting for geese and brants is very popular, have long and successfully used electronic decoys. Until recently, hunting with these decoys was prohibited in our country. But in the new Law on Hunting, this prohibition is absent (at least something progressive!), And as the lawyers say, “what is not prohibited is allowed”. And yet, not to touch on the topic of ethics, and most importantly, the need to legalize these decoys would not only be logical, but also unfair. I will briefly outline my arguments.

Many hunting farms in our country are in decline. There is not even a modest base where one could at least somehow spend the night, not to mention the presence of decoy ducks in such hunting farms. To local village hunters, breeders of decoys - my honor and respect! But even among village hunters who have their own subsidiary farming, this is a great rarity. The city hunter is completely deprived of such an opportunity.

In this situation, it is enough to have firm shooting norms, which we already have for a long time. So what's the difference how this norm will be shot - with a decoy duck or with an electronic decoy? Better to let the hunter sit in a hut with an electronic decoy, than wander along the shore of the reservoir and shoot at flocks of ducks that have flown in or raised by him, indiscriminately, what he gets into.

In the second variant, the hunter with a decoy duck will not hunt on this reservoir - the "wandering" will disperse everything. Or do we not face this every spring? And you cannot indiscriminately accuse this hunter of violating the rules of hunting. The soul longs for the hunt, but there is nowhere to take a decoy duck - so there is no need to step on a person's throat! For exceeding the shooting norms, strict penalties must be introduced. So the frequently asked question is, "Who should you follow?" - banal.

Yes, those who have to watch over everything else, and control over the norms of shooting has long been included in their responsibility. This is briefly about the need for legalization. As for ethics, it is not for nothing that they say that freedom is where there is a right to choose. So let everyone decide and choose for themselves what to hunt with. There is no need to stupidly impose anything on anyone - and discussions here are meaningless!

Personally, I have deep respect for those hunters who excellently and with great success use mechanical decoys, and even their own design and manufacture. I myself cope well with hazel grouse with an ordinary decoy, since childhood, without any decoy, I can imitate a black grouse. More than once in the spring he collected current around his hut, and in the autumn current, it happened, to lure cocks, but he did not learn to attract a drake or a goose.

So with the advent of this "know-how" on sale, I decided to resort to his help. In February 2000, in one of the well-known stores in Moscow, I bought myself an Italian-made electronic decoy. There are 8 voices on the chip, 6 different goose voices, "Mallard-Spring" and "Mallard-Autumn". This kit cost (as I remember now) 8500 rubles, which was very expensive for that time, but over the years I have never regretted the money spent.

The effect is amazing !!! Especially when hunting for a drake in the spring. At first, in combination with semolina, I used rubber and later plastic stuffed duck, seating them near the hut. But thanks to the lesson given to me from above 5 years ago, for the same number of years I have not used any scarecrows at all. I would like to add that I always make three huts for spring hunting: on a black grouse, on a forage goose field and on old flooded peat fields, where in the spring there are always a lot of flying ducks, and geese are not uncommon.

I do this with the sole purpose that if it is impossible, for whatever reason, to hunt a grouse or a goose, the precious morning would not be lost, and so that it would be possible to hunt at least a drake. And it was like this. It was early spring, and the full-fledged grouse currents had already ended. In the morning I went to a goose field, but as it happens in spring, some flocks of geese flew away, while others have not yet arrived (hunting with 4-5 flocks for the whole morning is not for me), a goose vacuum formed, as I call it.

At 9 in the morning it was already clear that there would be no good summer, and in order not to waste the morning, I decided to go to the swamp, where I had a hut for a drake. Stuffed animals, as well as goose profiles, were always in the trunk of my car. Having approached the swamp, I took out of the trunk a bag with duck stuffed animals, put in it a pack of cartridges with small duck shot, took a gun and a folding chair and hurried to the hut. I had a case with semolina in my pocket.

Arriving at the place, I was about to place the stuffed animals, but at that time I heard the heart-rending cries of the mallard duck. Two drakes were chasing her at once, and she, poor, writing out aerobatics, darted over the swamp from side to side. I quickly jumped into the hut, pulled out the decoy and turned it on, just wanting to see if there would be an effect. And the effect was amazing! Both drakes threw this duck and rushed to my hut. The first one who flew up splashed down about 20 meters from the hut and swam in my direction.

The second, apparently wanting to get ahead of the opponent, sat down at the very edge of the water, somewhere in 7-8 meters from the hut and also headed towards the speaker lying on the floor in the hut. There was no point in shooting the near drake because of the small distance to him, but the farther one became my trophy. The main thing here was not the trophy, but the lesson and the conclusion from it: I have not put any duck stuffed animals since that day - there is no need for them!

I turn on the mallard-spring decoy, and the drake throws a live duck and, without any precautions, sits down almost next to the hut. Despite the fact that no duck, even a stuffed one, is nearby (the speaker is in the hut), the drake swims straight to the hut. Decoy "Mallard-Autumn" never tasted. Where I mainly hunt, ducks in August are full.

This decoy is also good for spring goose hunting. Flocks of geese, white-fronted and bean goose, are superbly wrapped up in the "Mixed Goose Bazaar" or "White-fronted Loner". For the last four years I have been putting on only one full-body profile "Sentinel White-fronted" and include "White-fronted loner".

Flocks of both white-fronted and bean bean bees wrap up from 1.5-2 km, and singles (as a rule, young white-fronted ones) often sit down straight away. Last spring, 2009, on the move, without making a single circle, even an adult bean sat down 7-10 meters from the hull and with surprise began to examine his plastic false brother.

I already hear the screams of newspaper and Internet "righteous" spitting saliva at me for this my story. Do not feed them with bread - just let us show off publicly, sarcastically caring for morality and the blind letter of the law. It's just that when hunting in the grounds, you can't find them - didn't you learn to disguise yourself from chameleons? Well, yes, I will answer you too, and at the same time I will clarify the situation to those who have concluded from what I have stated that an electronic decoy is 100% a panacea, and you can always have a lot of trophies with it. I assure you it is not!

For 36 years of hunting, I have learned well that the main thing in hunting is luck, which, as a rule, does not depend on the weather, or on the amount of game, or on the land, or even on the hunter himself - all these are secondary components! It happened more than once: when hunting for a drake, you sit in a hut with decoy, and 80-100 meters away from you there are several free shooters in the bushes from different sides. Drakes fly well to the decoy, but none of them reach the hut, so you are left not only without a trophy, but also without a shot. On a goose hunt, the situation is even worse!

When you sit alone or with your team, the hunt is going well, and if there are unfamiliar "anti-aircraft gunners with buckshot" around you, no decoy will help. More than once it was necessary to go around the huts and inspire those sitting in them so that the geese would go to the second circle. Good luck, gentlemen, only good luck !!! Now you can draw your conclusions!

Duck hunting with electronic decoy.

The main way to lure a wild duck to hunt is to imitate its voice. This is a challenging activity that requires the hunter to have an ear for music, the necessary skills, observation, patience and practice. Therefore, for a long time, on the hunt, the master of sound imitation was appreciated, and to this day, such a hunter is a great rarity.

But, hunting can be both easier and more interesting if you use a special decoy - electronic. He is an indispensable device for a hunter. Duck hunting with electronic decoy is simple, effective, hunting sportiness, individualism and skill of beckoning a bird are not lost.

This modern device, in specialized stores, is offered to buyers in wood, plastic, metal. Craftsmen manage to make it on their own from birch bark, tin, goose feather and wood. Also, decoys differ not only in the material of manufacture, but also in the form and principle of action.

The advantages of an electronic decoy.

Duck hunting with electronic decoy is also interesting because the hunter does not need to have an ear for music and have special dexterity.

The bird reacts to the sound of a decoy without feeling a catch. And even if the hunter does not have the skills to use this device, he will not spoil its functionality, which cannot be said if you use a manual decoy - creating a sound, an echo arises that scares the duck.

Principle of operation.

A decoy creates sound by playing a previously made recording. That is, the device is somewhat reminiscent of a tape recorder. The hunter himself can choose the appropriate sound. And thanks to the widest music library, the decoy can be used in any weather conditions.

You can purchase a device with the required set of sounds and voices. But, when buying, you need to pay attention to how long ago the record of the music library was made. Even if the device is not cheap, even if it is the most modern model, the old music library can completely ruin the hunt. The music library needs to be updated from time to time to keep the recording clean and high quality.

You can hunt on a reservoir using only decoys as bait, or you can combine it with stuffed animals. Duck hunting with electronic decoys will attract teals, gray ducks, mallards, pintails and other birds.

You can buy a decoy with a constant setting, in this case, it will always be ready to work, and at the same time, you can be completely sure that at the right time the device will not emit a frightening sound.

The range of offered decoys is wide: you can buy both domestically produced and imported ones. Each model is equipped with a music library with recordings of voices and sounds of not only birds, but also animals. The most popular model is the decoy, with the voices of a goose, duck and elk.

Models are available with remote control, interchangeable voice chips, high power outboard speakers and so on.

How to lure?

An electronic decoy is required to be installed at a distance of at least ten meters from the ambush. Most likely, one emitter will be enough, and the amplifier will not have to be connected. Further, the hunter must select a calling cry and play it constantly, with a break of fifteen seconds. As soon as the bird appears, then the decoy must be switched to the cry of "sediment".

As an alternative to this method of lure, you can use a combination of three different summons, and then switch the device to the "draft" shout. This combination is performed only once, with a break of ten seconds. If the electronic decoy was released after 2011, then such a combination is reproduced with just one click of a button.

Hunting for a duck with an electronic decoy on an autumn flight is a separate topic. There are some peculiarities here. The device is placed in scarecrows, then, you need to set up the sound playback mode with an interval of twenty seconds. The ideal option is to choose the main species of duck, which is common in these places, in this area. You can also choose a mixed sound - duck bazaar. And then all that remains is to wait for the appearance of the first bird.

You just need to remember that you should not shoot at the first duck that appears, as a whole flock may appear behind it, which can be easily frightened off with a shot. A duck is a cautious bird and, as a rule, sends a more experienced one "for reconnaissance", and here the main thing is not to give out that the sound was created by the device.