Stoyanov igor vladimirovich. Igor Stoyanov "Person" is needed! Igor Stoyanov

Russian businessman, founder of a network of democratic beauty salons of the European standard Image Laboratory PERSONA. Today, 19 years after the opening of the first salon, Igor continues to explore the philosophy of the aesthetic business together with the students of his original training programs.

Part I

Dialogue about subtlety, creativity and new knowledge

KSENIYA FERZ: I am convinced that good taste can and must be nurtured. After all, taste is a wonderful tool: a person with taste feels comfortable in any society, he is not able to produce low-quality products, but he is able to make his life beautiful without resting on material resources. I would very much like the education of taste to be introduced into the education system. In the meantime, this is not common, what do you think, Igor, what is necessary to surround yourself with in order to instill good taste in yourself?

IGOR STOYANOV: __ To cultivate taste, you need to surround yourself with beautiful people, beautiful things, or learn to see beauty in simple things - all this is about feeling. I had to soften my feeling.

The beautiful around can soften your feeling - through your eyes; music, conversation, beautiful speech - through the ear; delicious food - through the taste; pleasant relationship, intuition - through the heart. But faster, nevertheless, it softens the feeling of a relationship between a man and a woman!

After softening, you can disidentify with your ego. And after disidentification you can understand where is personal, where is material, where is spiritual - to untangle; learn to understand where is shame, where is offense, where is guilt, where is sadness, what is joy; begin to understand how to enter practice or relationships through interest.

And through this, all of a sudden, at one point, this universal wisdom begins to manifest itself - this is this primordial beauty, which always pleases. This is awakening, this is the enlightenment that people are striving for. And the path, it seems to me, is through feeling, through ethics, through attention. I have a feeling that we are on the verge of new knowledge.

Do you mean some new wording?

Yes ... First, it is very transformational, it is not revolutionary. Secondly, it will most likely be given not through suffering, but through ethical perception - through beauty. And I have a feeling that you are looking for it.

Is the path open? Thank you. Hopefully this is timely.

Do you understand how subtle a feeling must be in order for it to transform you into an easy perception !? Not through suffering and pain, but through light perception and subtle feeling. Pictures, music, relationships, conversation, food. With the help of them there is a fine tuning to a subtle perception of the world and oneself, a feeling ...

What do you think precedes this new knowledge?

Pay attention to the Roerichs' union. Their work is called "Living Ethics". In fact, this is new knowledge - I don’t want to pronounce the word new religion - this is new knowledge, because, fortunately, there is almost no human being there.

This knowledge was passed on to Nikolai Konstantinovich through painting, and to Elena Ivanovna through text. These two genres are in no way inferior to each other and both are examples of very subtle feeling. This is an amazing path - a journey to the gates of Shambhala - to those worlds. The keys that everyone was looking for.

In the modern world of great opportunities and a hedonistic attitude, walking the path of pleasure can lead to enlightenment. This is encouraging!

Through pleasure, but subtle feeling. Through understanding that we are all interconnected, that we are all interdependent. This is such a subtle - subtle feeling. We must stop. And keep walking. One should enjoy life like a walk.

So our allies are our feelings. And what else is necessary to cultivate in oneself so as not to go into rough hedonism and consumerism?

Slowness, authenticity, attention to detail, choice of a goal, and go towards this goal, see it and lose it, show it and lose it again, find pleasure on the way and in the goal at the same time. Do not rush. Do not reject - accept.

How then to be with tasteless art, incompetence, with individuals who carry destructive vibrations, do not take responsibility for what they bring to this world? Before accepting this, you still need to be able to distribute it in the system of values, right?

Try to look at the inharmonious from the point of view of compassion, think about the state of the person who brought it in.

That is, we must take responsibility for the way we read reality ...

Certainly. We assess from the point of view of our perception. See what contemporary art is. This is the time of transformation, Therefore, all the darkness climbed onto the walls, onto paintings, into books ... And we must thank these people - delicious, tasteless - who showed it.

You have the right to relive it with them or not. This is also practice for us - to relive through impressions - paintings, exhibitions, films, dances. But you choose how you live. If you want - beautiful. If you want - tough. And all these are paths. Therefore, you can treat everything as an observer. If this is close to you, you will take this feeling with you. If this phenomenon is not very good, leave it.

You are very generous in your point of view, Igor. I think this is one of the basic properties of a noble mentality! Yet you are talking about a certain intelligibility that the mind must have. How do you pass this legibility skill to inexperienced people?

Through feelings, emotions, own experience of searching, experiments with oneself. Through word, through deed, through living. You have to be ready for this. For about six months I was in the practice of a business warrior.

And now in what incarnation are you?

Most likely a creator.

That is, you radiate creative energy in contact with any manifestation of the world?

Creativity must be practiced. If it is not practiced, it is not creativity. But if it is practiced without pleasure, then it is also not creativity. The sensual pleasure of what you are predisposed to is creativity.

So it is important to develop not just taste, but flexible creative vision?

For me, taste is creative vision.

Part II

Dialogue about integrity, aristocracy, and revolution within

IGOR STOYANOV: __ Ksenia, what do you mean by the concept of "aristocracy"?

KSENIYA FERZ: When I say aristocracy, I mean a synthesis of refined aesthetic and ethical principles.

And what are the properties of these two principles in your understanding?

Properties of aristocratic aesthetics in harmony and grandeur. It is also characterized by high quality. Aristocratic ethics is attention to everything and everyone, responsibility for one's actions. I have deduced a very laconic formula of aristocracy - the formula of five "S" ... Strength. Self-awareness. Creation. Service. Perfection.

Are there people around you who possess these rare qualities?

There is. There are not many of them. And I am looking for these pearls all the time. You are one of them. There are also generic nobles. But some examples, while retaining social privileges and ancestral property, squandered the idea of ​​the moral order of the nobility, the code of honor, and, what is most regrettable, lost the impulse of beneficial influence on the life of society.

Why do you think this happened?

Perhaps people are afraid to seem old-fashioned ... Perhaps somewhere in their self-consciousness a mistake has crept in. Under certain circumstances, it is necessary to possess personal strength in order to Consciously Serve Perfection. To preserve this cultural code, I created a magazine site

When I look for ways to revive and translate these ideals in a person, I find support in the visual factor. So you, Igor, as the patriarch of the beauty industry, can you agree with my point of view that the outer appearance of a person, brought to perfection, becomes the axis of life, and in his image not only the character and environment of a person is formed, but also his future fate?

I think we are living in an amazing time of total potential difference. I must say that your point of view that you can enter any changes through the appearance seems to me as convincing as the fact that you can enter any transformation through anything. Through food, through sex, through love, through monasticism, through yoga, through modeling, through painting, through dance.

Working through the image is the same practice as anything else. And there are hundreds of similar practices. And it doesn't matter what you go through. The important thing is not to stop. The difficulty lies in the fact that for those who have gone through the types of spiritual practices, it is very squeamish to deal with material things and they are very afraid of this.

There is a downside - these are people focused on the material, far from the spiritual. And here and there there is a kind of half-heartedness, because today one cannot exist without the other.

What do you think is necessary in order not to stop and achieve integrity?

Unfortunately, both in spiritual development and in material perfection there is a lot of external: we are all focused on the external environment - on laws, on stereotypes, on society, on assessment. Both there and there there is no personal potential, there is no own strength, therefore, understatement, incompleteness, flaw is everywhere.

Personal strength is a resource that, unambiguously, must rely on generic strength and history, on your own history and competence, which will allow you to start developing other competencies and gradually consciously expand your influence. Take, for example, the competence of a journalist. After all, they can help develop others! Because there is experience in dialogue, information collection, adaptation, squeezing, transformation.

And it seems to me that the search for one's own resource, personal support is what can now unite the material and the spiritual. This is the center. It is like the fifth element that manifests itself in a person. Like the 12 apostles who were manifested in Jesus.

Finding personal support is a great message! Who, in your opinion, is the best example of such a passage and ascent, gaining integrity?

Gautama Buddha, if you know his story ... He lived in a wealthy family. At night, the servants, so that nothing would darken his gaze, cut withered grass, gathered dry leaves - everything in the palace was fragrant. He did not leave the gates of his palace. And one night he woke up to drink some water and suddenly saw that the dancer - it was clear that everything was in a frenzy - was lying, her cheek drooped, and the second was drooling. And he realized that the world is not perfect ...

He decided to go outside the gates of his palace and met beggars and a funeral procession. And he realized that the world is not perfect! And I thought that maybe his world is also not perfect. And he began to search. That is, the potential that was given to him karmically - his parents, his relatives, his wealth - with the help of this he discovered that there are other facets and began to master them. He began to pass, study and attained enlightenment. He didn't stop.

In this case, if a person who possessed all the riches of the world found what to improve, then everyone needs to look inside themselves and find a resource for improvement ...

We are all looking to varying degrees for the experience of our parents, the experience of our soul, the previous experience of our current life. And it is very important to go your own way - to open. Because all this personal resource - this potential - is in our childhood, in our relationships - unfinished, incomplete, in past lives, in parental and ancestral ...

Look, revolutionary methods don't work anymore. Sobchak, in my opinion, is more honest than many in this sense - judging by the external manifestations - her immersion in the family, in childbirth. She looked for this revolution and found it - at least I want to believe it - inside, in love.

All the answers, they are, of course, in us, they are closer than we think. They are not in Bolotnaya, they are definitely not in the Kremlin, they are hardly in clothes. At some point, you realize that everything you do is just the language you speak. And above all with ourselves. Because by agreeing with yourself, you can broadcast something to the outside world. And you will have to start negotiating with yourself anyway ...

Igor, lately you have given a lot of master classes for entrepreneurs, and I must admit that your broadcast style is unique: you put self-awareness at the head of the business process, unlike other speakers who simply present mechanics. Please tell me what else to expect in the field of your educational projects.

I am preparing the program "12 Weekends" - an annual cycle of trainings - within the framework of which I, together with the children, will enter it not only as a mentor and master, but also as a student. That is, I will be in it in several roles. And in it I will be just like an entrepreneur. The mini model will also be broadcast in Persona.

What's new in your beauty business now? I know that you are very successful in selling franchises.

In general, beauty-related business is karmic. When you communicate through the mirror, there is magic in it, because in essence you are broadcasting yourself. The interest is that the masters attract people like themselves to you. And you, as an image maker, have probably noticed that you find or are found by people with whom you can be close with your discoveries, achievements and wounds, as well.

PERSON has had a very close look inside - at the client so far. Very high quality service of Russian craftsmen. Evelina Khromtchenko cried that in the salons of Paris or New York there are no masters who are able to style their hair in such a high quality way for the evening out as we have.

Now I focus on the partner - his vision of the concept. It could be a PERSONA beauty salon with your name on it. That is, every interested investor has the opportunity to launch his own win-win project against the backdrop of a stable brand.

Owner of the network of "Persona Lab" salons

"The marketer is the enemy of any business"

TEXT: Anton Bilzho

In 1992, 11 happy life and incredibly wealthy young people were sitting in the Marika cafe. Snickers, shuttle traders, owners of clandestine jeans making shops. Today, two of them are dead, eight from those times have nothing but sweet memories. The eleventh turned out to be the most far-sighted of all - thoughtful and laconic. Everyone was very surprised when Igor Stoyanov decided to open a hairdressing salon. Who would have thought in 1992 that you could create a 5 million dollar business by selling atmosphere.


“A woman whose life is not right can be seen right away,” says Mikhail Rantsev, administrator of one of the Persona Lab salons. “She has an unpainted head or overgrown roots. From us, such a woman comes out as a completely different person.

Mikhail stands behind a small walk-through counter in a small room, which can be seen from 4th Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street through a showcase. Behind the glass are mirrors, armchairs and bright guys in jumpers and jeans. They treat each other with sweets, joke, laugh - in general, they live their own lives. In the next room, soft striped armchairs, Venetian plaster, TVs are mounted in the walls. They show, of course, the Fashion channel. “I can't even sit at home, I'm drawn here,” says top stylist Olga Zaitseva. “There is a sense of celebration here. Everything is so bright and modern. In the corner of the room with soft armchairs, a make-up artist is talking animatedly with a client. It seems that they are old friends: you can hear either whispering or laughing.


“In 1993, I had my friend's hair cut and asked how much it costs to open a hairdressing salon,” says Igor Stoyanov, unbuttoning the buttons of a semi-military cut by Yohji Yamamoto with his powerful hands. “For some reason, I thought he should know. Now I understand that hairdressers should not ask such questions: they will definitely confuse something. He replied: well, thirty thousand. I had about this amount. When it was too late to retreat, it turned out that I was hit by 200 thousand. I had to borrow long and hard to pay.

Where did he get the first 30 thousand, Igor does not want to tell. He says that it was a time of crazy earnings. The firm "Mayak" in Chekhov, near Moscow, made flashing beacons.

- Miraculously, I was not stuck there. Dirty, gray, heavy criminal Moscow.

I just had to get through this time. By 1993, Stoyanov had already managed to study at the Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, give up his dream of creating his own school and rise to the rank of junior sergeant in the border troops. - In a year I jumped the corporal. He was the best shooter. I ran well. I built the first gym there, made sure they put chairs on the tower, because the guys had varicose veins, I made the New Year for the soldiers ... I’m probably a perfectionist. I try to live every segment of my life with pleasure.

Stoyanov managed to attract people to the first composition of Persona, whose names were widely known thanks to international competitions. Natalia Vlasova, Alexander Shevchuk, Olga Burmistrova and others worked for him.

- I immediately figured out what a hairdresser can do. To cut, to teach, to work on television. We have opened a hairdresser, a school, an image agency. It was on these three whales that they began to develop. The school raised personnel. Thanks to the image agency, we got to know TV and magazine people. We were able to advertise ourselves.

- And you easily plunged into the world of fashion after the army and the pedagogical institute?

- We did not immerse ourselves in it, we created it. Separate from everyone, from this entire nascent industry. I collected each salon bit by bit. The way my salons look, what kind of furniture they have, what walls, floors and ceilings - all this was invented by me. The main thing is the atmosphere.

It remains a mystery how the son of an engineering plant worker from the city of Togliatti was able, one after another, to create interiors where Moscow fashionistas were drawn, as he guessed trends, he matched mirrors to chairs, chairs to tables, tables to walls. Igor himself says that it's about attention and observation.

1998 “Persona” survived without great losses also thanks to his intuition. Salons "Persona-Lab", in which it was cheaper to get a haircut than in the main "Persona", appeared several months before the crisis. In just a year, they had 3 thousand regular customers.

Today 20 Persona-Lab salons represent about 5% of the beauty market, where the Persona brand is considered the most developed.

Marketers believe that the main disadvantage of the company is that it is too tied to its owner. But Stoyanov himself calls marketers the enemies of any business and is skeptical about their calculations. Says there are no perfect recipes. The surprise effect works best.

- Three years ago we released the first disc, Persona Life Style. Because I understood: this is the atmosphere that you can take home after the haircut. This is a good memory. And it worked.

Esoteric and business

Once a girl came to get a job at “Persona”, who was to make clients a perm and dye their hair. Igor noticed that she herself does not paint.

- And why? - he asked.

- Well, I think it's harmful.

- How are you going to paint people. Are you ready to deceive them and feel that you are deceiving? And then, do you really consider yourself smarter than the millions of women around the world who dye their hair? It means that you are probably wrong somewhere. This means that you can dye your hair in different ways.

“Probably,” the girl said thoughtfully. “Probably.

- You see. When you learn how to dye your hair correctly, then come to me, ”Stoyanov snapped.

He says that the basis of his case is a compromise that has to be constantly sought. With the bandits, according to him, "Persona" did not intersect, but Igor found a compromise easily with firefighters and SES.

- Gradually you realize that their requirements are our quality of service. Regardless of all these commissions, fire extinguishers and germicidal lamps are needed, and we install them.

It's really difficult, Stoyanov says, to find a compromise between visitors and employees.

Administrators of "Persona" undergo psychological training. They know the strengths and weaknesses of their hairdressers, know who is in which mood, and can determine exactly which client to refer to which hairdresser. Moreover, there are people in the HR department who are responsible for ensuring that a compatible team is selected in each salon. Yes, and Stoyanov himself, according to employees, is aware of all the details of their lives. The worst thing for Misha Rantsev and Olga Zaitseva from the salon on Tverskaya is if someone from their acquaintances tells Igor that he is unhappy with the way he was served. There are many acquaintances, it turns out tight control. So, you need to keep yourself in good shape all the time.

On the other hand, Stoyanov, who knows the details of the life of his subordinates, says that the burden of responsibility for all the people who work for him is so great that it has already brought him to a crisis several times.

- Everyone tells me: don't worry, you sell the company or something happens to you - they will quickly forget about you. For sure. But this will already be another "Person", other people, other relationships.

Once, when Igor was walking gloomier than a cloud, a hairdresser came up to him and presented him with a book by James Redfield "Celestine Prophecies". Stoyanov became seriously addicted to esotericism, thinking about self-regeneration and life balance.

- Self-regeneration is the main battery of life. I do not drink alcohol. Not that at all, but just for me this is not doping. I tried wine for the first time in 25 years. I only smoke cigars. Never smoked cigarettes. In general, I try not to waste my life on what I don't need. So sometimes you feel like a thing in yourself, a difficult person. Why be simple? Life is not a game against the wall. If you threw a ball, it doesn't necessarily come back into your hands. Most likely you just won't catch him.

Simply put, self-regeneration is relaxation. Igor loves black and white things and says that he lives in a black and white world. One way to take a break from it, for example, is to watch the movie "Kill Bill", where passions, stories and an absolute style that can not exist in life.

Balance in life is even easier. Redfield argues that if it's too good with money, then somewhere else it will be worse.

“The welfare of my family is dearer to me,” says Stoyanov.

- So, you will deliberately limit your earnings?

- No, why? We will develop. Now we are engaged in franchising. Let's go to the regions. There is a proposal to expand in Europe.

- And what will become of the balance?

- I'm not worried about the balance. One guy friend asks me: do you know why I don't like rich people in the beauty business? Because they don't know how to work for free. Here I can do the work that I like for free. And they believe that by opening expensive stores for one and a half million dollars and selling all these Brioni, Fendi, Gucci, Dolce

Gabana, they are already doing good. Have you ever thought about this?

- To keep the balance in good shape, Stoyanov teaches stylists from the orphanage at his school for free. Next year, Persona will make 70 hairdressers, ten manicure and pedicure masters, and five teenagers from two orphanages (No.50 and No.57), as well as from the 55th boarding school, as administrators.

- And in general, frankly speaking, Igor, how much money do you plan to earn without risking your life balance?

- My son is an unusual guy. I asked him: Dema, do you think a person should have a lot or enough money. And he says: enough and a little more. In principle, this formulation is close to me.


Igor buttons his black coat, puts on a black and white scarf, we go up from the hall of the school of stylists to the lobby of the Persona Lab salon on Kuznetsky Most. Stoyanov goes up to the glass, through which you can see how sociable fashionable guys are cutting, soaping and drying clients with a hairdryer.

- Here I have almost nothing that costs a lot of money, - says Igor. - Instead of signs - clean glass, on the floor - pebbles, part of the walls - unplastered brickwork. People walk on wooden decks, they are not embarrassed by the fact that they are being looked at. They play my game. These people understand how much their life depends on how they look. Their trust is what I am most afraid of losing.

The origin of the "Person"

TATIANA ANISIMOVA: Good morning friends! Today I have some news for you. The first is that business breakfasts will now be held in the new premises and I hope you will like it very much. The second piece of news is that today I am acting as a presenter and moderator, instead of the usual Roman Dusenko. And there is a third piece of news, but I'll tell you about it a little later.

And now I present to you Igor Stoyanov, the founder of the Persona concern and his partner Sergey Dvorkovich.

IGOR STOYANOV:A few words about the format. First, I will tell you about the company and its history, what point of development the company is now and where we are striving. Everything that you hear from me does not claim to be absolute truth. This is just my subjective view of things. The way I feel right now and felt then.

In 1992, I dropped out of the pedagogical institute, although 5 years ago I still received my diploma. This brought great joy to my parents. I studied at the Faculty of History. Studied boringly, but lived interestingly. And then "Person" happened. You know, in our world it is overgrown with legends and myths, and often they are much grander than reality. If someone has watched the movie "Hercules", which was released recently, then you will understand what I mean. Legends went ahead of him and instilled fear and humility in all people. Although in fact Hercules was an ordinary person. And the legend of the appearance of the Persona company is as follows: The famous restaurateur Igor Bukharov offered me to open a restaurant.

And we drove through Moscow, he stopped at Chistye Prudy, and I drove to Vorotnikovsky lane, where there was the Plant Protection station, and in 1993 a persona appeared there. The company was built intuitively, since I did not understand this business. But by the will of fate, Sasha Shevchuk, a famous stylist, appeared in the company. Probably working with Kirkorov now. And at that time he worked with everyone. With Laima, I scratched Pugacheva's parks and so on. There were probably all the stars in the person of that time. In 1994, the first persona was opened, and in 1995 we managed to create three components of the company - a salon, an image agency and a school of stylists. There was not a single famous person who was not touched by the hands of a person. Viktor Tevyaev, editor-in-chief of news at RenTV, told me that we somehow did Putin. They urgently called from the Kremlin and it was necessary to urgently make Putin. And then the group of Uma Thurman brought the girl Elena with them. And she was just starting to work at Persona. She was sent to Putin. There was a noise all around, everyone was bustling around the president, and she came up to him and said: “Something is dark here. Could you change seats? " This caused everyone an incredible shock. And he moved. And there she made up for him. I have a lot of such stories.

"The team principle is our everything!"

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: Igor spoke about the past and a little about the present. We reveal to you the inner anatomy of our ideas and invite you to join the vision of the future, and today we will invite you to participate in what we create. We look to the future, where companies operate not on stress and fear, but on creativity and realizing their own potential. And it's all about working in a team really deeply, experiencing the synergy of teamwork. The team principle is our everything. And we brought it to the level of the business structure. And we will talk about this today. Igor said that we work on the principle of a holding, where individual business units perform a unique function based on the potential for maximum concentration of the resource and talent of the participants. And they unite in a synergistic circle that runs the company. This is the inner circle that includes the leaders of the business units. By their internal combustion, they create values ​​that we will realize in the near future.

Igor, can you say a few words about quantitative indicators?

IGOR STOYANOV:I will talk about how we want to build a franchise where different technologies can be combined under the Persona brand. For example, there are three formats. Family, Lab and Club ... In Surgut we have a Persona Mobil ... This is a field service company. Now there are 12 salons in the regions and in Moscow. There is a Person Underground - these are absolutely art-play people who cut their hair according to their mood and speak to clients in a “friendly way”. These can be in different formats. The task is also to help salons that are in a difficult situation. And maybe invite them to work under the brand of a person and provide them with technology, a strong supplier, and support for internal business processes. That is, letting their business grow. That is, now we are talking about the format of mutual assistance to new and old enterprises.

"We create beauty with love!"

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: And now again about the principles. We are looking at a new type of leadership, a new type of teamwork. All this is needed to realize one simple but very capacious phrase, which is the heart of the company - we create beauty with love. How to make such a beautiful slogan become a reality and become fashionable? This is not an easy task, and we will implement it. First of all, we look at what each person is and somewhere a place where he could realize his potential. Exactly, both in a person and in a team, we pay attention to four key volumes. We look at what kind of resource and talent, creativity and intention, relationships and synergy in the team, and what is the overall contribution and legacy.

Igor speaks very beautifully and correctly about the inheritance. About what we will leave behind. Business legacy and so on. And one way or another, our work is based on the value principle, which is transmitted by each of the members of the inner circle, and this becomes the one we understand with which people work. And everyone understands that the whole team relies on the results of their activities. So now Igor will talk about specific business units that exist today.

QUESTION FROM THE HALL:Did you create it yourself or brought in experts?

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: We are experts ourselves.

IGOR STOYANOV:Structure. There is a franchising department. There is a company, a separate business unit, salon marketing (SM). These are specialized marketing specialists in the salon business. There is a school of stylists. The basis of work in a franchise network is certification, ratings and a license. We have categories: laboratory assistant, master, top master, stylist, top stylist, art director and partner.

Talent management. Moreover, it can be both managers and hairdressers and cosmetologists. Human talent management.

Digital Is the creation and shaping of everything that is included in this area. From mobile apps to ranking sites.

Finance. We would be happy if a person who knows how to create financial business models and who knows how to talentedly manage cash flows appeared in our team.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: We have it. Naturally, we are talking about another level, which allows you to feel the financial pulsation of the planet's rhythms. Who can weave the logic of financial dynamics into the development of our company. This is exactly what we are talking about.

IGOR STOYANOV:And a new concept - sales companies.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: What is a sales company? These are people who do not just sell all the products of the holding. Now the products of the holding are sold by each division. These are people who create relationships in which it is possible to realize the acquisition of the value by the client that he needs. They own the product lines at the perfect level. And can fulfill the needs of customers through the products that we have.

The management company is people who specialize in project management, no matter what industry it is in. And they have a systemic cold mind.

Digital Is the transfer of the entire business to the online environment. We are going to create a space in which the great resources of the beauty industry, cosmetology and medicine (cosmetic) will be concentrated.

Let's play in the future?

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: Now we are going to paint a picture of the future. We are an international company with 1000 showrooms around the world. Asian market, United States and Europe. Each salon has the highest level of individualization. And each salon is equipped with the latest technology. When a person enters the salon, he listens to his music, looks at his files and stylists create an external image so that it matches the internal one. There is a Russian community of 1000 members, which is a community of artisans, where different businesses are united into a single space. We also enter overseas markets through franchising where each person can buy a packaged craft kit that unfolds for them into a family-owned business.

IGOR STOYANOV:The system is built on the basis of mentoring, transfer of experience, ratings, where the client votes and the salons move according to the best ratings. That is, the elders teach the younger ones, and so on. There is a developed mentoring network.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: Works Digital net. This space Beauty market space where the attention of customers, manufacturers and business owners converges. The space allows you to instantly navigate the quality of the service, search for a partner. We promote training and certification standards, which are a selection criterion for many manufacturers.

Who would now like to participate in modeling the work of such a company in their division?

It's a game. Here you can let yourself go.

The format of the game is as follows. You need to write down strategic steps and goals.

Participants gather in a circle and start a discussion. Each player defines for himself a part of the system in which he is a specialist and proposes strategic steps.

Participants presentation

The first participants come out and present their main proposals.

PARTICIPANT 1 (DMITRY AND KIRILL): We represent a management company and we have the following proposals:

1. Development of quality standards for all divisions of the company

2. Development of a communication structure. That is, how the units communicate with each other.

3. Development of algorithms for consideration and elaboration of innovative projects. This is the withdrawal of new business units. A kind of incubator of ideas.

That is, our task is to work out a strategy and work out mechanisms.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: This is clear. That is, you do not so much develop a strategy as you ensure the implementation of the strategy in different changing markets.

PARTICIPANT 2 (IGOR): Vour field of activity includes strategic tax planning, administrative resource and current legal issues.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: Tell me, what is the unique contribution of your unit?

PARTICIPANT 2 (IGOR): As such, there is no uniqueness.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: For example, the flexibility of the uniqueness mate HR with the legislative field. We have such a person and he is very important to us. And you could somehow adapt and help him to accept the realities ...

PARTICIPANT 2 (IGOR): Undoubtedly. All act on the basis of some kind of normative acts. And so that there are no claims from any side, we will adjust this activity accordingly.

PARTICIPANT 3 (OLEG): I have been working in IT -sphere and now I am creating my own social network for people with a certain level of income. Many people know that now one of the most effective tools for promoting on the Internet is a landing page. And the person should also have landing offers.

That is, the purpose of attraction is to outline any individuals, through massive tools and professional communities.

IGOR STOYANOV:That is, you are talking about what needs to be separated from the general market of consumption groups and work for them through landing page?

PARTICIPANT 3 (OLEG): Exactly. You can also not separate online and offline promotions. These are events, partnership events.

IGOR STOYANOV:Actually, there are two main directions. This is targeting and work in narrow segments and plus events.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: How do we deal with the community aspects of vision?

PARTICIPANT 3 (OLEG): The community can promote you for money or for a sharing model.

PARTICIPANT 4 (VICTORIA): The first thing this community will unite on is the creation of its own social network Persona. Moreover, each person with a separate competence will have their own office. People with their competencies will be able to register in this social network and communicate within it. What is the customer base for each of us? These are the same people. That is, one person needs a comprehensive service. We eat in one place, we buy clothes in another, and so on. Basically, we all solve two big problems - personal life and career.

PARTICIPANT 5 (RUSTAM): I think that it is worth starting with the creation of a new portal, after that make groups according to directions in social networks. We conduct marketing research, fill it with quality content based on research. Next, make an event.

And after that, you can already create your own social network and so on.

PARTICIPANT 6 (NATALIA): Franchising is built on a strong brand. Therefore, the first step is to strengthen the brand. The second step is brand strengthening criteria. Further work on the franchise package. You need to come up with some kind of trick, thanks to which the franchisee will not be tempted to cheat or stop doing business.

Fourth step - creating legal packages

The fifth step is promotion, finding a franchisee.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: How do you plan to do this?

PARTICIPANT 6 (NATALIA): Building the base of entrepreneurs. It should be borne in mind that a potential franchisee is any person. And participation in professional franchise events.

IGOR STOYANOV:A key aspect of franchising internationally?

PARTICIPANT 6 (NATALIA): Knowledge of the local market.

PARTICIPANT 7 (VLADIMIR): Sales management. The goal is to create a legal entity that meets the needs of all departments. Let's start by knowing the needs of all departments. Further, we create a separate sales department for each of the clients.

IGOR STOYANOV:That is, we are talking about narrow segmentation?

PARTICIPANT 7 (VLADIMIR): In general, yes. This legal entity must work within the holding at transport prices. Initially, we have to work offline. We communicate personally, create a sales department and then we recruit people from the regions. They work better than Muscovites and are cheaper.

PARTICIPANT 8 (Alessandra Uspenskaya): Talent Management Units. I believe that if you do not take the territory of talent management, then there is no holistic picture and it is not clear who is responsible for what. Generally speaking, when it comes to talent management, the first word you hear a lot is recruiting, the second is training, and the third is research.

These are three principal parts. That is, first we investigate, then we select the necessary persons and train them. That is, we collect the best practices within the system and pass them on through mentoring.

PARTICIPANT 9 (TATIANA): May I also complement what Alessandra said. It is very important for us that a system is created. That is, training the salon on the job. Accordingly, there should be online learning, interesting games, etc. By the same principle that MTS has now done. The company has its own intranet, where the most ordinary ordinary employee can immediately ask an ordinary person a question. And to launch a system of regional rotation of personnel exchange. So that all employees can share best practices.

PARTICIPANT 10 (MIKHAIL): I became the head of the legal department. So there is "Person". There are business units inside the Person. There are people in the business units. Now “Persona” has a list of affiliated business partners, and since “Persona” is going to develop both in the regions and around the world, it means there must be a strategy, which banks and investment companies will be added here. This means that business units should, from the moment of development, build financial goals for 1.3.5 years. In principle, these goals should be combined in order to rationally use this or that instrument on the basis of some general strategy. For example, if we enter the Asian market, there will be completely different conditions.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: That is, the first is goals, the second is the integration of goals?

PARTICIPANT 10 (MIKHAIL): Yes. Goals provide for how much money is needed and where to send it.

SERGEY DVORKOVICH: Each person who has now presented himself is a step forward in how I can spontaneously manifest myself in a business environment. Here it is still calculated that everyone went from their best side. If anyone has any more suggestions, you can write to us. Now we will agree in more detail.

The owner of the Persona network of image laboratories, Igor Stoyanov, dreamed of becoming a teacher. In 1989, after the army, he entered the history faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University, but never finished it. In 1994 he founded his first beauty salon, which paid off in a year and a half. Now "Persona" is a holding with annual turnover more than $ 10 million, which includes over 70 salons, an image agency and a school of stylists, a center for physical excellence, an urban SPA, as well as a cafe “Persona. Life style".

In the 1990s, we did not choose, but the time chose us, - says Igor Stoyanov. - I wasn’t particularly good at trading. Then all mediated, one carriage was sold for 20 people, but that was not my story. It all started with a clean slate... I can hardly remember the details. I remember how Igor Bukharov and I were looking for a place for a restaurant. As a result, he found premises in the Rolan Bykov fund and opened Nostalgie, and I found a site on Mayakovka and opened my first salon.

There was no Eureka. Well, maybe I dreamed something in my dream, for example, interiors. I just had an idea to make a custom hairdressing salon. As a result, a trend turned out - we created an idea of ​​how a beauty salon of the new era should look like. Standard hairdressing salons of the same design and style are yesterday.

The team came together easily. Someone brought Sasha Shevchuk. Then fate brought me together with Olya Burmistrova. I bought two bouquets of flowers -

with one I went to Dolores Kondrashova to ask Burmistrov for permission, with the other - in City Luka to ask Shevchuk away. It was arrogance, but, on the other hand, I acted openly, and openness is one of our principled approaches. I arrived, introduced myself: “I am Igor Stoyanov, I am opening a beauty salon. Your employees want to come to me. " This is how they began to develop.

In 1994 there was one salon and I was alone. Then a team, a bureau, an office appeared. Now our network outgrows in the holding. And no one taught me this, I had to invent everything on the go.

I do not see for myself competitors in this market. None of the chains is the market leader. It was not the hairdressers who built this market and created it since 1994 (excluding Dolores Kondrashova, who influenced and continues to influence the market). Alexander Mysin, owner of Mysin Studio, says in his interviews that only a professional hairdresser can create a good salon, since a layman is not able to select a competent team. Mysin is one of the few Russian masters who truly deserves respect. In fact, it's hard to do business with a hairdressing brain in this city. You see, I have 70 salons, Mysin has three or four. I do not meddle in the creative process, for this I have a special certification system for hairdressers and stylists. And Mysin won't go far if he doesn't grow from a hairdresser to an entrepreneur. When you have seven salons, you can visit each of them once a week and check how things are going. Our task is to make a systematic approach. The world is changing, the time for large networks is coming.

In 1994, we did several important things, and this is where our uniqueness began. Firstly, it was the Persona image agency, which invented the television image-kership in this country as a class. We created the first stars of musical television - Tutta Larsen, Alexander Anatolyevich, Aurora, Pryanikov. In 2000, we changed Vesti into RTR, made a team of young yuppies out of Soviet announcers. For their work they got the opportunity to have a large number of television advertisements. Secondly, we created a school, and since then the best specialists teach here, and our students receive a real profession. Thirdly, in 1998 we made the first salon of the "Persona lab" type, which formed an average price on the market - 600 rubles. for a haircut, that is, $ 30. This is how much a haircut costs all over the world.

In our business, as in the restaurant business, location plays a significant role. I always go to see places myself. If you want to know the details, then I always tell the story that I read from Haruki Murakami. In A Clockwork Bird, the protagonist's uncle opened restaurants. He himself came to the place, sat down in a cafe nearby and looked at the streams of people passing by. If he understood that he was finding a human compromise with more than half of these people, he would open a restaurant. I have the same approach. I come to the place several times, sit in the car, look at people. Then I study the room, the energy of the place is important to me.

Business and Financial Markets.200 (706) 30.11.2007.

Making an effective presentation 2

The ability to make a presentation is a key business skill that enables you to communicate information, present ideas and persuade people of the strengths of your argument. There are several points you need to understand and follow. They are:

    the aim of any presentation is to describe or characterize an object or an idea;

    a presentation should have a clearly-defined structure with three main sections:

    introduction in which the objectives are made clear,

    body with three or four main points,

    conclusion with a strong summary;

to make a presentation effectively you need to get prepared:

  • make a plan of your talk;

    write detailed notes of what you will say;

    use clear and simple language with short sentences;

    practice your presentation to make sure that your talk fits the time schedule

giving your presentation you should speak clearly and fairly slowly,

  • face the audience and make eye contact with them, do not read from the script.

Ex.21. Read the phrases in the box. They can be useful for organizing and

sequencing points in a presentation. Match the phrases with the steps.

my second point is so first, I'm going to tell you about

my objective is now let me summarize the main points

now I’ll come to my last point I’ve divided my talk into three parts

the subject of my presentation is first, ... second, ... third

so to sum up firstly, ... secondly, ... thirdly, ... finally

introduction _______________________________________________________

body _______________________________________________________

conclusion _______________________________________________________

Ex.22. Work in groups of two and prepare a three-minute presentation explaining how a person without a famous name and money can start a successful business. Practice your presentation, then make your presentation to the other groups.

Member Name: Igor Stoyanov

Age (birthday): 23.07.1969

City: Zaporozhye (Ukraine), Moscow

Education: Moscow Pedagogical University

Job: businessman

Family: married, have children

Found an inaccuracy? Correct the profile

Read from this article:

Igor Stoyanov was born in Ukraine in the Cossack city of Zaporozhye on July 23, 1969. A year later, the family moved to live in Togliatti. There he graduated from high school. In 1987, Igor left his hometown. He went to serve in the army. He began to study at the capital's pedagogical university in 1989. His choice fell on the Faculty of History.

Career achievements

In the mid-90s, Igor founded the first beauty salon. Now he owns a national network of image laboratories, which are actively developing. More than 40 branches have been opened in Moscow alone.

Stoyanov started his business from scratch. It was incredibly difficult. I had to borrow money, and then deal with getting it back as soon as possible. But it was not only difficult, but also motivated to active work. Since there was no business culture in the market, they had to look for ways to survive.

Persona salons are focused on ordinary people, and communication with them helped Stoyanov a lot. He learned to love life by looking at them.

The clients of the network are both those people who come by metro, and those who ride Bentleys, and even pensioners do not pass by. In 2000, the business began to bear fruit, long queues began to appear in the salons. The salons were able to withstand even 3 crises.

Stoyanov himself also teaches management in the beauty industry and the medical business. He holds conferences where he shares his stories on how to develop a real mature business from a simple startup.

Of course, the businessman notes that it is very difficult to run a network of salons. More than once he had to face problems, but this helped him to reassess his business and draw the right conclusions. Difficulties arise in order to find personnel.

He had thoughts to leave the business forever, but now he is ready to share his experience with everyone. For this reason, he even began to consider writing a book. I even came up with the name "How to be happy in business" for her.

Participation in the show "Now I'm the boss"

In 2018 he took part in the show "Now I'm the Boss!" on Friday TV channel. He switched places with the business woman. This is a young and energetic girl, but she does not have the proper experience. For 3 days she will take on the responsibility of managing a large network of the beauty industry.

Stoyanov himself must take up the pumping of a small beauty salon, introduce the use of the new technological center of Sberbank into it and show in practice how these methods can be useful for business.

Personal life

Igor is married, but affectionately continues to call his wife “my girlfriend”. They have 2 children. He speaks of his wife with special admiration, responding that he admires her subtlety and ability to communicate with people, to be attentive. He notes that she is constantly working on herself, which motivates him to become better.

Igor Stoyanov is fond of meditation. He often listens to relaxing music. In fact, he notes that he does not set goals such as going to the gym or swimming. He always relies on his sensation and does what he wants necessary.