Registration of an entrepreneur in the tax authorities. Registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. What documents are needed to open an IP and how to fill them out

Legal registration of IP does not require:

  • presence of a legal address (you can use your home address);
  • the presence of authorized capital (an individual entrepreneur can start a business from scratch, this does not bother the tax authorities);
  • the presence of employees (an LLC with one founder must have at least a general director in the state, which means that you will have to conduct personnel records management, pay salaries, make contributions to extra-budgetary funds, conduct a special assessment of jobs, etc. IP does not have such problems. If he needs workers, he has the right to hire them, if they are not needed, he can work independently).

The package of documents for registration, respectively, is also much smaller compared to an LLC.

Registration of IP activities

The IP registration process consists of the following steps:

  • the choice of the types of activities that the entrepreneur plans to carry out, and the selection of the corresponding OKVED codes;
  • choice of taxation system (the choice of the tax regime is directly related to the types of activities, as well as the volume and characteristics of the expected turnover);
  • preparation of documents for the tax authorities (requires careful work, since, in the event of legal or technical errors, the tax authorities will refuse to register);
  • submission of a package of documents to the tax office (you can submit documents in person or through a representative by proxy, you can also register an individual entrepreneur online, but for this you will have to first issue a digital signature);
  • receipt of documents in the tax office (now only the USRIP Record Sheet is issued on paper, an extract from the register is provided only in electronic format);
  • obtaining statistics codes and certificates of registration with extra-budgetary funds;
  • obtaining other permits, if any, are required for the implementation of the relevant types of activities (for example, registration with Rospotrebnadzor).

IP registration - price in 2019

Many are worried about registering an IP 2019 price, namely, what it consists of and how to save on it.

The price of registering an IP this year consists of:

  • the cost of the state duty (eight hundred rubles);
  • the cost of obtaining a digital signature, if necessary (one thousand rubles);
  • the cost of notary services (if documents are submitted through a representative);
  • the cost of the services of a representative (if there is no desire to go to the Federal Tax Service on your own);
  • the cost of consulting services (preparation of a package of documents, assistance in choosing OKVED codes and the optimal taxation regime, consultations with a lawyer and an accountant).

New for 2019: in the case of electronic submission of documents with a digital signature, the state duty is not charged. However, in this case, it is necessary to pay for the registration of the EDS.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur in Moscow on a turnkey basis costs about five to seven thousand rubles (legal services) + payment of state duty or registration of an EDS. If you do not have the time and desire to personally deal with registration issues (prepare documents, visit the tax office, issue an EDS), immediately choose the “turnkey IP registration” service. If you want to take on some of the questions yourself, you also have the opportunity to order only those specific tasks that you need (for example, preparing documents). In this case, the final cost of registration will depend on which of the necessary actions you are ready to perform yourself, and which ones you would like to delegate to professionals.

What documents are needed to open a sole proprietorship in 2020? The folder is not large, only 3 or 4 completed forms ... But they need to be issued in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Tax Service, which are much more. In this article, we will tell you what paperwork is required to open your own business and try to warn against common mistakes that lead to refusal to create a business ...

Over the past year, more than 800,000 individuals have registered as individual entrepreneurs in Russia. Statistics prove that Russians are ready to start their own business, even in the face of an economic crisis.

Today, you can submit documents for opening an IP () both through the authorized tax authority and at the place of residence.

List of documents for registration of IP

To register with the Federal Tax Service you will need:

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. (optional).

The list is given in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs”.

What is not included in the main list:

  • For foreign citizens, you will need to submit a copy of identity documents and confirming the right to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • For a minor citizen, it is necessary to submit a notarized consent of the parents (guardians) or a copy of the marriage certificate. Another option is to submit a copy of the decision of the guardianship authorities or the court decision on recognizing the citizen as capable.
  • If you intend to work in a direction related to the participation of minors (education, recreation, upbringing, medical care, etc.), then you will need a criminal record certificate. In the presence of a criminal record, it is necessary to obtain a decision from the commission for minors and the protection of their rights on admission to entrepreneurial activities in the mentioned area.
  • If you have heard about, you don’t have to worry, an individual entrepreneur does not need it. It is submitted during registration only by LLC.

Conditions that will not allow you to become an individual entrepreneur (even if you receive the necessary documentation):

  • If you are already listed as an individual entrepreneur, or a year has not passed since the date of declaring bankrupt.
  • If the period has not expired, which prohibits you by a court decision from engaging in entrepreneurial activities.

Instructions for filling out documentation for individual entrepreneurs

Application for registration of IP in the form R21001

The vast majority of refusals are made due to banal errors in filling out P21001: an incorrect word wrap will cause the application to be “rejected” by the computer during verification. The Federal Tax Service has introduced automatic (machine) processing of paperwork submitted to open a business, and this innovation has become an "Achilles heel" for novice businessmen. Not everyone can correctly fill out an application for opening an IP the first time, because the requirements for filling out specially developed by the Federal Tax Service take more than 40 pages.

How to fill in 21001 correctly:

1. Appendix No. 20 to the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2012 ММВ-7-6/ [email protected] establishes the requirements for completing the application. From the first time, it is not easy to take into account all the rules for spacing and hyphenation, font size and type, to follow the rules for abbreviations of address objects, the rules for aligning letters and numbers, etc., to put it mildly. Formatting is irrelevant, but makes information for the computer: it is important that the machine evaluates the data correctly.

How to simplify the process and protect yourself from mistakes?

  1. Fill out a sample application. Here you will have to rely on your attentiveness and knowledge of the requirements for the design of forms.
  2. Use the online service. These are programs with an intuitive interface that “lead” you step by step from sheet to sheet. They already automatically contain the requirement to comply with the formatting: the software will correctly arrange and transfer words, suggest the necessary abbreviations, and will not allow you to make a mistake. The service is also popular on the website of the Federal Tax Service, although, according to user reviews, it is not always available due to resource congestion. It is not difficult to find such sites on the Internet: type in the search engine “online service for registering IP”. We described the experience and result of working in one such free service in the article "".

2. TIN, if available, must be indicated.

3. Indicate the main and additional OKVED codes in sheet A. We select the codes from four digits onwards (for example, 45.20, 45.20.1, etc.). The OKVED-2 classifier is up-to-date, entered into force on July 11, 2017. You can enter as many codes as you like in the form, the number is not limited. Indicate the code of your preferred (main for you) direction in the field "code of the main activity" (for a number of codes you need to submit an application). But remember that .

4. Do not sign P21001 in advance if you bring it to the tax office in person: this is done in the presence of an inspector. If you entrust the delivery of documents to an authorized person, then first certify the power of attorney and your signature on the application by a notary.

5. Blank sheets (for example, page 3 for a Russian citizen) are not attached.

6. The completed form is printed on one side of the sheet and only in black.

7. In field 7.1 on page 2 for a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, 21 is indicated. Codes for other documents are contained in Appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Federal Tax Service dated January 25, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected]

8. It is advisable to print sheet B in two copies: some IFTS prefer to give you a sheet in your hands with a note about the acceptance of documents.

9. Until now, different inspections interpret the question of whether applicants need to staple papers in different ways. You can only establish the truth in your tax office, usually it is enough to call the hotline.

For a better idea of ​​what a correctly completed application looks like, we offer you a sample of it.

Receipt of payment of state duty for registration of IP

The receipt of payment of the state fee is another mandatory document. But even if you honestly sent the state 800 rubles for registration as an individual entrepreneur, but not for those details, then you are guaranteed a refusal. Thus, the first task is to find out where to pay and for what details. Consider a couple of cases where

Ways to pay and receive a receipt:

  1. Receipt through the service of the tax service. We gave a detailed overview of the program in the article. The service of the Federal Tax Service takes into account the internal features in the structure of the tax authorities, which do not always “lie on the surface”. You can generate a receipt without thinking about the details of your tax office: enter your full name, TIN and address of residence in the form. No commission is charged for the service.
  2. At the regional MFC. When contacting through a local multifunctional center, you need to pay for other details (the service will automatically fill in the receipt with the necessary data). You will only have to save and print the resulting pdf file.
  3. through the bank's website. When paying the state duty through online banking, you will save even more time.

If you cannot use the service of the Federal Tax Service or another online program, then contact the territorial tax office and request details for paying the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur. Next, go to the bank or post office, take the form and carefully fill in the fields with the details received from the tax office. A sample of a completed Sberbank receipt looks like this:

Documents for registration of IP | A sample of filling out a receipt for state duty 2020

Please note that in the purpose of payment, you must specify the "State duty for registration as an individual entrepreneur." Do not forget to indicate the TIN, payment amount and date.

We hope that the recommendations will help you quickly and at no extra cost to become the owner of a certificate: you must issue it to you along with a certificate of tax registration within 3 days from the date of receipt of the documents). You may also be interested in or.

To consolidate the information and learn everything about the registration documentation of an individual entrepreneur, we recommend watching this video:

Please share your opinion and ask questions in the comments to the article.

Documents for opening an IP in 2020 on your own updated: December 30, 2019 by: All for IP

Any resident of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 18 can register as an individual entrepreneur. Minors from 14 to 18 years old can also do this, but only with the consent of their parents, and, in this case, they will need additional documents.

2. What documents are needed for registration of IP?

  • original passport (notarized copies of all pages of the passport, if you submit documents by mail or through a representative, as well as if you apply through the My Documents public services center);
  • copies of all pages of the passport;
  • Please note: if you are applying in person, by mail or through a representative, the application must be completed but not signed; the signature on the application is put in the presence of a tax inspector when submitting documents or in the presence of a notary."> completed application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (form No. Р21001);
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (using the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can generate a receipt for its payment at any bank or pay online);
  • a notarized power of attorney for a representative (if you submit documents through a representative);
  • For an applicant aged 14 to 18, one of the following documents is additionally required:
    • notarized consent of parents (legal representatives) to carry out entrepreneurial activities by a person registered as an individual entrepreneur;
    • a copy of the marriage certificate by the person registered as an individual entrepreneur;
    • a copy of the decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority or a copy of the court decision declaring a person registered as an individual entrepreneur as fully capable.
    "> additional documents
    if a minor between the ages of 14 and 18 is registered as an individual entrepreneur.

Note! From January 1, 2019, when sending documents for state registration in electronic form, including through the My Documents public services center and a notary, it is not necessary to pay a state fee.

3. Where can I submit documents?

You can register as an individual entrepreneur at the place of registration indicated in the passport. If the place of registration is not indicated in the passport, then the state registration of an individual entrepreneur can be carried out at the place of residence. You can apply:

  • personally or through a representative to the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46. You can make an appointment online on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • online using a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service. In this case, you will need a qualified;
  • by mail with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment to the address: 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, house 3, building 2, Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for the city of Moscow. Within the territory of Moscow, documents can also be sent and received via DHL Express and Pony Express;
  • through a notary in the form of electronic documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature (notary services are paid).

If you are registered at the place of residence in the Central, Southwestern or Northeastern administrative districts, an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur can also be submitted at the My Documents public services center:

  • residents of the Basmanny district - in the center of public services "My Documents" of the Basmanny district at the address: Tsentrosoyuzny lane, house 13, building 3;
  • residents of all districts of the Central Administrative District (including Basmanny) - in the center of public services "My Documents" of district significance in the Central Administrative District at the address: Presnenskaya embankment, house 2, shopping and entertainment complex "Afimall City";
  • residents of the SWAD - in the center of public services "My Documents" of district significance in the SWAD at the address: Novoyasenevsky Prospect, Building 1, shopping and entertainment center "Spektr";
  • residents of the North-East Administrative District - in the center of public services "My Documents" of urban significance at the address: Mira Avenue, house 119, building 71, pavilion of the All-Russian Exhibition Center No. 71.

4. When will the documents be ready?

The term for consideration of the application is 3 working days. You can find out if the documents are ready at the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 or online using a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

You can receive ready-made documents by e-mail, by paper letter by mail, as well as at Inspectorate No. 46 (in person or through a representative) - depending on which method you indicated when submitting the application.

Note! Certificates of registration of individual entrepreneurs from January 1, 2017 are not issued. Upon registration, you will receive a record sheet from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP) and a notice of registration of an individual with a tax authority.

5. How to restore a certificate of registration of IP?

From January 1, 2017, certificates of registration of individual entrepreneurs are not issued. The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is maintained in electronic form. You can only get the USRIP record sheet:

  • in electronic form (registration is required on the website of the Federal Tax Service);
  • on paper.

Providing EGRIP information online is free. To obtain an EGRIP entry sheet on paper, you will need to pay a state duty, as well as submit the following documents:

  • identity document;
  • written request (drawn up in any form);
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (using the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service, you can generate a receipt for its payment at any bank or pay online).

You can submit documents to the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46. Appointments can be made online on the FTS website.

You can also get information from the USRIP record sheet, for this you need to submit documents to.

6. Do I need to inform the tax office about changes in personal registration data?

If you have changed your surname, registration at the place of residence, passport, then you do not need to report this to the tax office. If it is necessary to change other data in the register (for example, you stopped doing one type of economic activity and started doing another), then you need to report this to the tax office. Documents must be submitted within three working days from the date of change of information.

To make changes you will need:

  • an application for amendments to the information about an individual entrepreneur contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (form No. Р24001);
  • copies of documents on the basis of which changes will be made.

Documents can be submitted:

  • personally or through a representative by a notarized power of attorney to the interdistrict inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46. You can make an appointment online on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • by mail with a declared value and an inventory of the attachment to the address: 125373, Moscow, Pokhodny proezd, house 3, building 2, Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 46 for the city of Moscow. (within Moscow, documents can also be sent and received via DHL Express and Pony Express);
  • online using a special service on the website of the Federal Tax Service. In this case, you will need a qualified one.

It will be possible to receive the USRIP record sheet in 5 working days by mail or at inspection No. 46 (in person or through a representative), depending on which method you indicated when submitting the application.

An individual entrepreneur (IP) is a person who does business officially, but without forming a legal entity. He does not have to keep accounting and open a bank account, but entrepreneurial risks fall on personal property.

Any capable citizen (except civil servants and military) can become an individual entrepreneur. The procedure is quite simple.

How to register an IP

1. Decide on the types of activities

Do you bake cakes? Do you repair cars? Take a look at the All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED) and find the code corresponding to your occupation.

OKVED codes must be entered in the application for registration of IP: one main and several additional ones.

Additional codes will come in handy if you decide to expand or repurpose your business. It is illegal to earn by something that does not fall under the codes specified during registration.

To engage in certain types of activities (medicine, passenger transportation, and so on), a license is required, and a number of areas for individual entrepreneurs are closed. For example, individual entrepreneurs are not entitled to sell alcohol and produce medicines.

2. Choose a taxation system

It depends on the amount of taxes and the amount of reporting. Therefore, it is better to decide on it even before opening an IP.

There are currently five tax regimes in Russia.

  1. General system of taxation (OSN or OSNO). It involves the payment of VAT (18%), personal income tax (13%) and property tax (if any). This is one of the most complex systems - you can't do without an accountant. Suitable for entrepreneurs planning to cooperate with large organizations.
  2. Simplified taxation system (USN). Allows you to select the object of taxation: income (then the tax rate will be 6%) or income minus expenses (the rate will be from 5 to 15% depending on the region). This is the most simple and beginner-friendly system. But only individual entrepreneurs who have less than a hundred employees, and the annual profit does not exceed 60 million rubles, can use it.
  3. Patent taxation system (PSN). Introduced specifically for individual entrepreneurs who have less than 15 employees and a profit of no more than 60 million rubles a year. Valid only for certain types of activities. An entrepreneur simply buys a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months and keeps a book of income and expenses - no regular payments and declarations.
  4. Single tax on imputed income (UTII). Applicable only for selected types of activities (Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) and not in all regions. UTII does not depend on profit. The tax is calculated according to a special formula, which is affected by the scale of the business (sales area, number of employees, and so on).
  5. Single agricultural tax (ESKhN). Another simplified system without VAT, income tax and property tax. Suitable for those who grow, process or sell agricultural products.

When registering an IP, the OSN automatically enters into force. You can switch from it to the USN or ESHN within 30 days, to PSN - within 10, and to UTII - 5 days. If you are late, you will have to wait for a new reporting period.

3. Prepare a package of documents

To apply to the Federal Tax Service (FTS) you will need:

  1. Application form P21001.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  3. Passport + its copy.
  4. Application for the transition to the simplified tax system, PSN, UTII or UAT (optional).
  5. TIN (if not available, it will be assigned when registering an individual entrepreneur).

You can submit documents to the tax office in person or through a representative, as well as send by registered mail with a list of attachments. In the latter case, a copy of the passport and an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur must be certified by a notary.

4. Make an application for registration of IP

Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (form P21001) is the most important document in the entire package. Due to errors, it most often refuses to open an IP.

The application must be completed in capital letters on a computer (font - Courier New, size - 18 pt) or in black ink and block letters by hand. On the first sheet, indicate your full name, gender, date and place of birth, TIN (if any). On the second - the address of registration and passport data. The code of your subject of the Russian Federation and the code of the identity document can be found in the requirements for paperwork, and the postal code can be found on the Russian Post website.

When filling out the application, do not sign sheet B. This is done in the presence of a tax inspector.

Are you afraid to get confused in the requirements and make mistakes? Use one of the free document preparation services. There are a lot of these on the Internet now.

5. Pay the state duty

To do this, on the website of the Federal Tax Service there is a service "Payment of state duty". First, select a payment type. Enter the full name and address of the payer. The details of the required tax office will automatically appear on the receipt.

Now you need to specify the payment method. For cash payment, print and pay a receipt at any bank.

IP registration costs 800 rubles. This is the size of the stamp duty.

For non-cash payment, a TIN number is required. You can pay online through a QIWI wallet or a partner bank of the Federal Tax Service.

6. Submit documents for registration to the tax

An individual entrepreneur can build a business throughout Russia, but he will have to open an IP at the place of registration (registration).

You can submit documents for registration of an individual entrepreneur in person by visiting the tax office or the MFC, or remotely:

  1. Through the service "Submission of electronic documents for state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" (an electronic signature is required).
  2. Through the service "Filing an application for state registration of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities".

The last way is the easiest. You will have to go to the tax office only once to pick up documents on opening an IP.

7. Get an IP registration document

After 3 working days, you will be given an entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP). It will indicate the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP).

A paper certificate of registration of IP is no longer issued.

Be sure to check the data in the received documents. If you find a mistake, ask the inspector to draw up a protocol of disagreements.

8. Get registered with extrabudgetary funds

The tax inspectorate must notify the Pension Fund (PFR) and Rosstat about the appearance of a new individual entrepreneur in Russia.

A certificate of registration with the FIU and statistics codes will be issued to you upon receipt of the USRIP sheet or sent by mail. If this does not happen, contact the local branch of the Pension Fund yourself.

You need to register with the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) within 30 days from the date of hiring the first employee.

9. Print, open a bank account, buy a cash register

All this is optional and highly dependent on the type of activity, but:

  1. Documents sealed with a seal have more weight in the minds of customers and partners.
  2. It is much more convenient to settle accounts with counterparties and pay taxes in a non-cash form through the current account of an individual entrepreneur.
  3. In most cases, you cannot accept cash from customers without issuing a check.

That's all. Nine easy steps and you are an individual entrepreneur!

Registration of an individual entrepreneur in Moscow is possible under one condition: if the applicant's passport has a capital residence permit. This can be a registration at the place of residence or temporary registration (this option is only suitable if the individual does not have a permanent place of residence in another locality of the Russian Federation). One way or another, a stamp is required confirming that a potential individual entrepreneur lives in Moscow legally and, therefore, he has the right to launch commercial activities here.

Where to register an individual entrepreneur in Moscow

Which tax office registers an individual entrepreneur in Moscow? Exclusively Interdistrict IFTS No. 46. As you can see, there is an exact answer to the question of where to register an IP in Moscow - with coordinates in Yandex.Maps.


It is useless to disturb the tax authorities at the place of residence: they do not deal with registration procedures there, so they will still be redirected to the 46th. If subsequently the entrepreneur needs to change the information in the registration documents, he also needs to contact this inspection. But tax calculations and reporting are controlled by the body at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur, so you will be registered with the tax authority at the Federal Tax Service, on whose territory your home address is located.

Preparation of documents for registration of IP in Moscow

Muscovites prepare a standard package of documents for everyone to register an individual entrepreneur and submit it in the same order as residents of other Russian cities. This includes:

  1. IP registration application. The application provides a field reserved for the TIN. If the applicant does not have it, then the registration will take a little longer than it could, because first the individual will be registered and assigned a TIN, and only then they will deal with the issue of assigning him the status of an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Copy of an identity document. As a rule, this is a passport. A copy of the passport is required in a single copy.
  3. Copy of TIN certificate. Also only one.
  4. Receipt for payment of the fee. For registration of an individual entrepreneur in Moscow or another city, it is supposed to pay to the treasury, and the amount is not returned even in the event of a negative decision. Fortunately, the amount is small - 800 rubles will not hit the wallet. The duty is paid either at the bank or at the tax office through the terminal.
  5. Application for the transition to "simplified". This document is not mandatory, but it is often drawn up, because other tax regimes have yet to be sorted out, and everyone knows that it is much more profitable than the general taxation system. Fill out the application in two copies, one remains in the tax office, one - on hand.

If an individual entrepreneur in Moscow wants to register, then this opportunity is available for him if he has a residence permit or a temporary residence permit. Documents for registering an individual entrepreneur in Moscow in his case are a standard package, however, they are required to add a notarized translation of the passport and, if necessary, a translation of the birth certificate. In general, the procedure for preparing and submitting documents for foreign citizens is the same as for Muscovites with a Russian passport.

Submission and receipt of documents for registration of IP in Moscow

Upon arrival at the 46th tax applicant for the status of an individual entrepreneur, he receives a coupon and waits for the turn to reach him. As a rule, this does not take much time. Communication with an employee of the registration authority also proceeds quickly: he accepts documents, asks to sign the application and issues a receipt for receiving the papers. The applicant must have a passport and the original TIN certificate with him.

Starting from 2020, it will take only three working days from the date of submission of documents to open an IP in Moscow. The exact date is indicated in the receipt. This receipt must be taken with you by appearing at the IFTS on “Day X”. Keep in mind that if you do not arrive on time, then the IP registration certificate, the notice of registration with the Federal Tax Service and the extract from the Unified State Register of IP will be sent by mail to your home address. In this case, the term for receiving documents depends on the work of the post office.

Registration of sole proprietorship on a turnkey basis or independently

For those who do not have time to delve into the intricacies of the state registration of individuals as individual entrepreneurs, a service has been created. The service is provided by our partners and includes the following options:

  • advising on the registration of individual entrepreneurs,
  • preparation of documents by specialists,
  • customer support,
  • obtaining registration documents,
  • getting statistics codes,
  • making a seal and opening a current account (optional)

Among the additional expenses are notary services and a registration fee (for an individual entrepreneur this is 800 rubles).

Just enter your details following the prompts of the system, and in 15 minutes you will be able to print out the documents for registering your individual entrepreneur and a detailed checklist of registration actions.