Scenario for the closing of the exhibition of children's creativity. Scenario for the opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts "Thread of Magic" Scenario for a tour of the exhibition of arts and crafts

Closing scenario for the semi-annual exhibition at the Center for Children's Education "Patterns of Creativity"

Target: honoring talented and gifted children based on the results of a six-month
exhibition of arts and crafts "Patterns of creativity".

promote children's applied art;
stimulate interest in the educational process in creative associations;
foster a sense of fellowship and co-creation.
Participants: students of creative associations of the Center for Children's Education "Horizon"
Age: 7 to 12 years old
A melody sounds.
Children come up, look at the decorated exhibition of works.

They are met in the hall by two presenters.
Presenter 1: Hello guys!
Boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart,
Dear kids!
Host 2: Comrades adults, and you - hello!
I don't have more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again, I say to everyone, everyone, everyone - Hello!
Sounds like a melody
Presenter 1: What well-mannered guests have come to visit us today. But if you are so diligent and well-mannered, then you probably know all the magic words?
Host 2: Let's check.
Presenter 1: Invented by someone simply and wisely
At a meeting, say hello ... (Good morning)
Good morning to suns and birds
Good morning to smiling faces.
And everyone becomes kind, trusting.
And good morning will last until the evening.
Presenter 2: The old stump is green,
When he hears ... (Good afternoon)
The boy is polite and developed,
He says when meeting ... (Hello)
Ice block melts
From the word warm ... (thank you)
When scolded for pranks,
We say "I'm sorry ..." (please)
Presenter 1: If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mom we ... (thank you)
Both France and Denmark
They say goodbye (goodbye)
To all of you with much love
We wish you good ... (health)
Host 2: It is immediately clear that polite guys have gathered in the hall.
Presenter 1: Both polite and creative. And all the works (show around) surrounding us at this wonderful exhibition are a vivid confirmation of this!
Host 2: Just look around, how many wonderful works are presented here today. Here are amazing paper crafts, exclusive beadwork, knitwear, entertaining paintings painted with paints and unusual paintings from ordinary cereals, as well as crafts made from waste material.
Presenter 1: Guys, are there any masters among you who have performed these works?
Children's answers:
Presenter 2: And what a fabulous beauty of work from salt dough. Here is one of those works, check it out! Are there guys who work in this technique?
Children's answers:
Presenter 1: See how many unique works knitted from ordinary yarn. Well done, real needlewomen. And who are the needlewomen, you know? Many of you know how to make miracles from threads?
Children's answers:
Host 2: That's how many talents we have gathered in the hall!
Presenter 1: Here, new stars are born once again today, and you could not miss this magical event.
Presenter 1: So, we are announcing the opening of the awards ceremony for the semi-annual exhibition of arts and crafts “Patterns of Creativity”!
musical beat
Host 2: This year's submissions will be judged in the following categories:
"Artists" (drawings in any technique);
"Paper craftsman" (paper products);
"Needlework" (works from fabric, from threads, from yarn, beads);
"Sculptors" (works from salt dough, from plasticine);
"Orders of creativity" (works from waste material);
"Nature and fantasy" (works from natural material);
"Golden Hands" (works submitted for online voting).
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: An artist, just like a poet...
The plot is experiencing...
It leaves a mark on the soul...
Don't know about the consequences...
Host 2: Let him create his own masterpieces...
To make our world much brighter...
It's morning, he's still awake...
He works to make us richer.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Artists". In this nomination, the works of students of the children's associations "Dreamers" and "Colorit" are presented. Exhibition works are made in traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques.
Host 2: Being an artist is fun and exciting! I wanted to, I drew a castle for myself, I wanted to fly, I drew a plane, the main thing would be desire. And probably everyone will agree with us that everyone loves to draw. Someone is better at depicting animals for someone people ... and now we invite you to show your skills in fine art.
Competition - game
Music screensaver
"Union of Artists"
Two teams take the stage. Two paper sheets and felt-tip pens for each team are prepared in advance. Each team member receives a piece of paper where a certain object or phenomenon is written, that is, what he must draw. The team gets up in a certain sequence and as soon as the music begins to play, the team begins to draw in turn the objects written on the pieces of paper on the paper. The task is to draw a harmonious beautiful picture.
1 sheet: "House"
2 sheet: "Fruit Garden"
3 sheet: "Family"
4 sheet: "Sky with a Rainbow"
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Artists" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: I am a paper plane
Made it myself today.
To with the birds in flight
My plane soared -
I will throw it with my hand
High under the clouds.
- Come back, my good,
Goodbye, for now.
Music screensaver
Host 2: Nomination "Paper affairs master". In this nomination, the works of students of the children's associations "Dreamers", "Color", "Little Craftsman" are presented.
Presenter 1: Paper is one of the main assistants in creative undertakings. From it you can make an application, voluminous and flat. You can gradually make some kind of animal using the origami technique. In almost all creative undertakings, paper is indispensable. Raise your hands, who at least once in your life made. Something out of paper. Well, since you are such experienced craftsmen, prove it to us.
Competition - game
Music screensaver
"My paper plane"
Three wishing people come out in front of them are leaflets. The task of the guys on the team is to make an airplane out of leaves and launch it so that it reaches a certain distance. If you do not get a penalty point and a new one until the winning flight.
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Paper Maker" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Seconds are knocking like knitting needles
In the hands, obedient to the lady,
The craftswoman weaves patterns -
Your uncomplicated storyline.
Host 2: Loops lay behind a row,
Weaving the fabric of life
Now the colors of the rainbow, then the ashes
There are pictures outside the window.
Music screensaver
Host 2: Nomination "Handicraft". This nomination presents the work of students of the children's associations "Wonderful Moments" and "My Small Motherland".
Presenter 1: Needlewomen are assiduous, diligent craftswomen who create beauty from ordinary yarn and thread. Are there diligent and diligent among you? There is? Then show how diligent and diligent you are. We suggest you play the game "Cinderella". After all, we all know that she is one of the most hardworking and diligent fairy-tale characters.
Competition - game
Music screensaver
The class is divided into two teams. Each team receives a jar of mixed cereals and seeds. There are three empty jars on the table. The task of the guys is to decompose all the cereals and seeds into jars.
Host 2: We invite the winners of the category "Needlework" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Many are sculpted from clay,
Someone is making a snowball
I sculpt from plasticine
The most durable house in the world.
Host 2: All the houses in the village are higher
New bright blue
With a tiled red roof
With purple pipe.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Sculptors". This nomination presents the work of students of children's associations "Dreamers"
Host 2: In this nomination, the participants showed all their imagination. These are single crafts, and a whole ensemble of individual items! And when decorating them with a variety of accessories, dough pieces take on a unique look.
Presenter 1: Guys, in the next game we invite you to show your flexibility and imagination. You will have a unique opportunity to show us some figures and try yourself as a sculptor of your body.
Competition - game
"Ocean is shaking"
The host turns away from the rest of the participants, who are dancing to the music, imitating waves, and says loudly:
"The sea is worried,
The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
Marine figure freeze in place!
At this point, the players should freeze in the position in which they find themselves. The host turns around, goes around all the players and examines the resulting figures. Whoever has the most interesting figure is chosen by this child and becomes the leader, and whoever moves first of them is out of the game
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Sculptors" to the stage...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Don't throw trash people!
It can become a big burden ...
Protect the gift of nature
Give her attention!
Host 2: Look how beautiful!
Rivers, seas, lakes...
it's a miracle, it's a miracle!
Forest, meadows, fields and boron...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Orders of creativity". This nomination presents the work of students of children's associations "Dreamers". All works are made from items that have already served their purpose, but in order not to throw them away, so as not to litter our nature, the guys gave them a second life.
Host 2: Guys, the exhibition presents the work of art orderlies, and you know that there are orderlies in the forest too, who in the forest often serves as an orderly?
Children's answers: Wolf.
Presenter 1: That's right, and now we will play in the orderlies of the forest. We invite four wishing to visit the role of wolves.
Competition - game
"Orders of the Forest"
The players are tied around the waist with a rope so that a "tail" hangs from behind - a knot at the end of the rope. The player must catch the opponent's tail knot so that he does not have time to catch his own tail knot. Whoever caught the "tail" of the opponent first - won. The game is played with cheerful music.
Music screensaver
Music screensaver
Host 2: We invite to the stage the winners of the nomination "Orders of creativity" ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Tanya put in a circle of kids:
- Guys, what kind of toy do you need?
Let the bump have no nose or legs
Let's attach a nose - we get a hedgehog.
Host 2: The guys do a good job
- This is the back. And here is the head
A match is good for our legs and nose
And stick the tail - you get a bird!
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Nature and Fantasy". This nomination presents the work of students of the children's associations "Little Craftsman" and "Dreamers". If you look closely at the works, you can see in the works a part of the nature around us. These are seeds, leaves, twigs. Add a little imagination to them and such beauty turns out.
Presenter 2: We see you are a little tired, but let's play one interesting game.
Competition - game
"Golden Gate"
"Golden Gate" two players at a distance stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Each of them receives a sign (mask) with the name of certain berries. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the person walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain should pass under the gate.
"Gate" pronounce:
"Golden Gate
They don't always miss!
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second is prohibited
And for the third time
We won't miss you!"
After these words, the “collars” sharply lower their hands, and those children who were caught must choose a berry from the “collars” which berry they chose for it and stand up. Gradually, the number behind the "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children are behind the "gate". And the result is dragging commands.
Music screensaver
Host 2: We invite the winners of the nomination "Nature and Fantasy" to the stage ...
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: There are difficult hands
Looks like everyone else, normal.
They are called golden
They are accustomed to work.
Host 2: In them, the matter is skillfully argued -
Everything can be done, recreated.
They take it with soul, deftly, boldly.
It is not like this to be bored.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Nomination "Golden Hands". The winner in the "Golden Hands" nomination was chosen by the Internet voting method. Of all the exhibited works, according to strict criteria, the most striking and high-quality works were selected, which later took part in the Internet voting.
Host 2: According to the voting results, the work of Yakimova Sofya and Ulyanova Dasha "Domovushki" won the most votes.
Music screensaver
Presenter 1: Summing up the results of the exhibition, I would like to remind you that the final exhibition is ahead of us.


opening of the children's exhibition of fine arts and arts and crafts "Peace Inheritance"

Target: identification of capable gifted children

exhibitions of fine arts and crafts "The World in Inheritance"


    Create a good mood and holiday atmosphere.

    Promotion of children's creativity in various forms of art.

    Stimulate creativity.

    Cultivate a sense of cooperation, commonwealth, co-creation.

Members: students of general education schools, studios and circles of fine arts, pupils of kindergartens.

Age: 4 to 18 years old

Location: Exhibition hall of the Krasnoufimsk Museum of Local Lore.

Characters: Buffoons, Marya the mistress, Tassel, Brownie Museum.

1. Two easels (with a crossword and a flower - a seven-flower)
2. Loaf, dish, towel, salt.

4. Brush, felt-tip pens - markers

Suits: 2 buffoons, Marya the mistress costume - sundress, Brownie costume.

The course of the holiday.

1st Buffoon:

To us here! Gather people!

A lot of interesting things are waiting for you today!

Games, fun, wonders of wonders!

Hurry, hurry, there's room for everyone!

2nd Buffoon:

Let's enjoy the glory!

People have fun here!

And I think it's a good holiday

Creativity will pass!

1st Buffoon: Good afternoon, dear children and adults - mothers, fathers, grandparents. Welcome dear guests! Today we have gathered to get acquainted with the beginning masters of fine arts and appreciate their creative work.

Today we are opening another door to the world of children's creativity and craftsmanship.

This exhibition is united into one whole by the unearthly fantasy of the authors - children living with a dream of beauty and goodness and joy.

2ndbuffoon: Today, young masters under the guidance of talented teachers experience real creative joy, because what they have done with their own hands will give others the joy of meeting with man-made beauty. What you do with your own hands is a real miracle, a real fairy tale. At today's holiday, the main ones are children. Children for whom being creative is like living and breathing. For these children, fine and applied art is the meaning of life.

A girl comes out with paints and brushes (Brush) Paints are selected among the audience in advance.

Tassel: I have an album and paints, I will create a fairy tale in an album,

I will draw flowers in it, just wonderful beauty.

Which jar should I open first? What is the most important paint?

Green:- I! It's me! I am grass, I am leaves! Well, without me!?

Blue: Why am I worse? I am the sea and the river! I am the sky and puddles!

Yellow: How about coloring the stars and the sun? I, yellow, too, useful to everyone! Red: You know, sisters, Of course, we need both the sky and the stars, But if the guys forget the red one, Their drawings will be very boring ...

Tassel: Do not argue, do not quarrel! I know the answer

Of you, not one, the most important is not here!

Any colors: green, purple,

Lilac, white and even burgundy,

Orange, pink and blue

Always useful in any palette!

buffoon: Dear paints, of course, without you, the life of children can become boring and not interesting, but it depends on young artists what they want to draw. Look how many amazing drawings are around! Here and landscapes, and portraits and animals.

Tassel: And besides drawings, the exhibition presents decorative and applied works.

I propose to call Marya the master, the patroness of all creative people.

Mary the Craftsman:
Hello good people
Guests invited and welcome!
I, Marya the artisan, the patroness of all artisans, welcome you to the opening of the exhibition "The World in Heritage", for the prize of SKB-Bank.
We, guests, meet all of you
With a white, lush loaf.
He is on a painted platter
With a white towel.
And we bring salt,
Bow down, please taste.
Our dear guest and friend,
Take some bread from your hands.
(Mary the artisan passes the bread to the sponsors.

The floor is given to sponsors ______________________________________

The song is performed by ____________________________

Mary the Craftsman:
Kind people!
Allow me to introduce you to the owner of the local history museum, director Lyubov Alexandrovna Lavrova. She had a great honor - to say good words to our craftsmen and open the exhibition.
(Director's speech)
Mary the Craftsman:

Dear guests!
Today you can see the exhibition of our young craftsmen, get acquainted with the creators of beautiful drawings. These are landscapes, and still lifes, and favorite fairy tales made by children.

buffoons: Marya is an expert, and we have prepared a task for the guys, solve a crossword puzzle, can you help the guys?


    Outstanding abilities, a high degree of giftedness in any field (6 letters)(Talent)

    Without which you can’t catch a fish from a pond (4 letters)(Work)

    The main tool of the artist (8 letters) (Pencil)

    Colored pencils without rims, as well as drawings made by them. They are distinguished by soft muted tones, velvety surface (7 letters)(Pastel)

    The main tool of the artist (5 letters)(Brush)

    The most difficult thing is to guess the word in the center of the crossword puzzle. You know the four letters of this word. Marya is an expert, help the guys.

(Guys guess the crossword keyword - creativity)

Well done! You guessed the crossword correctly!

buffoons: And now the next creative task. Remember, please, the wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik". Remembered? Here is a magical flower from this fairy tale.

(easel with a seven-flower flower)

The color of each petal is one of the colors of the rainbow. Now you have to write on each petal those qualities that will help you create.

(The guys go to the center of the hall to the prepared easels)

Well, friends, let's get to work! We wish you good luck!

(The guys do the task)

Mary is an expert:

Creative people need the following qualities: talent, patience, imagination, artistic taste, love for nature, knowledge of folk traditions, skill.
Yes, these qualities are necessary to become a real creator, a master of his craft. And with this task you coped! Well done!

Repeat after me the words that will guide you in your work.

(The guys repeat the solemn promise after Marya the mistress)

We, young artists, promise:

In the classroom - do not be lazy!
Try to work hard!
Strive to the heights of creativity!
Achieve high results!
Take part in exhibitions!
Win prizes!
Give joy to people!
Never let your teachers down!

Mary is an expert: And now I will wave my magic brush and say the word “Dedicate!”. And you will start to create and create wonderful creative works!

(Mary the mistress says “I dedicate!” And waves her brush)

The song sounds

(The Brownie Museum enters.)
Hello, Maryushka - girl!

Mary the Craftsman:
Hello, Museum House!
(points to guests)
These guests are all with me!

I have lived here for many years

And I don't understand you:

How do you manage here

When is the owner here?
I know everyone in this house

I often meet guests here,
I spend festivals

I keep order!

You are just a guest today

So drop those things!

You guys wait

Stay here, don't go.

Give me one answer:

"Have you seen the safe or not?"
(to Skomorokh)

And this, dear friend,

Isn't it your hands?

Museum, friend, no need for quarrels,
Let's resolve this dispute

If we all pass now

Maybe we can find your safe.

Brownie Museum:

Oh guys, here's my safe,
I already completely forgot
What is he standing on the stage ...
I will give you a badge now

Write on it who is the best craftsman here.

Put the token in the safe

It will turn into a prize later.

Mary is an expert: Dear guests!
Don't forget to leave your wishes in the Guestbook.
(song sounds)

It's time to say goodbye to you. We would like to remind you that our exhibition will run until April 3rd. Come with your classmates, parents, friends, don't forget to bring your cameras. I will be glad to see you at the closing of the exhibition, which will take place on April 3 at 16:00. Bow to the earth for your work. ( bow all together) Goodbye guys, see you again.

Farewell song.

Khvostikova Elena Alexandrovna, teacher-organizer of the yard club "Ak Zhelken", head of the circle "Needlewoman" DDT Aksu, Pavlodar region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work description: I bring to your attention the scenario of an educational competition program dedicated to modern types of needlework using paper. This scenario can be used by teachers of additional education, technology teachers to hold an open school event as part of the Creativity Week.
The event was held in the House of Children's Creativity during the autumn holidays as part of the Week of Applied Creativity.

Target: organization of interesting educational leisure for children during the autumn holidays; the formation of children's cognitive interest in modern types of needlework.
- Introduce children to modern types of needlework using paper
- Expand children's horizons
- Promote children's speech development, enrich active vocabulary
- Improve children's artistic creativity skills
- Cultivate children's aesthetic sense
Equipment and materials: 4 tables, a screen and a projector for showing a presentation, a presentation “Modern types of DPI using paper”, 2 flags, 12 scissors, 2 halves of whatman paper, 12 sheets of colored paper, 2 bottles of PVA glue, 2 glue sticks, 2 sheets of silhouette of a poodle on A3 color cardboard, cotton wool, 2 paper plates, 12 sheets of A4 white office paper,

Event progress

Leading: Hello dear children and respected adults! I am glad to welcome you to the educational competition program "Paper Fantasies" dedicated to needlework. On the calendar we have the end of October. The weather is slushy, rainy. It's great to do art, needlework or other favorite thing on such days.
One of the most beautiful hobbies is the creation of paper crafts. It would seem, what could be simpler than a regular sheet of paper? Meanwhile, from this “simple” sheet, you can create real works of art - a thin lace cobweb pattern, a voluminous toy, an unusual box or a beautiful postcard, an exciting board game and much more...

Leading: Two national teams of 6 players will take part in our competitive program. I ask the participants to take their places at the gaming tables. You need to consult, choose a captain and come up with a name for your team
In the meantime, the teams are deliberating, I will introduce you to the third team - our esteemed jury. It includes...
The moderator introduces the jury.
The facilitator introduces the teams and their captains.

Leading: How many of their secrets, plans, projects and ideas people have long trusted paper! Without it, it is impossible to imagine the processes of work, learning and storage of information. Of course, a partial replacement has taken place - this is the Internet and a computer, as well as various electronic media ... But paper cannot be completely replaced!
Paper always knows a lot about us, but do we know enough about it? Now let's check!

Leading: So, our first competition is informational and educational "Do you know?". It consists of three stages. Two players from each team participate in each stage. A team gets 1 point for winning a stage.

Stage 1. "Paper, what is it?"

Leading: Representatives of the teams will take turns naming words-definitions, adjectives that describe what kind of paper is. The winning team is the team that last named the word.

Reference words: smooth, rough, rough, thick, thin, transparent, soft, colored, fragile, polished, wet, embossed, wrinkled, chewed, crinkled, rustling, waterproof, dense, special, dirty, old, oiled, technical, fibrous, matte, glossy, multilayer, waxed, stamp, office, writing, copying, emery, drawing, wrapping, lined, scribbled, painted, etc.

Stage 2. "Paper properties"

Leading: The next two players must answer the question “What happens to the paper? She is…"

Reference words: crumpled, torn, cut, twisted, bent, glued, stuck, gets wet, burns, rustles, crunches, breaks, warps, does not dissolve in water, gets dirty, etc.

Stage 3. What is made from paper?
Leading: The next two players must take turns naming things or objects that are made of paper.

Reference words: newspapers, magazines, notebooks, books, notebooks, albums, postcards, boxes, bags, rope, toys, clothes, hats, underwear, dishes, decorations, building materials, documents, money, photographs, wallpaper, candy wrappers, towels, napkins, handkerchiefs , toilet paper, filters, sandpaper, drywall, etc.

Leading: Let's ask the jury to sum up the results of the first competition ...

Leading: As you remember, our program is dedicated to needlework and paper art. And our next competition is called "Miracle Technology"
Leading: Each team is given a colored flag. The screen shows slides with images of crafts made in various techniques, but always with the use of paper. It is necessary to name the used technique faster than rivals. The right to answer is given to the team that raised the flag first.
(First, a slide picture is shown, the children name the performance technique, then the second slide opens, on which the name of this technique is given, etc.)

List of slides: appliqué, iris folding, paper art (twisted flagella appliqué), paper tunnel, silhouette cutting, quilling or paper filigree, kirigami, origami, modular origami, kusudama, papier-mache, parchment, newspaper tube weaving, trimming,

Leading: Dear jury, we ask you to sum up the results of the video contest.

Leading: Well, let's move on to the practical part. The following competitions will be dedicated to certain types of creativity
Leading: In front of each player on the table are a sheet of paper folded in half, scissors and a pencil. You need to circle your palm, cut out two palms at the same time. From the received palms, the team must create some interesting collective composition on a piece of drawing paper.
The team that uses all their hands and creates the most creative creation wins.

Leading: I will ask the jury to evaluate the work. Highest score 5 points...

Leading: You did a good job with the application from the palms. And now I suggest you try yourself in the technique of facing. In front of each team, there are silhouettes of a poodle, cotton balls and PVA glue on the tables. You need to use cotton balls to create a voluminous, fluffy fur coat, characteristic only for poodles.
At the command of the leader, the players should take turns running to the desktop and sticking a cotton ball on the shaded part of the poodle image. Cotton balls should be used all without residue.
The speed, accuracy and quality of filling in the drawing are evaluated.

Leading: I ask the jury to evaluate the work performed and comment on them. The highest score is 5 points.

What is origami?
We will now explain to you:
It means paper
We do what we want.
Rectangles, squares
We bend many times.
Get toys
For walks and leprosy. / I.G. Melnikova/
As you may have guessed, the next contest will take us to the world of origami. But first, raise your hands, which of you knows how to make a paper airplane, and who knows how to make a boat.
Leading: From each team, one player goes to the desktop. At the command of the host, they begin to fold the boat or plane, whichever is faster. The winner of each individual competition brings the team 1 point.

Leading: I ask the jury to announce the intermediate result of the past competitions.

Leading: Despite the fact that it's only October on the calendar, we've had snow on the street for a whole week. It is so sticky, wet - a real snow dough. Have any of you guys made a snowman yet? (children's answers)
I invite our players to "make" a snowman on paper in the next contest.
Leading: In front of each team, there is a blue sheet of paper on the desktop - this is the basis of the picture, white paper, colored paper, a black felt-tip pen, PVA glue and scissors.
At the command of the leader, the players in turn must run up to the table, cut out their part of the snowman “by eye” and stick it on paper. The sequence of work is as follows: 1 player - a large lump, 2 - a medium lump, 3 - a head, 4 - a bucket, 5 - a carrot and 6 - draws eyes and buttons. Speed, beauty and accuracy of execution are evaluated. The maximum score is 5 points.

Leading: Not far off is the most favorite children's holiday - New Year. Paper is one of the most common and affordable materials for making Christmas decorations. I suggest you make a beautiful chain for the Christmas tree in the next competition.
In front of each team on the table is a plate with strips of paper and glue. In 2 minutes, players must glue the longest chain.

Leading: While the teams complete this task, I will talk to the audience.

1. In which country was paper first invented? (in China)
2. What was written on in ancient Greece before the invention of paper? (on clay tablets)
3. What else did the ancient Romans and Greeks write on? (on lead sheets, on wax tablets)
4. What is papyrus? (a plant that grew in Egypt on the banks of the Nile)
5. What was written on papyrus? (vegetative colors)
6. And what was parchment made of? (from fresh lamb skin)

The most erudite spectator is awarded.

Leading: I will ask our jury to count the points and determine the winners.
Guys, did you like our contests? Today you learned what an amazing thing is paper. Please answer me: “Can we do without paper? Maybe we don't need paper? (children's answers)

This is the correct answer -
There is no life without paper!
Here is the main argument
In every kingdom-state
People need a document:
Passport, certificate, application,
Certificate or presentation.
Look anywhere -
Well, everywhere it is needed:
For magazines, for newspapers,
For a postcard, for a bouquet,
And such important
Paper money!
What is there to say a lot -
Can't live without paper.
I'll say everywhere and everywhere
That paper is a miracle! (from the Internet)

Winner's reward ceremony.

Lyubov Galkina


Fair "Folk Applied Art"

Developed by: Galkina Lyubov Andreevna

Ogorodnikova Tatyana Innokentievna


1. Continue to acquaint children with folk crafts in Russia.

2. To develop in children emotional responsiveness and interest in folk arts and crafts.

3. To form generalized knowledge and skills, to distinguish between styles of decorative painting.

4. Cultivate respect for folk art.

Holiday decor:

The music hall hosts an exhibition of drawings and reproductions. On the tables: handicrafts of pupils - matryoshka souvenirs, a samovar and dishes painted with Khokhloma painting, dolls in folk costumes.

The hosts and children are dressed in Russian folk costumes (girls in sundresses or skirts with a blouse, headscarves and aprons; boys are wearing trousers, white shirts with sewn braid).

Holiday progress:

To Russian folk music, children enter the music hall.

Leading teacher 1:

Let's invite all the guests from all volosts to the fair today!

1 child:

To the fair! To the fair! Hurry all here!

Here jokes, songs, sweets have been waiting for you for a long time, friends!

2 child:

What your soul desires - you will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts, you won’t leave without a purchase!

3 child:

Hey! Do not stand at the door, come to us soon!

People are gathering - our fair is opening!

4 child:

Hey, kind audience, clap merrily!

And we will delight guests at the holiday!

Leading teacher 2:

We begin our holiday and open the gates!

Merchants from the city of Gorodets arrived at the fair in the city of Masters. They became famous for their painted wooden utensils and toys. The most remarkable thing in Gorodets painting is a horse and outlandish birds surrounded by fabulous flowers. And it turns out, as if they live in fairy gardens. They are painted on the doors of cabinets, on the backs of cribs and chairs, on kitchen boards. Admire, dear viewers, what the guys and I drew kitchen boards. (Children's works are hung in the music room)

1 child:

Our boards are painted, look here.

We want to show you all and describe in detail.

2 child:

A horse gallops over the roses and kupavkas of Gorodets,

And all painted with flowers, how beautiful he is.

3 child:

If there is a girl on the board, or a daring fellow,

A miracle is a horse and a miracle is a bird,

It means Gorodets!

4 child:

I learned, thank God, to draw, I finally

Give me money for the road - I'm leaving for Gorodets!

Presenter 1: Wider circle!

Songs, dances, round dances -

Never go out of fashion.

The merry dance came out,

Here at our feast.

Folk music "Kalinka" sounds, children dance for the guests.

Host 2:

Now guys, here's a riddle for you. Where did the masters come from?

Carved spoons ladles

Take a look, don't rush.

There the grass curls and flowers

Grow unearthly beauty.

They shine like gold

Or maybe sun-drenched!

Yes, it's Khokhloma! Khokhloma craft arose many years ago. Wooden dishes were painted with golden paint, covered with linseed oil, heated in an oven, and the oil film turned into a golden varnish. They made this dish in the large village of Khokhloma. According to the name of this village, they began to call it Khokhloma.

Well, how funny this Khokhloma is!

Well, where are our spoons.

They would have a dance floor.

Here are gilded spoons - twisted patterns!

The guys play Russian folk instruments and sing the song "Rustic Spoons"


Here are five wooden dolls, chubby and ruddy,

In multi-colored sundresses, we live on the table -

Everyone is called Matryoshka!

Presenter 1:

Hey, nesting dolls - laughter,

Sing ditties!

Sing it fast

To please your guests!

1 girl:

Oh, thank you, master, golden hands!

We turned out great, so bright!

2 girl:

Wooden sisters, from big to small, -

We are all empty inside

Except for the little sister!

3 girl:

We are nesting dolls, we are sisters,

We are fat and small.

How can we go dancing and singing,

You can't keep up with us!

4 girl:

Our hands are pretzels

Cheeks are like apples

Have known us for a long time

All the people at the fair!


We are nesting dolls, we are round ones,

Clap our hands

To make us dance better

So that boredom does not remain!

Presenter 1:

And now with nesting dolls we will play the game "Guess". Matryoshkas have a handkerchief. As soon as the music starts, they will begin to transmit it, behind the back in a circle. And the introducer (boy) will be in a circle. The music will end - freeze, let him guess who has the handkerchief.

Host 2:

In the quiet suburbs of Moscow, the river Gzhelka runs.

There is a village along this stream.

Thickets of willow run along the river.

Craftsmen live in that village.

They make painted dishes,

They work wonders in blue on white!

Admire, dear viewers, how our young craftsmen painted their dishes with blue paint of different shades. The dishes turned out to be very intricate and elegant.

1 child:

Gzhel - dishes are just a miracle,

The blue color runs everywhere

And a pattern is born

Can't take your eyes off!

2 child:

Washed Gzhel dishes,

Splashes scattered everywhere.

Spray wipe - no problem!

Oh, the dishes are good!

3 child:

Wearing a white skirt

Tied with blue ribbon.

This is what I've become

Admire me!

4 child:

Blue clouds, blue water.

I will become the captain - you will be proud of me!

5 child:

I'm looking out the window

On a cat and on a spruce.

I will invite Alena with me

On an excursion to Gzhel!

Presenter 1:

Make way, honest people, bear goes with me!

He knows a lot of fun, there will be a joke, there will be laughter!

The bear bows to all the guys.

Presenter 1:

But the craftsmen sculpted and painted not only wonderful dishes, they loved to play folk games.

The game "Burn, burn brightly."


Well, naughty girls and boys! Are you tired yet? Shall we play then?

Come on, strong men, pull the rope! Everyone here is happy to measure strength!

Tug of war game.

Host 2:

The folk craft was passed down from generation to generation. To this day, craftsmen continue the work of their ancestors in Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma. And delight us with their fabulous dishes and toys.

Presenter 1:

We had a wonderful fair in the city of Masters, where we saw wonderful goods from different cities together. We learned about the miracle - masters and their wonderful crafts and traditions. The products of the masters show the richness of the cultural traditions of Russia, reveal the secrets of the Russian soul.

Host 2:

What wonderful products you just saw. How much skill and patience you need to have to become a master. We hope that in the near future each of you will become a master of your craft and glorify our land.

Presenter 1:

Have you been to the fair?

Host 2:

Have you shown your product?

Presenter 1:

Everyone told -

Haven't forgotten anything?

Well, now goodbye.

Come next year!

Job title:additional education teacher.

Place of work: Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"House of Children's Creativity", Altai Territory, city of Biysk.

Scenario for the opening of the exhibition of arts and crafts "Thread of Magic".

Exhibition children's creativity is carried out as a kind of report on the awareness of the role of art and one's creativity, as a result of the work done, showing the achievements of children;

Target: creation of conditions for the emergence and development of children's interest in creative activities.


Formation and development of the creative potential of children;

Development of communicative qualities;

Creation of conditions for children to realize belonging to a creative team, community;

Creating a festive mood.

Active education and formation of aesthetic tastes;

Targeting: for children 9-11 years old, studying in the children's association "Lotus" of arts and crafts for the second - third year.

Musical accompaniment: the song "Beauty lives everywhere."

Organizing time: guests, parents, children gather in the exhibition hall of the "House of Children's Art No. 1" - the music "Beauty Lives Everywhere" sounds.

Technical equipment: sound equipment

Characters: Marya is an expert, brownie Kuzya.

Conditions and features of implementation:

Artistic design of the exhibition (invitation cards, decoration of the hall with creative children's works), musical accompaniment, the skill of teachers, their speech, the ability to communicate with the audience. The exhibition is held in the hall of the House of Children's Creativity No. 1. (The song “Beauty Lives Everywhere” sounds, Marya the Craftswoman comes to the center of the hall with the brownie Kuzya.)

Mary the Craftsman:

Hello good people

Guests invited and welcome!

I am Marya the artisan - patroness

All artisans.

Glory to the creators of great!

Good, eternal, clear!

We celebrate creativity

We invite you to the exhibition!

And this (points to Kuzya), the keeper of our House of Creativity - Brownie Kuzya.

(referring to Kuze).

Look, the work is a feast for the eyes.

To everyone's surprise

This exhibition is the beginning.

After all, we have a lot of work,

It's time to look at her.

Here is a wonderful moment

Thread folding weaving,

And hearts and flowers

All works are full of soul.

Friends take a look at the wall

Bouquets of flowers have blossomed,

Sheets of paper opened, all in reality, and not in a dream.

Mary the Craftsman:

Friends, the floor is given to the hostess of the exhibition hall, head of the department of arts and crafts Tatyana Anatolyevna Erovikova.

Tatyana Anatolyevna:

Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

Each exhibition of folk art is always a discovery, a discovery of the world of beauty and wisdom. It is important for every child to feel like a creator, to discover the world of fine arts, design, folk culture, to learn to see the beauty of the surrounding nature. Today we are opening an exhibition called "The Thread of Magic".

Mary the Craftsman:

Kuzya, do you know from under whose magical hands the beauty around arose? These are the works of children from the Lotos children's association. And she taught from everything - a very talented teacher Kashinskaya Elena Valerievna, her word.

Elena Valerievna:

With this exhibition, we open another door to the world of children's creativity and craftsmanship. This exhibition is a real carousel, united into one whole by the unearthly fantasy of the authors - children living with a dream of beauty, goodness and joy. Now we will introduce you to the exhibition works and tell you about them, and the children from my children's association will help me with this.

We bring to your attention works performed byin the technique of "Applique from threads". Amazing material - threads! Whatever they do with them: they sew, knit, weave: carpets, tapestries, panels; embroider amazingly beautiful pictures.

Shmyrina Polina:

We have found another use for leftover threads from weaving and knitting - these are amazing applications in which threads are used as paints. Products made using the thread appliqué technique look original, the methods of working with it are simple and provide unlimited opportunities for creative self-expression.

Atayeva Alexandra:

The need for this technique arose after working on products using the macrame technique - there were a lot of scraps of threads of different colors. It was decided to master waste-free production and use the remnants of the threads in the work. The thread application technique is very interesting, fascinating, accessible to people of all ages.

Machihin Maxim:

At our exhibition you can see works made using paper. It is probably impossible to find that sphere of human activity, wherever we use paper.

Elena Valerievna:

Paper , ideal for children's creativity. Kids love to fiddle with paper, because you can create all sorts of crafts from it, and it’s completely easy to do. Among the most popular types of children's creativity can be called paper crafts - aapplications, prefabricated structures, original crafts in the form of various figures. You can see this in the works of "The Little Mermaid" and "Cheerful Octopussy".

Lyapina Sofia:

Most interesting to work with corrugated paper. The first mention of paper goes back to 1856 in Great Britain, where paper was used as a lining for hats. Unusual use of corrugated paper, isn't it? And we used paper to create flowers, "Crocuses", "Daffodils", "Roses", "Carnations", "Sunflowers". When working, amazingly beautiful flowers turned out, the result, sometimes, exceeds all our expectations! The birth of a paper masterpiece is always an event!

Elena Valerievna:

Macrame- one of the most popular types of needlework. Macrame is the whole world!

Bulakhova Ira:

This is the composition "Friends", hanging toys - animals, jewelry - pendants, key chains.

Morozova Victoria:

Jewelry and other macrame products are a fashion accessory and can be a great gift for yourself or your loved ones.

Elena Valerievna:

We present two more works made in the technique of macrame, using painting on fabric. "Awakening", "Autumn Symphony. Fog".

Glazkova Anastasia:

Knot from the inside, knot from the face, -

Where is more beautiful - in the beginning? from the end?

The look repeats the pattern of threads, -

The heart is heard in an even major.

Miracle! – from flax fibers – IVA

What wonderful twists

On the bark around the hollow!

And under the willow how beautiful

Golden overflows

Branches juicy arc

Leaned over the water

Like a green waterfall

The leaves furrow the water. Miracle!

Novokreshenova Kristina:

Slender delicate stalk,

very unusual -

This is a lily flower

Excellent among all.

nobility symbol,

beauty symbol,

Respect the lily

Flowers all over the earth! Miracle!

They say together: All this, however, in a magical land, -

With the loud name "Weaving Macrame".

Elena Valerievna:

Almost every day we throw away plastic bottles, disposable tableware, all kinds of boxes, straws, old felt-tip pens, newspapers. And we hardly think that much of this garbage can get a new use, becoming the basis for an original children's craft or an exciting toy. Young masters are constantly looking for new methods of material processing and experiment as often as possible. Only then will the children be able to fully experience real creative joy, and much of what they lovingly made with their own hands will bring the people around us the joy of meeting with man-made beauty. After all, what the guys are doing is great. These are the works created by Polina Savintseva.

Savintseva Polina:

I have done two jobs using newspaper tubes,“The miracle is a bicycle”, and “Romance flowers. Calla". I didn’t throw away the newspapers and didn’t burn them, but gave me the opportunity to continue living in handicrafts and give everyone around me the joy of viewing. These works are presented in the showcase.

Elena Valerievna:

And the following technique will be presented to you Shpilevaya Valeriya:

My elder sister

Knitting in the morning.

Even at night she does not sleep:

Under the pillow hides knitting needles and a hook,

My elder sister

Knitting in the morning.

The whole day does not eat, does not drink,

Get some thread somewhere.

Grandma comes home

No scarf with fringes!

Where is grandfather's vest?

And no more vest!

Blouse - without a collar!

Everything in the house is torn apart!

What is the name of this technique? Correct knitting.

At the exhibition, his works in crochet technique presented by my older sister Shpilevaya Anastasia. These are "Knitted Hearts", "Angel".

Elena Valerievna:

A large number of occupations in the association occupy the performance of workin the pom-pom technique.

The pompom has gained great popularity not in our time, but much earlier.The pompom was a very popular element of the military uniform. For example, in the military uniform of the Russian army of the 18th century, pompons were considered one of the insignia. By their color it was possible to distinguish a non-commissioned officer from a soldier. The soldiers had one-color pom-poms, and the non-commissioned officers had two-color pom-poms. And the French sailors used pom-poms on their hats for a completely different purpose. Previously, the ships had cramped rooms with low ceilings, and the pompom protected the sailor's head from hitting their ledges. Now the ship's premises have become more spacious, but the tradition of using a red pom-pom on the white caps of French sailors has survived to this day. You can see the following works using a pompom - a doll - a young lady, a fairy, and works in display cases.

Savintseva Varvara:

Bright, cheerful pom-poms-toys,Decorate a little girl's room!Mischievous eyes, laughter - like a bell,Yes, I myself am like a pink pom-pom!

Zhupikova Maria:

Velvet threads gently tickled the hands,Jumping pom-poms in a light, fast carnival.Colorfully shone bright colors

Elena Valerievna:

I am glad to see you all at the opening of our exhibition and hasten to tell you the good news. Today, for the first time, a sympathy bureau is operating here, where you can give your preference to one or another job. You need to get a token in the form of a ball of happiness and lower it into a basket with the name of the work that attracted your attention. The office is located on the right side of the exhibition hall. Dear guests! And don't forget to leave your wishes in the Guestbook.

The needle is thin, but reaches the heart

And from the one who sews a marvelous pattern, And from the one who from the work of the craftsman The admiring gaze cannot take away.

For centuries they live in paintings and handkerchiefs, And in luxurious beaded necklaces, Given once to grandchildren, daughters, Imperishable features of simple needlework.

Soul and hands create masterpieces, Yes, they simply decorate our lives.

For the miracle of creativity, spent nerves Bow low to skillful hands.

The children and the teacher bow.

All together: Thank you for your attention!

Guests start viewing creative works.

Photo report from the opening of the exhibition.

"Dolls"- pom-poms, work with threads "Horseshoes"- newspaper tubes, work with threads "Animal Toys"- macrame technique "Friends"- macrame technique

"Mermaids, Octopus"- work with cardboard "Fish" - paper plates

« Keychains and pendants" - macrame technique Knitted hearts "-"Crochet"

Flowers are made using corrugated paper.

Works in the macrame technique

"Horseshoe - amulet" decorative plaster, craquelure, ceramics

Works in the technique of "application from threads"

"Hedgehog and his friends" "Cheerful bunny" "Misha is an accordion player

"Mouse Peak" "Dog Bug" "Carloson on the Roof"