Everything about biofireplace production technology as a business. How to start a business in the production of biofireplaces

Nowadays, anyone can place a real hearth with live fire in their apartment. This can be done very simply, it is enough to purchase a bio-fireplace in a store or from local craftsmen, which can fully work in any room. This small device will create an aura of coziness and comfort in the house. Today we will talk about how the production of bio-fireplaces takes place, consider options for the industrial and independent production of such things, as well as the possibility of building a business in this area.

A neat desktop version of a biofireplace

Device device

Despite the large assortment of biofireplaces in stores, they can conditionally be divided into several groups:

  • Wall fixtures designed to be mounted on a vertical surface, like paintings.
  • Built-in devices, conveniently placed in the niches of walls or furniture.
  • Corner systems designed to maximize space savings in the room.
  • , extremely mobile and easy-to-use devices.
  • Desktop appliances, characterized by small dimensions and often original design.

Note that the device of all these varieties of biofireplaces is the same, and they differ only in dimensions, design and installation options.

The device of a biofireplace is very simple, it consists of two main parts:

  1. The fuel block is responsible for working with fire and fuel.
  2. The outer case serves as a decorative part and helps to install the device in the right place.

The fuel block contains a fuel tank made of stainless, heat-resistant steel. The fuel used in these systems is called bioethanol and is an alcohol of vegetable origin. When burned, such fuel releases steam and a very small amount of carbon dioxide. The tank is designed in such a way that fuel does not flow out of it in any position. The size of the fuel tank depends on the overall dimensions of the biofireplace.

Outdoor version of a large biofireplace

Another important part of the fuel block is the burner. It is the burner that allows you to create a real fire, properly controlled and uniform. Most often, the biofireplace burner is covered with decorative elements: imitation of stones, coals, original ceramic objects. This was done to make the biofireplace seem more natural.

The external decorative frame, which is installed on the body of the product, is also responsible for naturalness. An important detail here is a protective screen made of fire-resistant glass, which protects the outer space from fire. The whole system can be built into a special one, which allows you to make it a full-fledged participant in the entire interior of the room. By the way, you can entrust the production of the portal to a familiar master or carry out the work yourself. You can make a biofireplace with your own hands.


The manufacturing technology of biofireplaces is quite simple, as is their device. We can easily make a small, amateur apparatus at home, which will quite cope with the main function - to safely create a fire in the house. In addition, creating a biofireplace with your own hands will save you some money.

Professional production of bio-fireplaces is not limited to simple functionality; modern devices contain a large number of electronics responsible for various processes, controlling the operation of the system and maintaining the proper atmosphere.

To make the simplest device, you will need the following inventory:

  • Glass for creating a protective screen, which can be ordered at any glass workshop in the city. It is best to take 4mm or 5mm, then you can use the non-hardened version.
  • Glass cutter, if you want to cut glass yourself, which is not recommended, it is better to use machined blanks with polished edges.
  • Heat resistant silicone sealant for glass.
  • Metal tank for fuel.
  • Cord to create a wick that connects the fuel block to the burner.
  • Metal mesh to create a distributed flame.
  • Decorative elements for filling the bio-fireplace, such as stones or ceramic elements.
  • Biofuel for the operation of the entire system.

A simple homemade burner camouflaged in rocks

All production of the device can be conditionally divided into several stages:

  • The first thing to do is draw a general view of the device, calculate its dimensions.
  • After that, the frame of the device is made, for example, from iron or stone. You can take a simple metal box.
  • Knowing the dimensions of the main block, . The protective screen is made of glass. You can cut it yourself, or order it in the workshop according to the appropriate size. At the same time, in the workshop, you can additionally order heat treatment, making the glass refractory. You can attach finished glass elements to the frame without connecting them together, or you can still glue them all together with a sealant, as in an aquarium. In this case, the selected silicone sealant must be heat-resistant, withstand high temperatures.
  • Then, inside the frame, it is necessary to place a fuel tank, also made of iron. In some cases, when a metal box is used, fuel is poured directly into it, which is not the best solution. By the way, fuel blocks can be bought in the same stores with fireplaces.
  • A grid is placed on top, which is designed to create a fire of the correct shape. To do this, you need to make holes of the desired diameter, so the mesh can be used in several layers.
  • The wick connects the fuel block with the outer part, it is displayed in the grid area. Subsequently, we will disguise it with decorative elements, abundantly placed directly on the grid of a home-made bio-fireplace. Decorative elements will also contribute to the distribution of heat flows. You can buy in the store, or make your own.

After the work done, you will get a decent device that can already be refueled with biofuel and launched. Depending on the dimensions of the fuel block, the biofireplace can work for a different amount of time. It is believed that the burning time of one liter of bioethanol is about 3-4 hours. At the end of the work, you can not immediately refuel it, you should wait for it to cool completely.

Note that for those who like to do everything on their own, there is a recipe for the production of biofuels. You just need to mix lighter gasoline with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 9.

The resulting fuel can be used for a biofireplace. In this case, gasoline will color the fire yellow, suitable for such devices.

industrial production

Independent production of a biofireplace is not suitable for everyone. Why reinvent the wheel when at a reasonable price in the store you can buy a worthy device created by an enterprise manufacturer of such systems. The industrial production of biofireplaces allows you to create devices that are more reliable, safe, equipped with a wide variety of functionalities:

  • Biofireplaces sold in stores often have the ability to be remotely controlled, for example, from a phone, tablet or remote control. You can remotely turn on the device, adjust the size of the flame and the intensity of combustion.
  • They are equipped with various sensors that control the operation of the biofireplace, which, in the event of an increase in temperature, an increase in the size of the flame or other unpleasant situations, immediately block access to fuel and turn off the device.
  • Very often, systems are equipped with sound design that allows you to create a complete imitation of a real fireplace.

Industrial production of ecological fireplaces

They understand that their devices can be placed in a variety of interiors, so the design of the devices can also be very diverse. In rare cases, enterprises produce individual bio-fireplaces to order, which usually differ only in decorative design.

Recently, the number of companies involved in the production of such systems is growing. After all, the production of bio-fireplaces is a modern, interesting and dynamic business that originated not so long ago, but is developing very quickly.

Biofireplaces as a business

The technology of the biofireplace is interesting in that when burned, biofuel does not emit burning, soot, soot. The device is very safe and can be installed in every apartment. Thus, it turns out that the market for such things is very wide. This fact has long been recognized by entrepreneurs from different countries, giving a certain impetus to the rapid development of the entire industry.

Handicraft eco-fireplace option

The business idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproducing biofireplaces on a professional basis is interesting because it does not require huge capital to start. Small handicraft production can be established on your own, using a minimum of tools and materials. Yes, special equipment for the production of bio-fireplaces is not required, the simplest tools are enough, such as a screwdriver, metal shears, glass cutter, and so on. Initially, products can be created according to individual orders, and later the most successful models can be produced in certain quantities.

Advertising your bio-fireplace business is not difficult either. Local media, social networks are quite suitable, even advertising on the radio in some cases may be appropriate. Of course, the first buyers will not come immediately, but if your products are of proper quality, reliable and decoratively attractive, there will definitely be demand.

Note that the manufacture of biofireplaces as a business will initially require a highly skilled worker in the field of manual work, as well as remarkable imagination when developing sketches of the first models. To simplify the task, you can always turn to the Internet and see the developments of other companies.

In the future, many processes can be automated, mass production will look like this:

  • Laser cutting, metal bending according to drawings.
  • Surface treatment, cleaning.
  • Welding works according to drawings.
  • Painting with powder paints.
  • Biofireplace assembly.

Working with tempered glass is much more difficult than working with metal, so it is better to outsource it.

Very extravagant eco-fireplace

It is not difficult to calculate the profit from such an enterprise. Depending on various factors, it can be assumed that 5-10 products will be sold per month. The net profit will depend on your work and the cost of components, but it is usually taken as 50-60% of the cost of the device. An average bio-fireplace costs 10-15 thousand rubles, so it turns out that you can count on at least 50-60 thousand rubles a month with calm, inactive work.

In many ways, of course, the success of the implementation of this idea depends on the location of a small enterprise, competition in the environment, and the number of such stores. At the same time, many experts are inclined to believe that this business is currently very promising. This is especially evident in recent times, when the bio-fireplace business franchise from large enterprises has become very popular on the net, once again proving the high level of relevance of this business.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when choosing a device for home use, you can turn to industrial-made devices that cost a lot of money, but have serious functionality and a high level of security, or look for products from handmade craftsmen, which are cheaper and very pretty, but less functional. .

There are three things that you can look at forever: how a person works, how water flows, and how fire burns. Fire has long been the most mysterious and untamed object for man. People want to have a piece of this mystery in their home, so fireplaces are gaining more and more popularity. But installing a fireplace is quite expensive. In addition, to install it, you will need certain permits and mandatory coordination with the fire department.

To date, there is an excellent alternative - a biofireplace, because it can be installed almost anywhere and get a live fire without extraneous odors and smoke. There is no need to carry out a chimney, the only condition is a well-ventilated room. The advantages of this type of fireplaces also include their environmental friendliness, ease of maintenance and elementary installation.

Directions for business development on biofireplaces

There are several main areas:

  1. Self-manufacturing of bio-fireplaces and the sale of finished products. It can be both large outdoor bio-fireplaces, and small souvenir, decorative options.
  2. Production and sale of biofuels. For the functioning of any biofireplace, a firebox for a combustible substance and directly biofuel are needed. Such products will be in demand among people who already have biofireplaces.
  3. Sale of finished products. You can act as an intermediary between the manufacturer of fireplaces and end users - create advertising, promote products on the market, make deals. Such mediation can also bring you considerable income.

Let's now look at each of these areas.

Manufacturing technology of biofireplaces

Making a biofireplace with your own hands is easy. First of all, you need to decide on:

  • biofireplace type. The most common are desktop and floor;
  • the number of burners. The larger the fireplace, the more burners are installed in it;
  • fuel tank volume.

How to make a desktop biofireplace with your own hands

To make you will need:

  • glass;
  • glass cutter;
  • silicone sealant for glass bonding;
  • stainless steel mesh;
  • metal box;
  • small stones or pebbles;
  • fuel for biofireplaces (bioethanol);
  • cord (wick);
  • metal glass for fuel.

When calculating the dimensions of the future fireplace, you need to take into account that the distance from the burner to the side windows should be 15 cm or more. If several burners are used in a biofireplace, then the distance between them should also be 15 cm.

The process of making a biofireplace with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Pour the combustible substance into a metal glass. This is important as some fuels are sold in plastic containers. We put it on the bottom of a metal box.
  2. We cut the metal mesh in the shape of a box and put it in it. You can make two layers of mesh for strength.
  3. We lay the entire surface of the grid with heat-resistant stones. Stones are used not only for decoration, but are also very important for optimal heat transfer and even distribution of heat over the surface.
  4. We make a wick from a lace and immerse it in a metal glass with bioethanol, set it on fire.

That's all. As you can see, making a biofireplace with your own hands is not difficult at all!

Scheme of a fuel tank for a biofireplace

If we follow the technology for the production of bio-fireplaces, as a fuel tank, we will need to use a sealed container made of stainless steel sheets. In this case, welding work will definitely be required, since it is necessary to make the seams airtight. It is recommended to perform semi-automatic argon welding - then the seams will be both neat and tight. First, a sheet of metal must be marked to the required dimensions, and then bent at 90 ° to make a box. The lid is cut separately. The following drawing can be taken as the basis for the manufacture of a biofireplace fuel block:

After the welding of the main box is completed, a smaller container is placed inside, and many holes must be made in its bottom. The container is filled with absorbent material and then the lid is welded on. The finished fuel tank might look like this:

Fuel for biofireplace

What fuel is used for biofireplace

Bioethanol is used as a combustible substance in biofireplaces - it is an environmentally friendly substance that does not form harmful combustion products. The alcohol used in the production of bioethanol comes from the processing of sugar-containing plants: corn, potatoes, bananas, wheat, beets, etc. As a result of the combustion of bioethanol, water and carbon dioxide are formed, which is safe for the environment and human health.

Biofuel can be bought in specialized stores, but you can also prepare it at home. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions, otherwise the combustion will be of poor quality.

Bioethanol do it yourself

So, the process of preparing fuel for a biofireplace is quite simple and it will not be difficult to make it yourself. You only need two components:

  • ethanol (alcohol - 96%, can be purchased at pharmacies);
  • gasoline (should be perfectly clean, transparent, without a strong smell, gasoline is usually taken for refueling lighters).

We take 1 liter of alcohol and 60-80 grams of gasoline. Thoroughly mix the components so that they do not delaminate. Pour the resulting mixture into the burner and ignite. The fire should burn evenly, without smell and soot.

One liter of biofuel is enough for an average of 2 to 4 hours of burning.

How to find customers to sell finished products

And a little about the promotion of finished products on the market. If you want to build a business as an intermediary between the producer and the consumer, then you need to be well savvy in marketing and working with clients. But first you need to make a list of biofireplace manufacturers with whom you would like to work and offer them cooperation: you give them customers and sales, they give you a reward (most likely, a percentage of sales).

You can advertise biofireplaces in any way you like: brochures, leaflets, TV and radio advertising, promotion on the Internet, and so on. Here, as in any advertising, it is important to clearly understand who your target consumer is and correctly adjust your advertising offer to their needs and desires. Since a biofireplace is a family, homely, cozy product, it is necessary to focus on these accents when promoting this product on the market.

An excellent niche for the sale of finished goods is construction companies and designers who themselves directly go to the client. Here it will be enough just to present your product well to these companies, describe all its advantages and provide it with advertising booklets. So they can recommend your product to their customers. There is a benefit in this for you and for them - you get new customers, and they always have something to offer their customers without wasting time and effort.

Advantages and disadvantages of biofireplaces


Easy to operate
To use a biofireplace, special knowledge and skills are not required. Unlike conventional classic wood-burning fireplaces, a biofireplace is very easy to install and completely unpretentious in operation. Maintenance consists only in the need to wipe the dust as it gets dirty and periodically clean the combustion chamber - remove fuel residues. That is, no soot, smoke, soot, no need to constantly add firewood and clean the ashes. To make the biofireplace work, it is enough to fill it with bioethanol and light the fire!

The design of the bio-fireplace is very light, there are no additional bulky additions, such as gas cylinders. This makes it easy to carry the device from room to room or even lend it to friends and family. Certain models can be used outdoors and set up as decoration, for example in a garden.

Biofireplaces are completely safe due to the use of bioethanol in them. This substance does not pose a danger to either humans or the environment, as it is completely decomposed. Just water vapor and carbon dioxide - that's what is formed after the combustion of such fuel. So the only condition will be regular ventilation of the room where the biofireplace is installed, so that there is always a sufficient level of oxygen.

Bio-fireplaces are usually called interior fireplaces, since you can decorate them practically without limiting your imagination. You can use various ceramic firewood, natural or artificial stones, multi-colored glass and more for decoration. All this will create coziness and a unique atmosphere in the house.


The disadvantages of such a device, of course, are:

  • relative high cost of fuel (bioethanol);
  • mandatory ventilation of the room;
  • the area of ​​the room must be at least 25 m2.

But you must admit, this is all insignificant against the background of all the advantages listed above.

The issue of starting your own business has always excited the minds of restless and energetic people. Options for investing capital today are calculated by a number with three zeros, but the most reliable is traditionally considered the production of goods, the demand for which in modern conditions is guaranteed for several years. One of these ways to accumulate capital can be the production of bio-fireplaces, as part of your own business.

Own production of a biofireplace, cruel realities

The production of biofireplaces as a business will require the right investment of initial capital in the most important areas. To make money on the production of biofireplaces, you will need to solve several problems:

  • Draw up a business plan for the sale and manufacture of biofireplaces in Russia;
  • To develop a drawing of the most successful modern model of a biofireplace, taking into account the real possibilities of its production;
  • Select a production technology with a list of necessary materials and equipment;
  • Draw up an estimate of materials, display the cost of one copy of a biofireplace assembled from Russian-made components.

The main thing is to find a way to sell biofireplaces of our own design and production to ordinary people who are not always ready to pay even a little money for things that are insignificant, in their opinion.

Important! The universal production formula says that you cannot produce what is not for sale.

This position insures production against bankruptcy and ensures at least a minimum rate of return. If you manage to find a fireplace model that will sell like hot cakes, the profit from sales will allow you to overcome the most difficult moments in organizing the manufacture of biofireplaces.

One of these fireplaces may be the model shown in the drawing.

How to make a fireplace

A positive factor is the simple device of a biofireplace, respectively, most of the parts and assemblies can be made by hand. The design of the simplest biofuel hearth consists of three main parts:

  1. Fuel capsule or burner device;
  2. decorative body;
  3. Heat-resistant glass railings.

A fuel capsule or cassette is a stainless steel container filled with a non-combustible inert filler that holds the filled biofuel like a foam rubber sponge. In the central part of the capsule there is a grid and a wick, on which alcohol burns. The lower part of the fireplace is closed with a decorative casing, and the place where alcohol is burned is protected by one or two glass sheets.

A general view of one of the variants of the fuel cassette is shown in the photo.

In this project, the main emphasis is on the production of inexpensive desktop models of a biofireplace. The body of the fireplace is a rectangular box with dimensions of 330x308 mm and a height of 102 mm. The easiest way is to set up the production of cases from heat-resistant wood species - beech or oak.

A fuel capsule in the form of a glass 90 mm high and 120 mm in diameter is installed in the center of the box. The volume of the tank allows the fireplace to work for an hour. The third component is four screens made of heat-resistant glass, 255x360 mm in size.

How to build a business in the production of biofireplaces

Before assessing the possible profit from the sale of a biofireplace, it will be necessary to calculate the capital investment for the production of a simple desktop model. Choosing a model with minimal characteristics, you can count on low manufacturing costs and, accordingly, low cost, which means a wider range of potential buyers. The lower the price of a biofireplace, the faster the sales go.

What is needed for the production of biofireplaces

First of all, you will need a room for installing equipment, initially a small room with an area of ​​​​30-35 m 2 will be enough. It can be a country house or a garage in which welding can be carried out. Directly for the production of a biofireplace you will need:

  1. Welding semiautomatic device in the protective environment of argon. With its help, the main parts of the fuel capsule will be welded. The cost of one apparatus UDGU301 ranges from 500 to 800 dollars;
  2. Cutting equipment for cutting stainless steel sheet for welding. The price of such a device reaches $150;
  3. Carpentry equipment for the production of a biofireplace body will cost $ 450;
  4. Equipment for cutting heat-resistant glass - $ 350.

Note! The most difficult part of the production - the manufacture of glass screens from thermoglass is replaced by an order from specialized companies. In this case, the price of a thermal screen will increase by 25%, but practically excludes defects and substandard products.

In addition to equipment, you will need a 2 mm thick stainless steel sheet, heat-treated glass and an oak board 100x20 mm.

The cost of a kilogram of sheet heat-resistant stainless steel is $15-20, which is enough for the production of 10 fuel capsules, respectively, the price of one product will be $2. A square meter of heat-resistant glass costs 250 Euros or $300, one sheet is enough to make three sets. The cost of one set will be $100, the case made of oak or beech will cost $5.

As a result, if branded glass and metal are used, the cost of producing one bio-fireplace will be $106, a similar bio-fireplace made from ordinary glass will cost only $18. Equipment for the production of bio-fireplaces without a glass-cutting machine will cost $1100-1300.

How to set up production and sales

The sale price for a similar fireplace by the Russian manufacturer Bioker is 7.5 thousand rubles or $127. The cost of our bioker at $106 differs from Bioker at $21, just within the margin of profit and taxes.

To recoup the costs of purchasing equipment and production, from each biofireplace sold, you will need to give at least $ 10 to compensate for capital investments. In addition, the enterprise must make a profit of at least $15 per unit of output. This money will cover the cost of advertising, transport and development of production.

As a result, our bio-fireplace will cost at least $131, excluding transportation costs. At this price, it will be impossible to sell the goods, which means that it is necessary to reduce costs and production costs.

The first option to increase profitability is to organize the purchase of heat-resistant glass in bulk, directly from the manufacturer. To do this, you will need to invest at least $50,000 in the purchase, which will reduce the cost of a set of glass thermal screens by 20%, to $80.

Investing in the acquisition of several hundred square meters of glass is financially very risky, but real. Such an investment will pay off only after the sale of at least 300 biofireplaces or the entire volume of manufactured products within one to two years.

An easier way is to use ordinary glass or cheap thermal screens of Chinese origin. In the first case, the profit from the sale is 120-18=102 dollars per item. If you use a Chinese thermal screen, then the cost of a biofireplace will increase to $55, and the profit will decrease to $65.

The use of ordinary or Chinese glass in the production of biofireplaces allows you to make huge profits. For example, when installing ordinary glass on fireplaces, with a fireplace price of $18, the profit is five times greater - $102 or 600%. Even with discounts of 15%, which can double sales, the enterprise will still remain very profitable.

Another thing is that it will be difficult to obtain a certificate for such products, and without it, any trade and production will sooner or later be doomed. In addition, there is a high risk of injury to people by hot fragments during the destruction and cracking of the screens.

Today, biofireplaces are becoming more popular every day. And this is not surprising. After all, such devices can be installed in any modern dwelling in which the most ordinary people live. It is worth noting that for a biofireplace you do not have to install a chimney and perform other work that is associated with construction. In addition, the installation of such fireplaces can be made even without a special certificate from the fire service.

Biofireplaces are absolutely environmentally friendly devices that do not emit carbon dioxide into the room, which can adversely affect human health. However, if a fireplace is installed in the room, it is recommended to ventilate the room once a day.

Biofireplaces are very easy to make with your own hands. As for the costs for, here they are minimal. Therefore, in this publication we will talk about how much profit the modern production of biofireplaces can bring.

How to make bio fireplaces

To manufacture these devices you will have to buy:

  • silicone sealant,
  • glass cutter,
  • glass,
  • metal mesh,
  • small pebbles,
  • metal box,
  • fuel for biofireplaces,
  • laces, which will be a wick in the fireplace.

If you have skills in construction, then it will not be difficult for you to make such a device. If you want to make a biofireplace, then it is recommended to start creating this device with a glass casing that will act as a screen. The screen is usually made of glass, which has a thickness of 3 mm.

The glass must match the dimensions of the metal box. At the same time, glass elements are connected by means of a sealant. Glass elements that have been bonded with sealant should dry within 24 hours. For a fireplace, you need to choose a box that will have a good size. The small box is not suitable in this case.

Now it's time to work with the metal mesh. It needs to be cut to fit the box. Fuel for a biofireplace should be placed in a special metal can. This bank is installed in a box and covered with a metal mesh. In this case, the grid can be laid on this jar in several layers.

If the mesh has already been laid, then it is recommended to lay stones on top of it. Small stones or pebbles in this case are not only a decorative element. It turns out that pebbles and stones help distribute heat evenly between the grill and the glass casing.

Now you need to place a wick, which was made from a lace, in a jar of fuel.

Fuel cans are usually enough for 2 hours. If it is planned to reuse the bio-fireplace, then the can is replaced with a new can of fuel. You can also add fuel yourself. However, you will have to move the stones aside.

It is also possible to cook fuel for biofireplaces yourself. For this purpose, gasoline for refueling lighters is mixed with medical alcohol. In this case, proportions must be observed: it is important to take 90% alcohol and 10% gasoline. Shake fuel well before use.

The finished biofireplace is suitable for year-round use. It can be installed not only in the garden, but also in the apartment, office and in any residential building.

Production of biofireplaces as a business: How to find buyers

Production of biofireplaces as a business can bring good profit. And if you have already understood how to create bio-fireplaces, then you should think about how to find buyers for your own product. Advertise your product in the following ways.

  1. So. Advertisements can be given on television and radio. You can also place an ad in the print media of your city.
  2. You can reach a client if you conclude an agreement with construction companies and teams that cooperate with the owners of any real estate.
  3. Ready-made bio-fireplaces can be sold to the builders themselves.

As you can see, you have the opportunity to choose the perfect sales option for yourself. And if there are no skills that are needed for the production of bio-fireplaces, then you can always hire specialists who will deal with these matters. In this case, you will be engaged in the promotion and sale of your own product.

Fireplace Manufacturing Business Idea: Profit

The cost of production of one biofireplace can be 1 or 2 thousand rubles. It all depends on the size of the product.

If we talk about the cost of a finished product, then the smallest fireplaces that are installed on tables today cost 5 thousand rubles or more.

A tank that has a tank of 5 liters costs already 15 thousand rubles or more.

As a form of income, such a business can amount to 200 thousand. But if we calculate all expenses from this amount, then the net profit will be approximately 155 thousand rubles.

Before you start creating bio-fireplaces, you need to consider many details. After all, the production of biofireplaces is a serious matter. Here you will need to draw up a proper business plan, in which you need to include many details and all kinds of expenses.

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