Mechanical wings for humans. Aircraft. History of invention. The main thing is the right template

Dreams How to dream another person A dream as building a hall of memory Dreams during pregnancy Many people dream of this person Record a dream on video Who broadcasts dreams? Sleep 20 hours Dream Interpretation: strangers Sleep quality Sleep deprivation - fight against depression Why do we have dreams Dream Interpretation, a former boyfriend had a dream Horrors of mistakes in determining reality If you had a strange dream How to remember a dream Interpretation of dreams - Rorschach test Sleep paralysis Will a dream come true Why dreams come true Come true Is it a dream How to make a loved one Dream about zombies Essence of dreams Why do hair dream Why does a dead grandmother dream Dream of a turtle Lucid dream Carlos Castaneda audiobook Electrical stimulation of lucid dreams Seeing a dream Lucid dreams to combat anxiety How to get into another person's dream Joint lucid dreams Exit to the astral Totem of sleep. Movie Beginning Testing Techniques for Extending Lucid Dreams Increasing the Duration of Lucid Dreams First Lucid Dream Connecting Dreams into a Single Space The Method of Spontaneous Awareness During Sleep Techniques for Entering Lucid Dreaming The practice of lucid dreaming can be divided into several points Let's extract the practical part from the description of the experience Memory, imagination, dreams Mapping dreams . Halls of Memory Shamanism Light does not turn on in a dream Cognition of the Unknown Carlos Castaneda audiobook Cognition of the Unknown Series Dream Hunters Sleep Management Night Watch of Dream Hackers Newspaper Oracle about Dream Hackers Reality How to control reality Other forms of life: Trovanta stones Prazer Anomalous Zone (USA) Beshenka River Canyon Abilities Opening of the third eye, distant vision Telepathy - thought transfer Committee for the Protection of People with Abnormal Abilities Extrasensory Perception What team connects telepathy? Development of the gift of clairvoyance Gift of clairvoyance Foresight of the future intuition Foresight of the future Paranormal Poltergeist in the house How to get rid of a ghost I will sell my soul Succubus and incubus Maflok. Who are the maflocks Strangles the brownie Soul after death The soul controls the robot Story from Colobmo "Satan or hypnosis" Thinking Methods of memorization Properties of human memory Development of schoolchildren's memory Human programming Imagination power Visual thinking Layers of personality I Parable of two computers Parable of two computers. Meeting 2 The difference between not-thinking and thinking without words Dream as building a hall of memory Development of memory in schoolchildren Memorization methods Human programming Properties of human memory Power of imagination Visual thinking Layers of personality Non-thinking and thinking without words Miscellaneous Signs and superstitions, who shows us signs Shamanic disease Electroencephalography of the brain (EEG) Entheogens. Cactus Peyote The true founder of Buddhism Transgression and transgressor Transgression and deja vu Magic staff (wand) Divination by Tarot cards Meaning of the word Transcendence Fictional artificial reality One of Asgard and Eve Technology of soldering the Russian people Money noose. Rubliks and Beavers Endless staircase Amazing Cristiano and his balls Practice dreams Practice I died yesterday Talk to the dead Dream about wings Aliens and the world takeover a punch in the jaw An out-of-body story The practice of sleep deprivation Why sleep is needed Time What is deja vu? A case of deja vu prediction of the future Why is the speed of light constant? The speed of light and paradoxes Is it possible to bypass the speed of light? Spatio-temporal bubbles of reality Esoteric woman Tomorrow comes yesterday Part 1. State institution Part 2. A person with an erased memory Part 3. Nevada 1964 Part 4. Pandora's box Part 5. Green Island Part 6. Dreams Part 7. Remember the future

The work of our subconscious

Our consciousness, which we sometimes consider our "I" is only a small part of the work of the brain as a whole. Awareness of oneself as a person is only a small part of the work of the brain, most of the other processes occurring in the head are processed without the involvement of consciousness. These are not only automated reactions like breathing, controlling the heart, muscles when walking, but also more complex ones: pattern recognition, the formation of a three-dimensional surrounding reality. The brain, in fact, at a preliminary level chooses what to show consciousness and what to omit. Some actions are performed so automatically that consciousness is not notified about the work being done.

Quite by accident, I recently found out that new books have come out: “Conscious exits from the body. The experience of traveling to other worlds” and “Controlled dreams. Controlled Reality. They came out from a certain IPL publishing house in 2016. It turns out that this happens, the author himself does not know that he has new books coming out.

They renamed the book in their own way and released it as the author's novelties. I have no idea what kind of publishing house it is, but after reading the reviews of the books, we can conclude: this is my first and second book published by the Ves publishing house under the titles: “Wanderer of Dreams. Part 1. The beginning of the path "and" Traveler of Dreams. Part 2. New Millennium.

Basically, they are the same book. If you have previously read the Dream Traveler series, then it makes no sense to buy new books.

Why do rats dream

The interpretation of the dream in which the rat dreamed. Looking ahead, I will summarize the article - I can boldly say that a dream about a rat is bad. Depending on the variations of sleep, one can determine where the danger is coming from or what to expect in the near future, but in general, sleep does not bode well. The only hopeful dream option is if the plot ends with the rat being killed or caught.

So, to find out from which side to expect a rat bite, analyze your dream.

Let's take a look How can thought be powerful?. How thoughts in general can interact with the universe, cause events not related to our direct actions. What laws of the universe allow us to fulfill our mental desires. How can our brains be gifted with the ability to see at a distance or sense events happening somewhere far away that we have no idea about.

Let's assume that our body, and the brain in particular, is a machine. Complex, to some extent incomprehensible, but still a device that receives and transmits signals to the outside. Let's make one more assumption that we are somewhat similar to a modern computer. Recently, more and more our brain is compared with electronic devices, so we will not deviate from this tradition. Thus, our thoughts are a kind of programs, with cycles, functions that perform certain tasks. Some thoughts are initial data, but some have power - these are programs built according to the laws of the universe.

Over the past month, I've run into several people trying to change their past. Then someone spoke about the memories of a non-existent past.

Most people find it impossible to change the past, and there is no exact description of how to change the past. But, one way or another, I come across mysterious stories that cannot be confirmed or refuted. Any change in the past leads to the fact that everyone around remembers a new story. Thus, it cannot be said with certainty that such a story is not the author's fiction. Only a few individuals retain memories of an alternate present. Sometimes this is not even a memory, but only a feeling of the wrongness of the current moment; sometimes insight flashes of deja vu, or false memories in the head of some moments that never really happened, but for some reason are stored in memory as memories.

In modern clubs, costumed masquerades and various theme parties are often held. But carnival costumes are useful not only for them. Many of us like to participate in photo shoots, creating very unusual, and sometimes completely fantastic images. Anyone who decides to try making an angel or butterfly costume will find it very useful to know how to make wings.

The main thing is the right template

Before starting work, create a sketch and template for the future magical accessory. Wings are an indispensable attribute of a butterfly and a fabulous bird. Draw at least schematically on paper how the suit should look on the human figure. Lack of imagination or lack of inspiration? It doesn't matter - you can also find a finished picture that reflects your intention as accurately as possible. may have a rounded or complex polygonal shape. For a fairy or elf, draw elongated, leaf-like wings. They can also be oval. But angelic ones are most often depicted as teardrop-shaped, elongated. Is the sketch ready? Do not rush to ask how to make wings with your own hands. Transfer your chosen shape onto pattern paper. The template must be made in full size.

Wing materials and most popular techniques

There are two ways to make the carnival accessory we need. In the first case, it is necessary to cut out two identical parts according to the prepared template from a fairly thick cardboard and then decorate them in the chosen way. The second option involves making a wire frame and then covering it with a translucent fabric. How to make wings at home, what materials will be needed for this? To make a wire-based accessory, you will need the wire itself, tulle-type fabric, or If you decide to make cardboard wings, you need cardboard. Regardless of the execution technique, think about fastening. Light wings can simply be sewn to a fancy dress. But the most convenient option is thin elastic straps or with adjustable buckles. Do not forget about decorative elements: feathers or boas are useful for angel wings, and an accessory for a fairy or butterfly outfit can be decorated with colored sparkles, beads and rhinestones.

Angel wings

The costume of a celestial creature cannot be considered complete without weightless or, on the contrary, huge and majestic wings. Start making this element by creating the base. According to the drawn template, make a wire frame or cut out the base from cardboard. Since we are making an angel costume, use white materials or paint the finished structure. Once the base is ready, decide how the wings will connect to each other. Wire frames are simply fastened together, leaving a little wire at the ends. If you are making wings out of cardboard, they can be glued together using a strong adhesive, or fixed in position in another way, for example, sewn onto a wide strip of fabric. Already at this stage of work, fasteners can be attached to the base. How to make angel wings as realistic as possible? Glue them with white feathers, in rows, starting to fill the surface of each wing from below. You can also use a downy boa or pieces of artificial light fur. If you don’t have such finishing materials at hand, wing feathers can be cut out of paper and glued to the base.

Fairy and butterfly wings

For magical creatures and colorful insects, weightless wings created on a wire frame are best suited. Cover the wire with a nylon or translucent fabric. Helpful Hint: Use colored tights or stockings to make your accessory more interesting. How to make wings from nylon and wire? It's simple: first wrap the workpiece and carefully fix the ends of the matter. Then you can paint it with multi-colored paints or even paint it with some interesting ornaments. You can also add multi-colored sequins, beads, or embed small shiny foil elements. Glue the decor on your wings and dry well, in the end, do not forget to attach the straps, thanks to which the accessory will be held on your back.

Knowing how to make wings, you can not only surprise everyone with a unique fancy dress. Try to make a fairy outfit for a doll according to this principle or make an original souvenir figurine. You can also experiment with the design of an accessory for an adult fancy dress. Try making wings with colorful feathers, or make black wings for a Halloween party. What is especially nice, the manufacture of such an accessory will take very little time, and materials for crafts can be found in any home. Now you know how to make wings to "fly" over a crowd of other guests at any costumed masquerade. We wish you creative success and only the brightest images!

DUBAI, May 13 - RIA Novosti, Anna Chernova-Saliychuk. Jetman is the nickname of the man who invented and constantly improves the jet wing, allowing him to fly at speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour.

He flew over the English Channel, flew over the Grand Canyon and Fujiyama volcano. Recently, Jetman found a permanent home in the skyscraper city of Dubai.

“My job is just to fly, I’m not in charge here at all,” Yves Rossy, the world-famous Swiss pilot-inventor, told RIA Novosti correspondent on the 112th floor of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, before his first press conference. In Dubai.

The name of the pilot-inventor will undoubtedly go down in the history of Dubai, where pioneers are loved. His name is Jetman, almost like a superhero, and his weapon is a craving for flying.

“If you have an idea, even if it seems crazy, try to implement it,” says Jetman in a video that has circled the entire world wide web.

Wings for the third dimension

The 55-year-old Jetman had many years of flight school, then work in civil aviation and aerial reconnaissance, after which he plunged into the realization of his old dream - turning a person into an aircraft using a carbon fiber wing with four jet engines. Wing weight - 55 kilograms, span - two meters. It makes you wonder how much physical strength and training it takes to become a Jetman.

The wing is tightly attached to the body, and under a load of 55 kilograms, Jetman, sitting in a helicopter, looks like an upset superhero who is forced to go to the penalty loop. But this impression is dissipated when he jumps out of a helicopter, plane or balloon, cuts through the sky in different directions at an average speed of 200 kilometers per hour (accelerating to a maximum of 300 kilometers per hour) and lands smoothly with the help of a parachute.

In addition to the fact that the wings invented by Rossi are the first of their kind, their feature is the complete absence of mechanization, that is, they can be controlled by shifting the centers of mass, in other words, by moving arms, legs and head in the air. With a full tank of fuel (30 liters of kerosene), Jetman can hover and perform incredible aerobatics for about 10 minutes.

An aircraft with rigid folding wings of his own invention and jet engines designed for aeromodelling, Rossi first tested in 2004. A few years later, he flew across the English Channel, over the Grand Canyon, and also over the Swiss Alps in formation with two Swiss Air Force fighters. The desire to expand the capabilities of a person and give him a chance to really fly resulted in a work of 10 years, during which Rossi developed and tested 15 wing prototypes one by one.

The last known flight took place in Japan in November 2013. He circled Japan's Mount Fuji nine times. After that, Jetman went into the shadows, although he still flew and worked on a new generation wing. And now, at a press conference in Dubai, journalists are watching another breathtaking Jetman flight against the backdrop of the desert, the artificial Palm Island and the Burj Khalifa.

A typical day in Dubai starts early for Rossi, before the heat sets in. After checking the equipment, he gets into the helicopter and jumps out of it at an altitude of 1800 meters. For 10 minutes of flight, the Jetman practices various maneuvers, such as dead loops, trying to improve his acrobatic skills. But the main goal is to improve the aircraft itself, to make it even more maneuverable.

“The main idea is not to cover distances. An airplane is a much more convenient means for this purpose. The idea is to fly like a bird in order to use the third dimension. Man naturally knows only two dimensions: forward-backward and left-right. But here we have something on the back, which allows us to move up and down as well. That is, human capabilities expand, providing him with freedom, "explains the inventor.

Doubling Jetman

The skyscraper Burj Khalifa, where the meeting with the test pilot takes place, just recently became another milestone in the history of Jetman flights.

“Dubai’s infrastructure is excellent, everything that seemed impossible before now exists here, and in this we are similar to the city. I feel a very right spirit here, and the future of Jetman is definitely in this city,” says Rossi.

However, the reason for moving to the UAE lies not only in this. Long before the meeting with the public in Dubai, photos appeared on the Internet, in which Jetman for the first time flies not alone, but in tandem with another "bird-man". Rossi himself calls him "Jetman Junior", the successor of his work. “When he first flew a few years ago, I was even upset because he was so good,” admits Rossi.

Who was hiding behind the now recognizable orange suit was unknown, and only in Dubai did Rossi introduce the new Jetman to the public. This is 30-year-old Vince Reffe, a skydiving champion who has already attracted public attention when he bungee jumped from the top of the Burj Khalifa in 2014 in tandem with a partner, and even earlier - jumping from the French peak of Mont Blanc.

Jetman-junior, in a conversation with a RIA Novosti correspondent, admits that 5 years of hard training have passed since the first fitting of the wings in 2009 until the start of confident regular flights. Now he calls the wing an extension of his body, with which he gains a sense of real flight.

Fly not to be afraid

"If you are afraid of flying on an airplane, then I advise you to do something very difficult, for example, to fly in the cockpit, in many countries there are similar courses. Only the unknown is scary. When you know what is really happening, you stop being afraid" Rossi advises.

His immediate plans are to train and improve his technique, including thanks to his young assistant, in the future - to work on the ability to take off with wings directly from the ground, and not with the help of a helicopter or airplane, and make a flight longer than 10 minutes. Vince Reffe, talking about these plans, says that then "Jetman" will become like "Iron Man" - a comic book character who is dressed in metal armor and at the same time flies with a jet engine.

“I will stop dreaming only when I feel like a bird in the air, that is, when I don’t need an airplane or a parachute to fly. This is a pretty bold idea, but, on the other hand, 20 years ago no one thought that you could fly with jet engine. Once upon a time people with crazy ideas invented cars, computers and airplanes for us. Yes, my idea is difficult to implement, but I think we should at least try, study, explore, share our knowledge and skills with others, fly higher and faster,” says Rossi.

He constantly emphasizes that the work done is a team work, when photographing, he calls all the personnel - pilots, managers and the director's group - he himself becomes in the back row.

Jetman also noted that he could fly in Russia. “We plan to travel around the world and implement demonstration flights there. It is too early to say that we are going to go to Russia right now, but we definitely have such an idea,” he assured.

People have dreamed of rising into the air and soaring there like birds since ancient times. Observations of birds suggested that a person needs wings to fly. The ancient Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus tells how the first homemade flying machine was designed - wings made of feathers fastened with wax. Following the mythical heroes, many daredevils developed their own wing designs. But their dreams to rise into the sky did not come true, it ended in disaster.

The next step in the attempt to invent a working aircraft was the use of movable wings. They were set in motion by the strength of their legs or arms, but they only clapped, and they were not capable of lifting the entire structure into the sky.

Leonardo da Vinci did not stand aside either. Known for the development of Leonardo aircraft with movable wings set in motion by the power of human muscles. The first aircraft, which was designed by a brilliant Italian scientist and inventor, is considered the prototype of a helicopter. Leonardo drew a diagram of a device equipped with a huge propeller made of starch-impregnated linen material with a diameter of 5 meters.

As conceived by the designer, four men had to rotate special levers in a circle. Modern scientists say that in order to set this structure in motion, the strength of the muscles of four people was not enough. But if Leonardo da Vinci used a powerful spring as a trigger, his aircraft could make a short, but real flight. Da Vinci did not stop developing designs for flights on this, he designed devices that could soar with the help of and in the 1480s he drew a drawing of a device "for jumping from any height without harm to humans." The device shown in the picture differs little from a modern parachute.

No matter how surprising it may sound, but the first aircraft that took to the skies was devoid of wings. At the end of the eighteenth century, the Montgolfier brothers, Frenchmen Jacques Etienne and Joseph Michel, invented the bulky balloon. This aircraft, filled with warm air, could lift cargo or people. compatriot Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier became the inventor who rose into the sky on a hot air balloon. And a month later, he made the first free flight in a balloon in the company of the Marquis d'Arland. This happened in 1783.

Moved by the will of the wind, people thought about controlled flights. In 1784, just a year after the first balloon flight, mathematician, inventor and military engineer Jacques Meunier presented a design for an airship (in French, this word means "controlled"). He came up with an elongated streamlined shape of airships, a method of attaching a gondola to a balloon, a balloonet inside the shell to make up for gas leaks. And most importantly, Meunier's aircraft was equipped with a propeller, which, while rotating, was supposed to push the structure forward.

Only to realize the brilliant idea of ​​Jacques Meunier at that time was not possible, a suitable propeller had not yet been invented.

In any case, it was thanks to the developments of scientists of past centuries and their home-made aircraft that the development and emergence of fast, roomy and reliable aircraft became possible.

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