How a Moscow engineer built a flywheel. Muscular floating flywheel "swan" From airplane to helicopter

Why don't people fly like birds? They also fly: the aerodynamics of an aircraft are almost the same as those of birds, although people are still working on a completely “morphable”, changeable wing. In flight, we reached great heights. If converted into kilograms of mass and kilometers of flight, a modern airliner spends less energy than a bird. Apparently, there is no analogue of the helicopter principle of flight in the animal world at all. But still, there is some kind of incompleteness in the ability of a person to fly.

Ancient, like our entire family, the dream of flying like a bird - that is, freely flapping its wings - remains unfulfilled. This dream is so strong that although no airline and no army in the world has so far operated a single ornithopter, the current Convention on International Civil Aviation includes its definition: “Aircraft heavier than air, which is supported in flight mainly due to the reactions of air with its planes, which are given a swing motion.

From plane to helicopter

However, the dream of fly-by-flight also has a practical side. Aerodynamic quality - the ratio of lift to drag that determines flight efficiency - is exceptionally high for aircraft. But airplanes require expensive and complex airfields, large runways. Helicopters in this sense are more convenient, they take off and land vertically, without requiring any infrastructure for this. They are much more maneuverable and even able to hover motionless. But the aerodynamic quality of helicopters is not high, and an hour of their flight time is not cheap at all.

There are many attempts to cross one with the other - rotary-wing gyroplanes and convertiplanes have their fans. To solve some narrow tasks, these aircraft may even be indispensable. But still, such hybrids turn out to be not very successful: there is a joke that they combine not so much advantages as key disadvantages of both aircraft and helicopters. But flywheels may be a suitable solution. Theoretically, they will be able to take off from a standstill, will be maneuverable up to the ability to hover in the air and will be able to demonstrate almost aircraft aerodynamic quality.

But the first clumsy aeronauts thought, of course, not about airplanes, which did not yet exist at all, but about birds. It seemed that it was enough to learn to push off the air with wings - and a person would fly. With such views, of course, none of them could get off the ground. The winged mechanical contrivances made for clumsy gliding at best, as did the legendary Benedictine monk Aylmer, who jumped from the tower of Malmesbury Abbey in England about a thousand years ago, suffering severe injuries.

From bird to insect

The reason for the numerous failures is clear: the very essence of the flight in those years was represented rather vaguely. Lift is given to birds not by reliance on air, but by a special contour of the wing profile. By dividing the oncoming flow in two, it forces the air over the top edge to move faster than over the bottom. According to Bernoulli's law, the pressure will be higher in an area with slower flow. The resulting difference between the pressure below and above the wing creates lift. But as soon as you start flapping your wings, this clear picture changes completely.

A famous saying goes that "according to the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees cannot fly at all." In principle, this is true: from the point of view of classical aerodynamics, insects and their wings are something out of the blue. Even in theory, they are incapable of generating the lift and thrust necessary for flight—unless we move from classic airframe aerodynamics to a new, non-stationary one. Everything is different here: turbulent eddies, with which aircraft designers struggle tirelessly, become the key to the flight of both the bumblebee and its relatives.

Large birds use flapping only occasionally, for example, when it is necessary to slow down for landing or take off. These flaps plus leg movements allow them to gain forward thrust in order for the lift of the wing to come into play. Insects, on the other hand, flap their wings constantly, and along a special trajectory, rather forward and backward than up and down. In combination with the flexibility of the wings and a sufficient frequency of flapping, this creates turbulent eddies at their leading edge, which are "dumped" from the edge of the wing at the top and bottom points. They create enough lift and thrust for the flight of a bumblebee.

By changing the speed of the first and second phases of movement, the insect controls the direction of these forces by maneuvering in the air. And even the bristles, bumps and bumps on the surface of the wing - in contrast to the streamlined wing of an aircraft - work to form turbulent vortices.

From Moscow to Toronto

These subtleties were not known for a long time and are not fully understood until now. But it turned out that in the simplest case this is not necessary. Even before World War II, German aircraft designers were successfully flying small, lightweight ornithopters using a twisted rubber band to drive them. Even the famous aerodynamicist Alexander Lippisch paid tribute to their passion, and in the 1930s, Eric von Holst managed to tear off an ornithopter from the ground, on which an internal combustion engine was installed. However, it was not possible to create an apparatus that could be considered as a prototype of something useful, capable of carrying at least one person or cargo, then it was not possible. In the 1960s, Percival Spencer demonstrated the flight of an "orniplane" with a wingspan of 2.3 m and a tiny (5.7 cm3) two-stroke engine - piloted by an operator, by cable.

A larger flywheel took off only in the early 1980s, when a professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Valentin Kiselev, designed a seven-kilogram apparatus capable of launching and remaining in flight on its own. Over time, the model was freed from the cable and controlled by radio. In the footsteps of Kiselyov, his overseas colleague James Delorier moved in this work. In 1991, Delorière received a diploma from the International Federation of Aeronautics for the creation of "the first powered and remotely controlled ornithopter". In 2006, his UTIAS Ornithopter No. 1 took off, and soon the manned Snowbird flew into the air - in 14 seconds it flew about 300 m on the pilot's muscular thrust.

“This is not a completely fair result,” explains Andrey Melnik, a student of Professor Kiselev, a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute. - I am familiar with these designs, and they cannot be considered flywheels in the full sense of the word. The first device was equipped with a jet engine to create thrust and take off. And the second demonstrated another important thing: that human muscular strength is not enough for flapping flight. Even a trained pilot, an athlete, even managed to fly quite a bit.

The transmission converts the reciprocating motion of the engine pistons into the rotational motion of the gears, and the crank gear turns it back into reciprocating wing beats. The inventors dream of making this scheme more efficient by directly transferring the piston movements to the wings.

From game to science

I must say that if the “useful” flapping flight has not yet been mastered, then the gaming industry already feels quite confident in this area. The first small models with an elastic band appeared on sale at the end of the 19th century, and today one of the popular toys with flapping wings, an electric motor and radio control is offered by WowWee, a developer of toy robots.

“I myself started with aircraft modeling,” says Andrey Melnik, “so I can imagine how demanding airplanes are for the skill of the pilot who controls them from the ground. Literally one awkward movement - and it falls into a tailspin or roll. And I can say that my experience in operating our flywheel shows that even a child can handle this device. We have made it so stable that it easily forgives all mistakes and remains in the air.”

Funds in the development of a new type of aircraft, with rather dubious prospects, are reluctant to invest. However, Andrey Melnik and Dmitry Shuvalov managed to convince investors that, thanks to modern technologies and proper investments, a flywheel can be created. “We managed to find several fundamental points that were misunderstood before, including when I worked with Professor Kiselev,” the designer adds. - Our first models simply fell apart, unable to withstand the load. So, it was assumed that such a load on the apparatus is created by aerodynamic forces. However, tests have shown that this is not the case, and it experiences the main impact due to the inertia of flapping wings.

Having found out the reasons for the failures, the developers reduced the weight of the wing as much as possible - to 600 g with an area of ​​0.5 m 2 - and damped its effect on the fuselage. “The real surprise for us was the simulation results, which showed that the aerodynamic center of the four-winged vehicle is not somewhere between the front and rear pair of wings, but behind them,” recalls Andrey Melnik. - To solve this problem, I had to change the geometry of the front and rear plumage. But as a result, the flywheel began to confidently stay in the air.

Tiny ornithopters are being developed around the world. As a rule, their authors try to imitate nature with greater or lesser accuracy by repeating the design of a flying insect. In May 2015, Peter Abbeel and Robert Dudley of the UC Berkeley Biomimetic Millisystems Laboratory demonstrated the spectacular takeoff of a 13.2-gram flywheel from a "launcher" on the back of a six-legged microrobot.

From practice to theory

The first flight of the flywheel took place in 2012, when the device, still almost uncontrollable, flew about 100 m. Its rigid composite wings were driven by a small engine with a crank-and-rod transmission. And after another six months, an improved 29-kilogram version remained in the air for as long as a half-liter fuel tank was enough - 10-15 minutes. For their flywheel, the developers have issued a patent of the Russian Federation No. 2488525.

The fore and hind wings of an ornithopter flap in antiphase. This sharply reduces the vibrations of the apparatus in flight and the loads arising from the inertia of the moving wings.

“Among other things, we also faced the problem of management,” Andrey Melnik continues. - Vertically, the flywheel deviated and was controlled reliably, with the help of elevators on the tail. But in order to change the course also horizontally, we had to install additional wingtips on the wings. By changing their position, it became possible to fully control the device in flight, via a radio channel.

I must say that the flyover does not take off vertically, although it needs a very short runway to take off. Only 5-10 m - and he goes into the lead. This figure can be further reduced, however, to create a true full-size model, the design will have to be seriously improved. According to Andrey Melnik, first of all, it is required to abandon the crank mechanism, which is not very successful for creating flapping movements of the wings. It generates too dangerous inertial forces, which are especially large in the upper and lower “dead spots” of the oscillation. “If we take another drive that is able to accumulate the energy of the last phases of movement and then use it to move in the opposite direction, then it will be much more efficient,” says the designer. “It could be, for example, a pneumatic mechanism, we have such ideas.”

“The worst thing is that we still don’t understand exactly how it flies,” Andrey Melnik continues. “Both by education and skills, we are practitioners, designers, and not theorists, not scientists. But we can definitely say that the usual theoretical models for a flywheel are not suitable, and our tests confirmed this. In particular, our lift coefficient turned out to be many times greater than that of a typical aircraft wing. Why? I hope someone understands." Perhaps everything will really happen in the reverse order: having figured out how the flywheel flies, we will finally understand the flapping flight of birds and insects.

Multicopters are taking over the world and it's no surprise - four or more motors, a battery and a control board with a gyroscope - what could be simpler and more reliable? Recently, large companies such as Amazon, Google and DHL have been developing multicopters to deliver packages and small cargo over short distances. Let's try to figure out if this is possible in practice and is there another way?

Of course, the design of multicopters is simple, but they also have a number of serious drawbacks. First and foremost, they are ineffective. We have to spend a lot of electricity to deliver one kilogram of cargo, the aircraft would cope with this task much more efficiently. The second problem is noise - rapidly spinning propellers create an unpleasant whistle that is very annoying. The third disadvantage is that the larger the propeller, the more efficient it is, so a multicopter will always be inferior to a single-rotor helicopter of the same power. And that is why our Mi-26 is the most efficient helicopter in the world.

Agree, with all the modern talk about ecology and the importance of energy efficiency, the picture of the future, where whistling inefficient multicopters fly in the city sky, looks a bit strange. The task itself suggests the answer - we need a low-noise, efficient and reliable apparatus. But does it exist?

There are not many other solutions to the problem of transporting goods by air in the world. The most common way is by plane. It is effective for cargo delivery due to its high aerodynamic quality, but it requires long runways for landing, which makes it impossible to use it for cargo delivery within the city. Helicopters, like multicopters, are very efficient in hover mode, but extremely inefficient in level flight. There are also tiltrotor planes that combine the features of an airplane and a helicopter - these are rather complicated aircraft both in maintenance and in piloting, which, as a rule, in addition to the pluses, combine the minuses of both parents. But there is another, undeservedly forgotten type of aircraft - an ornithopter, also known as a flywheel. If you pay attention to birds, insects and what they do in the air, then their mechanical analogue would be quite suitable for solving the problem of delivering goods within the boundaries of settlements and beyond. In addition, the ornithopter combines the advantages of an airplane and a helicopter - it is able to carry out horizontal flight with high quality and at the same time hover and carry out vertical takeoff and landing.

Andrey Melnik

Historically, it so happened that the maholet did not find development. At the dawn of aviation, it turned out to be too complicated and all attempts to create an apparatus with a flapping wing were in vain. But the very idea of ​​flying like a bird has not left the minds of scientists since the very beginning of aviation. Even Zhukovsky, the progenitor of modern aerodynamics, repeatedly turned to the theory of bird flight, which became the basis of all modern aerodynamics. However, having solved the problem of soaring, the vortex theory of the screw and the wing, Nikolai Egorovich left the problem of the flapping wing without due attention. Later, they tried to solve it in the group of Mikhail Tikhonravov, one of the founders of the USSR space industry, but things did not go beyond general theoretical calculations, and with the development of aircraft construction, interest in flapping flight completely faded away.

A new wave of interest in flywheels begins in the 80s. In the Soviet Union and abroad, articles are published related to the study of the flight of birds, insects, ancient lizards, and it was then that a common phrase appeared: according to the laws of aerodynamics, a bumblebee cannot fly, but it does not know them and therefore flies. Indeed, these studies have given rise to the main question: how exactly is flapping flight implemented? It culminated in an attempt by NASA professor Paul McCready to create a replica of a giant pterodactyl that never flew, but that didn't stop the enterprising professor from selling it to a New York museum for $3 million. The failure of McCready once again reduced interest in flapping flight, which again began to look unrealizable.

At this time, against the backdrop of new research and the failures of foreign colleagues, a flapping flight laboratory was being created at the Moscow Aviation Institute, which was actively supported by the then head of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, Mikhail Simonov. In the course of many years of work, the team managed to create a number of light flying models, as well as lay the foundations for aerodynamics and flapping flight dynamics. By 1993, a manned experimental vehicle had already been designed and even part of the funds had been allocated, but perestroika spared no one and the project stalled. The head of the laboratory, Professor Valentin Kiselev, subsequently repeatedly tried to raise the topic of winged vehicles, but his attempts were in vain, as was the construction of a 22-kilogram model.

At this time, the University of Toronto became the leader in the construction of flywheels abroad. The team, led by James Delourier, has achieved significant success - in 2002 they created an excellent flying model of a 3.5 kilogram flywheel. And in 2004, a manned vehicle was already built, which could not get off the ground due to low engine power. Two years later, an additional small jet engine was installed on the ornithopter, which nevertheless allowed it to fly, but after 300 meters the pilot lost control and the device turned over. In 2010, a revitalized team at the University of Toronto created the first manned, muscle-powered flywheel that was able to fly 19.3 seconds in level flight using the pilot's strength alone. True, the device was first pulled to a height like a glider, and only then the pilot was able to soar for almost 20 seconds without losing altitude.

In 2011, we, a young team of MAI graduates, started designing a new device: Andrey Melnik and Dmitry Shuvalov. At first, the project was built on the basis of Kiselev's ideas, since this was the only worthy theoretical basis in the field of ornithopters. However, the design solutions proposed by Valentin Afanasyevich proved to be unjustified and ineffective. As a result, we decided to radically revise the design of the flywheel in the direction of ensuring high reliability of the drive and the possibility of adjusting the main parameters in a wide range of values. The basis for calculating the strength of nodes and joints was the theory of Valentin Kiselev about the priority of aerodynamic loads over inertial ones. To our great regret, it was this assumption that had an anchor effect on the entire development of the project, constantly slowing down the project.

Andrey Melnik

Andrey Melnik

Andrey Melnik

Andrey Melnik

After assembling and testing the first version of the new drive, we found that the calculated values ​​of the loads do not match the actual ones, which, in turn, leads to rapid wear of the drive mechanisms. In addition, the very quality of execution of drive parts by third-party manufacturers turned out to be very low, in sum, these two factors did not allow the flight to be realized. After a long refinement of the design, we managed to achieve reliability of the drive, but the device refused to fly steadily, making only small spans. By that time, I had developed the basics of the aerodynamics of the flywheel, which allowed me to assess the loads and draw conclusions about the problems of flight. The fact is that a significant part of the flywheel wing, if it is torsionally rigid, is in the zone of vortex blowing and flow separation, which greatly reduces the lift of the apparatus. Then we decided to create new sectional wings that would improve the aerodynamics of the device. It was an interesting design decision, it made it possible to understand the aerodynamics of the wing, but did not give the expected effect - the device could not reach the set frequency in any way and constantly broke down. We remained faithful to the theory of the predominance of aerodynamic forces and looked for some new effect, but everything turned out to be simpler. During the next tests, the device reached the required frequency, but the thrust bearing failed, which clearly indicated that the forces acting on this unit were significantly exceed the calculated ones.

Oddly enough, the manufacturer's mistake made it possible to solve the riddle: they did not harden the aluminum alloy cranks, which was not critical for the calculated loads, but during real flight it deformed and “remembered” what efforts distorted it. This made it possible to estimate the place where the value of the force was maximum and even to calculate its value - everything indicated that these were inertial dynamic forces, significantly exceeding the aerodynamic ones. Subsequently, these data made it possible to prove that it was impossible to create a flywheel with a mechanical drive weighing more than 42 kilograms, which baffled further research. Nevertheless, having new information, we managed to redesign the device, understand the design loads, aerodynamics and flight dynamics. This made it possible to create a model weighing 30 kilograms, which flew and controlled well, but, nevertheless, did not solve the main problem - the ability to build devices of a larger dimension.

In 2013, I received a grant from the Foundation for the Promotion of Small Forms of Entrepreneurship within the framework of the UMNIK program, which allowed me to continue researching the aerodynamics and flight dynamics of flywheels. For two years of research work, it was possible to develop a fundamentally different approach to the creation of winged vehicles. Parasitic, scale-limiting inertial loads could be used in reverse - to increase the efficiency of the swing. In fact, in the new scheme, the wing becomes an inertial element of a physical pendulum, making harmonic oscillations, then accumulating kinetic energy, then giving it to the air springs. And the energy supply necessary to create aerodynamic forces is carried out by burning fuel and supplying compressed gas to the air springs. Such a solution, theoretically, allows you to create devices of almost any dimension, and this is a fundamentally different level. The main advantage of the flywheel over other aircraft is that it uses the wing to create both lift and thrust, removing intermediaries in the form of a screw, gearbox and engine, which converts reciprocating movements into rotational ones.

Why don't people fly like birds? They also fly: the aerodynamics of an aircraft are almost the same as those of birds, although people are still working on a completely “morphable”, changeable wing. In flight, we reached great heights. If converted into kilograms of mass and kilometers of flight, a modern airliner spends less energy than a bird.

Ancient, like our entire family, the dream of flying like a bird - that is, freely flapping its wings - remains unfulfilled. This dream is so strong that although no airline and no army in the world has so far operated a single ornithopter, the current Convention on International Civil Aviation includes its definition: “Aircraft heavier than air, which is supported in flight mainly due to the reactions of air with its planes, which are given a swing motion.

From plane to helicopter

However, the dream of fly-by-flight also has a practical side. Aerodynamic quality - the ratio of lift to drag that determines flight efficiency - is exceptionally high for aircraft. But airplanes require expensive and complex airfields, large runways. Helicopters in this sense are more convenient, they take off and land vertically, without requiring any infrastructure for this. They are much more maneuverable and even able to hover motionless. But the aerodynamic quality of helicopters is not high, and an hour of their flight time is not cheap at all.

There are many attempts to cross one with the other - rotary-wing gyroplanes and convertiplanes have their fans. To solve some narrow tasks, these aircraft may even be indispensable. But still, such hybrids turn out to be not very successful: there is a joke that they combine not so much advantages as key disadvantages of both aircraft and helicopters. But flywheels may be a suitable solution. Theoretically, they will be able to take off from a standstill, will be maneuverable up to the ability to hover in the air and will be able to demonstrate almost aircraft aerodynamic quality.

But the first clumsy aeronauts thought, of course, not about airplanes, which did not yet exist at all, but about birds. It seemed that it was enough to learn to push off the air with wings - and a person would fly. With such views, of course, none of them could get off the ground. The winged mechanical contrivances made for clumsy gliding at best, as did the legendary Benedictine monk Aylmer, who jumped from the tower of Malmesbury Abbey in England about a thousand years ago, suffering severe injuries.

Tiny ornithopters are being developed around the world. As a rule, their authors try to imitate nature with greater or lesser accuracy by repeating the design of a flying insect. In May 2015, Peter Abbeel and Robert Dudley of the UC Berkeley Biomimetic Millisystems Laboratory demonstrated the spectacular takeoff of a 13.2-gram flywheel from a "launcher" on the back of a six-legged microrobot.

From bird to insect

The reason for the numerous failures is clear: the very essence of the flight in those years was represented rather vaguely. Lift is given to birds not by reliance on air, but by a special contour of the wing profile. By dividing the oncoming flow in two, it forces the air over the top edge to move faster than over the bottom. According to Bernoulli's law, the pressure will be higher in an area with slower flow. The resulting difference between the pressure below and above the wing creates lift. But as soon as you start flapping your wings, this clear picture changes completely.

A famous saying goes that "according to the laws of aerodynamics, bumblebees cannot fly at all." In principle, this is true: from the point of view of classical aerodynamics, insects and their wings are something out of the blue. Even in theory, they are incapable of generating the lift and thrust necessary for flight - unless we move from classical aerodynamics of a glider to a new, non-stationary one. Everything is different here: turbulent eddies, with which aircraft designers struggle tirelessly, become the key to the flight of both the bumblebee and its relatives.

Large birds use flapping only occasionally - for example, when it is necessary to slow down for landing or take off. These flaps plus leg movements allow them to gain forward thrust in order for the lift of the wing to come into play. Insects, on the other hand, flap their wings constantly, and along a special trajectory, rather forward and backward than up and down. In combination with the flexibility of the wings and a sufficient frequency of flapping, this creates turbulent eddies at their leading edge, which are "dumped" from the edge of the wing at the top and bottom points. They create enough lift and thrust for the flight of a bumblebee.

By changing the speed of the first and second phases of movement, the insect controls the direction of these forces by maneuvering in the air. And even bristles, bumps and irregularities on the surface of the wing - in contrast to the streamlined wing of an aircraft - work to form turbulent vortices.

From Moscow to Toronto

These subtleties were not known for a long time and are not fully understood until now. But it turned out that in the simplest case this is not necessary. Even before World War II, German aircraft designers were successfully flying small, lightweight ornithopters using a twisted rubber band to drive them. Even the famous aerodynamicist Alexander Lippisch paid tribute to their passion, and in the 1930s, Eric von Holst managed to tear off an ornithopter from the ground, on which an internal combustion engine was installed. However, it was not possible to create an apparatus that could be considered as a prototype of something useful, capable of carrying at least one person or cargo, then it was not possible. In the 1960s, Percival Spencer demonstrated the flight of an "orniplane" with a wingspan of 2.3 m and a tiny (5.7 cm3) two-stroke engine - he was piloted by an operator, by cable.

A larger flywheel took off only in the early 1980s, when a professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Valentin Kiselev, designed a seven-kilogram apparatus capable of launching and remaining in flight on its own. Over time, the model was freed from the cable and controlled by radio. In the footsteps of Kiselyov, his overseas colleague James Delorier moved in this work. In 1991, Delorière received a diploma from the International Federation of Aeronautics for the creation of "the first powered and remotely controlled ornithopter". In 2006, his model UTIAS Ornithopter No.? 1 took off, and soon the manned Snowbird flew into the air - in 14 seconds it flew about 300 m on the pilot's muscular thrust.

“This is not a completely fair result,” explains Professor Kiselev's student, MAI graduate Andrey Melnik. - I am familiar with these designs, and they cannot be considered flywheels in the full sense of the word. The first device was equipped with a jet engine to create thrust and take off. And the second demonstrated another important thing: that human muscular strength is not enough for flapping flight. Even a trained pilot, an athlete, even managed to fly quite a bit.

reciprocating motion
The transmission converts the engine pistons into the rotational movement of the gears, and the crank gear turns it back into reciprocating wingbeats. The inventors dream of making this scheme more efficient by directly transferring the piston movements to the wings.

From game to science

I must say that if the “useful” flapping flight has not yet been mastered, then the gaming industry already feels quite confident in this area. The first small models with an elastic band appeared on sale at the end of the 19th century, and today one of the popular toys with flapping wings, an electric motor and radio control is offered by WowWee, a developer of toy robots.

“I myself started with aircraft modeling,” says Andrey Melnik, “so I can imagine how demanding the planes are for the skill of the pilot who controls them from the ground. Literally one awkward movement - and he falls into a tailspin or roll. And I can say that my experience in operating our flywheel shows that even a child can handle this device. We have made it so stable that it easily forgives all mistakes and remains in the air.”

Funds in the development of a new type of aircraft, with rather dubious prospects, are reluctant to invest. However, Andrey Melnik and Dmitry Shuvalov managed to convince investors that, thanks to modern technologies and proper investments, a flywheel can be created. “We managed to find several fundamental points that were misunderstood before, including when I worked with Professor Kiselev,” the designer adds. - Our first models simply fell apart, unable to withstand the load. So, it was assumed that such a load on the apparatus is created by aerodynamic forces. However, tests have shown that this is not the case, and it experiences the main impact due to the inertia of flapping wings.

Having found out the reasons for the failures, the developers reduced the weight of the wing as much as possible - to 600 g with an area of ​​0.5 m2 - and dampened its effect on the fuselage. “The real surprise for us was the simulation results, which showed that the aerodynamic center of the four-winged vehicle is not somewhere between the front and rear pair of wings, but behind them,” recalls Andrey Melnik. - To solve this problem, I had to change the geometry of the front and rear plumage. But as a result, the flywheel began to confidently stay in the air.

From practice to theory

The first flight of the flywheel took place in 2012, when the device, still almost uncontrollable, flew about 100 m. Its rigid composite wings were driven by a small engine with a crank-and-rod transmission. And after another six months, an improved 29-kilogram version remained in the air for as long as a half-liter fuel tank was enough - 10-15 minutes. The developers have issued a patent of the Russian Federation No. 2488525 for their flywheel.

“Among other things, we also faced the problem of management,” Andrey Melnik continues. - Vertically, the flywheel deflected and was controlled reliably, with the help of elevators on the tail unit. But in order to change the course also horizontally, we had to install additional wingtips on the wings. By changing their position, it became possible to fully control the device in flight, via a radio channel.

I must say that the flyover does not take off vertically, although it needs a very short runway to take off. Only 5-10 m - and he goes into the lead. This figure can be further reduced, however, to create a true full-size model, the design will have to be seriously improved. According to Andrey Melnik, first of all, it is required to abandon the crank mechanism, which is not very successful for creating flapping movements of the wings. It generates too dangerous inertial forces, which are especially large in the upper and lower “dead spots” of the oscillation. “If we take another drive that is able to accumulate the energy of the last phases of movement and then use it to move in the opposite direction, then it will be much more efficient,” says the designer. “It could be, for example, a pneumatic mechanism, we have such ideas.”

“The worst thing is that we still don’t understand exactly how it flies,” Andrey Melnik continues. - Both by education and by skills, we are practitioners, designers, and not theorists, not scientists. But we can definitely say that the usual theoretical models for a flywheel are not suitable, and our tests confirmed this. In particular, our lift coefficient turned out to be many times greater than that of a typical aircraft wing. Why? I hope someone understands." Perhaps everything will really happen in the reverse order: having figured out how the flywheel flies, we will finally understand the flapping flight of birds and insects.

In FIG. 1 schematically shows the flywheel, general view; in fig. 1 - screw connection of the shaft; on fig.Z - swivel discs with wings.
The proposed flywheel consists of a fuselage 1, pairs of wings 2, 3 and 4, connected to disks 5, which are connected to the shaft 6 through a screw connection 7 with a large pitch and at the same time the direction of winding of the helix for wings 2 and 4 is the same, and for wings 3 - other. And in each pair of wings, the winding direction is also different. The shaft 6 is located in the drive part 8, consisting (not shown in the drawing) of a heat engine, a gearbox and a mechanism for converting the movement of the shaft 6 reciprocating along its axis without rotating the disks 5. With the wings 2, 3 and 4, the disks 5 are connected by hinged joints 9 , consisting of a sleeve 10 containing a cutout 11, in which there is a protrusion 12 rigidly connected to the shaft 13. Between the protrusions 12 and the radial walls of the cutout 11 there are springs 14 working in compression. There is a 15 height steering wheel and a 16 steering wheel.
The flywheel works as follows. The heat engine is running, not shown in the drawing. The rotation from it to the shaft 6 is transmitted through the gearbox and to the mechanism for converting the movement of the shaft 6 into reciprocating without rotation, which are not shown in the drawing, since they are used in well-known designs and are not the subject of the invention. The translational movement of the shaft 6 through the screw connection 7, shown in figure 2, causes the wings 2, 3 and 4 to rotate relative to the axis of rotation of the shaft 6. Since these screw connections 7 for the wings of one pair have different helix directions, they rotate towards each other friend. In addition, for the same reason, wings 2 and 4 have this rotation, for example, swing up, then wings 3 have opposite rotation, swing down, and then vice versa. In addition, the execution of the wings 2, 3 and 4 through the hinges 9 cause the wings at the very beginning of the upswing to turn downward in the hinge 9, since the hinges 9 are located as shown in figure 1, much closer to the front of the flywheel, since the area of ​​interaction of the wings with the air behind the hinge 9 is much larger than in front. The dimensions of the cutout 11 and the stiffness of the springs 14 allow the wings 2, 3 and 4, for the most part of the flight transition, to occupy a position at an angle of 20-70 * (with respect to the direction of movement of the flywheel) down, as the swing goes up. At the same time, a component of this force arises from interaction with air resistance, aimed at creating a direction of movement forward. In this case, the wings 3 swing down and create a lifting force for the flywheel, since in this case the compression of the springs 14 ensures that the wings 3 are almost parallel to the axis of the shaft 6. The above-mentioned angle is 1-15*. And this ensures the neutralization of the force component of the upward swing of wings 2 and 4 from air resistance. This ensures a smooth flight of the aircraft. You can perform my muscle-driven flywheel and it will be a sensation and many will want to buy or rent it. The fact is that my flywheel has design features that allow it to fly very stably even in windy weather due to the fact that its middle twin wing flaps in one direction, and the 2 second front and rear synchronously flap in the other direction. In a downswing, the wings turn vertically and the swing is unloaded because of this. Flywheels themselves require less energy for their flight than devices with a propeller, since they work very efficiently RULE OF Wedge MECHANICS: the smaller the angle of the wedge, the greater the distance the wedge advances when the force on it is perpendicular to the vector of its movement .

The invention relates to aircraft and swimming apparatus. Muscular floating maholet, containing the fuselage (110), wings (82), landing gear, wing drive, springs, power frame with articulated take-off and landing device, seat-bed, wing root carriage, wing roots, device for automatically setting the angle of attack of the wings, tail plumage. The take-off and landing device consists of cartridges (15), in which take-off springs (16) are located, which, during take-off and landing, rest against the stops on the drive rod and are used as a charging shock absorber during landing. Charging levers and take-off spring holding levers are hinged on the cartridges, which release the take-off springs during take-off to flap the wings and repel the flywheel from the surface. The wings are made with the possibility of fixing them as sails for swimming. The invention expands the functionality by using the wings as sails and the energy of the charged drive springs. 11 w.p. f-ly, 8 ill.

Drawings to the RF patent 2304546

The invention relates to aircraft based on a flapping wing and swimming based on fixing the wings as a sail and driving a capacitive landing gear due to the person’s own muscular energies, the energies of charged springs in the take-off devices of the apparatus and the use of environmental energies: winds, ascending thermal air flows, atmospheric air currents, as well as elevators of high-rise buildings and houses, adapted runways on their upper floors, and so on.

Known protected by the patent of the Russian Federation 2129076 of 20.04.99, the design of the flywheel Tsibulnikov Sergei Ivanovich. The flywheel, driven by the muscular energy of a person, contains a body to which hinged semi-rigid wings are attached; flywheel wing drive system with drive point "B"; a resonant-drive system of the wings connected to the drive point "B"; device of a mechanical oscillatory system with a chassis wheel drive, connected to the drive point "B". The pilot, sitting in the cockpit and working with his legs, with all the possibilities of accumulating pre-takeoff energy, is not able to accelerate the flywheel for takeoff, and even more so for flight, due to the low energy spent on the wings, and two resonant systems, and the inefficient design of the flywheel.

For the development of free flight in airspace based on a flapping semi-rigid wing and swimming in water spaces based on fixing the wings as a sail and driving a capacitive landing gear, due to the person’s own muscular energies, the energies of charged springs in the take-off springs in the take-off devices of the apparatus and the use of environmental energies : winds, ascending currents of warm air, air atmospheric currents, as well as elevators of high-rise buildings and houses, adapted runways on their upper floors, etc.

On a floating flywheel, the pilot performs takeoff and landing from the ground and water surfaces and has flight and navigation modes with maneuvers: flapping, autowing, gliding, high-speed, swimming.

To implement these tasks, the floating flywheel has a collapsible power frame with a take-off and landing device; arrangement of the seat-bed assembly; arrangement of the wing root carriage assembly; wing root assembly device; device for automatic angle of attack of the wing; wing drive unit device; automach spring; wing assembly device; fuselage assembly device; arrangement of the capacitive chassis assembly; tail assembly device.

The design of the power frame consists of side plates of the cheeks, one on the left and one on the right, with a vertical arrangement of planes, raised and round in front, having mounting holes in the middle for the rolling bearings of the carriage of the wing roots. The cheeks in front are interconnected by a pipe with flanges with outgoing ends. The ends of the power frame tube have plates for connection with the fuselage frame. Behind the cheeks are connected by a corner, the ends of which are connected to the fuselage frame. In the middle of the corner of the power frame there is a back support for supporting the seat-bed. Two clamps are attached to the power frame pipe. The leg rockers are hinged on the clamps. Rocking chairs are connected by a rigidity bar. On the round planes of the cheeks inside there are replaceable, as they wear out, radial slotted plates for fixing the carriage of the wing roots and, accordingly, one of the three directions of flapping wings. Outside the round planes of the cheeks there are replaceable, as they wear out, radial guides "dovetail" or another type for the sliders of the wing drive squares. Outside, the radial guides have a splined surface for fixing the wing drive angles. Inside, on the cheeks of the power frame in the lower part there is a shelf and one rectangular cutout for adjusting the pilot's seat-bed according to its height relative to the wing drive pedals and its fastening /fixation/ on the power frame. All connections of the power frame are bolted or welded, depending on the indications of the operation of the device.

Outside the power frame on both sides in the lower part of the cheeks there are stops with ears. In the ears there are holes for the swivel connection of the take-off and landing device, which consist of cartridges. The cartridges also have ears for swivel with cheek stops. The rest of the cartridge rotates freely in the upper part of the cartridge, this makes it easy to lay the device under the seat-bed. Springs are inserted into the cartridges. On the cartridges in the lower part there are lugs with holes for pivoting the take-off spring charging levers and the spring coil holding levers. The charging lever has a pawl at the end for gripping the coil of the spring and transferring the lever for holding the coils of the compressed spring to the pawl. To release the springs during takeoff, the levers are connected by a cable to the wing flap drive. When taking off from the wing flap drive, the cable removes the charging and holding coils levers from the take-off spring, the spring, being released, presses on the drive wheel and there is a sharp flapping of the wings and repulsion of the device from the take-off surface. This lifts the pilot with the vehicle to a high altitude followed by the pilot's wing flapping. When landing, the takeoff springs are used as shock absorbers and charged for the next takeoff.

The design of the seat-bed has an axis made of a pipe. The axis is fixed between the cheeks in rectangular cutouts with crackers. The inner crackers are welded to the axis in size between the cheeks, and the outer crackers are put on the axle. At the ends of the axis, a thread is made and crackers are clamped with nuts with a handle, like a lamb. A bicycle saddle with a mini-back is hinged on the axle in the middle. The back has a constant right angle relative to the saddle. Along the edges of the bicycle saddle on the axis, a retractable simple seat with a crossbar fastening is hinged to the ledge of the shelf on the cheek, controlled by the fixation handle. Along the edges of a simple seat, a U-shaped pipe is hinged on the axle to support the pilot's back. A pipe is welded to the middle of the U-shaped pipe, as long as the height of the seated pilot. This tube is the axis for the pilot's torso and head. The bed on the axis rotates left and right for a good view of both sides and convenience. On this axis, a plate of the thoracic girdle with end stops of the pilot's torso on the left and right sides and a plate with shoulder stops and head restraints are pivotally fixed. At the end of the pipe, an axle for the spacer roller passes through the ears. The roller serves for spreading / deflecting / the upper stringer of the fuselage when flying standing and sitting. The design of the seat-box allows the pilot to drive the wings in standing, sitting and lying positions with a reduction in the midsection of the fuselage.

For hinged fastening of the wing roots and changing the direction of the wing flap, the apparatus has a wing root carriage. The design of the carriage consists of a U-shaped pipe along the height of the cheeks from the center of the circle of the cheeks of the power frame, the ends of which are separated in different directions along one straight line and serve as the axis of the carriage and wing drive angles. To the base of the U-shaped pipe, on both sides, another U-shaped large pipe is welded, curved upwards to the level of the small U-shaped pipe, with a distance between the upper pipes, in which the axes of the wing roots with the body of the device for the automatic angle of attack of the wings are placed. More spacers are welded on both sides of the top of the small U-shaped pipe and to the bottom, closer to the middle of the large U-shaped pipe. At the top of the small U-shaped pipe in the middle there is a collar. Two tubes are welded to the clamp at a short distance on opposite sides from the middle, which serve as the axis of the wing roots, and the other ends of the tubes are fixed in the round cutouts of the wing angle of attack body device. Along the edges of the small U-shaped pipe and to the larger U-shaped pipe near the struts, carriage position fixing devices are welded, having an engagement bolt with the splined surface of the radial plates of the power frame. All of them are paired and controlled by the carriage locking knob. A body of a device for automatically setting the angle of attack of the wing with a casing for the angle of attack spring and a casing for the wing flap spring is welded to the carriage in the middle. The bottom of the body of the device for setting the angle of attack of the wing has a splined surface for engaging the lever of the angle of attack.

The device of the wing root assembly consists of a root sleeve, pivotally mounted on the axis of the wing root carriage by means of rollers between the axle and the root sleeve. At a right angle between the root sleeve and the trunnion, there are upper and lower gussets, welded at one end to the sleeve and the other end to the trunnion. On the upper gussets there are control knobs for the surface area of ​​the wing / preload /, sweep of the wings, hinges of the spars. Inside between the scarves are drums for cables. The root spar is hinged in the trunnion due to the rollers between the root spar and the trunnion. The root spar of one wing from the side of the center of the carriage of the wing roots is connected by a hinge to the rod of the wing angle of attack lever, and the spar of the other is connected to another rod of the same wing angle of attack lever. Two lever rods pivotally sit in the wing angle of attack lever housing. In the lever body there is a clutch bolt with a splined surface of the bottom of the body, an angle of attack device. The grooves of the splined surface, which are unnecessary for a given angle of attack of the wing, are covered with plates lying in the grooves by raising them with the control levers. A spring presses on the crossbar from above in the body of the angle of attack lever to hold the clutch of the wing angle of attack lever behind the bottom of the body of the angle of attack device. Two cables are attached to the crossbar from above, one connects the trunnion eye from above through the roller, and the other connects the trunnion eye from below. The wing angle of attack spring is coupled to the wing angle of attack lever. The spring has its casing welded to the body of the wing angle of attack device, and the other end is welded to the carriage stiffening pipe.

Wing drive unit. A clamp is put on the free end of the trunnion and tightened onto a hinged cross bolt. The bolt is the axis of the trunnion drive connecting rod, that is, the wing root. The other end of the connecting rod is pivotally connected to the first end of the wing drive elbow. The wing drive elbow has a slider in the radial guide on the cheek of the power frame and a latch that enters the slots on top of the radial guides. The first end of the wing root drive elbow is pivotally connected to the first section of the drive rod, up to the length of the second end of the wing root drive elbow. On the first segment of the drive rod there are control knobs for the entire rod. The second segment of the rod is pivotally attached to the first segment of the rod. The second end of the square has a slider in the radial guide on the cheek of the power frame and a mount for the hinge of the rod of the first segment with the second segment of the rod. At the other end of the second section of the rod there is a pedal for the pilot's foot, and above the pedal on the rod there is a stop for the takeoff spring. The second segment of the rod is adjustable in length due to the entry of its links into each other with fixation of the required length. The second section of the rod has a hinge for bending the rod in the middle for pairing the drive pedals during the automach and the drive by feet.

To carry out the flight of a floating mahlet, the device has wings. Wings are also used for sailing in water spaces as sails. The wing consists of a shoulder spar, pivotally connected through a vertical hinge with the root spar /root-shoulder hinge/. On the shoulder spar there is a collar with ears on both sides of the spar. Cables are attached to the ears of the clamp on both sides. One cable goes to the front roller of the root spar cross member to control the reverse sweep of the wing. Another cable goes to the rear roller of the root spar cross member to control the forward sweep of the wing. For straight wingspan, the tension on both cables is the same. Further along the shoulder spar there is still a collar with an eye forward. In the eye is the axis of the tension lever of the wing area. The wing area preload lever has a small arm pivotally connected to the pusher of the wing tip tensioner. The large arm of the wing area preload lever at a distance of the small arm from the axis has a collar with an eye towards the fuselage, pivotally connected to a small pusher of the wing tip preload near the fuselage. The end of the large arm lever is connected with a cable to control the tension of the wing area. The end of the shoulder spar has a cross joint, which is connected with the elbow spar /shoulder-elbow joint/. A hinge with locks on both sides of the hinge is attached to the cross hinge, which secures the wing film web. This transverse wing joint extends across the entire area of ​​the wing and is connected to the pusher joint of the wing tip tensioner to form a half-wing flap and an interwing sinus during the upward flapping of the wings. This is so that the weight of the wing is not transferred to the fuselage and to save energy, since half of the wing takes off by itself from the oncoming air flow. The other end of the transverse hinge is attached to the leading edge of the wing. On the wingtip tensioner in the middle there is a collar with ears towards the fuselage for articulated connection with the pusher of the wingtip tensioner. The tensioner is pivotally connected to the elbow spar. The wing-fuselage sinus consists of two tensioners of the surface of the wing sinus, proceeding from the root-shoulder joint with spring-loaded contour tensioner for pressing against the fuselage, and the other tensioner is straight with ears near the middle for the swivel of the pusher located between the tensioners. The contour tensioner has a stepped stop for the pusher. The pusher is connected by a cable that goes to the drum for adjusting the tension of the sinus surface. The film web forming the surface of the bosom hangs from the bosom and is a valve in the gaps between the wing and the bosom, the bosom and the fuselage. A winglet is attached to the leading edge of the wing to prevent air flow from the wing and increase the air speed over the wing. At the end of the film web of the wing there are aerodynamic slots for creating jets after the wing, this gives greater efficiency in speed and lift of the apparatus.

For convenience, comfort and protection of mechanisms from the external environment: dust, dirt, rain, snow, frost, heat, and increase the flight speed, the floating flywheel has a fuselage with a variable midsection and a folding capacitive landing gear. The capacitive landing gear allows the pilot to take off, fly, land and swim while standing. The fuselage is attached to the outgoing ends of the tube and the square of the power frame, on which plates with holes are welded, and the holes on the fuselage frames make it possible to connect with bolts. The fuselage consists of a nose tip, front and rear hoop-frames, four contour frames made of plates and two frames with wing grooves. The role of the upper viewing window is performed by a transparent flexible hatch, framed by a sewing lock of the "lightning" type. Four stringers are connected on both sides of the fuselage. One upper stringer, when the pilot is standing or sitting, is in a convex outward state due to the spacer roller located at the top of the axis of the seat-bed, and when the pilot is in the supine position, the upper stringer straightens due to slipping in the lug of the rear hoop-frame and the fuselage has a smaller diameter, that is, the midsection is reduced. To the rear hoop-frame, due to narrow plates that act as spokes, a small tube is welded in the center, which serves as a sleeve for the tail axis. To the front and rear hoop-frame from below, two pipes, called slegs, are hinged on the sides. From below, a hard-to-take-off platform is slightly hinged, having four wheels at the corners, which are snapped off on the axles of mini-racks with springs to stand on the wheels or fold them. The rear beds have hinges at a distance of folding length under the seat-bed. The hinges on the fuselage have springs for self-folding in the absence of extraneous forces on them. The entire fuselage frame with a capacitive landing gear is hermetically covered with a light, durable, airtight film sheet.

To control the course and flight altitude of a floating flywheel, control maneuvers and braking, there is a tail unit. The tail unit consists of a longitudinal hollow roller, located in the sleeve, which is welded in the center of the rear fuselage frame hoop. A vertical strut-lever is welded to the roller on the inside of the fuselage for turning the tail unit by one quarter of a turn to control the area of ​​the tail unit both in a horizontal position up and down, and in a vertical position left and right. The stand-lever is connected with the control handle by a cable through the rollers. From the outside, a vertical stand with rollers at the ends is welded to the roller. A transverse sleeve is welded to the strut for pivoting the tail assembly package. In the tail unit package there are feather axes, on which feathers are hinged to increase and decrease the area of ​​the tail unit, interconnected by a cable and connected to the control stick.

Figure 1 shows a floating flywheel on the side, with the pilot in a semi-crouching position, with wings in a horizontal position, with a semi-retractable capacitive landing gear in an upstroke or a semi-retractable capacitive undercarriage in a downstroke, with an upper fuselage stringer raised and, therefore, with a large fuselage diameter or midsection, with a straight tail. Dashed line A shows the smaller diameter of the fuselage, with the pilot lying down - dashed line B. Dashed line B shows a capacitive landing gear that fits under the pilot's seat in the bottom of the fuselage. The dotted line D shows the capacitive landing gear with the pilot in a standing position.

Figure 2 shows a floating flywheel from the front, with the pilot in a semi-squatting position, with the wings in a horizontal position. Dashed line D shows the bottom of the fuselage. The dotted line E shows the capacitive landing gear with the pilot fully crouched.

Figure 3 shows the apparatus from above. Seat-bed for the pilot in the supine position. Wing with a straight span. Tail unit with variable area. The dotted line W shows a swept back wing. The dotted line 3 shows a straight-swept wing.

Figure 4 shows the power frame of the floating flywheel with takeoff and landing gear. Front on the cheeks of the power frame shows internal radial plates with slots for fixing the carriage of the wing roots based on the direction of flapping of the wings and outside the cheeks - radial guides of the dovetail type or another type, plates for the sliders of the wing drive squares and above them slots for fixing the drive squares wings. Also shown are the back rest for the seat-bed, the cables for connecting the levers-handles of charging the take-off springs with the rods of the second knee of the wing drive.

Figure 5 shows the seat-bed of the apparatus with attachment to the power frame and having a bicycle saddle, a folding simple seat with a device for fixing it. On the dorsal axis of the bed for turning the pilot's torso in one direction or another, there is a femoral plate with grips, a torso plate with shoulder rests and a headrest. At the end of the dorsal axis there is a spacer roller for deflecting the fuselage stringer.

Figure 6 shows the carriage of the wing roots, this is a frame with the axes of the carriage and the roots of the wings, with the body of the device of the angle of attack of the wings, with the casings of the springs of the angle of attack of the wings and the springs of the automach wings. The bottom of the body of the device of the angle of attack of the wings has a replaceable slotted plate.

The figure 7 shows the device of the wing root, the device of the automatic angle of attack of the wings, the drive of the wings and the automach of the wings.

Figure 8 shows the frame of the fuselage and capacitive landing gear with a rectangular frame in front and a round rear. The top stringer consists of a front stringer and a rear stringer. A retractable section of the stringer extends from the rear stringer and is connected to a transparent flexible hatch and, sliding into the front stringer, a single integral upper stringer is formed.

For the implementation of the invention, the floating flywheel figure 1, 2, 3, there is a basis on which everything is placed and fastened, this is the power frame 1 /fig.4/. Frame 1 has cheeks 2 with round planes in front, connected by a pipe 3 with rocking chairs 5 on it, connected by a stiffness bar 6. Behind the cheeks 2 are connected by a corner 4, which has a back rest 7 to support the seat-bed 20 /Fig.5/. Front on the cheeks 2 inside there are replaceable, as they wear out, radial slotted plates 8 for fixing the carriage 31 of the roots of the wings 44 /Fig.7/. Outside the cheeks 2 there are replaceable, as they wear out, radial guides 9 of the "dovetail" type or other suitable types with a slotted surface on top for fixing the angle 71 /Fig.7/ drive wings 82 /Fig.3/, in the middle bottom inside the power frame 1 on the cheeks 2 a plate 11 is welded to stop a simple seat 23 with a bolt 24 /fig.5/. Outside, near the middle of the cheeks 2, in the lower part, stops 13 are welded with ears for the hinge of the take-off and landing device 14 of the floating flywheel. The take-off and landing device 14 consists of a cartridge 15, in which the take-off spring 16 is located, and during landing it is also a charging shock absorber. On the cartridge 15 is pivotally located the lever 17 charging the spring 16 takeoff and the lever 18 hold /stop/ coils of the springs 16 takeoff.

To carry out the flapping of the wings by the pilot in various positions convenient for him and his rest, the apparatus has a seat-bed 20 /fig.5/. The seat-bed 20 has a hollow axis 21, at the ends of which there is a thread for tightening /fastening/ the lamb axis 21 in the grooves 12 of the power frame 1 in the right place, based on the growth of the pilot, to drive the pedals 78 /Fig.7/. In the middle of the axis 21 there is a bicycle saddle 22 with a mini-back, along the edges of the bicycle saddle 22 there is a simple drop-down seat 23. Along the edges of the simple seat 23 there are latches 24 of a simple seat 23 and twin control knobs for the latches 24. The pilot's bed consists of a U-shaped pipe 25, hinged on the axis 21 along the edges of a simple seat 23. In the middle of the U-shaped pipe 25, a pipe-axis 26 is welded, the length of the seated pilot to the top of the head, with an allowance. This tube 26 is the axis of the femoral dorsal-thoracic with plate stops 27 and plate 28 with a shoulder stop for turning the torso and head in different directions for convenience and visibility. At the end of the pipe 26 in the ears there is an axle for the spacer roller 29 and a suspension ring 30 of the floating flywheel for the safety of training sessions. The roller 29 is used to deflect the upper stringer 118 of the fuselage 110 /fig.8/.

To change the direction of the flap of the wings 82, the articulated attachment of the roots 44 of the wings and the placement of the mechanisms of the apparatus, there is a carriage 31 of the roots of the wings 82 /Fig.6/. The carriage 31 has an axis 33, on which the round planes of the cheeks 2 are hinged through the bearings in the center. On the axis 33, the angles 71 of the drive of the wings 82 are hinged through the bearings. 82. The bottom of the body 39 has a splined surface 40 for engaging the lever 60 at the desired angle of attack of the wing 82 and with fillers 41 splined grooves for slipping an unnecessary angle of attack of the wing 82. To the body 39 in front of the device for the automatic angle of attack of the wings 82, a casing 42 of the spring 66 of the lever 60 is welded angle of attack of the wings. A casing 43 of the spring 81 of the automach of the wings 82 with a charger is welded to the body 39 from below with the help of racks and spacers. The carriage 31 is fixed by the crossbar clamps 37 using the handles 38 for controlling the clamps 37 for the desired direction of the wing flap 82.

For fastening the wings 82 to the apparatus and their work, there are roots 44 of the wings /Fig.7/. The root assembly device 44 of the wing 82 consists of a root sleeve 45 pivotally mounted on the axis 36 of the carriage 31 of the wing root 44. At a right angle between the root sleeve 45 and the trunnion 47 there are scarves, upper and lower. On the upper gussets there are control knobs: wing-fuselage sinus 49, wing surface area 50 /preload/, wing sweep 51, spars hinges. Inside between the scarves are drums 52 for cables. In the trunnion 47, the root spar 53 is pivotally located due to the rollers between them. The outer end of the root spar 53 has a hinge 56 with a transverse bar 55 with rollers at the ends to change the sweep of the wing 82 through the cables 86 of the shoulder spar.

For automach wing 82 there is a device node automatic angle of attack 57 /Fig.7/. The inner end of the root spar 53 is articulated with the rod 58 of the angle of attack lever 60 of the wing 82. The rod 58 is hinged in the body 60 of the angle of attack lever of the wing 82. In the body 60 of the lever there is a bolt 61 of the clutch with a splined surface 40 of the bottom of the body 39 of the wing angle of attack device 82. A spring 62 presses on the bolt 61 from above in the angle of attack lever housing 60 to hold the engagement of the angle of attack lever 60 behind the bottom 40 of the angle of attack device housing. From above, two cables are attached to the crossbar 61, one 64 connects the eye of the pin 47 from above through the roller, the other 65 - the eye of the pin 47 from the bottom. A spring 66 is attached to the lever 60 of the angle of attack of the wing 82 for setting the wing to a positive angle of attack. The spring 66 has its casing 42 welded to the body 39 of the wing angle of attack device 82 and the other end is welded to the carriage stiffening tube 31.

For the implementation of the flap of the wings by the pilot and the energy of the environment /wind/ there are devices for the wing drive units 67 /Fig.7/. A clamp 68 is attached to the outer end of the trunnion 47, which is tightened onto a hinged cross bolt 69, which is the axis of the connecting rod 70. The other end of the connecting rod 70 is connected to the first end of the drive yoke 71 through the articulated cross 72 of the drive yoke 71. The square 71 of the drive of the wing 82 has at its two ends the sliders 73 in the radial guides 9 on the cheeks 2 of the power frame 1 and the clamps 74 of the square 71 of the drive included in the slots over the radial guides 9. The first end of the square 71 of the drive of the wing root 44 is pivotally connected to the first part of the rod 75 drive, length to the second end of the square 71 drive root 44 of the wing. On the first part of the stem 75 of the drive there are handles 79 for controlling the entire stem. The second part of the rod 76 is hinged to the first part of the rod 75. At the other end of the second part of the rod 76 there is a pedal 78 for the pilot's foot and above the pedal 78 - stop 77 for the takeoff spring 16. The second part of the rod 76 is adjustable in length due to the inclusion of its links one to another, with fixation of the required length. The second part of the stem 76 has a hinge for bending the stem in the middle, for pairing the drive pedals 78 for automach and drive by foot.

For the implementation of the flight of a floating mahlet apparatus has wings 82 /figure 1, 2, 3/. Wings 82 are also used for sailing in the open spaces of water. The wing 82 consists of a shoulder spar 84, pivotally connected through a vertical hinge 56 with the root spar 53 /Fig.7/, root-shoulder hinge/. On the shoulder spar 84 there is a collar 85 with ears on both sides of the spar. Cables 86 are attached to the ears of the yoke 85 on both sides. One cable 86 is put on the front roller of the cross member 55 of the root spar 53 to control the reverse sweep of the wing 82. Another cable 86 is put on the rear roller of the cross member 55 of the root spar 53 to control the forward sweep of the wing 82. For a straight wingspan, the tension lengths of both cables 86 are the same. Further along the shoulder spar 84 there is still a collar 87 with an eye forward. In the lug is the axis 88 of the lever 89 preload area of ​​the wing 82. The lever 89 preload area of ​​the wing 82 has a small arm pivotally connected to the pusher 90 of the tensioner 101 of the wing tip 82. collar 91 with ears in the direction of the fuselage 110, pivotally connected to a small pusher 92 of the tensioner of the inner wing tip 93, 82. with elbow spar 94 /shoulder-elbow joint/. Attached to the cross hinge 95 is a cross-wing hinge 97 with locks on both sides of the hinge 97, which secures the film web of the wing 82. This transverse hinge 97 of the wing is located across the entire area of ​​​​the wing 82 and is connected to the hinge 98 of the pusher / cross / tensioner 101 of the wing tip 82 for formation of a half-wing wing. This is necessary so that the weight of the wing 82 is not transferred to the fuselage 110 when the wing is flapping upwards and to save energy, since half of the wing takes off by itself from the oncoming air flow. The other end of the transverse hinge 97 is attached to the leading edge of the wing 82. The cross hinges 95 on the spar 98 and on the pusher 90 are controlled by hinged stops 99. On the tensioner 101 of the wing end 82, near the middle there is a collar 100 with ears towards the fuselage 110 for articulated connection with the pusher 90 tensioner 101 of the wing tip 82. The tensioner 101 is pivotally connected to the elbow spar 94. The wing-fuselage sinus consists of two tensioners of the surface of the wing sinus 82 emanating from the root-shoulder hinge 56 with the spring-loaded contour tensioner 104 for pressing against the fuselage, and the other tensioner 105 is straight, with an eyelet about the middle for the swivel of the pusher 106, located between the tensioners 104, 105. On the contour tensioner 104 there is a stepped stop for the pusher 106. The pusher 16 is connected by a cable 107, which goes to the drum 49, 52 for adjusting the tension of the sinus surface. The film web forming the surface of the sinus hangs from the sinus and is a valve in the gaps between the wing 82 and the sinus 103 of the wing, the sinus 103 and the fuselage 110. A winglet 108 is attached to the leading edge of the wing 82 to prevent the air flow from the wing 82 from stalling and increasing the air speed over wing 82. At the end of the film web of wing 82 there are aerodynamic slots 109 for creating jet streams after wing 82, this gives greater efficiency in speed and lift of the apparatus.

For convenience and comfort, and to preserve the mechanisms from the external environment: dust, dirt, rain, snow, frost, heat, and increase the flight speed, the floating flywheel has a fuselage 110 with a variable midsection and a folding capacitive landing gear 121. The capacitive landing gear 121 allows the pilot to take off , flying, landing and swimming while standing. The fuselage is attached to the outgoing ends of the pipe 3 and angle 4 power frame 1, which are welded to the plate with holes, and the existing holes on the frames 114 of the fuselage 110 allow you to connect with bolts. The fuselage 110 /fig.8/ consists of a nose tip 111, a hoop-frame front 112 and rear 113, four contour frames 114 of plates and two frames with grooves 115 for root spars 53. The role of the upper viewing window is performed by a transparent flexible hatch 116, framed sewing zipper. Four stringers 117 are connected on both sides of the fuselage. The upper stringer 118, when the pilot is standing or sitting, is in a convex outward state due to the spacer roller located on the axis 26 of the seat-bed 20, and when the pilot is in the supine position, the upper stringer 118 straightens due to slipping in the ear of the rear frame 113 and the fuselage has a smaller diameter, that is, the midsection is reduced. To the rear frame 113 due to narrow plates that act as spokes 119, a small tube is welded in the center, which serves as a sleeve 120 for the tail shaft 129 128 /Fig.1, 3/. To the front 112 and rear 113 frames from the bottom, two pipes are hinged on the sides, called slegs 122, 123. From the bottom, the landing pad 125 is hingedly fixed, having four wheels at the corners, which are snapped off on the axes of mini-racks with springs to stand on wheels or folding them 126, 127. The rear legs 123 have hinges 124 at a distance of folding length under the seat bed 20. The hinges 122, 123 on the frames 112, 113 have springs for self-folding in the absence of extraneous forces on them. The entire frame of the fuselage 110 with the capacitive chassis 121 is hermetically sealed with a light, strong, airtight film web.

To control the course and flight altitude of the floating flywheel, control maneuvers and braking has a tail unit 128 /figure 1, 3/. Tail 128 consists of a hollow shaft 129, located in the sleeve 120, which is welded in the center of the frame 113. To the shaft 129 is welded a vertical lever 130 on the inside of the fuselage, to rotate the tail 128 one quarter of a turn to control the area of ​​the tail both horizontally up and down and vertically left and right. Rack-lever 130 cable 131 through the rollers connected with the control knob 132. From the outside to the roller 129 welded to the vertical rack 133 in the middle, with rollers at the ends. A transverse sleeve 134 is welded to the rack 133 for a hinged package 135 of the tail unit 128. In the package 135 of the tail unit there are axles 138 of feathers, on which feathers are hinged to increase and decrease the area of ​​141 of the tail unit, interconnected by a cable 139 connected to the control knob 140 .

The pilot performs takeoff and landing from the ground and water surface and has flight and swimming modes with maneuvers while standing, sitting, lying down, these are: waving, auto-waving, high-speed and swimming. To carry out free flight and navigation on the floating flywheel "Lebedushka" it is necessary to prepare the apparatus for operation. It is necessary to open the top of the fuselage 110 /fig.8/ sewing lock "lightning" of the transparent flexible hatch 116, pull out from the front of the upper stringer 118 a segment of the stringer and push it into the back of the stringer 118. Go down inside the fuselage 110, standing with your feet in front of the seat-bed 20 , and sit down. Pull out from the back of the upper springer 118 a piece of the hatch stringer and push it into the front of the stringer 118, where it snaps into place and thus the upper stringer 118 will become a single unit. Place the backrest / bed / seat-bed 20 in a vertical position. The spacer roller 29 above the headrest 28 will bend the upper stringer 118 upwards, thereby increasing the midsection of the fuselage 110 from above. Turn face forward and unhook the levers 75, 76 of the wing drive 82 from the rocker 5 with the stiffness bar 6. Release the legs 122, 123 of the landing gear 121 and the take-off device 14. Put your shoulders under the shoulder rests 28 of the seat-bed 20 and stand on the take-off pad 125. A simple seat 23 will hang down, the bike saddle 22 will be between the legs. The capacitive chassis 121 will take on its working form and thereby increase the midsection from below. The levers 75, 76 of the drive of the wings 82 and the take-off device 14 will hang down. With the handle 51 of the control of the sweep of the wings 82, spread the wings from the fuselage 110 on a straight span 11, with the handle 50 of the surface area / canvas / wing 82 control, a slight tightness of the wing is made. After checking, open the flexible hatch and close it if necessary before takeoff. Remove the seat-bed from yourself, the apparatus will fold and exit the fuselage, secure the transverse wing hinges 97 with the locks of the wing planes 82 and the wing canvas with hollow wedges. Enter the fuselage 110 and finally tension the plane /sheet/wings with drums 52 controlled by the handle 50, and install the pusher 106 on the contour tensioner 104, tension the sinuses 103 of the wing 82. Enter the fuselage 110 and finally tension the planes /film sheets/ wings 82 with the drums 52 controlled by the handle 50, and fix the pawls of the drums 52. Pull the plane / canvas / sinuses 103 of the wings 82 with the drums 52, controlled by the handle 49, and fix the pawls of the drums 52. Using the control knobs 132, 137, 140 of the tail unit 128, bring the tail unit 128 into proper form to take off the vehicle. Fix the carriage 31 of the roots 44 of the wings with a raised rear end to direct the flapping of the wings 82 up forward and down backward with the latches 37 controlled by the handle 38. It is possible to give the wings 82 a little reverse sweep F for more efficient takeoff, with the control knobs 51 sweep wings. Put on the feet of the pedal 78 levers 76 of the wing drive. Rest against the stops 77 levers charged /compressed/ springs 16 takeoff. Sit in a sitting position and insert your shoulders under the shoulder stops 28. Fasten the cables 19 / cords / connections of the drive levers 76 with the cocking levers 17, 18 and holding the take-off springs 16. Wings raised up. The pilot, when repulsed from a hard surface with his feet through the thrust take-off platform 125 of the capacitive chassis 121, with a cable 19, releases the take-off springs 16, which, when triggered, give a large acceleration to the mass of the pilot and the apparatus up to a great height and a strong flapping of the wings 82, without touching the hard surface and, accordingly, do not breaking wings 82 about them. While the upward acceleration continues, the pilot, working with his legs, bending and unbending, flaps his wings, increasing the upward acceleration and lifting of the apparatus. When satisfied with the flight altitude, the pilot switches to level flight.

The pilot can carry out level flight and maneuvers while standing, sitting, reclining, prone and with various wingspans: forward, forward sweep, reverse sweep, and with different stroke directions: up-forward, down-back; up-vertically, down-vertically; up-back, down-forward - adjusting the device accordingly. Flying while standing is not efficient, and therefore sitting is better. To do this, the pilot puts his feet with the pedals 77 and levers 76 of the wing actuator 82 into the forward part of the fuselage 110, fastens the pedals 77 with the rockers 5. Fastens the levers 76 of the wing actuator with a stiffness bar 6 between each other, fixes a simple seat 23 in a horizontal position with a latch 24, puts it under seat 20 take-off device 14. Capacitive landing gear 121 under the action of springs is folded under the seat 20, forming the bottom of the fuselage 110, and accordingly the midsection of the fuselage 110 will decrease from below.

For simple flight, we use a straight P wingspan and vertical flaps, that is, up vertically and down vertically. To do this, fix the carriage 31 of the wing roots 44 with the clamps 37, 38 in a horizontal position and with the control knobs 51 make the wingspan 82 straight.

For high-speed flight, the pilot must lie down. The pilot releases the back of the seat-bed 20 from the back support 7 and lays it out horizontally, lies down, takes a horizontal position on the seat-bed 20. Having unfastened the axis 21 of the seat-bed in the power frame 1 and fitting the seat-bed and himself to the pedals 78 of the wing drive 82, the pilot fixes the seat-bed 20 in the power frame. Spacer roller 29 releases the upper stringer 118 of the fuselage 110. Stringer 118, straightening, reduces the midsection of the fuselage from above. In the position of the pilot lying down and intensive work with the legs, with the smallest midsection of the fuselage 110, a high-speed flight is obtained.

In case of a headwind, the pilot switches to auto-flying flight mode to rest and save energy, this can be done while standing, lying down. To carry out such a flight, the pilot couples the spring 81 of the automach with the pedals 78 of the wing drive on the rocking chair 5 and puts the wings 82 at a positive angle of attack with the angle of attack lever 60, charging the spring 66 /stretching/ the angle of attack, fixing the lever 60 with the bolt 61 of the lever 60 of the angle of attack of the wings 82 Wings 82, having a positive angle of attack from the oncoming air flow, rise upwards, charging /compressing/ Mach 81 spring. When the wings reach the upper limit, the cable 65 removes the crossbar 61 of the lever 60 from the splined engagement 40 of the body 39 of the wing angle of attack device 82. wing attacks. The crossbar 61 of the lever 60, entering the groove between the splines, fixes the lever 60 and, accordingly, the wings 82 at zero angle of attack. On the wings with a zero angle of attack, the spring 81 mach immediately acts /opens/, that is, the wings 82 swing down. When the wings 82 reach the lower limit, the cable 64 pulls the crossbar 61 of the lever 60 of the angle of attack from the slotted groove 40 and the freed lever 60 is acted upon / compressed / by the spring 66. The spring 66 brings the lever 60 to an empty groove between the splines, where the crossbar 61 under the action of its spring 62 enters the groove, and fixes the lever 60 on the positive angle of attack of the wing 82. The wings 82, having a positive angle of attack, rise up from the oncoming air flow /wind/. This means that the flap cycles repeat automatically without pilot intervention as long as there is wind, but the pilot can assist the flap cycles to speed up the flight speed.

For rest and enjoyment of the flight, the pilot transfers the floating flywheel "Lebedushka" to the gliding mode. The pilot fixes the squares 71 of the wing drive 82 with the clamps 74. This is how the wings 82 of the flywheel are fixed and the device turns into a glider. Flight control is carried out by wings 82 and tail 128.

In summer, it is possible to passively rise to heights due to thermal air flows up while standing, sitting, lying down.

To land the apparatus on the ground, the pilot needs to take a sitting position and rest the back rest 7 on the seat-bed 20, release the legs 122, 123 of the capacitive landing gear 121 from under the seat-box 20, release the take-off device 14, unhook from the rocking chairs 5 and the stiffness bar 6 pedals 78 of the wing drive 82, unfasten the levers of the wing drive 76 from one end of the arm of the square 71, move the legs with the pedals 78 to the capacitive landing gear 121 and stand upright on the landing pad 125. To dampen the flight speed and lower the apparatus, the pilot adjusts the wing flaps 82 up-back and down-forward. The pilot flaps wings 82 and, before touching the vehicle on a hard surface, the uncharged take-off springs 16 rests against the stops 77 of the levers 76 of the wing drive 82. will charge, cushion the landing, and the pawls will catch on the compressed coils of the spring and will hold them. If the takeoff springs are not fully charged, they must be manually recharged.

The landing of the apparatus on the water surface is carried out in the same way, but the charging of the takeoff springs 16 is slow due to the depreciation of the water and it takes longer to recharge manually.

To navigate the apparatus under the wings /sail/, the pilot needs, based on the experience of sailing on this apparatus, to fix the carriage 31 of the root 44 of the wing in a horizontal position, to strengthen the shoulder-elbow hinge 95 of the spar and the hinge 98 of the pusher with hinge stops 99. Raise the wings 82 to a certain height, proceeding from From experience, in order to avoid the overturning moment and controllability of the apparatus, fix the square 71 of the drive of the wings 82 and the lever 60 of the angle of attack of the wings. The pilot can swim at will standing, sitting, lying down, controlling the sail of the wings or one wing.

Swimming is carried out while standing due to muscular efforts, contraction of the muscles of the legs of the knee joint. The propellor is a capacitive landing gear 121 when the pilot squats and stands up to his full height. At the rear, the repulsion of the water mass of the capacitive chassis 121 is obtained by folding the two rear legs 123 and straightening them.

Takeoff from the water /liquid surface/ is carried out using charged takeoff springs 16, if the springs 16 are not charged, then they are charged manually, and reusable shocks of the capacitive chassis 121 against the water, creating vibrations in the aquatic environment, that is, a buoyancy force, and at the time of lifting the apparatus from the aquatic environment, the pilot, before the moment of repulsion against the stop take-off platform 125, rests the take-off spring 16 against the stop 77, engaging the cable 19 with the stop 77, and when repulsed, the cable 19 releases the take-off springs 16. The buoyancy force of the water, the force of the pilot and the work of the take-off springs work in resonance 16. From the action of these forces, the mass of the apparatus with the pilot takes off with great acceleration to a great height, without touching the water surface with wings 82. Further flapping of the wings by the pilot accelerates the rise of the apparatus to the desired height, where the pilot switches to horizontal flight.


1. A muscular floating flywheel containing a fuselage, wings, landing gear, a wing drive, springs, characterized in that it has a power frame with a hinged take-off and landing device, a seat-bed, a wing root carriage, wing roots, an automatic angle of attack device wings, tail unit, while the take-off and landing device consists of cartridges in which take-off springs are located, which, during take-off and landing, rest against stops on the drive rod and are used as a charging shock absorber during landing, and the charging levers and levers are hinged on the cartridges take-off spring holding, releasing the take-off springs during take-off for flapping the wings and repulsing the flywheel from the surface, and the wings are made with the possibility of fixing them as sails for swimming.

2. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that the power frame consists of two cheeks, installed vertically by planes, and also fastened with a pipe in front and a corner at the back, and the ends of the pipe and corner have plates for attaching the fuselage, while the pipe is hinged rocking chairs with a stiffening bar for driving the wings are fixed, and on the corner there is a hinged stop for the seat-bed, the cheeks have mounting holes in front for the rolling bearings of the wing root carriage, inside the frame around the mounting hole, the cheeks have replaceable slotted plates for fixing the carriage of the wing roots and the direction of the flaps wings, the cheeks have shelves for fixing a simple seat, and have grooves for movable fastening of the seat-bed, the cheeks on the outside have replaceable guides for the wing drive angle slider around the mounting hole of the wing root carriage rolling bearings and on top of the guide slots for fixing the wing drive angle.

3. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that the take-off and landing device is hinged to the ears of the stop of the power frame of the apparatus with the ears of the cartridge, which in the upper part rotates freely to lay the take-off and landing device under the seat-bed, in the lower part of the cartridge has lugs with holes for hinged fastening of the take-off spring charging lever located in the cartridge, and the spring retention lever, the spring charging lever at the end has a pawl for grabbing the spring coil, to release the spring coils during take-off, the levers are connected by a cable to the rod of the second knee, which has a stop for the takeoff spring.

4. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that a seat-bed is movably attached to the power frame for adjustment based on the height of the pilot, having a simple seat hinged on the axis to lower its front part down, while restoring a simple seat and its attachment, there is a controlled crossbar that rests on the shelves of the cheeks, in the middle of a simple seat there is a bicycle saddle with a back, hinged on the axis of the seat-bed, along the edges of a simple seat on the axis, a U-shaped pipe is hinged to support the pilot's back, to the middle of the P -shaped pipe, a pipe-axis is welded, on which are hinged: a plate of the thoracic belt with end stops of the pilot's torso on the left and right sides; a plate with shoulder rests and a headrest, at the end of the tube-axle in the ears there is an axle for a spacer roller with a roller for deflection of the upper fuselage stringer and a suspension ring for a floating flywheel for the safety of training exercises.

5. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that the carriage of the wing roots consists of a U-shaped vertical pipe, the ends of which are separated in different directions along one straight line and pass through the cheeks of the power frame and are the axis of the carriage and wing drive angles, the carriage the roots of the wings are hinged relative to the power frame, a large U-shaped pipe is welded to the base of the U-shaped pipe on both sides, curved upwards to the level of the U-shaped pipe, for the strength of the carriage, spacers are welded on both sides, connecting the middle of the large U-shaped pipe with at the top of the U-shaped pipe, at the top of the U-shaped pipe in the middle there is a clamp, to which, at a distance on different sides from the middle, the axes of the wing roots are welded, with the other ends fixed in the round cutouts of the front wall of the body of the device for automatically setting the angle of attack of the wings, along the edges of the P -shaped pipe and to a large U-shaped pipe near the spacers, devices for fixing the position of the carriage with clutch bolts are welded the body of the device for automatically setting the angle of attack of wings with a casing for the angle of attack spring and a casing for the wing flap spring, the bottom of the body of the device for setting the angle of attack of the wing has a splined surface for clutch crossbar lever angle of attack of the wings.

6. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a wing root assembly device, consisting of a root sleeve, pivotally planted on the axis of the wing root carriage, one scarf is welded to it at one end from above and the other from below at a right angle between the sleeve and a trunnion, the other gussets are welded to the trunnion, inside between the gussets there are drums for control cables, on the upper gusset there are control knobs for them: wing surface area, wing sweep, spars hinges, the root spar is hinged in the trunnion due to the rollers between the root spar and the trunnion , the outer end of the root spar has a hinge with a transverse bar and rollers at the ends of the bar, through which a cable is passed connected to the shoulder spar to change the sweep of the wing.

7. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a device for automatically setting the angle of attack of the wing, consisting of a lever body of the angle of attack of the wing, on which there are two hinged rods, one for each wing, hinged to the inner ends spars, the angle of attack lever, located in the body, which has a locking bolt with a splined surface of the bottom of the device body for automatically setting the angle of attack of the wings, a spring presses on the bolt from above in the body of the angle of attack lever to hold the clutch of the angle of attack lever behind the bottom of the device body for automatic setting the angle of attack, two cables are attached to the crossbar from above, one connects the trunnion eye from above through the roller, the other connects the trunnion eye from below, a spring is connected to the wing angle of attack lever to set the wings to a positive angle of attack, the spring has its own casing welded to the device body for automatic setting of the angle of attack and to the tube of rigidity of the carriage of the wing roots.

8. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a wing drive, consisting of a connecting rod, at one end connected to a hinge bolt, which tightens the clamp on the outer end of the trunnion and is the axis of the connecting rod, the other end of the connecting rod is connected to the first end of the drive angle through the hinged cross of the wing drive elbow, which has sliders at both ends in the guides on the cheeks of the power frame and the drive elbow retainer, which enters the slots on top of the guides, the first end of the wing root drive elbow is pivotally connected to the first part of the drive rod, up to the length of the second end of the drive elbow of the wing root, on the first part of the drive rod there are control handles of the entire rod, the second part of the rod is pivotally attached to the first part of the rod, at the other end of the second part of the rod there is a pedal for the pilot's foot, above the pedal there is a stop for the take-off spring, the second part of the rod is adjustable in length due to the entry of its links into one another with fixation of the required length, as well as It has a hinge for bending the rod in the middle, for pairing the drive pedals with the wing swing and the drive with the feet.

9. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a wing consisting of a shoulder spar pivotally connected by a vertical hinge to the root spar, on the shoulder spar there is a clamp with ears on both sides of the spar, cables are attached to the ears of the clamp on both sides , one cable goes to the front roller of the root spar cross member, to control the reverse sweep of the wing, the other cable goes to the rear roller of the root spar cross member, to control the forward span and sweep of the wing, on the shoulder spar there is a clamp with an eye forward, in the ear is the axis of the tension lever wing area, the wing area preload lever has a small arm pivotally connected to the pusher of the wing tip tensioner, on the large arm of the wing area preload lever at a distance of the small arm from the axis there is a collar with an eye towards the fuselage, pivotally connected to the small pusher of the inner wing end tensioner, the end of the large arm lever is connected by a cable to the control on tensioner of the wing area, the end of the shoulder spar has a cross hinge, which is connected to the elbow spar, a cross-wing hinge is attached to the cross hinge with a lock on both sides of the hinge, which secures the film web of the wing, the other end of the transverse hinge is attached to the leading edge of the wing, the cross hinges on spar and on the pusher are controlled by hinged stops, on the tensioner of the outer end of the wing near the middle there is a clamp with ears towards the fuselage for hinged connection with the pusher of the tensioner of the outer end of the wing, the tensioner is pivotally connected to the elbow spar, on the outside at the end of the wing film web there are aerodynamic slots to create jets of air after the wing, a winglet is attached to the leading edge of the wing to prevent the air flow from the wing from stalling and increasing the air speed over the wing.

10. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a fuselage consisting of a nose tip, a front and rear hoop-frame, four contour frames made of plates and two frames with grooves for root spars, on both sides the fuselage is connected by four stringer, the upper stringer can be in a convex outward state due to the spacer roller located on the axis of the seat-bed in a vertical position, and in the horizontal position of the seat-bed, the upper stringer is straightened by slipping in the eye of the rear frame to reduce the midsection of the fuselage, to the rear a bushing for the tail fin shaft is welded to the frame in the center due to the spokes, two pipes for the landing gear are hinged on the sides to the front and rear frames, on top of the fuselage there is a flexible hatch - a viewing window, the fuselage is attached to the outgoing ends of the pipe and the corner of the power frame .

11. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a chassis consisting of four legs, hinged on the sides from below to the front and rear frames of the fuselage, in the lower part, a hard-to-take-off platform is hinged, having four outer corners wheels on racks with springs for standing on wheels or folding them, the rear legs have hinges at a distance of the length of their folding under the seat-bed, the hinges on the frames have springs for self-folding in the absence of extraneous forces on them, the entire fuselage frame with a capacitive landing gear is hermetically fitted lightweight, durable airtight film sheet.

12. Muscular floating flywheel according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a tail unit, consisting of a hollow roller, which is hinged in the frame bushing, a vertical lever arm is welded to the roller on the inside of the fuselage to rotate the tail unit by one quarter of a turn to establish of the tail area to a horizontal position or vertical, due to a cable connected to the lever-stand and control stick, a vertical stand with rollers at the ends is welded to the shaft from the outside, for hinged mounting of the tail assembly, and the tail assembly contains the feather axes , on which feathers are hinged, interconnected by a cable passed through the rollers of the vertical rack and connected to the control handle to control the tail area up and down or left and right.