Diving boats of the company «Innespace Productions. Shark diving boat goes on sale

The history of this project experiment, unique in all respects, dates back to the times when the instructions of the top management were perceived as the ultimate truth and served as a guide to action. That is why the project, which was so difficult to agree on, continued to be stubbornly developed by shipbuilding design bureaus and their contractors.

The idea was personally submitted by General Secretary Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. While inspecting the fast boats of the TsKB-19 and TsKB-5 projects at the naval base in Balaklava and observing the submarines based there, he suggested that in order to ensure the secrecy of the actions of the fleet, which is especially important in a nuclear war (and it was then considered quite real), one should strive to “submerge” the fleet under water, and suggested that, for a start, “submerge” the missile boat under water. According to him, it turned out that it would be great if rocket ships appeared from under the water in front of the enemy, struck and broke away from pursuit at great speed, using hydrofoils, or just as effectively disappear again under water.

The development of project 1231 of a small submersible rocket ship was entrusted to TsKB-19 of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for shipbuilding. Igor Kostetsky, head of the bureau, was appointed chief designer. Under the development of the TsKB-19 project, the Leningrad Marine Plant was transferred as an experimental and construction base of the TsKB. The project played an important role in the organizational unification of the design forces of TsKB-19 and TsKB-5 into one bureau, which later received the name Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau. In connection with the merger of two design bureaus, Evgeny Yukhnin, head of TsKB-5, became the chief designer of project 1231.

The design of such an unusual ship was a difficult task, as evidenced by both the progress of work itself and the large number of intermediate design stages that ended with the technical design of an experimental ship and the layout of the main premises. The combination of conflicting requirements for surface ships and submarines in one object required great ingenuity and considerable effort from the designers. It should be added to the above that the design was carried out in the boat design bureau, whose specialists were forced to master the methods of designing submarines.

Key to the design of any warship is the intended tactics of its combat use. Unfortunately, it cannot be said that the tactics of using a submersible missile carrier was initially comprehensively worked out, taking into account the possible actions of the alleged enemy, and that the technical specifications for the design of the missile carrier were sufficiently substantiated. A more thorough consideration of this tactic based on the technical characteristics, composition and capabilities of weapons obtained during the design showed that the losses of ships of this project in combat conditions would not be lower than the losses of high-speed missile boats that were in service with the Navy at that time. At the same time, due to the high cost of submersible missile carriers compared to conventional ones, the military-economic effect of their use seemed doubtful.

In accordance with the tactical and technical assignment, the project 1231 ship was intended to deliver sudden missile strikes against warships and transports in narrow spaces, on approaches to enemy naval bases and ports, to participate in the defense of the coast, fleet base areas and coastal flanks of ground forces, in repelling landings and disrupting enemy sea lanes, as well as for carrying hydroacoustic and radar patrols in areas of dispersed fleet bases. It was assumed that when solving these tasks, a group of such ships had to be deployed in a given area and for a long time be submerged in a waiting position or approach the enemy also in a submerged position, maintaining contact with him by hydroacoustic means. Having approached, the missile carriers surfaced, at high speed went to the line of a missile salvo, fired missiles, then again plunged or broke away from the enemy at maximum speed in the surface position. The presence of the missile carriers in a submerged position and the high speed during the attack should have reduced the time they were under the fire of the enemy, including air attack weapons.

To solve the problem in the process of designing the ship, a large number of technical solutions were considered for all the main structural units. The armament was radically strengthened in relation to the originally given one (2 cruise missiles). The same can be said about radar and hydroacoustic means. These measures, according to estimates, would halve the losses of ships of this project when solving combat missions.

The armament consisted of four P-25 cruise missiles with a firing range of 40 km, located in single, non-guided, non-absorbent container-type launchers, set at a constant angle of inclination to the horizon, with remote control from a single console located in the central post of the ship. The launchers were outside the pressure hull and were sealed to the pressure of the maximum diving depth.

The development of the P-25 anti-ship cruise missile (4K70 complex) has been carried out at OKB-52 since 1960. Structurally, it was a “smaller version” of the Amethyst anti-ship missiles of the same design bureau and with a simpler starting unit, designed to arm boats. It was planned to install a radar or thermal seeker on the rocket.

The serial radar station "Rangout-1231" ensured the detection and determination of the coordinates of the target at a distance of 25-28 km. Hydroacoustic station "Kharius" in a submerged position without a move made it possible to detect the enemy at a distance of 60-120 km. The ship did not have any means of self-defense, including protection against air attack.

It should be noted that for the effective use of the ship, the range of missiles and radars were insufficient, as well as the efficiency of the GAS during movement. The lack of means of self-defense significantly increased the likelihood of losing ships. Efficiency was also reduced by the low speed and range of the underwater course and in the RDP mode (diesel operation under water). In addition, the immersion depth was clearly insufficient to successfully protect it from anti-aircraft missiles.

When designing the ship, the general arrangement, the number of watertight compartments, their geometric shapes were repeatedly varied (in particular, options were considered for placing rooms in isolated containers, communication between which was possible only on the surface, compartments in the form of a horizontal "eight", etc.) . Finally settled on a two-compartment version in a rugged case. In the bow compartment there was a central post, a power industry room, radio operator posts and acoustics, a battery pit and units. From this compartment, all control of the ship, engines, weapons, radio equipment, etc. was carried out. The second compartment housed the main and electric motors, a diesel generator, hydraulic pumps, etc. In the superstructure, in a separate durable container, there was a living compartment with sleeping places for 6 people, a galley and supplies of water and provisions. The living compartment was also intended to be used to rescue personnel from a submerged position. If it was damaged, rescue was also possible from the central post (rescue was supposed to be by free ascent or along a buoy). The superstructure housed a permeable wheelhouse, air intake and gas exhaust shafts, and antennas.

Since the beginning of the design of the ship, the principle of hydrofoil movement has been adopted as the main way to ensure high speed on the surface. Various combinations of hydrofoils and hull shapes were studied: from sharp-chine planing to boat ones. The development of the hull shape and hydrofoil scheme was carried out by testing models in the experimental pool, on the lake and in wind tunnels. The labor-intensive process of optimizing the hydrodynamic layout ended with the presentation in the technical design of three options for its technical appearance: with two hydrofoils, with one bow wing and no hydrofoils at all. The options differed significantly in the main dimensions, displacement and surface speeds. Other key technical indicators were approximately equal. The most acceptable for further development seemed to be a variant with a single nose wing. Despite the lower speed, the balancing and handling characteristics in a submerged position were better than those of the faster version with two hydrofoils (a feature of the winged variants is the balancing and controllability of the ship in a vertical plane in a submerged position by turning the entire bow wing along the angle of attack).

As the main engines at various stages of the project, gas turbines with large aggregate capacities, and diesel engines of various types and quantities, which did not require large air intake shafts and had smaller dimensions, were considered. The M507 diesel engine adopted for the technical project was a unit of two mass-produced M504 diesel engines. For a quick ascent of the ship, it was possible to blow the tanks of the main ballast with the exhaust gases of these engines.

During the design, a large number of research studies were carried out in order to find the optimal scheme for transmitting power to the propulsion units when moving under water and in the RDP mode, including with a reversible electric machine "generator-electric motor", with a third shaft, angular gearboxes, hydraulic transmissions, pumps and hydraulic motors. A two-hall installation with surface diesels and propeller motors for underwater travel was finally chosen.

The power plant turned out to be very complex and included a large number of mechanisms and devices. There were about 80 actuators of the remote automatic control system alone (with an appropriate communications network). Nevertheless, the use of automatic control made it possible, in particular, to control the power of the ship from the central post without the presence of personnel in the engine compartment.

The outer hull was envisaged entirely welded, using extruded profiles and panels. The robust body according to the technical design consisted of three cylindrical shells. Moreover, the middle part of the hull differed from the regular cylinder of conventional submarines and was a conjugation of several inclined hulls.

Various aluminum-magnesium alloys and high-strength steels were considered as the material for the outer and durable hulls, and titanium and steel were used for the wings. The AMg-61 alloy was finally chosen for the hull, and titanium for the wings. The robust hull of the ship was designed to withstand loads during an atomic bomb explosion within a radius of about 2 km (for a number of other systems and equipment - 4 km).

The systems of the ship turned out to be very complex. So, the vital system of diving and ascent included 29 ventilation valves and 54 kingstons. But the supply of high-pressure air seemed insufficient for the emergency ship to surface.

Describing the project as a whole, it should be noted that a number of new technical solutions were found in it, in particular: combined hull contours to ensure driving performance on the surface and stabilization of movement in the underwater position; the use of an aluminum-magnesium alloy for the body (with thicknesses up to 40 mm), and titanium for the wings; unusual design of a durable case; the use of new, not yet used diesel engines and silver-zinc batteries; the use of a large volume of automatic control of the ship and equipment and the location of the actuators and individual elements of the automatic control of the wings, rudders, kingstones and ventilation valves of ballast tanks outside the pressure hull; creation of lightweight and small-sized outboard fittings.

Along with this, important deviations from the established practice and design standards in shipbuilding had to be made, including the crowding of the general location, the lack of access to some important devices, the abandonment of measures to protect the ship and the reservation of the power source, the duplication of some elements of the power plant and ship systems (including drives for ascent and descent systems), for overloading the main engines when the ship reaches the wings, for limited stability and displacement margins, and a number of other deviations. Restrictions on size and displacement led to the use of a number of small-sized and lightweight models of mechanisms and equipment, special systems and devices that have not yet been mastered by industry.

The complexity and novelty of creating a submersible missile carrier further predetermined a huge amount of design and development work, including studies of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the ship, experimental testing of hull and wing structures, development of new mechanisms, valves and other equipment, bench testing of main engines and transmission mechanisms, automation and systems, etc. (the list of necessary works identified by the end of the technical project was about 120 positions).

The deepening of the design process led to a constant increase in the mass of the ship, an increase in the power of the power plant, etc. It was obvious that further development of the project would also inevitably be accompanied by an increase in displacement and, consequently, a decrease in speed - a characteristic that, along with secrecy, determined the very meaning of creating a ship.

The design of the missile carrier began in January 1959 and continued until the end of 1964, when N.S. Khrushchev from the political scene automatically put an end to the work that could hardly lead to real success, despite all the dedication of the designers

Table 1



With two wings

With one nose wing

without wings

Full displacement, t

Maximum length, m

Hull width max., m

Width wings, m

Speed, knots:

– surface travel, max.

- underwater course

- in RDP mode

Range, miles:

- on the surface

(at travel speed, knots)

- underwater

– in RDP mode (speed 4 knots)

Immersion depth, m:

– working

– calculated

Time of continuous stay under water, days

Autonomy, days

Crew, pers.

Power plant:

- surface movement

2 M507 diesel engines with a capacity of 12,000 liters each. With.

- underwater course

electric motors and batteries

- in RDP mode

Diesel M50 with a capacity of 700 hp


- missile

4 P-25 surface-launched missiles

– radio engineering

radar stations, hydroacoustic stations

- navigational

gyrocompass, log, auto-plotter, echo sounder


Not Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was the author of the idea of ​​​​creating combat diving boats. The first project of such a ship was proposed by Valerian Brzezinski (1894-1985). In 1937, this major naval figure and designer got into the "sharashka" - the Special Technical Bureau of the NKVD at the plant number 196 in Leningrad. There, under his leadership, by 1939, a project was created for the submersible torpedo boat M-400 "Flea".

According to the project, the ship with a surface displacement of 35.3 tons developed a speed of 33 knots, and under water - 11 knots. (with a displacement of 74 tons). It was armed with two 450 mm torpedo tubes and a machine gun. Power plant - two diesel engines, in a submerged position, working in a closed cycle. It was assumed that the submarine-boat in a submerged position was supposed to sneak up on the enemy and hit him with torpedoes, then float up and at full speed escape from the pursuit of security forces.

"Flea" was laid down at the Plant. A. Marty in 1939. By the beginning of the war, the technical readiness of the ship was about 60%. In besieged Leningrad in 1942, work on the boat was suspended, and after the damage received from shelling, it was completely stopped and never resumed.


The idea of ​​creating boats that can submerge under water for a while is still alive. In the domestic and foreign press, there are reports of the development of this type of vessels, although not with such ambitious technical characteristics as those of the 1231 project, and intended for civilian needs.

So, the state small enterprise "Dolphin" (St. Petersburg) in the late 1990s developed a project for a surface-underwater boat. Its purpose is the rapid delivery to the continental shelf areas (including diving up to 15 m) of a group of divers (up to 6 people) with gear, equipment and tools for inspection and repair work. The boat has a hull shape that allows it to develop a high surface speed (up to 32 knots) and acceptable handling at 2–3 knots. underwater. The main elements and characteristics of the boat: length - 6.6 m, width - 2.2 m, maximum height - 1.3 m, draft - 0.6 m, total displacement in surface / underwater positions - 4 / 4.4 t; surface cruising range - 100 miles, underwater - 4-5 miles, seaworthiness - 4 points. Two rotary piston engines with a power of 2 × 110 kW provide movement in the surface position with the help of water cannons. In the bow of the boat there are two rudder propellers for underwater travel.

The St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite" created a project for a diving yacht capable of diving to a depth of 50-100 m. Its main elements and characteristics are: length - 30, width - 5, draft - 4.8 m, displacement - about 300 t, surface speed - 8 knots, underwater speed - 3 knots, crew - 4 people. Six passengers are accommodated in three comfortable cabins equipped with underwater portholes (800x800 mm). With the appropriate modification, the yacht can be used as an excursion for 40 people or for research work.

She developed a new model of a bionic boat, not only in appearance, but also in “habits” resembling a shark. The high-speed novelty, named Seabreacher X, will be made in a limited edition.

About Innespace and its developments we. The main thing: her two-seater five-meter machines with a pressurized cockpit have positive buoyancy, but due to the work of underwater wings they can drag themselves into the depths.

The company has already sent its boats of previous versions to customers in a number of countries, not counting the United States, from Korea to the UAE. Buyers were captivated by deep turns, barrels, jumps and dives. Also, the company has not abandoned its long-standing idea of ​​organizing diving boat races, only participants must buy their own Seabreacher. Now the date of the first such competition is indicated "somewhere in the current year."

The new craft, indexed X (shown above and below the heading in the final "toothy" coloring) is equipped with a video camera in the dorsal fin, so that when moving underwater, the pilot can navigate by the picture on the screen. In addition, the boat is equipped with a stereo system and GPS satellite navigation (photos by Rupert Thorpe, Innespace).

If the previous model (it is still being produced now) - Seabreacher J - outwardly imitates a dolphin, then Seabreacher X is a shark. Its gaping mouth is a porthole under the pilot's feet, made of tinted glass. "X" is capable of developing 80 km / h on the surface and 40 km / h under water. The 260-horsepower engine should be thanked for this (model J, for comparison, is equipped with engines of 155 or 215 hp).

Like its predecessors, Seabreacher X can jump out of the water a bit and "frolic" in every possible way. And, of course, one of the main highlights is the ability of the car to move for a long time near the surface under water, exposing only the fin (through which the internal combustion engine receives air) and bringing waves down on the transparent cockpit lantern. Moreover, a special system prevents water from entering the motor and stopping it during short dives to a depth of up to 1.8 meters.

These pictures show the shark's predecessor, the Seabreacher J Dolphin. By the way, a common question is: what happens if I dive too deep on such a boat? It's simple - after twenty seconds, the internal combustion engine will stall, and since the boat is lighter than water, it will float.
It is also interesting that the buoyancy of the hull is such that the device will not sink, even if the pilot leaves the cockpit cap open and the cabin is filled with water (in general, there is a bilge pump). And one more thing - the device is designed to work in both sea and river water (photos by Innespace).

The company says the Dolphin Dive Boat J is available on pre-order. Prices depend on engine power, finish options and so on. The range is $65-85 thousand. As for the new “shark”, the Americans plan to build only 10 copies of it. The price tag, respectively, is more solid - $ 93,500. What the client will receive for this money can be seen in the video below.

  • The Seabreacher X is one of the most advanced underwater watercraft built to date and is also our most popular model.
  • Model X has a more aggressive shark-style bodywork, additional underwater windows and 3D gills.
  • The jet ski is equipped with a Rotax turbocharged engine with a power of 260 hp.
  • The new patented system, which contains a propulsion system with a propulsion engine, mimics the articulation of the tail of real aquatic animals such as sharks and dolphins, and allows for increased maneuverability on the water.

  • SEABRACHER UNDERWATER JET CYCLE is available to order, production time is from 1 to 6 months, starting price with a minimum set of $ 81,000, taxes, duties and delivery to the place of use are not included in the price.
  • The final price is formed depending on the country of delivery. The cost of training is negotiated on an individual basis.

    Standard Features:
    Shark body design;
    Turbocharged Rotax engine with 260 hp;
    Portholes located on the bow of the vessel, allowing you to see better under water;
    Double vent tube for engine with high air consumption;
    High performance, low profile wings and lifters;
    Powder coated stainless steel and aluminum hardware;
    Adjustable exhaust port;
    Upholstery made to order;
    Built-in stereo system and there is an iPod docking station.

    Length: 5.18 m
    Width: 0.9 m
    Wingspan: 1.9 m
    Height: 1.5 m
    Weight: 612 kg
    Capacity: 2 people
    Fuel tank volume: 63.65 l
    Maximum speed on water: 88.5 km/h
    Maximum speed underwater: 40 km/h

    Hull type: modified, V model (internal stringer)
    Body material: composite; fiberglass, manually installed
    Canopy: 1/2" Acrylic (Aircraft Grade Acrylic)
    Engine type: 260 hp, four-cylinder turbocharged Rotax engine
    Engine capacity: 1500 cm3
    Number of cylinders: 3
    Fuel type: high octane unleaded gasoline
    Transmission: direct drive, forward/neutral/reverse
    Axial flow jet pump
    Type: single stage, 10 blade stator
    Turbine: 3 blades raised for increased torque
    Material: stainless steel

    Pilot's cockpit:
    A control stick for the main wings, which are responsible for diving and gliding through the water, and a gas trigger that regulates the fuel supply;
    Rear fender pedals and steering;
    Engine control panel, voltage, air pressure, and also on which the speedometer and RPM are located;
    Custom vinyl seats with sealed upholstery

    Impact-resistant frameless housing
    Good buoyancy, self-righting hull design
    Waterproof cab and engine compartment
    Three automatic bilge pumps
    Foldable front section in the event of a frontal collision
    Discardable wingtips
    All approved engine and equipment components
    Onboard fire extinguisher
    ½ inch acrylic canopy
    Onboard compressed air bottle
    Airborne communications

    Additional options:
    Standard trailer
    Galvanized trailer
    Premium trailer (Custom alloy wheels, low profile tires, diamond coated)
    Custom case (possibility to add custom logo or image)
    3D drawing of shark gills
    3D fiberglass eyeballs
    Viewing holes (for underwater riding)
    Cooling system (climate control)
    VHF radio station of the meter range
    Strong cradle (for launching the device from a yacht or dock)
    Shark mouth graphics
    Individual airbrushing (creating the image of a real dolphin, shark and others; the work is done by the artist)
    Custom embroidery (logos/custom layouts)
    Installation of computer equipment on request

    Seabreacher X underwater jet ski at an affordable price in Moscow and other regions of Russia. Hurry up to buy from us!
    Sending, delivery of goods "Seabreacher X underwater jet ski" to all regions of Russia. Discounts for complex orders. Individual approach to every customer.

  • Military French developers stunned the world with a new warship. Revolutionary is a "submersible frigate" or, as the designers themselves call it, "surface submarine".

    At the European Naval Show EURONAVALE-2010, which opened on October 25 in the Parisian suburb of Le Bourget, many projects of promising warships of the near future were presented. Experts clearly identify two trends: the creation of anti-missile defense ships and ships specially designed for basing unmanned aerial vehicles. Among them there are both ordinary surface ships and very futuristic projects like the SSX-25 "submersible frigate" proposed by the French concern DCNS.

    The French themselves call the unusual ship a “surface submarine”: this is how the French name Sous-marin de surface can be translated into Russian. The 109 meters long ship has a semi-submerged underwater hull optimized for high speeds on the surface. To do this, especially powerful gas turbines are installed in the elongated knife-shaped hull of the ship, setting in motion three jet propulsion units, while the “surface submarine” will be able to travel at least 2,000 nautical miles with a 38-knot course.

    Turbines and diesel engines of the underwater course are located on a single base in a massive deck superstructure. Upon arrival in the combat area, the ship makes a "dive", partially turning into a submarine.

    At the same time, the turbine air intakes and exhaust devices are closed with special dampers, “snorkels” (devices for underwater diesel air supply) are extended from the superstructure, azipods from the central part of the ship, and depth rudders in the bow. When submerged, the ship's displacement is 4800 tons, it is capable of moving at speeds up to 10 knots.

    In this case, a special retractable periscope-like mast equipped with a radar and various optical sensors can be used to observe the surface.

    The company does not report whether the ship is capable of operating in a fully submerged state, that is, without retractable devices for atmospheric air intake, only on an electric course. The company emphasizes that their diving ship is not optimized for combating underwater targets, however, it has eight torpedoes in bow torpedo tubes for self-defense.

    The main armament of the ship is 16 universal vertical launchers to accommodate both cruise (including anti-ship) and anti-aircraft missiles.

    Thus, as a promising ship, French designers offer a hybrid of a URO frigate (high speed, seaworthiness, powerful missile system) and an attack submarine (stealth, ability to attack targets from a submerged position). A submerged hull will provide the hybrid ship with less vulnerability to pitching, making it a stable launch platform, and a developed superstructure will partially get rid of such a lack of submarines as crowding. Moreover, the immersed body also means less visibility in all ranges and high efficiency due to less resistance to movement at the media boundary.

    In addition, as experts note, the developed superstructure allows it to accommodate various fairly comfortable rooms for special forces and its specific equipment - an advantage that special-purpose submarines are deprived of. In the superstructure, of course, a special hangar for UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) can also be arranged, vertical take-off rotorcraft are especially attractive in this regard. Such robotic helicopters can be stored in automated racks on the sides of the hangar with a retractable roof, which will open for the release and reception of the UAV.

    Obviously, in such a configuration, the ship should be considered, first of all, as a reconnaissance aircraft designed for covert and long-term collection of information in any coastal area, which for one reason or another is not accessible to space or aviation reconnaissance. Another possible purpose of such a ship is to clear a bridgehead for commandos, covert strikes against coastal targets, and clearing beaches before the arrival of the main landing forces. It is clear that it will be most valuable against an enemy that does not have modern means of anti-submarine warfare.

    It should not be thought that the French invented something fundamentally new. Diving and semi-submersible submarines have been known since the century before last, some of these ships were even used in combat. Thus, the British K-class squadron boats of the First World War, equipped (due to the lack of powerful diesel engines) with steam turbine installations, were actually diving ships and operated from a semi-submerged position in clashes, hoping to protect the hull from the water column. The famous "Monitor" can also be considered a semi-submersible vessel: the first self-propelled iron propeller artillery ship used by northerners during the American Civil War to bombard the Hempleton raid.

    You can also recall the German mini-submarines of the Seehunde and Seeteufel types: the first were an attempt to create some kind of marine analogue of a single-seat fighter aircraft, and the second - a sabotage vessel with the ability to go ashore with the help of tracks.

    Various projects of diving ships were also created in the USSR. These were actually the early Soviet Pravda-class submarines. To achieve high surface speed, designer Andrey Asafov tried to give the submarine the contours of a destroyer, the fastest surface ship at that time. But destroyers are characterized by the ratio of length to width and width to draft, which is absolutely not characteristic of submarines. As a result, the ship was poorly controlled when submerged, and the high reserve of buoyancy extremely slowed down the dive.

    The project of the diving torpedo boat 1231 "Dolphin" also looked extremely original. The idea was personally submitted by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. While examining the fast boats of the TsKB-19 and TsKB-5 projects at the naval base in Balaklava and observing the submarines based there, he suggested that in order to ensure the secrecy of the actions of the fleet, which is especially important in a nuclear war, it is necessary seek to "submerge" the fleet under water, and proposed to begin with "submerge" the missile boat.

    In accordance with the TTZ, the project 1231 ship was intended to deliver sudden missile strikes against warships and transport in narrow places, on the approaches to enemy naval bases and ports, to participate in the defense of the coast, fleet base areas and coastal flanks of ground forces, in repelling the landing landings and disruption of enemy sea communications, as well as for carrying hydroacoustic and radar patrols in areas of dispersed basing of the fleet. It was assumed that when solving these tasks, a group of such ships had to be deployed in a given area and for a long time be submerged in a waiting position or approach the enemy also in a submerged position, maintaining contact with him by hydroacoustic means.

    Having approached, the missile carriers surfaced, at high speed went to the line of a missile salvo, fired missiles, then again plunged or broke away from the enemy at maximum speed in the surface position. The presence of the missile carriers in a submerged position and the high speed during the attack should have reduced the time they were under the fire of the enemy, including air attack weapons.

    The project developed quite successfully from 1959 until Khrushchev's resignation in 1964, when it was frozen and later closed.

    The only application in which diving ships have justified themselves is in high-speed semi-submersible landing craft used, for example, by North Korean saboteurs, and, for some time, by their Iranian counterparts. Colombian drug traffickers also use the same type of court, but already "home-made" to deliver their goods to the United States. These are low-sitting boats up to 25 meters long, the surface part of the boats protrudes above the surface to a height of no more than 45 centimeters, they can take on board up to 10 tons of cocaine. The US military and law enforcement refer to them as Self-Propelled Semi-Submersibles (SPSS). Finding such boats is extremely difficult even for such a well-equipped service as the US Coast Guard.

    Apparently, French designers are also guided by this: some Somali pirates will most likely not really notice a large semi-submersible or diving ship. But is the game worth the candle? Wouldn't it turn out that a ship of this class would be more expensive than a frigate and a submarine combined, and in terms of efficiency - worse than either separately? It is clear that at the moment no one can answer this question, but still it seems that the future belongs to less exotic ships.

    The invention relates to diving equipment, in particular to devices designed for the movement and life support of divers, for underwater tourism or underwater work. The underwater jet ski contains an open body with a seat, a steering wheel, a rudder, an air dome open from below, a power source, a sealed propulsion electric motor and a depth electric motor. The air dome is rigidly fixed to the body above the seat and contains a sealed window(s) covered by a transparent flat material. The window is equipped with a means of blowing from the inside. The air dome is hydraulically connected to the compressed air cylinder through a reduction gear. Electric motors are equipped with a means of creating excess air pressure inside them. There is a ballast chamber, two water-jet propulsion units: a marching propulsion unit inside the rear of the hull and a depth propulsion unit inside the front lower part of the hull. The power supply may or may not be sealed. In the latter case, it is placed in an air chamber continuously supplied with a small stream of pressurized air. Controls and indications are fixed on the steering wheel. Distortions are reduced when observing the underwater situation, “freezing” at a given depth is ensured, and the reliability of sealed units is increased. 24 w.p. f-ly, 6 ill.

    Drawings to the RF patent 2370409

    The invention relates to diving equipment, in particular to apparatus for movement and life support of divers, intended for underwater tourism or underwater work.

    Among underwater vehicles, for example, a divers towing vehicle (AS USSR No. 1819793, MPK 5 B63C 11/00, 1993), containing an electric motor with an energy source, a propulsor placed in an annular nozzle, and control handles fixed outside corps. In this case, the nozzle is made in the form of a sealed hollow body. Also known is a towing diver (RF patent No. 2154591 for the invention, IPC 7 B63C 11/02, 2000), containing a housing with a propulsion system, a switch for its operation modes and a rod with a device fixed at its free end for transmitting the control force of the diver . In this case, the rod is installed in the diametrical plane of the towing vehicle in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the propulsion system and is rigidly connected to the body. The device for transmitting the control force of the diver is made either in the form of a bumper-handrail, placed in front of the rod, and the switch of operating modes of the propulsion system is located at the free end of the rod.

    The disadvantage of these tugs is the lack of a diver's life support system, which leads to the need for additional use, such as scuba gear, for the diver's life support. Another disadvantage of these tugs is its design, which provides for a horizontal, as a rule, back up placement of the diver. This position is not comfortable, as it leads to a constant load on the neck muscle groups and, as a result, increased fatigue of the diver.

    Known underwater vehicle permeable type (RF patent No. 2191135 for the invention, IPC 7 B63C 11/46, 2002 ), containing a body with a bottom and a compartment for the crew, having at least two openings for the entry and exit of the crew, power installation containing at least one engine, an air system, a ballast system, a control system, a system for providing buoyancy in the surface position and a mechanism for moving the engines of the power plant vertically. The bottom has the shape of the bottom of a surface vehicle. The buoyancy system comprises at least one air tank located in the bottom, connected to the air system through at least one air supply and at least one air outlet and having at least one seawater inlet and outlet.

    It is also known a submariner's vehicle (RF patent No. 2081781 for the invention, IPC 6 B63C 11/46, F63B 35/12, 1997 ), containing a cigar-shaped body with a cavity for receiving ballast water, inside of which there is a battery, an electric motor, leading to the action of the propeller, and on the outer part of the hull there is a control panel and a tap for receiving water into the said cavity. The submariner's vehicle also has a pump for pumping water from said cavity, a horizontal rudder and a saddle for the submariner.

    The disadvantage of these vehicles is the need to use a breathing mask, which is part of the scuba gear, for the life support of the diver (submariner). The use of this breathing mask is not natural for a person, it requires the diver to have certain skills acquired during preliminary training.

    This deficiency has been corrected in the submersible manufactured by ScubaDoo Malaysia Pty Ltd, 1 Rothcote Court Andrews Qld, Australia 4220, http://scuba-doo.com.au. The submersible contains an open body with a seat for a diver, an air dome to accommodate the diver's head and shoulders, and is equipped with a spherical porthole. The cavity of the air dome is connected by an air duct to the surface raft containing a compressor for supplying air to the dome. In the housing under the diver's seat there is a sealed power supply, a sealed sustainer electric motor with a propeller.

    The underwater vehicle has several disadvantages:

    The execution of the porthole of a spherical shape leads to significant distortions of the situation observed through it;

    The design of the air dome causes the porthole to fog up when using a submersible;

    The design of the apparatus does not allow it to remain motionless at a given depth;

    The slightest depressurization of the engine leads to filling it with water, which leads to its inoperability.

    The specified underwater vehicle is, in terms of essential features, the closest device for the same purpose to the claimed invention. Therefore, it is accepted as a prototype of the claimed invention.

    The technical result provided by the claimed underwater jet ski is to reduce distortion during visual observation of the environment from the air dome, to ensure the possibility of holding the jet ski at a given depth, as well as to increase the reliability and fault tolerance of sealed units and assemblies that make up the structural elements of the jet ski.

    The essence of the invention lies in the fact that the underwater jet ski contains an open body with a seat, a steering wheel, a steering wheel, an air dome open from below, a power source, a sealed propulsion electric motor, a sealed depth electric motor. At the same time, the air dome is rigidly fixed to the body above the seat and contains at least one hermetic window closed by a rigid transparent material. Each window is made in the form of at least a part of at least one face of a convex polyhedron and is provided with means for blowing it from the inside. The air dome is hydraulically connected to the compressed air cylinder through a reduction gear. At the same time, the propulsion electric motor and the depth electric motor are equipped with a means of creating excess air pressure inside them.

    According to the preferred design, the underwater jet ski contains a propulsion propulsion unit and a water jet type depth propulsion unit. The propulsion propulsion unit together with the propulsion electric motor is located inside the rear part of the hull. In this case, the propulsion propulsion unit is made in the form of a propeller mounted on the main propulsion motor shaft, and the propulsion propulsion conduit is the entire rear part of the body, which has figured inlets for water intake and one hole at the rear for water outlet. The depth mover, together with the depth motor, is located inside the front lower part of the hull. In this case, the depth mover is made in the form of a propeller mounted on the depth electric motor shaft, and the depth mover conduit is the entire front lower part of the body, which has figured inlets for water intake and one bottom hole for water outlet.

    It is acceptable that the power source be made in the form of a sealed battery or in the form of a battery placed in an air chamber that is not sealed from below. In the second version, the air chamber must be hydraulically connected to a constant air flow valve, hydraulically connected through a reduction gear to a compressed air cylinder. In this case, the air chamber of the power source can be placed in the middle part of the body of the underwater jet ski under the seat.

    It is advisable to connect electric motors to the power source through appropriate switching relays. In this case, it is permissible to control the relay of inclusion by buttons located on the steering wheel.

    It is expedient to make a means of creating excess air pressure inside the electric motors in the form of air ducts, through a reduction gear and a constant air flow valve hydraulically connecting the internal spaces of the electric motors with a compressed air cylinder.

    It is preferable to hydraulically link the reduction gear to the air dome via a constant air flow valve.

    It is desirable to provide an air duct inside the air dome with the possibility of supplying air near the top of the air dome. It is possible to make the means of blowing the windows of the air dome from the inside in the form of an air duct passing inside the air dome along the edge of the mentioned windows, in which holes are made so that the air from them tangentially enters the windows. In this case, each window can be made in the form of at least one face of a convex polyhedron, and holes for blowing the windows of the air dome are made in the air duct in the region of the corners of the windows.

    The material that covers the windows of the air dome is mainly made of organic glass (plexiglass). It is desirable to perform an air dome containing one window, made in the form of three adjacent quadrangular faces of a convex polyhedron with rounded adjacent ribs. It is permissible to perform an air dome containing three round or rectangular windows.

    It is advisable to place the ballast chamber inside the front part of the hull above the depth motor. It is possible to perform the ballast chamber in the form of a container with rigid walls open from below.

    It is preferable to fix the steering wheel on the body in its upper front part with the possibility of rotation. It is advisable to make a compressed air cylinder in the form of a regular scuba cylinder and fix it to the front of the jet ski from the outside under the steering wheel.

    It is desirable to connect the steering wheel with a cable to the steering wheel so that the steering wheel turns corresponding to the rotation of the steering wheel. It is possible to carry out the rudder in the form of a vertical ship's rudder. It is permissible to fix on the steering wheel the controls and indications of the underwater jet ski, for example, a depth gauge, or, for example, a pressure gauge, which is hydraulically connected to a compressed air cylinder through a reduction gear.

    According to the preferred design, the underwater jet ski additionally contains a control panel for the ballast chamber fixed on the steering wheel. The input of the specified console is hydraulically connected to the reduction gear, the first output of the console is hydraulically connected to the ballast chamber in its upper part, and the second output of the specified console is communicated with the surrounding space. In this case, the console is equipped with two air valves, the first of which is made with the possibility of hydraulic connection of the console inlet with its first output, and the second with the possibility of hydraulic connection of the first and second console outputs.

    The essence of the invention is illustrated by the following drawings.

    The figure 1 shows a diagram of the appearance of an underwater jet ski; figure 2 is a diagram of its steering system; figure 3 - diagram of the electrical system; figure 4 - diagram of the air system; figure 5 is a layout diagram of the underwater jet ski; figure 6 - layout of the controls and indications on the steering wheel.

    Underwater jet ski (figure 1) contains an open housing (1) with a steering wheel (2); seat (3) and footrests (4) for the diver; an air dome (5) open from below to accommodate the diver's head and shoulders, fixed in the upper part of the body (1) above the seat (3). The air dome (5) contains at least one hermetic window (6) designed to observe the surrounding space. Each window (6) is made in the form of at least part of at least one face of a convex polyhedron and is covered with a rigid transparent material.

    The underwater jet ski is equipped with a steering system, an electrical system and an air system.

    The steering system (figure 2) contains a steering wheel (2), a cable (7) and a steering wheel (8) made in the form of a vertical ship's steering wheel. The steering wheel (2) is rotatably fixed on the housing (1) in a place accessible to the diver's hands and convenient for viewing from the air dome (5), mainly in the upper front part of the housing. The steering wheel (2) is connected by a cable (7) to the steering wheel (8) so that the deviation of the steering wheel (2) leads to the corresponding rotation of the steering wheel (8). On the steering wheel (2) other controls and indications of the underwater jet ski are fixed.

    The electrical equipment system (figure 3) contains a power source (9), a propulsion motor (10) in a sealed housing, a depth motor (11) in a sealed housing, two switching relays (12, 13) - one for each motor (10, 11 ), controls for electric motors made in the form of buttons (14, 15), and electrical conductors. The power supply (9) is made mainly in the form of a battery. The electrical system diagram contains two power circuits and two control circuits. The first power circuit contains a series-connected power supply (9), main motor (10) and its switching relay (12) (power terminals). The second power circuit contains a series-connected power supply (9), a depth motor (11) and its switching relay (13) (power terminals). The first control circuit contains a series-connected power source (9), a button (14) for turning on the main motor (10) and a relay (12) for turning on the main electric motor (control terminals). The second control circuit contains a series-connected power source (9), a button (15) for turning on the depth motor and a relay (13) for turning on the depth motor (control terminals). The actuation of each relay and, consequently, the activation of the corresponding electric motor is ensured by pressing the corresponding button.

    The air system (figure 4) contains a compressed air cylinder (16), a reduction gear (17), a pressure gauge (18), a ballast chamber (19), a control panel (20) for a ballast chamber (19), valves and air ducts. A reduction gear (17) is connected to the compressed air cylinder (16) through a high-pressure air line or directly, which serves to reduce the air pressure supplied to its outlets.

    The reduction gear (17) has three outputs. The first outlet of the reduction gear (17) is connected by an air duct to a pressure gauge (18).

    The second outlet of the reduction gear (17) is connected by an air duct to the input of the control panel (20) by a ballast chamber, the first outlet of which is connected by an air duct to the ballast chamber (19) in its upper part. The second output of the control panel (20) by the ballast chamber is in communication with the surrounding space. The ballast chamber (19) according to the preferred design is made in the form of a container with rigid walls open from below. The control panel (20) of the ballast chamber is equipped with two air valves (21, 22). When opening the first valve (21), the input of the control panel (20) is connected to its first output. When the second valve (22) is opened, the first and second outputs of the console (20) are connected.

    The third outlet of the reduction gear (17) is connected by an air duct to the inlet of the first valve (23) of constant air flow. The outlet of this first valve (23) is connected by four air ducts, respectively, to the air dome (5), the inner space of the sealed casing of the sustainer electric motor (10), the inner space of the sealed casing of the electric motor of depth (11) and the second constant air flow valve (24). The outlet of the second valve (24) is connected by an air duct to the air chamber (25), which houses the power source (9). Said air chamber (25) is not sealed from below. The second valve (24) is set so that its flow is less than the flow of the first valve (23).

    Inside the air dome (5), air is supplied near its upper point, as well as on the inner surface of a rigid transparent material covering the windows (6). Air is supplied through openings in the air duct. The air supply to the transparent material covering the windows (6) prevents them from fogging up.

    The air supply to the motor housings (10, 11) creates excess pressure inside the motors. This technical design allows, during operation of electric motors, to prevent water from entering them in case of depressurization. In addition, this solution makes it possible to detect the fact and place of depressurization of electric motor housings under water by the appearance of air bubbles in the place of depressurization. This makes it possible to quickly diagnose and respond to the indicated malfunction.

    The air chamber (25) of the power source (9) is located in the middle part of the body (1) of the underwater jet ski, mainly under the diver's seat (2). A sustainer electric motor (10) with a sustainer propulsor, mainly of a jet type, is located inside the rear of the housing (1). According to the preferred design, the main propulsion unit is made in the form of a propeller (26) located in the rear part of the body, mounted on the main electric motor shaft (10). When this conduit propulsion is the entire rear of the body (1), which has figured inlet holes (27, figure 1) for water intake and one hole at the rear (not indicated) for water outlet. A steering wheel (8) is placed in the specified hole at the back of the housing (1). The propulsion motor (10) with the corresponding propeller allows the underwater hydrocycle to move forward in a horizontal direction.

    The depth electric motor (11) with the depth propulsion device, mainly of the jet type, is located inside the front lower part of the housing (11). According to the preferred design, the depth propulsor is made in the form of a propeller (28) mounted on the shaft of the depth electric motor (11). At the same time, the water conduit of the depth mover is the entire front lower part of the housing (1), which has shaped inlets (29, Fig. 1) for water intake and one bottom hole for water outlet. The depth electric motor (11) with the corresponding propulsion allows the underwater watercraft to “hover” at a certain depth or move upwards, including when the underwater watercraft is negatively buoyant.

    The ballast chamber (19) is located inside the front of the body (1) above the depth motor (11).

    On the steering wheel (2) fixed depth gauge (30), pressure gauge (18), controls (14, 15) electric motors, control panel (20) ballast chamber (20) (figure 6).

    Specific Implementation Examples

    The compressed air cylinder (16) is a standard scuba cylinder attached to the front of the body (1) of the jet ski from the outside under the steering wheel (2). The reduction gear (17) is directly connected to the compressed air bottle (16). The air ducts are made in the form of flexible hoses.

    For a better view of the surrounding space, the window (6) of the air dome (5) is made in the form of three adjacent quadrangular faces of a convex polyhedron with rounded edges. The window (6) is covered with a transparent material made of organic glass (plexiglass). In this case, the glass consists of three quadrangular plates made at the same time with rounded edges. The window (6) is placed in the air dome (5) so as to provide the diver with a view to the front and sides of the underwater watercraft.

    To increase the rigidity of the air dome (5), it contains three round or rectangular windows (6), which provide the diver with an overview of the front and sides of the underwater jet ski, respectively. Each window (6) is covered with a transparent material plate made of organic glass (plexiglass).

    To ensure high-quality prevention of fogging of windows of the air dome (5), the air duct runs along the perimeter of these windows (6) and contains holes located in the area of ​​the corners of these windows (6).

    The implementation of the structural elements of the claimed invention is not limited to the above examples.

    The inventive underwater jet ski is used as follows.

    The air system is preliminarily switched on, usually by simply opening the valve on the compressed air cylinder (16). In this case, excess pressure is created in the electric motor housings (10, 11) and air is supplied at a constant speed to the air dome (5) and the air chamber (25) of the power source (9). After placing the underwater jet ski in the water in the area of ​​its planned use, the diver takes a place on it. At the same time, for the use of an underwater jet ski, there is no need for the diver to have any additional equipment or equipment. The underwater hydrocycle is lowered into the water vertically, so the ballast chamber (19), the air chamber (25) of the power source (9) and the air dome (5) remain filled with air underwater. This ensures the positive buoyancy of the underwater jet ski (it does not sink) and the possibility of landing a diver in it.

    To dive, the diver opens the second valve (22) on the control panel (20) of the ballast chamber (19). In this case, the air from the ballast chamber (19) goes outside through the second output of the control panel (20) by the ballast chamber (19). In this case, the air in the ballast chamber (19), which is not sealed from below, is displaced by water, the underwater jet ski acquires negative buoyancy and sinks.

    For more accurate regulation of the immersion depth, as well as to keep the underwater jet ski at a given depth, the diver periodically turns on the depth electric motor (11). The button (15) for turning on the depth motor (11) is located on the steering wheel (2). With the depth motor (11) running, the underwater watercraft moves upward even if it has negative buoyancy.

    For translational forward movement of the underwater jet ski, the diver turns on the propulsion motor (10). The button (14) for turning on the propulsion motor is located on the steering wheel (2).

    The turns of the underwater hydrocycle in the horizontal plane are provided by turning the steering wheel (2) with the propulsion engine (10) running.

    To ascend the underwater jet ski, the diver opens the first valve (21) on the control panel (20) of the ballast chamber (19). In this case, the air from the cylinder (16) enters the ballast chamber (19) under pressure, displacing the water located there down. In this case, the underwater jet ski acquires positive buoyancy and emerges.

    On the pressure gauge (18), located on the steering wheel (2), the diver controls the air pressure in the air system. According to the depth gauge (30), also located on the steering wheel (2), he will determine the depth of immersion.

    Thus, from the foregoing, it follows that in the claimed invention, the claimed technical result: “reduction of distortions during visual observation of the environment from the air dome” is ensured due to the fact that the underwater jet ski contains an open body with a seat, an air dome open from below, rigidly fixed to body above the seat, and containing at least one sealed window closed with a rigid transparent material, made in the form of at least part of at least one face of a convex polyhedron and provided with means for blowing it from the inside. At the same time, the underwater jet ski additionally contains a cylinder with compressed air, hydraulically connected to the air dome through a reduction gear.

    The claimed technical result: "ensuring the possibility of holding the jet ski at a given depth" is ensured by the fact that the underwater jet ski contains an open body with a seat, an air dome open from below, rigidly fixed to the body above the seat, and equipped with at least one window, a power source, sealed propulsion motor, sealed depth motor.

    The claimed technical result: "improving the reliability and fault tolerance of hermetic components and assemblies that make up the structural elements of the jet ski" is ensured by the fact that the underwater jet ski contains an open hull, a sealed propulsion motor and a sealed depth motor. At the same time, these electric motors are equipped with a means of creating excess air pressure inside them.

    To use an underwater jet ski, the diver may not have any additional gear or equipment.

    The inventive underwater jet ski is implemented from industrially produced materials using industrially produced devices, can be manufactured at a machine-building enterprise and will be widely used in the field of diving equipment.

    Sources of information

    2. Description of the invention to the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2154591, IPC 7 B63C 11/02, 2000

    3. Description of the invention to the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2191135, IPC 7 B63C 11/46, 2002

    4. Description of the invention to the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2081781, IPC 6 V63S 11/46, F63B 35/12, 1997

    5. Internet resource http://scuba-doo.com.au.


    1. An underwater jet ski containing an open body with a seat, a steering wheel, a rudder, an air dome open from below, rigidly fixed to the body above the seat and containing at least one sealed window closed with a rigid transparent material, a power source, a sealed main motor, which is different the fact that each window is made in the form of at least a part of at least one face of a convex polyhedron and is provided with means for blowing it from the inside, while the underwater jet ski additionally contains a cylinder with compressed air, through a reduction gear hydraulically connected to the air a dome, as well as a sealed depth electric motor, and the main electric motor and the depth electric motor are equipped with a means of creating excess air pressure inside them.

    2. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains a propulsion propulsion jet type, which, together with the main propulsion motor is placed inside the rear of the body, while the propeller is made in the form of a propeller mounted on the shaft of the main propulsion motor, and main propulsion The mover is the entire rear part of the hull, which has figured inlets for water intake and one hole at the back for water outlet.

    3. The underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains a jet-type depth propulsor, which, together with the depth electric motor, is located inside the front lower part of the hull, while the depth propulsor is made in the form of a propeller mounted on the shaft of the depth electric motor, and the conduit The depth mover is the entire front lower part of the body, which has shaped inlets for water intake and one hole at the bottom for water outlet.

    4. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the power supply is made in the form of a sealed battery.

    5. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the power supply is made in the form of a battery placed in an air chamber that is not sealed from below, hydraulically connected to a constant air flow valve, hydraulically connected through a reduction gear to a compressed air cylinder.

    6. Underwater watercraft according to claim 5, characterized in that the air chamber of the power source is placed in the middle part of the body of the underwater watercraft under the seat.

    7. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the electric motors are connected to the power source through the appropriate switch-on relays, while the switch-on relay is controlled by buttons located on the steering wheel.

    8. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the means of creating excess air pressure inside the electric motors is made in the form of air ducts, through a reduction gear and a constant air flow valve, hydraulically connecting the internal spaces of the electric motors with a compressed air cylinder.

    9. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the reduction gear is hydraulically connected to the air dome through a constant air flow valve.

    10. The underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the air duct inside the air dome is configured to supply air near the top point of the air dome.

    11. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the means for blowing the windows of the air dome from the inside is made in the form of an air duct passing inside the air dome along the edge of the said windows, in which holes are made so that the air from them tangentially enters the windows .

    12. Underwater jet ski according to claim 11, characterized in that each window is made in the form of at least one face of a convex polyhedron, and holes for blowing the windows of the air dome are made in the air duct in the area of ​​the corners of the windows.

    13. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the material with which the windows of the air dome are closed is made of organic glass (plexiglass).

    14. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the air dome contains one window, made in the form of three adjacent quadrangular faces of a convex polyhedron with rounded adjacent edges.

    15. Underwater watercraft according to claim 1, characterized in that the air dome contains three round or rectangular windows.

    16. Underwater watercraft according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains a ballast chamber located inside the front of the hull above the depth motor.

    17. Underwater jet ski according to claim 16, characterized in that the ballast chamber is made in the form of a container with rigid walls open from below.

    18. Underwater watercraft according to claim 1, characterized in that the steering wheel is rotatably mounted on the body in its upper front part.

    19. The underwater jet ski according to claim 18, characterized in that the compressed air cylinder is made in the form of a regular scuba cylinder and is fixed to the front of the jet ski from the outside under the steering wheel.

    20. Underwater hydrocycle according to claim 1, characterized in that the steering wheel is connected to the steering wheel by a cable so that the steering wheel turns corresponding to the steering wheel rotation.

    21. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the steering wheel is made in the form of a vertical ship's steering wheel.

    22. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that the controls and indications of the underwater jet ski are fixed on the steering wheel.

    23. Underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that it additionally contains a pressure gauge mounted on the steering wheel and hydraulically connected to a compressed air cylinder through a reduction gear.

    24. The underwater jet ski according to claim 1, characterized in that it additionally contains a ballast chamber control panel mounted on the steering wheel, the input of which is hydraulically connected to the reduction gear, the first output of the specified panel is hydraulically connected to the ballast chamber in its upper part, and the second output of the specified The control panel is communicated with the surrounding space, while the specified control panel is equipped with two air valves, the first of which is made with the possibility of hydraulic connection of the input of the control panel with its first output, and the second - with the possibility of hydraulic connection of the first and second outputs of the control panel.

    25. Underwater watercraft according to claim 1, characterized in that it contains a depth gauge mounted on the steering wheel.