Construction company development plan. Options for cooperation and search for orders. Construction Company Business Plan: Project Planning

The scale of construction in modern Russia, despite the crisis, is simply enormous. This means that more than one firm will be able to find a “warm place” in this industry. Those who believe that millions of rubles are needed to enter the construction business are seriously mistaken - you can start with a small store of building materials, gradually mastering new areas of activity. Since this is a highly profitable business, you can develop quite well by investing only a quarter or a third of your net income in the process. The main thing is a well-written business plan.

Preparatory stage

The ready-made business plan of the analyzed business is designed for implementation in an average Russian city (population 300-600 thousand people) with an initial investment of 500 thousand rubles. Of these, 350 thousand are planned to be spent on organizing a construction company from scratch, and the rest of the amount is planned to open a related goods store.

In general, the procedure for founding a construction company is in many ways similar to a similar process in any other business area. A ready-made construction business is best suited to such an organizational and legal form as a limited liability company. It is necessary to clearly spell out the main points in the sequence as done in the reviewed business plan:

Thus, when developing a ready-made plan for a company, it is necessary to take into account the need for the following documents during registration:

  1. Photocopies of the founders' passports, as well as knowledge of the registration data of legal entities acting as founders: name, address, TIN, OKATO;
  2. Data on the location of the legal entity undergoing registration;
  3. Specific information about what your company plans to do (provision of construction services, repair work, the operation of a store selling building materials, etc.);
  4. The size of the authorized capital (in our case, 1.5 million rubles) and the source of its formation (in our case, the personal funds of the founders in equal shares). Remember that a ready-made business cannot be registered if the size of the UK is less than 10 thousand rubles.

At the same time, the finished plan for this business project contains one very important difference - for the functioning of a construction company, in some cases, you need to obtain a special permit for certain types of services provided: the so-called SRO, which can cost several tens of thousands of rubles and take a month to complete .

List of rendered services

Another important point of the preliminary stage that needs to be included in the finished company plan is the definition of the areas of activity of your company. There are quite a lot of them, but a small firm can only do civil construction, repair of premises up to 1 thousand square meters. m., trade in materials and equipment through its own store. These services should be recorded in the form of a table, having simultaneously calculated the planned monthly income from each of them.

Note that the mentioned volumes of profit are achievable if at least two fully staffed teams of specialists of 10 people each with a foreman at the head work in your company. The business plan prescribes the possibility of staff rotation and splitting teams into smaller ones, if necessary.


The construction industry is a unique business environment in which, in addition to a lot of money, a lot of various certificates, permits, and permits are concentrated.

For example, SROs (Self-Regulatory Organizations) are not a ready-made admission of a company to work, but rather the status of a company that gives the “go-ahead” for the performance of some particularly complex services. If the business plan of your construction company prescribes that you are building 1-3 storey houses with an area of ​​​​less than 1501 sq. m. or objects that fall under the definition of "individual housing construction", there is no need for SRO approval.

Unlike the above document, without a building permit issued by the local municipality and endorsed by the chief city architect, no construction work, such as the construction of a small one-story store, is possible.

In some cases, it is necessary to obtain a license for the design of buildings and structures, as well as a similar document for engineering surveys during construction. Registration of all these documents is not so expensive (within 7 thousand rubles), but it takes a lot of time, and therefore should be included in the plan-contract for the construction work of the company.

Search for orders and development options

A ready-made plan for a company specializing in construction and repair work must necessarily provide for mechanisms for searching for orders and cooperation with other organizations in the construction industry.

One of the most common options is participation in the contract for large-scale construction work by large organizations. The main difficulty here is in interaction with other firms that will work at the same facility. Despite the fact that you will work in different areas of the construction front, you will have the same ultimate goal - to hand over the finished object as quickly as possible and with as few shortcomings as possible.

Many small firms themselves approach a large developer with requests for work, so it would be a very good option to use personal contacts and maintain ties with the leadership of the construction "giants" of the region.

Many firms focus on private construction, building facilities such as baths, garages, small households. In this case, a good development option would be advertising in local media and the Internet, as well as concluding a cooperation agreement or even opening a store of building materials and related products on your own.

Of course, one should not forget about such a form of mutually beneficial cooperation as leasing your construction equipment and personnel to those organizations that need it. In turn, it will be much more profitable for your company, if necessary, to rent a bulldozer with a bulldozer operator from a business colleague for several days, rather than buying the mechanism itself and paying a regular salary to a specialist who will only occasionally perform his work at your enterprise.

Income and expenses

We calculated the profit of our organization above. If you believe the data of the business plan, it will be approximately 1.51 million rubles per month. Let's look at the costs and find out the net profit:

Item of expenses (per month, except for items 5-8) Amount (in rubles)
1. Office rental 60 sq. m. and a production room of 250 sq. m. 110000
2. Taxes (STS, 6% of revenue) 157200
3. Utilities 65000
4. Salary for the director, managers, accountant, foremen, specialists and workers - 25 people in total 550000
5. Purchase of machinery, equipment and building materials 1200000
6. Opening and maintenance of the store 600000
7. Contribution to the formation of the authorized capital 1500000
8. Permits, licenses, permits 60000

There are three founders of an LLC in this example, so we will divide the expenses and profits of the enterprise by three. Initial expenses will amount to 3.36 million rubles, or 1.12 million for each founder. The company's monthly expenses are 882.2 thousand rubles. With an estimated income of 1.51 million rubles, the net profit will be 627.8 thousand rubles, or about 210 thousand for each founder. Of course, these conditions are close to ideal and under them the payback period of investments will be about six months. If the conditions are closer to real ones (not 100% utilization of production capacities and personnel), the payback period of a construction company is from one to two years.

Conclusion: the construction business is an area in which it is very “crowded”, but with proper advertising support and the creation of a good reputation for the company, you can ensure a stable income by doing interesting and useful work.

At all times, construction has been and is one of the most promising types of services, because few ordinary people know how to build a house themselves, change pipes, and carry out repairs in an apartment. This is due to the fact that this requires special knowledge, skills and professionalism. Therefore, it makes sense for young entrepreneurs to think about how to draw up a ready-made business plan for a construction company.

Every day in Russia there are new construction organizations that are happy to provide their services.

However, even despite the large number of competitors, it makes sense to consider it as an area for starting your own business.

This is due to the fact that the number of people who want to renovate their apartments or houses is increasing every day. Therefore, all enterprises can get jobs. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that the number of new buildings is also growing.

The sample business plan is a sample of opening an average construction company in Russia.

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Ready-made business plan for a repair and construction company

An example involves opening a small business for 11 people, including the director.

It is immediately worth noting that the actual costs may differ slightly from those contained in this example. Everything will depend on the volume of services provided, the amount of work and the number of orders.

Do not forget that many construction companies quite often use the services of leasing companies that can provide special equipment, all the necessary construction equipment and personnel who can rent it.

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What are the conditions for opening a construction organization and what documents are required?

It is worth noting that the process of opening such an organization by and large is no different from any other. As an organizational and legal form, you will need to choose an LLC (limited liability company).

The key points for a limited liability company are as follows:

  1. The name of the construction company.
  2. Location of the opened organization.
  3. The authorized capital of the company.
  4. A complete list of founders (participants) of the organization.

Based on all of the above, the entrepreneur will need to collect and prepare the following documents:

  1. Copies of passports of all founders or information about legal entities that are founders (name, location, OKPO, TIN, OGRN).
  2. Information about the basic forms of the activity of construction enterprise.
  3. Information on the method and amount of formation of the authorized capital.
  4. Information about the address of the location of the registered legal entity, that is, the entrepreneur.

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Services provided: areas of activity

The next step is to find out what services the construction company you are opening can offer. You should know that the following areas can be distinguished:

Each of them provides the following construction services:

  1. Construction of buildings, houses, bathhouses, garages, warehouses and so on. It is possible to perform turnkey work (construction of the entire object with a roof, utilities and other elements) or partially.
  2. Repair, dismantling and installation.
  3. Some additional services of a construction company:
  • leasing of existing personnel and equipment;
  • education. If the company has relevant specialists, it is possible to provide training services for employees of other companies. Quite often, when selling any equipment, such services may be required;
  • sale of related products. Example - building materials, building equipment, projects. Most often, for the implementation of the purchased project, they turn to the same construction organization.

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Permissions required to open such an organization

Many businessmen think that in order to open a construction company, they will need to register SROs (self-regulatory organizations) or some other permission. It should be noted that this is far from being the case. Listed below are all major licenses and when they will be required.

1. SRO. Self-Regulatory Organizations are not a license or a permit or an admission. This is the very status of a construction company, on the basis of which it is allowed to provide certain types of services that may be associated with great risks. Self-regulatory organizations will not be needed in cases where it is planned to build:

  • maximum 3-storey buildings;
  • residential block houses, the number of blocks in which will not exceed 10;
  • buildings, the maximum area of ​​​​which will not exceed 1500 square meters. m;
  • objects of individual housing construction intended for one family to live in them.

Therefore, we can conclude that an ordinary organization does not need an SRO.

2. Building permit. It is worth noting that without it, nothing can be built anywhere. This permit can be obtained by construction companies and organizations in local governments with the participation of the head of the municipality and the main architect of the city (district). The cost of obtaining it will be minimal.

3. License for the design of structures and buildings. It will be needed for the activities of entrepreneurs and legal entities who do not have a legal education in order to provide design services.

4. License for engineering surveys during construction. This permit is required for engineering design and construction work.

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Equipment, special machinery and leasing for the newly opened enterprise

This paragraph does not contain an example of the cost of equipment and special equipment in order to be able to carry out installation and construction work, but a service with which an entrepreneur can significantly reduce his costs for the purchase of all necessary equipment and equipment and their maintenance.

It can be noted that leasing is a lease by use. In this case, the entrepreneur will rent, although he can additionally do this himself. This service will definitely be needed if there is not enough equipment to carry out the necessary construction work of the organization being opened. It is important to note that you can rent everything completely: from an excavator to a drill.

Not a single construction organization can fully provide itself with all the necessary equipment, because it can be quite expensive in terms of money. Some firms and companies have the necessary equipment in their staff, but most often its quantity is minimal. In addition, it is worth understanding that it makes no sense to purchase an excavator and hire an excavator operator if a construction company needs them only once a year. Therefore, before opening a construction company, a businessman needs to think about what equipment he will need all the time. This may be the minimum number of tools, without which no construction can do.

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Selection of suitable employees for opening a construction company

A ready-made business plan, which contains an example, implies the presence of highly qualified experienced personnel. This is due to the fact that the quality of the services provided and the reputation of the enterprise will depend on the level of employees.

Employees are best hired based on the following scheme:

  1. To perform expensive and various complex work, it would be a good option to attract third-party companies. It can be, for example, specialists in geology or geodesy. Cooperation with such workers should be based on a percentage payment for the services provided.
  2. In the case of complex equipment, it would also be ideal to hire outside specialists and agree on a percentage with them.
  3. To carry out repair and construction work, you will need your own teams of workers. It is recommended to hire responsible and hardworking people. At the same time, it is not at all recommended to hire drunkards and lazy craftsmen. This is due to the fact that they can only lead to missed deadlines and low-quality work, which can cause complaints from customers in the future. Brigades will need to be equipped with all the necessary tools and equipment, the list of which can be found on the basis of the services provided by the organization.

In this material:

The business plan of a construction company, an example of which can be seen in Appendix No. 1, does not provide for large investments. Fixed assets at the start will be required to purchase a Gazelle car or a similar vehicle. The development of such a document involves making the main focus on the organization and promotion of the project without large investments.

An approach that saves millions

A sample of the second business plan provides for investments of 5-6 million rubles, which are supposed to be received as investments. The disadvantage of this approach is that just investments can not be expected. Enterprises that specialize in the provision of construction services appear constantly.

You can invest a lot of money in the purchase of some specialized equipment, which:

  • facilitates the process of providing services;
  • automates the process, reduces the role of manual labor;
  • can generate additional income through rent.

But a construction company can provide services without having such equipment on its balance sheet, because it can be rented or leased. You can even rent construction tools, so the only obligatory expenses will be the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, which will cost 400-800 rubles.

The main asset of the enterprise is qualified personnel. An entrepreneur needs to focus their efforts on 2 main points:

  • search for clients;
  • hiring professionals.

In addition to registering as an individual entrepreneur, in some cases it will be necessary to issue permits for the performance of certain works. These include:

  • building permit;
  • a license that gives the right to design buildings and structures;
  • a license giving the right to carry out engineering surveys during construction work.

Local authorities issue a building permit, without which it is forbidden to build anything. This resolution is inexpensive. The remaining permits correspond to their name and are intended for the provision of design services, engineering work during construction and at the design stage.

There are also SROs or Self-Regulatory Organizations. This is the status of an enterprise that carries out construction work, giving the right to carry out work and provide services that involve great risks. But this status is not necessary for those companies that are engaged in such construction as:

  • houses up to 3 floors;
  • if they have no more than 10 residential blocks;
  • building area less than 1.5 thousand m 2;
  • if the building being built is designed to accommodate 1 family.

Therefore, if the planned construction business is aimed at providing services for the construction of private houses, carrying out internal and external repairs in them, such a permit will not be needed.

What can a construction company rent

It was noted above that there is no need to spend large sums at the start on the purchase of special equipment or equipment. All this, even tools, can be rented or leased. This approach allows you to start from scratch the activities of a construction company anywhere, fulfilling an order of any complexity. The main asset is the professionalism and qualifications of the staff. It is more difficult to find employees who know how to work on special equipment, and you can also rent an excavator with a crane.

No construction company can provide itself with all the necessary equipment. This makes the initial start expensive, besides, this approach does not greatly affect the profitability of the services provided. As a result, the payback period of the enterprise is stretched for many years. But if you focus immediately on the fact that all expensive equipment will be rented, the company can recoup all initial costs in the first month.

It is better to take equipment and special equipment in leasing, which is rent by use. This has certain advantages. Fixed assets taken in the form of leasing reduce the tax burden of the company.

If there are certain funds to start, it is better to spend them on equipment that will be used regularly. Investing in an excavator and a crane, which will be needed several times a year, does not make sense. Firstly, from the fact that the equipment is idle, it wears out and loses its value. Secondly, for the place where this equipment will be stored, you need to constantly pay money. Finally, you need to keep an excavator and a crane operator on hand, who need to be paid money so that they do not go to work on the equipment involved in the construction. Good specialists will not sit and wait for a job to appear.

So it turns out that at the start of a construction company you need:

  • register an enterprise;
  • find staff and clients;
  • rent a small office up to 20 m2;
  • buy, borrow or lease, rent a vehicle;
  • purchase the most minimal set of necessary tools;
  • create a company website through which to attract customers.

How to search for orders

It is good to look for orders on large-scale construction projects. For example, a business plan for the construction of a business center involves the involvement of one or more large contractors who have extensive experience in such work. Tenders for construction work in such projects are won by large construction organizations. But even they are unable to cover the entire range of works, and are forced to involve smaller construction companies in order to fulfill their obligations on time.

Therefore, you need to look for customers among these construction companies by sending them your own commercial offers.

It is better to provide your proposal in personal negotiations with a representative of such a company.

There is a risk that a letter sent by mail will remain unanswered. The same fate will befall the email. Trying to reach out to those who write or order a business plan for building a business center seems like a bad idea, unless your company has become large.

Private customers who need to build a small house or carry out work inside or outside this house need to be attracted via the Internet using a website and a business page on a social network.

Place special offers on them and use low-cost contextual or targeted advertising to direct potential customers to pages with special offers. To set up advertising, use the services of professionals.

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Opening your own construction company comes with certain nuances. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

In general, the construction and repair business is very diverse. In order to narrow the subject of consideration, we will take out of the scope of the article a large construction business and numerous specialized enterprises. Here we will talk about the most widespread areas of construction activities and the organization of a small construction enterprise.

The construction industry itself is one of the oldest. Compare with the age of mankind. And no matter what the ups and downs of history take place, it has always remained a popular and sought-after type of service. With a thoughtful approach, it is usually a profitable business. The approach is conveniently reflected in the business plan of a construction company. In addition, this form is generally recognized and can be in demand when obtaining loans or attracting investors.

Characteristics of the business

To understand the essence of the industry, it is necessary to conduct a small analysis of it. Select characteristic features from the general array, divide into groups, etc. We will not dive deep into the history of the issue. The current stage of development of the industry is characterized by the explosive emergence of new materials, equipment, technologies, concepts and views on the problems of construction. They have not yet fully formed, and therefore it makes no sense to talk about some kind of final awareness. The world is at the stage of concept formation, most likely, there is a trend towards “multipolarity” in everything, including in the construction industry.


Construction companies are conveniently divided into:

  • repair and construction company (construction and repair of various building structures);
  • repair and finishing company (repair and interior decoration);
  • a specialized company (construction of specialized facilities - swimming pools, storage facilities, etc.);
  • universal firm.

It is possible to conveniently distinguish companies by volume:

  • large (with a permanent staff, own equipment, offices, etc.);
  • medium-sized (small enterprises mainly with hired staff and equipment for the facility);
  • small (individual master, small teams of "shabashniki").

In addition, at the present stage of development, two categories of companies can be distinguished:

  1. Companies engaged in construction under the order;
  2. Companies offering new developments.

Such a gradation is possible due to the following regularities.

There is a sharp emergence on the market of new technologies. In the social sphere, the emergence of new concepts of lifestyle (rental income, several dwellings, the very organization of living space, in production, a significant change in technological chains and, accordingly, requirements for facilities for locating production, etc.). This requires the latest developments and technologies.

On the other hand, the social sphere is very inert and has a large share of conservatism. Therefore (purely estimated categories, no one has conducted research on this matter) about half of the customers prefer traditional construction and time-tested repairs. Of course, modern materials are used, but the concept of construction and lifestyle is affected in the most minimal way.

By defining the main idea, you can optimize costs, significantly reducing costs. This also applies to the promotion of the company on the market, i.e. marketing part of the business plan of a construction company.

Construction company services

Usually, the standard set of services of a universal construction company includes:

  • conducting survey work;
  • carrying out design work;
  • construction works of any complexity;
  • repair work of any complexity.

Companies are trying to include the largest possible range of services in the list of works. And the construction of an apartment building, and the construction of cottages, and the construction of various specialized structures. Such an approach in terms of inclusion in activities makes sense, but for advertising purposes it is not always justified. Many people prefer narrow specialists to jacks of all trades.

Equipment and facilities

It all depends on the format of the company. General recommendations for equipment are as follows. If frequent use of the equipment is expected, then it is better to purchase it. Otherwise, you can use the equipment for rent. Renting, among other things, eliminates the need to maintain complex equipment. It is not necessary to purchase equipment immediately, there are, for example, leasing opportunities (in fact, a loan secured by the purchased equipment).

It's the same story with rooms. If there is equipment, then facilities for its storage and maintenance are also required accordingly. You can work with building materials from wheels from a warehouse, or, if necessary and in large volumes, you should organize your own.

Points of sale

One of the points of sale is the head office of the company. The more elite projects are offered, the better the office should be designed. Although in most cases for small construction firms, a small room in any place with the appropriate equipment offered for services (furniture, a computer for showing projects, a meeting and negotiation room, etc., depending on the format of the firm) is sufficient.

The next point of sale is the Internet. A large company needs its own website. For very small ones, announcements on thematic forums with the possibility of feedback are also suitable.

Agents, other companies can also be points of sale.

The documents

No license is required to build a residential building. You can choose the form of organization of the enterprise, both individual entrepreneurs and corporatization. For small firms, in the vast majority of cases, IP is enough.

You will need a standard package of documents:

  • constituent documents (depending on the form of ownership);
  • external documents (contracts, leases, etc.);
  • internal documentation (the list of documents can be very significant, divided into organizational documentation and analytical: sales, profits, cost, etc. in various sections).

In addition, for certain activities, additional documents may be required:

  • SROs (self-regulatory organizations) - in the construction of buildings over 3 floors, with an area of ​​​​more than 1500 square meters and a number of other conditions;
  • building permit - obtained from local authorities when designing a construction site;
  • design license - if it is planned to provide design services;
  • license for engineering surveys during construction - if the relevant work is planned.

Download a ready-made business plan for a construction company, current for 2019, you can from our trusted partners "Biplane". Download link.


It is selected depending on the format of the company. In most cases, it is convenient to divide into permanent and temporary.

Permanent staff is management, company specialists, professional craftsmen, as well as people who are constantly in demand in the specifics of the company's activities.

Temporary - personnel who are selected for the object. Here you can also recruit a team of handymen, but it is advisable to put a competent craftsman over them. Since the promotion of the company in the market largely depends on the quality of work. Constant poor quality will sooner or later lead to financial instability. In this regard, miracles do not happen, unless all competitors have the same low quality.

At the same time, it is recommended that staff be paid on a piece-rate basis in order to motivate them for the final result. The constant component is necessary for key specialists to keep them in the company. It is desirable to focus the piecework component on the final result and not only in terms of timing, but also for a number of other indicators. At the moment, there are several programs for calculating salaries and setting bonuses according to criteria. There is an interesting calculation program focused not only on individual indicators, but also on the overall work of the team as a whole - it financially stimulates the team to unite into a single whole and focuses on joint problem solving.


Much has been said about competition in this area. The situation as a whole is such that competition in traditional construction is quite high. In the specialized sector, it is somewhat lower, but usually there is lower demand and higher requirements for the enterprise, which means that the initial costs are higher. Anyway a high-quality construction company with a staff of professional specialists is always in demand on the market.

In innovative construction, competition is somewhat lower. And given the fact that innovations in the construction industry occur almost daily, it is enough just to find an area with very low competition at the moment. But here the problem arises in convincing the client that he needs it.

A few general remarks

It can be enough to analyze the supply and demand market in order to develop your own business proposal. But there is a possibility of miscalculation here.

For sample. At this stage of development in our country, such a pattern can be identified. Some fellow citizens have savings and are trying to somehow save them, the other part is trying to build a business on rent, i.e. . Hence, there is a demand for certain residential and non-residential real estate (apartments, offices, shops). While it is in demand, but obviously this model cannot last long. Therefore, focusing, say, on the construction of exclusively business centers means laying certain risks for the future.

(Unbelievers can be reminded of the Soviet Union, whose adherents dismissed it - it will stand forever, like the third Rome. But the eternal city is not the same as the eternal empire. So it is here, usually for those who do not want to analyze - the collapse comes unexpectedly.)


Marketing for a construction company depends solely on its goals. In any case, it should be. In the modern market of services, monopolists of services may not be engaged in marketing only for one reason or another. Indeed, for Gazprom, the marketing component is not of decisive importance. Whether he has advertising or not, they will still buy gas from him at the prices that they set.

Marketing involves advertising and working with clients. In terms of advertising for small companies, announcements, mailing lists, Internet promotion, outdoor advertising are sufficient. For large companies, a separate, well-developed advertising plan is desirable.

In terms of working with clients:

  • system of discounts, bonuses;
  • various preferences for regular customers;
  • working with agents.

The marketing plan should include an analysis of the effectiveness of the tools themselves to promote the business to the market. That is, the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, the return of agents, the effect of bonuses, etc.

Financial plan

The final link in the business plan is the financial plan. The main goal of business projects is to make profit. The financial plan reflects the expenditure, revenue parts, reaching the payback point, project profitability and some other indicators, depending on the specifics of the project, its implementation and further existence.

It doesn't make much sense to give specific calculations. Since the range of costs is practically from zero (renovation of apartments by a team without an office, without sophisticated equipment) to very decent amounts. Profitability and profitability are also different. Some relatively typical calculation is not given.

For example, a construction company, an individual entrepreneur, is engaged in minor repairs of apartments (pasting wallpaper, laying linoleum, laminate, tiles), there are no additional employees. There are no offices or warehouses. Finding clients based on referrals.

In this case, the expenditure side is reduced to the costs of registering an enterprise, paying taxes and purchasing some tools. Materials are provided by the customer. Conditionally expenses are 5-20 thousand rubles.

The revenue side according to estimates for such firms: 10-100 thousand per month. But the business is quite unstable. The payback period of investments does not make sense. Usually, in such projects, it pays off even before the opening, i.e. start working, agreeing on the first object.

Another example. Medium construction company. Repair of apartments, offices. A couple of full-time employees, an office, salaried maintenance crews, trucks, advertising expenses.

It should be noted that in the realities of our country, in order to obtain a contract for large facilities, a kickback should be included in the expenditure side. According to some estimates, up to 10% of the contract amount. Materials are not included in the costs for evaluation, it is believed that the customer pays them in advance (common practice is 30%).

The income part is also unstable: from 0 to 1.5-2.0 million per month. The payback period is from 1 to 3 years.