Broadband Internet access. High speed internet. Broadband Internet - application in modern reality Broadband Internet access

Broadband is access to the Internet at high speed, which is fundamentally different from modem access. Broadband Internet is called high-speed because of its ability to transfer data at very high speeds over a regular telephone line. The biggest advantage of broadband is its speed, and yet - your stay in the world of the Internet will last as long as you do not turn off your computer and not a minute less.

The benefits of broadband internet are many. Today it is not difficult to get the whole range of cable services, and hence round-the-clock Internet at the highest speed. But, although the Internet has long become popular, you can still meet people who need educational program on this subject. And, perhaps, the only thing that can distinguish the Internet is its speed.

In general, there are three types of connections, from which everyone can choose the one that suits him, depending on how much time he wants to spend online and how much he is willing to pay for it.

There are people who spend most of their time in the cyber world, there are those who go there much less often:
- The first type of communication is called dial up (using a modem connected to the analog subscriber line of the public telephone network). This is the oldest and slowest way to connect to the Internet in existence. At present, it is practically not used.
- The second is DSL (Digital Subscriber Line), which is in many ways better than the previous type of communication. In addition, Internet access is available 24 hours a day.
- The last type is broadband, which is the best and most popular of all existing today.

Broadband is the general name for a group of high-speed Internet connections available at almost any time, just like electricity and water at home are always at your service. Nearly all organizations and individuals are moving from dial up to broadband because it allows the user to act up to 40 times faster than with other forms of communication.

Broadband is the future of telecommunications; Until now, she has helped people in many areas, such as email, videoconferencing between companies far from each other, Internet business. The fact that this type of connection is 40 times faster than all others played an important role in its further business development, given its low cost and the ability to send a huge amount of information, pictures and videos at the same time. The impetus for broadband connectivity to become increasingly visible is further exploration of its potential by both organizations and individuals.

Other benefits of broadband Internet communications are the ability for an employee to use the phone and the Internet simultaneously, reduce paperwork, book tickets online, and realize the most efficient opportunities at work and in the environment. Along with all the benefits mentioned above, broadband still leaves us with choices in our lives.

Currently, the main networks for accessing the Internet are broadband networks or. They replaced telephone lines with dial-up access, when the connection was made using a modem, which provided a maximum data transfer rate of only 56 kbps, and even then, provided that the wired connections to the PBX were of high quality.
To date, providers providing broadband Internet access services most often use the following technologies: ADSL, Ethernet and FTTx.

The very first technology of high-speed access to the Internet, which was widely used, was ADSL or, translated from English, asymmetric digital subscriber line. It arose on the basis of DSL technology, which was intended for the transmission of video over telephone networks, but did not receive proper development. The difference between ADSL was the presence of asymmetry in the communication channel - the speed of receiving information on the client side was significantly higher.
Ordinary wired telephone lines were used as a communication line, a modem was connected on the user's side, which worked with the equipment installed on the PBX. The functioning of ADSL equipment in the frequency range much higher than the voice one ensured the normal operation of classical telephone communication. The absence of costs for the laying and installation of connecting highways determined the relative cheapness of this method of high-speed access to the Internet at that time.

ADSL technology provided the maximum speed of incoming traffic up to 24 Mbit/s, the data transfer speed was significantly lower - up to 1.5 Mbit/s. The actual numbers were often much lower, as they were determined by the parameters of the connecting line.

At present, the priority direction of organizing broadband access to the Internet is the use of twisted pair (Ethernet technology) and fiber optic communication lines (FTTx technology).
A twisted pair cable is a cable with wires twisted in pairs in an insulating, usually plastic, sheath. Depending on the operating frequency, the cable is divided into several categories.
For 100…1000 Mbit/s networks, CAT5e category twisted pair is most commonly used.

The advantages of twisted pair networks are their low cost and ease of installation.

  1. Due to losses in copper conductors, the cable has a limitation on the length of the laying.
  2. Weather exposure.
  3. The need for lightning protection.
  4. If it is necessary to increase the speed of the network, it is necessary to replace the entire backbone with a cable of a higher category

All these shortcomings are deprived of broadband access networks built on fiber optic communication lines. Currently, this type of construction of wired networks is the most promising. There are two types of networking on fiber-optic communication lines.

The first one is called Fiber To The Home or FTTH. In this option, the fiber-optic line reaches the apartment or house, where the switching equipment is installed directly. This type of connection is able to provide the highest possible speed of access to the external network (1 Gbps or more), but it is also more expensive.
FTTH is reasonable to use in villages or small towns with low-rise buildings located at a considerable distance from each other.

The second type of fiber optic link organization is called Fiber To The Building or FTTB for short. The point of this fiber optic communication technology is that the backbone fiber optic line only reaches the building, usually with a large number of apartments or offices, which are wired by twisted pair. The load of one fiber optic line, as a rule, is 150 ... 250 subscribers, for each of which the data exchange rate is 100 Mbps.
This technology of broadband access to the Internet in terms of monetary costs for installation and subsequent operation is by far the best option for providing high-speed communication services.

Recently, wireless technologies have begun to actively develop, which can compete with wired ones in terms of Internet access speed. We are talking about 4G networks. Currently, high-speed WiMAX networks (802.16 standard) and LTE are actively used.

For example, the so-called "fixed" WiMAX, based on the 802.16d standard, provides a network bandwidth of up to 75 Mbps and a signal coverage radius of up to 100 km.
These technologies will be in demand primarily in areas where the installation of wired networks for one reason or another is impossible, as well as to provide mobile broadband access to the Internet.

Broadband Internet access is primarily about convenience and speed. It appeared as an alternative to dial-up communication via a telephone line. Of course, even today you can find points to which the Internet is “served” through a telephone line (for example, some terminals for paying with a bank card work via a dial-up connection). However, broadband Internet firmly holds its leadership in the world of modern communications. Providers pull fiber-optic communication lines to residential buildings and office centers, broadband Internet connection penetrates everywhere, including wirelessly.

Broadband access is mobile and fixed. Fixed broadband access is carried out using wired, fiber optic connections and related technologies, while mobile broadband operates wirelessly using technologies such as 4G, LTE. In addition, broadband Internet "delivers" DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television to our homes.

Digital TV, Mobile Internet, Home Internet. If you are thinking about connecting any of these communication services, then you will first have to choose a provider. Reliable, up-to-date, able to ensure that services comply with the latest technical requirements and provide professional technical support to subscribers.

Broadband Internet Wifire is available on the territory of seven federal districts (with the exception of Crimea and Siberia). You can choose a tariff with a data transfer rate from 50 Mbps to 300 Mbps, as well as purchase or rent a router to connect.

Mobile broadband Internet Wifire Mobile is transmitted using LTE technology, which allows you to provide high bandwidth Internet connection and fully justifies the description of "high-speed mobile Internet". Wifire Mobile tariffs vary in terms of the amount of traffic included in them - from 1 GB / month (for users with modest needs for Internet communications) to 36 GB / month (for those who “live” and work on the network).


Wifire TV is state-of-the-art television, another bonus that comes with broadband internet. Wifire TV works wirelessly on any device, be it a Smart TV, a tablet, a smartphone or a regular TV without Wi-Fi support. More than 180 channels for every taste, the ability to connect thematic packages or create your own subscriptions, as well as the profitable Multiscreen service (for connecting 5 devices within one account) and other features will allow you to watch what you like, where it is convenient for you!

Do you want to know what opportunities Wifire broadband Internet access opens up for you? Our consultants will be happy to tell you about it. Just contact us by calling the call center or ask a question online on the website.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services - in the "tariffs" section or by phone indicated on the site.

Broadband access networks (BBA) as your business

* Calculations use average data for Russia

What is "SHPD!" (Broadband or high speed internet access)? Is it a “local home network”? Is he a “broadband service”?

So, broadband access is Internet access at high speed, as opposed to dial-up access using a modem and a telephone jack.

Let's take a closer look at the market opportunities, the broadband market or the so-called "broadband services".

A local home network, designed for 300 subscribers, will cost you at the start in the amount of 6 to 12 thousand dollars. In any case, you can reach the break-even point in two years. However, do not forget that in any case, you will have to grow the subscriber network to 1 thousand...

The market for broadband access networks (BBA) is directly related to the personal computer (PC) market. The more computers people have (ideally, one computer in each apartment), the more confident the broadband access market feels.

Broadband (broadband) versus dial-up

The trump card of broadband access, in contrast to “dial-up access using a modem and a telephone socket,” is a high transmission speed (up to 8 Mbps) and the absence of an annoying “disconnect”. At the same time, broadband access never occupies a telephone line!

That is why the broadband (broadband access) has every chance to win the competitive struggle with a low-speed type of access - with dial-up access or - dial-up.
Not so long ago, the ratio of broadband access (BBA) to dial-up was 10% to 90%. Now dial-up accounts for no more than 30%, and broadband access accounts for 70% of Internet access points!

A provider through one cable usually provides three services at once:

Internet access (70% of income),
IP-telephony (22% of income)
IP TV (8% of income).

A profitable business is already when you have managed to build a network of at least 300-350 users. According to statistics, in one high-rise building, from 10 to 20% of apartments are connected to the “network-locale”.

Earn up to
200 000 rub. a month, having fun!

2020 trend. Intelligent entertainment business. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

Obtaining permits
You will only need to obtain permits for:
in ZhEK
and from firefighters regarding the fire safety of your project.

ZhEKs take permission to access each of the residential buildings in order to stretch a cable into them and install the necessary equipment there.

Obtaining permission to lay a cable, and inserting it into a common cable (which market players lovingly call “sewerage”) is sometimes a rather difficult process.

There is an alternative way: “pull the network through the air”, it will cost less. With this method, you will spend 1.5 times less cable.

Ready-made ideas for your business

This, however, also requires permission. Permission is obtained from the district administration in whose territory the given microdistrict is located. In the case of stretching "air networks" you will pay annual contributions to the district budget at the rate of - for each pole involved in the construction of the network.

After receiving all permits, you conclude a contract with a provider whose traffic your network will use in the future.

Broadband Access: Key Market Figures and Equipment

Conducting the Internet and related services in one residential building (using fiber-optic network technology) costs from 4 to 5 thousand dollars.

The cable costs $400,

All the rest of the costs from the above amount go to the so-called “network control elements”, which include:

If we calculate the costs, taking not a house as a unit, but one user, then we have the following figure:
Connecting each specific user costs an average of 200 to 400 dollars.

Broadband Access: Personnel and Personnel

Two installation engineers can serve the network, who will perform the following functions:

monitor the working technical condition of the network,


connect new users.

Broadband: Marketing

To begin with, you have to develop three or four packages of proposals for various tariff plans.

Players advise the following:

two tariffs must be made unlimited,

one more tariff - night,

last tariff (optional) - tariff for weekends and holidays.

Additional earnings on broadband access:: two ways

The first additional way to earn money is to sell access to the film library you created, in the database of which there must be several thousand films in demand, including new ones.

The second way to earn broadband access:.

Another unusual way to make money... selling your business to a bigger player. For some time now, there has been a trend in the market: large companies have begun to actively buy up small players.

Therefore, small players "grow" their network to 1 thousand users, and then "sold" to a large player, and for a lot of money. (Approximately according to the same scheme, small farmers sell their calves to large farms).

True, in order to be wanted to be bought, you will have to create a high-quality subscriber base with a high and stable ARPU.

(ARPU is “Average revenue per user”, the average revenue per user. An indicator introduced by telecommunications companies and meaning the average monthly revenue per subscriber. This indicator is used today by IT specialists and Internet providers and is one of the indicators characterizing business success).

The profitability of a network with a capacity of one thousand users is 50%. This will allow the entrepreneur to recoup the money he invested at the start within two years and be able to develop the business further.

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Broadband Internet access provides high-speed data transfer that exceeds the maximum possible dial-up connection via modem or regular telephone line. Connection in this case is carried out via fiber-optic, wired or wireless Internet backbones of various types.

Benefits of a high speed connection

The main disadvantage of dial-up access is limited bandwidth. In addition, with this type of Internet connection, the telephone line is completely occupied. A broadband Internet channel increases the speed of data exchange several times and does not require a monopoly on a telephone line.

Broadband Internet is a so-called two-way communication, thanks to which data can be transmitted and received at high speed at the same time. The organization of broadband access makes it possible to use digital television services, means of remote storage of bulk data and sending voice messages (IP-telephony) - free of charge or at very low rates.

Subscribers connected to a high-speed network receive a number of important benefits:

  • the ability to connect to a broadband channel at any point where there is appropriate technical equipment;
  • comfort of working with multimedia applications due to high bandwidth, which makes it easy to play network video content and use other resources;
  • reducing the cost of web surfing, processing correspondence received by e-mail, as well as the cost of office applications that require a broadband connection;
  • increasing labor productivity in the analysis of marketing and other data;
  • new opportunities for business communication with customers, partners and suppliers (unlimited access to instant messaging programs, applications that support the VoIP protocol, etc.).

Connection options

Broadband Internet connection is becoming more and more popular in the Russian Federation, because the needs of modern users are constantly growing and lead to the need to access a high-speed network.

Two types of connection are possible:

  • Wireless. Does not require cabling. Radio-Ethernet technologies and others are used.
  • Wired (fixed). Traditional wired fiber optic Ethernet connection and others are used.

Wireless and wired broadband Internet access networks provide much higher data transfer rates than a conventional dial-up connection. BUSINESS TELECOM subscribers have access to connection options with various technical parameters.

Communication technologies

ADSL is the most popular broadband option and is suitable for both home and commercial use. This is a modern digital connection that allows you to get high-speed access to the Internet without taking up the entire telephone line. ADSL performance reaches 10 Mbps or more.

SDSL has a different ratio of the speed of the receiving and transmitting channels: with this standard, sending and downloading data occurs in the same time. Connecting a broadband Internet network using SDSL technology is possible for organizations that need increased bandwidth of the outgoing channel.

It is also not uncommon to provide access to the Internet through a cable TV line. Now cable TV is available in almost any city, and the terms of payment for this service are more than loyal. The speed of a broadband Internet connection averages 5-20 Mbps.

Fiber optic connectivity is a brilliant invention. The main principle of operation of this technology is the conversion of electrical signals into light signals with subsequent transmission via fiber optic cable. An important advantage of this technology is the possibility of remote network management and technology upgrade in accordance with the increasing requirements of the modern user.

How to connect broadband internet?

Specialists of BUSINESS TELECOM provide broadband subscriber access to the Internet using the most advanced technologies. Depending on the specifics of the location of the object, we will select for you the best connection option in terms of price and technical characteristics.

To connect to the Internet, you must leave a request by phone or online. Then, our specialist will arrive at the object you specified to inspect the premises and study the possibilities of connection. After selecting technological solutions and a tariff plan, we will install all the necessary equipment and lay the network.

We guarantee high quality and prompt service to all our clients. For more information and ordering the services of BUSINESS TELECOM, please contact our managers by phone or leave a request on the website.

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