Representation at the competition of the children's hairdresser. Presentation on the topic: Profession - hairdresser. Important Personal Qualities

Olga Varfolomeeva

- Hairdresser-

Who is today hairdresser?

Let me be.

I'll do your hair

For example, like mine.

Sit in front of the mirror

I will tie a cape

And, of course, first of all

I'll comb carefully.

And now let's wind the bangs

On big curlers

Braid braids on the side

Tie the tail behind.

We fix it all with varnish

Or hair gel!

Let's put lipstick on the lips

And a little powder on the nose.

I didn't do great

Praise me

Because now my girlfriend

Became better than it was

(Lika Razumova).

Children are happiness, children are our future and, of course, a lot of worries! Often parents are faced with a problem in such an everyday matter as a child's haircut. The child is naughty, does not want to get a haircut. On the face hairdresser's dissatisfaction you start to get nervous. And sometimes small children refuse to serve at all.

Therefore, our task:

as early as possible age to introduce children to the profession -« Hairdresser» ;

Activate the dictionary, enrich the vocabulary minimum children haircut, wind on curlers, pay money, towel, cape for the client, hair styling foam, shampoo, apron for hairdresser, hairstyle, bangs, hairspray, hair dryer, mirror, hairpins, scissors;

(administrator - phone, pen, magazine, laptop, business cards.) Labor actions - write down, answer the call.

The quality of work is fast, beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, polite, friendly, conscientious;

Build friendships while games;

Form the habit of carefully putting toys away in the place provided for them;

Improve and expand game designs children;

Create a desire to organize yourself role-playing game;

Expand social experience children;

Develop the ability to coordinate the topic games, game actions, independently distribute roles;

Pin skill children take on different roles according to game plot;

Cultivate polite treatment, respect for work hairdresser;

enrich knowledge children about the work of a hairdresser.

- interesting game (the distribution of roles, assessment by children, the ability to play together).

Previous work:


In this clean bright room,

With a sense of joy always

walks old and walking small,

So I will go there too.

If I'm too overgrown,

I will sit boldly in a chair,

I need a haircut

The master will do it skillfully.

Silently I look in the mirror:

Scissors fly fast

I follow the master

How does he change his hairstyle?

With a neat head

(Master is very tried)

I return home.

What was the name of this master?

1. A) The teacher introduces children with the profession HAIRDRESSER. (Word « hairdresser» is of French origin ("perruque") - an overlay of hair, and in the theater - one of the expressive means of make-up. O barber profession our ancient ancestors knew. At different times and in different countries, it was called differently.: hairdressers were called barbers, barbers, shearers. Beyond haircuts and styling barbers were shaving, manicure, and often performed the duties of doctors, exposing their clients to simple medical procedures. In Russia barbers were called a barber. A large number of people came to the barber to shave, cut their hair or do their hair. And only in our time specialization hairdressers narrowed - now they are engaged only in hairstyles. barber profession has always been and will be vital, as a person has a desire for beauty and self-care.)

B) HOW TO BECOME HAIRDRESSER To be good hairdresser you need to feel the desires of customers, be able to find a common language with them, be aware of all fashion trends, have special knowledge, experience and skills. Perhaps, hairdresser is one of the few professions in which training alone is not enough - you need to have a certain talent that allows you to create harmony in the client's hairstyle with his general appearance, and courage that will allow you to realize the author's intention.

In our time to become hairdresser possible upon completion of relevant courses or specialized schools for hairdressers. As a rule, basic training lasts no more than a year, and its cost is low. There are no special requirements for applicants, therefore, to become hairdresser possible in almost any age. But the most difficult thing is to become a Master. But having gone from ordinary hairdresser to a real Master, you can achieve a stable job, wealth, and even fame.

2. Looking at pictures, photo illustrations about work hairdresser.

3.Conversation: "How my mother and I went to barbershop».

4. Reading the story of S. Mikhalkov "AT barbershop»

caregiver: The holiday is coming soon. By the holiday you need to make a beautiful hairstyle. Let's visit our barbershop"Malvina".

“Scissors, hair dryer, tongs and comb -

All this is necessary to make a hairstyle.

New salon opened today

Where hairdresser? (puts an apron on the girl)

And here he is.

And at the end games invite children to draw the best hairstyle for their mom or sister, grandma or dad (girlfriend).


Guys, did you like our salon"Malvina"?

What did you like the most?

What is your mood before the holidays?

You can ask what you did in our barbershop?

What is the name of your hairstyle?

How can you reinforce this topic? (another day) hold a competition for the best hairstyle. Definitely with an award. And parents can be made participants in the competition (mother, sister, grandmother).

Hasanova Gulbeniz Ahmed kyzy

GAPOU IOC them. V. Talalikhina



Synopsis of the GCD "Profession - hairdresser" (with presentation)

DOWNLOAD (presentation)

Teach children to take on the role and perform appropriate play actions, use hairdresser's tools during the game and name them. Develop dialogic speech, enrich vocabulary. Cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards each other.

Educational tasks: To instill in children respect for the work of adults, a benevolent attitude towards them.

Educational objectives: To expand children's ideas about professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - "Hairdresser", the tools used in the work and the importance of this profession in people's lives.

Developmental tasks: To develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills of hands. Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, work.

Integration of educational areas:

Speech development:. activate the vocabulary of children: with the help of words denoting professions: doctor, teacher, firefighter, educator, tool names: scissors, comb, hair dryer; "Mannequin": hairdresser, hairdresser, image studio, beauty salon haircut, cape.

Cognitive development: develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. To give children knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, about his work.

Socio-communicative development: to promote the development of free communication between children and adults about professions. Develop Socialization: Continue to develop interest in the joint activities of children in the classroom.

Physical development: to form the correct posture in all activities; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere.

Preliminary work: looking at the painting “In the hairdresser's”, illustrations about this profession; viewing illustrations depicting the tools needed for the job. Reading poems and riddles about the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about the professions of adults. A profession is a job that a person is engaged in. There are a lot of professions and all of them are very necessary and respected. It is very good when a profession brings joy to a person, and he works with pleasure.

Now guess my riddle, what profession is it about (showing a slide).

"Who will do the hair,

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change the look? (Hairdresser).

A conversation about the profession of a hairdresser:

Imagine that your family will soon have a holiday or a birthday. Mom, dad and you have beautiful clothes that you will wear for the holiday, but your hair is shaggy, ugly. Do not worry, there is a person whose profession will help us put our hair in order and make beautiful hairstyles for everyone - this is a Hairdresser, which means: “To make a wig”.

Guessing riddles about the tools of the hairdresser.

Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle (scissors)

In this little thing

Settled a warm wind (hair dryer)

I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than wolves and bears (comb)

Often I look into it

I'm circling in front, I'm spinning.

I braid my braids

Guys, well done, guessed everything correctly!

What do you think should be done with dirty hair to make it look beautiful? … (Hair needs to be washed)

How do you wash your hair and head? (with shampoo or soap)

What else needs to be done with the hair? ... (Hair must be combed)

What is hair combed with? (Comb)

What is the name of the device that dries wet hair? …(Fen)

How does a hair dryer dry hair? (The hair dryer blows warm air)

: When the hair is short - this hairstyle is called short haircut. What hairstyles do girls with long hair wear? (Ponytail, pigtails)

A hairdresser can make hair curly, style it in curls with a hair dryer and a brush (demonstration of actions), he knows how to make different beautiful hairstyles for everyone, both adults and children.

When a person is cut, they put a cape on him and put him in front of a mirror so that he can see himself.

Why do you think a cape is put on a person who is being cut?

Why does a hairdresser wear a work robe?

So that cut hair does not stain clothes.

Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to get beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, curl their hair, change their hair color. They are met very politely, greeted and offered to go and sit in a comfortable chair (I show an illustration depicting a chair); cover the shoulders with a special cape. They wash their hair with shampoo, and then make a beautiful haircut, using a comb and scissors in their work.

Now let's see if you've been listening carefully. Guys, do hairdressers work in the store?

Children: work in hairdressers, beauty salons, and in image studios.

What do hairdressers do, treat?

Children: Cut. I do hair. Wash their heads. They dye their hair.

Educator: Right. Here, the skillful hands of the master conjure over our hair.

How do hairdressers greet their visitors?

Children: politely, greet and offer to go and sit in a comfortable chair; cover the shoulders with a special cape

Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty.

What is the name of a hairdresser who cuts men's, women's, children's hair?

If he cuts women's hair, then he is a women's hairdresser.

If he cuts children's hair, then he is a children's hairdresser.

Well done.

Have you been to the hairdresser's? What did the master do?

Well done guys, here we have learned who hairdressers are, where they work and what they do.

I think you and I will have a little rest and continue our training.

Fizminutka. Imitation of movements.

Brought to beat the child

How big is the little boy.

Before sitting in a chair

You need to wash your head (showing movements).

And after that, and after that

Dry with a towel (demonstration of movements).

Take scissors, comb-

We will cut the bangs for the child (we imitate movements with our fingers).

The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)

You can send to kindergarten.

After a physical education session, they approach the table. On the table lies an envelope with riddles: Hairdryer, scissors, hairdresser, ...

Though instead of a heart it has a motor,

But he is not heartless.

Yes, grumbling conversation with him,

But he is a perfect friend.

To make your face more beautiful

He'll do the styling

Dries out your hair...

What is my riddle?

Experienced tool -

Not big, not small.

He is full of worries.

He cuts and shears.

This sorceress

This artist

Not brushes and paints

A comb and scissors.

She possesses

Mysterious power:

Who will touch

He will become handsome. (hairdresser).

Often I look into it

I'm circling in front, I'm spinning.

I braid my braids

And I fix my suit. (mirror).

Well done, you guessed all the riddles. You are learning more and more about this profession. Various objects fit the table on it. (hairdryer, comb, scissors, mirror, hairpins, capes). And construction tools.

The game "What tools are needed for the work of a hairdresser?"

On the table are toy tools necessary for the work of a hairdresser and other tools. Children one by one approach the table and choose only those that the hairdresser needs for work and explain what they are doing.

Well done, you have chosen only those tools that a hairdresser needs in his work


Children are invited to independently play the role-playing game "Hairdresser" in the equipped corner.

Synopsis of GCD - preparatory group

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety", "Reading Fiction".
Clarify and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the profession of a hairdresser.
Educational: Continue to acquaint children with the sights of their native city; acquaint children with the sequence of actions in the work of a hairdresser; clarify the significance of the work of a hairdresser; expand and activate the vocabulary of children with adjectives, action words, answer questions in full sentences.
Developing: Develop coherent speech, enrich and activate children's vocabulary, memory, observation.
Speech: hairdresser, hair dryer, tongs, sights, comb,
Educational: To cultivate respect for the work of a hairdresser, the desire to visit salons.
Preliminary work: a conversation about the dangers of using electrical appliances, familiarity with a hairdryer, hair curlers.
Demo material: Items for the game: scissors, comb, shampoo, curlers, hair dryer, policeman's cap, photos of city sights, illustrations of men's, women's and children's haircuts, photos of children's hairstyles, schemes - models.
Methodical methods: Conversation, game situation, game "The Fourth Extra", looking at illustrations, photos and talking about them, physical education, poems, proverb. Organizing time. Children sit on chairs.
The teacher draws the children's attention to a photo booth with the sights of their native city, among which there are photos of hairdressers.
Educator: Guys, today we will go on a tour of the city. Let's remember what kind of buildings, buildings there are in our city and why do the townspeople need them?
Child: This is a monument to those who built our city.
Educator: Right. This monument is called “To the Founders of the City”, which means to those people who started the construction of our city many years ago.
Child: I recognized this building - this is a pharmacy. People need it to buy medicines, vitamins.
Child: This is the Meat Yard store. This is where we buy groceries.
Educator: If they sell food here, then what kind of store is this?
Children: Grocery.
Introduction to the topic.
Teacher: Well done guys. And what is this building? Did you guess? This is a barbershop. Who work here?
Children: Hairdressers.
Educator: Who is a hairdresser? A hairdresser is a person who cuts, styles and curls hair.
Guys, let's play a game. I have items on the table. Name them.
The game "The Fourth Extra" is being held.
Child 1: Scissors, comb, shampoo, curlers, hair dryer, police cap.
Educator: What do you think, what subject is superfluous here?
Child 2: Here is an extra cap.
Educator: Right. Who do you think needs these items for work?
Child 3: The hairdresser needs these items.
Educator: Let's all say it right together - to the hairdresser. And who needs a cap? Correctly. To the policeman.
Educator: What do you think is in these buildings? (hairdressers).
What do barber shops do?
Children: Push. I do hair. Wash their heads. They dye their hair.
Educator: Right. Here, the skillful hands of the master conjure over our hair.
The master does the hair
Hairdryer, brush and comb.
Magnificent curls will curl.
Everything in his hands burns -
It will change the look.

- In fact, we get up from the hairdresser's chair with neatly cropped heads, styled hair, a beautiful hairstyle. Think, if there were no hairdressing salons, what would happen to us?
Children: Everyone would go shaggy, with a sloppy head.
Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty. If the master cuts men's hair, then he is a men's hairdresser. If he cuts women's hair, then he, Liana (child's answer) ... a women's hairdresser. If he cuts children's hair, then he, Lera ... is a children's hairdresser. (Children's answers are accompanied by showing the corresponding pictures).
- Well done. Have you been to the hairdresser's? What did the master do?
Child 1: The hairdresser cut my hair and then sprayed me with cologne.
Child 2: And they did my hair for my birthday.
Child 3: The hairdresser cut my bangs.
Fizminutka. Imitation of movements.
Brought to beat the child
How big is the little boy.
Before sitting in a chair
You need to wash your head (showing movements).
And after that, and after that
Dry with a towel (demonstration of movements).
Take scissors, comb-
We will cut the bangs for the child (we imitate movements with our fingers).
One, two, three - the haircut is ready,
We will lay her down with a hair dryer,
And sprinkle with cologne (breathing exercise, on exhalation shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhfully).
The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)
You can send to kindergarten.

The game is repeated twice.
Educator: Guys, what is a hair dryer. What is it for?
Child: Mom dries her hair with a hairdryer.
Educator. Correctly. This is an electric hair dryer and is used by adults. Guys, can you take electrical appliances on your own, without parental supervision? Of course not. Why?
Child: Because there is a current. This is dangerous.
Educator: Well done. We have talked about this more than once, that it is impossible to take electrical appliances without the permission of adults.
Now, with the help of models, we will tell about the work of a children's hairdresser. Imagine that the master makes a girl's or boy's hair for a prom.
There are diagrams on the table.
The teacher asks the child to come to the table and take a diagram - a model.
1 child: First, the hairdresser washes his hair with shampoo (the child puts model No. 1 on the board, which shows shampooing).
2 child: Then he dries it with a towel (model No. 2, a towel is drawn).
3 child: Takes a comb and combs her hair (model No. 3, a comb is drawn)
Teacher: Right guys? Then let's continue.
4th child: The master starts cutting hair with scissors. Helps with a comb (model No. 4, scissors and a comb are drawn)
5 child: Then he dries his hair with a hair dryer (model No. 5, a hair dryer is drawn).
6 child: The hairdresser takes tongs or curlers and curls his hair (model No. 6, tongs, curlers are drawn).
7th child: The hairdresser sprays hair with varnish so that the hairstyle lasts a long time (model No. 7, a bottle with the inscription "Varnish" is drawn).
Educator. Well done boys. You remember our conversation well and correctly answered what hairspray is for. The most important thing is to close your eyes tightly and not open them until the master says.
Educator: The hairstyle is ready (exposes model No. 8).
- Look at these hairstyles (showing photos of beautiful children's hairstyles for girls and boys). What are girls' hairstyles decorated with? Flowers. Bows. Sequins. beads. Beautiful? Sasha, what hairstyle do you like? And you Nikita? (children's statements)
- Guys, what do you think, is it easy to be a hairdresser? Every business needs to be learned. The work of a hairdresser is creative, it is similar to the work of an artist.
This sorceress
This artist
Not brushes, not paints,
A comb and scissors.
She has a mysterious power.
Who will touch -
He will become prettier.

- People say: "A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit." This means that the hairdresser turns us into beautiful, unrecognizable, neat people with the help of his magic hands, tools, and his skill. In order to look beautiful, you must always keep your head in order and visit a hairdresser.
I give you the Hairdresser's Kit and you can play. Thanks to all.

Tatiana Kondratieva
Leisure summary "Cheerful hairdresser"


To expand children's ideas about professions, to consolidate knowledge about the profession - « Hairdresser» , the tools used in the work and the significance of this profession in people's lives.

Equipment: ball for the game; plot pictures; bag with items for hairdresser

Leisure progress:

-Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? Where do they work?

I suggest you play the game.

ball game "Name the professions".

Children name their parents' profession and pass the ball to the next child.

Let's remember what professions we have already talked about?

(pictures are put up on a typesetting canvas - a teacher, a seller, a cook, a driver, a seamstress)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

The doctor - treats, the teacher - teaches, the seller - sells, the seamstress - sews, the cook - cooks.

Now try to guess the riddle. .

Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Magnificent curls will curl,

Whip the bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change the look? (hairdresser)

So today we'll talk about the profession hairdresser.

Presentation "Profession- hairdresser»

Hairdressers work in barbershop and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, their shoulders are covered with a special cape, their hair is washed with shampoo, and then they are cut using a comb and scissors. female client hairdresser can make hair styling with a hairdryer and a brush, or can curl the hair into curls and cover with a special hairspray.

Hairdresser must be in good health (After all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) and love for people, to have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.

Game on the interactive board "Do you know?"

Where does he work hairdresser?

What is he doing hairdresser?

What tools does he need to work?

What should you have hairdresser?

Finger gymnastics

Give scissors, comb

He will do your hair

Master by all means

Gives you a modern cut.

Knock on the door. Appears cheerful hairdresser with a bag(instruments hairdresser)

-Happy hairdresser:

Hello guys, I found out that you will talk about my profession today and decided to come visit you. And I want to tell you funny, as I riddles, and you love them? And I have all the riddles in this beautiful and irreplaceable bag. After each riddle solved, he pulls out the corresponding item.

Guessing riddles, about tools hairdresser.

1. Two ends, two rings

Carnations in the middle (scissors)

2. In this little item

Settled warm wind (hair dryer)

3. I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through my mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears (hairbrush)

Guys, well done, guessed everything correctly! And love poetry. I want to tell you about one boy who came to me to get a haircut.

Poem "Pro hairdresser»

Hair became like a mane

Looks like it's time to cut...

AT barbershop beautiful,

Lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair

I didn't have time to say: "Ouch!"

Flashed, flew

Scissors above the head.

I came there shaggy

And not a sheared sheep,

And I left neat

And a handsome little boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha

He told me: "Do not forget our barbershop, come do not overgrow "

The hairdresser knows everything:

If you want, she will shave her head or remove her bangs,

Or trim the temples - as you want, cut it.

He knows his job

Who wants a haircut

Those will help no problem.

Well guys, I liked you so much and now I'll be waiting for you in my barbershop.

caregiver: Thank you for the invitation, we will definitely come.

And now the guys want to invite you to cheerful it's called rhythmoplasty « Cheerful barber»

Rhythmoplasty « Cheerful barber»

Cheerful hairdresser says goodbye leaves

caregiver: Well, you guys are great.

What profession are we talking about today?

Now I suggest you play a role-playing game « Salon» .

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hair stylist— a master who does hairstyles or haircuts, and also selects the style that best suits a particular client. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

A few years ago, a hairdresser had to be able to do only haircuts or styling. But times have changed, so today there is a new profession - a hairdresser-stylist. Such a master knows how to do hairstyles, but he also helps the client to choose an individual style, talks about the rules of hair care and performs medical procedures.

A representative of the profession must know the basics of chemistry, as well as be able to work with equipment (hair dryers, curling irons, etc.) and cosmetics (paints, masks, etc.). This specialist should know well not only his duties, but also understand psychology. The master must be able to find an approach to each of his customers, accurately determining his mood and desires.

Features of the profession

The master should not only be able to cut or style hair, no! He must know everything about the fashion trends of a particular season, because his duties include:

  • assistance in choosing the optimal hair length and hairstyle;
  • assisting the client in choosing a shade of hair and dyeing technique;
  • choosing a hairstyle that matches the occasion (holiday, anniversary, corporate party, etc.);
  • the ability to create stage hairstyles;
  • the choice of the type of styling for the features of the hair;
  • performing haircuts, all types of hair curling (curlers, chemical and electric), coloring, alignment of curls;
  • increasing the volume and quality of hair with the help of wigs, extensions;
  • knowledge of modern technologies for hair straightening and treatment;
  • consulting for clients;
  • caring procedures for hair;
  • attending conferences and participating in various competitions;
  • keeping the workplace clean.

Also, the specialist should be able to develop hairstyle options, adapting them to the makeup and outfit of the customer. Note that if a person suffers from dermatological diseases, joint diseases or allergic reactions, then he will not be able to work as a hairdresser-stylist.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • A specialist may not receive a higher education, because to work in this area it is enough to complete a training course.
  • You can become a hair stylist at any age.
  • High wages and tips left by grateful customers.
  • You can officially find a job or work for yourself by opening a salon or acquiring a solid client base.
  • You can combine the profession of a hairdresser-stylist with work, or other professions that are close to the beauty industry.
  • Higher salary when compared with an ordinary hairdresser, makeup artist or.
  • The prospect of working with famous people (movie stars, pop singers and others).


  1. Demanding clients.
  2. It takes a long time to work to "fill your hand" and gain experience.
  3. You need to constantly learn and be aware of the latest fashion innovations, studying both domestic and foreign magazines, blogs and video tutorials.
  4. Most often, income depends on the number of clients with whom the master worked during the day or month.
  5. Capricious clients can piss off even the calmest person, and this specialist faces them daily.
  6. Not all clients wash their hair and follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  7. The competition is very high, so there may be problems with employment.

The main disadvantage of the profession is that the risk of developing occupational diseases is high. The master is forced to work standing for 10 or more hours a day, which causes the development of diseases of the spine, as well as varicose veins and permanent edema.

Important Personal Qualities

An impeccable appearance is one of the main requirements that is put forward for specialists who work in the field of beauty. A hair stylist should have a beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed hands.

  1. Kindness and endurance.
  2. Excellent health.
  3. Artistic taste and creativity.
  4. Sociability.
  5. Responsibility and courtesy.
  6. Neatness.
  7. Accuracy.
  8. Pedantry.

Every day, a hairdresser-stylist is faced with capricious and not always polite clients, so he must be very calm, reasonable and accurate.

Hair stylist training

Graduates of grades 9-11 who do not have medical contraindications can sign up for training courses. The training course is divided into 2 parts:

  • 30% of the time - theory;
  • 70% of study time is practice.

Typically, the course lasts from 4 months to 2.5 years, and after mastering the program, the student will receive a diploma or certificate. As a rule, the duration of training depends on the age of the student and his professional knowledge.

Training center "Europe", Moscow

You need to study from 1 to 4 months, and the course will be of interest to professional hairdressers who want to improve their skills. The course program consists of more than 8 topics, as well as theoretical and numerous practical exercises.

Where Can a Hair Stylist Work?

Masters work in beauty salons or work with private clients, renting premises and equipping mini-salons in them. After completing the training, these specialists most often remain to work where they previously had an internship.


The monthly salary consists of the amount that the master receives for working in the salon and fees, because these specialists, in addition to their main work, are engaged in private practice.

Salary as of 03/16/2020

Russia 25000—120000 ₽

Moscow 30000—200000 ₽


The career growth of a specialist depends on his experience and knowledge, because if the master regularly attends master classes and improves his skills, then his work will be highly appreciated. In the long term, a hair stylist can become famous, work with famous people, become an expert in the beauty industry and open his own fashion salon.

Professional skills

  1. Ability to use barber equipment and tools.
  2. Ability to apply cosmetics and coloring compositions.
  3. Knowledge of fashion trends in the beauty industry.

Notable members of the profession

  1. Sergey Zverev.
  2. Chris McMillan.
  3. Adir Abergel.