Presentation on acoustic mnestic dyslexia. Presentation on reading correction "semantic dyslexia". Presentation on the topic

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With the help of a magnetic resonance analyzer, neuroscientists were able to establish that the main role in the process of reading is played by three main zones in the left hemisphere, which are something like the "sound initiator", "analyzer" and "automatic identifier" and act simultaneously. With the help of a magnetic resonance analyzer, neuroscientists were able to establish that the main role in the process of reading is played by three main zones in the left hemisphere, which are something like the "sound initiator", "analyzer" and "automatic identifier" and act simultaneously. However, in people suffering from dyslexia, there is a failure of the neural connections between the first and second centers, possibly due to the dominant role of the primary recognition center. Therefore, they have difficulty in moving from the sound composition of a word to its meaning, and they read each word syllable by syllable, as if seeing it for the first time. Since word recognition is not carried out automatically, but mechanically, the reading rate is extremely low. Elena Zhidkova, (children's neurologist) "dyslexia occurs due to" uncoordinated work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. The cause may be birth trauma, disorders during pregnancy, impaired proper motor development. Dyslexia is inherited. Dyslexia is not a manifestation of stupidity or unwillingness to learn, but a very real genetic disease that disrupts the proper functioning of the brain.

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Symptoms of dysgraphia The main criterion for diagnosing dysgraphia is considered to be the presence of so-called "specific errors" in writing. omissions of letters, syllables, words, their rearrangement, replacement and mixing of letters that are similar in acoustic and articulatory characteristics of the corresponding sounds of mixing letters, similar in outline, merging several words into one violation of grammatical agreement and control of words in a sentence. In other words, distortions, substitutions, mixing of letters (optical-articulatory-acoustic feature), distortion of the letter-syllabic structure of words (omissions, permutations, additions, breaks), violations of the structure of sentences (omissions, breaks, rearrangements of words. Agrammatisms in writing

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Teacher speech therapist


  • -Partial violation of the reading process, manifested in persistent and repetitive reading errors due to the lack of formation of higher mental functions involved in the reading process.

Etiology of dyslexia

  • Most authors view dyslexia as disturbance caused by external influence of pathological factors Such an impact causes a delay or disruption in the development of mental functions that carry out the process normally.
  • A particularly negative role in the occurrence of dyslexia is played by pathological factors that act in later periods of fetal development and in the postnatal period.
  • There is an assumption that late acting factors have a negative impact on the formation of late maturing structures of the cerebral cortex - tertiary cortical zones that ensure the functioning of complex symbolic
  • Functions (speaking, reading, writing).

Symptoms of dyslalia

  • Lag in mastering the technique of reading (for a long time reading
  • remains letter-by-letter or syllabic);
  • Very slow pace of reading;
  • Incorrect letter recognition;
  • Errors in reading (omissions, permutations, adding sounds, skipping initial syllables, words and distorting the sound of words);

secondary manifestations

  • Difficulties in reading comprehension;
  • Insufficient amount of material to be read (results in limited vocabulary).

Types of dyslexia

  • When determining the type of dyslexia, the underdevelopment of the leading
  • functional system.
  • I . phonemic.
  • due to the underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system (differentiation
  • phonemes, phonemic analysis and synthesis)
  • II. Optical .
  • Due to the lack of formation of visual analysis, synthesis and spatial representations
  • III. mnestic I am
  • caused by a violation of mnestic processes
  • IV. Agrammatical
  • associated with underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech
  • v. Semantic (mechanical reading)
  • Violation of understanding of what is read with technically correct reading, due to the underdevelopment of sound-syllabic synthesis and the lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

Primary prevention of dyslexia.

  • 1. Prevention of ante- and perinatal pathology of the fetus and newborn (prevention of pregnancy complications, prevention of birth injuries, infection of the fetus and newborn)
  • 2. Reduction of somatic and infectious morbidity in children in the first years of life.
  • 3. Early diagnosis and timely treatment of perinatal cerebral pathology.
  • 4. Early diagnosis and correction of speech development disorders in children. The late appearance of the first words (after 1 year 3 months) or phrases (after 2 years) is a sufficient reason for the intervention of a speech therapist.
  • 5. If a child has bilingualism, it is necessary to choose adequate methods for teaching literacy.
  • 6. Work with dysfunctional families and families who do not attend kindergarten: preparing the child for school, developing the necessary sensorimotor and speech skills.

Secondary prevention dyslexia - early detection of predisposition to violation of reading and carrying out a set of preventive measures.

  • 1. For children with a predisposition to dyslalia, it is necessary to form a functional basis for reading (analysis of the sound side of speech, oral synthesis of a word from syllables, reproduction and discrimination of spatial and temporal sequences of 3-4 components) before learning the reading technique.
  • 2. Children at risk for dyslexia have difficulty learning the skill of reading, which is based on the synthesis of sounds, simultaneously with writing, a predominantly analytical skill. For such children, it is necessary to start teaching reading ahead of time at preschool age (it is possible from the age of 5), and to teach writing later at school.

Prevention of reading disorders

  • Development of a functional reading base.
  • General development of speech.
  • Development of language analysis and synthesis skills.
  • Increased field of view.
  • Eliminate regressive and guessing reading.
  • Automation of Operational Reading Units -
  • Syllables of different typology:
  • (shchi-hedgehog) (catfish) (bottom - core)

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Correction of specific reading disorders in students with semantic dyslexia

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The object of the study is the problem of corrective work in modern conditions. The purpose of the study is to understand the causes underlying reading disorders, to develop an effective method for preventing and correcting semantic disorders in students. Research objectives: To analyze the theoretical and practical material on the problem of the formation of reading skills in younger students. To examine the reading skills of students in order to identify their dyslexia. Consider different approaches to correcting specific reading disorders associated with impaired understanding of the text. Develop and use a system of various tasks in order to form technical reading skills and the process of understanding the meaning of what is being read. Research hypothesis: systematic, comprehensive and gradual correction of semantic dyslexia will contribute to the spelling vigilance of students, preventing the occurrence of semantic dysgraphia. Research methods: analysis of literature on the research topic; studying the work of speech therapists-practitioners. The practical significance of the study lies in the development and systematization of techniques for correcting semantic dyslexia.

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The study was conducted from 2006 to 2009. 12 students of the first grade of MOSS №3 were studied. This group was followed up for 3 years. The average age is 7, 8, 9 years. For grade 1 students, the following types of tasks were offered from the “Reading Survey Album”. (Appendix No. 1): Finding, recognizing and naming letters. Reading syllables. Reading words. Reading sentences. Reading text.

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Survey album (N.M. Trubnikova) Examination of the assimilation of letters Name the indicated letter. P o t n i m s h u c e sh d b Find the letters denoting sounds (similar in the way and place of formation and acoustic features). P b s h w r l s c k g v f h y d t Name the letters written in different fonts. A, a A, a B, b B, b C, c C, c Name the correct letter next to its mirror image. P - , Z - , C - , G - , b - . Name the letter crossed out with additional strokes. V I R E A O Z U P Y L M N S SCH Find the desired letter among letters similar in style LA LM AD LD GB VR VZ VY GT GE KZH GP PN PSH SHTS SO KH NI OR YI

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Syllable reading test. Read direct syllables. Sa, shu, ha, well, so, ry, yes, mi, you, zu, pi, ho. Read backward syllables. Mind, ah, as, op, yn, mustache, at, om, ek, yut, is. Read syllables with a confluence of consonants. Hundred, cro, rub, glo, tsvi, vlo, klu, pre. Read syllables with hard and soft consonants. Ta - cha, ka - ka, zu - syu, lo - le, sa - sya, du - du.

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Word reading test. Read the words of various sound-syllabic structures (familiar and uncommon in speech). Cancer, wasps, pit, soot, moon, glasses, detachment, hut, sled, woodpecker, backpack, snowball, scissors, towel, matches. Read the words and answer the questions: “Where did you see this object? What are they doing?" Eyebrow, crane, line, pan, motorcyclist, health resort, squirrel, beam, ram, banks. When examining word comprehension, the following tasks are offered: A) Read the word, find its image in the picture and put the appropriate inscription. Pictures with images of animals and objects; cards with inscriptions for these subjects. Notebook, shoes, doll, briefcase, coat. B) Read the word printed on the card and find the corresponding picture from memory. Pen, flower, cube, galoshes, felt boots.

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C) Read words that are similar in letter composition, and after reading, find pictures that correspond to paronymic words. Beetle - bough Chair - table Wardrobe - scarf Duck - fishing rod Pussy - bowl D) Read the words with the missing letters. Hand ... a ... buttocks K ... ysh ... a Conve ... ... M ... l ... ko Ko ... k ... Bu ... ash ... a

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Sentence reading survey. Tasks: A) Read the sentence and perform the corresponding action. Show your eye. Come up to the wall. Take a pen. Get up off your chair. Raise your hand. B) Read the sentence, find the corresponding picture (phrases of various syntactic constructions are offered). After that, answer the questions. Plot pictures and sentences: The lamp is on a round table. The boy lifted the weight. Ivan Ivanovich is older than Nikolai. Uncle Vitya is resting in an armchair after work. A carpenter plans a board on a woodworking machine.

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Text reading survey. It is based on retelling and answering questions about what was read. Present. For his mother's birthday, the lion cub Lyova carried a balloon as a gift. Seeing a beautiful butterfly that sat on a flower right in front of him, the lion cub, out of surprise, released the thread from its paws. The ball flew up and caught on a palm tree. - How can I get a gift for my beloved mother?! - the lion cub Lyova was upset. Don't worry, baby! I will help you, the lion cub heard the voice of a giraffe, which importantly walked nearby. And after a few minutes, the lion cub went on, holding the balloon tightly to itself. Answer the questions: - What was the name of the lion cub? Where did the lion go? - What did the lion carry as a gift to mom? - What happened to the balloon? - Who helped the baby? - Why did the giraffe manage to remove the ball from the palm tree?

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Types of dyslexic errors Grade 1 types of errors 33% 50% 50% 42% 33% 50% 25% 50% 50% Recognition, finding, naming letters Reading direct, reverse syllables Reading syllables with a confluence of consonants Syllables with hard-soft consonants Reading words Lexical meaning of words Comprehension of words] Reading sentences Reading text Research parameters Errors Grade 1 Number 12ch % Recognition, naming, finding letters 4 33% Reading direct, reverse syllables 6 50% Reading syllables with a confluence of consonants 6 50% Syllables with hard-soft consonants 5 42% Reading words 4 33% Lexical meaning of words 6 50% Comprehension of words 3 25% Reading sentences 6 50% Reading text 6 50%

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Types of dyslexic errors Grade 2 types of errors 25% 33% 33% 33% 25% 42% 17% 33% 33% Recognition, finding, naming letters Reading direct, reverse syllables Reading syllables with a confluence of consonants Syllables with hard-soft consonants Reading words Lexical meaning of words Comprehension of words] Reading sentences Reading text Research parameters Errors grade 2 Quantity 12ch % Recognition, naming, finding letters 3 25% Reading direct, reverse syllables 4 33% Reading syllables with a confluence of consonants 4 33% Syllables with hard-soft consonants 4 33% Reading words 3 25% Lexical meaning of words 5 42% Comprehension of words 2 17% Reading sentences 4 33% Reading text 4 33%

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Types of dyslexic errors Grade 3 types of errors 8% 17% 17% 17% 17% 25% 8% 33% 33% Recognition, finding, naming letters Reading direct, reverse syllables Reading syllables with a confluence of consonants Syllables with hard-soft consonants Reading words Lexical meaning of words Comprehension of words] Reading sentences Reading text Research parameters Errors grade 3 Number 12ch % Recognition, naming, finding letters 1 8% Reading direct, reverse syllables 2 17% Reading syllables with a confluence of consonants 2 17% Syllables with hard-soft consonants 2 17 % Reading words 2 17% Lexical meaning of words 3 25% Comprehension of words 1 8% Reading sentences 3 25% Reading text 3 25%

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The study of the state of reading on the material of texts. Reading status diagram 0% 8% 17% 50% 25% 8% 17% 33% 40% 0% 8% 17% 33% 40% 50% 60% High above average level Medium level Below average level Low level before remedial work after correctional work Research parameters average number of errors before correctional work average number of errors after correctional work number of errors % number of errors % High level (reading without errors) 0 0% 1 8% level above average (children notice 2-3 mistakes on their own and correct) 1 8% 2 17% medium level (children notice and correct 3-4 mistakes on their own) 2 17% 4 33% below average level (4-6 mistakes, a significant number of corrections) 6 50% 5 40% low level ( more than 6 bugs, numerous fixes) 3 25% 0 0%

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Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the act of reading. Reading is a complex psychophysiological process. Visual speech-motor, speech-auditory analyzers take part in his act. At the heart of this process, as B.G. Ananiev, lie "the most complex mechanisms of interaction between analyzers and temporal connections of two signal systems." In the process of reading, two sides can be conditionally distinguished: technical (correlation of the visual image of the written word with its pronunciation) and semantic, which is the main goal of the reading process. Understanding "is carried out on the basis of the sound form of the word, with which its meaning is associated" (D.B. Elkonin). T.G. Egorov distinguishes the following four stages of the formation of reading skills: mastery of sound - letter designations; syllable reading; the formation of synthetic reading techniques; synthetic reading

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The current state of the issue of reading disorders. Dyslexia is a partial disorder of the process of mastering reading, manifested in numerous repeated errors of a persistent nature, due to the unformed mental functions involved in the process of mastering reading. With dyslexia, the following groups of errors are observed. - Replacement and mixing of sounds when reading: replacement and mixing of phonetically similar sounds (voiced and deaf, affricates), graphically similar letters. - Letter-by-letter reading - a violation of the fusion of sounds into syllables and words. Distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word: omissions of consonants during confluence, omissions of consonants and vowels in the absence of confluence, addition of sounds, rearrangement of sounds, omissions, rearrangement of syllables. Reading comprehension disorders manifest themselves at the level of a single word, as well as sentences and texts. This group of reading disorders is distinguished in cases where there is no disorder in the technical side of the reading process. - Agrammatisms in reading. Violations are noted in case endings, in noun and adjective agreements, and changes in verb endings.

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R.I. Lalayeva made it possible to identify the following types of dyslexia: optical mnemonic phonemic semantic agrammatic tactile. Semantic dyslexias Semantic dyslexias are manifested in violations of understanding of the read words, sentences of the text. An analysis of the results of a study of children with semantic dyslexia allows us to identify three factors that cause semantic reading disorders: 1) difficulties in sound-syllabic synthesis; 2) fuzziness, non-differentiation of the idea of ​​syntactic links within a sentence; 3) poor vocabulary.

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Methodology for organizing and conducting corrective work to strengthen sound-letter connections; automation of syllable fusion; formation of understanding of the text. Speech therapy work on the correction of semantic dyslexia is carried out in three directions: the development of syllabic synthesis; development of the grammatical structure of speech, clarification of syntactic links between words in a sentence; expansion and refinement of vocabulary.

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1. Examination of reading Method N. M. Trubnikova. "Reading Survey Album". 2. Correctional work Development of syllabic synthesis. Name the word pronounced by individual sounds (d, o, m; k, a, w, a). Name the word together, pronounced in syllables (ku - ry, ba - bush - ka). Make up a word from syllables given in disorder. Name the sentence together, pronounced in syllables (De - ti ig - ra - yut in the yard - re).

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Appendix No. 7 “Consonant Trainer” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5) bzsk t fsh 6) t f l m n s h 7) r m f x v d g 8) c k tr s h w 9) v d c v f dr 10) g h s r p z b 11) m n b d f m w

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Formation of the skill of letter addition, syllable formation, word formation C D D H ... U ... U ... U ... U U C D D F ... A ... A ... A ... A A Appendix No. 8

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“Make words from syllables” PO + LO + SA = KA + LI + NA = ZA + BUT + ZA = SHI + RI + NA = SO + BA + KA = BE + SE + YES = GO + LO + VA = BO + RO + YES \u003d TI + SHI + NA \u003d RE + ZI + NA \u003d TO + RO + GA \u003d

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Development of the grammatical structure of speech I conduct speech therapy work on the correction of the grammatical structure of speech, morphological and syntactic generalizations in the following areas: work on the morphological system of the language (inflection and word formation); formation of sentence structure. Sequence of work: 1) differentiation of speech units (word forms, sentence structures) in impressive speech; 2) automation of grammatical forms in expressive speech; 3) fixing the correct grammatical forms in writing.

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I develop the inflection of nouns in the following order: differentiation of the nominative case of the singular and plural; fixing unprepositional constructions of the singular in the following sequence: accusative case (zero ending, endings U, A-Z), genitive case, dative case, instrumental case; prepositional case constructions of the singular; plural forms of nouns, first without prepositions, then with prepositions.

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At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the following case forms are used with prepositions: the genitive case with the preposition U, denoting the location, as well as with the prepositions C, FROM, TO, with the meaning of the direction of action (lies by the fence, takes from the desk); dative case with the preposition PO (meaning location), with the preposition K (meaning the direction of action). Floats down the river; accusative case with prepositions IN, ON, FOR, UNDER (the meaning of the direction of action). Puts on the table; instrumental case with the prepositions FOR, OVER, UNDER, BEFORE (meaning location), denoting a part of the space within which the action is performed, as well as with the preposition C (meaning compatibility). Lies behind a book. With saucer; prepositional case with prepositions В, Н, denoting the location of the object (lying on the table).

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Appendix No. 9 "Funny prepositions" Task: Make sentences, use different prepositions.

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The inflection of verbs is fixed according to the following plan: agreement of present tense verbs and nouns in number; agreement of the past tense verb and nouns in gender and number; differentiation of perfect and imperfect verbs. Types of tasks: 1. Drawing up proposals for key words given randomly. 2. Inserting missing words into sentences. 3. Determining the correctness of the proposals. Children are given sentences with correct and incorrect forms of words.

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Application №10 Read, ask, answer. 1. The ball, Katya, in the room, rolled. Who? What did you do? Where? Under, rolled up, bed, he. What happened to...? She took a ball from under, and, Katya, took out a stick, a bed. Who? What did she do? What…? Where? 2. Kolya, sitting, and Katya, on the balcony. Who? Where? So, Kostya, snake, him, k, came. To whom? Who? Threads, to, tied, a snake, and, Kolya, Kostya. Who? What? Katya helped the boys. Who? To whom? C, Kostya, launched, balconies, a snake. Who? Where?

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Application No. 10 Insert a word into a sentence. 1. Kira bought a beautiful ________. It was _______ violet. She put the violet pot on _________. Every day Kira ________ a violet. Soon, new ___________ appeared from behind the violet leaves. 2. Little Klava is rocking the stroller with her __________. Suddenly ______ meowed. - Hush, ________, you will wake my daughter up, - said _______. 3. The teacher went with the group to ____________. They walked on the game ___________, fenced _________. The guys jumped, _________, _________, into different games.

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Appendix №10 Say it right. 1. Mom bought Yulia a blue skirt. Mom bought Yulia a blue skirt. 2. Kolya builds a house out of cubes. Kolya is building a house out of cubes. 3. Mom and dad went to the grocery store. Mom and dad went to the grocery store. 4. A little hedgehog was crawling under the tree. A small hedgehog crawled under the tree. 5. Tamara gave Sveta a doll. Tamara gave Sveta a doll. 6. The boy caught a white butterfly in the garden and brought it to his father. The boy caught a little white butterfly in the garden and brought it to his father.

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Methods for working on reading comprehension of words, sentences and text. I use the following tasks: Read the word and show the corresponding picture. Read the word and take the appropriate action. Read the word and answer the question Find the answer to the question in the text. Arrange a series of plot pictures in accordance with the read text. Choose from the text the sentence corresponding to the plot picture. After reading the text, put the plot picture in its place in the series of plot pictures. After reading the text, find an extra picture in a series of plot pictures. After reading the text, find an error in the sequence of plot pictures. Find an error in the read text based on the correct sequence in a series of plot pictures.

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Appendix No. 11 "Seasons" Task: 1. Listen to the story. Name him. Retell the story using the pictures on the right. Summer. In summer the sky is clear and high. The sun rises high, shines brightly. The meadows are covered with colored carpet. The trees are dressed in green foliage. Roses, gladioli, daisies bloom. Strawberries and blueberries ripened in the forest. 2. What do you like most in summer?

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"Seasons" Task: 1. Listen to the story "Winter". Retell the story from the pictures on the right. Winter. In winter the sky is low and gloomy. The sun is rarely shown. Cold wind is blowing. Snowing. Quiet in the forest. The bear sleeps sweetly in the den. The squirrel and the bunny changed their coats. Hungry wolf. He roams the forest in search of prey. 2. What do you like most in winter?

Introduction Dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of the reading process, which manifests itself in repetitive errors of a persistent nature. Dyslexia is a partial specific violation of the reading process, due to the lack of formation (violation) of higher mental functions and manifested in repetitive errors of a persistent nature.

Forms of dyslexia Phonemic dyslexia - dyslexia associated with underdevelopment of the functions of the phonemic system, sound - letter analysis. Semantic dyslexia (Greek semantikos - semantic) - dyslexia, manifested in impaired understanding of the words, sentences, text read with technically correct reading. Agrammatical dyslexia is dyslexia caused by the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. Mnestic dyslexia (Greek mnesis - semantic) - dyslexia, manifested in the difficulties of mastering all the letters, in their undifferentiated replacements. Optical dyslexia (Greek optikos - related to vision) - dyslexia, manifested in the difficulties of assimilation and in mixtures of graphically similar letters, as well as in their mutual replacements. With organic damage to the brain, mirror reading can be observed. There are also literal optical dyslexia, in which there are violations in the isolated recognition and discrimination of a letter, and verbal optical dyslexia, which manifests itself in violations when reading a word. Tactile dyslexia (lat. tactilis - tactile) - dyslexia, which is observed in blind children and manifests itself in the difficulties of differentiating tactilely perceived letters of the Braille alphabet.

Causes of Dyslexia There are several types of dyslexia that affect a child's ability to both read and write. "Trauma dyslexia" results from an injury to the brain, or the part of the brain that is responsible for a person's ability to write and read. This is rarely seen at present. "Primary dyslexia" can be defined as a dysfunction rather than a disorder of the brain. People with this type of dyslexia are often unable to read until grade 4 and also have difficulty with writing and understanding spoken language. This type of dyslexia is hereditary. This dyslexia is more common in boys than in girls. "Secondary, or developmental dyslexia". The reason for the development of this type of dyslexia is a violation of the hormonal development of the child in the early stages of development (even in the prenatal period).

Speech symptoms of dyslexia 1. Replacement and mixing of sounds when reading, most often phonetically close sounds (voiced and deaf, affricates and sounds included in their composition), as well as replacement of graphically similar letters (x - f, p - n, s - a and etc.). 2. Letter-by-letter reading - a violation of the merging of sounds into syllables and words, the letters are called alternately, "stacked". 3. Distortion of the sound-syllabic structure of the word, which manifests itself in omissions of consonants in the case of confluence, consonants and vowels in the absence of confluence, additions, permutations of sounds, omissions, permutations of syllables. 4. Violation of reading comprehension, which manifests itself at the level of understanding of a single word, sentence and text, when there is no technical disorder in the process of reading. 5. Agrammatisms when reading. They manifest themselves at the analytical-synthetic and synthetic stages of mastering the reading skill. Violations of case endings, agreement of noun and adjective, verb endings, etc. are noted. 7. Poverty of vocabulary, inaccuracy in the use of words. In mild cases, this is detected only at the stage of mastering the skill of reading.

Non-verbal symptoms of dyslexia Dyslexia is caused by the lack of formation of mental functions that carry out normal reading (visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations, phonemic analysis and synthesis, underdevelopment of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech). This allows us to conclude that in children: 1. There are difficulties in orientation in all spatial directions, difficulties in determining the left and right sides, top and bottom. 2. There is an inaccuracy in determining the shape, size. The lack of formation of optical-spatial representations is manifested in drawing, when composing a whole from parts during design, in the inability to reproduce a given form. 3. There is a delay in the differentiation of the right and left parts of the body, late literalization or its violation (left-handedness or mixed dominant).

Symptoms of Dyslexia 1. Holds a book too close to the eyes. 2. Mows a little. 3. When reading, he does not notice certain places. 4. When reading, covers or even closes one eye. 5. Turns his head, thus blocking the work of one eye. 6. Experiencing headache while reading or after. 7. Shakes his head back and forth. 8. Often rubs eyes. 9. Has difficulty remembering, identifying and reproducing basic geometric shapes. 10. Gets tired quickly. 11. Skips words while reading. 12. Around the age of five, he writes letters and words backwards. 13. Tries to avoid reading and doing homework. 14. Reads worse than expected according to age. 15. Has very bad handwriting, words seem to crawl on top of each other.

The main techniques and methods of working with children with dyslexia: 1. Breathing, visual and articulatory gymnastics. 2. Method of kinesiology correction. 3. Stimulating massage and self-massage of hands and fingers. 4. Rhythmiko - speech, music and vitamin therapy. 5. Mirror - symmetrical drawing with both hands. 6. Exercises for the development of visual-motor coordination, operational field of reading, anticipatory perception of the word. 7. Modified visual dictations Fedorenko - Palchenko. 8. Intellectual - developing word games: anagrams, isographs, rebuses, cryptograms, shifters, magic chains, word labyrinths, words - matryoshkas and others. 9. Search tables for the words "Photo eye". 10. The method of "voiced" reading. 11. Method of verbal anagrams. 12. Automation of operational reading units according to special syllabic tables.

References 1. Lalaeva R. I. "Reading disorders and ways of their correction in younger schoolchildren", "Soyuz" St. Petersburg Fedorenko I. T. (Kharkov) "Complex of visual dictations" 3. Rakitina V. A. " Prevention of reading and writing disorders "4. Chirkina G.V. "Theory and practice of eliminating dyslexia - speech therapy aspect of the problem" 5. Kornev A. N. "Key issues of dyslexia" 6. Stanislav Milevsky "Phonetic-phonological knowledge in speech therapy practice questions)" 7. Altukhova T. A. "The state of professional competence of teachers - speech therapists of secondary schools in the prevention and correction of violations of writing and reading" 8. Russian E. N. "The use of editing reading as a means of self-control of the written speech of students with dyslexia" 9. Rusetskaya M. N. "Experimental study of cognitive causes of reading disorders"

Dyslexia - partial specific
reading disorder due to
unformed (violation) of the HMF and
manifested in repeated errors
persistent character.
R. I. Lalaeva
Dyslexia is a condition in which
there is persistent electoral inability
to master the skill of reading, despite
a sufficient level of development of intelligence and speech,
vision and hearing.
A.N. Kornev

"List of Signs of Dyslexia"
Specific Difficulties:
1. There are mistakes in the speech of children.
2. Slow reading with persistent errors.
3. In different types of writing there are repetitive
4. Impossibility of error-free reproduction
consecutive rows.
5. The presence of serious space-time difficulties.
Successful parties:
1. Children with dyslexia are distinguished by non-standard solutions to the issue.
2. Children easily cope with non-academic problems, in
emergency situations.
3. The child is able to intuitively solve problems that arise.
4. The child discovers a creative approach to problem solving.
5. The child has a non-standard solution to the issue.

Etiology of dyslexia
Multifactorial etiology - based on
exogenous and endogenous causes.
There is a genetic predisposition.
It was found that 1, 2, 3, 16,15,18 genes are responsible for
appearance of dyslexia. These genes affect
migration of neurons in the cerebral cortex.

Most authors note the presence of pathological
factors affecting the perinatal, natal and
postnatal periods.
Perinatal period: toxicosis,
abdominal injury, use
drugs and smoking, Rh factor,
termination of pregnancy, etc.
Postnatal period: craniocerebral trauma, neuroinfections,
chain of childhood infections (rubella,
measles, chickenpox, polio, etc.)
debilitating diseases.
speech deficit
speech environment,
early start of training
literacy and high pace

The conceptual side of dyslexia
1. Difficulties in constructing a retelling of the read text.
2. Violations of visual perception
3. Violation of the integration of the components of the functional
reading systems → no formation of inter-analyzer

Classification of dyslexia
It is based on various criteria:
the degree of severity of reading disorders (R. Becker);
violations of the activities of the analyzers involved
in the act of reading (O. A. Tokareva);
violation of certain mental functions (M.E.
Khvattsev, R. E. Levina and others);
accounting for the operations of the reading process (R. I. Lalaeva).

Forms of dyslexia

Phonemic form - against the background of a disturbed
speech as a result of underdevelopment of phonemic
Mistakes: substitutions and confusions

2. Optical dyslexia - difficulty learning letters
while reading, establishing their specific
features. Has 2 forms:
Lateral form, in which the child is not
can recognize a letter;
Verbal form is associated with non-perception
whole word child.

3. Mnestic dyslexia is a consequence of deficiency
short and long term memory;
4. Semantic dyslexia - impaired understanding
readable text.
Two factors:
Difficulties in sound-syllabic synthesis;
Unformed grammatical

5. Agrammatic dyslexia - in children with rough
speech disorders, lexical and grammatical
underdevelopment. Often seen in children with
motor alalia.

The technical side of dyslexia
1) Reading speed.
A child with dyslexia reads more slowly. In such children
your reading pace.
2) Way of reading.
A child with dyslexia is characterized by unproductive
types of reading: letter-by-letter reading and abrupt syllabic

3) Violation of correct reading.
Read errors:
1. Mistakes in reading the ending;
2. Replacement of words according to the meaning;
3. Stress errors;
4. Omissions of letters
5. replacement of words by optical similarity;
6. mixing optically similar letters;
7. reversion of letters and syllables;
8. mixing consonants;
9. mixing vowels;
10. agrammatisms;
11. gaps and repetitions of lines;
12. Skipping syllables;
13. Errors in designating the boundaries of the proposal;
14. Missing words;
15. Perseveration;
16. Adding letters;
17. Mixing hard and soft consonants;
18. agrammatisms

4) Expressiveness of reading
Children with dyslexia cannot distinguish stressed syllables
can read with stops at the end of a sentence, not
can convey the text intonation.

According to the severity of the violation of the reading process in
Speech therapy distinguishes between:
1. dyslexia (partial skill disorder);
2. alexia (complete inability to master the skill
or loss).
Dyslexia (alexia) can be observed in isolation,
however, more often it accompanies another disorder
writing - dysgraphia.

Reading disorders are often accompanied
nonverbal disorders.
With dyslexia, there is a lack of formation:
visual gnosis,
spatial orientations,
mnestic processes,
phonemic perception,
lexical and grammatical structure of speech,
visual-motor or auditory-motor
attention and emotional-volitional sphere.