How to report unauthorized debiting of funds. Why the funds were debited Account type and tax information

If you see a charge on your card or bank statement for a digital content purchase on Google Play that you haven't made, please let us know within 120 days of the transaction.

Step 1. Make sure the payment is linked to Google Play

Payments made on Google Play have the following format:

  • GOOGLE * developer name (Android apps);
  • GOOGLE * content type (e.g. GOOGLE * Music).

If the format is different, then the purchase was not made on Google Play. In this case, contact your bank or card issuer.

Step 2. Ask your loved ones

If you find an unauthorized transaction, talk to your loved ones:

  • the content may have been purchased by a friend or relative who had access to your device;
  • Paid content may have been accidentally purchased by a child playing a game on your device.

If the unauthorized purchase is not fraudulent, please submit a refund request.

Advice. To avoid accidental or unauthorized purchases, protect your device with a password.

Step 3. Submit your claim and track its status

If you are sure that an unknown person made a purchase on Google Play, please let us know within 120 days from the date of the transaction. To do this, enter the email address that you provided when filling out the application, as well as the claim ID (it is indicated in the letter sent to you).

If the total amount charged is higher than the payment threshold (the amount that determines the write-off amount), the debt will be added in the next period.

General questions about costs

To select a topic that interests you, click on the desired title:

I had several write-offs in a month.

Several write-offs can be performed during the month, and not only at the end of this period. Charges are made primarily based on the spending threshold reached in the account. If costs accumulate quickly enough, then deductions can occur several times a month.

For example, if the threshold is RUB 3,000, you will be charged every time your expenses reach RUB 3,000. Therefore, if your expenses amount to 9,000 rubles per month, then 3,000 rubles will be debited from your account 3 times. (3 x 3000 = 9000).

Identical write-offs Payment was charged outside the billing cycle

Payment may have been made outside the normal billing cycle for the following reasons:

  • You have made a manual payment (by clicking the button Make a payment in your account). Although automatic payments are processed through a billing cycle, you can deposit funds at any time using the Make a Payment feature.
  • Your account may have recently updated its billing interface. At the time of the transition to the new interface, we write off the amount of the account balance (you do not pay anything for the update itself). This one-time payment will fall outside the normal billing cycle. All subsequent payments will be made in accordance with the established billing cycle.

Setting up payments in AdWords is not a very interesting but important process. Therefore, let's see how the payment procedure is arranged in the advertising office and how to set the parameters we need. In your Google AdWords account, it is important to properly configure the payment once (10 minutes of your time), and then the process will go on by itself (payment is made in a few clicks).

How do I set up billing in Google AdWords?

Click on the "Fix the problem" or "Details" button, and you will be taken to the page for filling in the payment information. You can also get to this page by clicking on the key in the upper right corner.

And selecting the line "Invoices and payments".

Then you need to specify the country or region.

I am in Ukraine, so I leave the default country. But you can choose any region or country from the menu list.

Important! Results and options for the next round may vary slightly depending on the country selected. I will show you the procedure for setting up a payment for Ukraine and Russia (they are almost identical).

Click "Continue". Now you need to enter your billing information.

1.How do you pay with Google AdWords

First you need to choose payment methods. Google AdWords provides 2 options:

  • Prepaid payments- you replenish your account in advance and the money is gradually debited from the account.
  • Automatic payments- payment is made after the fact, i.e. the system will automatically charge funds from your card after the accrual of advertising costs (Once a month or when the spending limit is reached).

If you frequently change your campaign budget or use ads on an irregular basis, opt for prepaid payments. You independently deposit funds into your account and monitor its balance. Once the first payment has been processed, you can start using the service. If your account runs out of funds, the service will stop. Automatic payments are suitable for large companies with a solid advertising budget who understand that one day wasted without ads will significantly affect monthly profits.

2. Payment methods in Google AdWords

Google gives you 2 options to choose from:

  • Transfer of funds - it is worth choosing for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, since this is the only way to get a report for the tax office. This option is also available to individuals, but only subject to VAT.
  • Credit or debit card. If you are an individual, choose this option (it will save you 18% of your advertising budget).

3. Account type and tax information

There are 3 tax statuses available in Google AdWords tax information:

1. An individual.

2. Individual entrepreneur

3. Legal entity.

It is worth considering that for an individual, Google will not be able to send accounting documents. They are provided only to individual entrepreneurs or legal entities.

By filling in all the required information about yourself and the company, you agree to the AdWords Terms of Service and complete your registration. After that, you will be taken to the next page, where you can fund your advertising account.

Set up payment for a user from Russia

Attention! In connection with the latest changes, residents of the Russian Federation pay VAT, regardless of the choice of the form of taxation.

The setup procedure for residents of the Russian Federation is practically the same. At the very beginning, you need to select the appropriate country:

And at the end there is a payment method. For Russian users, Google provides more options:

How to pay with Google AdWords card?

In your AdWords account in the upper right corner, click the gear icon, and then "Invoices and Payments."

Now you need to click "Make a payment".

In the window that appears, you need to select a card (from those already linked) and indicate the amount of replenishment.


Learn more about Google AdWords billing settings

If you want to edit the content of your payment profile, you do the same thing: go back to settings and click "Payment methods".

You can change your account alias, add a new payment method - a new credit card, bank account, and choose which payment method is primary and which is secondary or secondary.

By clicking "Transaction History", you can view the history of your transactions.

The main area is now empty because no transactions have taken place yet. A little later, when the transactions go through, you will be able to view your expenses in detail.

The value of the VAT rate is the same for all types of goods and is added to the cost of goods at the time of purchase, including the free transfer of goods (performance of work, provision of services). The tax rate in the Russian Federation is fixed at 18%.

When you make a purchase in a store, you see the cost of the product with 18% VAT included. For example, a TV set costs 10,000 rubles with VAT already included - 1,525 rubles. In this case, you are paying VAT implicitly. Such a purchase does not cause embarrassment to you.

AdWords works in a slightly different way. If we compare the provision of AdWords advertising services with a supermarket, then in this case you would buy a TV for 8,475 rubles, but at the checkout you would be informed that you must pay additional VAT in the amount of 1,525 rubles - a total of 10,000 rubles. Psychologically, the second situation is perceived more difficult, but the essence remains the same - in the end, you pay 10,000 rubles.

Google could implicitly include VAT in the cost of services rendered - in this case, the cost per click would be 18% more. However, for convenience, the cost of VAT is deducted at the beginning, so the cost of clicks is kept excluding VAT.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that European AdWords users also pay VAT - in accordance with the laws of the countries.

My company is on a simplified taxation scheme, why should I pay VAT?
The company may not be a VAT payer for the services / goods that it sells. The company buys services for advertising in AdWords, and this service is taxed.

"If an organization provides work (services), then the cost of such a service is not subject to VAT, therefore, the tax is not allocated in the act and the invoice is not issued. Google LLC applies the general taxation regime and, accordingly, is a VAT payer in accordance with Article 143 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And according to Article 169, Clause 5, Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, LLC "Google" that provides services subject to VAT is obliged to allocate VAT as a separate line. documents in which the amount of VAT should be highlighted on a separate line. According to paragraph 8 of Art. 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of value added tax on paid goods (work, services) purchased by a taxpayer applying the simplified taxation system are included in expenses in accordance with Article 346.17 of the Tax Code. Therefore, on the basis of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, you must include in the cost of the services of LLC "Google" and the amount of VAT allocated in accordance with the procedure established by the tax legislation of the Russian Federation,

Articles (346.12, 346.13) determine the procedure and conditions for applying the simplified taxation system applicable to your organization, not Google LLC.

Google AdWords is a tool with thousands of input settings and billions of output results. It all comes down to how well you master it and put it into practice.

A properly tuned AdWords campaign gives you the most bang for your buck, with mistakes - it's always more expensive than the exhaust - costs more than profits.

Mistake # 1: you chose the wrong campaign type

On the AdWords homepage, click the red + Campaign button. We are offered 6 types:

  • 1) Search Network and Optimized Display Network (CMN) - don't use it: inflated cost of clicks, 10% of traffic will come from nowhere.
  • 2) Only the search network - for a product, the need for which is generated + it is gaining a lot of search queries. Problem / pain orientation.
  • 3) Only KMS - for a product, the need for which is NOT formed. It is unknown to the market, there are few search queries. Curiosity orientation.
  • 4) Google Shopping - mostly used by affiliates (traffic resellers at a bargain price).
  • 5) Video - Use if you have a specific video seller or video commercial.
  • 6) Universal app campaign - suitable for a narrow niche - mobile apps.

For example, a landing page cosmetic center "Fantasy" became a complete failure in the search network: 2 months of painstaking work on optimization, 4 applications and draining the budget of 10,000 rubles. At the same time, an overwhelming success in the CCM, with the same budget and service, in 2 weeks - more than 70 applications, without optimization and rewinding.

Mistake # 2: you haven't created ad groups

In each campaign, you can divide ads and keywords into groups.

A classic mistake - all ads, keywords and traffic are heaped together and lead to the home page. In the hope that the user will figure out what's what himself.

An attempt to sell everything and everyone ends up the same: the visitor leaves without placing an order.

Segment your traffic for specific products, services and audiences, write ads for each product and select the appropriate keywords. Add them to your ad campaign using the "+ ad group" button.

Mistake # 3: you ignore match types in keywords

Each keyword can be assigned one or more match types, which determine which queries should display ads. The default is broad match. If you ignore match types, you get 75% of non-targeted traffic.

Types of keyword matching in AdWords

1) Broad match is used by default for all keywords. In this case, the ad is shown for queries with typos, synonyms and relevant phrases.

For example, for the keyword "Women's Pants", AdWords will pull up the queries "Women's Clothing"; "Sewing women's pants to order", etc.

2) The broad match modifier triggers impressions for queries containing the keyword in any order or closely related variations, but not synonyms.

The "+" operator is used for the broad match modifier

For example, the key phrase "+ women + pants". Your ad will be displayed on request "Pants for women".

3) Phrasal match - the request must contain a key phrase in an exact match. Additional words "catch up" to it.

For this we use the "word" quotation mark operator.

For example, "Women's pants" - requests "Buy women's pants"; "Order women's trousers online store".

4) Exact match - the query matches the passphrase. We use the operator [word].

[Women's Pants] - [Women's Pants].

5) Negative match or negative keywords. We exclude unnecessary phrases from the display. For example, "How to sew" - we do not need informational queries, where users are looking for guides and instructions. We need sales.

For the backing track, we use the minus operator:

"-How to sew" in our case.

In the same way, you can exclude models, colors, regions that are not in the range.

The correct approach is to start with exact matches and then expand as needed. If you're not getting enough impressions and conversions, choose phrase match or broad match.

Mistake # 4: you don't use negative keywords

Negative keywords exclude keywords that don't fit your proposal.

At the campaign or ad group level, in the top menu, click the keywords button. A button "negative keywords" will appear, which leads to the menu for adding them.

To find non-targeted user queries, click the "Search queries" button. Add all search queries that do not match your product to the negative keywords:

Example: furniture studio "Harmony" produces expensive cabinet furniture. All queries of economy class (with the words "cheap", "inexpensive") are inappropriate.

Mistake # 5: you rely on your opinion, not facts.

The business owner believes he knows his business best. This PSI is costly for business. Google AdWords is a great litmus test to get rid of your arrogance.

Test it and you will find that customers are not searching the way you imagine and are clicking on the wrong ads.

Mistake # 6: you are creating a weak ad

Compare the top ad with the rest. The average bill for a marble fireplace is 200-250 thousand rubles. What ad will a lead willing to pay that much click on? At the same time, the top one is the cheapest - about 9 rubles per click, the bottom one costs 23 rubles.

Recommendations: respect your customers, use the language of benefits, use ad extensions. Synchronize AdWords with Google My Business and add your phone number, address, map flag, and opening hours to your ad.

Mistake # 7: You Don't Know Customer Value and Customer Acquisition Cost

Have you ever calculated how much you earn per client on average? How much can you afford in AdWords to attract it? The profit may not cover the cost of attracting it, and you will go bankrupt or give up contextual advertising.

Mistake # 8: you don't know the optimal ad position and traffic depth

By default, the first page of Google broadcasts 5 advertisements, 3 at the top and 2 at the bottom with slight variations. Where your ad appears more often is its position.

The top two are clicked by the most solvent client, so everyone strives to take a higher position. Such competition brings the cost of a click to 300 rubles or more.

Setting up and running a Google AdWords campaign is not a one-time procedure, but a process. Measure your traffic depth, hit the bottom when increasing your daily budget or bids doesn't increase impressions and clicks.

Recommendations: Test and compare metrics daily. When you know the depth of your traffic, double your daily budget. You won't add a dollar to the cost of your ad campaign, but you will easily win two positions as AdWords will try to reach your budget and serve your ads higher.

Mistake # 9: you stop broadcasting your ads

If for some reason (website rework, running out of budget, low efficiency at the start), you decide to temporarily stop broadcasting ads in AdWords - in no case do this.

KMC constantly increases its reach of the audience, weeds out advertising sites where there are no clicks on impressions. If you stop broadcasting, these developments are canceled and when you turn it back on, everything starts over.

Recommendations: If it so happens that you need to pause ads in AdWords, go to the campaign settings and simply reduce the daily budget to 5 rubles. You will receive 1 click per day, while the entire network of the advertising campaign will be preserved.

Mistake # 10: You're Not Resizing Your Site for Mobile Users

In 2016, there are more mobile Internet users than from the desktop. If your site doesn't support responsive extensions, you lose half of your ad budget.

This resource will show your site in 10 device sizes.

Recommendations: Make the site responsive and disable display on mobile and tablet during development. In Settings, under Devices, click on Change Device Bid Adjustment. In the page that opens, set + 50% for computers and -90% for mobile and tablets.


PPC advertising requires a professional approach. Expect no instant return on investment. Monitor, adjust and test your settings regularly. Consult with experts - you are wasting your money!

If you take a responsible approach to setting up an advertising campaign in Google AdWords, then in 1-3 months you will have an amazing lead generation tool and a thriving business.

Well, chase the listed errors in the neck. If you have them, of course)