What do you think successful people. Sunday Adelaja: How Successful People Think. They don't give up on who they are

Successful thinking is the ability to see perspectives and benefit, based on the recognition of one's own responsibility. People with this type of thinking unconsciously seek out benefits for themselves and are aware of a personal role in every moment of their own lives. Even in difficult situations, when most people begin to perceive reality in negative tones and look for someone to blame, a person with developed successful thinking finds positive moments that have arisen due to the current situation. For example, in 1914, Thomas Edison lost his laboratory, in which all the results of his many years of research burned down. When Thomas Edison found out about what had happened, he said: “The catastrophe is very useful: all our mistakes have been burned! Thank God we can start from scratch.”

Why Successful Thinking Invariably Leads to Success.

Every action is preceded by a thought. Even before our achievements, victories, defeats or omissions preceded: the desire for victory or lack thereof, belief or disbelief in success, assessment of the situation, perception of the world, ideas and considerations inherent in us. It is our thinking that pushes us forward or rolls back, depending on its direction. So if a person with negative thinking perceives most situations in unsuccessful tones, preferring to retreat where they should push and hide during an event that carries a lot of opportunities, at the same time a person with developed successful thinking thinks and acts in a completely different way, getting completely different results.

If we remember what events preceded our victories, then a series of actions will pop up in our memory that led us to the final result. For example, in order to get into a prestigious university, we had to do well at school, and in order to get a high-paying job, we made great efforts at the university. To win the running competitions, we trained hard, and before the rapid rise in our careers, we worked diligently. However, before all these actions, we saw the situation in successful colors, we wanted victory, and we knew for sure that in order to achieve a significant achievement, we would have to make the necessary efforts. And if before a running competition or career growth we would stop believing in success, would look at the situation with a negative look, then we would give up, and we would stop training or working so hard. It is successful thinking that helps us see prospects, believe in success and our capabilities, and in addition, work diligently to the bitter end.

How successful people think.

Successful thinking does not at all imply high intelligence or encyclopedic knowledge, however, it is a mixture of optimism with faith in the successful outcome of any undertaking and is wide open to any possibilities. As a rule, individuals with such thinking are open, friendly, positive, active and self-confident. They make a good impression and inspire trust among the people around them, which contributes to easy and rapid success in their activities.

Individuals with a successful mindset will not dive into negativity, discuss unsuccessful topics, and associate with unsuccessful people, because their mindset is a radar, looking only for a wave of success and opportunity. If this radar accidentally hits a wave of negativity, it will abruptly change course in the direction of success.

The owner of successful thinking on an unconscious level analyzes any of his actions, as well as thoughts, and unconsciously directs them to their usual course. If he is asked to take some action, he will unconsciously assume what result the expended efforts will bring, and if this result does not give him a new opportunity or does not bring him closer to success, then the successful person will refuse. By thinking and acting in this way, even if it is unconscious, the individual weeds out waste of energy or time, avoids thoughts that lead in the opposite direction from success, and moves on an ascending line, directly to success.

How to develop a successful mindset. First way.

As we found out earlier, successful thinking is the ability to focus on opportunities, leaving behind the scenes negativity, despondency, pessimism ... Such a worldview can be achieved in several ways, where the first of them is a strong-willed direction of thoughts in the right direction. It happens as follows: let's say your thoughts are colored with a jet of negativity, your mood begins to decline, and faith in success dries up. At this moment, you should change the negative mental background to a successful one, at the expense of your own. Force yourself to think about the things that lead you to success, not away from it, tell yourself that you are an extremely successful person and that you can achieve any goal, and in addition, focus on the work that brings you closer to your dream.

The disadvantages of this method include: significant costs of emotional energy and the complexity of its application for beginners. A prerequisite is the presence of developed willpower. Therefore, it is best to start developing successful thinking using the second method.

The second way.

The second way is based on a strong desire to achieve a certain way of life. Moreover, this lifestyle should not be a mess in your head, but a clear idea of ​​​​your activities, emotional and physical well-being, things that you will wear, places where you will relax, attitude towards yourself and the attitude of people around you. Your desire should be so strong that you are ready to do anything and as much as you like, just to achieve it.

A burning desire will force you to focus on the opportunities leading to it and give you the strength to work hard. The disadvantages of this method include: the huge cost of physical and emotional energy, as well as the lack of pleasure from life in the present. A prerequisite is the presence of a strong desire.

The third way.

The third way allows you to train successful thinking gradually, by confirming your success. To do this, you should learn how to qualitatively fulfill the tasks set for yourself, after which, you must definitely praise yourself. It is best to start with tasks that do not require significant labor costs.

What it will look like: Set yourself small goals for tomorrow, like tidying up your room or cleaning your windows thoroughly. Complete these tasks with high quality in the appointed time and tell yourself: well done, I have completed the tasks with high quality, which proves my success. To consolidate the positive effect, give yourself a nice gift.

At the initial stage, reinforce the belief in your success with small tasks, this will give you the opportunity to learn how to work efficiently and consolidate the understanding that success depends on carefully done work. Gradually increase the complexity of tasks, but if the tasks turn out to be very difficult for you, lower the bar and don’t worry about it, over time you will learn how to complete tasks of any complexity, the main thing is not to abandon training.

Fourth way.

All our unshakable beliefs were founded by repeated repetition of information that is reliable for us, where the primary source plays the most important role. As a rule, parents and teachers are the primary source, so their statements and type of thinking are of decisive importance to us. As a result, when a mother tells a child that the earth is round, he begins to unconditionally believe the information received, and if this information is confirmed many times from other authoritative sources, then the knowledge gained will turn into unshakable convictions. Thus, our ideas about the world and ourselves are built, and the corresponding type of thinking is formed.

Consequently, a person develops unsuccessful thinking in an unsuccessful social environment, and vice versa, in a successful one, individuals with successful thinking are brought up. If parents are not confident in themselves, they will most often raise a child who is not confident in his abilities, because they will show the child an appropriate example and limit his capabilities, coloring the thinking of their child in their own color. In such a family, the child will be convinced of the impossibility of any significant achievement, depriving the child of the main thing - faith in his own strengths and capabilities. The opposite situation with the child will develop in self-confident parents who will instill in their child faith in their own strengths and expand their horizons with countless possibilities.

Of course, if we were born in an unsuccessful social environment, then it limited our development, but this is not a reason to worry, but on the contrary, it is our advantage. Now we know that beliefs were established through repeated repetition, which means we have the opportunity to make our thinking successful on our own. To do this, we need to compose positive affirmations for ourselves and repeat them daily to ourselves. For example, repeat to yourself that you are a super successful person and it is within your power to achieve any goal, or tell yourself “I am amazingly lucky and success accompanies me in any endeavors.” Say these affirmations aloud or to yourself several times a day, devoting at least five minutes to each approach. Moreover, you should not only speak out, but also present situations in detail that prove your success. Imagine how people react to you, how things are arguing with you, what emotions you experience, what clothes you are wearing, what smells surround you, and the like. Your future results depend on the seriousness and regularity of training, so do not constrain yourself in the time and amount of energy expended on this amazingly productive exercise.

Successful Thinking Facts:

1) For the rapid development of successful thinking, you should combine all four of the above methods, but you should start with the one that is closest to you.
2) Scientists conducted a study in which a direct relationship was revealed between incoming information and the subsequent reaction of a person. For example, people who read a story related to aggression began to behave more aggressively, interrupt the interlocutor more often and communicate with him more assertively. If a person received information related to kindness, then he began to behave softer and warmer. Having heard, seen or read about success, a person put more effort into solving problems and planning the upcoming day. From which the obvious conclusion suggests itself: absorb information associated with success more often and distance yourself from information saturated with negativity.
3) In the nineties, a group of researchers interviewed 160 kids who were involved in music. It was found that not all children were serious about the lessons, some of them planned to quit training in the near future, others were going to practice for only a few years, and still others declared with confidence that they would become great musicians. Not surprisingly, after twenty years, it is the third category that has excelled in their chosen specialties. This study confirms that the presence of a strong desire, multiplied by many years of progress towards the goal, gives one hundred percent result. Conclusion: find yours and follow them to the bitter end, the results will not be long in coming.
4) Successful thinking has nothing to do with the degree of development of a person's intellect, nor with his education. Even more than that, it was found that the intelligence above 120 points does not give any advantages to its owner in comparison with people whose intelligence is equal to 120 points. It is also notable that just over a third of billionaires do not have a higher education. It turns out that it is much more useful to spend more time developing successful thinking than getting an education, which will certainly give a much greater effect.
5) Successful thinking guarantees an indifferent attitude to the opinions of others. Individuals with developed successful thinking prefer to trust their opinion, not paying attention to the skepticism of the people around them. Such an attitude to the opinions of others allows one to move without loss in the zone of distrust or ridicule, as well as to keep the emotional state in balance, which in turn makes it possible to continue to follow the goal where others would stop or turn off the intended path.

Successful people differ from the average person in many ways: in their thinking, demeanor, tactics, and strategy of action.

Particularly interesting how successful people think because it lifts the veil.

Touching this knowledge, you can try to change your own life attitudes.

Let's try to figure it out how successful people think, and what is the peculiarity of their thinking.

First of all, success coexists with pragmatic thinking. Successful people look for benefits, practicality in everything.

If knowledge, information is not able to bring any benefit, then they will not read a useless magazine, watch a TV show, because this is a waste of time.

And time is the main resource of successful people. Therefore, the next item is speed (speed of processing incoming information, its practical application).

Today's idea may become obsolete tomorrow. This means that you should not put off a good idea until tomorrow if it can be implemented today.

Businessmen, entrepreneurs, and figures in other public spheres who have achieved a certain level of prosperity and who have enlisted the support of Fortune also think realistically.

They do not hover aimlessly in the clouds, but immediately scan the incoming information for its vitality, thereby separating the wheat from the unnecessary chaff.

How Successful People Think? Non-standard. Creativity, originality - this is the key to the successful use of ideas, thoughts.

The beaten paths have long been trampled by thousands of feet, and it is unlikely that anything more useful can be squeezed out of them. Whereas the unknown space is full of fresh perspectives.

Environment, social circle also affects our thinking. If everyone around you is equivalent to you or below you in terms of spiritual level, intellect, then you have nothing to strive for.

You do not have a living incentive for self-improvement. Life rivalry, the desire to surpass someone or achieve no less result makes us move forward.

And if there is constant monotony around, complete calm, then, naturally, there can be no talk of any forward movement.

Therefore, you should get out of the swamp of life, look for new interesting, and most importantly - useful acquaintances, change the environment, lifestyle.

Successful people have not only a day planned out, but also a week, a month, and even years. They know exactly where they are going and what they expect from each new day, business meeting, interview, event.

Such people do not act at random, do not solve problems at random, do not hope for a chance: they have everything planned, analyzed and predicted in advance. Logic is their constant companion.

Multitasking is a dangerous enemy of success. If you are trying to do everything at once, then the efficiency of such activities will catastrophically tend to zero.

It is necessary for certain tasks, depending on their significance, primacy, importance. The rest will be tolerated.

Thinking needs training. If your mind, intellect is not busy with anything, then they will be in a dormant state and will not develop.

In order for thinking to be modernized, it needs exercise, nutrition, a balance of work and rest. Start small: read books, magazines, any information that may somehow be useful to you in life.

If you understood how successful people think it remains only to figure out what exactly you lack in thinking to move towards success. The final direction of life is the personal choice of each.

Every person is born to be happy. Absolutely everyone. And only our own attitude to life, our thoughts affect whether we feel happy and whether we believe that we are able to succeed. It is thinking that determines where and how we are moving.

Most people believe that successful people are always lucky, that they initially have a good start - an inheritance, rich parents, in a word, they have a good initial capital. Certainly, there are some. But not all people who have achieved significant success in life started with a solid amount of money. There are many successful people who have risen to the pinnacle of success, having experienced a considerable number of failures and even bankruptcy. This only confirms that it is not about start-up capital. The main secret of any successful person is his thinking, which is fundamentally different from the thinking of losers.

* Successful people are positive. They always enjoy life, no matter what. They know how to find the good in almost everything. It is always a pleasure to communicate with them, because they are smiling and friendly. Such people literally infect with their positive.

* Successful people believe in themselves and in their success. They never say to themselves, “I won’t succeed,” because they are determined in advance to make every effort to make everything learn. But even if something fails, they, unlike the losers, ask themselves the question “How and what can I do in this situation?” and looking for ways to achieve positive results.

* Successful people are not afraid of mistakes, because they understand that only those who do nothing will not make mistakes. Mistakes give experience, and experience is the most valuable acquisition.

* Successful people never look for excuses for their inaction. They are well aware that no one is interested in excuses. Only the result matters.

* Successful people are always honest with themselves. If they lack the knowledge or experience to solve a problem, they are able to admit it and are not afraid to ask for help. If fear overcomes, they seek in themselves the strength to overcome this feeling and move on.

* Successful people are persistent in achieving their goals, perceiving any difficulties not as problems, but as tasks that need to be solved.

* Successful people are not afraid of responsibility. They make decisions on their own, even if these decisions differ from the opinions of others.

* Successful people know that the best investment is an investment in yourself, in your development, education, health. Unsuccessful people would rather buy another trinket than a useful book.

* Successful people don't dwell on things that have outlived their usefulness (work, business, relationships, etc.). They don't try to ride a dead horse hoping to revive it.

* Successful people are always FOR a mutually beneficial partnership. They understand that if you build relationships on the principle of mutual benefit, this contributes to long-term cooperation.

* Finally, successful people are always active. They prefer to act and take full advantage of the opportunities presented to them.

As you can see, it all depends on the attitude to a particular situation, to life itself. Think positive. Smile at life and life will smile at you!

Every person is born to be happy. Absolutely everyone. And only our own attitude to life, our thoughts affect whether we feel happy and whether we believe that we are able to succeed. It is thinking that determines where and how we move.

Most people believe that successful people are always lucky, that they initially have a good start - an inheritance, rich parents, in a word, they have a good initial capital. Certainly, there are some. But not all people who have achieved significant success in life started with a solid amount of money. There are many successful people who have risen to the pinnacle of success, having experienced a considerable number of failures and even bankruptcy. This only confirms that it is not about start-up capital. The main secret of anyone is his thinking, which is fundamentally different from the thinking of losers.

1. Successful people are positive. They always enjoy life, no matter what. They know how to find the good in almost everything. It is always a pleasure to communicate with them, because they are smiling and friendly. Such people literally infect with their positive.

2.Successful people believe in themselves and in their success. They never say to themselves, “I won’t succeed,” because they are determined in advance to make every effort to make everything learn. But even if something fails, they, unlike the losers, ask themselves the question “How and what can I do in this situation?” and are looking for ways to achieve a positive result.

3. Successful people are not afraid of mistakes, because they understand that only the one who does nothing will not make a mistake. Mistakes give experience, and experience is the most valuable acquisition.

4.Successful people never look for excuses for their inaction. They are well aware that no one is interested in excuses. Only the result matters.

5. Successful people are always honest with themselves. If they lack the knowledge or experience to solve a problem, they are able to admit it and are not afraid to ask for help. If fear overcomes, they seek in themselves the strength to overcome this feeling and move on.

6. Successful people are persistent in achieving, perceiving any difficulties not as problems, but as tasks that need to be solved.

7. Successful people are not afraid of responsibility. They make decisions on their own, even if these decisions differ from the opinions of others.

8. Successful people know that the best investment is in yourself., in their development, education, health. Unsuccessful people would rather buy another trinket than a useful book.

9. Successful people don't dwell on things that have outlived their usefulness.(work, business, relationships, etc.). They don't try to ride a dead horse hoping to revive it.

10. Successful people are always FOR a mutually beneficial partnership. They understand that if you build relationships on the principle of mutual benefit, this contributes to long-term cooperation.

11. Finally, successful people are always active. They prefer to act and take full advantage of the opportunities presented to them.

As you can see, it all depends on the attitude to a particular situation, to life itself. Think positive. Smile at life and life will smile at you.

How happy and successful our life will be depends on our thinking. Also, our thinking directly affects the results that we have in business, so it is very important to develop the thinking of a successful person. No one is born with it, this is a conscious choice that eventually becomes a habit.

Let's look at what types of thinking are and how the thinking of a successful person differs from the thinking of a loser. I talk about this in detail in the video and describe in this article.

According to American entrepreneur Kevin Wilkie, there are three categories of people:

1) pessimists,

2) realists,

2) visionaries.

1) pessimist:

If a pessimist is on a 10 scale out of 100, he does not know this and sets himself the goal of conquering the 9 scale. Because of this belief, more often than not, he ends up where he wanted to be. And most surprisingly, the pessimist is sincerely glad that he predicted the “correct” outcome.

2) Realist:

Realists are a little different. If they are on a 10 out of 100 scale, they don't think they can go any lower. But they feel great discomfort even at the thought of saying that they are making progress and moving up.

A realist never wants to lose face, a realist is afraid of disappointment, he is scared to death to admit that he is probably wrong somewhere. Because of this, the realist often sets himself very modest goals ...

If a realist is on a scale of 10 out of 100, the realist sets himself the goal of going up to the 12 scale to be one hundred percent sure that he will reach the goal. Otherwise, discomfort will overcome him. And if he does not achieve this goal, then next time he will lower the bar even more ...

3) Visionary:

The visionary remains. I must say right away that this is a very strange creature! Especially for pessimists and realists. If a visionary is on a scale of 10 out of 100, then he sets himself the goal of conquering the bar of 90 points! And guess how many times he achieves his target of 90 points? Almost never... but in the fight for 90 points, the visionary always reaches the mark of 50 points! And how do you like it? If you were at 10 out of 100 and in the goal setting phase, which category of people would you prefer to be in?

Who, it turns out, has the best results? (Despite the almost “hallucinogenic targets”)

A pessimist on the ninth scale, a realist on the twelfth, and a crazy visionary on the fiftieth!

The visionary sets a crazy goal, "fails", but he still has the highest score!

After reading this, everyone wants to become a visionary. But it's easier to say that than to make an effort and actually become that person, right?

Attention! Visionaries get a lot of heat ...

Since the visionary on the way to his goal is always far BELOW the frame he confidently aims at, people laugh at him.

After that, realists and pessimists discuss the failure of the visionary for a long time, the fact that he could not achieve his goal of 90 points ...

… instead of seeing how valuable they are

The 50 points the visionary achieved, as opposed to their 9 and 12 points respectively!

At first, when a person tries to become a visionary, he thinks, “Why not aim for a bar of 50 points from the very beginning, so that no one touches me?”

Therein lies the big trick...

The fact is that when a person sets himself a goal of 50 points, knowing that he is capable of more, he usually only comes to 40. Then he sets a goal of 40 points and comes to 30. Lower, lower and lower ...

Because of this, a novice visionary turns into a realist!

In business, you need to be a visionary!

People listen to the words of the visionary. People follow the visionary.

People get a powerful boost of motivation from a visionary.

People become much stronger and more ambitious individuals by being around a visionary!

A few words about common sense

A huge number of people around you will spend a lot of time assuring you that you need to have "common sense".

I advise you to do the exact opposite, and here's why:

oA man with common sense adapts to the world around him.

oA man without common sense adapts the world around him and his ideas!

Have you noticed that all progress in this world has depended and depends on people who lack "common sense"?

Here are some examples for you...

  • Thomas Edison and his vision to bring electricity to every home;
  • Bill Gates and his vision to put a computer in every home;
  • Ted Turner and his vision of news television 24 hours a day.

Here you can write endlessly ...

What do these people have in common?

There was no common sense in the ideas and aspirations of these people! They believed in their crazy ideas and still achieved their goal.

Yes, the world needs pessimists. After all, someone must think about winter all summer long. Someone has to think of the worst-case scenarios. The world also needs realists.

But if in the 21st century, you want to achieve real success, then only the third option is available to you!

Be ready…

You will have to resist the onslaught of dozens and even hundreds of people who will laugh at your "unreasonable" goals and "crazy" ideas!

95% of pessimists and realists will get high when pointing the finger at you that you are "trying in vain."

Be ready! Such people are very nervous when they see that in personal growth you begin to overtake them. That you challenge your dreams and your passions and they don't.

Therefore, they will never miss an opportunity to smirk at you! Be a strong person.

Even the smallest step back will automatically transfer you to the status of a realist, so be vigilant...

The most disappointed in the soul people from the three categories are precisely the realists!

As a rule, such people are educated, they know all the possible details, they have studied all the books, courses. But they cannot budge in any way, because. can't raise the bar any higher.

They don't want to go out of their "comfort zone". They are afraid of criticism from others, like death! The realist focuses more on tactics and strategies...

The visionary, on the other hand, focuses more on the emotional component. He radiates drive and charges others with it! He sets himself only the highest bar and he has nothing to do with it! He confidently goes forward and acts at a massive pace!

Does he ever get that 90 out of 100?


But he gets 50 points!

Would he have gotten those 50 points by targeting the same number?


So how big are your goals in all areas of your life?

Who do you want to be?

