How much does it cost to maintain referrals in neobux. Where is it better to rent referrals (SVbux, Neobux, Palmbux). Why I don't earn money for clicks

I will make a reservation right away. Do not expect exorbitant profits from renting referrals. If this were the case, then the entire population of the globe with access to the Internet would have quit working long ago and began to rent. But you can make money on renting refs, and below, I will tell you how.
These recommendations, as a rule, or if you like, a strategy, apply not only to renting referrals on Neobux, but also to renting on most foreign boxes.

Let's start with elementary calculations (in relation to Neobux).
Renting 1 ref costs $0.2 per month (30 days). The commission is brought to you by clicks of refs only on 4 orange links.
If you have a standard account, then it will be $0.005 per click, for a Gold account - $0.01 per click. For 4 links, respectively $0.02 and $0.04.
A month from one referral you get $0.60 for Standard and $1.2 for Gold. We subtract the cost of rent and get a net profit per month from the 1st rented ref - $0.40 for a standard account and $1.0 for a Gold account.
If we rent to the maximum - 300 refs for a standard account or 2000 refs for a gold account, then the prospects are very bright. But this is ideal. In fact, rented referrals only click actively at first and gradually their activity decreases.
I will not go into arguments about who the rented referrals are - people or just bots. It has absolutely no meaning, the essence of this will not change. By the way, my live referrals have an average number of clicks per day - AVG (from the English. Average - average value) is the same about 2, not 4, as we would like ideally.

So how do you make a profit?
Everything is very simple. Neobux and other foreign buxes provide a discount for extending the lease of referrals for long periods.
The longer the term of the lease extension, the greater the discount, and, accordingly, the lower the cost of the lease. Those. It's like you're giving money on credit. And the longer the term of the loan, the more interest you will receive for it. Below is a table of discounts for renting refs depending on the renewal period.

The table shows that the maximum discount is 30% for an extension for a maximum period of 8 months. On holidays, discounts increase by another 2%. Those. in this case, if rented referrals click on ads only at the level of self-sufficiency, then you will still receive 32% of net profit in 8 months. In annual terms, this is almost 50% per year. Agree, this is many times better than keeping money in the bank. Moreover, you practically do not need to do anything, except for the periodic replacement of "bad" referrals (this can be done not only for cents, but also for points) and daily viewing of your 4 orange links (9 for a Gold account), in order to clicks from rented referrals are credited to you the next day.
Therefore, the main rule for renting referrals follows from here - extending their rent for a maximum period. Moreover, you do not extend the lease of a specific referral, but, as it were, a place for him. Therefore, you can easily change "bad" referrals for new ones for cents or for points. Or you can wait until it is automatically replaced by the system (after 2 weeks of liability), but as practice shows, it is more profitable to do this earlier.

So, the strategy for renting referrals on (and most foreign boxes) is as follows:

  1. You buy (rent) a certain number of referrals, for example, 10-100. Initially, they can only be rented for 1 month.
  2. Extend their lease for a maximum period of 8 months with a 30-32% discount. By the way, you can renew the lease not only for cents, but also for points.
  3. You rent more referrals for the profit received from rent and you also extend them for the maximum period. Etc. until you want to withdraw all or part of the money you earn into your pocket.
Do not forget that referrals whose lease (renewal) expires must also be renewed, otherwise they will disappear, and an amount of 2 cents for each lost referral will be automatically deducted from your balance (4 cents for a Gold account).
Therefore, calculate and plan your expenses so that you first of all have enough funds to extend the lease of existing referrals for the maximum period, and withdraw the remaining money from Neobux or rent new referrals for them.

And finally, a couple of useful tips:

  • If you do not have enough funds to extend the lease of refs for the maximum period, you can enable the AutoPay function for the necessary refs (auto-payment). In this case, the savings will be 15%.
  • If you plan to upgrade your account (buy a Gold status), then first collect the maximum number of rented referrals, this is 300 for a standard account (or how many you need within this number), and only then do the upgrade. The fact is that it is difficult for Golds to rent new referrals. How to rent Goldam, see the Russian forum thread on Neobux. In the topic "For beginners and not only" there is a post "Peculiarities of national rent of refs for Golds".

We will not consider renting referrals on the standard, since it brings very little money.

If you are going to rent referrals, then you need to have at least a Golden membership, and a maximum of Ultimate.

Unlike the standards, users with upgrades can only rent referrals 2 times a day, at a set time. Rental time - set in the account settings, in the Personal -> Rental times section.

During installation, please note that the time zones of your country may differ from the country of the site, so you will be shown 2 times, according to their zone and according to yours, it is not difficult to figure it out there. Set the time you need and save the settings, for this you will be asked to enter your account password.

Working with referrals is different and depends on the membership and on your approach to renting.

Let's look at what they offer us when working with rented referrals!

Here are the rented referral limits for each membership:

  • Standard - 300 rented referrals
  • Golden - 2000
  • Emerald - 2000
  • Platinum - 2000
  • Sapphire - 2500
  • Diamond - 3000
  • Ultimate - 4000

You can rent at a time from 3 to 100 for golden membership.

Do not forget that rent is possible once every 7 days and you should calculate the required number of referrals in advance. For other memberships, these indicators are correspondingly different.

And here is how the cost of rent increases with an increase in the number of refs:

As you can see, when renting, you need to stick to your number of refs, since the more you take, the higher the price.

Well, there are still many nuances, we will talk about them below, using the example of choosing the amount of refs for each of the memberships.

Another important sign showing discounts for ref renewals:

  • AutoPay - 15%
  • 15 days - 0%
  • 30 days - 5%
  • 60 days - 10%
  • 90 days - 18%
  • 150 days - 25%
  • 240 days - 30%

As you can see, the longer we extend the referral, the more discount we get.

Autopay (Autopayment) - allows you to save 15% on a monthly renewal. There is an automatic system that automatically withdraws $0.0057 per day from the account if the referral was active and clicked at least 1 time, while the referral is automatically extended for +1 day.

Autopay - applies to all referrals at once and allows you to renew only ACTIVE referrals without our participation. Those that are not active will be removed.

Next to autopay there is an autorenew function - it also allows you to renew referrals without our participation, but only for the usual periods, from 15 to 240 days. At the same time, it is possible to set the time for the extension of referrals, for example, 3, 5, 7, and so on days before the expiration of the lease.

In both cases, you must have the required amount on your balance.

The most important points when renting refs.

  1. Renew for 240 days only, with a 30% discount (32% on holidays)
  2. On holidays, you can get an additional discount for renewal in the region of 2-3%.
  3. If there is no money, you should not rent 100 refs for a month, it is better to take 10 for 240 days.
  4. Rent, taking into account the fact that with an increase in the number, the cost also increases. Those. if you have 500 refs, it is better to extend them for 240 days before you take more new refs.
  5. Take as much as you can extend for 240 days, because for the removal of refs they take a bribe, 2-3 cents per ref.

Well, it is worth remembering what a thing. That you rent and renew a cell for a referral, which can be replaced (recycle) or it will be replaced by itself, after a while, depending on the membership.

Holidays for which you can take golden and renew refs at a discount.

  • February 14 for Valentine's Day.
  • March 25th for Neo's unofficial birthday.
  • April 29-30 for Neo's official birthday.
  • October 29-30 for Halloween.
  • From December 15 until the New Year, a lot of different discounts.

In addition to the above dates, the Admin often throws one-day discounts, they appear randomly, apparently on the personal holidays of the Admin Neo =)

It is for the holidays that I always take discounted upgrades and, if possible, renew referrals.

Strategy for working with rented referrals for different memberships.

Each membership has its own strategy.

I read a lot of forum threads and read the following strategies for each membership.

1) For standards, we do not consider rent - since the income is too small, or it does not exist at all.

2) Golden ($90) - on this membership they take no more than 500-750 refs for rent and are guided by an average Aug around 0.5. Recycle on request. I personally almost never recycle, waiting for auto replacement in 14 days.

Interesting fact. In the TOS of the site, clause 3.4, it is written that referrals are replaced if they are available. For example, not everything was immediately replaced for me on the 14th day, but over time, on the 15th, 16th day.

3) Saphhire ($290) - this upgrade is beneficial mainly for people who have a normal number of direct referrals, since the cost per click is 2 times higher than on gold. If direct referrals consistently give at least 200 clicks per day, then they can already pay you back for an upgrade, even without renting referrals and your own clicks. I read on the forum that the AVG of refs is slightly lower than on gold.

As for me, Saphhire ($290) + a bunch of direct refs and your own clicks is the best strategy for making money on neo until you grow up to Ulta, or if there is no desire and a lot of money to rent a bunch of refs. IMHO

Payback with direct referrals: 200 clicks per day * $0.01 * 365 days per year = $730 per year. 200 clicks can give you 50 active referrals.

4) Diamond ($490) - something between Saphhire and Ultimate, few people have seen him, most likely for those who want to rent more refs, but do not have enough money for ult (the difference is 1000 refs). But I read that it's better not to waste money and time, but immediately save up for Ultimate.

5) Ultimate ($890) - an upgrade exclusively for people who go for 4000 or more refs in rent.

Taking into account the fact that the ult starts to fight back only in the second or third year, it is worth extending the refs up to the limit of 1750 immediately 3 times for 240 days (720 in total - almost 2 years). Since with each increase in the number of refs by 250, their price increases. And after the limit of 1750, all refs go for $0.27 per ref ($0.24 for ults).

But Ultimate have very significant privileges!!!

  1. Auto-replacement of inactive refs after 7 days.
  2. Improved ref selection filters.
  3. $0.03 discount for each ref if its price is more than $0.20. Those. over 1750 - refs will cost $0.24 per unit.
  4. Packs of refs of 300 pieces.
  5. No need to click yourself to get money from refs.
  6. $0.03 recycling discount
  7. You can book 200 refs in advance.

In general, it takes a lot of money to rock the Ultimate, so it's a pleasure for people with $10,000 or more on board.

6) Emerald ($290) and Platinum ($490) - I noticed that few people take them, since they have fewer buns and are designed for a quick set of referrals, basically, which is not the most important thing when choosing an upgrade.

AVG is the average number of clicks your referrals make per day. AVG is calculated by dividing the number of referral clicks by the number of past days of his lease.

Your referral made 20 clicks in 10 days, 20/10 = 2 - this is his Aug for the past 10 days. Aug is constantly changing, every day and depends only on the activity of refs. Trying to raise it is possible only by recycling - replacing a referral for money, which is not very cost-effective. For example, I practically do not recycle, but I am waiting for an auto replacement.

I have long wanted to introduce comparative characteristics of the activity of rented referrals on different boxes. I actively rented referrals only on 3 boxes - SVbux, Neobux, Palmbux.
In general, everyone has their own experience of working with referrals, as someone is lucky. Someone comes across good ones on Neobux, someone on Palmbux, on SVbux, so far everyone has positive opinions about referrals.
Now I give specific figures and characteristics.

The site has a characteristic, "freshly bought" referrals generally click very well. Initially, the first 2 weeks AVG referrals was 2.5-3. Then they start clicking every other day, until AVG drops to 1.5-1.8. In principle, they pay for themselves and make a profit, especially if there are a large number of them, but without investments with rented referrals you won’t earn much, because there should be a lot of them. Right now, my 30 rented referrals on Neobux have 2 days left to live, I extended only one of them for 2 months, which brought me an income of 14 cents. Everyone else either just paid off or brought in 3-5 cents. Well, all my conclusions about referrals are subjective and based only on my experience, my direct referrals, with whom I actively communicate, came across good rented referrals with good AVG (although there was still a decrease, albeit a small one). In principle, low AVG is most likely my fault, I just became more interested in direct referrals and stopped paying attention to rented ones. Rented referrals must be carefully monitored, those who have not been active for more than 4 days must be changed, that is, maintain a stable AVG above 2.5. Of course, renting referrals will be much more profitable if you have a Gold account and you will receive 1 cent per referral click.
Well, I concluded for myself that before buying Gold, I will no longer rent referrals. I will save up for Gold gold from earnings from direct referrals - this is about $ 20 per month + earnings from Palmbux, Svbux. Why upgrade your account on Neobux? Well, it's just the most reliable and I think it will definitely be enough for the year of my Gold account.

Here I like referrals more (again, a subjective opinion, my 2nd referrals are not very lucky, they often come across inactive ones). Well, in the discussions of referrals on the forums, there were opinions that the activity of referrals on Palmbux is 20-30 percent higher than on Neobux. As well as on Neobux, I have not yet extended a single one, and there is no point in renewing them, there are no discounts on Palmbux when renewing. A characteristic feature of Palmbux is that your favorite referral, which you watch with trepidation, who regularly clicks every day, brings you profit, dies a few days before the renewal. Very sad =) Now I have 15 referrals left, they all seem to be active, the average AVG is 3.1, I'll see what happens to them next, well, I'm not at a loss, this is the main thing. I also like it on the palm, in the table of referrals of the Earnings Made graph, that is, you can see when his earnings exceed 30 cents, which means the referral paid off and works for you. So you can buy referrals.

The site is new, so it’s a little scary to invest, but I still invested $5, bought 20 referrals and was satisfied, AVG - 3, everyone clicks every day. Everyone on the forum is also happy. What is the "characteristic feature" of SVbux is still unclear, but, in principle, with the limitation of direct referrals - 10 to the first lease of 100 referrals, the feature may not appear. Considering AVG (3) - my rented referrals, the number of referrals is 20, I calculated Profit with a calculator on the site that I should get $ 8-9 with 5 invested, in principle, it’s very good if you also take into account the income from direct referrals. One of these days I am going to buy about 40 more referrals. In a couple of weeks I will write a more detailed report on referrals on this site, it’s just that my current ones are only a week old, they can and will deteriorate.
General conclusions:
All boxes limit referral clicks. But they do it within reasonable enough limits so that users do not get offended and do not leave. So try to rent the first referrals, come up with your own strategies for working with them, everyone has their own strategy in the end.
Do not forget to attract direct referrals, because, for example, it is better to buy Premium accounts only if you have at least 20 direct referrals. Then you will definitely win.
Register using referral links on our website and get direct referrals for free. For those who are already registered on the indicated boxes not using our referral links, a paid option for a set of direct referrals will be offered, which will be much more profitable for you than renting.

NeoBux is a foreign service for making money on clicks. At the moment, there are many different strategies for developing and earning money on this project with the help of investments (buying the Golden upgrade and its Sapphire, Diamond or Ultimate packages and renting the maximum number of referrals), and without investments. Gradual (of course, not as fast as with investing in a project) development without investments became a reality after impressive changes in the project:

- Introduction of a kind of internal currency:

  • - points that are given for each viewed link (possibly and should be used to renew and recycle the rental composition);

  • - coins, which can be earned by completing special tasks (can be exchanged at the current rate in USD).

- Introduction of the reward function for each ad viewed (except for 1 point) - 3 additional Adprize links by viewing which there is a real opportunity to win:

  • - from 10 points to 10000 points;

  • - from 25 cents to $50 cash prizes;

  • - annual Golden status, which has already been won by thousands of Neobux users.

- The introduction of functions for performing various types of tasks by category:

  • - Mini Jobs (the most popular);

  • - Points Offers;

  • - Coins Offers.

Thus, everyone has a choice: to invest or not to invest. In both cases, you will be able to earn on Neobux, the difference will be only in the time spent on all this. Here I will try to consider in as much detail as possible the strategy of earning money without investments, which I developed from my own experience.

What do you need to know before registering for a project?

Be sure to use an e-mail from the above services. Create an account in one of the above payment systems.

After that, you can safely proceed to the registration procedure on NeoBux.

Beginning of work

What is NeoBux?

NeoBux is a PTC (Paid To Click) site where members earn a small amount of money for viewing ads. This project can be called PTC - No. 1 site on the Internet, as the money earned is paid out 100%.

How to earn money with NeoBux?

There are three main types of income:

  • Income from your personal actions on the site (viewing ads, completing tasks, etc.).

  • Percentage earned from your ARs (rented referrals).

  • Percentage earned from your DRs (Direct Referrals).

How much money can you earn?

If it is possible to spend 5 minutes every day at the beginning and 30 minutes after a few months following this instruction, you can quite realistically build your own profitable business. Some users earn several thousand dollars a month with the same time spent - 30 minutes in a day. Naturally, this will not happen immediately, you first need to show perseverance and diligence - and then, it is really possible to achieve the desired result.

Where to start?

If you have not yet registered with NeoBux, then it's time to go through this procedure. Click on the banner and register.

Instructions for registering and working on NEOBUX

This article is a tool that will help all new members get free direct referrals. An active referral is a trained referral who knows how to earn!

Agree if you have 200 AR and they are not trained, you will not profit from them! My goal is to help you acquire active referrals. I repeat once again, an active referral is a trained referral!

First two weeks

Simply put, you can put it like this - "Stop or Retreat". By and large, a participant who does not know the rules of the system leaves the project after a few days and misses a great opportunity to earn good money.

During the first 15 days you are not eligible to attract PR (direct referrals), drop this thought altogether. Your only focus should be on your daily browsing of advertiser sites.

Need to earn first $0.60 , then you can start renting referrals from the system.

It is very important to view all advertising sites available to you during this period, then you will be able to remove restrictions from your account and become eligible to attract PR. You must be active during 15 days and have a minimum 100 viewed links.

NeoBux provides its members with a specialized toolbar for various Internet browsers that displays information about your balance and the availability of new links for viewing.

For the Mozilla Firefox browser, the toolbar is in a convenient location.

In the account settings, you can set the sound scheme for events (very handy when new links and tasks appear).

During the first two weeks you will not earn much - IT IS A FACT! Simple calculation - 15 days * $0.04 = $0.60 .


So, to get started, you need to earn $0.60!

You can speed up the process of earning by completing paid tasks and earn the required amount within two to three days! It is also possible to invest funds from payment systems for accelerated rental of referrals.

In any case, it is necessary 15 days activities to activate the PR attraction function.

Server and local time

Your main earnings do not depend on your clicks, but on the clicks of your referrals.

You will receive all the money earned on referrals only when you yourself make all the necessary clicks (orange links " Fixed Advertisements”), i.e. You need to view at least 4 links. And even if you don't have referrals right now, you need to look at all the clicks - this is how a good habit is developed that will help you earn more in the future.

Important. You need to click every day on server time, not your own (unless you live in the same time zone). If you ignore this rule, it will turn out that on one day you will make double the number of views (server time), and on the next day - none. Many do not know about this moment and are very surprised - why are their referrals not making a profit? To put it simply: try to click around the same time every day .
The schedules of your ad views by server and local time must match!

Rent referrals

I am very glad that you managed to hold out these two weeks! You have crossed the line and are moving to a new level. Many participants leave the project by this moment... and the most interesting begins right now!

If you have an account $0.60 can be rented 3 referrals from the system. Press " referrals»:

We rent referrals. Depending on the amount on the balance, the available number of referrals for rent is highlighted in blue. The minimum you can rent is 3:

Required information (read carefully)

According to the rules: "If you view at least 4 mandatory sponsored links, you will earn a percentage of all your referrals' clicks." If you haven't viewed 4 mandatory links, you will not receive referral income for that day!

Micro Exposure announcements [ Greens] and "Fixed Advertisements" [ orange] - viewing these links is required in any case!

Enabling auto payout for rented referrals! Autopay

Explanation:“Renting a referral costs $0.20 per month. Instead of you having to renew your lease, referrals will pay themselves as long as autopay is enabled. The income from each referral will be one cent less, but they will bring you profit as long as they are active. With a standard account, you get $0.005 per click from each AP."

It is recommended that Autopay was enabled because every day your referrals are active. They pay a certain percentage for themselves. This way you don't have to worry about how much money you have in reserve to pay your rent again. Enabled Autopay is a must!

A very important sign showing discounts for renewing refs:

Based on the table, we can conclude that: the longer the lease, the cheaper the referral. The question arises: “what if, a rented referral for 240 days, gets inactive and will not click?”. It does not matter, because we do not rent the referral himself, but a cell for him (place) and, according to the rules of the system, an inactive referral who has not clicked for 14 days is automatically changed by the system for free. Also, an inactive referral can simply be replaced for 93 points or 7 cents (1 point is awarded to you for viewing each link).

At first, you don’t have money for such a long lease, but this is easy to fix if you work in parallel in another 100% paying project, on which I can easily earn $0.25 - $1 and more per day without investment. Read more about this at the end of the article. Thus, you can earn extra money by renewing your referrals.

Let's do some calculations . Let's pretend that 3 APs remain active. We calculate your earnings:

  • 3 AR * 4 click on $0,005 each = $0.06 in a day

  • Your clicks are about $0.04 in a day

  • Total $0.10 in a day

During the next week you will be able to rent more 3 referrals and will earn $0.16 in a day.

In the third week you will have enough funds to rent 5 11 AR) for the total amount $0.26 in a day.

The fourth week will bring you more 10 referrals (now you will have 21 AR) for the total amount $0.46 in a day.

At the beginning of the fifth week, you will have enough funds to rent 19 referrals (now you will have 40 AR) for the total amount $0.84 in a day.

I hope it is clear what prospects open up before you ...

Keep browsing your promotional links every day, raise capital and rent new referrals!

The more rented referrals you have, the more your income.

Rent 300 referrals!

It will take some time, but remember that you are building a business and passive income with just a small amount of time spent every day! Referrals increase your income, and increasing income allows you to rent more referrals. How to speed up the process of business development several times, read at the end of the article P.S.

300 AR * 4 click on $0.005 = $6 in a day.

Replacement of rented referrals

Referral activity is displayed in the column Aug.- the higher the coefficient, the more active the referral.

Check the activity of your referrals daily! Don't keep drones for more than a week. Make a replacement - better spend 93 neopoints or $0.07 than through 30 days to pay $0.20 for complete zero.

To replace a referral, you need to select it (check the box on the right) and select " I want to recycle them»:

Then select the currency to replace ( points) and press " Click here to confirm»:

After confirming the replacement, you will receive a corresponding message about the action taken.

Remember: your task is to monitor the activity of referrals and, if necessary, take appropriate measures in relation to non-promising participants. It is very important to do this in a timely manner.

Referral lease renewal

To extend the referral, you need to select it (check the box on the right). Thus, you can work with a group of referrals by first checking the boxes on several lines of the table.

After checking the box just below the table, the menu " What do you want to do with the selected referrals?» with a list of available operations:

Choose an extension period and confirm:

From the line: " Total amount to pay: $0.19 or 253 NeoPoints» it can be seen that the extension of the lease is possible in two ways: in cash and using NeoPoints. I advise you to renew referrals for at least 90 days and only for money, because we need NeoPoints for recycling. Now it remains to finish what you started by clicking on the button .

You need to go to the section with your rented referrals more often and monitor the terms and dates of the lease. 10 days before the end of the lease, a line in the column NextPayment will be displayed in red. If you do not pay the rent on time, the referral will be removed from the list. Sometimes it is simply necessary not to pay for a referral - drones in the team are useless.

Direct referrals

Now you have the opportunity to attract direct referrals using your referral link.

On the standard, earnings on direct referrals (PR) are 10 times lower than on rented ones, but after acquiring Golden, they will bring very good profit, so I advise you to start attracting direct referrals from the very beginning.

There are many ways to attract PR: YouTube, social networks, direct communication, forums, referral link advertising and many more available ways. Use whatever marketing skills you have to promote your NeoBux business.

As an option to attract PR, it is possible to create tasks for registering on NeoBux using sponsors or scrolling through your page on various surfing services. Everything will depend on your activity.

But remember the most important thing: an active referral is a trained referral!

Provide your referral with the necessary information - and you will success!

Your team

Upon reaching 300 AP needs to stop renting and upgrade account to status Golden. The cost of this process is $90 . After the upgrade, your income will double almost instantly!

Upgrade your account to "Golden" status!

  • Your income before upgrade: 300 AP * 4 clicks at $0.005 = $6 per day (plus PR clicks and your clicks).

  • Your income after the upgrade: 300 AP * 4 clicks at $0.01 = $12 per day (plus PR clicks and your clicks).

In addition, after the upgrade, you will be paid for the clicks of direct referrals. 10 times more. That's why you need to build a team from direct referrals from the very beginning. But as I said before: an active referral is a trained referral. This is important because after a 30-day inactivity of a direct referral, the system automatically deletes it.

After the upgrade, start mining and renting referrals on a new one. Get to the maximum number of AP and PR.

Rent 2000 referrals!

You have the opportunity to purchase 2000 AR. It won't take too long as by now you should be earning more $300 per month.

2000 AR * 4 click on $0.01 = $80 per day (plus PR clicks and your clicks).

With status Golden available for viewing 9 links per day, not 4 ! Purchase the "Golden Pack" to get more benefits with the status " Golden».


For viewing each link you get three chances AdPrize. The lifetime of the balls is only half an hour. If you have not deigned to try your luck during this time, the chances disappear. Take some time and look at all the offered chances. There is a chance to get a pretty solid prize.

Gold Accounts (12 Gold Accounts in 12 prizes worth $1,080)

  • 12 x Gold account = $1080

Cash Prizes ($1,300 split across 1,209 prizes)

  • 600 x $0.25 = $150

  • 300 x $0.50 = $150

  • 150 x $1.00 = $150

  • 100 x $2.00 = $200

  • 30 x $5.00 = $150

  • 20 x $10.00 = $200

  • 6 x $25.00 = $150

  • 3 x $50.00 = $150

NeoPoints (65000 NeoPoints sections for 2216 prizes)

  • 2000 x 10 NeoPoints = 20000 NeoPoints

  • 200 x 100 NeoPoints = 20000 NeoPoints

  • 15 x 1000 NeoPoints = 15000 NeoPoints

  • 1 x 10000 NeoPoints = 10000 NeoPoints


Every work must be paid. Taking into account all the referrals for which you need to pay rent monthly and, if possible, try to get new ones, I accumulate the minimum amount that I withdraw from the main account balance. After a request for payment, the funds are instantly credited to the account.

WARNING:!!! The main points and rules of the strategy:

1) Do not withdraw funds from the project when collecting minimum wages! Try to use everything you earn for rent and work with rent - this will bear fruit in the future!
2) Always renew referrals for as long as possible - 240 days is best!
3) Never "merge" referrals!
4) Always try to recycle (replace) inactive referrals using points!
5) Try additional types of earnings on the project - tasks Mini Jobs, point Offers, coins Offers - this will give you additional funds.

Successful development and stable earnings!

P.S. Earnings are calculated in the best scenario, when all your referrals click 4 links every day. In practice, earnings will be slightly lower, but this can be corrected with the help of one site, which also pays 100% since 2010. Here I can easily earn $0.25 - $1 and more per day without straining. Links: on the registration and instructions. With the help of this site you will have 30 - 50 rented referrals in a month (instead of 11) or you will be able to extend the existing ones for a long time. Everything depends on your work. Also at the bottom of the page there will be banners for paying bucks, on which you can earn money to invest in Neobux to accelerate business development.

Important addition!

Table #1: Proven rules for the recycling (replacement) of referrals.

(I advise you to print the table for ease of use)

Applying these rules, you may need to replace referrals often in the early days, but try to replace no more than 3% per day. For example: if you have 100 referrals, then replace no more than 3 worst workers per day that fit the rules. And do not forget to try to renew referrals for as long as possible in order to save in the future.

I would be very grateful if you register using my referral links:

Working with referrals in the Neobux project is quite complex and varied, but it is the right approach to rented referrals that will give you an ever-increasing income and simply increasing the number of referrals will not help here. Even if you invest a large amount in the project and bring the number of referrals to the maximum, you will still encounter a stage when you need to improve the quality and not the quantity.

First thesis: Do not increase quantity at the expense of quality. Keep a balance.

Believe me, with proper work, 300 referrals will bring more than 600 and it will cost you half as much. But working hard on quality may not bring a big increase in income, but an increase in quantity is guaranteed to increase your income. Try to evenly increase the quantity, not forgetting the quality.

Second thesis: Save on rent. Autopay gives 15% discount. Extension for 90 days gives 18% discount, etc.

Autopay is beneficial in that it removes every day, but a little bit and only for those who clicked on that day.

Third thesis: Renew referrals whose lease is coming to an end. Any renewal is cheaper than a purchase.

Try to extend 90 days or more.

Fourth thesis: Every day, change referrals who haven't clicked in the last 5-7 days.

You can extend the time if the days fell on the weekend. You can reduce the time frame if there are enough funds.

Fifth thesis: Try to change first of all referrals who clicked 3 times.

For daily qualification and profit, you need to click at least 4 sites per day. If a referral clicks less, it means that he does not have his own referrals, he is not interested in making a profit and will not click daily.

Sixth main thesis: Raise the minimum bar every day.

Here explanations are needed, since the average efficiency of referrals for the project is always changing and the situation is different for everyone, how to develop an optimal strategy. Some change to an efficiency of 0.5 and others 1.5. Where is the truth? I propose a simple and efficient algorithm. Let you have a minimum efficiency of 0.3 and there are enough referrals with such efficiency and up to 0.4 is enough.

What are we doing:

  • Set the minimum bar to 0.4.
  • Write it down.
  • Change all referrals with efficiency below.
  • The next day, if there are no referrals with an efficiency of up to 0.4 or relatively few, raise the bar to the next value. If a lot of people need to be changed, stay at this value.

In this simple way, you will determine the average for the system and will not spend money on useless replacements of more workers with less workers.

Referral results. 1 Week.

neobux. Strategy of work with referrals Results of work in the project.

neobux. Work results. We go to the plus.