What can lead to the intensification of production processes. Methods and tools for intensifying production and enterprise development. The right approach - excellent results

- (lat.). An increase in productive power in any activity or enterprise, for example, agriculture on a given estate, etc. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INTENSIFICATION [fr. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Strengthening, addition, addition, increase, increase, rise, growth, increase; deepening Dictionary of Russian synonyms. intensification see intensification Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

intensification- and, well. intensification f. Increased tension, performance; and. agriculture, a consistent increasing investment of means of production and labor per unit area, and in animal husbandry per head of livestock, the application of the achievements of science ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

- (from the Latin intensio tension, amplification and ... fication), strengthening, increase in tension, productivity, efficiency (for example, intensification of production) ... Modern Encyclopedia

Intensification- (from the Latin intensio tension, amplification and ... fication), strengthening, an increase in tension, productivity, efficiency (for example, intensification of production). … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Increasing the intensity and productivity of labor. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

- (from lat. intensio tension, amplification and ... fication), strengthening, increase in tension, productivity, efficiency ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

INTENSIFY [te], roar, roar; this; owls. and nonsov., that (book). Make (make) intense (in 2 values), more intense. I. labor. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (French intensification, lat. intensio tension, strengthening) the process and organization of the development of production, in which the most efficient means of production are used, as well as the expansion of production. Expense Conversion Process ... ... Wikipedia

- (from lat. inten sus tense and facio do) eng. intensification; German Intensivierung. Gain, increase in tension, productivity, reality. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Intensification of oil production
  • Intensification of oil production, Makhmudbekov E.A. Intensification of oil production is an important area in the oil and gas industry, which can significantly increase the efficiency of operation and development of oil fields. Today…

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

higher professional education

Voronezh State Architecture and Construction


Department of Economic Theory

and basics of entrepreneurship



Completed by: student of 813 group

Rodionova A.S.

Scientific adviser: doctor of economic sciences, professor

Sichkarev Anatoly


Supervisor's signature:_____________

Voronezh 2009



I Intensive type of production and its characteristics

1.1 The essence of production intensification

1.2 Options for extended reproduction

1.3 Types of intensification of production

II New quality of economic development

2.1 Comprehensive intensification

2.2 New developments in economic growth in the 1990s

2.3 Relationship between intensification and efficiency under socialism

III Intensification of building production

3.1 Intensification system of capital construction

3.2 Assessment of the intensification of construction production

3.3 Production assets

3.4 The system of indicators expressing the socio-economic efficiency of construction production


Bibliographic list



The problem of assessing the intensification of construction production has been studied by many domestic scientists. However, it should be noted that so far there are not only generally accepted indicators and methods for assessing its level, but even a generally accepted understanding of it. In this paper, the intensification of production is considered in detail.

Intensification as a concept initially represents a process. In our case, this is the process of intensification of construction production. Therefore, when analyzing and evaluating the level of intensification of construction production, it must be considered as a process and, accordingly, analyze and evaluate the actual dynamics of change and the comparative level of the components of this process. Naturally, it is also necessary to evaluate the result of this process - the achievement of economic results of the intensification of the use of the production resources required for its implementation.

Construction production includes:
processes for the production of construction and installation works at construction sites;
manufacturing processes of building products, semi-finished products, assembly units in auxiliary productions of construction and installation organizations;
production services for the production of construction and installation works and the manufacture of products, semi-finished products, assembly units in ancillary industries (acquisition and delivery of building structures, materials, raw materials, horizontal and vertical transport of building structures and materials at construction sites, work on the organization and maintenance of construction sites, organization and production management, etc.).

Therefore, as components of the process of intensification of construction production in its analysis and evaluation, it is proposed to consider and take into account:
intensification production processes of construction and installation works;

intensification production processes in the manufacture of building structures and products, semi-finished products, assembly units in subsidiary industries;
intensification production processes in service industries and maintenance of construction and installation organizations.

But, considering the process of intensifying the use of production resources in the creation of construction products, it must be borne in mind that the design and construction solutions of buildings and structures under construction have a significant impact on the degree of use of production resources in the performance of construction and installation works. There is no need to prove that, firstly, different design solutions for the same structural elements require different costs of labor, materials, energy, machine operation time, and, secondly, not all design and construction solutions used for building elements and structures are technologically advanced. in execution and economical in terms of production costs. Therefore, the rationality of design and construction solutions for buildings and structures, the development and use of less resource-intensive building structures should also be taken as an important component and factor in the intensification of construction production.

Since the process building intensification production is quite multifaceted and multifaceted, as follows from the above, it is unlikely that its content and quality can be assessed using any one indicator. Therefore, this work uses a system of indicators that allows us to assess the level of intensification of construction production for all its components for the organization as a whole, production sites, construction sites and sites, individual construction and installation works, their complexes.


1. 1 The essence of production intensification

In the most general way the economic growth means a quantitative increase in production results. The main macroeconomic indicators used to calculate the economic growth of the public economy are the gross national product (GNP) and national income (NI). Accordingly, indicators of economic growth are the ratio of real GNP or NI of one period to similar volume indicators of another period. These indicators are measured as a percentage and are called growth (or growth) rates. To achieve greater accuracy of the analysis results, economic growth indicators are calculated per capita.

There are two types of economic growth: extensive and intensive.

With an extensive type economic growth is achieved by using more resources while maintaining the same technical basis of production. The main factors of extensive growth are the growth in the number of employees, the increase in the number of pieces of equipment and the amount of natural resources. As a result, output per worker remains the same. (Appendix 1)

A more complex type of economic growth - intensive(fr. intensif - tension). Its main distinguishing feature is the increase in the efficiency of production factors on the basis of technical progress.
With this type of expanded reproduction, a new factor of economic growth appears - an increase in the efficiency of all traditional factors. As a result, the production function is transformed. Its simplest expression is:

Y = AF (K, L, N).

In this formula, A is the total productivity of factors. From the formula it can be seen that if the cost of production factors does not change, and their total productivity A increases by 1%, then the volume of production also increases by 1%.
True, in industrialized countries one cannot find in its pure form the first or second type of economic growth:
they are combined in some ratio. For example, calculations for the United States showed the following. In 1950-1985. the annual growth of GNP amounted to 3.2%. Of these, 1.2% of the growth (or 40%) was provided by the combined efficiency of production factors.

Intensive extended reproduction has a number of features. It is more progressive, since the decisive role in raising the efficiency of the material conditions of production is beginning to be played by a new "motor" - the achievements of science and technology. In this regard, the production of scientific and technical information is developing on the scale of society, which is ultimately embodied in more and more efficient means of production. At the same time, the cultural and technical level of workers is being raised.
With an intensive increase in production, the barriers to economic growth generated by the well-known limited natural resources are overcome. The most beneficial factor in expanding production is resource saving. For example, in order to save 1 ton of standard fuel (7000 kcal) by applying a new technology, 3-4 times less costs are required compared to the costs of extracting the same volume of fuel.

Meanwhile, the intensification is associated with a deep progressive restructuring of the structure of the national economy, extensive training of enterprising and highly professional workers. The peculiarities of the intensive type of expanded reproduction are that very high rates of economic growth are impossible with it. At the same time, scientific and technological progress can cause unemployment, which increases in labor-surplus regions of the country.

The factors of economic growth of both types listed above in market theories are usually called aggregate supply factors. In addition to them, the importance of aggregate demand factors, as well as distribution factors, is emphasized. The role of the former is to ensure the full deployment of the expanding volume of resources by increasing the level of total spending (C + I + G + Xn). Distribution factors are designed to ensure not only the full involvement of resources in the economic turnover, but also their most efficient use.

“The ability to increase production is not sufficient to expand the total output, it is also necessary to actually use the growing volume of resources and distribute them in such a way as to obtain the maximum amount of useful products” / 3, p. 256 /. And this is true. The bottom line, however, is that both efficient allocation and efficient use of resources can only be best achieved through thoughtful decision making. At individual enterprises, this is achieved by centralized planning and consistent implementation of the adopted plans. In the same way, the greatest effect can be achieved on the scale of the whole society. It is not easy to achieve this, and at the present level of organization and management of the national economy, in a number of cases it is simply impossible. But in a spontaneous way, through the operation of an unregulated market mechanism, the corresponding effect can be achieved only in a much longer period and with a much lower probability. In essence, in all countries today one has to either rely on the spontaneous action of factors of demand and distribution of resources on a social scale, or try to curb them by strengthening state regulation of the economy. Therefore, at present, in economic theory, the main attention in discussing the problems of economic growth is given to supply factors.

1.2 Options for extended reproduction

The level of intensification of production will be the higher, the greater the gap between the increase in the final product (result) and the costs of obtaining it. That is, intensification is a globally resource-saving method of reproduction. In practice, there is no only extensive or intensive type of economic growth, but only the predominance of one or another of them.

When studying the intensification of production, which underlies the intensive type of economic growth, one should take into account, first of all, the dynamics and the ratio of resource costs per unit of output. At the same time, the reduction of total costs can be achieved in different periods in different ways. In particular, the following options for expanded reproduction may arise.

1. The costs of materialized labor increase, and the costs of living labor are reduced with a decrease in their totality. This option is especially common in the mechanization of manual or low-mechanized labor.

2 . The costs of both living and embodied labor are reduced, which is usually typical when old equipment is replaced by a new one, with the appearance of more modern machines and technological processes.

3. The costs of living labor are reduced, and materialized labor remain unchanged, which happens, for example, when implementing non-investment measures to improve the organization of production, labor, management and etc.

4. The costs of materialized labor are reduced, while those of living labor remain unchanged.

5. The cost of living labor is increasing, while that of materialized labor is decreasing.

Toward the Intensive Methods of Expanded Reproduction Properly

(economic growth) include the first three of these options. This is due to the fact that the intensification of production implies an increase in the productivity of social labor along with savings in the cost of living labor per unit of final product.

An increase in the cost of materialized labor and a reduction in living labor is possible, even if the total amount of costs remains unchanged. This option is observed when it is necessary to improve the quality of products or improve working conditions. However, this does not lead to an increase in labor productivity.

In this case, there is no actually intensive type of economic growth. Despite this, this option for the development of the economy is expedient. We, in essence, have an intensification in the social plan. The improvement of working conditions achieved at the same time contributes to the expanded reproduction of the labor force, which is manifested in the subsequent growth of labor productivity. Improving the quality of products from the point of view of the interests of society is similar to saving all elements of production. An increase in the service life of manufactured products (goods) makes it possible for the national economy to satisfy its needs in the future with less expenditure of living and materialized labor in the corresponding branches. And the fact that the implementation of savings of all types of resources in this case occurs somewhat later, at a different level, within other enterprises, firms, organizations, industries, does not change the essence of the matter.

1.3 Types of intensification of production

From the point of view of the ratio of the costs of living and materialized labor (material and technical resources) and the total labor costs per unit of final product, one should distinguish three types of intensification - resource cue, resource-saving and resource-invariant. At the same time, we emphasize that here we mean only material and technical resources. At the same time, labor is excluded from the concept of "resource", given that intensification always involves saving the resource "labor".

Resource-intensive intensification (labor-saving) - such a development of production, in which the reduction in the cost of living labor per unit of output is accompanied by additional costs of materialized labor (material and technical resources), while the total labor costs per unit of output are reduced.

Resource-saving intensification (comprehensive) - this is such a development of production in which an increase in the productivity of social labor is achieved on the basis of a decrease not only in living labor, but also in materialized (material and technical resources) per unit of output.

Resource-invariant intensification (capital-saving) represents such a variant of the development of production, in which the costs of materialized labor (material and technical resources) per unit of output remain unchanged, and the reduction in total labor costs is achieved only on the basis of saving living labor.

When studying the types of intensification of production, one should single out their various forms, which show the additional costs (or savings) of which part of the production and technical resources take place and the savings of which elements of production prevail.

Resource-intensive type of intensification production can be carried out in the following forms: capital-intensive - labor-saving; material-intensive - labor-saving, energy-intensive - labor-saving, material-intensive - labor-saving; energy-intensive - material-saving; capital-intensive - material-saving; capital-intensive - energy-saving; material-intensive - energy-saving; energy-intensive - foid-saving.

Resource-saving type of intensification can be represented by the following forms: predominantly labor-saving; predominantly fund-saving; predominantly material-saving; predominantly energy efficient.

Resource-invariant type of intensification acts in one form - labor-saving.


2.1 Comprehensive intensification

In contrast to the costly extensive expansion of production, all-round intensification provides an anti-cost trajectory for economic growth. It is clearly shown in Fig. 2.1. (Appendix 2) where conditional data are given.

We see that the volume of national income (NI) is growing the fastest, the output of means of production (Ko) and the labor force (P) are increasing somewhat more slowly. As a result, the cost of a unit of production (St) decreases, while expanded reproduction acquires qualitatively new features (Figure 2.2., Appendix 3)

2.2 New developments in economic growth in the 1990s

As you know, at the industrial and post-industrial stages of production, the economy progresses on a revolutionary changing technical basis. Since science and technology develop unevenly, this affects a significant difference in the growth rates of national economies.

In the second half of the XX century. at first, the countries that were the first to introduce the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution (USA, England, France, etc.) were in the lead. Then, the countries that most quickly applied the already mastered new technologies in production began to develop ahead of schedule. These include, for example, Japan and the so-called "new industrial countries" of the first generation (the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong).
In the 1990s, a qualitatively new stage began in the economic growth of many countries. This stage has the following distinctive features.
1. The main part of the world economy is characterized by continuous economic development. At the same time, the average growth rate of all countries in the world increased from about 1% to a steady 3% per year.
The main contribution to this growth was made by developed countries, which account for 1/2 of the world total product and 2/3 of the world trade turnover. At the same time, these countries have relatively lower rates of development (2.5%) compared to global indicators.
2. The rate of increase in production in developing countries has grown strongly, from 2.4% in the 1980s to 5–6% in the 1990s. There has been an increase in the number of developing countries whose GDP per capita tends to rise.

Particularly prominent are the newly industrialized "second generation" countries: Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand. They compete with developed countries not only in the production of traditional textiles and other relatively simple consumer products, but also in the market for complex products, including capital goods.

3. As a result of the noted differences in the rates of economic development, a trend has developed for a slow and steady decline in the relative economic power of the Western countries. It is no coincidence that the share of the European Community in the world trade turnover from 1991 to 1997 decreased from 43-44% to 36-40%, while the share of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region increased from 38-39% to 42-44%. The share of Asia (excluding Japan) in world trade has exceeded that of North America and continues to grow.

2.3 Relationship between intensification and efficiency under socialism

The basis for accelerating the socio-economic development of the country is, first of all, the growth of intensification of production. This is due to a number of reasons. First of all, the fact that since the early 70s. certain difficulties arose in the development of the economy, the pace of its development slowed down, the material and capital intensity of production increased, the growth in the efficiency of capital investments slowed down, and the growth rate of labor productivity slowed down. In the Resolution of the XXVII Congress of the CPSU on the Political Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU, it is said: "The main reason for the backlog, the congress considers that a political assessment of the change in the economic situation was not given in a timely manner, all the acuteness and urgency of transferring the economy to intensive methods of development was not realized, there was no perseverance and consistency in addressing urgent issues of restructuring economic policy...” /7, p. 19/.

Secondly, the importance of the intensification of production is growing in connection with the need to solve major social problems in the field of improving the living standards of the working people and thereby strengthening the attractiveness of socialism for the peoples of the capitalist system, the liberated and developing countries. Thirdly, with the need to ensure our complete economic independence from the capitalist countries, primarily in strategically important areas. Fourth, with a new stage in the scientific and technological revolution, which ensures a sharp increase in productivity and labor efficiency, and the strengthening of defense capability.

The importance of the intensification of social production is due to the fact that the extensive factors of its growth have already been exhausted. At present, material prerequisites have been created in the country for the implementation of the intensification of production in all sectors of the national economy in the form of an increased production, technical and scientific potential. As of January 1, 1985, the value of the fixed production assets of the national economy amounted to 1,489 billion rubles. (in 1973 prices). In capital construction, their value amounted to 76 billion rubles. In 1984 alone, the value of these funds in construction increased by 5 billion rubles.

The growth of production fixed assets and material circulating assets as a whole in the national economy amounted to (at the end of the year; in comparable prices of 1973; in % to 1980): 1981 - 106, 1982 - 113, 1983 - 120, 1984 - 127. For capital construction, it was expressed by the following data: 1981 - 104, 1982 - 107, 1983 - 111, 1984 - 114. That is, in the 11th five-year plan, measures were taken for the intensification of production. This was manifested in the growth in the rate of labor productivity - individual, collective, social, in the increase in the share of the increase in production obtained through this. For 1981 -1985 almost 90% of the increase in national income was received due to the growth in the productivity of social labor /7, p.23/. In capital construction in 1984, 97% of the increase in the volume of construction and installation work was obtained by increasing labor productivity.

At the same time, the costs of total resources for the production of a unit of output were still high. The material consumption of the social product (without depreciation) was (in % to 1980): in 1981 - 99.4; 1982 - 98.4; 1983-98; 1984 - 97.9. The metal intensity and energy intensity of the produced national income also decreased slightly.

The growth of the national income has been carried out at the same rate as the growth of capital investments. For the 12th five-year plan, outstripping growth rates of the final results of production are envisaged in comparison with the costs of labor and material resources. The task is set to achieve a radical change in the intensification of production /7, p. 26/. It is planned to significantly reduce all types of labor inputs in the production of the planned volume of national income, products of all branches of the national economy. Thus, the increase in the growth rate of national income for 1986-1990. compared with the previous five-year plan will be 2-5%, industrial production - 1-4, agricultural products (average annual volume) - 8-10%. The most important resources will be reduced. The number of people employed in the branches of material production will decrease by 1.8% compared with the 11th five-year plan, fixed production assets - by 7%, production of objects of labor - by 2%. The productivity of social labor should increase by 20-23%, against 16.5% in the previous five-year plan /7, p.33/.

In general, for 1986-1990. it is planned to increase the national income by 19-22%, reduce its energy intensity by 7-9%, metal consumption by 13-15%, it is planned to reduce the material intensity of the social product by 4-5%

The fundamental feature of the 12th Five-Year Plan is that for the first time practically the entire increase in national income and the output of the branches of the national economy is planned to be obtained by increasing labor productivity. “The increase in labor resources ... will be only 3.2 million people. Without the planned increase in productivity, the national economy would need an additional 22 million workers.

The transition to predominantly intensive methods in the economy has largely led to the development of scientific ideas about the essence, criteria and factors of production intensification, a unified system of indicators of its level and efficiency. Of great importance is the development of specific directions for the intensification of production at the present stage of development of the productive forces. In the last period, attention has increased and scientific research devoted to questions of the intensification and efficiency of socialist production has increased. The issues of production intensification are studied in the works of A. G. Aganbegyan, L. I. Abalkin, A. I. Apchnshkin, V. Radaev, Yu. V. Yaremenko, A. A. Baranov, K. B. Leikina, Ya. K. Kronrod, A. Omarova, Yu. M. Ivanova, K. K. Valtukh, L. I. Notkpna, L. P. Nochevkipoi, A. T. Zasukhna, T. S. Khachaturova, F. L. Dropova, G. M. Sorokina, S. S. Shatalina, S. A. Heipman, S. Pervushina, D. A. Chernikova, N. Chuma chemko, L. FROM. Pavlova and others.

However, some aspects of the intensification of production have not yet received a clear interpretation. There is a discrepancy in determining the content, forms, directions of intensification. There is no clear definition of the relationship between intensification and production efficiency. Differences are also observed in the definition of the criterion for the intensification of socialist production. There is no unified system of indicators of the level of intensification and its effectiveness. When identifying the content of the intensification of production, one should first of all find out its essential features, which should, first of all, be reflected in its definition. In addition, it is expedient to reflect here the features of the intensification of production under socialism in conditions of accelerated economic development.

When studying the process of intensification of production, most economists proceed from two methods of economic development identified by K. Marx - extensive and intensive. So, K. Marx wrote that “accumulation, the transformation of surplus value into capital, in its real content is a process of reproduction on an expanded scale, regardless of whether such expansion is expressed extensively, by building new factories in addition to old ones, or intensively, by increasing the scale of production at a given enterprise. From this, some economists draw, in our opinion, a too straightforward conclusion that the construction of new enterprises and additional investments are only signs of an extensive development of the economy.

In our opinion, here the main idea of ​​K. Marx is that all additional investments are the conditions for expanded reproduction. But by themselves they do not yet reveal how this expanded reproduction is carried out - extensively or intensively. Not every new construction means an extensive path of development, just as not every introduction of new technology is evidence of the intensification of production.

As a fundamental sign of the extensive development of the economy, K. Marx considered an increase in the production apparatus due to the construction of new factories in addition to those operating without changing the level of technology, technology and organization of production.

If the volume of production at the enterprise increases due to its improvement or more complete use of available capacities, then this is an intensive type of production. K. Marx, exploring ways to use additional investments, noted that they can "... serve to expand the enterprise or make improvements in machines that will increase their efficiency."


3.1 Intensification system of capital construction

The intensification of the capital construction system consists in organizing such a mode of its functioning, in which, for the same period of time, with equal costs of the resources used, a large output of high-quality finished construction products in natural meters is ensured.

Intensification of construction is the mode of operation of the industry, in which, for the same period of time, with equal production capacities of the organizations and enterprises included in the industry and the same costs of the resources used, a greater output of high-quality commercial construction products is provided. The intensification of construction production consists in ensuring a greater output per unit of time of finished or marketable construction products with equal total costs of living and material labor and a constant reduction in the cost of living labor per unit of construction products.

The intensification of capital construction is ensured by the implementation of complexes of planning, economic, organizational, technical and technological measures at all stages of creating capacities and facilities: in the formation of goals, the development and adoption of pre-project decisions, planning, design, resource provision and construction of buildings and structures.

3.2 Assessment of the intensification of construction production

Since the process of intensification of construction production is quite multifaceted and multifaceted, as follows from the above, it is unlikely that its content and quality can be assessed using any one indicator. To do this, we need a system of indicators that allows us to assess the level of intensification of construction production for all its components for the organization as a whole, production sites, construction sites and sites, individual construction and installation works, their complexes.

In accordance with the content of the intensification of construction production as a process of increasing the degree of use of production resources of construction and installation organizations, it is proposed to consider and use the following indicators and factors when analyzing and evaluating it (Table 3.1).

The indicators given in the table quite in a large aspect reflect the entire multifaceted process of intensification of construction production at all levels of its management.

It should be noted that for a quantitative assessment of indicators reflecting the level and dynamics of the state of construction production, the relevant indicators are known, in particular, such as the degree of fulfillment of production standards for output (labor costs), the capital-labor ratio of construction and installation organizations, the mechanical and power-to-weight ratio of labor, the load indicators of construction machines in terms of time, power and productivity, indicators of the rationality of the organization of construction sites (the quality of the developed construction plans), etc. Therefore, they are proposed to be adopted for assessing the relevant aspects of the intensification of construction production.

3.3 Production s e fund s

The intensification of production implies, firstly, ensuring a multiple increase in the resulting economic indicators through capital investments in the renewal of fixed assets and the reconstruction of existing ones, as well as in the construction of new enterprises; secondly, the use of existing fixed assets at the highest possible level in accordance with modern technical and economic capabilities of production; thirdly, ensuring the timely commissioning and high efficiency of new fixed assets; fourthly, economical and integrated use of fuel, energy, raw materials and materials; elimination of losses and irrational expenses, as well as the widespread involvement of secondary resources and by-products in the economic turnover. The solution of these problems is possible with a scientifically based system of accounting and assessment of the state, quality, cost, degree of resource use.
The main element of the production process is the means of production, which form the production assets of associations and enterprises. The role of production assets increases with an increase in the level of automation of production and management.

Composition, structure and sources of formation of production assets.
Production assets are understood as the means of production, expressed in the form of value and functioning in the sphere of material production.
The production assets of associations, enterprises are divided into basic industrial production assets and working capital. Since only the main industrial and production assets are considered below, we will call them fixed assets. Fixed assets include means of labor that function over many production cycles, gradually transfer their value to the cost of finished products as they wear out, while maintaining their natural form practically unchanged for a long time.
In addition to the main industrial and production assets, each association, enterprise also has the main non-production assets, which include those means of labor that are used to meet the cultural and everyday needs of the employees of the enterprise. Since they are not part of the production assets, we will not consider them further.

3.4 The system of indicators expressing

social and economic efficiency

building production intensification

It is advisable to include in this system, first of all, indicators that reflect the socio-economic efficiency of the entire set of intensification factors. These, in our opinion, include: the absolute value of the required product created in a given organization; the amount of remuneration from the payroll fund and from special bonus funds per one employee of the construction and installation organization; the amount of the material incentive fund, the fund of social and cultural events and housing construction in the part used to meet the current needs of employees of construction and installation organizations; the amount of profit per one employee of this organization; the amount of bonus payments from the material incentive fund in the part formed from deductions from profits; growth of the vocational and cultural level of employees; expenses for housing construction, socio-cultural and recreational activities carried out by a construction organization from economic incentive funds per one employee of this organization; share of manual labor; state of discipline; the level of labor activity of employees; product quality; the state of working conditions (through indicators of morbidity, injuries, etc.); the level of provision of workers of this construction organization with housing, preschool institutions, pioneer camps, clinics built at the expense of the construction and installation organization; staff turnover rate, the number of visits per year by employees of this construction and installation organization to theaters, libraries, exhibitions, etc.


The new quality of economic development is expressed primarily in the increasing efficiency of social production: the expenditure of labor and means of production per unit of national income is reduced. All economic development is improving substantially, the scientific and technical level and the quality of output are steadily rising. This is a direct consequence of the transition to a higher technological mode of production.

The new is manifested in the creation of a modern structure of the national economy. The proportion of science-intensive industries is increasing in the total volume of production. This includes instrument making, computer production, the electrical industry, nuclear energy, the production of synthetic resins, plastics, advanced structural materials, and other industries that use the achievements of scientific and technological revolution.

We also see progress in the fact that the share of the intermediate product is decreasing and, accordingly, the share of the final product going into consumption is increasing. Such a structural change is the result of the economical use of raw materials, materials and energy carriers in the creation of each product.

Improvement in expanded reproduction is achieved when the share of consumer products in the national income increases in comparison with the means of production going for accumulation. As a result, the level and quality of life of the population rises, and the social efficiency of economic development grows.

With the new quality of economic development, the proportions of the reproduction process change significantly. The production of means of production grows relatively more slowly and, on the contrary, there is a tendency to accelerate the production of consumer goods.

The transition to a new quality of economic development is accompanied by a revision of the concept and criteria of the quality of life.

The quality of people's lives now cannot be reduced only to ensuring increasing material well-being. The rise in the level of human needs is manifested in concern for improving the quality of public services (education, healthcare, etc.) and the environment (reducing the degree of pollution of the biosphere, eliminating risky technologies, etc.), increasing free time, and increasing the degree of satisfaction of higher order needs ( in self-development, meaningful communication, creative work). At the same time, the economic growth of macroeconomics has been and remains the material foundation for the progress of civilization.

Bibliographic list

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6. Samuelson P.F. Economics. M., 2003. Ch.28,33.

7. Sichkarev A.G. Intensification of production under socialism / ed. Menshikov L.N. , Voronezh: VGU Publishing House, 1987-163p.

8. Stanlake J. Economics for beginners., M., 2000 Ch..24.

9. Fisher S., Dornbusch R. Economics. M., 2002. Ch.35.

10. Economics: Textbook for students of technical specialties / Ed. A.G. Sichkareva; Voronezh.state.frkh.-construction.unit.-Voronezh, 2004.-220p.


Rice. 1.1. Rates of Change in Economic Indicators with Extensive Growth


Fig. 1.2. Dynamics of economic indicators with resource-saving (comprehensive) intensification


Fig. 1.3. Qualitative features of resource-saving intensification


State and factors of intensification of construction production

Levels of construction management

telny protsess-

Objects, building
telny areas -


nye organizations
in general

Labor intensity

Loading level of construction machines and equipment

Capacity utilization level

Growth in the level of mechanical and power-to-weight ratio of workers' labor

Qualitative improvement of the fleet of construction machines and increase in the level of mechanization of production and labor

Application of new production technologies

Application of progressive building materials

Improvement of building structures

Improvement of design and construction solutions for buildings and structures

Rationality of transport service

Rational organization of construction sites

Rationality of the production base

Level of labor organization

Level of organization of production

Management level

Integral assessment of the level of intensification of construction production

Table 3.1. Evaluation of the intensification of construction production

A feature of modern management is its focus on efficient management of the economy in conditions of scarcity of resources, a gradual decrease in the regulation of production by administrative methods and the intensification of production.

As an economic process, intensification reflects one of the important patterns of its development, accompanied by scientific, technical, organizational and economic measures to improve production.

Production intensification is based on the effective use of the means and objects of labor, skilled labor, advanced forms and methods of organizing labor, total quality management, growing awareness of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress, etc. The intensification of production differs significantly from the extensive development of production, based on the quantitative growth of funds production and is costly in nature, the intensification of production, in contrast, has a cost-effective orientation, since it is accompanied by a decrease in the cost of living and materialized labor per unit of output.

To the main intensification factors include:

Technological progress;

The level of education and professional training of personnel;

economies of scale;

Improved resource allocation;

Legislative, institutional and other factors.

The economic efficiency of production intensification is characterized by the following indicators: labor productivity, capital productivity, payback of production costs, production cost, profit margin, profitability level, payback of additional costs. The latter indicator characterizes the economic feasibility of increasing production costs and determines the effectiveness of their use. The payback of additional costs is the cost of additional gross output per 1 ruble. additional costs in the process of intensifying production. There are the following forms of intensification production:

Fund saving;


Material and resource saving;


According to the fund-saving form, the intensification of production is growing due to the introduction of new equipment and technology, reduces the need for labor, while increasing the complexity of labor. As a result, labor productivity increases.

According to labor-saving forms, the intensification of production is enhanced due to an increase in the intensity of labor of a certain constant number of workers or the performance of work volumes by a smaller number of workers.

The material and resource-saving form of production intensification provides for a more rational use of the objects of labor, as well as the consumption of a smaller amount of raw materials, materials, electricity and other types of resources.

A comprehensive form of intensification rationally combines all previous forms, thanks to which the efficiency of production increases qualitatively.

Under the conditions of increasing the economic efficiency of intensification, it is planned to reduce the capital, material, labor and energy intensity of production.

An increase in the economic efficiency of production intensification is characterized by a higher growth rate of production costs compared to an increase in production costs.

Next, consider the methods of intensifying the development of the organization. Organization development intensification methods have a different nature with a functional focus and are carried out by various management tools (Table 9.1).

In addition to grouped methods, the intensification of enterprise development will contribute to the creation of an appropriate human resource management system based on interrelated business processes and the improvement of the communication and information system.

Table 9.1 Methods and tools for intensifying the development of an enterprise

Methods / tools

Characteristics of actions

Methods and tools of management intensification

Strategic planning

determination of actions to achieve the strategic vision (what the business should become), as well as the volume of necessary resources for their implementation

Development Scenario Planning

determination of scenarios for the future development of events (pessimistic, optimistic, most probable), the probabilities of their implementation and development of a strategy for each scenario

Motivation of key competencies

highlighting the organization's key competencies (key success factors) and investing in special skills, abilities, technologies, etc. that create unique value for consumers; total quality management

Planning and implementing a growth strategy

allocation of resources to the realization of market development opportunities that will ensure growth (profits, market shares, sales volumes, etc.)

Knowledge Management

implementation and development of the potential of the intellectual capital of the enterprise (its individual elements and components)

Formation of responsibility infrastructure

determining the clear responsibility of each employee for the fulfillment of the assigned tasks, granting him the appropriate authority

Methods and tools of marketing intensification

Consumer segmentation

selection of consumer groups according to the specifics of their requests in order to create an appropriate product, service, marketing mix, etc., which satisfy these requests to a greater extent than competitors


determination of the best enterprises and institutions in the region or on the market (for specific types of activities), analysis and implementation of their most effective methods and techniques of work in the activities of the enterprise

Relationship management with consumers (clients)

collection, accumulation and systematization of information about consumers (clients) in order to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with them, form and maintain their loyalty

Measuring customer satisfaction

collection of information necessary to assess the degree of consumer satisfaction with products and service levels, identify and clarify the basic needs and requirements of consumers

Personalized Marketing

organization of constant communication with each consumer in order to give him personalized products and services

Analysis of the possibilities of changing market trends

identifying at the initial stages the prerequisites for changing the conjuncture and market development trends

Organizational method Outsourcing

and tools for intensifying development transfer of a part of non-core processes (production, marketing, supply, etc.) to third-party organizations, allows you to improve the quality of their implementation and reduce costs

Business process reengineering

radical changes in key business processes in order to increase productivity, quality, reduce resource costs, etc.

Strategic alliances

partnership agreements between enterprises and organizations on joint activities in order to achieve common goals

Integrated Supply Chains

synchronization of the efforts of several suppliers, manufacturers, intermediaries to form a value chain (provides for a constant exchange of information, goods, services, etc.)

Financial methods and tools for intensifying development

Venture funding

financing of high-risk projects for the creation of new products and technologies within the enterprise (internal ventures) or in independent venture organizations

Concept of real options

application of tools for analyzing financial options in the stock market, which are used by financial managers, to analyze investments in real assets

Pay by results

remuneration of managerial personnel depending on the indicators of achieving the set goals (short-term and long-term)

Shareholder value analysis

assessment of the ability of an enterprise (or a separate division) to receive income in excess of the cost of capital raised

The creation of a human resource management system based on interrelated business processes should be carried out subject to the following conditions:

The primacy of the business process (content) and the secondary nature of the structure of departments (forms);

Exact compliance of job descriptions with business processes and executable tasks for all employees without exception.

Improving the communication and information systems is also designed to ensure the intensification of the development of the organization. This will be supported by:

Alignment of the strategic goals of the company with the goals of the employee;

Development of horizontal communications;

Achieving an understanding by employees of benchmarks and procedures for assessing the effectiveness of their activities;

Elimination of duplicate and intermediate links in the transmission of information through vertical and horizontal channels;

Feedback support;

Effective group work within business processes.

When solving many problems of intensifying the development of an organization, modern management technologies are used, based on an integrated or systematic approach to management. Among them, the most common are the methods that we considered in topic 5, namely:

Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is based on the interconnection and consideration of all strategically important factors and aspects of the company's activities. The most important success factors are the assessment of its activities by investors and customers, the presence of competitive advantages of the company and the focus on business improvement.

Accountability Scorecard (ASC) is used as a means of expanding the standard procedures of strategic and managerial control incorporated in the balanced scorecard. It discovers all stakeholders (investors, clients, workers, public services), identifies and ranks each group by prioritizing contributions and incentives.

Economic value added model (EVA) is a technology for stimulating management and controlling the financial activities of a company.

Cost management method (ABC - activity based costing) improves the efficiency of cost and capital management. Its use provides reliable information for making strategic and tactical decisions.

Which of the development management methods at the enterprise level should be used is determined based on the specifics of the type of activity, the characteristics of the enterprise and the market in which it operates, etc. However, an analysis of the practice of the most successful companies from around the world shows that it is advisable to apply several complementary methods at the same time. This provides a synergistic effect of an amplifying nature.


(from Latin intensio - tension, amplification and racio - I do) - amplification, increase in tension, productivity, efficiency. I. production - the process of development of societies. production, main on an increasingly complete and ration, the use of technical, material and labor resources on the basis of n.-t. progress. Intensive development is usually opposed to extensive (from Latin extensivus - expanding, lengthening, that is, associated with a quantitative increase, distribution), which boils down to increasing production. capacities at the former technical. base, an increase in the material resources used and the number of employees. I. agriculture - the growth of production of agricultural products. products per unit. land area (head of livestock) on the main. more perfect applications. means and methods of production - integrated mechanization, chemicalization of villages. x-va, land reclamation, agrarian and industrial. integration, achievements of science, advanced experience, etc. I. labor - increasing its intensity. Measured by the number of labor costs. an employee in the process of production for a unit. time.

Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary. 2004 .



See what "INTENSIFICATION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat.). An increase in productive power in any activity or enterprise, for example, agriculture on a given estate, etc. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. INTENSIFICATION [fr. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Strengthening, addition, addition, increase, increase, rise, growth, increase; deepening Dictionary of Russian synonyms. intensification see intensification Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    intensification- and, well. intensification f. Increased tension, performance; and. agriculture, a consistent increasing investment of means of production and labor per unit area, and in animal husbandry per head of livestock, the application of the achievements of science ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from the Latin intensio tension, amplification and ... fication), strengthening, increase in tension, productivity, efficiency (for example, intensification of production) ... Modern Encyclopedia

    - [te], intensification, pl. no, female (book). Action under ch. intensify. Intensification of the economy. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Intensification- (from the Latin intensio tension, amplification and ... fication), strengthening, an increase in tension, productivity, efficiency (for example, intensification of production). … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Increasing the intensity and productivity of labor. Dictionary of business terms. Akademik.ru. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    - (from lat. intensio tension, amplification and ... fication), strengthening, increase in tension, productivity, efficiency ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    INTENSIFY [te], roar, roar; this; owls. and nonsov., that (book). Make (make) intense (in 2 values), more intense. I. labor. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (French intensification, lat. intensio tension, strengthening) the process and organization of the development of production, in which the most efficient means of production are used, as well as the expansion of production. Expense Conversion Process ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from lat. inten sus tense and facio do) eng. intensification; German Intensivierung. Gain, increase in tension, productivity, reality. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology


  • Intensification of oil production, Makhmudbekov E.A. Intensification of oil production is an important area in the oil and gas industry, which can significantly increase the efficiency of operation and development of oil fields. Today…

The concept of intensification of production and its form

There are two main ways of development of social production - extensive and intensive. The extensive path of development is characterized by a purely quantitative growth of material and technical resources of production at the same technical level, which leads to a constant or growing value of resource-intensive production or unit costs.

The difference between the extensive and intensive path of development of social production is based on the use of ever more perfect and efficient means of production, technological processes, forms of organization of production and labor, developed on the basis of the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress. K. Marx notes that reproduction takes place at certain intervals of time, and moreover - if we consider it from a social point of view - reproduction on an expanded scale: expanded extensively, if only the field of production expands; expanded intensively if more efficient means of production are used.

Considering the problems of intensification of production, one should distinguish between the concept of intensive and extensive factors of production and intensive and extensive ways of development. Not always an increase in the resources used, the growth of production capacity means an extensive path of development. Only in the case when this build-up is accompanied by a constant or growing resource-intensive value, does an extensive path of development of production take place. As for extensive factors of production, characterized by the involvement of additional resources, they always exist in the process of expanded reproduction. The intensive path of development is characterized by an increasing technical level of production, a faster growth in its results compared to an increase in resource costs.

In modern conditions, intensification is the main way of development of production. In terms of the volume of resources used in production, our country has taken one of the first places in the world. Now the task is to make the most efficient use of these resources, in a careful, economical attitude towards them. "Intensification of production provides savings in resources per unit of final results. In this case, various cases of combination of resource costs can be observed. In one case, an increase in the costs of some resources causes an increase in the costs of others resources.In another case, there may be an inverse relationship - an increase in the cost of resources leads to a decrease in the cost of other resources.For example, a decrease in the cost of living labor, an increase in its productivity, as a rule, is associated with additional costs of materialized labor, an increase in capital-labor ratio.Often to obtain savings in objects of labor in some industries, additional costs of labor or labor resources are required in other industries.For example, improving the preparation of oil during its production, reducing the content of formation water and salts in it increases costs in the oil industry, which gives a certain effect economic effect in the transport of oil and its processing at refineries. The same picture is observed when expanding the range of rolled products, its manufacture from hardened metal. These technical measures increase costs in the metallurgical industry, but have a significant effect in mechanical engineering and construction.

The expediency of increasing the cost of resources in the production of products in each case should be determined from the standpoint of the national economic approach to the use of resources, i.e., only in the case of achieving savings in the total costs of the producer and consumer of this product. This, in turn, makes it necessary to assess both the additional costs for the manufacturer and the effect for the consumer and take them into account in the pricing process.

Since the basis of the intensification of production is "the saving of material resources, which are materialized labor, and living labor, there are the following main forms of intensification of production: capital-intensive, capital-saving and neutral.

If an increase in labor productivity is achieved at the expense of additional costs of production assets per unit of output, then this is a capital-intensive form of intensification. At the same time, the value of production assets is growing faster than the volume of production.

If an increase in labor productivity is accompanied by a decrease in the unit costs of production assets per unit of output, then this is a fund-saving form of intensification. In this case, there may be different ratios in the rates of saving of living and materialized labor.

In the neutral form, the additional costs of production assets necessary to increase labor productivity are offset by a decrease in resource costs, as a result of which production assets grow at the same rate as the volume of production.

The capital-intensive form takes place in those industries and industries where the capital-labor ratio is low, and the share of manual, poorly mechanized labor processes is large. Here, the solution of the problem of saving living labor by increasing its capital-labor ratio is of great importance. Examples of such industries are repair production, loading and unloading, finishing work, etc.

The fund-saving form of intensification of production is ensured on the basis of scientific and technological progress, the introduction of new equipment and production technology, the replacement of obsolete and worn-out equipment, the improvement of the organization of production and labor, and the fuller use of available production capacities. Only the predominance of fund-saving factors of production intensification provides an increase in production efficiency.