What is life choice? Choice. High Wisdom Quotes About Choice Very Famous People Saying About Choice

Only then will you be ready to learn and accept a new path in life. Your success will depend on one big choice and on choosing a local one. Every second of our life is a struggle. We are infinitely sick, and healing lives only in ourselves. We need to change ourselves and not try to follow the path of least resistance. Life is in war, no matter how strange it may sound.

There is always a choice

When it comes to our internal contradictions, it is worth noting the main ones: Good and evil, fear and courage, laziness and diligence, love and hatred fight inside all people. Every war is a reflection of your fears. On one side of the scale is always love and the desire to be creative, as well as the fear of failure.

Life is not past or future. The choice is always made at the current moment, therefore we live only now, and not ever. It is important to overcome fear and take the right step towards your dream. If you love something with all your heart, then don't be afraid to go after it, conquering insecurities and phobias. It seems to many of us that we need to live in caution, but this is only fear, nothing more. It seems to you that you should live the way society imposes on you, but you can change everything at any moment, simply by closing your eyes to all the “ifs” and “maybes”.

Without fear, you can reach incredible heights, but only you can convince yourself that you can conquer these heights. 99% of people choose a calm and measured life, a job they hate, people they despise. All this is done in order to protect oneself, but it is from this imaginary security that all human problems come. We are irritated by our work, we are irritated by our friends and often even families. We can change all of this by simply saying to ourselves, "I can."

Stop letting fear destroy your love, your aspirations, impulses, motivation. You are what you think - so it was, so it is, and so it will be. With all this, you need to understand that everything that you achieve will remain dust, ashes, will go into oblivion. Only your influence on other people will continue your life path. The memory of you should be bright. You must be admired. Take it all with you and teach other people what you learned today.

The best reward for your work and courage will be the kindness of other people, their smiles and the desire to show themselves only from the good side. They will smile at you and give you only positive. Stop sitting in your comfort zone - force yourself to take and risk everything. Even if you don't achieve everything you dream of, you will live an exciting life. Everything that you see around you is not happening to you, but for you. Life is an extraordinarily valuable gift that should be used in a way that most people on this planet are afraid to use.

Make a wish, set a higher goal for yourself and do not worry about the form in which happiness will come to you. Just wait for it and move towards it, closing the distance every second, every minute. Do NOT wonder when you will realize the truth and succeed in your dreams. The question "when" is absolutely not relevant here. The important question is "how". If you fail to translate desires into reality the first time, then there will definitely be a second, third chance, fourth, fifth and millionth. The Universe is always kind to you and always open. She is only waiting for your victory over fear.

How to find inner strength

Motivation, fortitude, the desire to move forward - it's all the same. Life energy is the key to your strength and success in all areas of life. Psychologists have long ago discovered as many as 8 methods of increasing motivation and tips on how to survive life's troubles with minimal losses:

tip one: positive thinking. When you are told that you need to look at the situation from a different angle, from a different point of view, then this is one hundred percent correct. You just need to accept one simple truth that positive thinking destroys any sources of spiritual weakness called negative programs. The fact is that the negative always remains in the mind much longer than the positive. It accumulates and accumulates until you have persistent thoughts about your helplessness. It's like a snowball that grows exponentially;

Tip #2: Learn to manage your emotions. To overcome your fears, you will definitely need to learn not to keep the negative in yourself, but to direct it in the right direction. For example, you can use your anger as fuel for physical training, for sports. Why not a good use? If you were greatly offended, and you know how to write poetry. Then you can write a verse about it, which, perhaps, will awaken in someone the right emotions;

Tip #3: Stop shying away from change. Go towards new discoveries and do not be afraid to change your life. Change jobs, friends, hobbies. For the search for happiness to succeed, one must seek, and not sit still;

Tip Four: Learn to Make Big Decisions. An uncertain forward movement is worse than a simple one on the spot. State to yourself that you want to change, that you have ambition. No one will do this for you;

Tip #5: Don't Postpone Anything. Never, under any circumstances, allow yourself to say something like: "I'll do it later, it's okay." No, happiness does not wait. It asks, and then immediately leaves. If you learn to take on something quickly and confidently, you can greatly succeed in any business;

Tip Six: Remove negative people from your life. Don't associate with people who have a bad influence on you. People are cruel because they are always selfish and almost always pursue only their own personal goals in everything. Leave next to you only those who do not lie to you, who are devoted to you and who respect you. The rest must be removed from life right now;

Tip Seven: Learn to ignore what others think of you. This is a very important point that should never be forgotten. Society will always judge you, even if you do everything as you are told. They will simply sit on your neck and hang your legs. You will be slaves to the situation, but there is an opportunity to change everything. Just stop being afraid of judging people. This is the most important step on the path to gaining inner strength;

Tip Eight: Know how to rest on time. Any, even the most pleasant work should be replaced by rest. This is useful for creative people because you will have a new perspective on the situation. It is useful for athletes and those who work physically. Rest is needed to recuperate. Constant loads on the body wear it out, turning it into a falling apart mechanism.

When you are strong in spirit, all peaks will submit to you. The most important choice in life is whether or not to be who you want to be. Of course, preparation is needed, but it is not difficult. Living this life is interesting, so just love your hobbies and get rid of fear. You do not need it, because it is just a relic of the past.

Each of us is a unique person who has his own views on the material world and the spiritual world. In one thing, all the most successful people agree - they are devoid of fear and they love life with all their hearts. If you lack motivation even after reading this article, then check out ours. These pictures should help you visualize what was discussed in this article, help you understand it at a higher level. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Elena Sikirich, head of the Russian philosophical school "New Acropolis"

Life choice is a responsible and serious matter, but at the same time, there is something surprisingly interesting and exciting in it. There are situations when it seems that we approach this issue too ordinary, and sometimes even extremely petty and boring. Sometimes, when discussing things that could change his whole life, a person behaves as if he is just going to have a snack or buy a new hat, and when choosing clothes or products in a supermarket, the same person looks as if his whole life depends on this choice. fate. It's like in advertising: "Every moment we choose our destiny, make new discoveries, find new interests, and every moment is the beginning of a new path ..." So beautiful, so deep, so true that I'm ready to subscribe to every word. But here's more!.. "...We strive to choose the best, to choose the perfect quality... Beer "Solodov": I'm responsible for the quality!" Well, pray tell, where does the beer??

I remember one of my former housemates learning that you can get a brand new refrigerator with a minor manufacturing defect for next to nothing. To do this, he had to find another fifty potential buyers, collect their applications and negotiate with the director of a foreign company selling refrigerators. The point is not even that he successfully completed this undertaking, but that in the struggle for the refrigerator he showed qualities that I had not noticed in him before. Knowing him as an inert, indecisive and passive person, I was pleasantly surprised to see his burning eyes, fighting spirit and ingenuity. And I remember the same man in a situation where his wife left him, to whom he was very attached. To complete the picture, it should be noted that his wife also loved him very much, but she could no longer withstand his laziness, inertia and inaction. With this last, desperate step, she hoped to shake him up and was ready to return at the first slightest reaction on his part, and even frankly told him about it. What steps do you think the husband took? Yes, no ... except for the reaction of a single chaotic conversation about the division of property and a lot of "glasses" in which he drowned his grief, because he really was very worried. I don’t know how their further fate turned out, since we left this house very soon, but I still can’t understand one thing: what was so special in this refrigerator, what inspired my husband to exploits, and what was not in his the wife he loved so "much" that he let her go without even trying to fight for her?

I understand very well that neither my former neighbor, nor many others who behave in this way, fall short of Hamlet and therefore they cannot be judged for the fact that the famous question "to be or not to be?" they do not ask in the style of Shakespeare. Nor can they be judged for the fact that they often apply this question to things, as a rule, very prosaic and banal.

But still, the story of the "family triangle", consisting of a husband, wife and a refrigerator, made me think about what, in fact, the criteria we are guided by in life. What is important for us and what is not, what is primary and what is secondary? Why, when life puts us in a situation of choice, do we choose one and not another? Are we generally aware of what aspirations and impulses guide us when we make this or that choice? And is it important for us to know about it? But after all, there is, after all, a significant difference between choosing an institute, a profession for life, and choosing a ticket for a week or a month, even if this month is a honeymoon!

No matter how many years we have lived in this world, our whole life consists of a huge number of situations of choice. Thanks to a very instructive advertisement, we have already learned that not all yogurts are equally useful and that sometimes it is better to be silent, chew gum, suck Rondo candies and drink the right beer than to speak and live differently ... Thank you, dear friends, for teaching choose according to surprisingly deep criteria; the genius of Shakespeare, together with his Hamlet, simply fades! But it is so unfortunate that your hands did not reach the point of more thoroughly studying the same Shakespeare and many other classical authors, otherwise you would have discovered one amazing thing for yourself and thereby greatly pleased the viewers with a clear progress in your assessments!

It turns out that not only yogurt, but not all situations of choice in life are equally important! Ancient Greek philosophers, for example, called "life choice" only those situations that contain the potential to radically change the whole fate of a person - if he reacts to them correctly. Situations of such a plan represented a kind of chance given by fate and at the same time "earned" by the person himself thanks to his previous actions, efforts and aspirations. This chance must be caught, realized and used. As a result, a person’s life will either change for the better in such an amazing way that a person could not even dream of, or just as rapidly begin to fall apart if he misses this chance and if he reacts contrary to the voice of conscience and the dictates of the heart.

Shakespeare was right in emphasizing the exceptional importance of such moments in life: "To be or not to be, that is the question ..." For they do not come by chance and not at any time, but, as a rule, when one small stage ends, human life cycle and a new one must already begin. This process is always accompanied by a strong and - please note - NECESSARY crisis. Our old way of life, as well as affairs, relationships or problems that have become routine - all this not only no longer suits us, but it simply kills both the heart and the soul. I want to live in a new way! But, on the other hand, you know perfectly well that this will require bold, extraordinary, sometimes certainly crazy steps, which you are not ready for and which you are afraid of deep down... I’ll even lose what I have... No one guarantees that this chance is mine, that I can handle it - in short, there are only difficulties, only uncertainty... That old life of mine, even if it’s a swamp, but it’s my own, dear ... albeit boring and routine, but familiar and familiar ... Yes, and it’s not such a swamp, it has its own charms ... Eh, finally decide what you want!

Here it is, the situation of life choice. You don't choose Petya or Yura, not "Zaporozhets" or "Volvo", not a vocational school or an institute, not a salary, not a job... All these are just forms, and there are an infinite number of them... The real choice is whether you will start a new life or you will stay in the old one, which is no longer good ... The opportunity to start living in a new way - this is the chance that fate gives at the moment of a real choice. She gives it through a variety of situations, not always similar to a movie or a soap opera, not always obvious, not always understandable - but always difficult and insanely interesting. It is not the situations themselves that are important, but how we react to them, what we use them for.

This truth was well understood by the ancient Greek philosophers when they said that the crisis that comes before the most important turning points in our lives should not be feared, because it is a herald of future changes, and therefore it must be passed. The very word "crisis" comes from the ancient Greek root "krino" - "separate", "decide", "make a choice". The fact is that a crisis is not only a deep dissatisfaction with the old and a passive desire to change something for the better. This is a very concrete, active rethinking of what was and what will be. But in order to get out of the crisis, it is not enough just to realize what you no longer want at this stage of your life, but first of all you NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE. That is why a crisis has always been called a period of great revelations, great decisions and important steps LEADING TO BIG CHANGE, but only if it is overcome in the right way ...

I can already hear you objecting to me: "In theory, it all sounds very nice, but in practice ..." Do not rush to conclusions. Practice in this case is not only our concern. I assure you that fate itself will organize it, at a very professional level. Judge for yourself ... As soon as at the moment of crisis you state that it is time to change something in your old life, as soon as your heart began to dream of something more important and more true, then immediately Her Majesty Fate begins to intervene in full . Immediately she sends us situations to test how strong and reliable your decisions are, and this test is always connected with CHOICE.

Suppose you decide that money is not important to you, but it is much more important that the work is beloved, for the soul ... As soon as you dare to plunge headlong into your favorite business and agree to eat one potato and live in a hut for this, in that old, boring job that you decide to quit, they give you a boss chair and a huge salary. Now try and choose! And depending on your choice, it will immediately be clear that in fact the main thing in your life is, no matter what you say there, no matter how smart you reason. And there are a lot of such situations in life ... We decided that it is much more important for you to remain honest - right there, fate will give you the opportunity to steal, and decently ... - and choose! We decided that truth and justice are much more important for you - right there they will give you the opportunity to deceive, and easily, without risk, and even get what you have long wanted ... - and choose! We decided that you have your own destiny and that you will fight for it, enter an institute where it is almost impossible to enter, even if it takes years, you will immediately be given the opportunity to enter another very easily and quickly, to take off a difficult cargo, reassure parents... - and choose! We decided that true love is the most important thing for you and that you will fight for it to the end - right there you will be given the opportunity to brighten up loneliness in a cozy marriage or in a sweet, pleasant relationship, but without love ... - and choose!

Many people call this clear "mechanism" of fate the "law of meanness", but I prefer the definition of philosophers who call it the law of Life Choice. It seems that every time at the end of one and at the beginning of a new stage, fate wants you to determine again what is the most important, the most sacred for you in life. With her original checks and trials in situations of choice, she seems to show that having good intentions is not enough, that one must fight, EVERY TIME IN A NEW WAY, for what you love, what you believe in. The whole future life, and not only ours, really depends on our choice, our reaction in such situations ... They didn’t catch, didn’t understand the importance of the moment, didn’t react in the right way - and lost a lot without knowing it themselves.

However, there is another law, and it says: "As you sow, so shall you reap." If you want to know what your future will be, then it will be commensurate with what inspires your heart and guides your steps at this moment.

And yet - how to make the right choice? How do we know if we made a mistake again? How do we know if we missed another chance? After all, you will tell me that in life there are not so few important situations of choice: the choice of a profession, an institute, a favorite business, a loved one, friends, worldview, and in the end, there is also a choice of destination and one's own path. You can choose correctly in one, but be wrong in another, or react half-heartedly in the third. It turns out that everything is equally important, and it is rather difficult not to make a mistake in anything. How to be? Then I'll ask you: "Are you sure that these are all different choices?"

There is an excellent example, which does not even require comments, which could serve as an answer to this question. Once, on an expedition to the Solovetsky Islands, my friends were looking for a boat station. Wandering through the forest, they walked along the path for a long time until they reached a fork. At the fork there was a post with two signs, one was written "THEWHERE", and on the other - "NOT THERE". Concluding that some kind of trap must be hiding here and that nothing in life just happens so easily, my friends chose the wrong path. It took them more than an hour of useless walking to understand that everything in life is much simpler, that they made a mistake and that they had to choose another path, the one that, in fact, was indicated. They came back, and the way "there" led them to the boat station. The most interesting thing is that these were two identical roads, it was the same forest, the same obstacles and difficulties. The only difference between them was that one road led to the goal and the other did not. It’s good that my friends realized in time that they were going the wrong way and turned back, otherwise they would have lost not an hour, but much more. The longer they went down the wrong road, the harder it would be for them to get back on the right track.

All choices in life are part of a single Path, which is called Destiny.

Fate does the same with us, and everything is much simpler than we think. There are no different choices. In life, in fact, there is only one, great, single and holistic Choice. Favorite business, loved one, family, true friends, worldview and interests - these are not different roads that contradict each other. All of them are just a part of the same SINGLE PATH, which in ancient times was called PURPOSE. Philosophers have also said that when making a real life choice, you should ask yourself one single question and try to answer it: is what I choose part of my Destiny? If yes, then this is the road "there", otherwise you are going "the wrong way". I assure you, in this case, the guarantee of the correctness of the choice is one hundred percent. Do not try to understand your own destiny with your head - this is already a “wrong way”, and sooner or later it will lead you to a dead end. PURPOSE IS ALWAYS KNOWN BY THE HEART, AND ONLY BY THE HEART. Only it is able to see the most important and most mysterious in our Destiny, only it NEVER MISTAKES. In ancient times, they said that all the pieces of our destiny, like pebbles of a single mosaic, are contained in those very beautiful and most secret dreams that our heart keeps and lives with. Bernard Shaw once said: "If you want to look into the Soul of a person - ask what he dreams of ..." Have you ever thought that our heart dreamed of a favorite thing, a loved one, a true friend, like-minded people, about the great ideas, creations, deeds and adventures much earlier than they met us in life? You have probably forgotten that our heart has longed for them since the cradle, that it has never stopped looking for them and is still looking for them, despite the fact that our head has long ceased to think about them? Our heart is always true to them, because it is connected with them by mysterious ties that go beyond space and time, life and death. That is why our heart in situations of life choice always recognizes those or what is part of our destiny. It has been dreaming about them for too long to be wrong, and therefore always chooses correctly. A heart that lives with innermost dreams cannot be deceived, it is always sure that it loves, and that it loves those it loves. On the other hand, our head constantly analyzes, complicates, doubts, requires proof, it always takes it to the wrong place, therefore, without the guidance of the heart, it cannot be relied upon.

All our life, all the situations given to us by Fate, are one great, constant Choice between two Paths: HEAD and HEART, between the road "not there" and the road "there". Hearing the voice of the heart at the moment of choice, and then doing the opposite is like seeing a sign on the road, not using it, and then getting lost. The path of the heart is long and thorny, it is full of the same obstacles and trials as the path of the head, if not worse. But if at some stage of this path the heart helps you find, for example, your favorite business, the first, small part of your Destiny, then be sure that this is only the beginning of a big turn in your destiny. Thanks to this first step, in subsequent stages, gradually, bit by bit, it will reveal to you the missing links: a loved one, soul mates, great dreams and innermost talents of the soul. And you will know for what and for whom you live, but all this on one condition: that you do not stop walking, dreaming, fighting and believing. If one day you achieve something - small, insignificant or big - and if after that nothing changes in your life for a long time and you do not discover anything new, then you are on the path of the head that leads nowhere. You have moved away from the heart, and the longer you go this way, the more difficult it will be to return to the heart... step, then hope is not lost yet and all missed chances will return again along with your return to the "TU" road.

Philosopher Jorge A. Livraga once said: "Man has the magnitude of what he dares to dream." At the moment of a life choice, our entire future destiny, the entire future destiny of our cherished dream can be decided in one short moment thanks to one command of the heart. But in the same way, in one short moment, we can destroy everything with our own hands, if we do not listen to this command of the heart.

If, walking along the path of life, you do not get tired
show courage and justice,
you will see, time will pass, and you will look younger.
Like a frog, you will have more years and more years.
You will do what you dreamed of
and you will become who you really are.

Song of the harper Neferhotep

A crisis is a necessary stage in life, a very active and concrete rethinking of what was and what will be.

The original article is on the website of the magazine "New Acropolis": www.newacropolis.ru

to the magazine "Man Without Borders"

It is said that the main creative activity of a person is to choose. Choose how to feel, how to relate to reality. If you want, you will perceive the situation in one way. If you want others.

It would seem that everything is simple. But for some reason it's hard. The difficulty lies in three things:

1) We very rarely realize that we have a choice. Simply because we move through life using automatisms, programs, thoughts that we once accepted. We almost never stop this flow.

2) Even if we begin to realize the endless whirlwind under the skull, we understand how many programs there are with which it is not clear what to do. Fears, automatic negative reactions to events, irritability, guilt, apathy and so on. This, to put it mildly, unpleasant filling of the consciousness and the unconscious stands before us in full growth, and only a brave person (or someone who is pinned down - which happens often) will dare to wander there and clean it all up.

3) Clearing the rubble of the unconscious, we are faced with one paramount task: to fill the unconscious with images, parts that are much more pleasant than were found there before.

It is at this stage that the task of learning to CHOOSE arises. If before with two points we prepared ourselves for the choice, becoming more conscious and clearing the path of life from stones and branches, now it is important for us to create the path of the future on our own.

What is needed for this?

Have images. The images you want to choose: intimacy with your loved one, love and acceptance of children, success at work, daily pleasant mood, and so on.

Without these images, it will not be possible to choose. Since there will be nothing to choose from!

But that's not all.

The choice becomes even more conscious if it fails to choose something good automatically. That is, it seems that there is an alternative to something unpleasant, but it just doesn’t enter into you ...

Let me explain with a story (write with permission).

The most intelligent, smartest woman with a bunch of unresolved problems stretching from childhood. During a decent number of psychotherapeutic hours, we analyze these problems, transform everything that is required. As a result - a rise in mood, an increase in strength, an increase in confidence, self-value, self-esteem, changes in work. Then a break in therapy and here is a new request: “I understand that everything is fine with me, but I am sad. Health is better, almost nothing hurts) Relations with children and husband are good. With mom too. Work is ok. But melancholy… Maybe autumn?”

(By the way, autumn is a great time to check your fullness. If everything is in order, gloomy weather will practically not affect your mood. If, nevertheless, bad weather for a person is a decrease in activity, then this should be a peaceful rest, and not a gloomy state of mind ))

I must say that my interlocutor belongs to the 4th enneatype (and she herself is aware of this), and this enneatype implies melancholy, apathy and melancholy in one bottle 24 hours a day. If there is no joyful upsurge in mood, the four is not in a neutral state, it simply "flops" into melancholy and stays there until the next upsurge.

This is how the four are “unlucky” with their mood, but something needs to be done about it. And here it is time to connect all the awareness that is only available. It's time to CHOOSE. It's time to choose a good mood and learn to stay in it, as we once learned to brush our teeth in the morning.

Here I make the following remark. On the forums I met numerous negative reactions of psychologists to setting themselves up for positive. Like, standing in front of a mirror and charging yourself with a smile and the mantra “I am the happiest, and my day will be the same” is to no avail, and a person is not enough for a long time. Oh how right they are! A person with a huge bag of unresolved problems behind him, who has not gone through the lessons of growing up, who is absolutely unaware of what awareness is, who does not know where and how to strive and develop, tries to solve all problems in one fell swoop, keeping a smile on his face during the day. It won't work, alas.

But at some point, can we start smiling by choosing this smile consciously? If only simply because the non-smile has been with you every day for 30-40-50 years, and is rather tired?

There are already other mechanisms at work here. Mechanisms of choice, mechanisms of creation. I AM AND I CHOOSE. DOT. This is how we become Players of Life. And there already the status of the Master of the Game looms ahead) And what? It is interesting to constantly change and discover new facets in yourself.

In general, my interlocutor chose a smile)

Good luck and see you)

Whoever becomes a reptile worm can then complain that he has been crushed?

Immanuel Kant

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Stupidity, underdevelopment, inexperience, lack of education are the conditions that create constraints on freedom of choice.

Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky

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The best thing seems to everyone is what he has a desire for.

Kozma Prutkov

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You will lose more if you do not save less.

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At times, sophistication appears as the ability to make the right choice in accordance with intuition.

Jacques Derrida

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If you are asked: what is more useful, the sun or the moon? - answer: a month. For the sun shines during the day when it is already bright, but the moon shines at night. But, on the other hand: the sun is better because it shines and warms, but the moon only shines, and then only on a moonlit night!

Kozma Prutkov

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7 minutes to think

I don't know what is better - evil, which brings benefit, or good, which brings harm.

Buonarroti Michelangelo

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That captive duke, who was given the choice to be drowned in Madeira or sherry, was hardly happy with his freedom of choice.

Wilhelm Windelband

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I know of nothing more pleasant and instructive than comparing experience with expectation, or noticing the difference between an idea and reality.

Samuel Johnson

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Freedom of choice in a competitive society is based on the fact that if someone refuses to satisfy our requests, we can turn to another.

Friedrich August von Hayek

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It is better to fight among a few good people against many bad people than among many bad people against a few good ones.

Antisthenes of Athens

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There are ten thousand things in the world, ten thousand feelings in the human soul, ten thousand deeds on earth. If you look at them with a darkened eye, they will appear as a meaningless confusion. And if you look at them with a clear eye, an unshakable order will be found in everything. Why worry about differences? Why choose and guess?

Hong Zicheng

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We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.

Kahlil Gibran

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The world is inhabited by people who, out of habit comparing themselves with those around them, always prefer themselves and act accordingly.

Jean de La Bruyère

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Choose who you love.


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Two guests, entering the office of their friend, see the room each in their own way, one immediately notices a bottle of liquor on the table, and the other a new art edition.

Nikolai Onufrievich Aossky

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We can see or not see - as we like, we can hear or not hear.

Alfred North Whitehead

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You can only choose between superfluous things.

Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

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Taking on a difficult task, first find faithful servants, First appreciate their virtues and vices, And then fate, on which all our successes depend, Will be able to evaluate your choice.


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What is better? - Compare the past and compare it with the present.

Kozma Prutkov

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The Rubicon has been crossed.

Caesar Gaius Julius

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In the nature of people there are dissimilarities: some like sweet, others - bitter.

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If you have something better, offer it, and if not, submit.


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In the event of a clash of motives, the choice is always made in the direction of the strongest motive.

We all have to make choices all the time. More often, we do this almost unconsciously, for example, when we decide whether to drink tea or coffee, or go to bed, or sit at the computer a little more. A more difficult choice makes us think a little, and a really difficult choice sometimes becomes a serious task that requires a lot of thought. The choice is different, and we make it differently, or we refuse to choose at all. Find out what the greats of history have to say about it with quotes about choice.

Quotes and phrases about choice:

  • 1) Man is a being with free will, therefore every man is potentially good or evil, and it is up to him, and only he (through the reasoning of the mind) to decide what he wants to be.
    Ayn Rand
  • 2) Life is the sum of all your choices.
    Albert Camus
  • 3) Live to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for. Where do you want to go and why do you want to go there.
    Kofi Annan
  • 4) You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.
    Chuck Palahniuk
  • 5) It is choice, not chance, that determines your destiny.
    Jean Niedich
  • 6) We can try to avoid making a choice by doing nothing, but it is already a choice.
    Gary Collins
  • 7) Nothing is so exhausting as indecision, and nothing is so useless.
    Bertrand Russell
  • 8) The most characteristic sign of a great mind is choosing something very important, and following it all your life.
    Anna Letizia Barbo
  • 9) Choice has always been the privilege of those who can afford to pay for it.
    Helen Frankfort
  • 10) The truth is that the place you want to be is the wrong place.
    Chuck Palahniuk
  • 11) It is very difficult for some people to accept that love is a choice. This seems to contradict the conventional theory of romantic love, which explains that love is an innate feeling, and as such requires nothing more than acceptance.
    Leo F. Bascaglia
  • 12) I know who I am and who I can be if I make a choice.
    Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
  • 13) Every person, every event in your life, happened to you because you drew them. What you decide to do with them is up to you.
    Richard Bach
  • 14) You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that best moves you towards your goal. Analyze your life in terms of your environment. Are the things around you helping you achieve success or are they holding you back?
    Clement Stone
  • 15) Every mind must make its choice in favor of truth or peace. He cannot choose both.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 16) Be careful not to fight and remember: if you do not choose to lead, you will always follow others. Find what scares you and do it. And you can make a difference if you choose to do so.
    J. Michael Straczynski
  • 17) Each person contributes a donation in the form of four things - self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. They give us infinite human freedom. The power to choose, to react, to change.
    Stephen R. Covey
  • 18) We must make choices that allow us to discover the deepest possibilities of our real selves.
    Thomas Merton
  • 19) Choose an author like you choose a friend.
    Arthur Helps
  • 20) Guess if you can and choose if you dare.
    Pierre Corneille
  • 21) When you have no choice, mobilize the spirit of courage.
    Jewish proverb
  • 22) I think that the choice is possible for us at any moment, as long as we live. But there is no sacrifice. There is a choice, and the rest falls away. The second option does not exist. Beware of those who talk about the victim.
    Muriel Rakeyser
  • 23) Let people decide firmly what they will not do, and they will freely and vigorously do what they have to do.
  • 24) We all have to suffer two kinds of pain: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is that discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons.
    Jim Rohn
  • 25) When you have a choice but don't make it, that is the choice itself.
    William James
  • 26) Choose only one master - Nature.
  • 27) I believe that we are fully responsible for our choices and we must accept the consequences of every deed, word and thought throughout our lives.
    Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  • 28) The absence of alternatives amazingly clears the mind.
    Henry Kissinger
  • 29) No person chooses evil because it is evil, he only mistakes it for happiness and goodness, which he strives for.
    Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
  • 30) The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice.
    George Eliot
  • 31) You can always change your mind and choose a different future or a different past.
    Richard Bach
  • 32) Although we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.
    Stephen R. Covey
  • 33) A man is happy as long as he wants to be happy, and nothing can stop him.
    Alexander Solzhenitsyn
  • 34) Ultimately, we shape our life and we shape ourselves. This process never ends until we die. And the choice we make is always our responsibility.
    Eleanor Roosevelt
  • 35) If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I have the courage to betray my country.
    I. M. Foster
  • 36) I choose my friends for their appearance, my acquaintances for their kind nature, and my enemies for their intellect. A man cannot be too careful in choosing his enemies.
    Oscar Wilde
  • 37) Choose an item according to your abilities, consider what your shoulders can throw off and what they can carry.
  • 38) If you limit your choice to only what seems possible and reasonable, you exclude yourself from what you really want, and all that is left aside is compromise.
    Robert Fritz
  • 39) Choose a job you love and you will never have to work in your life.
  • 40) From now on, only through a conscious choice and with the help of a purposeful policy can humanity survive.
    Pope John Paul II
  • 41) Perfection is not a special act, but a habit. You are what you constantly do.
    Shaquille O'Neal
  • 42) This choice of ours shows us that we are actually much more than our abilities.
    Joan Kathleen Rowling
  • 43) We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.
    Kahlil Gibran
  • 44) What is an anarchist? The one who, by choosing, takes responsibility for the choice.
    Ursula Le Guin
  • 45) As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shift our responsibility onto the shoulders of God or nature. We must take it ourselves. This is our responsibility.
    Arnold Toynbee