How is an interview for a US visa. What documents are needed. List of required documents for obtaining a US visa

Interview at the embassy - this procedure must be completed by everyone who wants to get a visa to visit countries where the visa regime is in effect. How to go through this procedure effectively?

The purpose of the interview is to obtain a visa

First of all, you need to mentally prepare for this procedure and discard all fears and doubts. It is also necessary to remember the golden rule of punctuality: "accuracy is the courtesy of kings."

In order to avoid being late for such an important and responsible event, you need to know in advance the location of the embassy where you will have an interview in order to correctly assess the situation, rationally allocate time and reach your destination on time.

Preparing for an interview

What should I pay attention to when preparing for an interview at the embassy? First you need to study your questionnaire, the one that you filled out when applying for a visa. You must know it from beginning to end thoroughly, almost all questions asked by the consul during the interview will revolve around this document: the exact date of entry and exit, time of stay in the country, the main purpose of the trip, place of accommodation, availability of insurance policy, approximate route etc. In order not to get confused and give intelligible answers to the proposed questions, you can take a copy of your questionnaire with you.

Knowledge of the language and traditions - is it really that important?

An indisputable advantage for you as a visa applicant is knowing the language of the country you want to travel to. However, do not get too upset if you are completely unfamiliar with it. But, international English, at least at a minimum level, you should know. However, if you go abroad on vacation, you will not be subjected to an exam procedure for your language abilities and knowledge, but the ability to speak English will be a definite plus for you in the eyes of the consul.

Knowledge of traditions is also an important, though not a primary issue. Going for an interview at the embassy, ​​you need to arm yourself with at least minimal knowledge in the field of traditions and history of the country you are going to visit. By the way, this knowledge will help you avoid many unpleasant situations and incidents while traveling, especially if you plan to go on vacation to countries with original culture and traditions.

Appearance, what should it be?
The embassy is an official institution, therefore, the appearance of a person going for an interview must be decent. The style of clothing should be concise and businesslike, which means that other options, as well as negligence in appearance, should be immediately dismissed.

For men, an ordinary suit with a fresh shirt is ideal, for women - a strict pencil skirt, trouser suit or a modest dress in a business style. Going to an interview, it is better for ladies to give up excessively bright colors in clothes, defiant makeup and loose hair.

How to behave at an interview at the embassy?

Remember the elementary rules of decency: at the interview you need to behave with restraint and emphasized politeness. All questions asked by the visa officer must be answered concisely and clearly. At the same time, the answers must correspond to the truth and fully coincide with the information provided in the questionnaire.

Remember: embassy employees are on duty, their actions are strictly regulated by the instructions. The main purpose of the interview is to prevent potentially dangerous individuals from obtaining a visa: inadequate, unbalanced, those who hide something and evasively answer the questions posed. Also, an interview at the embassy minimizes the growth of illegal immigrants who, having gone on a tourist trip, seek to circumvent the law and stay on the territory of the state for a longer time.

It is better to come to the interview a little earlier than the appointed time, but you should not hope that the event will take place on time, delays are quite possible. There is no need to be nervous about this. At the interview, try to behave with restraint, answer the questions concisely and boldly, only in this case you will become the proud owner of a permit to visit a particular country.

Anyone wishing to visit the United States of America must. This procedure takes place in several stages, the most important of which is an interview at the US Embassy. If you are, then in some cases you can do without visiting the embassy in 2019. Citizens of Russia today can sign up for an interview only in neighboring countries: Georgia, Belarus, Latvia and others.

Before signing up for an interview at the embassy, ​​you must collect the following package of documents:

This concludes the list of required documentation. However, it is recommended that you bring the following documents with you to your interview:

  • Property documents (land, real estate, car);
  • Documentation for children (birth certificate);
  • Confirmation of your financial independence;
  • Confirmation of your itinerary (booked hotel room, return flight ticket).

Photo for the questionnaire

To obtain a visa, you need a photo that meets the established criteria.

Photo requirements for obtaining a US visa:

If you are going to take a photo in a good salon, then the staff will most likely already know the visa photo requirements.

Procedure for making an appointment for an interview

An example of a paid receipt of the consular fee

The next step is necessary. On the website of the embassy you can find this form and familiarize yourself with the rules for filling it out. Please note that the correct filling of the questionnaire is extremely important. Once the questionnaire has been sent, it will not be possible to make any amendments.

If you have any questions during the filling process, contact an interpreter or a qualified attorney. The consulate's call center does not deal with questions about filling out questionnaires. Save the application number: you may also need it at the interview.

The next step will be an appointment for an interview at the US Embassy. This procedure can be carried out through the call center or on the website of the embassy.

An entry can be made by indicating the applicant's passport data, the number of the receipt confirming the payment of the consular fee, as well as the ten-digit cipher code of the applicant's questionnaire DS-160.

In the process of making an appointment for a personal conversation at the embassy, ​​it is possible to decide on the choice of a visa, indicate your personal data, indicate your family members and indicate the place where documents will need to be delivered in case of obtaining a visa. Registration for an interview takes no more than five minutes.

Having received information with the date and time of the future interview, prepare the necessary documents.

Preparing for an interview

The most common interview question is what questions will the inspector ask? The interview is the final and most important step in obtaining a US visa, and most people want to come prepared for this interview. You do not need to write all possible questions, come up with answers to them and memorize them. Unfortunately, this always creates a not too pleasant impression and an unnecessarily nervous environment, which harms the result.

The inspector checks the adequacy of the foreign citizen and his readiness to comply with the rules and regulations, in particular with regard to immigration policy.

Questions should be answered truthfully, confidently and easily. Do not be verbose and try to be overly persuasive. As experienced travelers say, a visa is most readily given to those who demonstrate slight indifference and, by all external signs, can do without a visa.

It is necessary to think over the travel program as best as possible - the story about it should be short, concise, integral and as consistent as possible. If the interlocutor is confused, the officer may refuse to obtain a visa.

Interview Questions

What do consular officers ask?

About the trip

Questions about the upcoming trip can be very difficult for an unprepared person. Do not speak at random, it is best to make a trip plan in advance in order to navigate the dialogue with the inspector. It is necessary to confidently operate not only with travel dates, but also with the names of places that you want to visit. The officer may be interested in some small nuances, no need to be scared, rather confidently describe his thoughts and ideas on this matter.

About work

The inspector may be interested in the labor activity of a foreign citizen who came for an interview. This is no more difficult than a regular dialogue about work, with the only difference that you need to remember - no matter what you want to say about your work, salary and company activities, you should stick to the idea that a visa is given to those who are going to return to their homeland. Salary, company activities, work experience - all this may be of interest to a consular officer.

Increasingly, the US Embassy in the interview pays attention to the family, issues of close family ties. If a person goes on a trip, leaving his family at home, it is better to say so. There may also be a question about relatives in America and their status.

About money

Or about the sponsor of the trip, if another person pays for it. Confirmation of financial stability should be in any case. If the trip will be paid for by yourself, then a bank statement will suffice, if the sponsor will pay for it, then in addition to bank documents, a letter of intent from the sponsor will also be required.

About the host

Your actions at the embassy

Arriving at the embassy, ​​you must go through several stages in the following sequence:

The main stages of the interview

This process takes place in two stages, respectively, there are also two queues. Take a seat in the first line (do not worry, it moves quickly). When it's your turn, your fingerprints will be taken and a few questions will be asked. This survey is rather formal, the questions are superficial.

However, do not lose vigilance: among the easy questions, a question that requires an accurate and serious answer may slip through. Usually at this stage you may be asked the purpose of your visit to the United States. In addition, you will be asked for your passport and a questionnaire filled out in advance in the form DS-160, after which you can take a place in another queue.

The second line will take you straight to the embassy officer who is in charge of issuing visas. Don't be surprised if you have to go through the fingerprinting process again before doing so. Those are the rules.

After passing the second line, you can go to the waiting room for a conversation with a consular officer. Your name and surname will be announced and the window to which you need to approach will be indicated. If your time has passed, and you have not heard your last name, do not worry.

Often there are cases when the time indicated for the conversation did not coincide with the real one. In some cases, the applicant has to wait half an hour or an hour. It's worth noting that this may not be related to your documents. So just relax, waiting for an invitation.

If, after the announcement of your data, you did not approach the employee on time, the documents will be postponed, and you will be invited again after a while. Listen carefully, as consular staff may not clearly pronounce names in a language other than their own.

Before inviting you for a conversation, the embassy visa officer will review your package of documents. He has your passport, a completed application form with data and your photo, as well as photocopies of other documents. You must have the originals at this time.

US Visa Application Confirmation

Go to the window, say hello and introduce yourself. You do not need to hand over the documents that you brought with you. If something is needed, an employee of the embassy will tell about it himself.
The purpose of your conversation is to explain the reasons that prompted you to apply for a visa.

Calmly and slowly explain why you need to travel to the United States, indicate your plans and the intended place of residence.

All supporting documents that were collected in advance are only necessary to confirm your words, and therefore may not be needed.

If an officer asks you the same question several times, do not get lost, answer again, slightly correcting the answer. An embassy employee in this way may try to check your behavior, or simply did not hear the first answer.

How to get a US visa? This process is shrouded in secrets and legends. But after reading this article, everything will become clear to you. Let's get started!

Short introduction

The United States is a large and very interesting country, annually receiving thousands of tourists from around the world. However, the domestic traveler has a huge number of stereotypes and myths, because of which such a trip seems difficult, and it is abandoned in favor of easier options. It is not right! In addition, sometimes a US visa is simply necessary.

The first and main myth is the difficulty of obtaining a US visa. Here is an instruction that will tell you how to get a visa to the USA without any problems!

So how do you get a US visa?
There is a simple algorithm for obtaining a US visa:

  1. Assess your chances
  2. Pay a consular fee of $160
  3. To upload a photo
  4. Fill out the DS-160 form
  5. Sign up for an interview
  6. Collect documents and come to the interview

Skyscrapers in Chicago

Step 1: Consider the odds

Let's take a look at your odds first. There are a number of misconceptions, for example:

  • the interview is only possible in English;
  • you need to have a large amount in your bank account;
  • and you also need to own real estate, and go only by invitation.

Of course, if you have real estate and a round bank account, this will not be a disadvantage. As for everything else, these are just myths.

However, it is quite expected that if you are a young 20-year-old unemployed girl renting a room in a communal apartment, the visa process will be somewhat more difficult for you. Although this does not mean that there is no chance.

The consul (or visa officer) by and large doesn't care how cool, rich and successful you are in Russia. The only thing that will interest him is that you leave the United States after the end of your trip, and do not remain illegally growing medical marijuana. Accordingly, you need to convey only two messages: the first is that you will return (because you have a close connection with your homeland), the second is that you want to go to the United States solely as a tourist to see the sights.

Chicago streets

Step 2: Pay the fee

Let's start paying. And here is an important point. The only amount you have to pay is $160 US consular fee. If you are offered assistance in obtaining a visa for an additional 2500 rubles, then at best they will fill out a questionnaire for you, but you still have to pay $ 160. So fill in everything yourself and do not resort to the services of sites that guarantee 100% obtaining a visa. Whether you get a visa or not, only the visa officer at the embassy (or consulate) will tell you after the interview.

There are many ways to pay the consular fee. Now the main question - "Why pay?". It's simple, when making an appointment for an interview, you will need to provide a receipt number.

Ideal place for a run

Step 3: Taking a photo

Uploading a photo. This task should not cause any particular problems. The easiest way is to come to the photo studio, say that you "for an American visa" and ask to burn the photo on a disk. Although you can save some money and take a photo against a white wall in the kitchen, in this case, do not forget to check if you succeeded with the help of a special service on their website.

Visa to the USA - it's not difficult

Step 4: Fill out the form

Let's start filling out the questionnaire. First of all, do not be afraid - the questionnaire is in English, and you also need to fill it out in English, if you don’t understand something, feel free to use a translator. If you have Google Chrome installed, you can set it to automatically translate. Please note that women's and men's profiles are different, so don't be surprised.

Some of the questions at the end of the survey may be confusing. “Have you been involved in terrorism?”, “Participated in the torture of US citizens?” "Did you force anyone to have an abortion?" etc. It is not worth explaining what your chances of getting a visa will be in the next eternity if you try to joke. Do not forget to save the questionnaire regularly. After filling it out, do not forget to print the confirmation, which you need to take with you to the interview.

Washington Memorial

Step 5: Schedule an interview

We sign up for an interview on the website in your personal account. By indicating in advance what type of visa you need (for example, tourist B2). You indicate the consulate where you will have an interview (in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg or Vladivostok), the application number and the consular fee payment code. Do not forget to indicate the method of delivery of the passport. I highly recommend the PonyExpress courier service, firstly, it's free, and secondly ... although, perhaps, free is the best argument. The consulate warns that the passport will be delivered in 2-3 days, but, as a rule, it is brought the next business day after the interview.

Streets of Washington

Step 6: Preparing for the Interview

And now, the most exciting and long-awaited moment has come, you go for an interview at the US Consulate. What do you need to take with you?

  1. both passports (Russian and foreign)
  2. proof of payment
  3. printout of the DS-160 questionnaire
  4. if the passport is new, then it is better to take also the old one for fidelity

Yes, and that's it! But in order to be confident in your abilities, you can take with you:

  • bank statement
  • certificate from work (on income) / university
  • documents on the availability of property (real estate, car, garage)
  • a printout of your booking tickets and hotels (but it's better not to pay anything until your visa is approved)
  • certificate of marriage / birth of a child / disability of a relative
  • a contract for the sale of something very expensive

That is what connects you with your homeland.

However, most likely you will not need all this, so the main thing that you need to remember is self-confidence and the intention to get a visa.

Lincoln Memorial

Let's go for an interview

Let's say you have an appointment at 8:00 am. You arrive at the consulate at exactly 8:00, but if you are suddenly very afraid of being late, then in 5 minutes. You can determine the consulate even from afar by a long queue lined up on the street. These are the people who like to arrive an hour and a half earlier and wait. Don't worry, they won't get to the consulate before their appointed time. Ask who's last at 8:00 and stand behind him. After two checks, first by our police, then by an American officer, you enter the United States.

And here, WARNING! You cannot bring to the consulate with you: laptops, headphones, flash drives, phones, bags (medium, large), backpacks, food, etc. Leave it all in the car, and preferably at home. You hand over the phone at the entrance, put it in a small cell, and stand in a new queue, where you get a personal number.

Now you, as a free man, can sit on chairs and watch the beautiful views of America on TV until you are invited to take your fingerprints. After that, you return to your chairs and views until it's your turn to interview.

The interview is conducted by an American visa officer (or consul, which is rare), who will speak Russian (it is quite possible that very bad Russian, with a strong accent). If he suddenly asks in what language it is better to contact you, answer that in Russian. Here you do not get a job, excellent knowledge of the language and the presence of an IELS / TOEFL certificate, most likely, will be your significant drawback.


What questions will be asked

  • What is the purpose of your trip? It is better to answer in one word - tourism
  • What are you planning to visit? You describe in detail which cities you want to go to, what you want to see - Disneyland, the Statue of Liberty or the Grand Canyon, try real Coca-Cola and in general the USA is a chic country
  • Where do you work? What are you doing at work? How long have you been working there? Answer as it is, in some places you can embellish a little
  • If you are a student / undergraduate or graduate student, you can ask your research topic so try to learn it before the interview
  • Do you have relatives in the USA? This is a very important question, because of course you have no relatives. In the questionnaire, you already answered it, so do not surprise the officer, and answer the same way. The American concept of "relative" is strictly regulated, these are parents, children, siblings and that's it. But the fourth cousin is already an acquaintance / friend
  • How long will you spend in the USA? This question must be answered clearly - two weeks, a month, six months (this is the maximum stay in the USA)
  • Do you know English? Answer I know or I know a little, or I know averagely
  • Who pays for the trip? Depends on your situation. Better if it's you.
  • What countries have you been to? This will not affect anything, just start calmly listing the countries you have visited, this will show that no matter what, you still live in Russia.

It is possible that you will not be asked questions at all, but just in case, it is worth preparing and thinking through the answers. At the end of the interview, you are immediately informed of the result and the delivery time of the passport.

My congratulations.

Because if you are interested in the article, then this topic is relevant. And no matter what the result of the interview will be, soon you will definitely go on a trip.

Nothing just happens in life. Pay attention to randomness. Be prepared for all the vicissitudes of fate and capricious fortune will not keep you waiting.

visa interview

And today's article is about how not to "screw up" at the crucial moment of the US visa interview.


  1. How to behave properly at the consulate.
  2. About mistakes when submitting documents, from which in the future, all life can change.
  3. How to fill out the form correctly.
  4. How to collect your thoughts and answer in an interview briefly, correctly and clearly.
  5. For what reasons can you be denied a visa.
  6. How not to give a reason to suspect yourself of fraud and many nuances that you had no idea about.

Each country has its own rules and laws. Many people dream of visiting America. See Niagara Falls, find yourself in Boston or Chicago, walk the streets of New York. Want to?

To make a dream come true, you need to start planning. Prepare in advance for perhaps the most crucial moment in this entire procedure: obtaining a US visa.

You must provide true information about yourself

Interview questions can be completely different and even the most unpredictable. It is impossible to predict everything, but at least a little to be prepared and aware, it certainly does not hurt.

Little inaccuracy - big problem

The data in the questionnaire and your answers must match. To the smallest detail. The main thing is to fill in all the columns correctly. To do this, you must know at least a little English, because there are some points where you need to specify everything clearly and precisely.

For example, salary

You indicate the official salary, let's say $350. And right at the interview, you begin to talk about the fact that in addition to $ 350 you also earn extra money: by translating articles, you receive a bonus and additional pay for overtime hours. For America, this is very difficult.

The visa center will not understand and clarify the rules for calculating your salary. The inspector will simply check the box that the data in the questionnaire is not true. It's a shame? Yes. But it really can happen.

Bounce statistics in 2017

Be natural and don't be nervous

It must be understood that the interview is a kind of presentation of oneself. By filling out the questionnaire, you also present yourself, only on paper.

Let's say if you are very worried and nervous. You answer incoherently and stuttering, your hands tremble, and your eyes run around and your nose constantly itches. Represented? Answer for yourself, how do the consular workers perceive you?

Employees take special courses in psychology, they can read your eyes, gestures and facial expressions. Therefore, it will not be difficult to simply tick the box in the right place and return the documents with a refusal to you. Is it embarrassing?

An interview is a kind of self-presentation. Do not be nervous

Tell the truth and don't get confused

In short, you must provide truthful information.

Suppose a person can forget such simple data about himself:

  • What is your occupation
  • Where and in what year did you finish school
  • Mother's maiden name
  • Year of birth…

Sometimes they can be the most unpredictable. For example, what is the name and patronymic of your director? The address of the company where you work. Nobody will ask again, clarify and find out twice for sure.

Tidy up your social media

Sometimes during an interview, they can check your life on social networks. What kind of parties do you like to attend? With whom are your merry dances on the table? They may ask for the names and surnames of your companions in the photographs. And many more completely "incomprehensible" questions to ask. For you incomprehensible.

And the employee checks the accuracy of all the information you provide.

About the invitation

You have already “shoveled” the entire Internet about how to get an invitation in order to make it easier for yourself to get a visa. I advise you to refuse this option. Absolutely. Because it is completely unknown to how many people this “well-wisher”/kind soul subject offered services. Perhaps he is blacklisted due to a criminal record or some kind of violation.

And re-submitting documents, it will be very difficult for you to disown such an acquaintance. If there are no acquaintances and friends who can legally invite you to visit, then go the simple and correct way on your own.

The data in the questionnaire and your answers must match

An unfortunate mistake - a logical result

All big things, like a house of cards, can collapse because of one small wrong answer in the questionnaire. For example, do you know your exact postal address?

Because often there is a situation when a person writes one address of registration in the questionnaire. When asked by the inspector, he gives the address of residence at the present time. And in the address with the place of work indicates the third.

Think for yourself what the consular officer should decide if:

You live in the far suburbs, registered in Tula. You work in Biryulyovo. What, do you wind hundreds of kilometers back and forth every day? No matter how plausible it may sound, but one more tick about the wrong answer in your profile will be for sure.

Types of Nonimmigrant Visas

Purpose of the tripApplicantsVisa category
Business tripAthletes, nanniesIN 1
Tourist and by invitationAnyoneIN 2
For treatment-//- IN 2
US transit-//- FROM
Students, by programsstudentsF-1
Specialists (to work)-//- H-1V
Vocational training (without employment)-//- H3
Exchange programs-//- J1
Groom bride-//- K1
Artist-//- R

Relatives in the USA are no guarantee of hearing “yes”

Surprisingly, if you have close relatives living in the US, this may not play into your hands. Strange isn't it?

From our point of view, it looks like this:
Uncle and aunt can always settle in their house. Show beautiful places and help with money, in the end.

And for the consul, everything is quite the opposite:
If your relatives are legal in the US, then they can help you with immigration and with finding a lawyer for all your relocation matters. They will assist in finding a job and many more points with which your immigration will become easier.

What if the aunt and uncle left on a tourist visa and suddenly decided to stay there? Then a lot of problems for everyone. Do you need it?

Fill out the form correctly

Undeniable love for the motherland

We must collect and submit to the consulate as many undeniable documents as possible that show your interest in living in your home country.

In simple and clear words tell the employee:
How do you like your favorite job? Strong bond with friends and family. Valuable spacious and bright apartment on the outskirts. That you have absolutely no plans to live in New York. And you absolutely do not dream of looking at the Hollywood hills from the windows of your house.

For the first time…

There are people who want to get a visa to America with a brand new passport. Not for a forced reason (for treatment or exchange), but just like that. Before that, they never went anywhere. And then suddenly decided on such a long and distant trip.

Even if you provide documents from a bank that has been collecting money for such a trip for 20 years, visa guarantees are minimal. Why did you suddenly decide?

It's one thing if the passport is empty due to a change and getting a new one. And it is completely different if you have not been to any country in the world. Holidays in or do not count, because a trip there does not require large savings.

And you have to position yourself as a wealthy traveler. Able to spend a few weeks in such a prosperous and rich country as America.

Returned from Work&Travel and want to go to the USA again

If you or do not know what kind of program it is - Work & Travel, I will explain. Full-time students of 1-4 courses are given the opportunity to officially find a job in the United States. At some simple job.

For example, in a pizzeria as a waiter, a cashier in a supermarket (small), a sorter in a warehouse, or a lifeguard in a hotel pool. For several months, often in the summer months (students take their sessions and exams in advance), they can work and get paid for it.

After the end of the official opening hours, they have two weeks of free time to travel.
They can move freely throughout America, alone or with friends. After that, they return to their homeland. But!

Many students during this time make friends, fall in love and make plans for the future. Therefore, upon arrival home, they again collect documents. This is often a big mistake. Why?

Because everything is natural. The person already knows: what, where and how. Learned the language. He made friends and it is easy for him to find housing ...

For the consul, everything is very clear: you are a potential immigrant. You just have to wait six months or a year and only then start collecting documents.


Proof of material support

Strange as it may seem, but a 23-year-old young programmer from Moscow who goes on a trip on his own savings will almost 100% be denied entry. And if his wealthy parents act as a guarantor, then the likelihood of approval increases significantly.

Because too independent young people can get a job in any country. Especially programmers. A good and sought-after profession, by the way. This, of course, is not a rule. But there is a high probability.

Miracles happen

Well, all rules have exceptions and simple surprises.

Suppose you honestly told the consul that you had never traveled anywhere in your life.
All their conscious 50 years of life saved up a salary to see the Brooklyn Bridge in New York.
You don’t know English at all, but you don’t mind learning it through direct communication with the people of America.
They answered all the questions incorrectly because they were very worried.
Brother Petya, sister Masha and aunt Larisa live in Chicago quite by accident, and you almost don’t communicate….
There is always 1% left that you will be given the “go-ahead” simply for honest eyes and sincere answers.

Visa. The pink dream of many. Each case is very individual. But there is always an exception to the rule.
A great desire and faith helps to do the sometimes impossible.