What subjects should I take for an economist. What subjects you need to take for an economist Become an economist what you need to take

Every year, high school graduates face a serious question: where should they go to study and what exams should they take? Making a decision isn't easy. Statistics show that the majority of students choose a mathematical direction, and economics is the most common specialty chosen by modern school graduates.

The responsibilities of an economist include the development of financial plans for companies. The profession allows you to constantly develop thinking and draw new knowledge. The demand for economists is growing every year, so after graduating from a higher educational institution, it is almost impossible to remain without a job. Any enterprise or state structure needs a highly qualified specialist with an economic education. When choosing this profession, feel free to consider the fact that it will always be in demand.

What exams to prepare for?

The school curriculum is designed for general development, so it is not necessary to pass all the subjects in order to enter the institute. The list of the Unified State Examination that a future economist needs to pass contains only three disciplines:

  • math,
  • social science,
  • Russian language.

First of all, the admissions committee will look at the result of the exam in mathematics. The economy is connected with numbers, so for the last year of school you need to prepare well so that in the future there are no problems with learning. If there is a desire to enter the budget, then the summing score for these subjects should be maximum.

Ideally, it is desirable for an applicant-economist to know the listed subjects, otherwise problems may arise in understanding the discipline. Every school graduate should understand that studying at a university requires a lot of effort, so you need to prepare very responsibly.

Where to apply for an economist?

Admission to a higher educational institution is a long and complex process. An economic education is considered representative in the labor market, but in order to get a good job, you need to choose your university wisely. Educational institutions with an economic profile have proven themselves well:

  1. State University of Management.
  2. Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics.
  3. Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanov.
  4. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
  5. Russian Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The higher the score in the exams, the more likely it is to enter a prestigious and well-known university. As a rule, in such educational institutions, students are given a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge. This is enough to become a highly qualified specialist and quickly find a well-paid job.

I want to study economics. What subjects do I need to know? And what will you have to submit? and got the best answer

Answer from Valentina Spornyak[guru]
Amin, in order to enter the university as an economist, you must pass mandatory exams in the subjects: Russian language, Mathematics, Social science.
I recommend that you enter the Samara State University of Economics. I myself graduated from it in 1990 and I am very proud that I got knowledge and a profession there and met many good people. Moreover, Tatarstan is very close to Samara. Good luck to you!

Answer from Kuzkina Mother[guru]
mathematics, social studies and Russian

Answer from Ksenia Lazareva[guru]
In 2009, you need to take 3 exams: Mathematics, Russian Language, Social Studies.
From 2010 it is planned to add English to these 3 exams.
But personally, from my point of view, I think that for professional activities it is better to focus on mathematics, from the point of view of the elementary vital need for competent speech and business communication - it is useful to know the Russian language well; English is also quite necessary, but as for social studies, it is only necessary to enter, and then at the institute it is no longer essential.
I recommend applying here if you want to be closer to home and do not want to go to Moscow universities:

Answer from Lola Schwartz[newbie]
Mathematics (Profile)
Social science

Answer from Lary[active]
Universities sometimes name the study program with the word "economics", but the specialty there is not at all economics. Whatever the profile is called - look carefully so that the specialty code is 38.03.01.
The Bachelor's degree in Economics has more than a hundred profiles link
It is clear that the exams will be different in different universities for different profiles. All of them require the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, almost all of them in Mathematics. The third exam varies: Social Studies, Foreign Language, History, Physics, Computer Science.
To correlate the university, profile and exams, as well as see the passing scores, follow the link above


So you've decided to become an economist. What to do and how not to make a mistake on the way to your dream? First of all, you should get a certificate of secondary general education and pass the required USE. Let's say graduation from school is no longer a distant prospect for you, which means it's time for you to prepare for the upcoming exams.

It is known that from the 2014-2015 academic year, an essay on literature will serve as admission to the exam. Having successfully passed this test, it is necessary to pass exams in mathematics and the Russian language. It is worth considering that mathematics for economic education is a core subject, and the results here should be extremely high. The third discipline is determined by the educational institution: it can be either social science or a foreign language.

The next important step is the choice of an educational institution. Future economists can enter both college and university. In the first case, the term of study is 3-4 years, depending on whether students are enrolled after grade 9 or 11. In order to get a higher economic education, you need to study for 4-6 years: 4 years for bachelors, 5 years for specialists, 6 years for masters.

In a secondary or higher educational institution, the number and directions of specialties differ significantly. So, in colleges there are the following specialties:

  • Banking (basic training)
  • Banking (advanced training)
  • Commerce (by industry) (basic training)
  • Insurance business (by industry) (advanced training)
  • Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods (advanced training)
  • Economics and accounting (by industry) (advanced training)
  • Documentation support of management and archiving (advanced training)
  • Information security of automated systems (advanced training)
  • Information security of telecommunication systems (advanced training)
  • Programming in computer systems (advanced training)
  • Tourism (advanced training)
  • Hotel service (advanced training)

Not only the advice of acquaintances and reviews on various sites, but also special ratings of educational institutions can help in choosing a place to study. For example, there are many rankings of economic universities. For greater confidence, you can apply to several universities at once.

Be aware of all the events taking place during the admission campaign, clarify unclear questions with members of the admissions committee. This will help you better assess your chances of admission. Despite the fact that there are a lot of people who want to become an economics student, there are many opportunities for truly motivated applicants to enter. The main thing is to score the maximum possible number of points for yourself on the exam and be confident in your own abilities.


A financier is a specialist associated with the economic sphere. And he controls all of the company's cash transactions. He can enter into agreements with partners, work on an effective investment of financial capital in order to increase the income of the enterprise, control the revenues to the budget of the company and its expenses, and ensure that the company is not at a loss.

Experienced professionals are given a good chance to find a job with a decent salary. Employees of the financial sector with experience have the opportunity to receive more than 100 thousand rubles a month.

Financiers also deal with money circulation and loans. This person is a true connoisseur of serious monetary and financial transactions. Financiers work with money and government revenues.

Financiers can get a job in various organizations. These include investment funds and financial companies, economic and financial services, banks and stock exchanges, state bodies of the federal, territorial and municipal levels.

Financiers can choose certain financial areas for work: fiscal, regulatory, methodological, foreign economic, insurance, investment, etc. The duties of financiers include: drawing up financial estimates and reports, conducting exchange transactions and taxation, conducting various trading operations, analyzing financial documents.


1. All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade. Faculty of Economists - International Relations.

USE: Russian language, foreign language, mathematics. Points for the budget - from 264.

2. Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Faculty of International Economic Relations: Department of Information Technologies in International Business.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, foreign language, mathematics. Points - from 279.

3. Lomonosov Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov. Faculty of Economics.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, foreign language, mathematics, mathematics (in writing). Points for the budget for 3 subjects - from 255.

4. National Research University "Higher School of Economics". Faculty of Economic Sciences (Economics and Statistics).
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, foreign language, mathematics, social studies. Points - from 344.

5. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, mathematics, social studies. Points - from 255.


1. Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin. Faculty of Economics and Investments.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, mathematics, social studies. Points for the budget - from 225.

2. National Research University "Higher School of Economics". Department of Economics.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, foreign language, mathematics, social studies. Points - from 320.

3. St. Petersburg State University.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, mathematics, social studies. Points - from 261.


1. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management. Faculty of Economics.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, mathematics, social studies. Points - from 246.

2. Novosibirsk National Research State University. Faculty of Economics.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, mathematics, social studies. Points for the budget - from 255.


1. Ural State University of Economics.
Direction of training - "Economics".

2. Ural Federal University. B.N. Yeltsin.
Direction of training - "Economics".
USE: Russian language, mathematics, social studies. Points - from 249.


The success of a career often depends on the scale of the company: the larger it is, the greater the prospects. You can start with junior positions in the financial department, gradually increasing your professional skills. An experienced specialist may eventually qualify for the position of financial or general director.

There are many areas where there is a prospect of realizing oneself: the investment sector, financial management, audit, civil service, currency control.

Financiers do not experience great difficulties in finding employment. However, after graduating from a higher educational institution, you need to tune in to the fact that you won’t be able to earn big money right away. You need to start from the smallest.

The profession of an economist is still in demand on the labor market. According to experts, the rating of its prospects is 75%. Specialists are needed in all spheres of human life - from the industrial sector to show business.

Analysts solve tactical problems, while practitioners develop strategies for their implementation. It should be borne in mind that specialists with work experience who have received a good education are valued.

Before choosing the profession of an economist, deciding on an educational institution, it is worth evaluating your professional qualities, objectively assessing your abilities.

Who is an economist

The word "economist" is interpreted as a zealous thrifty owner. History knows many examples when famous economists took large concerns and countries out of crisis.

In fact, this is a person who analyzes the state of affairs, rationally allocates resources, financial flows, assesses the prospects of enterprises. He always keeps his finger on the pulse of economic activity, assesses upcoming risks.

Characteristics of the profession - what it does, functions and tasks

An economist, first of all, an analyst. What is his job?

He is equally well obliged to:

  • understand financial statements, drawings, estimates;
  • engage in forecasting;
  • know the principles of management;
  • determine personnel policy;
  • be a financier;
  • control the economic situation;
  • be able to draw up business plans;
  • must be able to assess the current financial situation;
  • know the main trends in the development of economic processes.

A large amount of knowledge and a wide range of interests explains the high demand for the profession. Specialists are needed at enterprises, in the housing and communal services system, authorities, social and cultural spheres.

What Qualities and Skills Should an Economist Possess?

When interviewing for a vacancy, personal qualities are necessarily evaluated:

  • general erudition - it characterizes logic and memory;
  • the ability to concentrate, since strict self-control is important in work;
  • psychological characteristics of the personality: a tendency to analyze, reactivity of thought processes;
  • an appearance that shows how neat a person is.

A good economist should be able to:

  • quickly process a large amount of information;
  • Be responsible;
  • be able to communicate, clearly express their thoughts;
  • constantly educate yourself.

The future qualifications, the position held depend on the presence of all these qualities.

What exams do you need to take

For admission, you will need a high score in the following subjects:

  • maths- there should be a penchant for the exact sciences, you will have to work with formulas, graphs;
  • social science- to navigate the global economic processes;
  • Russian language- document flow involves a large amount of correspondence;
  • English language- the ability to communicate with specialists who come to the enterprise will be a good bonus when applying for a job.

Worth considering: the passing score for the budget for children who have graduated from school is high - from 75 to 90, depending on the rating of the educational institution.

Which universities teach in this specialty

The best universities in Moscow are considered the most prestigious:

  • Russian School of Economics;
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics;
  • National Research University Higher School of Economics (5 courses);
  • Management Academy;
  • IMES;

Full-time education lasts four years, distance and correspondence - four and a half.

Take note: there is an accelerated 3-6 month distance learning program at IAEO (International Academy of Expertise and Evaluation). Graduates of technical colleges study there, where there is an economic department. They receive additional education.

There are also similar courses in MASPK (Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex).

Where Can an Economist Work?

Much depends on the specialization:

  1. Economic Engineer is needed in the manufacturing sector, he must be proficient in technical issues, understand the technological process.
  2. Computer scientist-economist makes an analysis of the internal organizational structure of large holdings, departmental organizations, installs and maintains information and communication operating systems.
  3. Economist for analyzes market trends, the behavior of competitors, it forms a business strategy for promoting a business or service.
  4. Economist-manager evaluates the effectiveness of personnel policy: the level of payment, social programs, personnel training system and much more.

What is the salary of an economist

The salary depends on the list of functional duties. At the initial stage, the average salary will be within 30 thousand.

Good specialists who are responsible for a large amount of work earn much more. For example, the chief economist of an average enterprise receives up to 300 thousand, the financial director is 1.5 times higher.

Career growth and development prospects

How to become a sought-after specialist, starting with the basics? Much depends on additional training, self-training, specialization.

Specialists with experience can count on high positions, employment in serious companies, government agencies.

It is worth noting: it is better to gain experience in small companies that need multidisciplinary specialists involved in all areas at once.

Is it worth studying to be an economist - the pros and cons of the profession

Positive points:

  • the demand for good specialists;
  • universality;
  • wide scope of activity;
  • the need to acquire new knowledge;
  • the possibility of self-realization in the chosen direction.

The disadvantages are:

  • high competition, reaching up to 98%;
  • low start threshold: only 50% of young professionals without work experience find themselves a professional application.