How to write an interview refusal for an employer sample. How to give up work. What are the reasons for business correspondence

In life, as in the song "we choose, we are chosen." And the business environment is no exception. The main task of any job seeker is to find the most suitable job. And it so happens that after the interview, the candidate wishes to refuse the vacancy. The main thing in this matter is to know how to properly refuse a potential employer after an interview. In this article, we will tell you how best to write a waiver and reject a job offer. But first, let's look at the forms of refusal.

To begin with, we note that you should not hide from this conversation. Perhaps you think that you will not be able to explain the reasons for the refusal, or you are simply ashamed. It happens that candidates choose not to answer emails and calls from their employer. To be honest, this is not worth doing. Just like you, the employer has spent a lot of time and effort, and on your part, disappearing “in English” is at least not beautiful. In doing so, do not forget about your professional and personal reputation. Perhaps the time will come when you decide to look for work again. Therefore, it is important to know how to politely refuse an employer.

Forms of refusal and their features.

Written refusal.

How to give up work after an interview? Start with a polite message. Your letter should be in a formal format, 1-2 two paragraphs will be enough. In the letter, it is worth expressing gratitude for the time spent, it is advisable to explain the reasons for the refusal and apologize. You can add wishes of success in the further search.

Examples of how to resign from a job:

Hello Anastasia!

Thank you for your interest in my candidacy and for a productive conversation.

It was a pleasure for me to meet you and your company. Thank you for your offer. Unfortunately, now I am not ready to accept it, because my current employer offered me a new position with an increase in wages, and I gave my consent. In the future, I would be happy to resume the dialogue if the interest is mutual.

Best regards, Elena

“Dear Svetlana Anatolyevna!

I am very grateful that you chose me as the head of the procurement department. Sorry, but I have already found a suitable vacancy at another company that meets my requirements. And I have to refuse your offer. It was nice to meet you and your company.

All the best, Olga

Good day, Sergey

Thank you very much for considering my candidacy and making a positive decision. I was impressed by your company, so my decision was not easy. Despite the fact that this type of work fully meets my expectations, I did not immediately pay attention to a number of details. As a result, at the moment I am forced to refuse your offer. I'm sorry about the time you wasted. Good luck with your further search.

Best regards, Ekaterina

Phone call.

How to give up work after an interview on a phone call? If you have passed several stages of the interview, then it is better to refuse the vacancy in a personal conversation. Explain reasons politely and tactfully. If the employer begins to persuade you to think it over again, be patient and let the interlocutor speak out. And once again explain the reasons for the refusal. The conversation should end positively.

A personal meeting.

If you have established contact with a recruiter, then you should personally refuse a job offer. Please note that this is a business meeting and should be prepared in advance. Think over your speech, appearance and possible forms of the upcoming dialogue. Politeness is a very important quality of a business person. This should not be neglected.

Important points in a personal conversation.

Express your appreciation for your time.

Thank you for your answer and positive decision.

Note that during the interview you liked the company and the great attitude towards you.

Don't force the recruiter to speculate about your rejection. Be clear and direct about the reasons.

Explaining shouldn't take long.

Try to stay on good terms with your employer.

Paying attention to these helpful tips will help you build useful connections in the future. In the dialogue, it is worth using the "sandwich" technique - first good news, then bad, then good. This will show that you are a serious and responsible person with diplomatic skills.

Reasons for refusal - Helpful advice.

If the salary level is significantly lower than what the candidate can agree to, then this can be a good reason.

Overtime is the real reason for rejection. Any employer will understand this.

Lack of career prospects.

The proposed work schedule may also not suit the candidate.

I didn't like the company itself or its leader. It is not worth talking openly about it, even if there is a real reason. Try to be more objective.

How to refuse an interview to an employer?

Let's analyze the situation when, having sent your resume to a company you liked at first glance, you received an invitation for an interview. And having made an appointment, you understand that you do not want to go there. There can be many reasons for unwillingness, is it worth calling / writing and refusing? Or can you just not go there?

We strongly recommend all well-mannered applicants to take the time and write a letter that the appointment is canceled. A polite and responsible person will always warn you in advance. A culture of rejection is necessary because the precessional world is small and your diplomatic skills will not be lost. Many recruiters maintain special databases of applicants and the “did not show up” mark will most likely permanently block your access to the company. It is better to refuse a meeting in advance and no later than an hour before the scheduled meeting. So that the recruiter has time to plan his time.

There is no need to explain the reasons for the refusal in this situation. A letter in a friendly tone is enough.

For instance:

Good afternoon, Anna!

Thank you for your interest in my candidacy for the position of Senior Legal Officer, but the circumstances are such that I am not ready to negotiate a job yet. I wish you find the right candidate.

Have a nice day, Sergey

Life loves to arrange surprises in the most unexpected moments. It happens that you have been chasing the job of your dreams for a long time and finally, the interview is passed, the employer is satisfied and invites you to start performing duties on Monday. And then ... They call and offer a higher-paid place. Or suddenly the realization comes that this is far from what you have been striving for for so long. Or the medical board advises to undergo a more detailed examination due to suspicion of a serious illness.

There may be a huge number of options, but the essence is the same - you need to warn that you will not be able to accept the offer. The question arises: how to refuse an employer after an interview so as not to offend anyone and not be seen as a frivolous, irresponsible person?

Reasons for refusal

Before looking for pre-prepared formulations and templates on how to refuse an employer after an interview, think carefully:

  • you spent time looking for this job;
  • you have successfully passed the interview;
  • you were selected from among other candidates who were forced to continue looking for work;
  • the employer trusts in you.

Therefore, you must have a good reason to refuse. Why did you, after going through all these stages, suddenly change your decision to go to this place? Take your time and carefully analyze what is happening.

Reasons why you shouldn't give up your job:

  • you have been persuaded by someone from your family or friends - listen only to your inner voice;
  • you are afraid of not living up to expectations - affirmations for and professional development trainings to help you;
  • you simply do not want, for no reason, to go to a new place - overcome your inertia, force yourself to leave your comfort zone.

Really good reasons to refuse:

  • you were offered a more prestigious job with a better salary (or promoted to your old position);
  • certain working conditions (including salary) or the atmosphere itself in that company do not suit you;
  • I didn’t like the communication (with future colleagues or the interviewer) to the point of disgust;
  • unforeseen life situation: urgent move to another city (country), serious illness.

But in these cases, think carefully before giving a categorical refusal. Are you sure that the new location will be better? Are the conditions that do not suit you so unacceptable? In the case of unforeseen life situations, psychologists do not recommend making hasty decisions in a state of passion.

Another question arises: is it necessary to bother at all and notify your failed bosses that you will not work for them? It's so unpleasant - you need to waste your nerves, time, energy ... However, you need to overcome yourself and still voice the refusal, and as delicately and politely as possible. There are two reasons for this:

  • there is a general database for recruiting agencies where employers leave feedback on candidates - you can get there with a negative assessment that your future boss can see;
  • if you work in the same area, your paths may cross in the most unexpected places, so it will be better if you leave on a good note.

Practical example. The young man went to a prestigious furniture company. The very next day he received a call from a competing firm and was offered a similar job, but with a higher salary. He agreed, but did not warn the employer, to whom he initially got a job, that it would not work. Subsequently, it turned out that the owners of both corporations were spouses. When the fact surfaced that the wife had hired the very employee who had let her husband down, she fired him. As a result, he was left with nothing.

Refusal form

If you are still convinced that there is no turning back and you need to give up, choose a method how you will do it. In some cases, a letter sent by e-mail is sufficient. Sometimes you can just make a phone call. But most often, when the interview has already been passed, the best option is a personal meeting and an open conversation with one eye to the other.

In writing

It is appropriate to refuse a letter in the following cases:

  • if the position is not managerial and not significant;
  • if the employer is characterized by a quick-tempered, unbalanced character, rude and not restrained in dealing with others;
  • if you are an introvert and it is easier for you to communicate with people in writing;
  • if, before the interview or after it, there was an active correspondence with the employer by mail;
  • if you took a creative job related to writing.

When drawing up a written refusal:

  • make sure that there are no mistakes in the letter;
  • double-check your email address several times;
  • set it in the settings so that you will receive a notification that the letter has been received and read.

An example of how to correctly refuse in the form of a letter:

“Hello, Ivan Petrovich! Thank you for choosing exactly my candidacy for the position of the head of the sales department. It was a pleasure to meet your company. It is immediately clear that your team is distinguished by cohesion and benevolence. Working with such people in such an atmosphere is undoubtedly a pleasure. However, I have to inform you that at this point in time I am not ready to accept your proposal. I was promoted in my current job, so I decided to stay here. I apologize for the circumstances. Respectfully yours, Maria Vasilievna Antipova. "

By phone

It is permissible to refuse by phone in the following cases:

  • after ;
  • if you are giving up a non-executive position;
  • if you do not have time or opportunity for a personal meeting (this must be mentioned when talking, apologizing).

Disadvantage of phone refusal: there is a risk of calling at the wrong moment, especially since all bosses are extremely busy people. Therefore, first ask if it is convenient to speak.

A personal meeting

On the one hand, this is a stressful situation for most. Not everyone can refuse an employer after the interview. On the other hand, it commands respect, as it shows a person's readiness to be responsible for the decisions made.

Therefore, psychologists advise to refuse precisely at a personal meeting. However, you should not do this if, at the very thought of this, your legs give way and your tongue grows numb. If you have a low level of stress tolerance, it is better to write a letter. You also don't need to go to an employer who is unbalanced and may not adequately respond to your decision.

General rules

Rule # 1

A tactful, polite refusal does not imply ingratiating notes and making up ridiculous excuses. Your task is to communicate your decision as correctly as possible, but avoiding feigned emotions.

Rule # 2

Be concise. Do not indulge in lengthy explanations and flattering compliments. Save your and other people's time.

Rule # 3

Choose a neutral communication style. It is enough to apologize once for the circumstances. You don't need to feel guilty and ask for forgiveness through every word.

Rule # 4

Psychologically prepare yourself for reproaches and irritation. Such a reaction is especially expected if you have already agreed to go to work literally from tomorrow. Understand the feelings of your failed boss: he needs to open a vacancy again, invite people, while the work process will suffer because of this. However, restrain yourself in terms of emotions. Listen politely, say goodbye and leave. If the employer oversteps the boundaries of what is permissible and begins to insult, you have the right to stop this at any time and leave.

Rule # 5

Adhere to a general waiver pattern in accordance with business etiquette:

  1. Say hello politely to your employer by first and last name.
  2. Psychologically prepare him for unpleasant information. Express your gratitude for a productive interview and interest in your candidacy. Give a few compliments to the firm.
  3. Within the framework of one phrase, express regret and formulate the refusal as delicately as possible ("I'm sorry, but ...", "I was forced to make a difficult decision ...").
  4. Give the reason. If it concerns working conditions, get ready for a long discussion, because this will affect the employer and he will try to find out all the nuances.
  5. Thank you for communication, tolerance (if the employer reacted adequately to the refusal).
  6. Wish you success.
  7. Say goodbye politely.

Rule # 6

Do not say anything that will affect the personal interests of the employer or his employees. Perhaps after the interview, someone was rude to you in this office. Or did not like the style of communication between the boss himself and his subordinates. Probably, you are not imbued with the atmosphere of this team. Such things should not be discussed openly. Most likely, this is your personal perception. Do not sneak, do not blame, do not insult anyone. Give any other neutral reason tactfully.

If a situation has arisen when you need to refuse an employer after a successfully passed interview, do not hesitate with this question. Excitement, worries, mental discomfort are quite natural here. However, if everything is done correctly, you can calm your conscience and establish yourself as a responsible and serious person with whom you can deal.

In practice, there are also such cases: after an interview with an employer, you have to give up work, for that there are many reasons. Our article will tell you how to refuse work after an interview and maintain a good reputation.

So, you can imagine that you were hired, the interview was in your favor, but not everything is right for you personally. How, in this case, refuse to cooperate with this company? Many citizens believe that the best option would be to wait for the call in order to communicate their decision during negotiations. However, this will not be a good option, since you will not appear in the best light in front of the employer.

How to inform the employer about the refusal

You can report your refusal to engage in precisely such activities as follows:

  • by calling the phone number;
  • when meeting with a spontaneous person;
  • by writing a separate appeal.

You can choose any method, but the main thing is that everything is said tactfully.

It is necessary to adhere to elementary norms of etiquette if refusal to work is inevitable, namely:

  • be sure to thank the whole company on your behalf, that is, express sympathy for choosing your candidacy;
  • refusal to report briefly and concisely, while not showing unnecessary emotions;
  • be sure to make it clear that you are sorry that you have to act in this way;
  • I certainly wish you successful search for employees who will actually perform these tasks.

How can you explain the refusal

There are a lot of reasons to refuse the offered vacancy, but each applicant, of course, has his own. The main thing is to correctly present information in order to really look like a worthy employee and a decent person in the eyes of the future leader. For this, you can use a number of tips that will be perceived by the leadership of the organization positively, and good and good relations will remain.

Reasons for refusing to work after the interview

List of possible causes:

  1. There is no way to continue to work beyond the established time for objective reasons. This will be perceived quite correctly by any employer.
  2. The low level of wages will also become the reason for the impossibility of finding a job in this organization, especially if a higher wage is offered in another.
  3. There are no prospects for moving up the career ladder, and this also does not interest the applicant, because he has a special mood for work, and he will not be able to stay in one place for a long time.
  4. It just doesn't suit. That is, possible business trips or work in three shifts will not allow the applicant to go about their own business.
  5. There are also cases when the workplace or the immediate supervisor did not like it. But it is worth saying about it culturally and not to get personal.

That said, you don't need to avoid meeting with a potential employer and torment him while waiting.

Regardless of the reason for the refusal, it is important to do it right. You can use the following tips:

  1. Infused with a conversation. If the message will be sent via electronic communication, then it is necessary to concisely indicate the reason in it, while presenting important thoughts.
  2. When talking, the main thing is to be open and not show negativity when talking.
  3. Name the real reason for the refusal, so as not to dissemble. This will serve as an accompanying argument for the employer in the future to correct the current situation.
  4. If you do not like the functional responsibilities, then it is worth explaining in detail what exactly.

The employer must know what reason led you to the refusal, the only way he will be able to draw the correct conclusions.

Important nuances in case of refusal

It is very easy to plan a sequence of actions and refuse a vacancy that does not suit you. It is important here not to avoid meeting with the employer in order to inform him in a timely manner, because he hopes that he will cooperate with you.

How to Quit a Job After an Interview: Tips

To refuse an offer from an employer to occupy this position, you can apply the following tips when meeting with him:

  1. Be sure to thank you for the time spent on you. Indeed, under such circumstances, undoubtedly, the working time of the company's employees was spent on studying the personal information about the applicants, and the candidates under consideration were selected from a huge number of those wishing to get a job.
  2. You cannot force the management of the company to guess about the refusal to work. For each organizational structure, it is best to know the true reason to continue searching for candidates. This will serve as a more thorough selection of personnel for employment in this enterprise.
  3. The reason for the refusal should be described in detail, clearly and concisely, and it is important to be sincere. Since a lot of time has been spent, the indication of the reason must be noted.
  4. You need to argue no more than a few minutes. The main thing is to say everything simply, but at the same time pay attention to the main things.
  5. Undoubtedly, you need to remain polite when negotiating, because the employer hoped that you would work for him. It is important to explain everything in such a way that if the need arises, then you would be accepted into this company at any time.
  6. A good relationship with the employer can be a welcome addition to a given company. It is possible that you will meet again and cooperate. This option will come in handy to create strong bonds.
  7. Diplomacy in communication helps to present a responsible employee to a potential employer.

If the conversation with the employer was constructive, then a good impression of the potential employee remains.

For polite refusal techniques, watch this video:

How to write a refusal correctly after an interview

Quite often, applicants for the desired vacancy refuse in writing from the job offered to them. It is not forbidden to write a letter and send it by electronic means of communication.

Sample text could be as follows.

Dear Igor Ivanovich!

I am very glad to our communication and the fact that it was my candidacy that was chosen for the position. But I had other proposals, in connection with this circumstance, I chose a vacancy in another organization. Despite my choice, I was glad to meet you and communicate with you. I look forward to further communication in our professional field.

Best regards, Yevseeva Ekaterina Andreevna

Date and signature

How not to do

It is equally important under the circumstances to know what not to do about the employer who, in theory, hired you. The tips for this are as follows:

  • It is not recommended to completely avoid communication with the employer, as you may have to turn to him again and, moreover, he will need time to select another candidate.
  • In no case should you not answer phone calls, it is better to prepare yourself so that you know how to communicate your decision.

Choosing a decision not to answer calls and not inform the administration of the enterprise in any way means that the candidate is a short-sighted person and can easily destroy good relations. Such information about job seekers goes to agencies and on, and this adversely affects the search for work in the future. There is a low probability that other employers will pay attention to the candidacy in your person.

It should not be forgotten that employers exchange opinions about job seekers.

Watch the following video about refusal for an interview:

Form for accepting a question, write your

The ability to write refusal letters is one of the most important skills of an employee of an enterprise who is responsible for the organization's external relations and business correspondence. The content and submission of such a letter not only speaks about the education and culture of its compiler, but also form the image and reputation of the enterprise in the business environment.

What are the reasons for business correspondence

Every actively working company regularly receives letters with various proposals. This can be an offer of cooperation (commercial), participation in an event (conference, seminar, celebration), etc. Also, letters of inquiry, claims, reminders, etc. are distributed between organizations in the appeal. Thus, the incoming correspondence of the enterprise can be counted in dozens or even hundreds of different messages that require an answer.


How to issue a waiver

Consideration of this or that letter does not in any way guarantee that the representative of the organization who received it will necessarily respond with consent to the proposal, request or claim contained in it. On the contrary, in many cases, company employees write refusals.

But in order to correctly refuse, certain skills are required. It is important not to offend the sender of the letter with negative content - this is dictated not only by the rules of elementary business courtesy, but also by the possibility that in the future he may become customers, a client or a partner.

General information about a business letter

All official correspondence is subject to certain compilation rules. First of all, it is necessary to remember that, despite the fact that the content of the letter can be absolutely arbitrary, its structure and composition must comply with the standards adopted in the design of business papers, i.e. are conventionally divided into three parts: beginning (appeal and letter heading), main section and conclusion (signature and date).

The writing style should be restrained, concise, without overly "loaded" sentences, complex specific terminology. Refusal should be made as correct as possible; rudeness, profanity and other extreme manifestations are unacceptable. When forming a letter, it is imperative to take into account the norms of the Russian language in terms of the culture of speech, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and stylistics.

The refusal may be unmotivated, but it is still better if the letter indicates its reason.

If the answer is detailed and detailed, then you should divide it into paragraphs or paragraphs - this way the perception of the text is greatly facilitated.

In case of refusal, it is not necessary to cut from the shoulder and "burn bridges", it is advisable to leave the paths to retreat, that is, to thank for the attention shown and express hope for the possibility of further cooperation. To do this, you can specify conditions that the recipient can fulfill in order to establish a business relationship. If there is an opportunity to advise a company that would also agree to cooperation or other proposals expressed in the original message, then it should not be neglected - this will leave a good mark in the memory of the addressee.

In the name of whom to write

Refusal must be written strictly in the name of the person who signed the original letter. Otherwise, the refusal may not reach the addressee or get lost in the flow of incoming mail. However, if there was no signature of a specific person under the letter of offer, then you can use a neutral form of address (for example, in the form of a simple greeting "Good afternoon").

Registration of a letter of refusal

The letter can be written by hand (this format will speak of a special, warm attitude towards the addressee) or printed on a computer.

In this case, it is permissible to use a simple sheet of paper or a letterhead with company details and a company logo.

The letter of refusal is formed in a single original copy, must be dated and numbered (in accordance with the document flow of the enterprise). In this case, information about him should be included in the journal of outgoing correspondence, noting its date, number and, briefly, the content. In the future, this magazine can become evidence of the creation and sending of the message.

Who should sign

Ideally, the letter should contain the autograph of the director of the organization, but perhaps this is far from always (and is almost completely excluded in enterprises with a large number of employees and many structural divisions). Therefore, any employee of the company authorized to create this kind of documentation and authorized to sign correspondence can sign a letter of refusal. This can be a secretary, a lawyer, a boss, or a specialist in a department.

How to send a letter

The letter can be sent in different ways, while it is best to choose the one through which the original message came. Sending via the Russian post office is most acceptable, but in this case, you should take a registered one with a receipt confirmation, you can also use a transfer through a representative or courier (this method guarantees faster delivery). It is also permissible to use fax, electronic means of communication and even social networks or instant messengers (but only on condition that the sender of the original letter himself uses this method of communication).

Letter of refusal to cooperate

If you needed to form a letter of refusal to cooperate, see its sample and comments to it.

  1. At the beginning of the letter, write for whom it is intended: indicate the name of the organization, position and full name of its representative, to whose name you are composing a response. Use a polite form of communication, thank for the attention shown to your company, and then get to the heart of the message.
  2. Be sure to refer to the letter in response to which you are writing a refusal, indicate the circumstances that caused the negative reaction. If your opponent has attached any additional papers to his proposal, indicate that you have familiarized yourself with them.
  3. If possible, express in the letter an expression of hope that the cooperation will nevertheless take place, without failing to introduce conditions that must be met for this.
  4. Finally, sign and date the letter.

Letter of refusal to participate in the event

When composing a letter of refusal to participate in the event, use the above recommendations regarding the letter of refusal to cooperate. Everything is standard in the letter, but it is obligatory: information about the sender and addressee, then - the appeal, the refusal itself, mentioning the received proposal to participate in the event and be sure to indicate the circumstances that gave rise to the negative answer, then - the signature and date.

Letter of rejection of a job offer

Not only the company may receive a letter of refusal. In some cases, it can be expressed by a person who has nothing to do with the company: for example, an applicant for a position. If you are such a person, form the waiver also in accordance with the rules and regulations of business documentation. Use a courteous message, indicate the name of the job offered to you, as well as the reason why you refuse it (do not forget that the potential employer may reconsider the conditions of the job offered to you). Be sure to sign and date at the end.

An interesting fact, but not only the employer can refuse a potential employee in employment after the interview. The opposite situations, when a person is forced to give up work, also happen. There can be various reasons for this: from exaggerated requirements to a bad impression of the leader. It is important to listen to your feelings after the interview and, if the vacancy has not come up, do not waste your time. The only snag is how to refuse the employer after the interview.

Reasons why job seekers decline job offers

Finding a job is a crucial moment, because you can make a fatal mistake. I would like to find a place where there will be the most suitable conditions and prospects for the future. But some reasons discourage candidates from employment, namely:

  1. Too many promises. Situations are implied when the recruiter promises a lot, describing the exclusively positive aspects of the company. At the same time, it does not give any guarantees of career growth or salary increases. Such a circumstance of affairs may confuse a person, especially if other information is provided in the employment contract;
  2. Difficult boss. More often, the interview takes place in several stages, and the conversation with the manager is the final step. The future boss may be repelled by his manner of communication, excessive severity, or, conversely, familiarity;
  3. Company appearance. This is especially true for high-ranking positions, when everything must correspond to the level of the vacancy. The absence of a personal account or old furniture in the office can confuse the future employee. According to statistics, 54% of the respondents pay attention to the appearance of the premises in which they have to work;
  4. Insufficient salary. One of the main reasons for refusal of candidates. That is why HR specialists are interested in the level of remuneration in the previous place;
  5. Bad reputation of the company. Sometimes it is only after the interview that the applicant learns "interesting" details about the employer. This can be bad reviews from former employees, high turnover, and so on;
  6. Influence of other circumstances. For example, a woman found out about pregnancy and decided to stay with the old company. Or an employee was offered a new position at a previous job. There can be many personal circumstances, the recruiter (and the applicant himself) does not always guess about their presence.

Optimal time to refuse after an interview

Sometimes it’s important to know not only how to quit work after an interview, but also when it’s better to do it. Situations can develop in different ways, for example:

  • the decision to refuse came immediately after the interview. In this case, it is better to quickly contact the recruiter and bring them up to date. Even if the employer's verdict is still unknown, this will help save him time and not rely on the employee in vain;
  • the refusal became apparent after a positive decision on the candidacy. If the applicant has confirmed the exit to work, but plans have changed, he must warn about it as soon as possible. This will help the employer adjust the situation and offer a job to another candidate.

Even in the most awkward situation, you should honestly state your decision. It is necessary to notify the company about the refusal as quickly as possible.

Refusal to the employer before the interview - the nuances

After receiving the coveted invitation to an interview, the applicant may have doubts. Perhaps it turned out that the company was inconveniently located or did not like the communication with the recruiter. Sometimes applicants do not know what to do in such a situation: to warn about no-show or ignore the invitation?

Experts recommend showing respect and notifying the employer, because a real specialist is responsible in any area. It will take five minutes, but it could play an important role in the future. It is worth remembering that all spheres are closely interconnected, and you can always meet a person whom you let down. A diplomatic approach will help you stay in good standing with your employer and avoid being blacklisted.

It is worth warning about your decision in advance. To do this, you can call by phone or send an e-mail. If you didn't get through the day before, you just need to do it a couple of hours before the meeting. Thanks to this, the recruiter will be able to plan working hours differently and not wait in vain for the candidate.

Since the rejection occurs even before the interview, there is no need to come up with special reasons for such a decision. A simple, polite wording will do, for example: “Thank you for your interest in my candidacy, but the circumstances are such that I have to refuse to go through the interview. All the best to your company. " An explanation of such a plan will make it clear to the recruiter that he is dealing with a well-mannered person.

How to tactfully reject offers after the interview

Not everyone knows how to politely refuse an employer after an interview. You should try to soften the negative points by avoiding harsh language. Rough words can play a disservice by forming a wrong opinion. The following points will help in how to refuse a vacancy after an interview:

  • it is worth starting with gratitude to the company. A recruiter spends his time and energy filling a vacancy. One candidate can take several hours: studying a resume, searching for information on the Internet, conducting an interview. It is necessary to thank the recruiter for his professional work. In addition, you can note a pleasant impression of the employer, express your respect;
  • go to the reason for the refusal. You need to express thoughts briefly, while indicating the real facts. This will help the company to work on its gaps and better organize its recruiting. It is unnecessary to tell for a long time how difficult this decision was given. Brevity is the sister of talent, and a competent approach is appreciated in any business;
  • leave a pleasant impression. It will not be superfluous to wish prosperity and good luck in your work, and diplomacy in communication will allow you to stay in good standing with the leader.

You can communicate your decision in different ways: call, talk in person, send an e-mail. It all depends on the specific situation, for example, if a refusal occurs immediately after the interview, an oral form of reporting it to the HR specialist will do. This will allow you to explain the reasons on the spot and start looking for another location. This method is also relevant after a multi-stage interview, if you have established a trusting relationship with the recruiter.

A telephone conversation is one of the most convenient forms of refusal for an employer. It implies the same conversation as during a personal visit, but does not require the presence of the applicant. The downside is that it is impossible to guess whether it is convenient for the recruiter to speak at the moment or whether his time is limited. During a personal meeting, the reaction of the interlocutor, gestures are visible, which helps to direct the conversation in the right direction. Telephone communication lacks this, but for some this option is more suitable than others.

E-mail communication avoids personal contact, which is important for shy people. The text of the letter, in contrast to the face-to-face monologue, can be carefully thought out. The probability of forgetting something is close to zero. This option is suitable for those whose position is of a low rank, and a visit to the office will be superfluous. There may be circumstances when a meeting with a recruiter left only negative emotions - in this case, a written explanation of the refusal will be very useful.

When sending an e-mail, you must make sure that the addressee has received it.

Mistakes to Avoid in Failure

Sometimes applicants who want to refuse employment make the following mistakes:

It is undesirable to speak in a raised voice, presenting claims to the company. Resentment should be kept to yourself, because there is an employee for every job.

Examples of competent refusal to interview

When you can't find the right words, you can use ready-made wording. The following examples of how to refuse an employer after an interview are relevant in almost all cases:

  • with a verbal refusal, you can say the following: “Thank you for considering my candidacy. Personal acquaintance with you was pleasant to me, but insurmountable circumstances arose, in view of which I must refuse further employment. I wish your company prosperity and good employees! ”Or“ Hello! My name is Alexander Evgenievich. Last week I interviewed at your firm. Given your pace of work, thank you for your time. Unfortunately, I have to refuse the offer because I was invited to another company. All the best to you and good luck in your work ";
  • in case of a written refusal, the following wording will be relevant: “Good afternoon, Alexey Mikhailovich! I would like to express my deep gratitude for the interest in my candidacy and the time given to me. It was very pleasant to talk to you and learn a lot of useful information. Unfortunately, I made the decision to resign from this position, as I found a more suitable job for me. It was a difficult decision, but in the future, I will be glad to cooperate with you. Respectfully yours, Alexander Evgenievich. "

If the employer continues to persuade to work, offering new options, listen to him to the end. After that, you can refuse again or ask for time to think about the proposed.

Refusing an employer is always unpleasant and requires certain communication skills. But the ability to present information politely and accurately will allow you to maintain good relations with the failed employer and show your high level of culture. In addition, it should be remembered that the professional world is much smaller than it might seem, and there is always a chance to come to work with the same manager.