Harold, hiding the pain, is bottling beer in Budapest, and this is possibly the best meme he has ever seen. Who is "Harold Hiding the Pain"? What is the name of Harold who hides the pain

Arato Andras, known on the Internet as Harold (or Morris), the Pain Concealer, entertained guests of one of the bars in the Hungarian capital and posted a photo from there on Facebook. He is also a retired engineer, leads excursions in Budapest, enjoys his fame, does not hide any pain and conducts creative evenings for fans.

Almost everyone who has been on the Internet more than once knows these painful eyes and a painful smile. This is Harold, the Hiding Pain, aka Morris, aka Grandfather Harold, aka Hide The Pain Harold, one of the ancient, but still popular memes.

Harold was born in 2011 on the Facepunch forum, where they posted an entire photo shoot with him, and has not left the screens since then. He is loved in VK.

He is loved in Odnoklassniki.

He is known in the West.

And he knows a lot not only about physical, but also about mental pain.

"Oh shit. I hope they didn't see it. "

If you know the memes with Harold, then you can guess that on the screen of his laptop - porn with horses.

The man is especially popular in Russia, where he is used not only on boards to create new memes, but also for advertising, quite serious purposes. Especially often they get it from photobanks to advertise medical services.

And financial products for retirees.

That is, in areas where pain is not just a word.

In fact, Harold is played by a Hungarian pensioner named Arato Artash. He is an engineer, lives in Budapest, fully aware of his fame and treats it with irony. Arato knows a little Russian and in 2015 even got himself a page on VK. In this regard, TJournal took a comment from him.

Arato is 72 years old and continues to live an active life. How active can be judged by his facebook... It was there that he posted a photo of a bar in Budapest where he worked at the counter last week pouring beer.

The trademark smile and pain have not gone anywhere, everything is in place. This immediately spawned suitable jokes on the Internet. For example, on Pikabu.

Medialeaks also had a hand.

To save money, advertisers often use stock photos. Every day, hundreds of photographs of girls munching salads, successful men in ties and joyful children holding hands flash before our eyes. Although the names of almost all the models are unknown, since before the shooting they sign an agreement on non-disclosure of their data and contacts, these faces have become almost dear to us. Look At Me remembered the main stars of photo stocks.

Ubiquitous girl

Jennifer Anderson aka The Everywhere Girl (Omnipresent girl) is a mid-90s model from Portland who became a pioneer among stock models. You may not recognize her face, but this young "college student" (who never studied in it in real life) has repeatedly become the face of brands such as Dell, BBC, HP, Visa and Microsoft. The actress and model took part in the filming in 1996, and over the past 20 years these photos have spread, perhaps, in all free photo stocks and leaked in materials of various contents, ranging from Christian literature to the websites of the government of Canada and the US Navy. Now the "Omnipresent Girl" has her own and maintains a blog, and her many fans find her photos in the most unexpected places.

The guy who came out for the first time
in Internet

Smiling boy who clenches his fists enthusiastically and throws his hands up, looking at the laptop screen, became famous thanks to a series of macros with the advice of an inexperienced and naive Internet user. The meme, known as First Day Internet Kid, owes to the "Boy Spending Time with Laptop" series of photos available on Shutterstock, Dreamstrime and ISTOCKPHOTO. Pictures of the unknown child were published in 2008 by Polish photographer Piotr Rzeszutek, and in December 2011, the first macros from his photo appeared on the r / AdviceAnimals subreddit. The peak in popularity of the meme, according to queries in Google, fell on 2012-2013. First Day Internet Kid has become one of the ways to portray a neophyte on imageboards and a user who has become a victim of trolling.

Harold hiding pain

Hide the pain harold ("Harold hiding the pain") or just Harold (alternate name Mauris) is an elderly man in a series of stock photos who became famous for his unusual smile. She is so strained that it seems as if he is hiding discomfort or pain. For the first time, interest in a series of photographs with Harold appeared in 2011 on the Facepunch forum, where user Greenen72 posted pictures from the popular DreamsTime photo stock, in which these sets have high ratings. In October 2011, "Harold hiding the pain" received his own Facebook page, and in May 2014, Harold was dedicated to a large post on 4chan, where anonymous authors described the whole difficult (albeit fictional) life of an unhappy character. The story, translated into different languages, roams the Internet in the form of a gallery with signed photographs.

Mister businessman

In stock photo stocks, many models portray businessmen, but two characters stand out in particular, who can be found in very different images: a broker, a CEO, a diplomat. They are found on the websites of Spanish courses, website building services, or marketing agencies. Unnamed gray-haired men with fake smiles who are supposed to radiate trust, reliability and success have become symbols of cowardly companies that hide their true colors. Models have also found fame as heroes of memes and macros.

Charming Jesper

The prettiest tech support employee

If you enter into Google the query “

Hungarian Andras Arato, better known as "Harold hiding the pain", became the face of an advertising campaign for the Russian shopping and entertainment center "Planet". With a trademark expression (pain through a smile), he played the role of a sales assistant, standing against the backdrop of empty counters and mannequins in a clothing store. At the end of the video, it turns out that the season of big discounts has begun in the shopping center and everything was quickly sold out. “We are hurt by these discounts,” says the voiceover. Filming took place at the end of May, during his visit to Moscow. Photos and Instagram stories with him appeared in the account of the advertising agency TutkovBudkov, which shot the commercial.

Andras Arato. Photo: Shutterstock.com

What is he known for?

Now on the Internet you can see many memes with photographs of the Hungarian, who became famous after the repeated use of pictures with him from photo stocks. Massively, Arato's photographs appeared on the dreamstime resource, where they tried to make them a symbol of the rich and interesting life of people in old age. The reason for Harold's popularity on the Internet lies in the expression on his face: his smile looks taut, and his eyes show pain, bitterness and regret. At first, Arato was insulted and upset by memes with his photos, but then he came to terms with a specific fame. Arato claims that his "meme career" began in Russia, with a Russian guy who found him on a stock on the Internet. He sent the future celebrity an email. “I didn't even answer the first one,” says Arato. - But he sent more and more, and finally I gave up. He asked to show himself, his real life, because many Russians did not even realize that I was a real person. Then my popularity spread to other countries. But it all started in Russia, so I think they treat me in a special way here. "

What does Andrash do in life?

Arato is an electrical engineer by profession. But now he works as a tour guide in Budapest, arranges meetings with fans, travels and starred in commercials. Advertising of shopping and entertainment centers in Russia is Arato's second advertising collaboration in life. The first was in Hungary: a series of three commercials in 2017. Harold can no longer manage his own social networks. There is a small team that helps him fill the pages with content.

Arato is a well-known football fan; he also came to the World Cup in Russia. The Hungarian posted the video on his VKontakte page and said that he would be a consolation for the losing teams, because who, if not him, will help the players and fans survive the pain of defeat. After the opening match, in which Russia defeated Saudi Arabia 5-0, the grandfather praised the hosts for their strong play and joked that it was time for Saudi Arabia to hide the pain. Any exit of Arato to the street is accompanied by numerous selfies with everyone. “I seem to be famous as a football star,” Arato writes about himself.

In 2011, a meme was created on the Internet, the cult character of which was "Harold, who hides the pain." Arato Andras, a 73-year-old resident of Hungary, has gained popularity thanks to his signature smile. Internet users found photographs of a man in a foreign photo stock. The facial expression of the model from the stock photos was compared to a cry from the heart, which is hidden under the mask of a forced smile.

The tendency to joke with photographs from photobanks appeared in Russia about four years ago. Since then, social media users have laughed at the multitude of models who often became one-off heroes of meme stories.

The expression on Harold's pain-hiding face speaks volumes in itself. The character of memes has become an indispensable hero of stories about life's difficulties.

On the stock photo, pictures of "harold hiding the pain" were posted by a user with the nickname Greenen72. Hungarian resident Arato Andras agreed to pose for promotional photos of goods for retirees. As a result, potential buyers paid more attention not to the goods, but to the pensioner himself, who became the object of jokes on the Internet.

Harold's peak of popularity came in 2014. It was then that memes with "Harold hiding the pain" began to spread on imageboards - 2ch, 4ch, etc. Pages dedicated to the character were created in social networks. The second pseudonym of the hero of numerous memes is Maurice, but this name did not manage to take root.

The smiling old man Harold is used in memes in which situations are described where a person deliberately pretends to be joyful, but in fact he is unpleasant and painful. Various funny inscriptions were attached to the photographs of Arato Andras.

On March 3, 2016, Arato Andras announced himself. The man registered on VKontakte. Fans of "harold hiding the pain" really thought he was dead. However, it later turned out that these were just rumors.

Harold, who hides his pain, visits Russia

Recently it became known that Arato Andrash visited Russia. In Moscow, "Harold, who hides his pain," visited Red Square, the mausoleum and the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed. Along the way, he was photographed with Russian graduates and a poster with the words "I love Moscow." A man came to Russia for the purpose of cooperation for advertising.

In an exclusive interview, Andrash admitted that he was in the Russian Federation 30 years ago. Since then, according to him, a lot has changed. Many buildings were reconstructed, which pleasantly surprised the guest of the capital. Russia is a special place for "old man Harold": it is here that funny pictures with his participation are most popular on social networks.

Initially, the man reacted with indifference to the fact that now everyone knows him as "hiding the pain of Harold." However, now he is actively promoting himself on social networks and even starring in music videos for rock musicians. So, recently a resident of Hungary became the main character of the video of the group Cloud 9+ for the song Hide The Pain.

The opinion of Arato Andrash's loved ones about memes

Arato Andrash told how his relatives and friends reacted to his popularity. Jokes about "harold hiding the pain" are not liked by all members of the man's family.

The son of a well-known meme hero with a trademark smile that reflects pain, hates jokes about his father. At one point, he even asked Internet users to stop distributing pictures featuring "Grandfather Harold".

The wife of Arato Andrash initially reacted negatively to the fact that the man became the object of ridicule among young people. Nevertheless, over time, fame began to bring a stable income and the attitude changed.

"Harold, who hides the pain" himself, believes that there is nothing wrong with jokes about him. The man regularly follows memes and is sure that the status of the hero of comic pictures allows him to remain forever young.

In the past, some fans often called Arato Androsh on his mobile phone and wrote by e-mail. Fans of memes tried to find out the reason for the strange expression on the Hungarian's face. Harold kept this a secret to whet even more public interest.