Do-it-yourself hoopoe bird from paper. Volumetric paper birds. bottle birds

When parents send their child to kindergarten, they should be prepared for the fact that very soon they will have to show their creativity. A variety of crafts, drawings, applications - all these are the most common kindergarten tasks.

So, spring is coming, and with it April 1 - Bird Day, which means do not forget the bird craft in kindergarten! But the task is given to both the parent and the child.

How to get a child to help in a common cause? have an entertaining conversation with him about the flight of birds, tell a fairy tale about them, walk through the park or forest belt, watching the birds. Your baby will now be eager to create bird crafts with his own hands.

Making a choice

In order to opt for any craft, you need to look at several options on the topic: “bird craft photo”, understand which materials are available, what will be easiest to do, and what will look most spectacular.

There are a lot of options for copies of feathered individuals with your own hands, it just takes a little imagination, perseverance and hard work.

Original version

What will look interesting and original on an artificial bird craft? Of course, the real feathers! Bird feather crafts are not only interesting, they breathe life into your application.

The bird becomes real, it can soar into the sky for a flight, it can carry its golden egg, it can sit in its nest next to its children - there is definitely a place for your imagination to roam.

autumn birds

Craft "Bird from natural materials" is best done in the fall. After all, autumn is not only the most beautiful time of the year, but also the richest.

Gorgeous fiery leaves, a huge crop of vegetables and fruits, cones, acorns, twigs and even stones - all this can be the basis for your craft, which will give odds to many.

Option with meaning

You and your child can develop your own Bird of Happiness craft. And on this theme, for sure, there are a whole bunch of variations. It can be made blue, with a big beautiful tail, it can be made multi-colored, in beautiful clothes, with a beautiful “hairstyle”.

In any case, whatever you come up with, it will be your personal option. This option will belong only to the two of you, and the realization of this will make a great impression on the baby.

The idea of ​​pet birds

If a bird lives in your house, then you are more fortunate than others. For example, you can take some colored feathers, decorate ice cream sticks, and make an application about a parrot in a simple way.

Assemble the sticks in a vertical rectangle, glue feathers on top and sides, and colored paper legs on the bottom.

You can experiment with a version about a chicken that hatches a testicle, and a version with a dove will also be interesting. So, poultry crafts are not particularly difficult, but the child’s emotions will overflow.

Make a bird out of paper? Easier than a steamed turnip!

If you have nothing but colored paper at hand, then you should not give up. Fold the paper into two rings and connect them together.

Top is the head, bottom is the body. Glue paper wings on the side, and legs on the bottom. And if there are small beady eyes from an old toy, it will look extraordinary.

Peacock from plastic bottles

If you really want to impress a kindergarten teacher, then this method is yours.

Let's prepare the material: several plastic bottles, foam plastic, a wooden stand, a metal twig, foil, sophisticated plastic in several colors, a glue gun.

We form the body of a bird with holes for the eyes of foam, dress the silhouette on a twig, which is mounted on a wooden stand.

From plastic bottles of different colors we form feathers: the longest for the tail, for the neck - short, for the body - of medium length.

We round one end of the feathers with scissors for greater similarity. We attach multi-colored plastic ovals to the ends of the tail feathers with a stapler.

We will need a red plastic bottle to serve as the base for the beak. One by one, using a pistol, we glue feathers on the neck and torso.

Colored plastic will be needed for the tuft, for the eyes - acrylic paint, on top of the cilia made of plastic.

When forming the tail, it is necessary to use an abrasive mesh, on which the tail feathers are attached thanks to a thin wire.

Photo crafts bird

Today we will tell you in detail how to make birds from threads or from the remnants of yarn with your own hands quickly and beautifully. The idea is very simple and children will surely like it. You can bring a bird made of thread as a craft to school or kindergarten, or decorate a nursery with it. The main thing is to understand the principle of creating such a bird, and by changing the colors of the yarn, you can create different types of birds, even a bullfinch, a tit or a sparrow.

How to make birds out of thread


  • threads of three colors (black, red, gray)
  • wire
  • cardboard
  • spout almond nut

Wrap the cardboard with thread as shown in the photo.

Gray 30 turns, black 50 and red 60.

Now let's assemble the bird step by step:

  1. Tie the red and black threads together exactly in the middle
  2. Throw the black threads in one direction and tie them with a thread together with the red ones.
  3. Under the red threads, put the threads of gray yarn.
  4. Tuck the remaining red threads from below to the tail.
  5. After that, throw the cheese threads to the tail and tie everything with a thread.
  6. In the center, place the nose of the half of the almond, put on the wire.

To fix the beak, you can use a small carnation, pin or toothpick. Use glue to better fix the beak.

As a result, you can make a whole flock of birds from threads

If desired, the bird can make paws out of wire and sew eyes

There is another way to make birds from threads by forming a head.

How to make a titmouse from threads

First, wind the yarn of different colors on cardboard blanks.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the 12 main Orthodox holidays. Orthodox Christians celebrate it on April 7th.

Why do people release birds on the Annunciation?

The tradition of releasing birds on the Annunciation says that liberation is granted to all God's creations.

Another symbol of the Annunciation bird liberation, the aspiration of the human soul to God.

Just as a released bird flies up into the heavenly heights, so our soul must aspire to the Heavenly world.

In addition, the tradition of releasing birds is associated with the day of the vernal equinox, the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new agricultural year.
In Christianity, this custom is observed everywhere - in cities and villages.

The Russian poet, writer, journalist Apollon of Corinth in 1901 described this ancient Russian tradition as follows:

There are different opinions about the humanity of this tradition, and not everyone has the opportunity to catch a bird. Pigeons are released mainly in temples.

Crafts birds, photo crafts 20 options

Today, most families in honor of the holiday decorate the house with figurines of birds and angels. You can make figurines of birds with your own hands with your children. You can use any materials, techniques and types of needlework.

Craft paper bird step by step master class

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to make a bird is to use paper. Scissors, sheets of white or colored paper are in every family - if you have a child of school or preschool age.
Make a fun spring birdie with the kids.


  • scrapbooking paper;
  • plain colored paper;
  • stationery glue;
  • hole puncher.

First you need to print the template.

  • Cut out two mirrored birds from scrapbooking paper or regular colored cardstock and glue them together.
  • Punch a hole for the wings.
  • To make wings, you need to fold a rectangular sheet of paper, preferably colored, with an accordion. Pass the resulting wings into the holes.

The bird is ready! You can also make a mobile from several birds.

Craft a bird made of threads, a step-by-step master class

Beautiful birds will turn out from threads. You can make interesting crafts from available materials.


  • multi-colored threads;
  • scissors;
  • black beads;
  • wire;
  • PVA glue;
  • paper.

The color of the threads depends on the chosen bird or on your imagination. The thickness of the thread is from the desired size of the craft.

Wrap threads of two shades on the palm, you need to make 35 turns. You can also use cardboard rectangles.

Cut with scissors, you have one blank.

Make another contrasting color.

And another one of the fourth color and bandage it in the center.

At the next stage, you need to put the blank of the second color on the two-color blank cross on the cross. Gather the two-color blank into a knot and tie it with a thread.

The second workpiece also needs to be assembled into a bundle, only so that it is located at right angles to the first.

From a sheet of unnecessary A4 paper, form a tight lump.

Put the third blank between the first and second blanks.

Place a paper ball between the blanks and tie them at the bottom to completely cover the paper.

Glue black beads on the sides.

Two paws and a beak can be woven from wire.

Well, here is a wonderful bird. If you choose yarn in the color of real birds, you can introduce your child to the world of birds. For example, the bird in the pictures looks like a funny finch.
Keep it up and you will succeed!

Craft Bird from cardboard master class with step by step photos.

Beautiful crafts are made from cardboard. You can make them together with your child; there is always colored cardboard in the student's house. Arm yourself with imagination and good mood!

Let's make a bright bird.

  • Materials:
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • gouache or acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • black lead pencil.

At the first stage, draw a bird template on plain paper, 8 cm wide. You can print the drawing presented here. Then you need to cut out the sketch with scissors.

From the cardboard you need to cut out seven birds. Glue the patterns together with PVA glue. Let the workpiece dry well. Then we completely cover the bird with white acrylic paint or gouache.

On the workpiece with a pencil, you need to draw a wing, feathers and a beak.

With a sponge or brush, apply light purple paint to the bird's breast and tail.

We paint over the wing with yellow paint. You can first use a brush, and then level the surface with a sponge.

We paint over the head of the bird with purple, and the beak with black. Don't forget to paint over the edges.

Pink color denotes blush.

We slightly dilute the black paint with water and carefully draw the eyes and eyelashes with a brush as in the photo.

Mix purple paint with black and draw feathers on the bird's head.

Circle the wing and tail with dark purple paint.

With dark purple paint, draw dashed lines on the bird's chest.

Draw the feathers on the wing with dark purple paint as well.
Well, the craft is ready!

Craft Bird from plasticine 5 options with a photo

A huge number of plasticine crafts can be made with your own hands. Plasticine is soft and pliable material, children love to sculpt from it. In addition, plasticine is a cheap material and can be used several times. Various types of plasticine are sold in any children's or stationery store, a large number of colors in each set. The only thing left to do is hold on.
Let's see the different options.
You can mold just such a small cheerful bird.

You can make an application.

Or a soaring dove.

The nest with three chicks looks great.

Well, another wonderful baby.

Bird made of cones craft 3 options and a step-by-step master class

In the forest, we can always find a large number of ideas and materials for crafts: cones, moss, winding twigs, tree bark. They can be found not only in the forest, but also in the city park. You just need to turn on the imagination and ideas for crafts will definitely come.

We offer you a ready-made version of the craft Bird made of cones.

And you will need a minimum of materials:

  • pine cone;
  • pistachio shells;
  • gouache or acrylic paint;
  • glue;
  • brush;
  • a couple of black peppercorns.

You can start.
Glue two pistachio shells to the blunt nose of the cone - this will be the bird's beak.

On the sides, glue one more shell as wings.

Glue two shells to the sharp nose of the cone so that they resemble the tail of a bird.

As paws, you need to glue two more shells, just first check them for stability.

Glue the black peppercorns in place.

Paint the beak red.

Paint the tail and wings red, and the paws orange.

Also add colors to the feathers.
The bird is ready, it remains to find a place for it in the interior.

Craft bird Titmouse step-by-step master class with a photo

Winter is a sad season, birds fly south until spring, and only a few remain to delight us with their chirping and bright plumage. Let's make such a bird with our own hands - a titmouse.


  • multi-colored felt;
  • black beads;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • needle.

Let's get to work.
Draw a sketch of the bird.

The next step is to cut out the details.

According to the sketches, cut out the details from felt:

  • torso blue 2 pcs.
  • blue wings 4 pcs.
  • blue cap 2 pcs.
  • yellow tummy 2 pcs.
  • white cheeks 2 pcs.
  • stripes on the wings of white color 2 pcs.
  • brown beak 2 pcs.

Sew the details of the tummy to the details of the torso.

Sew cheeks on the bird.

Sew a blue hat to your head.

Sew white stripes to the wings.

Sew the details of the wings with paired details.

Sew the wings to the details of the body.

Sew the beak. Stuff the figure with synthetic winterizer. So our titmouse bird is ready.

Craft a bird with your own hands in kindergarten 5 options

Every year in kindergartens and elementary grades, competitions dedicated to the Annunciation are held, children bring their crafts to the competition. We offer you several options for such crafts, they are quite simple and you can make them with your child.


  • dense foam;
  • stationery knife;
  • yellow yarn;
  • sisal or other nest filler;
  • beads;
  • large leaf tea;
  • decorative flowers or bouquets.

First you need to prepare a foam blank, cut a circle out of it with a clerical knife.

Next, we form a nest from sisal.

Beaks can be cut out of the remaining foam, attach them to the chicks with glue.

We make a bird with our own hands video master class

In order to finally decide what kind of crafts you will do on the Annunciation, we invite you to watch a master class on sculpting a bird from clay.

Well, that's all, good mood and bright spring crafts for you!

Good afternoon, today we have prepared for you a selection of crafts paper birds. We have collected all the ways to make a bird that are suitable for kindergarten and school. That is educators and primary school teachers they can take any idea and it will be feasible for children's hands. Here you will find birds made of colored paper and cardboard birds in different techniques. We also have a special article for those who are fond of crafts from paper origami modules

Let's see what bird crafts you can now make with your children.

Simple cardboard birds

For kids.

Here is the easiest spring do-it-yourself craft in the form of birds. Here, silhouettes of birds are cut out of cardboard and wings are made of colored paper separately. Wings are glued to cardboard. A hole is cut on the back of the bird with a hole punch and we hang the bird on a branch on a string.

You can glue the silhouette of a bird from several layers of colored paper (or a colored napkin) and then you can fluff the tail - separate these layers, as in the photo below).

You can make an accordion fan out of a napkin. Make cuts in the silhouette of the bird and insert the fan as the wings and tail of our paper bird. Easy craft for kids.

Here is a stencil template with beautiful silhouettes of birds for such children's crafts made of cardboard or paper with their own hands.

Birds bilateral

From cardboard do it yourself.

The essence of this craft is that a round piece of cardboard is bent in half. And we get a semicircular double-sided blank for poultry. Further inside - along the fold line of the workpiece - we glue a strip of paper (also bent in half lengthwise) - on the one hand, this strip is cut into feathers (this is the tail), on the other hand, the strip is cut obliquely (this is the beak). Next, we glue the wings and eyes, the craft is ready. Optionally, you can stick a semicircular piece of breast. A beautiful and simple bird with your own hands.

We can improve this craft and add a variety of elements to it. For example, to make wings not from a flat part, but in the form of a fan inserted into a slot on the bird's back. And arrange the tail part in the form of painted chicken feathers. Feathers are dyed in colored water (food coloring or gouache).

In this technique, you can make any bird with your own hands. Depending on the color of the breast and plumage, it may look like a sparrow, bullfinch, or titmouse.

Here is an interesting master class on a titmouse made of paper and cardboard. Fold the cardboard circle in half. On the fold line we put a rectangular long strip of paper on the glue so that so that its tail bulges. After gluing, this tail part of the black strip is lifted up - we turn the bend outward. Next, glue round pieces of black paper on both sides (this will be the head), glue the wings on the sides of the bird. And there was a beak, eyes and white cheeks of plumage.

Here's another - in the photo below we see birds. They are made in exactly the same way. Only here it’s not just a circle in half - but changes have been added to the shape of the circle. Below I have specially drawn a drawing of this bird for you - so that you can see for yourself how such changes were created.

First, we slightly changed the shape of the circle - made it more oval (since part of the circle will go to the back of the bird). Secondly, the details-processes were added to the circle - in the tail, in the beak, and where the legs are. We cut it out of cardboard - we make pasting of the bird's beak and paws from colored paper. And fold along the fold lines. There is a secret how to bend the cardboard in half with a perfectly even line without creases and wrinkles - put the ruler on the intended fold line - from the tip of the beak to the edge of the bird's tail - and firmly pressing the ruler, bend the cardboard up. The line is obtained as in the factory even and smooth.

And here's another piece - figured bird made of cardboard or thick paper. Here the bird is also made from a ROUND PIECE of cardboard, which was also bent in half into a half-disk - but then scissors were used to give the cardboard half-disk the shape of a bird.

Let me draw too scheme for assembling such a bird from paper. Pretty good idea. Do not be lazy and puff on the graphics. So that you can quickly make such birds with your own hands in classes with children.

By the same principle of SLOTS and inserting new parts into the slots, you can make a variety of birds.

For example, here are such swifts, or swallows (see the diagram below).

You can hang your paper birds on a branch of a spring tree. Or make a mobile pendant to decorate a child's room. Dilute the birds with flowers, leaves, clouds.

And you can place our homemade paper bird inside a new craft - a cage made by yourself.

To create a cage, we need one wide strip of paper (this is the bottom of the cage). We twist it into a ring, fasten it with glue or a stapler.

And we also need 4 narrow strips (they will be rods). In the center of each narrow strip we make a hole with a hole punch. We thread a rope into it, tie it so that the twigs stick to each other in the central part. We leave the end of the rope to hang out (we will then tie the bird to it).

We glue the ends of the narrow strips in a circle to the lower wide ring-base of the cage.

BIG bird crafts

from corrugated board.

And here is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcrafts, where birds are cut out of ordinary gray corrugated cardboard packaging left over from the boxes. We cut out the silhouettes of the bird, round heads, tail petals, ovals of the wings and long stripes of legs. We fasten all the details with a stapler, or with glue. And after that we take either gouache paints or colored paper - and decorate or glue the bird with bright details.

This bird craft is good because each child comes up with his own bird design. And it turns out that with his own hands he creates a new, author's bird, reflecting his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeauty.

You can cut out of cardboard - a bird with open wings - and cut many, many feathers from colored paper - and methodically wrap the wings with feathers, starting from the bottom row and gradually rising to the top rows. bird breast glue with wavy strips of colored paper. Tail part of long narrow feathers.

In kindergarten - such crafts can be collective, when the whole group of children cuts out feathers in one lesson, and in the second lesson they paste over a bird with them. A long-playing do-it-yourself craft is obtained.

Of course, you may not have a large cardboard box, then your bird craft can be simpler and smaller. For example, such as in the photo below. And by the way, you can make a nest for her. Make several of these birds - one per child - and have them color them in their drawing class. Cardboard boxes are always in abundance in the kitchen of the kindergarten (food is brought to children in them) - go down and ask the cooks, they can supply you with such material at least every day.

paper birds

in the BEER technique.

As we said above, a paper fan looks like bird wings. Therefore, we can use it in various bird crafts. For example, beautiful duckling- the beak for it can be made two-bladed so that it opens. You can make a whole family of ducks with these winged fans.

A long narrow strip folded into an accordion can become a long neck ostrich, and his own feet.

If you take several sheets of colored paper, fold them with accordions and glue them side by side to each other, then we will get a large colored fan that can become a fluffy tail of a turkey or a peacock made of cardboard.

But you can do it more economically. Suitable for Kindergarten craft bird peacock. When the peacock's tail is made from ONE sheet of paper. The accordion folds - and then bends in half - into a semicircular arch. The tail of a cardboard bird is inserted between the halves of this arch fan. This is the fastest way to make a peacock bird. Spots can not be drawn, but cut out of colored paper - it will be more elegant.

According to a similar principle of a “fan bent along the floors”, a wing is made for a bullfinch bird on a children's craft below. In the photo we see that a triangular piece of paper is folded into an accordion. Then this accordion is bent in half and its halves of the blades come together (like the peacock above) - and we get an oval pointed wing. An excellent bird craft for kindergarten, easy and quick to do with your own hands even for small children.

And if you take a long strip for a fan, then an accordion from a long strip can be folded into a circle. And this circle can become a magnificent wing of a dove made of paper. Or this round fan will become the body of a bird.

paper birds

in loop technique.

And here are children's crafts of birds, where the plumage is made using the technique of paper loops. An ordinary strip of paper is folded edge to edge on the glue - we get a paper loop. Such paper loops can become the plumage of a peacock's tail.

You can even make whole birds out of paper loops. Or loops can become an element of a flat swan appliqué.

Below, you can take a good look at what parts such a paper bird consists of.

DIY birds

from paper rolls.

Wide strips of paper can be rolled up. Make two such rolls - one for the head, the other for the body of the bird. The rolls can be left hollow, or they can be filled, for example, with rolls of a smaller diameter (as in the right photo).

Below we see several handmade designs of such paper birds.

The body of the bird can be made not in the form of a round roll - but in the form of a paper loop. And then a long process of the tail can be glued to such a body. On the tail, you can stick paper curls in layers as in the photo below.

Side wings can be attached. The wing is - one whole strip, it is glued inside the roll and its two ends stick out from different sides - it turns out two separate wings.

You can make a whole bird family out of paper with your own hands in a nest, also made of paper strips.

A paper strip rolled into a wide ring can be a source for new bird crafts. Here is a beautiful white paper swan. But what a bright turkey.

Craft Birds

from paper plates.

Ordinary paper disposable plates can also be a source of inspiration for bird-themed crafts. A round plate can become a basket nest for a family of chicks.

The plate can become the curve of a swan's neck, or the round puffy tail of a peacock.

paper birds

from toilet rolls.

Toilet paper rolls can be a source of inspiration when creating paper birds. Such crafts are very fond of children - turning an unnecessary object into a beautiful thing is interesting.

You can just paint the roll with paint. Can be pasted over with a sheet of colored paper. And add accessories feathers, beak and stuff.

Or you can cut a cardboard sleeve from above on both sides - and insert the silhouette of an owl into this cut, and then the sleeve will become its tummy.

The sleeve can be turned the other way - put horizontally. And then your fantasy will go the other way and you will see new ideas of birds. Here is a chicken made of paper, here is a cheerful parrot.

Volumetric cardboard crafts

Birds with their own hands.

If a sheet of cardboard is rolled up into a tube - fixed with a stapler, then we will get a blank-body of the future bird. Feathers, beak and eyes - make this pattern a beautiful bird. And then your imagination is free to do what it wants.

Cardboard can be folded not in the form of a tube - but in the form of a cone, also fastened with a stapler. Based on the cone, you can also come up with your own bird crafts.

And we also have other articles with interesting crafts on bird themes.

Here are some ideas for paper birds. Now you can not only take the finished craft from this article, but also, on the basis of any technique described here, INVENT your own author's bird. After all, copying is boring, but creating something new with your own hands is very interesting.

Good luck with your bird crafts. High flight to them and to you.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

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Marina Suzdaleva

Spring is coming into its own. return home from warm countries, build nests and prepare for the appearance of chicks. Such changes in nature could not go unnoticed by enthusiastic mothers and their babies. The participants of "" prepared 7 detailed master classes on making do-it-yourself bird crafts. Chickens in different techniques, birds made of paper and cones, a dove of peace and a bird's nest will make your spring creative activities with children even more interesting and varied.

Dove of peace with postcard

My daughter has turned into a little why. She is almost 3 years old and is interested in everything she sees. In anticipation of the central street of our small town took. When asked what it is and why, I decided to tell about the great heroes who saved the world. Including about her great-grandfathers, one of whom reached.

At home, we decided to make a postcard for great-grandfather in the form of a dove of peace, which carries a postcard.

We needed:

  • Album sheet of A4 format;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colored paper (velvet);
  • Paints;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Marker.

The dove is made in origami style. In this video you will find a detailed master class:

When the dove is ready, cut out a small rectangle and fold it in half.

We make a slot on the card and under the pigeon's tail.

We insert the tape into the slots and tie the ends.

We hide the knot under the pigeon's tail.

Decorate a postcard. We glued a St. George ribbon from orange and black velvet paper. The inside of the card was decorated with paints and a cotton swab. True, I planned to draw a salute, but Nastya wanted flowers.

It turned out to be an original handmade gift. I hope grandpa likes it.

Victoria Pechieva with babies Nastenka 2 years old. 8 months and Matveyka, 11 months old, Belorechensk

In the first week of May, we accidentally ended up in Nakhabino, Moscow Region, so nature itself helped us in creating crafts!

We had white paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens and a glue stick. Collected on site. They cut out of paper - a tail, wings and a muzzle so that they could be folded in half. Colored with pencils and markers. Details glued to the bump.

Now the birds decorate the yard, waiting for us on.

Olga Antonenko and Olesya 1 year 7 months, Yaroslavl.

Movable bird

We got a moving bird craft. Her wings move when you pull the string from below.
For crafts, we used: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, an awl, glue stick, brads, thread.

Manufacturing process: the body of a bird and two separate wings were drawn on cardboard. They cut it out, and in the place where the wings and the body were fastened, holes were made with an awl. Then they began to decorate the body and wings of the bird with “feathers” made of colored paper. At the end, glued the eyes and beak. After that, they connected the wings together with a thread (folded several times so that it was thicker). They made a loop (ring) of thread between the wings. The wings were attached to the body with the help of brads. The bird is ready.

Pull the thread from the bottom and the wings of the bird will rise up.

Salimova Olga and daughter Alena (2 years 4 months), Yekaterinburg.

Nest with a bird

For crafts we need:

Tired of the mess in the nursery? Tired of endlessly collecting toys for the child?

  • pasta in the form of nests;
  • brown gouache and thick brush;
  • plasticine of several colors;
  • a box from a kinder surprise (can be replaced with a large piece of plasticine);
  • sequins (beads).

We start by preparing the nest: we paint the pasta nests with brown paint.

While the nest dries up, we make a bird: we attach eyes, beak, tail and wings from plasticine to the box from Kinder Surprise.

We roll another piece of plasticine into an egg and decorate it with sequins (and / or beads). You can attach decorations with your fingers or roll the egg over decorations scattered on the table.

At the last stage, we assemble the craft: we place the egg and the bird in the nest using plasticine.

If the child has the strength and desire, then you can make a second bird or several eggs.

Kudryashova Nadezhda and Misha 1 year old 5 months, St. Petersburg.

I didn’t have a question what kind of bird to do - that means it’s a chicken. To make a bird, I discovered a new waste material -. This is ready-made papier-mâché - soak and sculpt. I took note of this, and for today's craft I decided to take the cells themselves.

I cut out the parts necessary for the idea from the trays, and removed the rest. For the chicken, I took two recesses and connected them with masking tape so that it opens like a box.

Now all the blanks need to be painted, which my son did with pleasure. When painting, they got a little wet with us, but we left them to dry and then continued to create.

I cut out yellow wings and a beak from cardboard, and paws from orange. We glued all the blanks to the chicken, painted eyes with gouache and our chicken came to life! For the cockerel and hen, I cut out only the beaks and scallops. I glued them with PVA glue. Eyes also painted with gouache.

Here we have such a funny chicken family. You can use them as candy bowls, and the chicken as a surprise box.

Kosteva Oksana and son Sashenka 1 year old. 11 months old, Dolgoprudny.

First, we cut out two circles with a diameter of 8 cm from cardboard, and inside the large circles we cut out a smaller one with a diameter of 4 cm (we no longer need these small circles of 4 cm here).

We put two circles of 8 cm together and wrap them with yellow knitting threads, the more you wrap, the more magnificent the pompom will be. Then we cut the threads with small scissors along the outer circle of the thread and at the same time insert the thread between the circles of cardboard, tighten this thread and tie it. Remove cardboard circles. The pompom is ready, it will be the body of the chicken.

In the same way we will make the head of a chicken, only a smaller pompom. To do this, cut out two circles of cardboard with a diameter of 6 cm, and inside them circles with a diameter of 3 cm, then similarly.

Tie two pom poms together. On the head we glue eyes and a beak made of red leatherette or hard felt, or you can knit it from red threads. Glue the paws on the body. I made from twigs, you can also use hard brown felt.

Such a funny chicken is ready!

Postcard "Chicken"

For a postcard in the form of a chicken that hatched from an egg, my daughter and I made handprints with yellow paint on a white sheet. It was possible, of course, to circle the palms with a pencil on yellow paper, but this is not at all interesting for my daughter.

While our palms were drying, we cut out an oval from yellow cardboard for the figure of a chicken, a semicircle for the shell was cut out of white cardboard, and a beak from red cardboard.

We prepared the basis - our postcard, where we will collect the chicken. The palms were cut out along the contour and re-glued onto a postcard, then a yellow oval was glued. On the yellow oval - the shell, eyes and beak.

We sign a card for memory and you can give!

Gavrilova Faina and daughter Taisiya, 1 year old. 2 months, Arkhangelsk.