Presentation on the topic of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide

Chemical properties
The chemical properties of carbon dioxide are
acid oxides. When dissolved in water, it forms
carbonic acid. Reacts with alkalis to form
carbonates and hydrocarbons. enters into reactions
electrophilic substitution (for example, with phenol) and
nucleophilic addition (for example, with
organomagnesium compounds).

Physical properties
Carbon monoxide (IV) - carbon dioxide, odorless and colorless gas,
on strong cooling it crystallizes as a white
snow-like mass - "dry ice". At atmospheric
pressure, it does not melt, but evaporates, the sublimation temperature
-78 °С. Carbon dioxide is formed during rotting and burning
organic substances. Contained in the air and mineral
sources, is released during the respiration of animals and plants.
Soluble in water (1 volume of carbon dioxide in one volume
water at 15°C).

In food
carbon dioxide
used as
preservative and
baking powder,
denoted by
packaging by code
E290. Carbon dioxide
is used for
carbonated lemonade and
carbonated water.

Liquid carbon dioxide is widely used in systems
fire extinguishers and fire extinguishers.

carbonic acid in
spray cans
applied in
air gun
(in gas balloon
pneumatics) and as
energy source for
engines in

Solid carbon dioxide - "dry ice" - is used as
refrigerant in laboratory research, retail,
equipment repair (for example: cooling one of the mating
parts when landing in tension), etc. To liquefy carbon dioxide and
dry ice is produced using carbon dioxide plants.

Role in living organisms and
influence on them
Carbon dioxide is produced by burning or
decay of organic matter. carbon monoxide
contained in the air and underground minerals
sources. Humans and animals also emit
carbon dioxide when you exhale air. Plants without
lighting release it, and during photosynthesis
absorb intensively. Thanks to the process
cell metabolism of all living beings oxide
carbon is one of the main constituents
surrounding nature.

This gas is not toxic, but if it accumulates in a large
concentration, suffocation (hypercapnia) may begin, and when it
deficiency develops the opposite state -
hypocapnia. Carbon dioxide transmits ultraviolet
rays and reflects infrared. It is a greenhouse gas
which directly contributes to global warming. This
is due to the fact that the level of its content in the atmosphere
constantly growing, which leads to the greenhouse effect.

Interesting Facts
English scientist Joseph Priestley in 1767
became interested in the nature of bubbles,
which come to the surface at
beer fermentation. Over the beer vat
placed a bowl of water, which was then
I tasted it and found that it
has a refreshing effect. Priestley
discovered nothing but carbon dioxide,
which is still used today
production of carbonated drinks. Across
five years Priestley published a work in
which described a more advanced method
producing carbon dioxide by reaction
sulfuric acid with chalk.

The surprising fact is that not only a person can be
in a state of intoxication. Scientists have found that
similar "drunken" behavior occurs in fish. They just get drunk
from alcohol, but from carbon dioxide.
The inhabitants of the ocean literally lose their heads if in the water
the concentration of CO2 increases. Violation of coordination and
the disappearance of a sense of danger are the main manifestations of such
This strange phenomenon was discovered by a researcher
John Cook University by Philip Mandey. He experimented
with reef fish by placing them in aquariums that have been
increased CO2 content. And the experimental fish began to lead
themselves in unexpected ways, for example, swam on the smells of predators.
Göran Nilsson (a colleague of the Oslo researcher) suggested that
carbon dioxide, when interacting with ocean water, increases its
acidity. Therefore, the chemical balance of fish is disturbed due to the fact that
that they need to maintain a higher concentration of ions
inside the cells. As a result, an effect is created that is very reminiscent of
drunkenness and they begin to behave inappropriately.

The average house emits twice as much carbon dioxide as the average house

Dry ice gets its name from its resemblance to regular ice.
ice. But it's not a solid form
water, but carbon dioxide (CO2),
which is odorless, tasteless and
colors. Dry ice temperature
is -78.5 degrees Celsius.
Most often it is used for
cooling ice cream or
fog generators on film sets
sites. Evaporating dry ice
turns back into gas, cools
air and cause condensation
water vapor, which creates
"foggy effect"

The natural content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere changed by
throughout history between 180 and 300 ppm
(promille). Today CO2 levels hover around 380
ppm, which is 25% more than the highest rate in
natural environment.
In 1997, the CO2 content in the atmosphere increased by 2.87
ppm, this increase was greater than in any
another year of modern history.
From the bowels of the Earth comes a lot of natural vapors, vapors
water, large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases,
which, entering the atmosphere, absorb solar energy and
emit it in the opposite direction. This type of warming is called
"natural greenhouse effect". "The greenhouse effect",
against all odds, causes global climate change
due to an increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere of our planet.

Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius back in 1896
realized that human activity
already surpasses the earth's capacity for natural
absorption of carbon dioxide
Current burning of fossil fuels
adds about six billion tons of carbon dioxide
gas into our planet's atmosphere every year. Only
half of the gases from these emissions are recycled
forests and oceans.
Massive deforestation is the cause of 20%
global warming as a result of gas pollution,
inhibiting the reabsorption of carbon dioxide.

The Earth's atmosphere currently contains 40% more CO2 than
before the industrial revolution.
The population of the United States is 5% of the world community,
but the American nation creates demand for 25% of commercial consumption
energy in the world and produces 22% of industrial carbon dioxide emissions
gas, in comparison with the world.
About 75% of the annual increase in carbon dioxide content in
atmosphere is characterized by the burning of fossil fuels.
More than 20% of carbon dioxide emissions come from gasoline
car engines. Although leadership in environmental damage is still
owned by fossil fuel power plants.
A significant increase in CO2 in the atmosphere can of course increase
temperature, but not as much as water vapor, the proportion of which is
more than 90% in the main components to create a greenhouse effect.

slide 1

Chemistry presentation for grade 9 students on the topic: "Carbon dioxide" MBOU - Razdolnenskaya secondary school No. 19 of the Novosibirsk district of the Novosibirsk region Completed by: chemistry teacher Evstegneeva Alevtina Vasilievna p. Razdolnoye 2011

slide 2

Structural formula of carbon dioxide O=C=O Molecular formula of carbon dioxide CO2

slide 3

Physical properties Carbon monoxide (IV) is a colorless gas, approximately 1.5 times heavier than air, highly soluble in water, odorless, non-flammable, does not support combustion, causes suffocation. Under pressure, it turns into a colorless liquid, which solidifies on cooling.

slide 4

Formation of carbon monoxide (IV) In industry, a by-product of lime production. In the laboratory when acids interact with chalk or marble. When burning carbonaceous substances. With slow oxidation in biochemical processes (respiration, decay, fermentation).

slide 5

The use of carbon monoxide (IV) Obtaining sugar. Fire extinguishing. Production of fruit waters. "Dry ice". Getting cleaning supplies. Getting medication. Obtaining soda, which is used to obtain glass.

slide 6

We catch smoke Combustion is associated with the appearance of smoke. Smoke is white, black, and sometimes invisible. Above a hot candle or spirit lamp rises such an "invisible" smoke called carbon dioxide. Hold a clean test tube over the candle and catch a little "invisible" smoke. To prevent it from flying away, quickly close the test tube with a cork without a hole. Carbon dioxide will be invisible in a test tube. Save this tube of carbon dioxide for future experiments.

Slide 7

"Muddy story" Pour some lime water (to cover the bottom) into the test tube in which you captured the carbon dioxide from the candle flame. Close the vial with your finger and shake it. The clear lime water became quite cloudy. Only carbon dioxide is to blame. If you take lime water in a test tube that did not contain carbon dioxide and shake the test tube, the water will remain clear. This means that the turbidity of the lime water is proof that there was carbon dioxide in the test tube.

Slide 8

Carbon dioxide is released from soda. Take some soda powder and heat it in a horizontal reinforced test tube. Connect this tube with an elbowed tube to another tube containing water. Bubbles will start to come out of the tube. Therefore, some kind of gas enters the water from soda. Do not allow the glass tube to be lowered into the water after the end of heating, otherwise the water will rise through the tube and fall into the hot test tube with soda. This may cause the tube to burst. After you see that gas is released from the soda when heated, try replacing the plain water in the test tube with lime water. She will become dull. Soda releases carbon dioxide.

Slide 9

Lemonade gas is also carbon dioxide. If you open a bottle of lemonade or start shaking it, a lot of gas bubbles will appear in it. Close the lemonade bottle with a cork in which a glass tube is inserted, and dip the long end of the tube into a vial of lime water. Soon the water will become cloudy. So lemon gas is carbon dioxide. It is formed from carbonic acid contained in lemonade.

slide 10

Vinegar expels carbon dioxide from soda Carbon dioxide contains in a number of substances, but it is impossible to determine it by eye. If you pour vinegar on a piece of baking soda, the vinegar will sizzle strongly and some gas will be released from the soda. If you put a piece of soda in a test tube, pour some vinegar into it, close it with a cork with an elbowed tube, and dip the long end of the tube into lime water, you will be convinced that carbon dioxide is also released from the soda.

slide 11

Lemonade Factory Even a weak acid drives the carbon dioxide out of the soda. Cover the bottom of the test tube with citric acid and pour the same amount of soda on top of it. Mix these two substances. Both of them get along, but not for long. Pour this mixture into an ordinary glass and quickly fill it with fresh water. How much she hisses and foams! Like real lemonade. You can easily drink it. It is absolutely harmless, even delicious. You just need to add sugar at the very beginning, just to make it tastier.

slide 12

Lemonade in your pocket Carbon dioxide in drinks increases their refreshing effect. You can make a foamy lemon at any time. To do this, mix 2 cubic centimeters of citric acid powder, 2 cubic centimeters of soda and 6 cubic centimeters of powdered sugar in a test tube. These three substances must be thoroughly mixed, shaking, and pouring onto a large sheet of paper. This amount must be divided into equal portions. Each portion should be large enough to cover the round bottom of the tube. Wrap each portion in a separate piece of paper, as powders are wrapped in a pharmacy. From one such bag you can get a glass of refreshing lemonade.

slide 13

Limestone releases carbon dioxide If foam appears when a substance is wetted with acid, this is almost always due to the release of carbon dioxide. It is he who forms this foam. Wetted limestone hisses and foams, carbon dioxide is released from it. If you are not sure about this, make an experiment: put a piece of limestone in a test tube and add acid, then close the test tube with a stopper with a glass tube and dip the long end of this tube into lime water. The water becomes cloudy. There are several types of lime. Limestone is calcium carbonate.

slide 14

Sinking Flame Warmed carbon dioxide, or smoke, is light and freely rises into the air, cold carbon dioxide is heavy, settles to the bottom of the vessel and gradually fills it to the brim. In carbon dioxide, combustion is impossible, since it is itself a product of combustion. If you put a candle at the bottom of a vessel and watch it for a while, you will see that the flame will soon go out. Carbon dioxide, which was transformed during the burning of a candle, gradually fills the vessel to the brim, and the flame "drowns" in carbon dioxide.

slide 15

Information source D. Shkurko, "Funny Chemistry", Leningrad, "Children's Literature", 1976. James Verzeim, Chris Oxlade, "Chemistry. School illustrated reference book, ROSMEN, 1995. F.G. Feldman, G.E. Rudzitis, "Chemistry 9. A textbook for the 9th grade of secondary educational institutions", M., "Enlightenment", 1994. Sources of illustrations http: // http: // science/2004/10/11/carbon/picture.jpg default/files/articolo-img/CO2_anidride_carbonica_carbon_bomba.jpg?1297712324

Do you already have nightmares about the periodic table? Did the reaction equations form in your head not pure solutions, but absolute chaos? Don't worry ahead of time! Chemistry is a complex and exact science, it requires attention to understand it, and in textbooks they often write in incomprehensible texts that complicate everything. Presentations on chemistry will come to your aid - informative, structured and simple. You will not only know all the forms that water can take, but you will be able to see them and remember them exactly. From now on, formulas and equations will be clear to you, and solving problems will not create problems. In addition, with a bright presentation, you will easily amaze your classmates and teachers, which will allow you to get the highest scores in the lesson. Your knowledge of chemistry will be brilliant, and presentations on chemistry, which can be downloaded for free on our resource, will become jewelers in cutting your knowledge.

Presentations in biology will also be excellent companions in the study of natural sciences: the connection of these adjacent great sciences is difficult to ignore.

slide 1

Chemistry presentation for grade 9 students on the topic: "Carbon dioxide" MBOU - Razdolnenskaya secondary school No. 19 of the Novosibirsk district of the Novosibirsk region Completed by: chemistry teacher Evstegneeva Alevtina Vasilievna p. Razdolnoye 2011

slide 2

Structural formula of carbon dioxide O=C=O Molecular formula of carbon dioxide CO2

slide 3

Physical properties Carbon monoxide (IV) is a colorless gas, approximately 1.5 times heavier than air, highly soluble in water, odorless, non-flammable, does not support combustion, causes suffocation. Under pressure, it turns into a colorless liquid, which solidifies on cooling.

slide 4

Formation of carbon monoxide (IV) In industry, a by-product of lime production. In the laboratory when acids interact with chalk or marble. When burning carbonaceous substances. With slow oxidation in biochemical processes (respiration, decay, fermentation).

slide 5

The use of carbon monoxide (IV) Obtaining sugar. Fire extinguishing. Production of fruit waters. "Dry ice". Getting cleaning supplies. Getting medication. Obtaining soda, which is used to obtain glass.

slide 6

We catch smoke Combustion is associated with the appearance of smoke. Smoke is white, black, and sometimes invisible. Above a hot candle or spirit lamp rises such an "invisible" smoke called carbon dioxide. Hold a clean test tube over the candle and catch a little "invisible" smoke. To prevent it from flying away, quickly close the test tube with a cork without a hole. Carbon dioxide will be invisible in a test tube. Save this tube of carbon dioxide for future experiments.

Slide 7

"Muddy story" Pour some lime water (to cover the bottom) into the test tube in which you captured the carbon dioxide from the candle flame. Close the vial with your finger and shake it. The clear lime water became quite cloudy. Only carbon dioxide is to blame. If you take lime water in a test tube that did not contain carbon dioxide and shake the test tube, the water will remain clear. This means that the turbidity of the lime water is proof that there was carbon dioxide in the test tube.

Slide 8

Carbon dioxide is released from soda. Take some soda powder and heat it in a horizontal reinforced test tube. Connect this tube with an elbowed tube to another tube containing water. Bubbles will start to come out of the tube. Therefore, some kind of gas enters the water from soda. Do not allow the glass tube to be lowered into the water after the end of heating, otherwise the water will rise through the tube and fall into the hot test tube with soda. This may cause the tube to burst. After you see that gas is released from the soda when heated, try replacing the plain water in the test tube with lime water. She will become dull. Soda releases carbon dioxide.

Slide 9

Lemonade gas is also carbon dioxide. If you open a bottle of lemonade or start shaking it, a lot of gas bubbles will appear in it. Close the lemonade bottle with a cork in which a glass tube is inserted, and dip the long end of the tube into a vial of lime water. Soon the water will become cloudy. So lemon gas is carbon dioxide. It is formed from carbonic acid contained in lemonade.

slide 10

Vinegar expels carbon dioxide from soda Carbon dioxide contains in a number of substances, but it is impossible to determine it by eye. If you pour vinegar on a piece of baking soda, the vinegar will sizzle strongly and some gas will be released from the soda. If you put a piece of soda in a test tube, pour some vinegar into it, close it with a cork with an elbowed tube, and dip the long end of the tube into lime water, you will be convinced that carbon dioxide is also released from the soda.

slide 11

Lemonade Factory Even a weak acid drives the carbon dioxide out of the soda. Cover the bottom of the test tube with citric acid and pour the same amount of soda on top of it. Mix these two substances. Both of them get along, but not for long. Pour this mixture into an ordinary glass and quickly fill it with fresh water. How much she hisses and foams! Like real lemonade. You can easily drink it. It is absolutely harmless, even delicious. You just need to add sugar at the very beginning, just to make it tastier.

slide 12

Lemonade in your pocket Carbon dioxide in drinks increases their refreshing effect. You can make a foamy lemon at any time. To do this, mix 2 cubic centimeters of citric acid powder, 2 cubic centimeters of soda and 6 cubic centimeters of powdered sugar in a test tube. These three substances must be thoroughly mixed, shaking, and pouring onto a large sheet of paper. This amount must be divided into equal portions. Each portion should be large enough to cover the round bottom of the tube. Wrap each portion in a separate piece of paper, as powders are wrapped in a pharmacy. From one such bag you can get a glass of refreshing lemonade.

slide 13

Limestone releases carbon dioxide If foam appears when a substance is wetted with acid, this is almost always due to the release of carbon dioxide. It is he who forms this foam. Wetted limestone hisses and foams, carbon dioxide is released from it. If you are not sure about this, make an experiment: put a piece of limestone in a test tube and add acid, then close the test tube with a stopper with a glass tube and dip the long end of this tube into lime water. The water becomes cloudy. There are several types of lime. Limestone is calcium carbonate.

slide 14

Sinking Flame Warmed carbon dioxide, or smoke, is light and freely rises into the air, cold carbon dioxide is heavy, settles to the bottom of the vessel and gradually fills it to the brim. In carbon dioxide, combustion is impossible, since it is itself a product of combustion. If you put a candle at the bottom of a vessel and watch it for a while, you will see that the flame will soon go out. Carbon dioxide, which was transformed during the burning of a candle, gradually fills the vessel to the brim, and the flame "drowns" in carbon dioxide.

slide 15

Information source D. Shkurko, "Funny Chemistry", Leningrad, "Children's Literature", 1976. James Verzeim, Chris Oxlade, "Chemistry. School illustrated reference book, ROSMEN, 1995. F.G. Feldman, G.E. Rudzitis, "Chemistry 9. A textbook for the 9th grade of secondary educational institutions", M., "Enlightenment", 1994. Sources of illustrations http: // http: // science/2004/10/11/carbon/picture.jpg default/files/articolo-img/CO2_anidride_carbonica_carbon_bomba.jpg?1297712324

1 of 15

Presentation on the topic: Carbon dioxide

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

Physical properties Carbon monoxide (IV) is a colorless gas, approximately 1.5 times heavier than air, highly soluble in water, odorless, non-flammable, does not support combustion, causes suffocation. Under pressure, it turns into a colorless liquid, which solidifies on cooling.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Formation of carbon monoxide (IV) In industry, a by-product of lime production. In the laboratory - when acids interact with chalk or marble. When burning carbonaceous substances. With slow oxidation in biochemical processes (respiration, decay, fermentation).

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

We catch smoke Combustion is associated with the appearance of smoke. Smoke is white, black, and sometimes invisible. Above a hot candle or spirit lamp rises such an "invisible" smoke called carbon dioxide. Hold a clean test tube over the candle and catch a little "invisible" smoke. To prevent it from flying away, quickly close the test tube with a cork without a hole. Carbon dioxide will be invisible in a test tube. Save this tube of carbon dioxide for future experiments.

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

"Muddy story" Pour some lime water (to cover the bottom) into the test tube in which you captured the carbon dioxide from the candle flame. Close the vial with your finger and shake it. The clear lime water became quite cloudy. Only carbon dioxide is to blame. If you take lime water in a test tube that did not contain carbon dioxide and shake the test tube, the water will remain clear. This means that the turbidity of the lime water is proof that there was carbon dioxide in the test tube.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

Carbon dioxide is released from soda. Take some soda powder and heat it in a horizontal reinforced test tube. Connect this tube with an elbowed tube to another tube containing water. Bubbles will start to come out of the tube. Therefore, some kind of gas enters the water from soda. Do not allow the glass tube to be lowered into the water after the end of heating, otherwise the water will rise through the tube and fall into the hot test tube with soda. This may cause the tube to burst. After you see that gas is released from the soda when heated, try replacing the plain water in the test tube with lime water. She will become dull. Soda releases carbon dioxide.

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

Lemonade gas is also carbon dioxide. If you open a bottle of lemonade or start shaking it, a lot of gas bubbles will appear in it. Close the lemonade bottle with a cork in which a glass tube is inserted, and dip the long end of the tube into a vial of lime water. Soon the water will become cloudy. So lemon gas is carbon dioxide. It is formed from carbonic acid contained in lemonade.

slide number 10

Description of the slide:

Vinegar expels carbon dioxide from soda Carbon dioxide is contained in a number of substances, but it is impossible to determine it by eye. If you pour vinegar on a piece of baking soda, the vinegar will sizzle violently and some gas will be released from the baking soda. If you put a piece of soda in a test tube, pour some vinegar into it, close it with a cork with an elbowed tube, and dip the long end of the tube into lime water, you will be convinced that carbon dioxide is also released from the soda.

Description of the slide:

Lemonade in your pocket Carbon dioxide in drinks increases their refreshing effect. You can make a foamy lemon at any time. To do this, mix 2 cubic centimeters of citric acid powder, 2 cubic centimeters of soda and 6 cubic centimeters of powdered sugar in a test tube. These three substances must be thoroughly mixed, shaking, and pouring onto a large sheet of paper. This amount must be divided into equal portions. Each portion should be large enough to cover the round bottom of the tube. Wrap each portion in a separate piece of paper, as powders are wrapped in a pharmacy. From one such bag you can get a glass of refreshing lemonade.

slide number 13

Description of the slide:

Limestone emits carbon dioxide If foam appears when a substance is wetted with acid, this is almost always due to the released carbon dioxide. It is he who forms this foam. Wetted limestone hisses and foams, carbon dioxide is released from it. If you are not sure about this, make an experiment: put a piece of limestone in a test tube and add acid, then close the test tube with a stopper with a glass tube and dip the long end of this tube into lime water. The water becomes cloudy. There are several types of lime. Limestone is calcium carbonate.

slide number 14

Description of the slide:

Sinking Flame Warmed carbon dioxide, or smoke, is light and freely rises into the air, cold carbon dioxide is heavy, settles to the bottom of the vessel and gradually fills it to the brim. In carbon dioxide, combustion is impossible, since it is itself a product of combustion. If you put a candle at the bottom of a vessel and watch it for a while, you will see that the flame will soon go out. Carbon dioxide, which was transformed during the burning of a candle, will gradually fill the vessel to the brim, and the flame will “drown” in carbon dioxide.

slide number 15

Description of the slide:

Information source D. Shkurko, "Funny Chemistry", Leningrad, "Children's Literature", 1976. James Verzeim, Chris Oxlade, "Chemistry. School illustrated reference book, ROSMEN, 1995. F.G. Feldman, G.E. Rudzitis, "Chemistry 9. A textbook for the 9th grade of secondary educational institutions", M., "Enlightenment", 1994. Sources of illustrations http: // http: // science/2004/10/11/carbon/picture.jpg default/files/articolo-img/CO2_anidride_carbonica_carbon_bomba.jpg?1297712324