P. Personnel management. Egorshin A.P. Egorshin a p online personnel management

Higher education management: textbook / under total. ed. Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. S.D. Reznik and Dr. Phys.-Math. Sciences V.M. Filippov. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2020. - 426 p. + Add. materials [Electronic resource; Access mode: http://new.site]. — (Management in higher education). - www.dx.doi.org/10.12737/textbook_5bd08431c9cab4.82616176. to read



Today, over a thousand universities and their branches represent the system of Russian higher education. The effectiveness of their activities is largely determined by the quality of intra-university management, the professionalism of the leading personnel of higher educational institutions. The university management system, technologies for managing the educational process, scientific activities, economic, social and educational work are considered. Considerable attention is paid to the international activities of the university, the formation and development of its managerial potential, the management of informatization processes in the activities of the university. For management personnel of higher educational institutions, reserve for promotion, as well as for graduate students, doctoral students and anyone interested in the problems of intra-university management.

Egorshin Alexander Petrovich

Strategic management: textbook / A.P. Egorshin, I.V. Guskov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M. : INFRA-M, 2017. - 290 p. — (Higher education: Bachelor's degree). - www.dx.doi.org/10.12737/textbook_5950e6701deed8.90422341. - Access mode: http://website/catalog/product/810318 read


The textbook, in a concise, concentrated form, discusses the basics of strategic management, the methodology of diagnostic analysis and strategic planning, the development of competition strategies and the management of strategy implementation in enterprises and organizations. The novelty of the textbook lies in the application of methods of diagnostic analysis and forecasting of the organization's activities, expert modeling of competition problems and strategies, rationalization of the management system and change management in an organization in a crisis and post-crisis in Russia. The textbook is intended for students and masters studying the discipline "Strategic Management" in the areas of managerial and economic profile.

Egorshin Alexander Petrovich

Effective management of the organization: studies. allowance / A.P. Yegorshin. - M. : INFRA-M, 2019. - 388 p. — (Higher education: Master). - www.dx.doi.org/10.12737/textbook_59e0c18f098a76.68931096. - Access mode: http://website/catalog/product/1003323 read


The textbook is devoted to the study of the problems of the organization as one of the leading elements of the Russian economy. The theory and practice of organization management (system, strategy, personnel, methods, efficiency) are outlined, recommendations are given for building a management system for a production, commercial and construction organization. Scientific and practical bases for the development of an organization's management system are proposed. The issues of strategic management of the organization and effective personnel management are considered. Complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education of the latest generation. It is intended for students of the system of advanced training and retraining of personnel (managers and specialists). It will be useful for students, masters studying in management and economic specialties and who wish to study special disciplines of the direction "Management" in a concise and accessible form.

The book is devoted to topical issues of personnel management in enterprises and organizations. The system of work with personnel in the relationship of personnel policy, selection, evaluation, placement, adaptation and training of personnel is considered.
New approaches to the organization of work with personnel are outlined on the basis of the development of a philosophy of organization and structure of personnel, regulation and scientific organization of labor, the foundations of the theory of leadership and team building.
Important issues of motivation and needs, remuneration systems, methods of personnel management and evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel work in a market economy and the democratization of society are highlighted.

The current stage of development of the Russian economy is characterized by an increase in unemployment and unemployment of the able-bodied population, an acute shortage of highly qualified managers and specialists of a universal type, a change in the requirements for the personnel of an enterprise and personnel policy. The well-known motto "Cadres decide everything!" in the conditions of democratization of society, it acquires a second wind.

In recent years, interesting books on personnel management have appeared, but many managers have realized that the American, Japanese, German management experience in its purest form is not suitable for a Russian person and the current state of the Russian economy. There is a shortage of domestic books on modern personnel management, built on management theory and Russian experience in working with personnel.

At the same time, there is a shortage of professional knowledge and skills in the field of personnel management among a significant number of directors of enterprises, heads of departments, managers and specialists in personnel services, especially in small and medium-sized businesses. For those who came into business at the beginning of the 21st century and seek to master modern technology in working with personnel, practical knowledge, schemes for solving specific situations, regulatory documents for a Russian enterprise and recommendations on the use of foreign experience are needed.

1.1. Personnel as a system 7
1.1.1. Labor market 8
1.1.2. Classification of personnel by categories 15
1.1.3. Analysis of HR concepts 16
1.1.4. The relationship of subsystems of work with personnel 20
1.1.5. Features of personnel management in the USA and Japan 24
1.2. Personnel policy 29
1.2.1. Types of power in society 30
1.2.2. Leadership style 33
1.2.3. Conceptual HR documents 37
1.2.4. Qualities of a Russian employee 41
1.2.5. Modern personnel policy 42
1.3. Recruitment 47
1.3.1. Calculation of the need for personnel 48
1.3.2. Job models 53
1.3.3. Professional selection of personnel 60
1.3.4. Interview 70
1.3.5. Formation of a personnel reserve 81
1.3.6. Case study "Trust but verify" 89
1.3.7. Business game "Recruitment" 92
1.4. Personnel evaluation 97
1.4.1. Personnel assessment methods 98
1.4.2. Employee potential assessment 101
1.4.3. Evaluation of individual contribution 115
1.4.4. Personnel certification 117
1.4.5. Business game "Certification" 121
1.5. Staffing 131
1.5.1. Principles and methods of personnel placement 132
1.5.2. Typical career models 133
1.5.3. Career planning 137
1.5.4. Conditions and wages 140
1.5.5. Staff movement 143
1.5.6. Case study "Conflict" 152
1.6. Staff adaptation 155
1.6.1. Criteria for staff adaptation 156
1.6.2. Probation period 157
1.6.3. Adaptation of young professionals 160
1.6.4. Mentoring and counseling 163
1.6.5. Human resource development 166
1.6.6. Business game "Introduction to the position of shop manager" 168
1.7. Personnel training 171
1.7.1. Russian education system 172
1.7.2. Vocational training 181
1.7.3. Advanced training 184
1.7.4. Retraining of personnel 188
1.7.5. Program "Master of Management" 193
1.7.6. How to choose an educational institution? 202
2.1. Philosophy of the organization 207
2.1.1. Basic elements of philosophy 208
2.1.2. Foreign experience 210
2.1.3. Russian experience 220
2.1.4. Exemplary Philosophy 222
2.2. Personnel structure 231
2.2.1. Organizational structure 232
2.2.2. Functional structure 246
2.2.3. Role structure 259
2.2.4. Social structure 261
2.2.5. Staff structure 267
2.2.6. Business game "Structure" 271
2.3. Management regulation 277
2.3.1. Internal labor regulations 280
2.3.2. Regulations on subdivisions 287
2.3.3. Job descriptions 296
2.3.4. Employment contracts with personnel 309
2.4. Scientific organization of labor 317
2.4.1. Workplace organization 318
2.4.2. Target planning 327
2.4.3. Personal work technique 338
2.4.4. Labor rationing 358
2.5. Leadership Fundamentals 377
2.5.1. The Essence and Relationship of Leadership 378
2.5.2. Leadership Theory 384
2.5.3. Behavioral Leadership 389
2.5.4. Situational Leadership 394
2.5.5. Dealing with a "difficult" leader 404
2.6. Team building 415
2.6.1. Collective as a social group 416
2.6.2. Characteristics of social groups 421
2.6.3. Team building program 432
2.6.4. Building an Effective Team 438
2.6.5. Business game "Election of the head" 445
3.1. Motivation and needs 455
3.1.1. Analysis of theories of motivation 456
3.1.2. Material and spiritual needs 474
3.1.3. Human personality development 483
3.1.4. Quality of working life 494
3.2. Salary 503
3.2.1. Wage Theory 504
3.2.2. Wage systems 515
3.2.3. Salary experience 527
3.2.4. Regulation on remuneration of personnel 539
3.3. Management methods 549
3.3.1. Administrative Methods 550
3.3.2. Economic methods 568
3.3.3. Sociological methods 579
3.3.4. Psychological methods 587
3.4. Communication and Etiquette 607
3.4.1. Effective communications 608
3.4.2. Negotiation Technique 622
3.4.3. Diplomatic Etiquette 630
3.4.4. Social Etiquette 642
3.5. Staff performance 651
3.5.1. Methods and performance criteria 652
3.5.2. Organizational performance score (BOERO) 660
3.5.3. Comprehensive assessment of managerial work (KUT) 670
3.5.4. Estimated by the coefficient of labor contribution (KTV) 675

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(LSU named after Taras Shevchenko)

Institute of History, International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences

Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy

Seminar Plans

By discipline Methods of teaching in an educational institution

By specialty Organization of work with youth

Lesson 1.

Topic : "Subject and objectives of the discipline "Methods of teaching in an educational institution" in the preparation of students of the qualification level "Master".


1. The place of the discipline "Methods of teaching in an educational institution" in the preparation of students of the qualification level "Master".

2. The subject of teaching methods of social pedagogical disciplines.

3. The task of teaching methods of social pedagogical disciplines.

Keywords: „discipline”, „teaching methods”, socially „pedagogical disciplines”, „subject”, „task”, „qualification level”.


1. Danilov M. A. Main problems of methodology and methods of pedagogical research / M. A. Danilov. // Soviet Pedagogy. - 1969. - No. 5. – S. 32.

2. Vitvitska S. S. Fundamentals of higher school pedagogy: [method. posib. for stud. master.] / S.S. Vitvitska. - K .: Center for Primary Literature, 2003. -
316 p.

3. Nagaev V.M. posib.] /
V. M. Nagaev. - K. : Center for Educational Literature, 2007. - 232 p.

207 p.

5. Slepkan Z. I. Science ambush the pedagogical process at every school: [navch. posib.] / Z. I. Slepkan. - K .: Vishcha school, 2005. - 239 p.

Lesson 2.

Topic : "Theoretical foundations for the training of specialists in social pedagogy in the conditions of the formation of a modern educational space."


1. Trends and prospects for the development and improvement of the training of social pedagogy specialists in the conditions of the formation of a modern educational space.

2. System, purpose and content of higher education.

3. Social significance of democratization and humanization of the educational process.

Keywords: “content of socio-pedagogical education in higher education”, “system of higher education”, principles of education”, “humanization of the educational process”, “curriculum”.


Lesson 3.

Topic : „The theory of learning and teaching of socio-pedagogical disciplines in a higher educational institution”


1. The concept of learning theory. Developmental training.

2. The specifics of teaching socio-pedagogical disciplines in a higher educational institution.

3. Modular technology of education in a higher educational institution.

Keywords: „learning theory”, „developmental education”, „teaching in higher education”, „teaching methods”, „modular learning technology”.


2. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

3. Talyzina N. F. Management of the process of knowledge acquisition /

4. Khrutsky E. A. Organization and conduct of business games / E. A. Khrutsky. -M., 1991. - 320 p.

Lesson 4.

Topic : „Principles of teaching socio-pedagogical disciplines


1. Determining the principles of learning.

2. Using the principles of didactics in teaching social pedagogical disciplines.

3. Characteristics of the principles of teaching social pedagogy.

Keywords: “principle”, “principles of teaching”, “principles of didactics”, “fact”.


1. Badmaev B. Ts. Methods of teaching psychology / B. Ts. Badmaev. - M., 1999. - 300 p.

2. Fundamentals of didactics / Under. Ed. B. P. Esipova. - M .: Education, 1967. - S. 226.

3. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

4. Talyzina N. F. Management of the process of learning /
N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

5. Esaulov A. F. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students / A. F. Esaulov. - M., 1982. - 223 p.

Lesson 5.

Topic : "Professional portrait of a teacher of socio-pedagogical disciplines"


1. Appointment and functions of a teacher of social pedagogical disciplines.

2. The concept of pedagogical activity; its structure. The motive of the pedagogical activity of a teacher of social and pedagogical disciplines.

3. Pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities of the teacher as functional components of the pedagogical system.

4. Pedagogical skill of the teacher.

Keywords: “teaching functions”, “pedagogical activity”, “pedagogical system”, “pedagogical skills”, “pedagogical knowledge”, “pedagogical skills”, “pedagogical skills”.


1. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M. : Education, 1987. - 207 p.

N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

Lesson 6.

Topic : "The skill of communication between a teacher and students in the process of organizing the study of socio-pedagogical disciplines"


1. Pedagogical communication between a teacher and a student as a dialogue.

2. Styles and models of pedagogical communication as a manifestation of the characteristic features of interaction. Models of teacher communication.

3. Mastery of communication in the process of presenting the material. Monologue as a hidden dialogue.

Keywords: „pedagogical communication”, „dialogue”, „styles of pedagogical communication”, „models of pedagogical communication”, „communication skills”.


1. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

2. Talyzina N. F. Management of the process of knowledge acquisition /
N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

3. Khrutsky E. A. Organization and conduct of business games / E. A. Khrutsky. -M., 1991. - 320 p.

4. Esaulov A. F. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students / A. F. Esaulov. - M., 1982. - 223 p.

Lesson 7.

Topic : "Organizational forms of teaching socio-pedagogical disciplines".


1. Development of forms of education.

2. Lecture: organization of information selection, types of lectures, distribution of time for teaching information.

3. Practical and seminar lessons as an informative type of learning activity.

4. Abstract and term paper as an individual form of studying social pedagogical disciplines.

Keywords: „lecture”, „organization of information selection”, „types of lectures”, „distribution of time for teaching information during lectures”, „seminar classes”.


N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

4. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

Lesson 8.

Topic : "Characteristics of methods and means of teaching socio-pedagogical disciplines."


1. Teaching methods. Typology of teaching methods.

2. Functions and principles of teaching methods.

3. Learning tools.

Keywords: „method”, „means”, „typology of methods”, „teaching aids”, „teaching methods”.


1. Talyzina N. F. Management of the process of knowledge acquisition /
N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

2. Khrutsky E. A. Organization and conduct of business games / E. A. Khrutsky. -M., 1991. - 320 p.

3. Esaulov A. F. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students / A. F. Esaulov. - M., 1982. - 223 p.

4. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

Lesson 9.

Topic : "Methods of problem-based learning in teaching socio-pedagogical disciplines".


1. The purpose of problem-based learning.

2. Problem as a learning principle (problem task, problem question, problem task).

3. Conditions for creating problem situations in learning.

Keywords: „problem study”, „problem task”, „problem question”, „problem task”.


1. Talyzina N. F. Management of the process of knowledge acquisition /
N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

2. Khrutsky E. A. Organization and conduct of business games / E. A. Khrutsky. -M., 1991. - 320 p.

3. Esaulov A. F. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students / A. F. Esaulov. - M., 1982. - 223 p.

4. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

Lesson 10.

Topic : "Methods of programmatic presentation of socio-pedagogical disciplines (organization of training using a computer)


1. Methods of program learning.

2. Computer support of the educational process (analysis of computer programs, organization of training using a computer).

3. Properties of computer programs. Computer training of students on the Internet (the main tasks and the role of the teacher to help students in mastering the knowledge of the Internet).

Keywords: "innovative learning technologies", "Computer support of the educational process", "computer learning", "Internet networks".


1. Talyzina N. F. Management of the process of knowledge acquisition /
N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

2. Khrutsky E. A. Organization and conduct of business games / E. A. Khrutsky. -M., 1991. - 320 p.

3. Esaulov A. F. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students / A. F. Esaulov. - M., 1982. - 223 p.

4. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

Lesson 11.

Topic : "Methods of interactive learning in teaching socio-pedagogical disciplines


1. The role of using interactive methods of teaching socio-pedagogical disciplines

2. Characteristics of interactive learning methods: a) heuristic conversation method; b) the method of discussion; in). "brainstorming" method; gram). round table method; e). training as a method of interactive learning

Keywords: "interactive method", "interactive learning", "heuristic conversation method", "discussion method", "brainstorming method", "round table method", "training", socially "psychological training".


1. Talyzina N. F. Management of the process of knowledge acquisition /
N. F. Talyzina. - M., 1984. - 344 p.

2. Khrutsky E. A. Organization and conduct of business games / E. A. Khrutsky. -M., 1991. - 320 p.

3. Esaulov A. F. Activation of educational and cognitive activity of students / A. F. Esaulov. - M., 1982. - 223 p.

4. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

Lesson 12.

Topic : "Method of organizing students' independent work in the study of social and pedagogical disciplines


1. Independent work of students: essence, organization, control; basic functions of independent work.

2. Types of independent work.

3. Organization of independent activities of students

Keywords: „independent work”, „self-training”, „independent activity”, „control over independent work”.


1. Drozdova I. P. Methodology of teaching, pedagogy and psychology of higher education: [introductory guide for 5th year students-masters] / І. P. Drozdova. - Kharkiv: KhNAMG, 2008. - 142 p.

2. Conceptual ambush of democratization and reform education in Ukraine. - K., 1997.

3. Ravchina T.V. Orientation on student's specialty. / T.V. Ravchina // Humanization and humanitarization of professional education: [scientific and methodological collection]. - K., 1995. - S. 81-82.

Lesson 13.

Topic : "Methodology for preparing and conducting knowledge assessment and correction of students' educational activities in the teaching of social and pedagogical disciplines


1. Criteria for the quality of education (varieties of control: modular, test).

2. Diagnosis and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of students

Keywords: „criteria for the quality of education”, „diagnosing”, „rating assessment”, „types of control”.


1. Drozdova I. P. Methodology of teaching, pedagogy and psychology of higher education: [introductory guide for 5th year students-masters] / І. P. Drozdova. - Kharkiv: KhNAMG, 2008. - 142 p.

2. Conceptual ambush of democratization and reform education in Ukraine. - K., 1997.

3. Ravchina T.V. Orientation on student's specialty. / T.V. Ravchina // Humanization and humanitarization of professional education: [scientific and methodological collection]. - K., 1995. - S. 81-82.


1. Aleksyuk A. M. Pedagogy of higher education / A. M. Aleksyuk - K., 1998.

2. Aleksyuk A. M. Pedagogy of higher education. : [course of lectures: modular study] / A. M. Aleksyuk - K., 1993.

3. Babich N. D. Fundamentals of speech culture / N. D. Babich. - Lvov: Mir, 1990.

4. Bekhterev V. M. Issues of public education / V. M. Bekhterev. - M., 1910.

5. Bolsheznov A. Ya.
A. V. Sedykh. // Questions of psychology. - 1985. - No. 5.

6. Vitvitska S. S. Foundation pedagogy of higher education: [method. posib. for stud. master.] / S. S. Vitvitska. - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2003. -
316 p.

7. Vasyanovich G. Pedagogy of higher education: [navch.-method. allowance] /
Gram. Vasyanovich. - Lviv: Liga-Press, 2000.

8. Higher education in Ukraine: [prev. posib.] / V. Gramm. Flint,
S. M. Nikolaenko, M. F. Stepko and others [With editor V. Gramm. Kremnya, S. M. Nikolaenko]. - K .: Knowledge, 2005.

9. Galuzinsky V. Pedagogy: theory and history: [navch. allowance] /
V. M. Galuzinsky, M. By. Yevtukh. - K., 1995.

10. Danilov M. A. Main problems of methodology and methods of pedagogical research / M. A. Danilov. // Soviet Pedagogy. - 1969. - No. 5. – S. 32.

11. State National Program "Education" (Ukraine XXI century), - K., 1991.

12. Doroshenko S. I. Fundamentals of culture and technology for oral broadcasting /
S. I. Doroshenko. - Kharkov, 2002.

Egorshin A.P. Personnel management / A.P. Egorshin. - Lower. Novgorod. : NIMB, 1999.

14. Kostyuk G.S. Initial-which process and psychological development of personality / Gramm. S. Kostyuk. - K., 1989.

15. Lugovoi V. I. Education management: [navch. allowance.] / V. I. Lugoviy - K., 1997.

16. Lyaudis V. Ya. Psychology and practice of automated learning / V. Ya. Lyaudis, O. K. Tikhomirov // Questions of psychology, 1983. - No. 6.

17. Makarenko A. S. Methods of educational work / A. S. Makarenko. - K., 1990.

18. Methods of teaching in higher education: [navch.-method. edition of the reference abstract of the lecture for students of the level of preparation "Master" of all specialties and students of the higher school of pedagogical excellence] - K .: KNTEU, 2002.

19. Models of harmonization of national and international standards of education in the context of the Bologna process: [Proceedings of the International Seminar May 27-28, 2004, held in the Lvov nat. Univ. I.Franka.] - Lviv. : Letopis, 2004.

20. Moroz I. V. Management and marketing of education: [navch.-method manual] / I. V. Moroz. - Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky: PCDPU, 2004.

21. Nagaev V. M. Methods of teaching in higher education: [navch. posib.] /
V. M. Nagaev. - K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2007. - 232 p.

22. Basic principles of the development of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the Bologna process (documents and materials of 2003-2004) / M. F. Stepko,
Ya. Ya. Bolyubash, V. D. Shinkaruk, V. V. Grubianko: [With editor V. Gramm. Flint]. - Ternopil: publishing house of TDPU named after. V. Gnatiuk, 2004.

23. Basic principles for the development of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the Bologna process: [Documents and materials]. - May - December in 2004 - Part 2 / M. F. Stepko, Ya. Ya. V. Gnatyuka, 2005.

24. Pedagogy / For the editor M. D. Yarmachenko. - K., 1985.

25. Pedagogical technologies: theory and practice: [Course of lectures: Navch. posib.] / For the editor prof. M. V. Grineva. - Polt. holding un-t. them. V. Gram. Korolenko. - P., ASMI, 2004.

26. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of general pedagogy / S. L. Rubinshtein. - M., 1960.

27. Savin N. V. Methods of teaching pedagogy: [textbook for faculty. advanced training] / N. V. Savin. - M .: Education, 1987. -
207 p.

28. Sagach G. M. The art of business communication: [navch. allowance] /
G. M. Sagach. - K., 1996.

29. Slepkan Z. I. Science principles of the pedagogical process in higher education: [navch. in-sib.] / From. I. Slepkan. - K .: Higher school, 2005. - 239 p.

30. Stelmakhovich M. G. Folk pedagogy / M. Gramma. Stelmakhovich. - K., 1985.

31. Tarasevich N. M. The strategy of the teacher's behavior in difficult pedagogical situations: [Special course. Texts of lectures]. / N. M. Tarasevich. - Poltava: IOC PDPU, 2005.

32. Fedorishin B. O. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of vocational guidance. / B. O. Fedorishin - K., 1996.

33. Unt I. Individualization and differentiation of education / I. Unt. - M., 1990.

34. Hall K. Theories of personality. / K. Hall, Gram. Lindsay. - M., 1997.

35. Young Stanley. System management of the organization: (Translated from English.
E. A. Antonova) / Edited by S. P. Nikanorov. - M., 1972.

A.P. Yegorshin

Personnel Management

Lecture notes for the teacher

Nizhny Novgorod

Egorshin A.P.

Personnel Management: Lecture Notes. - N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2005. - 136 p.

Contains basic terms and definitions, conceptual diagrams and tables, methodological provisions, formulas and principles, methods of working with personnel, brief domestic and foreign experience, summaries and control questions in the discipline "Personnel Management".

IN Chapter 1 "The system of work with personnel" considers the following issues: the concept of personnel management; personnel policy; selection, evaluation, placement, adaptation and training of personnel.

IN Chapter 2 "Organization of work with personnel" sets out the philosophy of the organization, the structure of personnel, the regulation of management, the scientific organization of labor, the basics of leadership and the formation of a team.

IN Chapter 3 "Motivation, payment and efficiency" considers the issues of motivation and needs, staff remuneration, management methods, communications and etiquette, and staff performance.

The abstract of lectures is intended for teachers who read the disciplines "Fundamentals of personnel management", "Personnel management" and "Human resource management".

© A.P. Egorshin, 2005

© Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business, 2005

Chapter 1. Personnel management system……………….…….………….. 5

1.1. Personnel as a system……………………………………...…………... 5

1.2. Personnel policy …………………………………………………….. 10

1.3. Recruitment ………………………………….………………….. 16

1.4. Personnel assessment ……………………………………………………… 22

1.5. Staffing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26

1.6. Personnel adaptation …………………………………………………. 32

1.7. Personnel training ……………………………………………………… 36

Chapter 2. Organization of work with personnel ………………………….. 41

2.1. Philosophy of the organization …………………………….………………... 41

2.2. Personnel structure ……………………………………….…………. 44

2.3. Management regulation ………………………….………………... 52

2.4. Scientific organization of labor ……………………………………………… 64

2.5. Fundamentals of Leadership ……………………………………………………... 72

2.6. Team building ……………………………………………. 82

Chapter 3. Motivation, payment and efficiency ………………………….. 89

3.1. Motivations and needs …………………………….……………… 89

3.2. Salary …………..…………………………………….…………. one hundred

3.3. Management methods …………………………………………………… 107

3.4. Communication and etiquette ………………………………………………. 116

3.5. Personnel performance ………………….………………... 124

Literature ………………………………………..…………….…………. 131

The right way is: learn what your predecessors did and move on.

L.N. Tolstoy

The concept of personnel management

State regulation


labor market

Personnel classification


Personnel policy

Analysis of management concepts

Russian system


Types of power in society


Relationship of subsystems

leadership style

Types of training

work with staff

Conceptual staffingdo-

Professional training

Higher education

Modern personnel policy


Qualities of a Russian worker

Retraining of personnel

Work principles

How to choose an educational

with staff





Calculation of staffing needs

with staff

Job Models

Staff Adaptation Criteria

Professional selection of personnel

Adaptation of young professionals


Mentoring and

Formation of a reserve of personnel


specific situation

Human resource development

"Trust but check"

Business game "Selection




Personel assessment

Principles and methods

staff arrangements

Generic Career Models

Personnel assessment methods

Career planning

Personnel certification

Conditions and wages

Business game "Certification"

Staff movement

The procedure for the dismissal of personnel

specific situation



1.1. Personnel as a system

Frames are everything...

I.V. Stalin

Labor market

The labor market is a set of socio-economic relations between the state, employers and employees on the issue of buying and selling work

whose strength, training workers and using them in the production process.

labor market− includes socio-economic relations for-

employed and unemployed workers, i.e. the entire economically active population of the country. Thus, the unemployed are included in this market.

Labor market− a set of socio-economic relations

decisions regarding the recruitment, training and use of labor resources (employment

workers, the unemployed and students).

Human Resources– population of both sexes in working age

(for men aged 16 to 59 years, for women - from 16 to 54 years

significant), with the exception of non-working war and labor invalids I and II

groups and persons receiving an old-age pension on preferential terms, as well as persons of a disabled age (teenagers and the population older than the working age).

age) employed in the economy”.

The set of concepts that regulate the labor market shows

zana in fig. 1.1.1 of A.P. Egorshin "Personnel Management" (p. 10).

A simple model of a market economy that shows the interaction of the labor market, enterprises and organizations, the market for goods and services, population

and government bodies, is shown on rice. 1.1.2 textbook A.P. Egorshina "Personnel Management" (p. 12).

The term "personnel" combines the components of the workforce of the organization. We include all workers (labor collective) who perform production or management operations and are engaged in the processing of objects of labor using means of labor, fig. 1.1.1 (Fig. 1.1.3 of A.P. Egorshin's textbook "Personnel Management", p. 15). Concepts

"cadres", "employees", "staff" are identical, if we take the definition given by us as a basis. In the future, we will use the term "personnel" (personnel), used in the state educational standard (SES) and the most accepted in domestic and foreign practice.


Production personnel

Management staff







Rice. 1.1.1. Personnel classification

Workers, or production personnel, carry out labor activities in material production with a predominant share of physical labor. They provide production, its exchange, marketing and service. The production staff can be divided into two components: the main staff - workers, mainly employed in the assembly shops of the enterprise; support staff - workers, mainly employed in the procurement and maintenance shops of the enterprise.

The result of the labor of production personnel is products in material form (buildings, cars, televisions, furniture, food, clothing, etc.).

Employees, or management personnel, carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental labor. They are busy processing information using technical controls. The main result of their work

The most important thing is to study management problems, create new information, change its content or form, prepare management decisions, and after the manager chooses the most effective option, implement and control the execution of decisions. Management personnel is divided into two main groups: managers and specialists.

The fundamental difference between managers and specialists lies in the legal right to make decisions and the presence of other employees in subordination. Depending on the scale of management, there are line managers who are responsible for making decisions on all management functions, and functional managers who implement individual management functions.

The specialists of the enterprise can be divided into three main groups depending on the results of their work:

functional management specialists, the result of which is management information (referents, economists, accountants, financiers, marketers, etc.);

specialists - engineers, the result of whose activity is design and technological or design information in the field of engineering and production technology (technologists, engineers, designers, builders, designers, etc.);

employees - technical specialists (typists, operators, couriers, elevator operators, storekeepers, waiters, etc.) who perform auxiliary work in the management process.

Analysis of HR concepts

The theory of management uses a sufficient number of terms that reflect the participation of people in social production: labor resources, human resources, the human factor, organizational behavior, personnel management, personnel management, personnel policy, social management, human relations, etc.

Considering that all the above approaches to the analysis of the role of a person in production represent views from different sides of the same phenomenon, we tried to classify the known concepts in the form of a square ( rice. 1.1.4 textbook A.P. Egorshina "Personnel Management", p. 19).

The y-axis shows the division of concepts according to the attraction to the economic or social systems, and the abscissa - according to the consideration of a person as a resource and as a person in the production process. Personnel management is a specific function of management activity, the main object of which is a person who is a member of certain social groups.

The relationship of subsystems of work with personnel

HR system is a set of principles and methods for managing the personnel of workers and employees in an organization.

The organization's personnel management system consists of six interrelated subsystems (Fig. 1.1.5 of A.P. Egorshin's textbook "Personnel Management", p. 21).

Personnel policy determines the general line and fundamental guidelines in working with personnel for the long term.

Recruitment is to form a reserve of personnel to fill vacancies.

Personel assessment is carried out to determine the compliance of the employee with the vacant or current position.

Staff placement should ensure the constant movement of personnel based on the results of assessing their potential, individual contribution, planned career and availability of vacancies.

Personnel adaptation - this is the process of adapting the team to the changing conditions of the external and internal environment of the organization, and individual individuals to the workplace and the workforce.

Training is designed to ensure that the professional knowledge and skills of employees correspond to the modern level of production and management.

The system of work with personnel is reflected in such important documents as: the charter of the organization; organization philosophy; internal labor regulations; collective agreement; staffing of the enterprise; regulation on wages and bonuses; regulations on subdivisions; employee contract; job descriptions; job models; management regulations, etc.

Work with personnel should be considered as a system that includes personnel policy, selection, assessment, placement, adaptation and training of personnel, and be reflected in the main regulatory documents of the enterprise.

The relationship of subsystems of work with personnel with regulatory documents

mi enterprises is shown on rice. 1.1.6 textbook A.P. Egorshin "Personnel Management" (p. 23).

1. Labor market- a set of socio-economic relations on the issue of hiring, training and use of labor resources (employed, unemployed, students).

2. Personnel unites all components of the labor collective of the organization that perform production or management functions and are engaged in the processing of objects of labor using means of labor.

3. Exist 4 control concepts personnel: labor resources management, human resources management, personnel management, social management.

4. HR system is a set of principles and methods for managing the personnel of workers and employees in an organization, including 6 subsystems.

test questions

1. What concepts characterize the labor market?

2. What are the main components of a simple model of market relations?

3. What are the main groups of employees?

4. What are the main subsystems of work with personnel?

5. Name the main regulatory documents of the enterprise.