Vacancies of the company "Trading House Lazurit. LLC Trading House Lazurite Trading House Lazurite

540 showrooms -

You will be able to build a career in your city or in another region, this will allow you to fulfill your dream of traveling and living in different cities of Russia.

105 000 m2 retail space -

you will have a comfortable workplace, because the average cabin area is 194 m 2.

2 000 000 people visited
salons in 2018 –

this is enough for you to be able to earn decently.

LAZURIT - COMPANY OF THE FIRST-CLASS SERVICE this is our competitive advantage!

Zolotareva Olga Leonidovna Director of subsidiaries (Ural RO)

My history is not full of records, it is full of the desire to work, develop and grow as a person at Lapis Lazuli. As Haruki Murakami said, “Profession should initially be an act of love. And not an arranged marriage. And before it's too late, do not forget that the work of all life is not a business, but life.

I have been working in Lazurite since 2013. Like most of our managers, I started as a sales consultant, which I appreciate in our company, since salary and career growth depend only on our results.

Even at the interview, I was interested in employee training, and during the five-day training itself, I realized that I want to work here. We had a large enrollment and there were 18 people in the group! The classes were very interesting, they were conducted by two training managers and urs, as it turned out, they were preparing for the opening of the largest salon in Russia "Armada Mega Elite", whose area is 1270 sq.m.

After 5 months, I was already the administrator of this huge salon, and for the 7th month I set a record for revenue of 8,200,000, which we still cannot beat again.

In general, my success story consists of principles that I adhere to in my work and try to instill them in my team. In fact, everything is simple and I will briefly talk about them.

1. Be honest, open and transparent. It is very important to be exactly like this in work both with your leader and with your subordinates. It is always easy to work with such people and there is more trust in them.

2. Discipline and order. I have not yet met a single GOOD manager or salesperson who suffers from discipline or a mess at work. The absence of one or the other is unlikely to lead to success.

3. Understand everything. I often observe how employees, not understanding or knowing something, are silent about it for two reasons: from unwillingness to understand or from fear of seeming incompetent. Understand and don't be afraid! Better now than never.

All this helped me achieve success, it seems nothing new and it's all clear, but even one mistake can be very expensive. Perhaps these principles will help some of you achieve your success in vertical or horizontal growth.

Work, develop, be open and have fun! The company gives everything for this. Your success depends only on you!

Rogozin Andrey Valerievich Director of subsidiaries (North-western RO)

I started my career in the company, relative to my colleagues, recently, in May 2016, and already in August I became the Office Director. Here is such a rapid career growth! By my example, I can say that the company "sees" its employees, gives them the opportunity to develop both professionally and career direction.

Before Lazurit, he connected all his labor activity exclusively with sales and work with people. He worked in the automotive business, in the food industry and even in an advertising agency. Unfortunately, not all companies like Lapis Lazuli are stable on their feet. The last company I worked for went bankrupt, so I had to look for a new job. I had enough experience, and versatile. And the desire to work even more!

Probably, here for me and for all my colleagues, the stories will begin the same way: I saw an open vacancy and responded! Lapis lazuli is still a name! I was attracted by the scale of the company and, of course, ample opportunities for self-realization. I can only say that I applied for a leadership position. Already at the interview, I was captured by excitement, as there were several candidates. In the course of a successfully passed interview, it turned out that they begin their journey in the company in the most difficult and honorable position - the seller. As a self-confident person, I really liked this idea. And as you can see, everything went well!

At first it was a little scary, sometimes thoughts like: “What if it doesn’t work out?”, “What if it’s not for me?” - but the first successes did their job. I started selling right away, from the first week, for which special thanks to my colleagues in the salon and the mentor.

Along with the promotion to director came additional responsibility not only for myself, but also for my team. A lot has been done and learned. Now the Vologda office is fulfilling and overfulfilling the plans on a monthly basis. In 2017, all salons reached a historical maximum, with an increase of more than 50% compared to previous periods, and we also increased the number of staff positions.

I am very proud that I grew up “on the spot” and became the director of the additional office of the Lazurit company in my native and beloved city of Vologda, as well as in the city of Cherepovets. I am proud of the fulfillment and overfulfillment of plans in my salons. Proud of several grown millionaires. I am proud that I work in a company with decent wages, thanks to which employees go on vacation, buy cars and apartments. I am proud of every member of my team: service, warehouse, accountants. All of them are wonderful people and professionals in their field.

I go to work every day with pleasure, because there are new tasks and new achievements ahead. I know that every step in Lapis Lazuli is only towards success!

Perminov Nikita Anatolievich Executive Director (Sibirskoe RO)

Meet Nikita Anatolyevich Perminov, born in 1991, Executive Director of the Siberian Regional Branch of Lazurit Trade House LLC.

- Nikita, you are 26 years old, you are a top manager in the largest furniture company. Where did your path to success begin?

– My journey began 7 years ago, in September 2010. I studied in absentia on the 1st year in one of the universities of St. Petersburg. Between sessions he lived in Volzhsky. I got into Lazurit by chance - a friend recommended me to try myself in furniture sales. Then everything went on, as is customary in Lazurit: an interview with a huge number of applicants (I even had to sing!), A call from the director, the day I entered the salon for the first time. In 2010, Lazurit was just beginning to expand into the Volgograd region. There was no salon in my city, I went to work by public transport, overcoming an impressive distance. For 2 hours on the road, I could study the issued materials and, as a result, successfully passed the certification after the first 5 days of the internship!

- How did your career develop in the future?

- After the internship, I was assigned to the best salon "Lazurit" of the Volgograd DO in the MC "Mall A1". Every day I came to work with only one goal - to sell the best furniture! Already for 2 months, I had the largest revenue among sellers of all TOs and 1st place in the ranking!

Do you remember how you got into your first leadership position?

- In December 2010, it was planned to open the first salon "Lazurit" in the city of Volzhsky, I was offered the position of administrator. Obsessed with the idea, faith in success and the support of mentors, I set to work. It was one of the most difficult stages, but everything went well. Then I was forced to move to St. Petersburg and quit Lazurit.

But it couldn't have ended there, could it?

- After my move to the Northern capital, I was looking for work and again decided to try myself at Lazurit from scratch. I applied for a job on one of the sites. Then - an interview, internship, certification, personal sales, etc. Already in June, I was entrusted with the salon of the North-West RO as an administrator. After one of the meetings, my work was noted and appointed as the manager of a retail network in St. Petersburg. Further promotion was not long in coming. Already in December 2011, after excellent results in the salons assigned to me in St. Petersburg, I managed to head the Murmansk DO. I was overwhelmed with responsibility! Six months later, the first results appeared. Murmansk won unquestioning leadership among the DOs of the North-West RO, and later - in the whole of Russia! The first places in the "Office KPI" and the title of one of the most profitable DO! I became one of the best directors at 21! It was a giant step towards success! May 2015 changed my life dramatically. I was transferred from Murmansk to Khabarovsk, where I headed the youngest regional branch in the role of the youngest executive director of the RO. In the Far East, it was necessary to act in spite of circumstances rather than because of them. But comrades-in-arms were found, and within a few months it was possible to greatly change the approach to the work of all departments. Thanks to the year of leadership of the Far Eastern Regional District, I reached a qualitatively new level! I am glad that I managed to leave the region with an excellent team of independent managers and specialists.

– How did you get to Novosibirsk?

– Since August 2016, I have been the Executive Director of the Siberian Regional District with a staff of 750 people. It is most honorable to lead this region, because. it was here that the Lazurit retail chain was born! Here, in July 2005, the first store was opened, and the responsibility from this only increases! Sibirskoe RO is now territorially the largest regional branch in Russia, which includes 18 cities and 74 retail stores.

– Would you like to see young people among the new employees of your company?

- Certainly! I am pleased to invite boys and girls to work in our network. As you can see from my example, conscientious and proactive employees are valued at Lazurit. In our company, you yourself will become the blacksmiths of your own happiness and start writing a story of personal success.

- Nikita, what is Lazurit for you now?

– “Lazurit” for me is a company with a human face, big ambitions and super people! Together we can do a lot!

Rosinskaya Anna Viktorovna Retail chain manager (Southern RO)

When you watch someone's success story or write your own, you are once again convinced that novels are written based on events from the lives of real people, like you and me. In this case, the impossible is possible, but in order to be the hero of the novel, you need to “work!”.

Back in August 2012, I could not have imagined that someday I would work in the furniture industry, because I held a diploma in psychology in my hands. It would be wrong to say that studying the humanities is a useless thing in life, but the prospect of working as a psychology teacher at a university or private practice did not warm my soul, because the opportunity to find a creative job was more attractive to me.

And already in September 2012, my first attempt to pass an interview in a furniture company in Taganrog was completed successfully. I was attracted by the motivation of employees, the opportunity to earn money, free corporate training and professional development. Of course, when I went to work and nervously went through the recruitment system developed by someone, it never occurred to me that someday I would conduct interviews myself.

So, in order, the most memorable for me is the first sale and the help of a mentor, the first attempts to present "polypropylene foil", "eccentric tie", the first million, repeated sales to satisfied customers! There was excitement, and my goal was to keep this result, and here I am in the club of millionaires and I am solemnly awarded by the director with the hallmark of a millionaire!

Yes, it was not easy, but if it weren’t for the love of work instilled by my parents since childhood and my desire to achieve what I want, I would not have been able to become a senior salesperson in three months, and in six months I would not be a salon administrator. Probably, at that moment, my lack of fear to take a step forward helped me.

What can I be proud of while working as an administrator? Of course, with my team, my best team, there was no other concept for me then! Why was this team the best for me? Yes, because I created it myself. It was important for me to form a well-coordinated talented team of professionals that would carry out ambitious tasks. The process of achieving any result is an exciting spectacle, so even the CEO has always been interested in what drives us.

The acquired knowledge, new experience and the ability to maintain a positive result allowed me to take a leadership position. Since September 2014 - I have been the head of the retail network of the Central Office in Rostov-on-Don. My career is not an end in itself, I just strive to improve in everything, and most importantly, do not stand still.

The new position has opened up new opportunities for me: now I am in a management team and can gain knowledge from more experienced managers, now I work in a completely different way, I can look at work situations from different angles: from inside or outside. This is an invaluable experience for me!

Now I continue to develop, I also work quite a lot and do not lose interest in work. Colleagues with little work experience would like to wish to show themselves as much as possible, absorb and accept work experience. Your success story directly depends on you!

Senina Natalya Vladimirovna Commercial Director of the Central Office (Siberian RO)

I joined the Lazurit company as a sales consultant in 2007, and after that an interesting, intensive and exciting work began. The company I chose, quite by accident, at that time by an ad in the newspaper. I just needed a job and a good salary. The interview took place at the Central Office and was conducted by the Commercial Director, after the interview I was sent for employment and I went to work in the Berdsk salon.

At the first time of work, there was a lot of information to study, a large assortment, sales rules and properties of materials, but despite this, my first sale took place on my first working day. The team turned out to be friendly, helped in everything, directed to increase sales.

Career growth began for me from the stage of a sales assistant, a month later I became a senior salesperson, after 2.5 years an administrator. A year later, already the position of the manager of the retail network, and soon the Commercial Director of the Siberian Regional Branch. What did I do for this? And the answer is simple, stable fulfillment of the set plans, tasks and a great desire to embrace the unembraced, a large friendly team and one goal. I grew and developed in step with the growth of the company.

During the period of work, new salons were opened, new cities were conquered, and nothing stopped me from going to 2012 either. in Irkutsk to work and develop the Lazurit network as the Director of the Additional Office. After that, in 2015, work in Krasnoyarsk and since 2017 Commercial Director of the Central Office in Novosibirsk. Undoubtedly, that experience in a company in other cities made me more confident and stronger in management skills.

Lazurit today is a stable, developing company for me, which provides unlimited opportunities for me and all employees working in the company. It is a pride to work in the Lazurit company to go in one direction, to conquer new heights.

Training departments have been formed in each region, where the best training managers work with employees. The company has an internship induction program, which provides for well-thought-out stages of entry into the specialty and the presence of an experienced mentor next to newcomers.

Improve your skills You have the opportunity to learn from internal and external trainings

Read more We made sure that you always have an interesting book from our library at hand.

Learn without interrupting work We have our own federal online school for professionals of various levels, where the best top managers of the company teach.

Share your experience Become an experienced mentor for a beginner in your salon

Expand your horizons Strive for career development, we encourage movement between regions and levels of management. Seeing Russia and gaining career experience is priceless!

Be with us! Be the best in the Lazurit team of professionals!

Salons of Lazurit furniture are distinguished by innovative and high-tech equipment. Comfortable working conditions have been created for the staff. With over 500 stores in our retail network, you can always choose one of them for a successful career.

For employees we offer:
  • An interesting job in a prestigious furniture company;
  • Guarantee of stability;
  • Official employment according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Full social package;
  • Paid vacation and sick leave;
  • Free training, experience in design programs and 1C;
  • paid internship;
  • Professional development and training for existing employees;
  • Professional and career growth;
  • Friendly and cohesive team;
  • Monthly material motivations, based on the results of work, you can get large cash prizes;
  • Discounts on goods, concessional lending;
  • Shift work schedule.
Achieve the highest results with us!

Join the Lapis team!

The Lazurit team are true professionals who love their job. Our specialists give comfort to millions of customers across the country and delight the company's management with their impeccable work. We create conditions not only for rapid career growth, but also help everyone to prove themselves and become successful in what is important to them.
The company "Lazurit" annually holds grand drawings of valuable prizes among the most active and ambitious employees. Everyone who excels in sales gets a real chance to win: cars, trips, certificates for the purchase of Lazurit furniture, participation in trainings, the latest models of iPhone, iPad, MacBook Air, etc.
Any event in the life of the company, be it an all-Russian competition or a festive opening of a new salon, takes place solemnly in Lazurit and is covered on corporate resources. We are one big family, so we know how to support each other and enjoy other people's successes!

  • year 2013
  • year 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018

Drawing of prizes “Lapis Lazuli. Everything's possible!". One of the largest prize drawings among the best employees of Lazurit took place on September 10, 2013 in Kaliningrad at the Planet Entertainment Complex. The friendly team of the Lazurit Trading House cheered for their colleagues.
The solemn mood of this day was created by invited animators, sparkling humor of the presenter, a fashionable platform for branded fashion shooting. To the sounds of summer hits, everyone got to know each other and enjoyed the pleasant atmosphere. A lot of impressions and positive emotions were accompanied by the performance of the popular illusionist Andrey Goncharov. Happy laughter and loud applause did not stop throughout the performance.
Certificates were drawn for the purchase of Ipad 32 GB and iPhone 5 32 GB. Ekaterina Kuznetsova became the owner of the main prize - a Mercedes A class car.

Drawing of prizes "Seller for a million!!!" Grandiose drawing of prizes "Seller for a million!!!" was held at the Lazurit Trading House on November 12, 2014. To sum up the results of the competition "Seller for a million!!!" the best employees of Lazurit Trading House came to Kaliningrad from each regional branch.
The all-Russian scale of the event was supported by a live online broadcast on a dedicated resource for employees of the Lazurit retail chain. Many valuable prizes were raffled off, including certificates for the purchase of Lazurit furniture, iPhone 6, iPad, MacBook Air. The main prize - 1,000,000 rubles was won by Chernikova Svetlana.

The main drawing of Mercedes A class took place in the Lazurit company. The best sellers of the country were once again warmly welcomed in Kaliningrad, the birthplace of Lazurit furniture. On a sunny day, September 22, the long-awaited drawing of amazing prizes and a Mercedes A class car took place at the Radisson Hotel.
Live music, the performance of the show-ballet "Velvet" and a festive buffet table delighted the best specialists of the company. The atmosphere of real magic was created by the famous illusionist Andrey Goncharov. The photo booth with fashionable props was also popular with our charming and cheerful employees.
Certificates for the purchase of furniture "Lazurit", iPhone 6, iPad, MacBook found their owners, who distinguished themselves in 2015. The main prize - Mercedes A class was won by Makaseeva Svetlana Mechislavovna.

Luxurious vacation of the best employees of Lazurit. In the company "Lazurit" who works well, he rests very well! And not just relaxing, but gaining invaluable experience, communicating with like-minded people and company management, and all this at a fabulous resort in Sochi.
According to the results of the summer competition among sales specialists of Lazurit, as a result of victory in personal revenue, 33 best sellers received trips to Sochi. Another 76 lucky winners were identified during the coupon draw.
In early September, the best of the best met in Sochi: warm sea, bright sun and amazing emotions. An active and unforgettable vacation was organized for employees: excursions, cable car rides, an inspiring trip to the Rosa Khutor and Krasnaya Polyana resorts.
At the end of the trip, a grandiose gala dinner with festive fireworks took place. Funny contests, incendiary dances, delicious treats and a branded cake in honor of all the employees we are so proud of.

Celebrating the anniversary of the company "Lazurit"! 25 years on the furniture Olympus! In "Lazurit" they know how to work and relax in Lazurite style - on a grandiose scale! We are confident that the memories of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the company and the trip to Turkey of the best specialists will give a powerful boost of energy for the year ahead.
Top sellers, mentors, administrators, retail network managers, directors of regional offices - all those who showed a victorious attitude and sports endurance were awarded traditional Olympic medals in various categories.
Not a single corporate holiday in Lazurit is complete without creative contests from our most creative employees. The jubilee KVN, held among the teams of regional branches, risks becoming one of the most memorable! And the participants were able to show ingenuity and sports training by guessing the quest and competing in teamwork: build a raft, make a creative flag and get ahead of everyone. Also, the brave lapis lazuli plunged into the raging rapids of the mountain river and became participants in an unforgettable rafting.
Sea, sun, beach, entertainment on site, luxurious evening shows - all this and much more has become part of the incredible anniversary of the company. Of course, at the end there was a fantastic gala dinner: fun competitions, belly dancing, a luxurious show from the restaurant's chefs and a traditional signature cake! In memory of the celebration, all those present became artists of one large canvas “25 years on the furniture Olympus Lazurit”. The best pictures are created together!

Summing up the results of the year "Lapis Lazuli 2018" Summing up the interim results of the year, already traditional for Lapis Lazuli, took place in Turkey in early September. At the conference on the results of the work "Lazurit" 2017-2018. participants were presented with strategic projects and plans for the future. The best specialists were solemnly awarded medals in various categories.
Employees presented video business cards about their region, prepared in advance, together with the heads of training departments.
Employees participated in a flash mob. The new chant Lapis Lazuli was sung together under the direction of the Director of the Commercial Director. Everyone felt like part of a close-knit team. Emotionally charged participants after on the football field formed the inscription LAZURIT from their own bodies.
Pirates of sales of "Lazurit" boarded the yacht. We had fun, participated in competitions, danced at the foam disco and took pictures. At the end of the trip, we swam against the backdrop of a waterfall, enjoying the views of Turkey.
Sea, sun, beach, pool fun - the pleasures of a resort holiday to choose from. The most active had time for water aerobics and morning jogging. The final chord of unforgettable days was a gala dinner with a rich program. Each employee participated in the assembly of the puzzle in the form of the Lapis lazuli card. For dessert for a large family, Lazurit was served a cake in the corporate style of the company.
The trip turned out to be emotionally charged, interesting and constructive. New emotions, new friends and like-minded people, new victories and record results ahead! This guarantees success and new meetings of old friends!

  • Small Cases System - 2018
  • Award "Brand No. 1"

Small Cases System - 2018

Objective of the project: To develop our clients, their knowledge and skills, strengthen family values, inspire them to new achievements and success. For the relay period from February to July 2018. 38 events were held in all ROs.

Maslenitsa in Serpukhov

As part of the relay race of good deeds "The Way to Success", the network of salons "Lazurit" took part in the celebration of Maslenitsa in Serpukhov. Folk festivities and seeing off winter are a great occasion to please our beloved customers with pleasant surprises and certificates! On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, February 18, in the Prinarsky city park, everyone who had gathered to see off the winter enjoyed treats from the Lazurit company. The festive tea party was accompanied by a drawing of prizes and a commemorative photo session. More than five hundred guests received branded Lapis Lazuli sets with catalogs, a certificate and coloring pages. The winners of creative competitions were also awarded with "Favorite Dreams" orthopedic pillows. For many, the competition for the best ditty about Lapis Lazuli was truly memorable, in which not only adults, but also children tried their hand with pleasure!

Football Cup "LAZURIT CUP 2018" in Moscow

Together with the United Football League of Moscow and the Moscow Region, the LAZURIT CUP 2018 football cup was held on May 26 and 27. The Moscow Lazurit salons were inspired to create their own league by the World Cup, which captured the whole world. Moreover, football is the most popular and mass sport. So, starting from April 2018, qualifying rounds of the football cup were held every weekend. The participants were 1400 children in age categories from 4 to 14 years old. The final games and the awarding of the winners were held simultaneously at three stadiums: Moscow, Admiral Arena, Borisovskiye Prudy 26, possession 2. 4,500 people took part in the football tournament from the Lazurit company. Among them are young football players from Moscow and the Moscow region and their support group. According to the results of the competition, 136 children's football teams were awarded. Athletes were awarded with real cups, medals and certificates, as well as statuettes "Best Forward", "Best Scorer", etc. Not a single child was left without gifts!

Winter fairy tale for children in Tomsk

On Valentine's Day, February 14, 2018, the Lazurit team of the Siberian Regional Branch, as part of the Good Deeds Relay Race, gave the most vivid memories to those who need it most! The Lazurit company, together with the Center for Excursions and Tourism, acted as a sponsor and organizer of a winter excursion for pupils of the OGKU "Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care, Tomsk". Sincere emotions, smiles on faces and happy eyes of children with a difficult fate are the best that can be in this world! 35 pupils of the center, from 5 to 18 years old, took part in the excursion called "Faithful and devoted heart" to the village of Kurlek (Tomsk region). The children visited a dog kennel and were able to get acquainted with rare breeds of northern dogs. Children were told about pets, shared interesting stories about the devotion of animals, how they help people in peacetime in emergency situations. The children actively participated in the interactive game about dogs “We are responsible for those we have tamed”. After that, we rode sleds with Malamutes (northern dogs) and took pictures with our pets. Snowmobiling and "cheesecakes" ended with a walk through the winter forest and tea in a cozy house. We are glad that every child's heart was filled with the warmth of love!

Fun starts for children and tree planting in Penza

Caring for the environment starts from childhood. Therefore, the salons "Lazurit" of Penza decided to present an unusual eco-holiday to the residents of the city as part of the relay race of good deeds. May 13, 2018 was a fun family weekend and a day of beautification of the Olympic Alley. More than 100 people, salon buyers and passers-by, gave the city their warmth and planted about 60 trees! The family weekend opened with a quiz from the Lazurit company. All participants were positively charged and won prizes (towels, picnic sets, barbecue grills, etc.). After the festive quiz, everyone who wanted to plant a family tree gathered in the park. Holes and soil for young oak seedlings were prepared in advance. Nameplates are signed on the spot.
At the end of the family eco-weekend, there were fun starts for children. Sports competitions and exciting competitions, cotton candy and unusual play areas delighted everyone without exception. Life-size puppets and buffoons created a truly festive mood.

Master classes in interior design in Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk

On February 27 in Yekaterinburg and on March 17, master classes in interior design from the Lazurit company were held in Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.
Elena Lagutina, an expert in the world of decor, a practicing decorator, was invited to conduct master classes.
The participants of the training learned how to work on the interior of the house, how to choose the style of decor, how to determine the color palette and harmoniously combine colors, how to work with the functionality of the room and zone the living space, how to create comfort in the house.
In the second part of the master class, the participants were able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and, under the experienced guidance of the presenter, they themselves created a collage of their interior.
Unforgettable communication, creative atmosphere and invaluable knowledge - the beginning of a new life for our future decorators!
According to the results of calling the participants of the master class, 95% of respondents liked the master class, and they will be happy to visit such an event again.

Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award

On September 21, 2018, Sochi hosted the IX annual ceremony of awarding the "Consumer Rights and Quality of Service" award. The award is given to companies that are actively working to improve the quality of their products and services, and enjoy the trust of customers. The winners of the award were determined on the basis of expert voting and the choice of consumers.

Award "Brand No. 1"

For the fourth time, Lazurit was recognized as Brand No. 1 in Russia in terms of customer confidence in the Cabinet Furniture category during a nationwide vote.

Earlier, in 2011, 2013 and 2015, Russians have already chosen Lazurit as the best manufacturer of cabinet furniture in the country. Thanks to everyone who has supported us over the years, the fourth victory in 2017 is a very important event for the entire Lazurit team. The title "Brand No. 1" is an honorary symbol of the trust of millions of customers, inspiring us not to stop there.

"Marka No. 1" - an award of people's trust, which makes it possible to determine the leaders of the Russian market on a national scale, was founded in 1998. The "People's Brand" leadership mark, placed on the product packaging, is an indicator of authoritative positions in fair competition and guarantees product quality approved by millions.

The viper has never seen the world, either in salons or in the main office. The management keeps looking, as it were, what and where to snatch, what they squeeze everything out of the workers, but no one is going to pay, everything is in their pocket, boorish and thieves!

24.10.19 18:42VolgogradIrina, Volgograd,

I came to Lazurit on the recommendation of a friend, here we needed consultants, but I have experience. It is interesting to work, there is a good flow of clients, so there are all the possibilities to fulfill the plan, by and large it all depends on you. Recently I was at a corporate party, I became closer with many colleagues, and the bosses don’t seem so distant now). During working hours, there is especially no time to relax, chat or ...

Yes, calm down. Anything can happen, what you write here.

02.08.19 17:45Moscow cityMaria,

Work, I think, as in any furniture salon. You can’t sit, you can’t chat, you can’t take breaks at the strictly allotted time, etc. Zp on time, every time the same number - there are no delays. Always uplifting favorite team! At one time, only because of this and remained.

Described above.

09.07.19 01:05 Moscow cityLudmila Applicant,

There were no positive emotions.

04.07.19 10:15Moscow cityAnonymous

Nothing good will ever come of this leadership.

Even migrants from Central Asia do not go to work in this bastard. I advise sane people to avoid this cursed place. You won’t see money there, they always deduct it for no reason. Many employees wrote to both the labor and the prosecutor's office, and at least they had something, apparently there are people everywhere.

02.07.19 14:54Moscow citySvetlana,

This is my first job. After the decree, it was necessary to get a job, I came for an interview at Lazurit. Invited for an internship, passed - took on a permanent basis. Big company with room to grow. Professionally trained. Your own workplace in a beautiful studio, your own computer with convenient programs.

Not so long ago I work, I think that as everywhere something will "come out"

Total vacancies in Moscow from this employer (including archived): 1202

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Active in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Active in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Active in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Applicant requirements:

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 40,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: -

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 40,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: up to 31,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 60,000 to 150,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

* Experience in large retail chains in a similar position * Focus on results * Responsibility * Active life position * Leadership qualities * Willingness to move/travel

Salary: from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Active in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Desire to earn - Confident PC user - Activity - Desire to learn

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Desire to earn a lot; - Good mood and success in sales!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in a similar position from 1 year; Skills in using tools and equipment during repair work; Availability of AUTO-MANDATORY; Ready for field work.

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Desire to earn a lot; - Good mood and success in sales!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Desire to earn a lot; - Good mood and success in sales!

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 45,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Desire to learn Activity Confident PC user Desire to earn money Ability to communicate with people Organizational skills

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Active in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Applicant requirements:

Active in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Desire to earn a lot; - Good mood and success in sales!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: by agreement.

Applicant requirements:

* Citizenship of the Russian Federation. * Good communication skills with clients. * Physical endurance, working capacity. * Responsibility. * Punctuality. * Execution.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. - Must have experience in furniture sales. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 53,000 to 58,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Higher specialized education; Confident PC user: Word, Excel, 1C ZUP Experience in a similar position from 3 years Experience in working with a large number of employees (from 150) Experience in preparing and submitting reports on RFP Personal qualities: learning ability, punctuality, communication skills, stress resistance, responsibility, attentiveness, organization, accuracy.

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Active in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career.

Salary: from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in managing a store or a team - Experience in personal sales, an advantage - career growth from an ordinary position - Willingness to teach and share experience - Understanding the business, the ability to achieve results.

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience from 2 years; - availability of own tools (screwdriver, perforator); - the presence of a phone (based on Android, version not lower than 4.2); - the presence of a personal car; - Responsible, sociable, executive, stress resistance.

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: - Activity in achieving high sales figures; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 35,000 to 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

We expect from you: Activity in achieving high sales figures; Rapid development of new information; Willingness and willingness to work in a team; Willingness to find answers to any customer's question about the company's products and services; Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! - Desire to develop in the field of kitchen furniture design. Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We are looking for LEADERS, PROFESSIONALS and STARS.

Salary: from 80,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

The store administrator is a leader who develops himself and develops his employees. - Lazurit is looking for a responsible, purposeful employee who knows and understands what organization, planning, and achieving results in everything are! - Previous experience in furniture sales is a must. - Retail experience required. - Knowledge of cash transactions; - Keeping cash records; - Knowledge of 1C is welcome; - Leadership skills; - Excellent communication skills; - Responsibility and positivity!

Salary: from 48,000 to 50,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Experience in performing small, large, household repairs of premises Secondary specialized education Experience Having your own car is a MUST!

Salary: from 35,000 to 100,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Activity in achieving high sales performance; - Rapid development of new information; - Desire and willingness to work in a team; - Willingness to find answers to any client's question about the company's products and services; - Good mood and success in sales! Our company is open to advanced, energetic and initiative employees who are ready to build a career. We do not require experience. Our main requirement is YOUR desire to make decent money. We will teach you everything!

Salary: from 40,000 to 45,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Work experience in a similar position from 1 year Skills in handling tools and equipment during repair work AVAILABILITY OF AUTO - MANDATORY! Readiness for traveling work

Applicant requirements:

The salon manager is a leader who develops himself and develops his employees. - Lazurit is looking for a responsible, purposeful employee who knows and understands what organization, planning, and achieving results in everything are! - Retail experience required. - Knowledge of cash transactions; - Keeping cash records; - Knowledge of 1C is welcome; - Leadership skills; - Excellent communication skills; - Responsibility and positivity!

Salary: from 70,000 to 120,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

The salon administrator is a leader who develops himself and develops his employees. - Lazurit is looking for a responsible, purposeful employee who knows and understands what organization, planning, and achieving results in everything are! - Retail experience required. - Knowledge of cash transactions; - Keeping cash records; - Knowledge of 1C is welcome; - Leadership skills; - Excellent communication skills; - Responsibility and positivity!

Salary: from 150,000 to 500,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Salary: from 70,000 to 120,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

The store administrator is a leader who develops himself and develops his employees. - Lazurit is looking for a responsible, purposeful employee who knows and understands what organization, planning, and achieving results in everything are! - Retail experience required. - Knowledge of cash transactions; - Keeping cash records; - Knowledge of 1C is welcome; - Leadership skills; - Excellent communication skills; - Responsibility and positivity!

Salary: from 70,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

Confident PC user, Activity, Desire to learn, Desire to earn

Salary: from 80,000 to 180,000 rubles. per month

Applicant requirements:

* Experience in large retail chains in a similar position * Focus on results * Responsibility * Active life position * Leadership qualities