Black desert to kill sand spirits. Quest system in Black Desert. Gathering from the trees

In the world, which the creators called the "Black Desert", water should be the greatest value. True, we have plenty of water in the west, even if it fills up: the Demi River and its many tributaries drive this water from coast to coast, to the shores of Media, crisp from the sun. Lake Kaya is also in no hurry to dry up, and along Keplan there are enough mountain springs gushing out of the ground. Here it is, the water is crystal clear, cold, sweet in taste. But even though the treasure is close, you can’t just take it.

All more or less large cities have their own water supply, their own water supply system, so the traveler will not have to suffer from thirst. Water for cooking can be bought from any innkeeper, it won’t cost much. But if water is needed not for personal consumption, but for production, for example, pharmacy or alchemical, then you will have to extract it yourself. You will need a bottle of water (or better - a lot of bottles) and a daily rate of vigor. One bottle of water will cost one unit of energy, so before you go to the catchment, take a good rest.

The process is calm, unhurried, meditative. One by one you immerse the bottles in the cool river water, seal, leave, repeat. Cicadas chirp incessantly in the grass, fat brown raccoons call to one another in the thickets, the water splashes, the sun goes down, and you all know pour water.

You can't hurry. Water is life, and such important things are not to be trifled with.

If you think that this is me for a red word, then in vain. After all, this world was not called the Black Desert for nothing. There is a desert; far to the east, under the scorching sun of Valencia, you can’t walk on foot, you’ll drive your horse to hell, but on a ship you can even try. I tried it - and poked my head out of the way onto the sun-bleached sand, into the very heat. And paid immediately. No, I heard that the heat is fatal for inexperienced, fragile travelers, but I didn’t think it was literally. Well, he’ll bake his head, well, after all, it will pass in the shade! Reborn in bustling Valencia, I realized that I learned one of the many life lessons in this frighteningly realistic game: not all stupidity can be corrected by simply stepping back. Sometimes it takes more effort to solve a problem. For example, a flask of pure water from a Keplan mountain spring, infused with dry star anise, would help me. Great remedy for overheating.

Of course, water can also be obtained in Valencia itself. Local residents put the matter on stream. But there, firstly, there is little, and secondly, they will have to hire, feed and support workers, and thirdly ... have you ever seen where they get this water? In the Serpent Wasteland! And what kind of water is there, it’s already clear, one of the by-products of the production is ordinary dirt. Just think. Dirt! It's clear where the water comes from. Filtered by local technology.

No, I will not drink such water, with or without star anise. And I won't let you in on reagents: alchemy is a subtle, delicate science. And in general, there is nothing better for tea than water from a mountain spring, but for alchemy, water from Demi suits me, this river has an excellent balance of minerals. So in the morning I go out to the pier, since my house is very close, with a bag full of bottles, and get to work. This process is akin to fishing: here you need patience, here you need love for calm contemplation. Only here, in the river thickets, you can see the unique beauty of the Demi River.

But you can argue with me: they say, you can catch big fish while fishing, and in our river, I tell you, you can also catch a fish with a value swallowed in its belly. For example, the crystals of ancient ruins, one archeological excavation was washed away here about two hundred years ago, we still catch salmon stuffed with priceless rubbish. But there are some pleasant finds in our catchment area. After all the bottles are filled, you can immediately drag them to the market and sell them, or you can filter them through a fine sieve. The water from the river, you know, is cloudy, it is not suitable for drinking and production in its original form, but after the filter it is transparent and tasty. Fine river sand settles on the sieve ... and not only river sand.

However, this, of course, is a pleasant trifle. For more than two hundred bottles of purified water, a handful of golden sand. No, the real treasure is the water itself. For the reagents alone, I need about two thousand more bottles. So during the day I will rest, and in the evening I will return to the river again: I really liked this business, and in life there is nothing better than making a profit along with pleasure.

This, by the way, is the second life lesson that water gave me: chance is the lot of the lucky ones, but patience and work are always rewarded.

special items:

  • Red nose - Flute;
  • Geass - Small drum;
  • Cowardly Bheg - Stun Trap;
  • Giant Treant - Fire Trap;
  • Hexa Marie - Fire Trap;
  • Muskan - Musket;
  • Agrakan - Musket.

From May 23, a new rule has appeared in the game:

no special characters in the names of guilds, as well as the names and surnames of the characters. As such, we've sent out replacement items for all of the above to those players who will be affected by this change.

Attention! Change the name / surname / name of the guild should be before June 8th. Otherwise, we will take care of it ourselves.

Added daily quests:

to receive a salary in Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon or Mediah. You can only complete one mission per day in one region. The amount of salary depends on the level, maximum 50,000 silver.

The quest gives a black spirit, you can turn it in right away in the city, for example in Heidel - to the storekeeper Amerigo.

Sale week has started:

Every day from May 24th to May 30th, some of the most sought-after items will be sold at a discounted price.

Attention! Only one item of each type per account can be purchased at a discount.

Wednesday 24th: Elion's Blessing(15 days) for 285 pearls instead of 570 (saving 285 rubles)

Thursday 25th: Sealed Volume of War(15 days) for 285 pearls instead of 570 (save 285 rubles)

Friday 26th: Premium Bundle(15 days) for 135 pearls instead of 270 (save 135)

Saturday 27th: Whistle for the horse (eternal) for 182 pearls instead of 365 (save 182)

Sunday 28th: ​​Comfort Set(15 days) for 150 pearls instead of 300 (save 150)

Monday 29th: Seal Stone x6 for 210 pearls instead of 420 (save 210)

Tuesday 30th: Hero Pack (15 days) for 285 pearls instead of 570 (save 285)

Event "Eye of the Oracle"

From May 25th to June 14th, by logging into the game every day, you will receive either Cookies from Jamkes Wormsbane(1-3 black stones),

or fortune cookie, which contains a letter with a prediction. Which of the cookies to get, you choose yourself. If you receive a fortune cookie, then after reading the letter, you will receive one of the 27 tasks randomly. One of the tasks can be completed once a day, but others can be completed at the same time. In addition to the cookies, you will receive another 10 influence experience points.

Jamkes Wormsbane Recipe Cookies and Fortune Cookies can be picked up in the Achievements section

List of tasks and rewards for them:

Quest "Sailor - Gourmet"

Performance: you need to get the meat of the royal whale.

Reward: Whale Vein Potion x5 (restores 500 HP and 300 MP)

Quest "Key Hunter"

Performance: you need to fish out 50 silver keys

Reward: Sealed Golden Chest (can randomly drop: Sharp Stone of Destruction, Sharp Stone of Protection, 1000 G Gold Bar, Karanda Weapon Chest, Nouver Weapon Chest, Basilisk Belt, Tunra Earrings, Ogre Necklace, Sichil Necklace, Amethyst II (XP), Crafted Destruction Stone, Awakened Spirit Crystal, Harpy Spirit Crystal, Crafted Protection Stone, Crafted Life Stone, 100G Gold Bar, Spirit Crystal, Temple Protector's Ring, Tree Spirit Belt, Whale Tooth Earrings, Witch Ornament, Seal of Ancient Guardians, Sign of Shadow, golden coelacanth, hard black crystal piece, sharp black crystal pieces, crown stone.)

Quest "A sea of ​​decorations"

Performance: you need to transfer the red stone of demons to the village of Tariffa. Red Imp Stone must be purchased from Trader Luke (you will need to tie the Western Guard Camp node to the city in order to buy the stone)

Reward: 1 piece of black hard crystal, 1 piece of pointed black crystal.

"Simple Order"

Performance: you need to buy a bowler hat from the merchant Rolly in Olivia and take it to the priestess in the Leper Lands.

Reward: 5 black stones (weapons), 5 black stones (armor)

Quest "Colors of the East"

Performance: you need to bring Merab from Calpheon some black peat. Black peat can be bought from the merchant Gint (Northwest Gate). You will need to tie a knot with Glish or Heidel to purchase. The quest autopath will lead you to Merab.

Reward: black stone charm (armor) 1 pc.

Task "Problem Boy"

Performance: you need to find the boy Anon, who walks around the outskirts of Glish. It is usually located near the Southern Guard Camp, to find it, you need to drive along the road from Glish, to the Ruins of Glish and further along the autopath to the Southern Guard Camp. It may be a little further, towards the Bloody Monastery. It is always on the road.

Has its own quest system. If you want to learn the mechanics as quickly as possible, learn more about the game world, get additional influence points and useful things, then you will have to complete various quests. You can receive tasks either from the Black Spirit, who accompanies you throughout the game, or from numerous characters (NPCs).

Black Desert quest window

At any time in the game, press the O key to open a window with completed and current quests. There is a built-in filter here, you can also study the detailed description of tasks here. You have the opportunity to even refuse to complete a particular task. Why do it? You will learn about this below. Finally, there is the most important feature that greatly simplifies your task - automatically following to the next item on Black Desert quest.

Filters are of several types:

  • Selecting a task by its type - craft, research or combat.
  • The choice of a quest depending on the series - history (plot), quests from the Black Spirit, etc.

If you open the global map, you can see the detailed description of the quest if you click on its LMB symbol. In this case, you will not know what the reward is. If you click on this RMB symbol, then your character will automatically begin to follow to the desired location.

Right: quest window

How to complete tasks, classification of quests in Black Desert

Any NPC you meet in the game will give you quests. Someone does it right away, while other characters do it when a number of conditions are met, which include reaching a particular character level, friendship with this NPC, etc. Take a look at the map and you will see exclamation marks. They indicate those characters who are ready to give you a task.

But that's not all, because exclamation marks come in one of three colors:

  • A yellow exclamation point indicates that this NPC can give you a quest.
  • A blue exclamation mark indicates that the quest given by this character is in progress.
  • The red exclamation point indicates a character from whom you can take a reward for completing a previously taken and completed quest.

Please note that the Black Spirit is not displayed on the map. To understand that you have completed his task or he has the next for you, pay attention to the icon in the lower right part of the screen. It is she who will be highlighted at these moments.

except quests in Black Desert from the Black Spirit and NPCs, you can complete the missions received from the guild. These tasks can be activated by the head of the guild.

Black Spirit from Black Desert

In total, you can complete quests from seven different categories, including the Black Spirit Quest, Story Missions, General Quests, Research Quests, Trade Quests, and Crafting Quests. Finally, every day there are certain quests, which are called daily.

What is the reward for Black Desert quests?

Award for passing quests Black Desert can be XP, influence points, energy, equipment, furniture, potions and other items. Other tasks will give you additional rewards that you can choose from (for example, they will offer three items, but you will only get one).

There is one important note: if you receive an item as a reward, then make sure you have free space in your inventory before picking up a well-deserved trophy.

What to do if the task is not running?

There are different situations when you are unable to complete a particular task. Let's list them:

  • Taken the same quest to gain knowledge from different characters on the same account.
  • The fact is that if one of the heroes completes such a task, then information about this is stored in the memory of the surname. In order for another character to receive and complete the quest, you must first cancel it, and then take it again.
  • Quests related to the collection and transfer of items to any character have certain features. First you have to find and extract the resource, and then transfer it to the quest giver by selecting the phrase in the dialog box. Please note that you need to get this resource. If you get it in a different way (for example, buy it), you won't be able to use it to turn in the quest. Those resources that you, although you obtained, but did it before accepting the quest, will not work either.

Why does the quest chain break in Black Desert?

Very often, storyline quests are interconnected and follow each other. But not always after the completion of the current quest, you can immediately get the next one. In many situations, you will first have to wait for a certain amount of time to pass. But this pause will end not after, for example, a day, but when certain conditions are met. Either you will have to gain knowledge, or you will have to reach one level or another, etc.

Black Spirit Quests

The Black Spirit appears at the very beginning of the game and, looking ahead, stays with your hero forever. It is those quests that the Black Spirit gives out that are plot and tell the story of the game.

To summon the Black Spirit, you need to press the not quite familiar \ key. Automatically, the Black Spirit can appear when reaching a new level or completing his current quest. The name of the quest will appear on the right side of the screen.

When the task is completed, an inscription will appear on the screen stating this. Summon the Black Spirit, turn in the current quest to him, collect the reward and take on a new task.

Quests in Black Desert from NPC

Each character in the game gives your hero a quest under certain conditions. For example, when reaching a higher level or increasing friendship (affinity) with this NPC.

To find a character who can offer you quest in Black Desert, pay attention to the map, where you will see a yellow exclamation mark.

In the lower right part there is a list of all the NPCs of the settlement you are in. Among all the characters listed, you will notice those who have quests for you. Just double click on his name to see the hero.

It also happens that when you kill a particular mob, you can pick up an item with which you can activate a new quest.

Classification of quests from NPCs

The tasks that you can receive from NPCs are divided into several types. They are repeatable, mini-games, mob quests, trading, exploration, non-skill quests and special quests.

It is clear that repeated quests in Black Desert are completed several times, with a certain time interval. They are taken from the same quest giver. For example, such quests include "Quest for a cat", "Quest for goats", etc.

Mini-games are understood as tasks that, in their structure and content, resemble, excuse the tautology, mini-games. To complete the mission, you usually have to acquire an additional item by spending cooperation points. For example, you may need a gun, flute or fishing rod. You will need to execute certain commands, which are the main part of these quests. Tasks of this type are “Shooting”, “Fisherman” and “Ratcatcher”.

Quests for mobs in most cases are associated with the killing of one or another monster. Often you need to kill either a certain number of some creatures, or knock out the desired item from them. Often these tasks can be obtained from mercenaries located in taverns. The reward for completing the task is experience points and valuable coins that you can exchange for good money from merchants.

More narrowly focused tasks are associated with escorting NPCs from point "A" to point "B", the delivery of some object, the study of some area. It is noteworthy that for completing trade quests you get a wheel that expands your inventory. Of the special quests, for example, we will give one that offers you to activate the PvP mode ahead of schedule.

Quests from the guild

Guild masters can choose different quests from the general list of missions in the guild. They can issue these tasks to members of the guild.

To select the task that you want to complete, you will need to spend one or another amount. This parameter is called the "quest price". You will also need to take into account the time to complete the quest. But if such tasks can be completed, then the guild will receive a decent reward, among which there may be guild points, experience and various items, including sharpening stones, siege tents.

Quests from the guild are for ordinary mobs, for elite monsters and for the creation of some kind of item.

Although the tasks of the first type are associated with the killing of simple mobs, usually the required number goes off scale - about 250 pieces. On the other hand, the quest is issued for the entire guild, so the total number of mobs killed by all its members is calculated. The higher the guild level, the more substantial and difficult the quests will be, but the amount of reward received will also increase.

An example of a quest. Treasures of Valencia quest chain

Before describing this chain, we note that in order to successfully complete 21 tasks in this chain, huge amounts of energy points, time and money will be needed.

In general, to complete the entire quest chain, you will need:

  • 3 bars, each with 1 million gold.
  • 520,000 gold to purchase all four books.
  • Several shovels.
  • Huge amount of OP.
  • 5 glasses of beer.
  • Consumable items - tea, water, cans for HP, MP and FP.

You can take the first task from NPC Aru-Aru. Look for it in the territory of the capital of Valencia. The character will ask you to interact with various books. This is quite simple to do, but after that you have to steal 3 items at once. Each stealing attempt costs you 12 EP. And the first time, for 3 calls, stealing exactly 3 items is unlikely to work for you!

Main quest giver in the chain: Aru-Aru

For a successful theft, you must sneak up on the character from behind, duck down and press the F2 key. If this key does not work, then perhaps the F1 key is responsible for theft in your layout. When you steal everything, then return to Aru-Aru and turn in the quest.

In order to take the next task, you will need to purchase a dictionary from Aru-Aru. During completing Black Desert quests In this chain, you will need to purchase four books, each of which costs 130,000. The NPC, after you return to him with the stolen items, will ask you to distribute them to other characters. After that, you will need to dig up the grave of the King.

Head to the Valencia Castle and go down into the dungeon. Attention! You don't have to jump into the well! Interact with the inventory device that is used for excavation. This should be done in the place where circles are shown on the ground (in the center of the circles).

The Guardian should appear. You need to destroy it. Having done this, return to Aru-Aru for a new quest. You must dig sand in the desert. Just follow the marker, chat with the target and dig up the desired item. By the way, it is advisable to buy shovels in advance, because they will still be needed.

After this task, you will need to deal with the NPC Giovanni. Aru-Aru will direct you to him after completing the sand digging quest. To get the right item from Giovanni, you will have to deal with two other tasks. Take the first quest - you need to kill fat mobs near the mines, next to the volcano. It's north of Valencia. On the second quest, you need to deal with the Fogans south of Valencia.

After completing the tasks, talk to Giovanni. For the item you need, he asks you to bring him an ingot worth 1 million. You'll have to do it! After that, another quest from Giovanni will begin. Move to one place, and then return to talk to the man again. But he won't be here anymore. Chat with the three partners of Giovanni. Only one of them is telling the truth. But who?

Take the task from the one who claims that Giovanni is digging sand in the desert. Follow the marker, find Giovanni and take the next quest.

You'll need shovels again. Dig sand until you find the right thing. Apparently, the item can only be found in one place - southeast of the standing Giovanni.

Return to the capital of Valencia and approach the new NPC, which is located on the pier. Chat and get a task - to drag 5 glasses of beer. After buying it, give it to the character and get the desired item. Open inventory and uncheck "auto sort". Place the chest and the key in the right order - first the chest, and on the right is the key. You will receive Toki's diamond. Give it to the character in the indicated place.

Complete a few simple tasks until Aru-Aru asks again to buy the book and steal the key from another NPC. It will be very difficult to steal this item. You can use up about 200-300 EP! When you have the key to the Rabam warehouse in your hands. Then you have to travel. Move to the northwest of the desert and talk to the NPC, who will ask you to give him 2 ingots worth 1 million each.

After giving these ingots, move to the indicated place where you need to destroy the monsters. And again you have to go to the other end of the map. Don't forget to bring shovels with you to dig up the item.

Look around this place. Be careful, a piece of the object should flash. This is where you need to dig!

Dig where shown in the screenshot

When you dig up 5 coins, the ruins will appear entirely.

Return to Aru-Aru to complete the quest. This completes his quests.

Chat with the Black Spirit, who will speak to you first. Go to Giovanni, who will offer to rob Aru-Aru. Steal this key and take it to Arehaza. Pass it to the dark-skinned one and communicate with the spirit. You will receive the quest you need so much, according to which you can choose a ring as a reward and an inlay stone.

Complete the task and communicate with the Black Spirit. Distribute a ducat to Aru-Aru and Giovanni for 1000 Influence.

Milk and eggs

Can be traded in Heidel and Northern Wheatfield for Fragrant Food, Cooking Byproduct, or Milking a Cow. The procedure is a mini-game in which it is necessary to press the mouse buttons in turn, having managed to fill the vessel in 30 seconds. In the process, the energy of the character is spent. You can find dairy cows near Olivia and at Ranch Faars near Calpheon.

Eggs, like chicken meat, are harvested by workers on the nodes Pinto Plantation, Bartali Farm.


It is obtained by grinding cereals (potatoes, sweet potatoes, wheat, barley, corn). The crafting menu is activated by pressing the L button. The amount of flour obtained depends on the character's crafting skill level.


Workers are mined on nodes:

Sweet Potato - Suri Farm;
Potato - Lodge Farm, Pinto Plantation, Bartali Farm;
Wheat - Moretti Big Plantation, Costa Farm, North Wheat Field,
Corn - Tuscany Farm;
Barley - North Wheat Field;

On the same nodes, you can collect cereals manually by equipping a sickle.

Vegetables and spices

Vegetables include tomato, pumpkin, cabbage, olive. You can get it when harvesting from the corresponding plant or grow it in the garden. The same applies to spices - red and black pepper, aloe, onion, garlic. Aloe can also be harvested by slaves at Ahto's Farm.

Fruits and flowers

Strawberries and grapes can be grown in the garden. In addition, grapes can be harvested in Olivia and Velia. Tulips and roses can be harvested from plants (you'll find entire fields near the Calpheon Capital) or grown. Sunflowers - only grow in the garden. The rest of the fruit, except grapes, is sold by the fruit merchant Milano Bellucci in the Calpheon Capital.


Grow all over the map. Most mushrooms are in the forests of Calpheon, but they can also be found in the desert. Any type of mushroom, except for truffles, is grown in the garden (truffle spores are not available in the game). Some mushrooms can be bought from Brandio in the Calpheon Capital (in the same building as the storekeeper Basquin).


In the Balenos Forest, you can rent a training gun from NPC Daphne for influence points. Nearby in the forest on the trees there are nests of wild bees, knocking down which, you can pick up a hive of wild bees. Grinding 3 beehives will give you one or more servings of honey or good honey (green quality). Please note that it is not possible to bring down a hive with a matchlock gun used for hunting. In much larger volumes, honey can be mined by slaves at the Alejandro Farm.

Fish and seafood

They are caught with a bait in most water bodies (except for the smallest puddles). Seafood includes: turtle, shellfish, squid, crayfish, jellyfish, crab, starfish, octopus, seahorse. All other living creatures caught on a bait are fish. Dried fish, two portions of which in cooking can replace one raw fish, can be harvested by workers on the islands of Ruviano, Efde Run, Beiruwa, Fusara, Dellinhart, Orfs, Ruruba, Staren, Albresso, Varaterra, Randis, Serka, Vaeja, Modrik and Grenada.


Animal meat: raccoon, wolf, wild boar, fox, ferret, stone rhinoceros, lamb, beef, venison, bear meat.
Poultry meat: chicken, yellow-billed, flamingo
Tough Meat: Lizard, Waragon, Worm, Waste Dragon.

It, as well as snake and scorpion meat, can be harvested with a cleaver from the carcass of a dead animal (with the exception of chicken meat). Salt, Sugar, Butter, Garden Salt, Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Yeast, Cooking Water, Sauce Base are sold by any NPC chef (as well as chefs and innkeepers).

Alchemy Ingredients


They, as well as weeds, calendula and azalea, can be obtained by collecting wild and forest herbs with a sickle and grown in the garden. Can get slaves on nodes:

Calendula - Forest of Balenos, Ruins of the fortress wall;
Azalea - Lynch Farm Ruins, Serendia Western Plain.


Cold - bat, lizard, yellow-billed, worm;
Giants - troll, bear, ogre, dinosaur,
Dark - flamingo, wolf, wasteland dragon, buffalo.
Brown - sheep, deer, bison, waragon, pig;
Animals - foxes, raccoons, ferrets, monkeys.

You can collect blood with a syringe from the carcass of a dead animal.

Gathering from the trees

The juice from the tree can be collected with a syringe. In this case, there is a possibility of dropping a knot of a bloody tree, the bark of an old tree, a branch of a monk, a magic leaf, a red kidney. The same ingredients can be obtained by harvesting wood with an ax.


These include the fruits of the sun, the ocean, charm, magic, storm, absolute, destruction, nature. Each of the fruits can be randomly obtained when collecting plants with a sickle, including in the garden.


Can be dropped when characters mine stones and ores with a pickaxe. Many types of dust as a by-product are received by workers sent to ore harvesting. Depends on the type:

Dust of fire - copper and titanium ore;
Ages - zinc and lead;
Darkness is iron
Destruction - coal,
Attractions - tin ore.

Most types of ores are mined at many nodes scattered throughout the map. Tin ore can only be mined at the Heads of the Bear River in Calpheon.


Workers are mined on nodes:

Varvarov - The ruins of the Lynch farm;
Powder of Chaos - Dig Site;
Ashes - Forest Manche, Ruya Tree;
Lands - Dig Site, Stone Hall of the Ancients;
Primordials - Glish Ruins;
Battles - Bernito's Farm;
Pochinki - Stone Hall of the Ancients;
Hunters - Glish Ruins, Lynch Farm Ruins;
Harm - Les Manche;
Remembrance - Sanctuary of the Pilgrims: Modesty.

Powder of Death is dropped from the undead in the Hexa Cemetery and the Knight's Cemetery, it is impossible to get it in any other way. The shining powder needed to make alchemy stones is sometimes created as a by-product.

A few words about the beds

In Black Desert, the vegetable garden allows you to not only reduce the time it takes to find resources, but also grow green and blue quality ingredients. Cultivated in the garden:


Keep in mind that some types of ingredients cannot be obtained in any way other than growing in the garden. When weeding the beds, you can collect weeds, a branch of a monk, a magic leaf. In addition to plants, you can grow chickens and cows in the garden:

Chicken nest. Crafted by grinding 20 Rough Stones and 100 Barley. Allows you to get eggs and chicken meat. Occupies 3 slots.
Haystack. Crafted by drying 50 weeds. Allows you to get milk and beef. Occupies 4 slots.

Like cultivated crops, chicken nests and a haystack can be green blue quality - good and choice, respectively.