Great Guide to Trading in Black Desert Mobile. We establish trade in Black Desert Black desert goods merchants

One of the ways to make money in Black Desert online (BDO) is Trading. I must say right away that trading is a long process of investing various investments for profit. This is a great additional way to make money in the game.

So, you have decided to become a merchant. First you need to prepare.

You must have:

  • the game world is open;
  • a decent amount of influence points to make a trading network;
  • desire to engage in trade;
  • merchant's special clothes (optional).

How to transport goods?


Naturally, you will not carry goods in your hands, for this you need a means of transportation, the best is a wagon. The coolest wagon is the Forest Wagon, it has 22 slots and can be repaired, but it cannot be bought at the auction because it takes a long time to craft. The variant is not worse than the Aristocrat's Cart, it has 20 slots, although it is impossible to repair it, like any other cart of this type. That is, if the wear of the wagon becomes 0, you will just need to buy a new one, or craft it. The strength of the wagon is its energy (life), it can be restored by any groom, wear and tear is the period of its operation, it cannot be restored (except for the Forest wagon).

Also, don't forget to buy a body kit for the wagon. Although not required, it is desirable. It can also be crafted. In general, you can choose a cart yourself, focusing on what your budget and needs are.

You can buy a wagon and body kit at an auction or craft it in a carriage workshop in a big city.

There is another good thing in wagons, this is pumping horses. You can harness your horses to the wagon and, while trading, pump horses at the same time.

What you should pay attention to. If you carry goods in a wagon not on the road, then the goods may fall out, and you will lose them forever. The wagon throws along the road so well, you can imagine how it will look if you drive over potholes and off-road.

Cargo transportation

In addition, you can transport goods using the Cargo Transportation service (only for craft goods). has a maximum weight of 30,000 LT, so it can carry 1,500 20 LT packs, 1,200 25 LT packs, and 1,000 30 LT packs at a time.
The goods are delivered to the warehouse of the city and then you just have to take it to the Merchant and sell it. Cargo transportation is a paid service, and its cost depends on the quantity and type of goods, as well as the connection of nodes. In order to use Cargo transportation, you need to place the goods in the warehouse, click the Transportation button below, select Delivery in the menu that opens, then Purpose of delivery - in the menu that opens, select the city where we ship and the Method, type of transport - at your discretion. And send.

Please note that if you do not have a trading network that connects the destination and dispatch, then the cost of cargo transportation increases by 3 times. Therefore, it is more advantageous to associate the point of departure with the destination.

After you have sent the cargo, after a while, you need to open the warehouse of the city where it should come. If the cargo has arrived, a Gift will be drawn above the city icon on the world map, if not, wait for the arrival.

To receive cargo, you need to open a warehouse, click Transportation and Take All.

You can transport and receive cargo remotely by opening a world map.


If you decide to transport goods to the desert, then either use freight transportation, or take them to the Eastern Bazaar, and then use a camel or an elephant.

Dangerous road

It is also worth remembering that during the transportation of goods, bandits or hostile players can attack you. In addition, during careless driving, the product may fall out or simply collapse. But in general, the bandits are harmless sheep, compared to the crazed representatives of the Vartags, who are eager to merge you on the wagon and destroy the wagon.

Commercial network

Naturally, in order to trade, you need a trade network, that is, connected nodes between points of sale and purchase. In addition, a trading network is needed, as you already understood, for transportation.

Thanks to the trading network, you can buy goods at a low price and sell them at a high price.

In addition, thanks to a bunch of nodes, you can receive a bonus for the distance between points of trade.

In order to save influence points, you will have to decide in which area you want to trade and of course this depends on the level of trade craft.

Cost of goods

The price of a commodity always fluctuates, as it is influenced by two factors: supply and demand. That is, if a product is sold too often and in large quantities, then naturally its price will fall, and vice versa, if a product is rarely sold, it becomes a shortage, and naturally its price will rise.

In order to earn money, it is worth buying goods in small quantities and looking for a place where you can sell it for more. You can get information about the cost of buying this product in one place or another by clicking on the “compare” button on the product, you will spend 1 energy point on this, but you will know exactly where to take it and where not.

When buying a product, you should pay attention to an indicator below 100%, when selling, on the contrary, an indicator above 100%.

If you are bringing a product for sale, try to keep it varied.

In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that crafted goods and knocked out from monsters do not have an expiration date, while goods purchased from a merchant must be sold as soon as possible, since their expiration date is 24 hours, and some goods have 2 hours. If your product is delayed, then you will lose money, because its value will drop to 30%.

Illicit trade - smuggling

  • goods are sold only at night game time;
  • as soon as you buy goods from a smuggler, you will be labeled that you are transporting illegal goods, and every cross will be able to kill you;
  • when selling a product, 5000 karma will be removed from you.

The profit is insignificant, so I won't even consider this part of the trade.

trade event

Sometimes it pays to pay attention to the information in the chat. Periodically, a message appears on different channels in a completely random way, something like this:

« Calpheon Plain buys: Miscellaneous up to 200%. Luxury 200%. Products 200%. Alchemy 200%. Military 200%. Illegal 200%. Clothing 200%. Seafood 200%. Raw material 200%

During this trading event, purchase prices for certain types of goods increase (decrease) in a certain place.

You just need to buy goods in the area and sell them to the fence. You can see where the purchase is currently taking place by opening Esc - Goods:

To buy goods at a low price, you can remotely view the goods from the merchant through the world map by clicking on the merchant and spending 1 energy point.

Goods production

Goods can be made independently, the so-called packs. A similar product is created in special workshops:

Workshops (workshop) currently have two levels:

1 level of the workshop makes it possible to create boxes of 1 unit;

Level 2 of the workshop makes it possible to produce boxes of 5 units, while consuming resources 5 times.

The role of workers in the production of goods

Naturally, in order to make something, you need the material from which to make, and the one who will make them. This is where workers come to the rescue. . You will need to activate the nodes where you want to mine the material and connect them to the place where the worker lives. To make it easier for you to find the mining site, .

And of course, it is the workers who will craft packs while you rest or farm on the spot. Some wear, others craft.

How to increase your profit while trading

There are a good number of factors that affect the profit from the sale of a product, which can help you increase your profit.

Before selling a product to a merchant, click "bargain" and bargain with him. One mini-game will cost you 5 energy points, but even if you fail it, you can try your luck again.

Merchant clothes

While leveling up the skill of trade, the Trader's Special Clothing will help you, you can buy it at the auction or craft it yourself. Improved Merchant Clothing increases movement speed, max. load capacity and trading experience.

In addition, you can buy Merchant Clothes of a certain level from the clothes merchant, which increases the chance of a deal during trading, increases luck and trading experience.

Well, now some summary.

When I was asked to write the Trading Guide article, my trading was Learner 10. Naturally, to write this article, I have to go through everything on my own. I checked if the bonus from the level of pumping worked, checked the distance between delivery points, pumping options and much more.

So, you have decided to trade.

There are several options for leveling the Trade craft:

  • you can transport goods from one place to another, earning on the difference and simultaneously pumping. Please note that the higher the level of the goods and the greater the distance, the more trading experience you will get;
  • you can load the character with goods, and doing somersaults (Q + forward) somersault to the nearest merchant and back;
  • you can safely craft packs and hand them over.

Which pumping method suits you is up to you to decide.

If you decide to craft packs then (in short, I won’t go into too much detail):

Let's look at each production separately (this is my personal point of view, not an assertion).

Fish shop.

It has long been known in this world that it is better not to dry the fish, but to hand it over alive, or even hand it over to the Imperial merchant, the benefit is much greater than drying and selling in packs.

Mushroom farm.

Packs will not bring good profit, so do not waste your time on them.


It is possible to make a profit, but remember to look at what the packs are made of and not just the base cost.


You can get a very good profit, again, we look not only at the base cost, but also at the manufacturing recipe.

You can make a good profit, but in addition to hired workers, you will need to make your own efforts, plant agricultural resources in your gardens and harvest them.

  1. So, you have decided what you will do. Look at the points of extraction of resources by workers, activate the nodes and send workers to collect resources. If these are agricultural plants, rent a few vegetable gardens and start growing products.
  2. Acquire the necessary workshop in the city from where you are going to transport the goods, hire a worker and start manufacturing.
  3. Consider how you will deliver the product to the point of sale. If paid freight (the best option), link the delivery nodes.
  4. Calculate the future profit of your product. To do this, you need to take the base cost of the goods, the distance bonus, the craft level bonus and the desert buff, if necessary.

For example, let's say you decide to craft a Crate of Choice Sunflowers.

Its base cost is 15,240 silver.

The point of manufacture is Grana, the point of sale is Valencia. Distance bonus 113%.

The level of your craft of Trade is Master 2. The bonus during the transaction from the level of the craft is 26%.

The Trade system is a peaceful way to earn silver by buying and selling various items in different cities. In this guide, we will analyze the basics of this craft, we will analyze how to start and what to do in the first stages of Trade.

What will we need?

To begin with, we must have a level 6 Main Building and a Trade Center (former resource exchange building).

We also need a horse that we can harness to a cart. The higher the rank, the longer we can trade in one run. For example, rank 6 of a horse gives +5% to the maximum value of feed, that is, we can travel around the world 5% longer.

To change the horse, you need to remove everything from the cart, otherwise you will not be able to remove or change the horse.

We can't start trading until you bring 4 workers with you. Workers are needed to collect resources and kill monsters that can be found along the way. We advise you to take the best ones and somehow call them names, thus you will always take the same slaves, pumping their skills.

Start of trading.

After all the preparations, we press the big button and we will be teleported to the world map, next to the Personal Fort. Without wasting time, we immediately choose the direction, click on the map and go to the nearest city, along the way we collect all the indicative signs, whether it be resources or an attack of monsters.

Collecting resources and killing mobs is as follows: just drive up, click on the pointer, wait a while, get resources and drop.

Having reached the city, we enter it and drive up to the NPC Merchant on the machine. Each merchant has 4 buttons:

  • 1. Communication with him
  • 2. Friendship with NPCs
  • 3. Opening packs. For example, before the introduction of this update, you could get them using the event.
  • 4. Buying/Selling items.

This is where we open our boxes.

According to the menu for opening packs, everything is clear. If there are packs, we spend 50,000 silver and get a drop, by the way, they are mined from special mini dungeons that are also found on the map.

Let's take a closer look at the Buy/Sell tab. We carefully examine each item. We are only interested in the goods that can be profitably sold in the city where we will go.

At the moment, there are several options for trading.

  • 1. This is riding around the nearest cities, stopping by each and trading mainly in blue goods. Approximately it looks like this: Appear on the map, go to the Western camp along the way, collect all the resources and kill the monsters. In the Camp, we buy Food Books and other items if they can be sold in the cities of Serendia and Balenos. Next, we go to Velia along the way, collect resources, Sell / Buy blue items and food in Velia. We keep books for Glish or Heidel. We also buy everything in Heidel, not forgetting to look into the second tab. Well, in Glish we hand over all the leftovers, we buy food, we do not touch the Yellow Goods in Glish and exit the Trade. You can exit through the door on the map or simply exit the game.
  • 2. The second option is much easier. If you do not have crashes from the game, you can easily buy in the Camp or Velia, and go to the Florin Village in the Calfion location. When driving, always speed up to collect resources without wasting time. We come, we rent goods, we get 300% -400% profit and a lot of experience, we buy only food and exit the trade.

If possible, buy food in each city at the expense of resources (the last lot in each city). Also exchange resource packs in the second tab. There are some interesting suggestions there.

When you are in the city, your food is not wasted, you can easily explore the entire assortment, or wait for the update of pointers with resources and monsters.

Having bought the right product, we leave the city and look for the city on the map with the best offer. It is important to pay attention to the distance and how much we will get in the end, it would also be nice to go the other way or return the same, only after updating the signs.

Do I need to use acceleration?

Yes. Always use the boost, food is consumed in any case 50 pieces every 10 seconds and 140 approximately every 50 meters.

Arriving in the desired city, we sell all the goods in the 3rd tab and buy in the first tab and again check the 2nd tab.

Periodically, a special merchant appears on the map from which you can buy good items for cheap, as well as sell some items from blue goods with a 200% markup. It appears for exactly 2 minutes. In order to get to it, use the acceleration. But don't forget how much food you donate to get to him, if he's not on our way, it's better to ignore him.

The list of goods is different, but for example, purple dots for 24499 silver and legendary dots for 291550 silver.


You can spend 37,000 food per day at trading level 1. With each level, your limit increases by 900. The food limit per trip depends on the rank of the cart and horse.

Spent food 50pcs in 10 seconds, and 140pcs for every 50 meters of travel.

At the end of the expedition, a window appears with detailed information: how much silver you spent / earned, how many signs and meters you traveled.

After each trip, we clean the inventory of the cart and open the packs.

Many people ask what kind of scrolls fall out of the Trade, and so one scroll is needed for 100% bargaining with Patrizio (night merchant), the second is needed for an additional passage of the Teaching Tower.

Video reviews of trade

A short but informative guide from DrChaos

Video review from BDMbase

Ask questions below in the comments, we will try to answer everything.

In contact with

As in other professions, the player's profit increases as the skill is leveled up: beginners are forced to trade with many restrictions that no longer apply to experienced traders, allowing them to get the maximum profit.

Principles of trading in Black Desert

You will have to trade with special NPCs - merchants. You can find them in any major city (sometimes several with different goods), as well as on the surrounding farms, by the icon on the map with the image of a wagon.

Merchants sell the following items:

Fish - caught in a pond or dropped from mobs (fogans, nagas, watermen);

Craft packs (for example, boxes with ore and ingots created in the smelter);

Drop from the grind of mobs and from the collection (for example, amber with an insect, which sometimes drops out when harvesting wood);

Regional goods are packs purchased from one merchant and delivered to another.

Trading in the classical sense is precisely the last point, the resale of packs bought at a low price, taking into account the extra charge for the distance. In order for the occupation to be profitable, you will need to create a trading network: connect nodes between the cities, with the merchants from which you are going to do business. If the nodes are not interconnected, you can sell the goods for 30% of the cost. Keep in mind that after 24 hours of real time, packs purchased from the merchant lose 70% of their value. Items purchased from him will not be returned to the NPC.


Camel. The best option for trading with the desert dwellers. It has only 8 shelves, but on the sand the speed of movement increases (whereas for the rest of the transport, except for the elephant, it is reduced by 50%). Can be obtained for free by completing the quest at level 55, or exchanged in Valencia for Tamer's Seals. A horse harness is suitable for a camel (including reinforced horseshoes that increase speed).

Baby elephant. Expensive and not suitable for beginners: the purchase will cost 35 million silver. The quest to own an elephant can be taken upon reaching level 55 in Shakatu's Retreat. It has 16 shelves for goods and a load capacity of 1,200 LT. For trading in the Black Desert, as well as for farming mobs on the territory of Mediah, an elephant with the Quick Step skill (an analogue of a horse’s quarry) is suitable, which significantly increases the speed of the mount. For example, from Altinova to the Capital of Calpheon on such an elephant, activating acceleration, you can get in 12 minutes, while moving on a wagon will take half an hour.

Merchant clothing

Merchants have access to clothes that give additional bonuses:

Merchant's special clothing. Crafted in the dressing room level 1. Can be enhanced with the same clothes. Increases movement speed, weight limit and trading experience.

Merchant clothing. Purchased from Costume NPC. Increases luck and, accordingly, the number of attempts when bargaining in a mini-game.

Wandering robbers

It is better to put on a merchant costume only in the city before starting a dialogue with the NPC. When transporting goods, use armor: there is a high probability of meeting a roving gang. Rogues are marked on the map with a red marker. Usually they sit in ambush and appear only at the sight of a transport carrying packs. A small gang consists of two archers and a warrior, a larger gang of four archers and two warriors. When they are killed, there is a high chance of getting Golden Seals of Submission, which can be exchanged for various useful things.

Trading tasks

You can take a quest for a deal from each merchant: buy a certain amount of a specific product and get money for selling it. As a reward, you will receive influence again and Golden seals of the regional exchange.

imperial trade

There are Imperial merchants in the game who buy certain goods in the capitals of the regions. To see what products they are interested in, you should go to the "Products" item of the Esc menu. The type of items required may vary across channels. The counter is shared by all players, and when buying the required amount, the imperial merchant no longer accepts packs. The minimum markup when selling is 250%, but this NPC can also be bargained with. Trading with an Imperial in Black Desert can be combined with trading with regular NPCs - buying up the goods required for imperial trade, and loading the remaining shelves in packs that can be sold at the destination with maximum profit.


Traders of the Professional level and above can trade with smugglers. These NPCs only appear at night in major cities. They can be distinguished by a small lamp in the hand. The goods they offer are worth between 30,000 and 100,000 silver.

Such trade is considered illegal, therefore, a corresponding indicator appears above the transport carrying smuggling. Any player can attack and kill you without worsening their karma. If you manage to deliver the contraband to a merchant in a neighboring city, for each pack sold, you will lose 5,000 karma points. The cost of goods depends on the distance covered.


Trading can be called one of the most calm and boring professions in Black Desert: often during the delivery of goods, absolutely nothing happens, except for meetings with roving gangs. However, this allows you to do other things: for example, chatting with friends in the game or recruiting a new guild.

Black Desert Trade- First of all, this is one of the types of earnings, which includes a complex system of the economy, completely dependent on the players. Game trading is considered to be a complex, multi-stage process, which in the end should pay off, but unfortunately this is not always the case, since not all players will be able to understand the necessary aspects of trading.

Earnings through trading can be divided into two types:

  • complex - independent production of goods and their further sale.
  • easy - buying up goods and their further resale, taking into account their own benefits.

For any of these two options, the player will need a lot of time to learn the game mechanics, a small initial capital and a trading wagon / donkey. We will have to monitor the market for a long time, falling, rising prices for certain goods, and we will also have to predict future price behavior, but let's take everything in order.

Production or purchase

As mentioned earlier, trade is divided into two types, where players will either produce goods on their own and sell them, or purchase goods from the so-called "NPC merchants" and sell it to another merchant at a more significant price. Of course, no one bothers to jointly engage in the purchase and production of goods for their further sale, but nevertheless it is recommended to choose one direction and gradually increase your capital with the help of it.

Independent production of goods takes many times longer than buying, but the profit promises to be more solid. You can produce goods in the premises designated for this, you only need the necessary components: ore, trees, herbs, vegetables, etc., it will not be superfluous to have your own garden in this matter, otherwise you will have to send workers to extract the necessary resources, and this will take quite a lot of time.

For those who value their time, longing for faster profits and a dynamic game, the developers have come up with special trade secrets in Black Desert. The bottom line is to look for NPC merchants (marked on the map) and buy goods from them. Each merchant is engaged in the sale of goods of a certain affiliation.

I would also like to note that there are restrictions on the number of purchased goods and their shelf life. The quantity varies depending on your skill leveling "trade" and gradually become smaller, but the storage period cannot be changed, so if you failed to sell the received goods in 24 hours, then its further sale will be 70% cheaper. It is thanks to these restrictions that avid merchants make the turnover of goods sold many times greater than beginners.

Transport for trade

You can immediately please the poor inhabitants of the Black Desert, transport in the game is not an obligatory link and in fact you can deliver goods with the help of your two (we are talking about legs), of course this is ineffective, but for the first time this opportunity looks very good, but from the eighth level you can will immediately purchase a trading cart at an auction or from any groom, or craft it with his own hands.

There are several types of trading carts, all of them have their own unique characteristics, such as: volume, speed, maneuverability, acceleration, braking and the free number of slots for the transported cargo. After you have decided on the cart, you should go to the stable, register the transport and get the appropriate certificate, and only then will you have a ready cart in the stalls, waiting for its operation.

In the future, it is possible to improve your cart by installing additional equipment on it, which gives bonuses to characteristics. Now there are the following accessories for the trading cart:

  • Banner - improves defense stats
  • Lantern - improves protection characteristics
  • Roof - improves protection and shelf life of off-road goods
  • Wheels - increases driving speed
  • Curtains - increase the available volume

It is strongly recommended not to forget about the opportunity to improve your transport and take advantage of the available bonuses, because no one is safe from thieves and off-road, and additional bonuses from equipment will not become superfluous.

Organization of trade nodes

And their organization took up a separate article on our Wikipedia, be sure to read it before moving on to the intricacies of trading.

The beginning and subtleties of trading

Let's move on to the so-called subtleties. Now we have our own trading network, transport, as well as goods of our own production or capital for its initial purchase. Black Desert earnings on trade will appear soon enough, the matter remains small, but still you have to work a little. So, go to any of the NPC merchants in BDO and open the trade menu using the shopping cart button.

Important! The menu will not open if the character has just entered the game, you must spend at least 10 minutes online.

This is what the menu itself looks like on Korean servers:

  1. List of goods for sale;
  2. List of prices for the purchase of all goods;
  3. Classification of available goods;
  4. Your goods for sale;
  5. The purchase price of a certain product;
  6. Net profit from the sale of goods;
  7. Markup on resale of goods;
  8. Price for the purchase of goods in "%";
  9. Start a mini-game with a merchant;
  10. Full sale of goods;
  11. Open initial dialog;
  12. Number of occupied / free slots;
  13. The cost of the marked goods for purchase;
  14. The amount of game currency on hand;
  15. Weight of goods marked for purchase;
  16. The amount of free space in the inventory;
  17. The amount of free space in transport;
  18. Remove all selected products;
  19. Make a purchase of the selected items.


To make a purchase, select one of the sections on the left, then a full list of products from this category will appear. Each product comes with graphical analytics that shows the history of its pricing policy, based on which you can predict a further rise or fall in the price of the product you are interested in, although this is a rather difficult task and there is a big risk of losing money.

The blue line means that the price has dipped from the initial one, while the red line tells us about the opposite, that is, the price has risen. To the right of the price, green color shows how much the price of the product has changed from the initial cost. Don't forget to "park" your vehicle nearby when trading, as the goods will be placed in it.

  1. Best before date. After 24 hours, the goods will cost 70% cheaper at all merchants;
  2. The number of goods available for purchase (increases over time);
  3. The cost of the selected product as a percentage of the starting price;
  4. The cost of one unit of the selected item from the merchant;
  5. Required skill level "Trade";
  6. Make a purchase;
  7. Compare the cost of goods with other points;
  8. Starting price;
  9. current price;

When you select the product you are interested in, you will need to specify the required quantity and the product will be added to the shopping list (bottom of the screen). You can also change the number of purchased goods right during the transaction or if you have completely changed your mind - cancel it ...

Prices change according to the actions of the players, so meaning of trading in Black Desert is to increase your capital at the best price changes. The economy system is designed in such a way that when selling large portions of a certain product to a merchant, its cost will proportionally decrease throughout the Black Desert world.

Sale of goods

Sometimes the prices for selling goods to NPC merchants skyrocket to 200% and this event is reported to all online residents of Black Desert using a pop-up message on the screen. This can be followed by opening the world map and clicking the "Products" button on the left, then you should pave the way and go there without delay. In fact, the cream itself will be received by the first sellers who managed to get to the right merchant and sell their cargo to him, since prices will decrease in proportion to the number of deliveries from the players.

As for hard workers who do crafting on their own, you can create ~30 goods, wait for the price to rise to 130% and only then sell them, but you can also load a whole cart with goods to the eyeballs, put it in a stall in order to quickly respond to price increases in the future and to have time to sell everything at once at pleasant prices. The main thing is not to forget that with a sharp sale of goods, the price for them will gradually decrease!

Developers from the studio "Pearl Abyss" added the ability to bargain more profitably with the NPS, in other words, lower the price of the product of interest thanks to the mini-game. How to open the mini-game has already been said a little earlier. In the window that appears, you will need to praise or scold the product using the available buttons that will affect the scales, the essence of the game is to align them. The cost of the attempt is 5 energy, upon successful completion, a green inscription about your victory will appear and the cost of goods available for sale will increase.

The so-called Online deserves special attention, and there is nothing surprising in this. The thing is that this trading option is one of the most profitable in BDO, so you should not lose sight of it and be sure to build your trade routes to it.

In fact, there is nothing difficult, the game includes five types of goods related to the Imperial trade for a certain time. The sale price of such goods is 250%, so you can buy a large batch of such goods from NPCs at a standard price and sell it to Imperial merchants at their rate. The sale price is fixed for a certain period of time and does not depend in any way on the supplies of other players involved in trading.

Such goods are marked with a crown icon from ordinary NPC merchants, and to the right in brackets is information where they are bought by a representative of Imperial Trade with a markup of 250%. You can see the list of active Imperial goods by opening the world map and selecting the "Trade" item. When selling, players will receive a bonus - Glowing golden seal . These seals can later be exchanged with merchants of the empire for unique items.

Black Desert - trade leveling

Many players who have just started their journey as a merchant often wonder "How to quickly pump trade". Trading in Black Desert Online is an active skill with its own ranks, which we will now consider in the correct sequence.

  • Beginner - 초급 (10 levels);
  • Student - 견습 (10 levels);
  • Craftsman - 숙련 (10 levels);
  • Artisan - 장인 (10 levels).

A high rank will allow you to buy rare items in larger quantities, so the pop-up question about fast leveling will always be relevant. Gaining experience depends mainly on the size of the parties sold at a time, but there are also ranked costumes in the game that add the amount of experience gained for selling goods.

Game economy Black Desert is a complex system that depends entirely on the actions of the player. In order to trade and get the coveted profit at the same time, you need to take into account many factors: study supply and demand, establish trade relations, think over your own production, hire people, equip the territory and much more. Therefore, if you decide to seriously engage in trading, get ready for long reflections and the maximum activation of your logic. And this guide will help you with that.

In principle, the peculiarity of the News-game economy is that it is the same as in the real world. If you have an entrepreneurial streak, in the game you will find undoubted success and a lot of money earned. gold. This is an exciting process, during which you can acquire real wealth and resources, with the help of which it will be much easier to conquer the mysterious world of the Black Desert.

So, let's start the blackdesert-online economics lesson. Trade- This is the process of selling items of one's own production or buying them in one village or city and selling them for a better price in another settlement. Depending on the region, prices can vary significantly. It depends on the climate, production, availability of resources, etc. For example, in a mountainous region with a dry climate, plant resources will cost much more than in a region with a favorable climate. Therefore, it is profitable to sell them there. But you need to think about the method of delivery and the cost of transportation.

Types of trade in Black Desert 2015

The game involves two types of earnings: resale and trade in items of own production. Consider the features of each type so that you can understand the whole mechanism of action.

1. Resale. This is a simple and understandable type of income for everyone, which is very popular in our time. The bottom line is to buy cheap and sell three expensive. To carry out such transactions, you must have cooperation points. You can get them by completing regular quests. There are three types of trade nodes in the game:

A symbol indicating that there is active trade in the area. You will have the opportunity to buy the desired product or sell your own.

An icon that indicates that resources can be mined in this place.

Outposts, or connecting nodes.

2. Sale of own resources. It consists in the fact that you have to extract the necessary resources, process them into goods and sell them. You don't have to do everything yourself. For this there are slaves. You hire a slave of a certain level of performance, and do all the dirty work with his hands, so to speak. The success of your enterprise depends on what kind of slave you hire. There are 4 types of slaves:

Free. The chance to get something useful from them is small, because they have no luck. In addition, they work slowly.

A slave bought from a merchant for 1500 Money. Has a set of random characteristics, does not work for a long time, because it has little energy.

A slave bought from a merchant for 3600 silver. It will serve you a little longer, but the crafting speed will be extremely low.

A slave bought for 10,000. Naturally, it has an excellent crafting speed, high characteristics and excellent performance and productivity.

It's not always easy to guess here. You can buy a cheap slave that will have high performance. You need to cherish and cherish such a worker, feed and rest on time. When all its possibilities run out, it will not be a pity to let go and buy yourself another one.

Building a trading process

To start trading with other villages, you need to set up trade node. Make it simple. You come to the desired village and connect this node to your own trading network. You will be able to trade only within activated trade nodes. This will be your personal trading network, which you will constantly expand.

It is better to start building trade relations as early as possible. After all, with each level, you will be given less gold, and you will become limited in your abilities. Trade will help correct this situation. To start any business you need start-up capital. You can get it by killing monsters. Do not forget to carefully search them and remove valuables from their pockets. You can sell them to any merchant you meet. In parallel, build trade nodes and build relationships with all merchants.

To start a trade, you need to talk to NPC Trade Manager. When you click on the button located on the left of the dialog box, you will see a list of products available for purchase or sale. Select the desired product, select the available shipping method. You can only buy as many items as you can deliver. That's it, the deal is over.

Goods delivery methods

You can transfer resources or items in several ways:

1. Mount . You need to get them first. It can be a donkey, a horse, etc. an animal. Each mount differs in carrying capacity and the number of slots for transporting goods.

You will receive your first donkey from the Black Spirit by completing the quest in the starting city. Rather, they will give you something like a token with a picture of a donkey's head. You will change it to the animal itself.

It should be borne in mind that all mounts have a limited number of slots for transporting goods and a limit on the maximum weight that the mount can transfer. For example, if a donkey has 2 slots and a maximum weight of 180, then you can only carry 2 types of goods on it. You can overload the animal, but it will move slowly, will not be able to run and jump, therefore, you will not deliver the goods soon.

There is one more nuance here. Goods can be of two types: one item in one slot, and many items in one slot. This means that you can transport one product in one slot in large quantities (for example, 30 units), and the other product - only 1 unit.

2. Carriage . It can be bought or rented. You will have to drive the carriage yourself.

3. Personally. The player's inventory has a weight limit. You won’t carry much on yourself, and you won’t be able to fight if you are loaded with goods.

4. Delivery. As in the civilized world, in the game there is a delivery of goods from one locality to another. You just pay for the service and don't worry about anything.

Keep in mind that a caravan or cart with goods can be robbed by bandits. To prevent this from happening, you can escort your resources or hire guards.

Game pricing policy

To establish a profitable business, you need not to buy just anything, but to carefully monitor the trend in price changes. It may fall or rise. It is worth buying at the lowest price in order to sell at a higher price and get a good profit.

You can see a graph of price changes for each product by analyzing horizontal line p poison with him. When buying, the price chart must be below the gray line (average cost). And when you want to sell this product, wait until the graph becomes above the average cost. The price of goods sold by NPCs depends on supply and demand. And the price of goods purchased by NPCs from you is formed cyclically, that is, it falls and rises by itself. You only need to wait for the moment when it will be the most beneficial for you.

If you have found an item at a very good price, but you cannot take it away because the mount is loaded, you can put this item in storage warehouse. In the first city, such a warehouse is located on the pier. You can buy the maximum amount of goods that you can transport to the warehouse, leave it there and go to the merchant for a new batch. And so on until you buy the desired amount, or until you run out of money.

Participation in auctions

Additionally, you can participate in auctions. They are different in every location. Finding them is not difficult, the point is indicated by a stall with a grate. Your actions are as follows:

Approach the point;

Activate the auction;

Choose your product;

Set the deposit amount and the starting price.

Products are highlighted on the left. The first 5 items are the most urgent. So, they did not stint on them and paid a good fee. Your item will be higher the higher the fee you pay. If you are stingy, the product will be at the very bottom.

If the sale is not in a hurry, you can not overpay. Please note that you have the opportunity to withdraw the item from the auction, but no one will return the amount of the contribution to you.

This is the basic knowledge to start trading. The rest depends on your entrepreneurial abilities. Good luck!