Business lady of the Russian Empire. Sociocultural trends that every business woman should know

Elena Baturina is not losing ground: for the sixth year in a row, a businesswoman has become the richest woman in Russia. According to Forbes magazine, her fortune is estimated at $ 1.2 billion. Now the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, is developing the hotel business in Russia and Europe. In addition, she invests in real estate and alternative energy.

The second place in the ranking of the richest women in the country was taken by Tatyana Bakalchuk. The fortune of the CEO of the Wildberries online store exceeds $600 million. Now it is the largest online clothing and footwear store in Russia. The site also sells electronics, household goods, and jewelry. Last year, Bakalchuk managed to increase the store's revenue by 40%. On Black Friday alone, over a million orders were processed.

The third line belongs to Elena Rybolovleva. For the first time, she got into the Forbes rating two years ago thanks to the end of a lawsuit with her ex-husband. Since then, she has been constantly on this list. Her fortune is estimated at $ 600 million - all these are payments by Dmitry Rybolovlev under an amicable agreement.

The top four is closed by the chairman of the board of directors of S7, Natalia Fileva. Her fortune, like Mrs. Rybolovleva, is estimated at $ 600 million. S7 is the country's second air carrier after Aeroflot. The company carried over 14 million passengers last year.

As Forbes notes, in the "female" rating every year there are more and more ex-wives of billionaires and representatives of the political elite. There are several reasons for this trend, noted Anton Danilov-Danilyan, co-chairman of the Delovaya Rossiya organization:

“In the early and mid-90s, when, in fact, the pool of the richest citizens of Russia was formed, such purely gender relations played a certain role. Among the leadership of the country there were no women so strong administratively as to slightly tip the scales in the female direction. Therefore, both loans-for-shares auctions and other privatization processes, which led to the accumulation of significant amounts of property in the hands of private individuals, were mainly among men. As for the current processes, gradually people who made huge fortunes are entering an age when it is becoming more and more difficult for them to manage these fortunes. In addition, sanctions and other external factors have a very strong impact. As a result, part of the fortunes passes to the heirs, among whom are both wives and daughters. This is also due to the need to deconcentrate property into a more distributed sphere, which includes a much larger number of relatives.”

Yuri Luzhkov reacted to the Forbes rating. He called the data on the state of his wife "complete nonsense." According to the former mayor of the capital, he does not participate in the affairs of his wife. But, judging by the way they live, she simply cannot have such income. Quote: “I have my own cockroaches in my head, she has her own business, and this suits us completely.”

Anastasia Roizman

By the way, in pre-revolutionary Russia, business was often inherited by a woman from her husband. The hostess was faced with a choice - to sell it, transfer control to someone, or still do everything herself. Among those who preferred the latter option was, for example, Anna Gener. In the second half of the 19th century, she became the owner of a sugar factory after the death of her husband. The enterprise brought a good income and fully ensured a comfortable life. But this was not enough for Anna Gener: she invested all the money she earned in expanding production. She did not spare either her own savings or the capital of her second husband for the development of the business. Two hundred new workers were hired, premises and equipment purchased. For 10 years, Anna managed to increase revenue by more than 10 times, and make her factory one of the largest in Moscow.


26.11.2019, 12:07

The "Global Government" will determine whether our athletes can wear the flag or not

SERGEY MIKHEEV: “This situation, among other things, makes it clear for whom the colors of the national flag have at least some meaning, and for whom, where they live better, there is their homeland! The situation is as follows: we can take and start building some kind of our own system of sports competitions, which, in the current conditions, in my opinion, is almost impossible. It can be done, but slowly.

22.11.2019, 10:07

“Maidan authorities were able to crush society”

ROSTISLAV ISHCHENKO: “Six years of the civil war have passed, various other pleasures, I don’t remember, I personally didn’t count, but just yesterday or the day before yesterday I read that the communal apartment has risen in price by a thousand or fifteen hundred percent, some hundreds of percent of gas and something else -then. To be honest, I didn't expect that much."

Congress delegates Jenny Chen, Susanna Zhang from Taiwan with friends from Peru

PHOTO: Sergey Shahidzhanyan, Evening Moscow

Today, foreign business ladies paid a business visit to Moscow.

The meeting was held in connection with the meeting of the congress of the World Association of Women Entrepreneurs FCEM (Femmes Chefs d "Entreprises Mondiales). The Congress was held in the capital for the first time. As expected, it will.

Director of Technograd Maxim Kiselev welcomed them with pleasure and spoke in fluent English about how the organization entrusted to him works.

Several buildings, dozens of specialties, five areas of work, including digital, creative technologies, service, industry and urban infrastructure - all this is Technograd. A real educational city, where training is conducted on the most modern equipment and with the help of the latest technologies.

It is great that our complex is beginning to arouse such interest among foreign delegations. The business community visits us frequently. It was surprising for me to find out that there is no analogue to our Technograd in other countries. And I am pleased to realize that we in Moscow managed to create an amazing and unique space for the international community, - Maxim Kiselev told the VM correspondent.

Dijana Zoricic from Zagreb arrived with her husband.

I haven't been to Moscow for 15 years and now I just don't recognize her! From a strange city with streets forever beaten by dirty cars, it has become an exemplary European capital. Plus, the weather has improved. Once I came here, too, in October, it was snowing, uncleaned dirt was in the way under my feet. And now I walk in shoes, and my husband, who is usually cold, does not wear a jacket, she shared.

Jenny Chen of the China Business Women's Association agrees.

I am here with my friend Susanna Zhang from Taiwan. I have never been to Russia and I was very afraid to go here - we were warned to be careful. But, having climbed onto the roof of a hotel in the center of Moscow, I saw the old city with the latest buses. And your subway is a real miracle! Jenny said enthusiastically.

Dijana Zoričić from Zagreb, Rita Hiiralall from Mauritius Island and Corin Wiimard

PHOTO: Sergey Shakhidzhanyan, "Evening Moscow"

Fragile Erica Covera Paz, no less than the president of the company and the largest Peruvian association of businesswomen.

I had to fly far. This is my second time here: during the World Cup, Peru held a large-scale presentation in the Manege exhibition hall. I saw that many people in Russia are interested in our country, and I came back here with pleasure, - says Erika.

But the French couple Corinne and Eric Wiimard are more restrained in their assessments.

Together, despite any sanctions, we will do business in Russia. Russian people still need to learn to be more clear in their promises. My husband and I quickly realized that “a second” in Russian can mean an hour, and “I'll call you tomorrow” can mean a month. But you are on the right track. We really liked Technopark, which its director Maxim Kiselev told us about. We don't have them anywhere in Europe, - said Corinne Wiimard.

New Year always causes a feeling of inexplicable joy and expectation of miracles at any age. Astrologers and their stellar clues will help you figure out future successes. Which ones can count on success and good luck in the coming 2019, the site understood.


The diligence and perseverance of Taurus can only be envied. It is these qualities that will allow this zodiac sign to show itself from the best side in the winter of 2019. The stars promise many tempting offers, brilliant prospects and material wealth. The projects that Taurus has worked and are working on will be so successful and successful that a worthy reward will not keep you waiting!

Astrologers advise Taurus to seek support from trusted people and distribute their efforts correctly. Partnership projects will be especially fruitful.

The unemployed should not despair. The stars promise interesting offers and unexpected things, especially for people with creative inclinations. Passion for the occupation will contribute to the rapid advancement of the career ladder.


The stars have good news for Gemini! The end of summer and the beginning of autumn were full of various undertakings for many of them, and all this will not be in vain. Already in the winter of 2019, the well-being of the Gemini will give the long-awaited peace of mind for the coming day.

For Gemini, the beginning of 2019 opens up the widest opportunities! New views, exciting ideas, unexpected hobbies and a radical change in the field of activity - everything is subject to Gemini. The stars do not limit you in anything, but they warn you of some small hitches.

Against the background of searches, periods of dissatisfaction with the place of work and superiors, some kind of creative crisis are possible. Do not despair! This is how the stars hint at the search for oneself and give impetus to prosperity. Moreover, the successful period with the end of winter will not end, but will continue until the end of 2019.


And Cancers don’t even have to work hard to get rich! Astrologers say that those born under this sign of the Zodiac will have a lot of gifts in the coming winter. They will come from relatives, friends, there is a great chance to win the lottery. Wages can also rise significantly. And you don't have to do anything for it!

The only thing I would like to advise Cancers is not to squander the money and gifts received. Save your financial savings for a less successful period in your life!

Luck will not bypass this zodiac sign in love relationships. Long-awaited happiness and stability will accompany Cancers from the beginning of 2019. In the future, passions and a whirlpool of events are possible, but this will only strengthen the formed union.

The main motto of Cancers for 2019 should be moderation. This applies to both money matters and heartfelt experiences.

What awaits the signs of the Zodiac, not included in the top three lucky ones


Important changes await representatives of this zodiac sign at the beginning of 2019. New priorities will replace the old ones and completely unexpectedly change the worldview of Aries. Under the influence of significant events, there will be a reassessment of values ​​​​and getting rid of previously interfering factors.

Don't be scared! A look at familiar things from a different angle will help self-realization and the development of new horizons. You should be very careful with the proposal. The stars will thus guide Aries in the direction they themselves need.

A period of active spiritual growth and the development of long-term partnerships are also expected. A faithful companion will become the best assistant and support in any situation!


The beginning of 2019 presents an excellent opportunity for Leos to lay the foundation for future prosperity. The stars recommend drawing up a clear action plan and following it systematically. All the most cherished desires will finally come true!

Only representatives of this zodiac sign should not count on lightning-fast results in all areas. Dimension and calmness in emotions will help to achieve the intended horizons. It will be useful to pay attention to your health. The immoderate ardor of Lviv and excessive perseverance may not have the best effect on well-being.

Do not run ahead of the locomotive! The stars promise success and good luck, and, therefore, be able to correctly calculate your strength.


Virgos may feel some uncertainty and uncertainty at the beginning of 2019. This will be a harbinger of desired changes and joyful events. The stars give you a chance to cut off exhausting relationships, let go of unwanted people, and end negative relationships.

Professionally, there are also changes. Unexpected abilities and skills will inspire you to explore new directions. Creative talents and seething energy will simply overwhelm Dev! The craving for diversity will allow you to discover more and more new sides of character and strengthen faith in your own strengths.

Against the backdrop of such changes, interesting proposals will begin to arrive. Do not rush to immediately refuse and show pessimism. The stars are advised to pay close attention to what is happening around and highlight attractive projects. This will be a signal for Virgos to significant changes for the better!


Absolute inconsistency with your zodiac sign will be shown by Libra. Where will prudence and hesitation go? A whirlpool of joyful events will simply swirl Libra in winter. Accuracy and concentration in business will go hand in hand with pressure and adventurism in personal relationships. Unusual romanticism will bring brightness of colors and positive emotions to the life of Libra.

It is to Libra that everyone who needs attention will turn for advice and a kind word. Your energy and understanding will be truly appreciated. The stars guarantee a good psychological atmosphere around Libra.

Professional achievements will also not bypass the representatives of this zodiac sign. The fruits of successful winter activities can be harvested already in the spring!


Dive into yourself and a period of reflection will come for Scorpions with the beginning of 2019. Stability and orderliness in business will contribute to some relaxation and calm. However, the stars do not advise too much to run all their affairs. A little risk and care guarantees a significant improvement in financial position. The right time to upgrade and upgrade your skills.

Scorpios will also want to take care of their spiritual development. Self-knowledge and the study of the inner world will slightly alienate the representatives of this zodiac sign from relatives and friends, but will not bring discord in relationships. Rather, they will help to discover hidden abilities and talents.

Renewal and stability - these are the two main directions of the life path of Scorpios in 2019!


The first months of next year, Sagittarius will need to remain calm and reasonable. The stars have prepared a lot of opportunities to realize their potential. Many interesting proposals and projects can simultaneously come to Sagittarius after some autumn calm.

The main thing is to be patient and not try to embrace the immensity. Your strengths and abilities will be enough even for several directions, all the same, all unnecessary will be eliminated in the process by itself.

Popularity with the opposite sex will also keep up! Signs of attention, desire for communication and romantic confessions can completely confuse and frighten Sagittarians. The stars recommend that single people not get lost and pay attention to their fans. A surprise is prepared for you in the form of a worthy and reliable companion in all life situations!


For Capricorns, the coming year will bring expansion of cooperation and new contacts in the field of professional activity. Get ready for frequent business trips and business trips. Your demand will only once again confirm the correctness of the chosen course.

Capricorns at the beginning of the year will be able to adequately show their abilities and talents. Expand your horizons a little and do not dwell on stereotypes - a world of opportunities will open before you!

The stars predict a great interest among Capricorns in obtaining new knowledge. Advanced training, attending various courses and circles will contribute to professional growth and strengthening of material well-being. And do not forget about the rest to recuperate!


Representatives of this zodiac sign have a unique opportunity to build their future as they wish! The stars advise action across the board in early 2019.

In the professional field, any crazy ideas will bring good luck and prosperity. No need to be afraid of change and cling to the past! Opportunities for a radical change of direction will give Aquarius unlimited prospects. It is even possible to move to another city or country, and why not?

The changes will also affect the personal life of Aquarius. The stars hint at an imminent change in bachelor status and the acquisition of long-awaited stability in relations with the opposite sex. Family Aquarius should expect a certain amount of romance and novelty.


Interesting changes await representatives of this zodiac sign in 2019. Self-confidence and determination to achieve your goals will be inherent in Pisces in all endeavors.

No doubts or hesitation! Even problems and tasks that could not be moved from the dead point, under the pressure of the updated Pisces, can easily be resolved. Expect generous rewards in return for your hard work.

On the love front, stability and seriousness of the relationship is expected. The stars predict the absence of conflict situations and complete understanding between loving hearts.

In any case, everyone should understand that ups and downs depend only on us. Wealth is a thing, in fact, a very broad concept. Some are lucky in love, others are enriched spiritually, and still others become happy by helping people. The main thing is to saturate your life with events and always remain a person at the same time!

The coming year will bring many interesting events, unexpected proposals and. Self-confidence and perseverance in achieving the set forces with the help of the stars will help the realization of the most cherished desires!