Can a cleaning lady be transferred to a cleaning company. How not to sue the nurses who were transferred to cleaners. Experience in creating a cleaning service in a medical organization. Cleaning company: pros and cons

The beautiful modern term "cleaning" means cleaning done by a team of super-professionals, so from a formal point of view, the replacement of lone cleaners in schools and kindergartens by employees of cleaning companies looks more than modern. But what happens in practice? The main criterion for recruiting personnel for these companies is, alas, not "superprofessionalism", but the maximum cheapness of labor. As a result, elderly cleaning women living in a neighboring house are fired and replaced by disenfranchised labor migrants who are not paid properly.

Just before New Year's Eve, ROSVUZ media received a collective letter from the cleaning staff of one of the Moscow schools. They all quit on January 1. And their jobs are transferred to employees of one of the cleaning companies.

“They want to take guest workers from cleaning companies to our jobs,” one of the dismissed, Natalya Petrovna, told ROSVUZ. At school we are told that this attitude was given "from above". This is understandable: we have to pay properly - for work on two sections (a corridor, 15 classrooms and halls on the 1st floor), for example, I get 38 thousand rubles. per month. And migrant workers will be paid two or three times less, and, for sure, and not every month - how to drink, they will delay their salaries. So they sent us to the exit: from each of the four united schools, 4 cleaning women were fired, leaving only mothers with many children. And for me my whole life is connected with this school. In 1971, we moved here, and I came to the 5th grade. Then my children graduated from this school. And for the last 15 years I have worked as a cleaner here. "

A significant part of the school's labor collective stood up for the dismissed:

“In our country, many believe that it is unfair that Muscovites are fired and they will be left without work, and their places are freed up for visitors from other countries!” Olga Galanova, a librarian of the same school, added to ROSVUZ. where our own workers are in short supply - for example, on construction sites. Yes, and I do not want to let completely strangers from the cleaning company into school: there can be diseases, and ignorance of the Russian language, and, possibly, theft. We have known our current cleaning ladies for a very long time - some have worked for 10 years, some more. And we have always been very happy with them. "

True, the director of the Moscow school No. 17, Ksenia Silivanova, did not confirm to ROSVUZ that they were ordered to outsource cleaning to schools “from above”: “The decision to switch to outsourcing for any work or maintenance is always taken by the school itself. This is an independent decision made by the headmaster in consultation with the governing board and the trade union. The priority factors for making such a decision are, firstly, economic efficiency and, secondly, a modern, flexible approach to solving the issues of maintaining buildings and territories. In other words, the school transfers non-core activities for the educational organization to organizations specializing in these types of work. "

Among the advantages of outsourcing, Ksenia Silivanova said: “1. Focusing the school on the main activity - the educational process. 2. Access to resources and funds that are not available at school (professional staff, household funds). 3. Reducing the cost of outsourced functions. 4. Improving the quality of service. 5. Dependence on subjective reasons for the suspension of premises maintenance (illness of employees, conflicts) is minimized. The contractor is quick to provide replacement. 6. As part of the execution of the contract for cleaning the premises, the contractor uses all the necessary household means, modern inventory and equipment. The school is exempt from the purchase of household items, mops, rags, etc. " At the same time, “the terms of reference of the Contract stipulates that all personnel of the Contractor under the contract must have appropriate permits and approvals, medical books for work in educational institutions, must undergo periodic medical examinations in a timely manner. School staff responsible for security carry out checks and control over outsourcing specialists (checking documents, etc.), ”she stressed.

In a law-abiding country with a well-established system of hiring foreigners to work, this may be the case. But in Russia ... It is enough to look on the Internet to make sure: the red price of a phony certificate of indestructible health does not exceed 3 thousand rubles today. A certificate of proficiency in Russian costs about the same. And how will the school staff authenticate them?

I am very sorry for the dismissed elderly cleaners: “The school's management council did not listen to this question, but I, as its chairman, called the school director and asked that the former cleaners be provided with other jobs,” Sergei Esin, head of the Council of School No. 17, shared with ROSVUZ. In making this decision, the director was mainly guided by financial and economic considerations, and this is her right. But humanly, it would be nice if these people stayed to work at the school. For example, through the same cleaning company. "

Alas, outsourcing is also not a panacea: “The territory of our school is cleaned by a migrant janitor,” they told ROSVUZ in the same school. “And he says that he has not been paid a salary for two months already - they gave 5 thousand rubles for bread and water, and that's it. ".

On one side of the scale are taxes, benefits and vacations; on the other, high prices and strangers in the workplace. What is the best cleaning approach for your company? Let's figure it out.

Housekeeping and cleanliness is not a primary concern for executives and business owners. However, so that this issue does not distract you from the main business processes, it is better to solve it once and for all. Assess the needs and requirements of your company, weigh the pros and cons, calculate the costs for each option. And we will help you to look at the problem objectively.

Cleaning company: pros and cons

The departure of the cleaning company employees once a day will not cost much more. However, this is not enough, and for the constant presence of even one employee from the outside you will have to pay 1.5-2 times more. But with the help of outsourcing, you can solve the problem of vacations and sick days for the only cleaning lady, hiring an outside employee a couple of times a year for 2 weeks.


  • a separate building with an area of ​​1000 sq. m;
  • 50 employees;
  • cross-country ability - 10-20 thousand people a day.

Grocery stores also have their own health regulations. They are less stringent than those of medical centers, and the owners are usually guided by financial indicators in matters of cleanliness. Let's count.

The larger the total area of ​​the room, the lower the cost of cleaning one unit

To clean and maintain cleanliness in such an area, at least 6 people are required, who are constantly in the store. Judging by the vacancies on the HH portal, the salary of a cleaner for a full-time job is about 30 thousand rubles. per month. Salary costs - 180 thousand rubles. per month. Another 40 thousand rubles. monthly will go to the tax and the Pension Fund, 30-50 thousand rubles. - for detergents, consumables and replacement of broken inventory. We get a tidy sum of 250-300 thousand rubles.

For retail space, prices for cleaning companies start at 20 rubles. per sq. m. One cleaning will cost 20,000 rubles, and the store must be cleaned at least twice a day. The figure is astronomical. However, for customers who need to clean large areas several times a day, cleaning companies are ready to offer more favorable conditions: cleaning a store with an area of ​​100 sq. m according to the schedule 7 days a week for 12 hours will cost 70-100 thousand rubles.

Government agency

Municipal institutions and public sector companies are required to announce a tender and select a contractor through electronic bidding, including for cleaning buildings and territories. The main selection criterion at such auctions is usually the cost of services, dumping wins, and the quality leaves much to be desired.

In such a situation, the staff of cleaners may cost the company more, but the quality will be higher - it is easier to achieve conscientious work from its own staff.

And if we take a research institute with various secrecy regimes as an example of a state institution, then there will be no choice at all. At such enterprises, even cleaning women need permits to enter the premises. This can only be realized with full-time employees who will sign the relevant documents. Therefore, outsourcing is out of the question.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to cleaning and maintaining order in the office. To understand which option is right for your company, critically evaluate the pros and cons and focus on the needs of your business.

If a financial issue plays a decisive role, make detailed calculations and include in them not only tariffs and salaries, but also the purchase of inventory and consumables, payment of taxes and contributions, a social package, provision of replacement for sick days and vacations, etc. It is not necessary to completely abandon from full-time employees and vice versa. Sometimes the most rational is a mixed scheme.

If you decide to organize the process yourself, take care of the inventory and regular purchase of consumables. Our company will help you find everything you need and arrange the supply of detergents based on the needs of your business.


1. We rebuilt the cleaning service according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health

2. We used insourcing - the clinic's own staff. As a result, the salaries of cleaners have been increased.

3. Free up extra time for nursing staff to care for patients

Albina FOKINA GChief Physician, KGBUZ "Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital No. 4"
Natalia KINDSFATERDeputy Chief Physician for Economic Affairs, KGBUZ "Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital No. 4"
Olga KOPYTINADeputy Chief Physician for Administrative Work, KGBUZ "Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital No. 4"
Olga AFONKINAChief Epidemiologist, KGBUZ "Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital No. 4"
Tatiana PRADEDchief nurse, KGBUZ "Krasnoyarsk Interdistrict Clinical Hospital No. 4"

Nurses who are transferred to cleaning women sue the employer and win. The chief physician of the Krasnoyarsk hospital told how to organize a cleaning service profitably and without conflicts. And the expert of the Ministry of Health explained how to draw up the documents so that the employees had nothing to go to court with.

Appreciated the quality of cleaning

In our hospital, until October 2017, general and routine cleaning of medical buildings was carried out by cleaners and nurses in a standard way: disinfectants, a bucket of water, a mop. Maintaining the cleanliness of the hospital premises required serious financial and time costs. The staff made mistakes - they incorrectly determined the dosage of disinfectants, insufficiently processed the cleaning equipment, and irrationally used the equipment for cleaning surfaces.

The quality of cleaning did not suit us, but this factor affects the quality of medical services. Patients are at risk of getting a nosocomial infection.

For your information

The nurses, who were transferred to cleaners, won the court. The decision was made by the judges of Solikamsk, Perm Territory.

In February 2018, the management of the Rosinka sanatorium, at the direction of the Ministry of Health of the Perm Territory, transferred seventeen nurses to cleaners, and dismissed five. The reason - the women refused to accept the new terms of the employment contract.

Former nurses went to court. They decided to challenge not the fact of dismissal, but the decision to transfer them to cleaning ladies. The women felt that their labor rights had been violated.

The court upheld the claim. The management of the medical institution must reinstate the employees in the positions of nurses, pay the average earnings for the time of the forced absence and compensate for moral damage.

Video. How to arrange the transfer of a nurse to a cleaner? Answer by Farit KADYROV, Deputy Director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D. n.

Considered the work of the new department

To organize a department of centralized cleaning service, a working group was identified. Included were deputy chief physicians for economic affairs and AHP, chief nurse and epidemiologist.

We drew up technological maps for different types of cleaning, taking into account the state of the premises, the requirements of sanitary legislation and cleaning principles.

We took into account the flows of movement of cleaning equipment and personnel. Justified the need for washing machines, racks for clean materials.

Purchased equipment

We have purchased modern cleaning products - mops. The equipment is in containers with a disinfectant solution. The cleaning lady installs them on a multifunctional cleaning trolley. One complete mop trolley can be used for one-time cleaning of 800 sq. m. And no need to lift heavy buckets of water.

In 2013, we have already purchased five trolleys. We were satisfied with the price and quality of the equipment, so we didn't look or try something new. In addition, the supplier trained personnel to use the equipment and regularly monitored compliance with the technology.

There were enough trolleys for the initial stage of the formation of the cleaning division. Additionally, we bought mops, attachments and attachment handles, napkins, chemicals and dispensers.

Attachments for various surfaces and types of cleaning allowed the worker to single-handedly clean the room, even with heavy and inactive furniture, hard-to-reach areas. Automatic dispensers, which control the use of disinfectants, have eliminated the human factor in the preparation of the solution for surface treatment.

The phased introduction of cleaning made it possible to purchase the necessary equipment with the least burden on the budget of the institution. The costs were then paid off by saving disinfectants and water.

Video. Is it possible to replace nurses with cleaning attendants? Answer by Farit KADYROV, Deputy Director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D. n.

Formed a state


The salary of cleaners increased - from 12 thousand to 25 thousand rubles. This increased labor productivity and staff interest in quality work.

The financial deficit did not allow hiring new employees, so they used their own staff. An employee with secondary medical education was appointed as the head of the department of the centralized cleaning service (CSO).

When cleaning was introduced, we optimized the staffing of cleaners. Out of the 105.75 rates for cleaners, 55 remained. Optimization helped to save the wages fund. Now it is possible to establish a decent salary for the employees of the service.

By the time the CSO department was created, we partially transferred nurses to cleaners, but some still worked as cleaners part-time. After the implementation of the CSO, the part-time job was closed, and the vacant rates of cleaners were transferred to the cleaning service. We didn't have to fire the nurses.

Defined cleaning zones

Our institution has four buildings with clinical and paraclinical departments, an operating unit, a laboratory, a catering unit and administrative premises. First, we introduced cleaning in one of the buildings with an area of ​​3 thousand square meters. m.


The cleaning department has a full shift of 31 people, together with the manager and the castellan. Cleaning area for one employee - 1500 sq. m

The 5-storey building has one clinical department, a day hospital, a polyclinic and an ultrasound department. We have formed plots of up to 800 sq. m, which included common areas.

On each floor, the premises were identified that need to be cleaned by the cleaning department. On the technical floor plan, the cleaning areas were painted green. Formed route sheets for 1200 sq. m. Three sections were identified along these routes. One cleaner was assigned to each. We clean it twice a day ().

Scheme. Cleaning implementation stages

Video. On what grounds can an employment contract with orderlies be terminated? Answer by Farit KADYROV, Deputy Director of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Ph.D. n.

Developed a system for assessing the quality of cleaning

The hospital administration and the quality management department organized a quality control system for cleaning the premises. For this, checklists have been developed, according to which the senior nurses of the departments or guard nurses evaluate the work of the cleaners (). Based on the results, the head of the cleaning department determines the quality of cleaning.

For a more objective assessment of the work of the new unit, questionnaires with questions for patients were developed (). These questionnaires help assess the performance of specific cleaners.

The professional cleaning system has been operating in 11 areas in all buildings of the hospital since April 1, 2018. Exceptions are premises with special cleaning requirements, for example, intensive care. For them, we plan to purchase professional equipment with an individual complete set of cleaning equipment.

Looking for a job? The cleaning company MeClean announces the recruitment of personnel. If you are clean, like to put things in order, then you should go here. You can get a permanent job, there is also a vacancy for a cleaning lady for 2 hours. This is handy if you need a side job from time to time.

A cleaning lady is required to work

Features of the cleaning lady

Cleaning a part-time job is a way to "get" money when you need it urgently. It is all the more pleasant to work when you know that now every self-respecting company has modern professional equipment. And this is very important - after all, with the help of high-quality tools that are easy to use, it is easier to clean up the house, office or warehouse.
High quality cleaning equipment- this is a guarantee of the company's success and the effective result of the cleaner's work. We always make sure that it is in good working order and that it is serviced on time. One of the best solutions is the harvesting system - the vileda professional cleaning equipment known for its power and high efficiency.

Before work, everyone should understand what the job description of a cleaner is, so that later there will be no misunderstandings. Of course, no one will demand anything supernatural from you, but an employee of a cleaning company must know at least the minimum that is imposed on him.

When applying for a job, do not forget that you are signing cleaning service contract, but do not let this scare you - after all, you are going to honestly fulfill your part of the contract, which means that everything will be in order. For a start, it's a good idea to hear employee feedback or search for information about an employer on the web.

If you do not know exactly how much money you will receive, find out how to calculate the cleaning salary. At different enterprises, it is calculated in different ways: hourly wages, daily, depending on the area. If everything suits you, do not be lazy to leave a review about the employer - this will help other people make a decision about the choice.