Courses Medical Registrar! State license! Medical Registrar. Training Program Tests for Medical Registrars

The medical registrar (administrator) is one of the key employees of the medical institution, since it is with him that the patient primarily contacts. The loyalty of the clinic's clients and the creation of a comfortable working climate depend on his knowledge and skills.

It is not necessary to have a secondary vocational education to obtain this position. If you have a secondary (complete) general education, having mastered this curriculum, you will receive a supporting document and the appropriate qualification, which gives you the right to engage in this professional activity as an employee.

What should a medical registrar be able to do?

There are regulatory requirements for the scope of his duties, but in practice, especially in private clinics, the list of functions performed is wider. An administrator in a modern medical institution should:

  • interact with patients and clients of the clinic, advise them on the services provided, the order of work and the schedule of doctors;
  • register and register patients, collect primary medical information, ensure its safety;
  • organize the appointment of patients for appointments and distribute the flow of visitors, taking into account their characteristics, as well as the schedule of doctors' appointments;
  • competently resolve disputes and manage the development of the conflict;
  • maintain, structure, store medical records, as well as ensure timely access to medical personnel;
  • understand the principles of first aid, resuscitation and be able to apply them in practice;
  • analyze regulatory documents, establishing rules for the prevention of infections, pre-sterilization cleaning, sterilization, etc., know the general requirements for the disinfection regime and infection control;
  • perform other functions provided by the job description of the employer.

The purpose of mastering the program of the professional training course in the direction of "Medical Registrar" is to obtain these and other skills, abilities and knowledge necessary for the qualified performance of duties in the relevant position. This program was developed by the teaching staff of the Training and Consulting Center of the St. Petersburg Institute of Beauty based on many years of experience in the dental and other clinics of the Veronika holding, taking into account regulatory requirements. In particular, when developing the curriculum, the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 541.

This curriculum will allow you to:

  • expand their competencies necessary to perform the functional duties of a medical registrar, as well as adopt best practices in this area;
  • increase personal competitiveness in the labor market;
  • obtain a certificate of the established form, confirming the qualifications and the right to hold the relevant position.

Contents of the professional training program 24042

Persons who have received secondary (full) education and wish to perform labor functions as a medical registrar are allowed to master this educational course. As part of the development of the technology of professional activity, the following issues and topics are studied:

  • legal bases of activity, features of labor legislation and prospects for the development and reform of the profession and the healthcare industry as a whole;
  • the main tasks of psychology, solved within the framework of administrative medical activities;
  • social aspects of psychology, in particular the norms of professional ethics, communication rules, skills to establish contact with patients, techniques for leveling conflict situations;
  • medical terminology, a list of diseases and their symptoms, which should be taken into account when making an appointment with a doctor, for example, a cardiologist, dermatologist, oncologist and other specialists;
  • theoretical principles and practical skills in providing first and emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency medical care;
  • control and prevention of infectious processes, both in terms of knowledge of regulatory requirements and the implementation of practical measures for infectious safety;
  • office work, rules for organizing work, features of maintaining and structuring primary medical documentation;
  • maintaining a file cabinet, issuing certificates, disability certificates;
  • functional job responsibilities;
  • and other aspects stipulated by qualification requirements.
  • Features of the program and training course

    Professional training for the profession "Medical Registrar" is designed for 6 months and carried out remotely. Materials for studying, consultations of teachers, tasks for knowledge control are provided through a specialized system for organizing and managing learning. Thanks to this approach, you can independently determine the time and place of training and acquire a new qualification on the job.

    To test the acquired knowledge, a differentiated test and a final qualifying exam are provided. Students who successfully pass the exam receive a certificate of the established form, confirming the completion of the vocational training program.

    Having mastered the main program "Medical Registrar" you:

    • able to solve situational problems and apply the acquired knowledge in practice;
    • effectively negotiate and communicate both face-to-face and over the phone;
    • maintain communication with representatives of various age, ethnic groups, persons with special needs;
    • effectively maintain medical records in both paper and electronic form;
    • get other competitive advantages that contribute to successful employment.

    Academic plan

    ThemesNumber of hours
    Legal regulation of professional activity
    The system and policy of health care in the Russian Federation. Priority concepts for the development of health care in the Russian Federation. Directions of healthcare reform. Legal aspects of preserving the health of citizens.
    Fundamentals of labor law
    Psychological aspects of the professional activity of a medical registrar
    Fundamentals of psychology. Social Psychology. Medical psychology.
    Communication skills with patients
    Fundamentals of medical knowledge
    Medical terminology. Symptoms and syndromes of diseases in patients applying to the clinic registry for an appointment with a doctor.
    Catastrophe medicine. Urgent care.
    Fundamentals of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. First aid for bleeding. Features of rendering assistance to victims in a coma. Emergency care for injuries, acute poisoning, allergic reactions.
    Laboratory research methods 26
    Infection safety and infection control
    Nosocomial infection and infectious process. Organization of infection control in healthcare facilities. Disinfection. General requirements for the disinfection regime in health care facilities. PSO. Sterilization. Prevention of parenteral hepatitis and HIV infection in healthcare facilities.
    Fundamentals of organizing the professional activities of medical registrars
    General principles of the registry. Responsibilities of the Registrar. Organization of information service in the registry. Fundamentals of office work. Primary medical documentation of the registry. Registration and registration of leaflets and certificates of temporary disability. Unified medical card. Storage of medical records.
    Exam or term paper 6

Requirements for passing the training: to pass this cycle of professional retraining, a secondary medical education is required. There are no work experience requirements.

(Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 N 541n "On Approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, Section "Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Workers in the Healthcare Sphere").

How is the program carried out?

The program includes several sections

1. Theoretical part - provided in the form of video lectures prepared by our teachers and invited experts. Students view them at a convenient time at home or at the workplace and perform control tasks. As a rule, task control is carried out in the form of remote testing.

2. Industrial practice lasting 4 months. Can be taken on the job. The college provides a passage guide and a report form. Based on the results of the production practice, the head of the unit (senior or head sister) will have to fill out an assessment form for the work of each student. This form will need to be scanned and sent to us.

3. Final control - is carried out in the form of remote testing on the topics covered (conducted through the college website remotely) and writing a qualifying work - such a requirement is established in the federal law on education in the Russian Federation. 3 weeks are allotted for writing the work and one more week for its verification.

All work is carried out remotely and does not require visits to the college (original contracts must be sent by mail or courier).

What is included in the content of the program?

The content is determined by the requirements of the professional standard prepared by the Russian Association of Nurses. This document is still under approval and has not entered into force, but its text is at our disposal. All sections of the program, requirements for knowledge and skills are reflected in the topics and program of practice. Thus, the training is fully consistent with the prepared draft document.

What is required to complete the program?

Like any distance learning, our program requires a personal computer (at home or at work) connected to the Internet with high traffic (watching video lectures requires a stable channel) and equipped with speakers or headphones.

In addition, the student will need minimal computer skills to prepare reporting materials (in Word), pass testing and work with the college's educational portal (this is no more difficult than communicating in VKontakte).

Upon completion of training, state documents are issued. sample of the Russian Federation - please note that you will be taught by a budgetary organization, therefore, documents, of course, of a state standard from a state institution. Depending on the course, either a certificate or a certificate is issued.

How is the training cycle "Professional retraining 256 hours "Medical registrar" - for obtaining a certificate - remote and official":

  1. After the start of the cycle, you will receive a link and use it to download training materials - these can be video lectures or electronic textbooks - you can watch or read them at a convenient time.
  2. Knowledge control is carried out through passing tests in the "YES - NO" format. By decision of the department, it is possible to introduce additional remote methods of monitoring and evaluating knowledge
  3. After the calendar end of the course, the documents are sent to your postal address by registered mail by Russian Post. Delivery of documents takes up to 3 weeks. If you urgently need to get documents because your certificate has expired or you are waiting for verification - write to us, we will write you a certificate that you are undergoing training.

Education on the course "Professional retraining 256 hours "Medical registrar" - for obtaining a certificate - remote and officially " remote full-time:

  • Your registration for the cycle and the receipt of training materials take place remotely.
  • Full-time - that is, personally, you study them on your computer at a convenient time for you
  • In absentia - pass knowledge control

NOTE!!! We are often asked if the documents indicate that you have completed distance learning. We answer that you are trained by a budgetary organization. The form of filling out documents is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. There are no fields in the documents for specifying such data. See sample documents.

To enroll in a cycle" Professional retraining of 256 hours "Medical registrar" - for obtaining a certificate - remotely and officially" the following documents must be submitted:

  1. Copy of Russian passport
  2. A copy of the diploma of graduation from a medical school (faculty).
  3. A copy of the work book, service record for military personnel indicating "works to the present"
  4. You will receive a complete list of documents during the registration process

IMPORTANT!!! Documents must be certified by the head of your organization. To do this, a signature, seal and date are put on the A4 sheet, then a document is placed on the scanner, and it is covered with a sheet on top. Get a certified copy of the document.

To register for the cycle of Professional retraining 256 hours "Medical registrar" - to obtain a certificate - remotely and officially press the green button.

Distance learning is carried out directly at the state educational institution of higher education.

The service center offers a convenient and fast direct enrollment service for studying the chosen specialty. This is a free service for you. Our work is paid by the university.The task of the center, as a commercial department, is to organize a group by a certain date, collect documents and accumulate payments, issue ready-made documents and answer your questions. Since this is an official collaboration, you learn directly without any extra charges.

Watch the official video of PGMU

Training organization: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

The medical registrar program is intended for students who plan to work in the position of "Medical registrar", specialists who already work in the position of "Medical registrar" and do not have a document on education in this profession, persons wishing to study and obtain a state-recognized certificate with the assignment of the third qualification level ( discharge).

Vocational training of junior registrars is based in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 N 541n "On approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare ".

The medical registrar course without medical education consists of theoretical lectures, interactive presentations, video tutorials, tests and situational tasks.

As part of the training, you can consult for free with a personal manager on the subject of the course, receive a free electronic manual for the course, and promptly send documents on education upon completion of training.

Medical registrar training has become even more convenient with the distance education program. In our center you can study the medical registrar course at a convenient time for you from any city in Russia and get an education in Moscow.

ICPE offers to study the medical registrar course remotely.

Prompt sending of documents on education at the end of training.

The course is intended for:

1. Students who plan to work in the position of "Medical Registrar".

2. Specialists already working in the position of "Medical Registrar".

3. Individuals wishing to study medical courses without a medical background.

Course benefits:

1. Training lasts 4 - 6 months, you can take training at any time convenient for you and from any mobile device, on the job.

2. If you did not have time to pass all internal exams, you can extend your studies for an indefinite period at a nominal cost.

3. You can always return to a lecture or video course to consolidate the material, use the electronic library.

Listener requirements:

1. Complete secondary education, submission of a practice report in the prescribed form.

2. Copies of documents required for training and issuing a certificate of advanced training:

  • Document on complete secondary education;
  • A copy of the work book;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • Document on the change of surname, if it has changed.


1. Health system and policy. Fundamentals of activity of the medical organization.

1.1. Health care system. Features of public and private medicine. Types of medical organizations (MO).

1.2. The main activities of the medical organization. Documents regulating the activities of a medical organization.

1.3. The concept of medical services. Definition. Main characteristics. The difference between medical services and others.

1.4. The concept and components of the service of medical services. Principles for the implementation of medical services in a medical organization.

1.5. Client-oriented approach. Basic concepts. Rules of a client-oriented approach in medicine.

1.6. Legal bases of work of the medical organization. Patient's rights.

1.7. Economic activity of a medical organization.

2. Fundamentals of medical knowledge. Provision of first medical aid. Infection safety and infection control.

2.1. Medical terminology. Basic concepts: symptom, disease, diagnosis. The main symptoms of diseases. Types of medical care.

2.2. Types of research. Features of preparation. The order of distribution and referral of patients to the specialists of the MO.

2.3. First aid in emergencies. Definitions and concepts. Basic resuscitation measures in children and adults.

2.4. Infection safety and infection control in a modern medical organization.

3. Basics of the professional activity of a medical registrar.

3.1. The role and place of a medical registrar in the work of a modern medical organization.

3.2. Job and functional responsibilities of the medical registrar.

3.3. Document flow of the medical registry. Types and forms of medical documentation. Rules for the preparation of medical documentation. Rules for the storage of medical records.

3.4. A patient is a consumer of a medical service. Rules for servicing the patient in the registry of MO.

3.5. Medical service standard. Certification according to ISO-9001 in the work of a medical registrar.

3.6. Fundamentals of medical management. Market of medical services. Promotion of medical services. Tasks of the medical registrar.

3.7. Fundamentals of health insurance. Features of the work of a medical registrar in the system of CHI, VHI. Principles of work with patients of insurance companies.

4. Socio-psychological aspects of professional activity medical registrars.

4.1. The concept of medical ethics and deontology.

4.2. Psychology of communication: psychological characteristics of personality. Basic forms and techniques of communication with patients.

4.3. Fundamentals of business communication. Conversation rules. Technique of conducting telephone conversations. A culture of speech.

4.4. Effective communication skills. Verbal, non-verbal communication. Paralinguistic means of communication. Active listening.

4.5. Effective behavior in conflict situations. Work with objections.

5. Modern computer technologies in the work of the registry.

5.1. Fundamentals of computer literacy.

5.1.1. Principles of operation, the main blocks of the PC. Basic computer devices.

5.1.1. Operating system OC MS DOS. MS DOS file system and basic commands. Norton Commander.

5.1.2. WINDOWS system. Fundamentals of working with Windows. Word program. Program capabilities. Excel program. Drawing up formulas. Copy formula. Charting.

5.1.3. Local, global Internet networks.

5.2. Medical recorder software. Automated workplace.

5.3. Medical information systems. Electronic document management. Electronic medical record of the patient (EMKB). Principles of work in medical electronic systems, registration of EMCB, document management, creation, execution, storage of medical documents.


After you send an application or our manager will contact you, an Invoice is issued if you are a legal entity, or a receipt is generated for payment at any bank, or you can pay for the service yourself by putting the course in the basket using the Robokassa service. The invoice, receipt, contract and program of the selected course will be sent to you by e-mail specified in the application.

A non-profit educational institution of additional professional education, in accordance with Russian law, is not subject to state accreditation. Only higher educational institutions are subject to state accreditation. ICPO is an institution of additional professional education.

During the day, from the moment of receipt of payment, an agreement with your signature and a package of applications for the formation of a personal file. Access is provided to your personal email.

You will receive an email notification at the end of the course. Or, at the end of the course, an electronic notification will appear in your personal account about the successful completion of the course. If nothing happens, then you need to contact your personal manager, tutor, write to the technical service - you will be promptly provided with information about the status of your training.

It all depends on the program you choose. Each program is designed for a certain number of hours. For example 288 ac. hours - designed for 2 months. But you can complete the training faster by passing all the tests and solving situational tasks and cases. If you do not have time to complete the program within the terms established by the contract, YOU can purchase unlimited access to the program. Its cost depends on the program you choose. For example, the purchase of unlimited access to the programs "Medical massage", "Exercise therapy", "Nursing" 288 and 504 academic hours costs 7,000 thousand rubles, as part of the purchase of unlimited access, an additional agreement is concluded with you to your contract for the provision of educational services.

If you purchase long-term certification or professional courses, you will need not only to complete an internship, but also write a thesis and pass a qualifying exam. The exam can be taken remotely as part of an online conference on the appointed day, or come to the full-time certification exam at the ICPE. If you are a resident of Moscow and the Moscow region, we can send you to practice with our partners for free. Depending on the course, a medical book may be required for the internship. Check with your personal manager for details.

You will receive documents from 3 to 14 calendar days. We work with the courier service EMS (Russian Post) at the expense of the Customer, and we also send documents by Russian Post free of charge.

If you want to receive the documents faster, we can send them at your expense by the courier service you specified. Please inform your personal manager immediately about the courier service.

Yes. We have official agency offices in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and a branch that carries out educational activities for the addition of "Cosmetology" in Yekaterinburg.

Certainly. Our corporate department managers are responsible for the organization of field trips. The educational process for visiting cycles has been debugged. If necessary, a mobile simulation center is activated. We consider each request of the organization individually and offer a reasonable and profitable solution to our partner.

Oh sure. Our center is accredited on all electronic platforms. We are constantly involved in procurement under 44-FZ.

Our Center works without VAT. Educational services of a non-profit organization of additional professional education "International Center for Vocational Education" in accordance with paragraphs. 14, paragraph 2 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to VAT (the sale on the territory of the Russian Federation of services in the field of education provided by non-profit educational organizations for the implementation of general educational and (or) professional educational programs (basic and (or) additional), professional training programs, specified in the license, or the educational process, as well as additional educational services corresponding to the level and focus of the educational programs specified in the license).

If you terminate the contract for the provision of educational services before the start of training, we will refund you all 100% of the amount you paid, without any deductions. In order to issue a refund, you need to fill out a letter on the letterhead of your organization or a personal application, indicating the payment details, the reason for the return, the bank details to which you need to return the funds, and send us a scanned copy, and either bring the original to the Central Office or send by a letter with notification by the Russian Post, notifying your personal manager in advance. Refunds are made within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of a written request from a citizen, and registration of this application by the quality manager.

There is no special student employment service at ICPE. However, we are often approached by employers and partners with a request to provide qualified personnel. We inform our listeners about such vacancies, or place ads in groups and social groups on the Internet.

For students who do not have a medical education in the ICPE, special programs have been developed: “Medical massage. Comprehensive course”, “Children's massage. Comprehensive course. Within the framework of these courses, students will receive maximum information for self-improvement, and receive a diploma of the established form.

You can also get an education in related areas, such as exercise therapy and a SPA operator, which will make you even more competitive in the labor market.