The working program of the discipline “Management. Program "management in education" Management of the organization curriculum

State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution "Sakhalin College of Industrial Technologies and Services" PPSSZ 09.02.05 - OP.03 2017 I APPROVE Director of the Sakhalin College of Industrial Technologies ________________ D.A. Martynov "_____" ______________ 2017 technologies and services "Training program for mid-level specialists OP.03 MANAGEMENT (name of discipline / subject / module) of the specialty (specialties) of secondary vocational education ___09.02.05 "Applied informatics (by industry) in the economy ____ code, name of specialty(s) / profession 2017 2 APPROVED Developed on the basis of the Subject, Cycle Commission of the Federal State ______________________________ educational standard under the name CMC specialty 09.02.05 "Applied Informatics in Economics" Chairman of the CMC Deputy Director for SD Davydenko L.I _________ ______________L. S. Pankova "_____" _________________ 20___ «_____»______________20____ DEVELOPER/I: _________________________________________________ Full name, position _________________________________________________ Full name, position _________________________________________________ Full name, position REVIEWERS: _________________________________________________ Full name, position of the internal reviewer _________________________________________________ Full name, position, place of work of the external reviewer from the enterprise or organization 3 The program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as FSES) in the specialty 09.02.05 Applied Informatics (by industry) of secondary vocational education (hereinafter SVE) Organization-developer: Sakhalin College of Industrial Technologies and Service Developers: Safina V.G., Deputy Director for NMR GBPOU "STOTiS" Martynov V.Yu., teacher of GBPOU "STOTIS" 4 CONTENTS 1. PASSPORT OF THE PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE IPLINS 3. CONDITIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE 4. CONTROL AND EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS OF MASTERING THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE p. 4 5 11 12 5 1. PASSPORT OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE 1.1. Scope of the program "MANAGEMENT" The program of the discipline "Management" is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education in the specialty 09.02.05 "Applied Informatics (by industry)" The work program of the discipline can be used in additional professional education for advanced training and retraining of specialists in specialties 19. 02.10 "Technology of public catering products" 22.02.06 "Welding production" 09.02.05 "Applied informatics (by industry)" 1.2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: The academic discipline "Management" refers to the professional cycle (general professional disciplines) of the curriculum in the specialty 09.02.05 "Applied Informatics (by industry)" 1.3. Goals and objectives of the academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the academic discipline: As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student must be able to:  apply business communication techniques in professional activities; make effective decisions. use in practice the methods of planning and organizing the work of the unit;  apply in professional activities the methods of business and managerial communication; 6 take into account the peculiarities of management (by industry); As a result of mastering the academic discipline, the student should know:     management functions; the process of making and implementing managerial decisions; conflict management methods; features of management in the field of professional activity; 1.4. The number of hours for mastering the program of the academic discipline: the maximum study load of the student is 69 hours, including: the mandatory classroom study load of the student is 46 hours; independent work of the student 23 hours. 7 2. STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE 2.1. Volume of the academic discipline and types of academic work Type of academic work Maximum academic load (total) Mandatory classroom teaching load (total) including: laboratory classes practical exercises examinations term paper (project) Independent work of the student (total) Final certification in the form: Volume hours 69 46 23 credit 8 State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution "Sakhalin Technical School of Industry Technologies and Services" PPSSZ 09.02.05 - OP.03 2017 a. Thematic plan and content of the discipline "Management" Names of sections and topics 1 Section 1 Fundamentals of Management Topic 1.1. The essence of modern management Topic 1.2. Organization and its environment Section 2. Management functions Topic 2.1. The content of the educational material, laboratory work and practical exercises, independent work of students 2 The content of the educational material 1. The essence and characteristic features of modern management. Goals and objectives of management. Management principles. Objects and subjects of management. 2. History of management development. Features of management in the field of professional activity (by industry) Independent work of students: Content of educational material 1. Organization as a form of existence of people. Conditions for the emergence of an organization. 2. Organization as an open system. External and internal environment of the organization. environment Independent work: doing homework in section 1. Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work: Schools of management Factors of the external environment of the organization Social responsibility and ethics of management Amount of hours Mastering level 4 2 1 2 1 3 18 6 6 4 6 4 24 Content of educational material Name of sections and Topic 1 Management cycle Topic 2.2.Planning and organization of team activities Topic 2.3.Motivation of employees Topic 2.4 Control in management Content of educational material, laboratory work and practical exercises, independent work of students management in a market economy: organization, planning, motivation and control of the activities of an economic entity. The meaning and content of management functions. .Management cycle. . Linking processes. 2 Independent work of students: to study the functions of management Content of educational material 1. Content and organization of strategic planning. Methods of planning and organizing the work of the unit. 2. Organization of interactions in management. Concepts management structure. Principles of building an organizational structure of management Practical exercises Building and analyzing the organizational structure of management of a particular enterprise. Using in practice the methods of planning and organizing the work of the unit, taking into account the characteristics of management (by industry). Independent work of students: to study the planning and organization of the activities of the team. The content of the educational material 1. The meaning and main elements of motivation. primary and secondary needs. Fundamentals of formation of the motivational policy of the organization Practical exercises Performance of work to motivate the labor activity of the staff and make decisions Taking into account the peculiarities of management (by industry). The content of the educational material 1 Essence of the need to control the activities of an economic entity. Types of control. Control process: setting standards, comparing results and corrective actions. 3 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 6 6 4 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 2 10 Names of sections and topics 1 Section 3. Management methods Topic 3. 1. System of management methods Topic 3.2. Business communication Topic 3.3. Management decision The content of educational material, laboratory work and practical exercises, independent work of students Amount of hours Mastering level 2 Independent work Doing homework in section 2 Approximate topics of extracurricular independent work Basic theories of motivation Labor motivation practice Content of educational material 1. System of management methods. Economic, administrative and socio-psychological impact. The need to combine all management methods 2. The value of psychological management methods. Personality and its properties. Social Psychological relations Practical exercises Studying 4 types of temperament drawing up a questionnaire to determine the character Content of the educational material 1. The value of information management and the requirements for it. Communication in the control system. Basic elements and stages of communication. The art of business communication in the work of a manager. Principles of business communication. Laws and methods of business communication. Practical exercises The use of business and managerial communication techniques in professional activities, analysis of situations Independent work of students: study the topic The art of business communication in the work of a manager. Principles of business communication The content of educational material 1. The process of making and implementing management decisions. Decision-making methodology Practical exercises Analysis of situations and making effective decisions using a system of methods 3 2 28 8 4 6 6 2 6 6 4 1 2 3 2 3 1 3 3 subjects of extracurricular independent work Information technologies in the field of management. Communication barriers and ways to eliminate them. Conflict Management. Stress management. Management of an informal organization To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used: 1. - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties); 2. -reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance) 3. -productive (planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problematic problems) Total: 105 Content of educational material, laboratory work and practical exercises, independent work of students 2 controls. Independent work of students: to study the material on the topic of managerial decision-making Content of educational material 1. The essence and elements of leadership. Leadership styles. Form of power and influence Informal leader and work with him. Practical exercises Learning the basic concepts of leadership. Analysis of industrial situations Independent work of the student: study the material on the topic Leadership styles. 3 1 8 6 1 4 1 2 3 1 12 3. CONDITIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Minimum material and technical requirements 3.1. ensuring the implementation of the academic discipline requires the presence of a study room "Management" Equipment of the study room: seats according to the number of students; workplace of the teacher; an album of visual aids on "Management" Teaching aids: an interactive whiteboard with licensed software and a multimedia projector. 3.2. Information support of training List of recommended educational publications, Internet resources, Additional literature Main sources: 1.Kaznachevskaya G.B. Management. - Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007. 2. Korgova M.A. Management. - Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2007. 3. MeskonM.Kh. Fundamentals of management: Per. English / Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., HedouriF. - M.: Williams, 2007. 4. Nazarov Yu.A. Fundamentals of management. Tutorial. Moscow: Globus; Volgograd: Alliance, 2006. Additional sources: 1. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management. Textbook. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Economist, 2008. 2. Gaponenko A.L., Pankrukhin A.P. Strategic management. M.: Omega L., 2008. 3. Drucker P.F. Management practice / Per. English - M .: Publishing house. house "William", 2006. 4. Lomakin A.L. Management decisions. - M.: Forum, INFRAM, 2005. 5. Lukashevich V.V., Astakhov N.N. Management. – M.: UNITIDANA, 2007. 6.MaddaxR. A successful team: how to create, motivate and develop it. Per. English - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008. 7. Thompson A.A., Strickland J. Strategic management: Per. English: Williams, 2005. 13 8. Control theory: Textbook / General ed. Gaponenko A.L. and Pankrukhin A.P. ed. 3e, add. and reworked. - M.: IzdvoRAGS, 2008. 9. Chudnovskaya S.N. Management decisions: Textbook. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. 10. "Management in Russia and abroad". Practical journal. Publisher: Finpress. 11. "Russian Journal of Management". Research journal. Published on the initiative of the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University. 12. "New management". Scientific and practical journal. Publisher: New Publisher. Internet resources: 1. 2. 3. 4. 14 4. CONTROL AND EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS OF MASTERING THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting classroom and practical classes, testing, as well as the performance by students of individual tasks, projects, research. Learning outcomes (learned skills, acquired knowledge) The student must: be able to: use in practice the methods of planning and organizing the work of the unit; analyze organizational management structures; carry out work to motivate the work of personnel; apply business and managerial communication techniques in professional activities; make effective decisions using a system of methods. management to take into account the features of management (by industry) Know: the essence and characteristic features of modern management methods of planning the organization of work of the subdivision of the basis for the formation of the motivational policy of the organization features of management in the field of professional activity (by industry) Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes Practical lesson Practical lesson Practical lesson Practical lesson Practical lesson Practical lesson Practical lesson Individual Practical lesson 15 external and internal organizational environment management cycle process of making and implementing managerial decisions Management functions in a market economy: organization, planning, motivation and control of the activities of an economic entity system of management methods decision-making methodology management styles, communications, principles of business communication Practical training Testing Individual testing Developers: Deputy Director according to NMR GBPOU "Sakhalin College of Industry Technologies and Service" V.G. Safina Lecturer at Sakhalin College of Industrial Technologies and Services Martynov V.Yu Experts: ____________________ ___________________ _________________________ (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname) ____________________ ___________________ _________________________ (place of work) (position held) (initials, surname) 16 17


3 Educational program "Management" 1. Educational activities 1.1. Characteristics of the educational program of higher education in the direction of training "Management" in the profile of training "Management of the organization" of the EP VO, implemented by the Private educational institution of higher education "Institute" Verkhnevolzhye" in the direction of training "Management" in the profile "Management of the organization" is a systematically organized set of documents regulating learning outcomes, training content, labor intensity, learning technologies, teaching and assessment in order to achieve the graduates' competencies declared by the university in a specific direction and level of higher education. It was developed and approved by the institute taking into account the requirements of the labor market and the needs of the population in the educational services market of the Tver region on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education (FSES HE), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2010 (state registration number 544). The basis of the educational and methodological support for the preparation of bachelors in the direction of Management is the EP developed at the institute, consisting of the following sections: Normative documents for the development of EP VO in the direction and profile of training General characteristics of the university EP VO Requirements for the applicant. 2. Characteristics of the professional activity of the EP graduate in the direction and profile of training Field of professional activity of the graduate Objects of the graduate's professional activity Types of the graduate's professional activity Tasks of the graduate's professional activity. 3. Competences of a bachelor's program graduate, formed as a result of mastering this program. Distribution of competencies. 4. Documents regulating the content and organization of the educational process in the implementation of the EP in the direction and profile of training Annual calendar academic schedule.

4 4.2. Curriculum for the preparation of a bachelor Working programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) Programs of educational and industrial practice. 5. Actual resource support of the EP in the direction of training at the university Personnel support in the implementation of the EP VO Educational, methodological and information support of the educational process in the implementation of the EP VO The main material and technical conditions for the implementation of the EP VO. 6. Characteristics of the university environment that ensure the development of general cultural and social and personal competencies of graduates The main goals and principles of the formation of professional culture, general cultural and social and personal competencies Conditions for the implementation of professional, personal and social aspirations of students Management of the formation of competencies. 7. Regulatory and methodological support of the system for assessing the quality of mastering the EP by students in the direction and profile of training Funds of assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification state final certification of bachelor's EP graduates. 8. Other regulatory and methodological documents and materials that ensure the quality of training of students. Applications. The structure of the EP was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training Management (qualification (degree) "bachelor") and contains a curriculum, a calendar curriculum, programs of disciplines (modules), practices, final certification. When developing an EP in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the sequence and distribution by periods of study of subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, other types of educational activities are tied to clearly defined learning outcomes: knowledge, skills and acquired competencies in general for the main educational program. The EP is updated annually in terms of the content of the work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines, programs of educational and industrial practices, methodological materials that ensure the implementation of a competency-based approach and appropriate educational technology, taking into account the development of science, technology, culture, economics, technology and the social sphere. When developing the EP, the opinions of employers are taken into account.

5 The socio-cultural environment of the institute provides ample opportunities for the formation of general cultural competencies of graduates aimed at developing the skills of social interaction, self-organization and self-government of students. All this together creates conditions for the comprehensive development of the personality of students. When developing and implementing the EP, the curriculum, class schedules and examination sheets contain all the compulsory disciplines of the basic part in accordance with clauses 6.2 and 6.3 of the Federal State Educational Standard. So the basic (compulsory) part of the cycle "Humanitarian, social and economic cycle" should include the study of the following compulsory disciplines: "History", "Philosophy", "Foreign language". The basic (mandatory) part of the professional cycle should include the study of the discipline "Life Safety". The term for mastering the EP in full-time education is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The normative term for mastering the EP of the bachelor's degree (for full-time education), including postgraduate leave, is 4 years, the complexity of mastering the OP is 240 credit units. Of these: labor intensity for cycles B1, B2, B3 is 217 credits: humanitarian, social and economic cycle: 48 credits at a rate of 38-48; mathematical and natural science cycle: 35 credits at a rate of 34-44; professional cycle: 134 credits at the norm Physical culture (B4) 2 credits, educational and industrial practices (B5) 9 credits, final state certification (B6) 12 credits. When calculating the labor intensity of EP HPE in credit units, the following correspondences were established: - one credit unit corresponds to 36 academic hours; - the maximum volume of a student's study load per week is no more than 1.5 credit units or 54 hours; - one week of practice is 1.5 credits; - the complexity of the semester exam is 1 credit unit. The content of the curricula fully complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in terms of the requirements for the results of the formation of competencies and the level of training of graduates in the direction. In general, the total actual labor intensity of training is 240 credit units, incl. 60 credit units per academic year, which fully corresponds to the total labor intensity according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. At the same time, lecture-type classes do not exceed 50% of classroom classes (39.3% in fact). The volume of classroom training per week when mastering the educational program in full-time education does not exceed 27 academic hours, which corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education.

6 The number of weeks allocated by the schedule of the educational process for theoretical training 134, examination sessions - 24, practice 6, final state certification - 8, holidays 36 (including at least two weeks in winter), a total of 208 weeks, which corresponds to requirements of the FGOS VO. The proportion of classes conducted in interactive forms is determined by the main goal of the main educational program of the bachelor's degree and in general in the educational process is at least 30% of classroom classes (in fact 31.6%). The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the curriculum, as well as the decisions of the academic council and methodological meetings are implemented through work programs and other educational and methodological documents in the disciplines; - at the departments of the institute for each discipline of the curriculum in the direction of Management, work programs have been developed and approved accordingly, including the formed competencies, goals, objectives, requirements for the skills and abilities of students, the distribution of hours by sections and topics, the content of theoretical provisions for each topic, and also topics of laboratory and practical classes, topics of term papers and their material and methodological support, lists of questions for self-control, test examples, topics of essays, express surveys, exam tickets; - the programs of practices provided for by the curriculum have been developed, they are in full accordance with the curriculum of the field of study and ensure the implementation of the requirements for the quality preparation of bachelors; - individual plans of teachers in accordance with the departmental distribution of disciplines and volumes of academic work ensure the implementation of the structural and quantitative requirements of the curriculum; - the methodology for conducting seminars, practical and laboratory classes, lecturing, the content of term papers, examination papers, tasks and tests correspond to the goals and objectives of studying the relevant disciplines and together make it possible to fully implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the quality of education. The calendar educational schedule of the educational process, schedules of training sessions correspond to the principles of rational organization of the educational process. For students, a uniform study load is provided during the week, which makes it possible for them to attend lectures in a normal mode, prepare for seminars, practical and laboratory classes, complete term papers, and engage in research work. In addition, a rational mode of work of teachers is provided.

7 1.2. Characteristics of the professional activity of graduates. The contingent of students under the program The area of ​​professional activity of bachelors includes: - organizations of any organizational and legal form (commercial, non-commercial, state, municipal), in which graduates work as executives or junior managers in various departments of the administrative apparatus; - bodies of state and municipal administration; structures in which graduates are entrepreneurs who create and develop their own business. The objects of professional activity are: - processes of managing organizations of various organizational and legal forms; - processes of state and municipal management. Bachelor in the direction of training Management prepares for the following types of professional activities: organizational and managerial; information and analytical; entrepreneurial. A bachelor in Management should solve the following professional tasks in accordance with the types of professional activities determined by the institute: organizational and managerial activities: participation in the development and implementation of the corporate and competitive strategy of the organization, as well as functional strategies (marketing, financial, personnel); participation in the development and implementation of a set of operational measures in accordance with the organization's strategy; planning the activities of the organization and departments; formation of the organizational and managerial structure of organizations; organization of the work of performers (teams of performers) for the implementation of specific projects, activities, works; development and implementation of projects aimed at the development of an organization (enterprise, state or municipal government); control over the activities of departments, teams (groups) of employees; motivation and stimulation of the personnel of the organization, aimed at achieving strategic and operational goals; information and analytical activities: collection, processing and analysis of information about the factors of the external and internal environment of the organization for making management decisions; building an internal information system of the organization to collect information for the purpose of decision-making, activity planning and control;

8 creation and maintenance of databases on various indicators of the functioning of organizations; evaluation of the effectiveness of projects; preparation of reports on the results of information and analytical activities; assessment of the effectiveness of management decisions; entrepreneurial activity: development of business plans for creating a new business; organization of entrepreneurial activity. The competencies of the graduate, formed in the process of mastering the EP HPE, are determined on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training "Management" and can be supplemented taking into account the focus of the undergraduate program on specific areas of knowledge and activities. The number of students in the field of study "Management" in the current academic year by form of study is presented in the table: CODE () Name of specialty / Area of ​​study Form of study Number of students at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities "Management" Full-time 12 Part-time Learning results of the educational program and ensuring quality assurance At the institute as a whole, as well as within the framework of the accredited EP, the main elements of the quality control system for the preparation of bachelors, the quality management system (QMS), have been created. The main procedures for quality control of bachelor's training are: assessment and consideration of requirements for the admission of students and input control in the discipline; evaluation of the results of mastering the EP by students; evaluation of the results of the final state certification; ensuring quality assurance of training. Evaluation of the results of mastering the EP by students in the direction of Management during the current and intermediate control of students is focused on the relevant requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. To improve the quality of training of graduate bachelors, uniform requirements have been developed for knowledge of disciplines, coursework and

9 degree design, the use of intensive forms and teaching methods. The quality of training of students is determined by a set of control measures approved by the curriculum. These are tests and course exams, term papers, defense of reports on practice, defense of final qualifying work. The evaluation of the results of mastering the EP was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the results of the previous academic year and the current academic year (according to the results of self-examination). The results of the current academic performance, intersessional attestations and examination sessions are constantly analyzed at the meetings of the department. In order to improve the educational process, the input control of students' knowledge is regularly carried out. As part of the implementation of this educational program, the department conducted a self-examination in all cycles of disciplines. To assess the quality of mastering the basic educational programs and to check the level of competence formation in the area of ​​training, the FOS was used in all disciplines of the curriculum, developed in accordance with the Regulations on the Fund of Evaluation Means to establish the level of formation of students' and graduates' competencies to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. During testing, the presence of 90% of the group was allowed if there were good reasons. Students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses participated in the self-examination. The assessment was carried out using the FOS for core competencies in the context of mastered disciplines and practices. The number of students surveyed is 100%, the indicator of the corresponding level of mastering competencies is 100%. Intermediate certification of students is carried out in the disciplines provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard. A specific list of certification tests is determined by the curriculum of the direction being certified. For intermediate attestation of students in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, no more than 10 exams and 12 tests during the academic year are established. The organization and administration of examinations and tests are carried out in accordance with the "Regulations on the forms, frequency and procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification", which reflects: - Criteria for assessing the level and quality of knowledge, skills and abilities in disciplines; procedure for accepting offsets; examination procedures; extension of the examination session and the procedure for the elimination of permissible academic debt, the rights and obligations of the student during the examination session.

10 Tests and exams are conducted in strict accordance with the curriculum, course exams are taken during the examination session, provided for by the schedule of the educational process. In general, the results of the control of knowledge of students in the process of self-examination revealed a sufficient level of mastering by students of the disciplines of the analyzed basic educational program. The level of knowledge of students meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard Evaluation of the results of the final state certification The development of educational programs of higher professional education ends with the mandatory state final certification of graduates of the institute. The state final attestation contains the following types of final attestation tests: - final qualifying work. The purpose of the state final certification is to establish the level of preparation of the graduate of the institute for the performance of professional tasks and the compliance of this preparation with the requirements of the state educational standard of higher professional education. A student who has successfully completed the full development of the educational program in the direction of higher professional education, implemented in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education, is allowed to defend the final qualification work, which is part of the state final certification. Subject to the successful completion of the state final certification, the graduate of the institute is assigned the appropriate qualification and is issued a state-recognized diploma of higher professional education. Graduate qualification Bachelor. For the ongoing EP, the final certification of graduates was not carried out in 2015. At the beginning of the implementation of the EP in the direction of preparation "Management", the necessary documentation was developed. At the department in the profile "Management of the organization" of the direction of training "Management" the Program of the state final certification has been developed, including the following sections: 1. General provisions 2. Objectives of the state final certification plan and its coordination with the head of the WRC 4. Requirements for the final qualifying work

11 5. Educational, methodological and informational support of the state final certification of graduates of the direction of Economics 6. Guidelines for the preparation and defense of the final qualification work 7. Applications The maximum volume of the final qualification work is pages without applications. Structural elements of the work: content, introduction, chapters of the main part, conclusions and proposals, list of sources used, applications Staffing of the implemented main educational program Training of bachelors in the direction of "Management" is carried out by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments of the institute. Teachers of the graduating department of economics and management, as well as departments of social, humanitarian and natural sciences, psychology, civil law disciplines, theory and history of state and law take part in the implementation of the EP. Training is conducted mainly by full-time teachers. In the structure of the teaching staff, the ratio of senior lecturers, associate professors and professors is optimal. The implementation of the main educational programs of the bachelor's degree is provided by scientific and pedagogical personnel, who, as a rule, have a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught, and systematically engaged in scientific and (or) scientific and methodological activities. Teachers of the professional cycle have a basic education and / or a scientific degree corresponding to the profile of the taught discipline. At least 60 percent of teachers providing the educational process in the professional cycle have academic degrees or academic titles. At least ten percent of teachers from among the current managers and employees of specialized organizations are involved in the educational process. Up to 10 percent of the total number of teachers with academic degrees and/or academic titles have been replaced by teachers with practical experience in this area as managers or leading specialists for more than 10 years. All instructors undergo professional development according to the plan. 2. Educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational program being implemented

12 2.1. The provision of educational and methodological documentation, basic and additional educational and educational literature of the EP in the direction of "Management" is provided with the necessary educational and methodological documentation (EMD) for all types of classes defined by the curriculum, including independent work of students. The institute is constantly working to provide the disciplines of the curriculum with educational and methodological documentation and literature. Modern teaching methods are introduced into the educational process using interactive and multimedia technologies. Conditions are created for effective independent work of students and methods of its control are improved. The main UMD is located at the graduating department. The department, together with the library, ensures the availability and access of students to the main teaching materials for EP, including on the Internet and / or the institute's local network. To implement this task, the institute has created and operates the main elements of the information and educational environment (IEE) for the training of specialists (bachelors). At its core, ILS is a set of electronic and printed publications, which is formed through access not only to the own library fund and the UMD departmental fund, but also to third-party electronic library systems (ELS). The library fund has the necessary periodicals on the profile of the direction in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. The fund of additional literature includes educational and educational-methodical literature, as well as official statistical, reference, bibliographic and periodicals. An analysis of the Institute’s library fund data and agreements on providing access to the ELS in the direction of “Management” indicates the following: the library fund is equipped with printed and / or electronic editions of the main educational literature in the disciplines of all cycles of the EP published over the past 10 years (for the disciplines of the federal component humanitarian, social and economic cycle over the past 5 years); the library fund contains the main educational literature specified in the RAP of the curriculum; the library fund contains additional literature specified in the RAP of the curriculum. When implementing the EP in the direction of "Management", all disciplines of the curriculum are provided with electronic resources of modern educational literature available on the ELS platform "University

13 online library” on the website platform http: recommended in the RAP as the main one. The accessibility of students and teachers to the ELS is ensured by the availability of access keys to the ELS on the basis of agreements with copyright holders. The library provides access to electronic versions of periodicals and other sources on the platform of the electronic scientific library "elibrary". At the same time, the coefficient of book supply in all disciplines and practices of the EP in the direction "Management" is taken equal to 1, which is confirmed by the Card Index of the book supply of the educational process in the direction "Management". The coefficient of availability of additional literature in all disciplines exceeds the value of 0.25. The availability of books in the EP as a whole complies with the requirements of section 7 of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of "Management". The departments have developed and use educational and methodological materials, guidelines (development) for conducting practical, laboratory and seminar classes, for preparing term papers and final qualifying works, for organizing educational and industrial practices, for organizing extracurricular (independent) and research work of students, on the performance of tests by students of correspondence courses. When implementing the EP in the educational process and scientific activities, monographs of the teaching staff of the department are used. The educational process uses its own electronic educational publications. In general, the qualitative content of the developed and taught educational material corresponds to the modern level of development of science, technology, technology, economy and the level of social development of the country. The library fund for the OP "Management" is fully staffed, and the book supply for the EP as a whole meets the requirements of Section 7 of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction "Management", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2010 (state registration number 544). The provision of educational and methodological documentation used in the educational process is 100%, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Extracurricular work of students is accompanied by methodological support and justification of the time spent on its implementation. The developed educational and methodological documentation is presented on paper and in electronic form, and is also posted on the Institute's local network. Access to educational and methodological documentation is provided to 100% of students.

14 2.2. Material and technical support of the educational program At the graduating department, a specialized class has been created and is being equipped with visual aids and technical teaching aids for studying departmental disciplines. In the educational process, special rooms and audiences are actively used, which are equipped with modern technology and training programs (computer classes, an economics room, a psychological training room, a language laboratory). The library provides all students with literature in accordance with existing standards. In the educational process, 2 computer classes are actively used, equipped with 20 computers and having Internet access. At the same time, within the framework of the informatization of the educational process and the creation of an information and educational environment of the institute and department, it is necessary to expand and improve their own software training tools and make greater use of the possibility of exchanging information funds, diskettes and CDs with other educational institutions. The functioning of the information and educational environment is provided by the following: - computer equipment works on the WINDOWS 8 platform; - structured cabling system based on 100 Mbit/s Ethernet technology; - connection with the global Internet network is carried out via a leased line at a speed of 40 Mbit/s. Most disciplines are provided with modern software products that have the appropriate licenses: service, control, information and reference. Constant work is underway to improve the use of new information technologies in the educational process, the main of which are: 1. Electronic educational courses. 2. Electronic teaching aids for classroom and independent work. 3. Computer programs that are part of office applications and information and reference systems (MS Office 2013, Consultant Plus); 4. Multimedia equipment (educational videos; presentations for presentation of lecture material, reports, dissertation defense); Their development by students allows active use of modern computing tools and information technologies not only in the preparation and in the course of practical and laboratory classes, but also in the process of course design and in the implementation of the WRC. Testing of students is carried out both via the Internet online and via the internal local network. The structure of the EP in the direction of training

15 Management Labor intensity Name of hours ZET B1 Humanitarian, social and economic cycle B1.B. Basic part B1.B.1 Foreign language B1.B.2 History B1.B.3 Philosophy B1.B.4 Jurisprudence B1.B.5 Sociology B1.C. Variable part B1.V. OD Compulsory disciplines B1.C. OD.1 Culture of speech and business communication B1.C. OD.2 Political science 72 2 B1.V. OD.3 Culturology 72 2 B1.V. OD.4 Microeconomics B1.C. DV Elective disciplines B1.C. DV.1 B1.V. DV.2 B1.V. DV.3 B1.V. DV.4 Logic History of economic doctrines Management psychology 72 2 Psychology and pedagogy 72 2 World economy and international economic cooperation Business law Professional ethics 72 2 Psychology 72 2 B2. Mathematical and natural science cycle B2.B. Basic part B2.B.1 Mathematics B2.B.2 Statistics B2.B.2.1 Theory of statistics B2.B.2.2 Socio-economic statistics B2.B.3 Management decision-making methods B2.B.4 Information technologies in management 72 2 Name Labor intensity of hours ZET

16 B2.V. Variable part B2.V.OD Compulsory disciplines B2.V.OD.1 Informatics B2.V.OD.2 Modern concepts of natural science B2.V.DV B2.V.DV.1 B2.V.DV.2 Disciplines of choice Basics financial calculations 72 2 Fundamentals of economic research 72 2 Ecology 72 2 Informational accounting programs 72 2 B3 Professional cycle B3.B Basic part B3.B.1 Management theory B3.B.1.1 History of managerial thought B3.B.1.2 Organization theory B3.B .1.3 Organizational behavior B3.B.2 Marketing B3.B.3 Accounting and analysis B3.B.3.1 Financial analysis B3.B.3.2 Financial accounting B3.B.3.3 Management accounting B3.B.4 Financial management B3.B. 5 Life safety B3.B.6 Human resource management B3.B.7 Strategic management B3.B.8 Corporate social responsibility 72 2 B3.B.9 Business communications 72 2 B3.B.10 Investment analysis 72 2 B3.B. 11 Business planning B3.V Variable part B3.V.OD Compulsory disciplines B3.V.OD.1 Document management B3.V.OD.2 Securities market ag B3.V.OD.3 Investment management B3.V.OD.4 Innovation management B3.V.OD.5 Production management B3.V.OD.6 Economic analysis B3.V.OD.7 Management decisions B3.V. OD.8 Anti-crisis management B3.V.OD.9 Taxes and taxation B3.V.OD.10 Finance and credit B3.V.OD.11 Economics of organizations (enterprises) Name Labor intensity

17 hours ZET B3.V.DV B3.V.DV.1 B3.V.DV.2 B3.V.DV.3 B3.V.DV.4 Elective disciplines Quality management Risk management Psychology of conflict Psychological decision making Pricing 72 2 Intra-sectoral planning 72 2 Fundamentals of entrepreneurial activity Insurance B3.V.DV Economic law Labor law B3.V.DV.6 Pedagogical psychology Research of management systems B3.V.DV Fundamentals of state and municipal management Psychology of intergroup relations B4 Physical culture B5 Practice B5.U1 Training practice B5.P1 Production practice B6 Final state certification

1. Educational activities 1.1. Characteristics of the educational program of higher education in the direction of training 38.03.02 "Management" to the profile of training "Management of the organization" of the EP VO, implemented

1. Educational activities 1.1. Characteristics of the educational program of higher education in the direction of training 38.03.01 "Economics" for the profile of training "Finance and Credit" OP HE, implemented

The main educational program (BEP) was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education (FSES HE) in the field of study 37.03.01 "Psychology" (bachelor's degree),

The main educational program (BEP) was compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FSES VPO) in the field of study 40.03.01

Contents 1. General information about the educational organization 2 2. Educational activities..4 3. Research activities..33 4. International activities..40 5. Extracurricular activities.41

Suslova G.N. Verenitsyn V.V. Educational program in the specialty 030501.65 "Jurisprudence" profile "Civil Law", Tver. PEI VO "Institute" Verkhnevolzhye "8 p. Educational program for

IBM-4 Management 38.03.02 Management Management of corporations 1. General characteristics of the main professional educational program 1.1. General Provisions Basic Vocational Education Program


General characteristics of the main professional educational program 1. General provisions The main professional educational program (hereinafter - BEP), implemented by the federal state budget

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Technical University

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION St. Petersburg State University of Economics Annotated description of the main educational program of higher education


1 Labor intensity according to GEF Total labor intensity Total Lecture Seminars Practical exercises Independent work Exam Credits Credit units Amount of work of students in interaction with the teacher Code

General provisions Self-examination of the main educational program in the direction 080100.62 Economics (profile "Economics of enterprises and organizations") was carried out in accordance with orders for Lipetsk

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State educational institution of higher professional education "Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

APPROVED by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic "24" August 2016 859 STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD OF HIGHER PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE DIRECTION


APPROVED by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic dated September 2, 2016 888 Rules for the formation, development and approval of additional professional development programs

Rector "Z o" Protocol number APPROVED by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation CURRICULUM in the direction of training 38.03.02 - MANAGEMENT (bachelor's level) Focus (profile):

1. General provisions 1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution "Altai State Agrarian University" Adopted at a meeting of the Academic Council

CONTENTS 1. General provisions 1.1. Educational program (EP), implemented by the university in the specialty 030301 "Psychology" 1.2. Normative documents for the development of EP in the specialty 030301 "Psychology"

State budgetary vocational educational institution of the Samara region "Syzran Medical and Humanitarian College" From the experience of a professional educational organization for the preparation

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM (BEP) Code and name of the field of study 38.03.02 MANAGEMENT Orientation (profile) BEP Level of higher education Qualification

1 General information about the specialty The main educational program implemented by the Orenburg State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the specialty

Content 1. General characteristics of the educational program 1.1. Normative documents. 1.2. Qualification of the graduate, volume, term of development, features of implementation, language of implementation of the educational program.

Rector "3 0" a * I APPROVE "l, Z ^ PGR SH ^ bl A - V.A. Zhigalev 2017 Number of intrauniversity registrations ^ protocol of the Academic Council 1 dated 30.08.201 ^ 1 / V: ": - >.-l Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Food

ANPOO "College of Business Administration, Economics and Finance" TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SPECIALISTS OF THE MIDDLE RANK specialty 38.02.06 "Finance" of basic training qualification: financier Form of education:

CONTENTS 1. General provisions 1.1. OBEP HE undergraduate, implemented by the Institute in the direction of training 38.03.04 State and municipal management. 1.2. GEF in the direction of HE training and

Autonomous non-commercial organization KALININGRAD BUSINESS COLLEGE

Additional program Adopted by the Academic Council of the NOCHU VO "VgGI" Minutes 2 of September 01, 2015 As amended: Protocol of the Academic Council 14 of July 04, 2016 Approved by: Rector of the NOCHU VO "VgGI" S.M. Belsky

Direction of training 38.03.0 (08000) Management Profile "Financial management" Form of study: part-time RPD B3.B.6 Appendix L.RPD B3.B.6 Branch of the federal state budgetary educational

Additional program Adopted by the Academic Council of the NOCHU VO "VGI" Minutes 1 dated August 29, 2016 Approved by: Rector of the NOCHU VO "VGI" S.M. Belsky "29" August 2016 ADDITIONAL PROGRAM OF PROFESSIONAL

1. Explanatory note 1.1. Regulatory framework for the implementation of the OPOP OU


1 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROGRAM 1.1 The purpose of the program

4? I APPROVE Branch Director I.V. Kuznetsova Chu "15" September 2011 General characteristics of the educational program of higher professional education Specialty - 050706.65 Pedagogy and psychology

Explanatory note to the curriculum of the specialty 23.02.01 Organization of transportation and transport management (by type) 1.1. This curriculum of the specialty of secondary vocational education

General provisions 1.1. This provision has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Order of the Ministry

1 2 1. General provisions 1.1 Form of the educational program The main educational program of higher education in the field of study 09.03.01 "Informatics and Computer Engineering", training profile

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Togliatti State University" HUMANITARIAN AND PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE (Institute) Department of Preschool Pedagogy


APPROVED by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 2013 FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Higher education level BACHELOR


EXAMPLE CURRICULUM - FET preparation of bachelors in the direction of 38.03.01 - Economics Qualification (degree) bachelor Normative term of study 4 years Term of study according to the plan 4 years Correspondence form of study

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education VOLGA STATE UNIVERSITY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATICS GUIDELINE RD PGUTI 2.03.7-2016 System

Educational Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Higher Education "MOSCOW HIGHEST SCHOOL OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SCIENCES" Faculty of Social and Cultural Projects Management Approved by the Academic Council


PROFESSIONAL RETRAINING PROGRAM ON THE DIRECTION "MANAGEMENT" 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PROGRAM 1.1. The purpose of the program implementation. Formation of students' professional competencies necessary

CONTENT OF THE BASIC PROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS... 3 1.1. The purpose of the program... Error! The bookmark is not defined. 1.2. Terms of development of the program... Error! The bookmark is not defined.


1. General provisions 1.1. The practice of students is an integral part of the main professional educational program (hereinafter referred to as OBEP) and is a type of training session focused on professional and practical


Annotations of the work programs of disciplines in accordance with the curriculum for the preparation of bachelors in the field of study 38.03.04 "State and municipal management" Block 1.B Basic part Block 1.B1

RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY AND CIVIL SERVICE under the PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Perm branch profile: Financial management Qualification (degree) - bachelor Form of study

Table of contents Table of contents... 2 1. General provisions... 3 2. Characteristics of the professional activity of a graduate of the Master's program "Management"... 5

Direction 080200.62 "Management" This is one of the most popular and highly paid professions of the XXI century manager. Managers carry out qualified management of the enterprise (managers

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION (MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF RUSSIA) ORDER 2013 Moscow On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction

Checklist for checking the readiness of the faculty for the state accreditation procedure Object of verification: preparation of the faculty Subject of verification: the level of readiness of the faculty (dean's office) for state accreditation,

1. General provisions 1. This procedure was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 273-F3 "On Education in the Russian Federation", "Organization and implementation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)" APPROVED by the MIPT Academic Council Minutes dated BASIC

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Togliatti State University" HUMANITARIAN PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE (name of the institute) Department of History

QMS Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University" 4.2.3 Management

M I N I S E R S T O E D U A N I A N A U K I R O S S I Y S O Y F E D E R A T I I (Ministry of Education and Science RUSSIA) PRIK AZ 2013 Moscow On approval of the federal state educational



The work program of the discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) in the specialties of secondary vocational education (hereinafter SVE) 080114 "Economics and Accounting (by industry)"

Organization-developer: Blagoveshchensk Polytechnic College


Nikolaeva Anna Artyomovna, teacher of economic disciplines


Full name, academic degree, title, position

Conclusion of the Expert Council No. ____________ dated "____" __________ 20__





    conditions for the implementation of an exemplary program of the academic discipline

    Monitoring and evaluation of results Mastering the academic discipline



1.1. Scope of the program

The work program of the discipline is part of an exemplary basic professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty (specialties) SPO 080114 "Economics and Accounting (by industry)".

1.2. The place of discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

The academic discipline "Management" belongs to the group of general professional disciplines of the professional cycle.

1.3. The goals and objectives of the discipline are the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

The main goal of the discipline "Management" is to give students a systematic holistic view of the basic principles, patterns and mechanism of functioning of an organization (enterprise). Provide an appropriate theoretical level and practical orientation in the training system and future activities.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should be able to:

Organize the work of subordinates;

Find the necessary information for the management process;

Use modern management technologies;

Motivate performers to improve the quality of work;

- provide conditions for professional and personal

improvement of performers;

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student should know:

Functions, types and psychology of management;

Fundamentals of organizing the work of a team of performers;

Principles of business communication in a team;

Information technologies in the field of production management;

Organization of production and technological processes;

Features of management in the field of professional activity;

maximum student workload: 56 hours, including:

for full-time education:

obligatory classroom teaching load of a student - 42 hours;

student's independent work - 14 hours;

for distance learning:

mandatory classroom teaching load - 10 hours;

independent work of the student - 46 hours.


2.1. Volume of academic discipline and types of academic work (for full-time education)

laboratory classes




test papers


term paper (project) (not provided)




independent work on a term paper (project)(if provided)




Other types of independent work, if any, are indicated (abstract, settlement and graphic work, homework, etc.).



Final certification in the form of a differentiated test

The volume of the academic discipline and types of educational work (for distance learning)

laboratory classes




test papers


term paper (project) (not provided)

Independent work of the student (total)



Home test


Final certification in the form of a test

2.2. Approximate thematic plan and content of the academic discipline "Management"

Section 1.

Management. Basic concepts of discipline

Topic 1.1.

Essence and characteristic features of modern management


The concept of management, its content. Prerequisites for the emergence. The role of management in the development of modern production. Management as an art. The evolution of managerial thought.

Classical school of scientific management. School of "Human Relations" and Behavioral Sciences.


Modern approaches in management: quantitative, process, system and situational. Their essence and main differences.


National features of management. Problems of management in Russia. Foreign schools of management.


Test papers

Independent work of students

Preparation of an abstract (computer presentation) on the topic: "History of management development"

Topic 1.2. External and internal environment of the organization


Organization as an object of management. Types of organizations.

The external environment of the organization.


Internal environment of the organization


Test papers

Drawing up a plan of theses of the answer;

Drawing up a table "Features of the internal and external environment of the organization" to systematize the educational material.

Section 2 Control Functions

Topic 2.1. Management cycle

The management cycle (planning, organization, motivation and control) is the basis of management activities. The main components of the management cycle. Characteristics of the functions of the cycle. The relationship and interdependence of the functions of the management cycle.

Independent work of students:

Elaboration of the abstract of the lesson, educational literature on issues compiled by the teacher.

Topic 2.2. Organization and types of its structures

Organization as the main function of management. Approaches to the formation of management structures. The process of forming an organizational structure.

Types of management structures: linear, functional, linear-functional; characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Basic control schemes: "tape", "wheel", "star", "hierarchical"; distribution of linear and functional connections.

Independent work of students:

Preparation of an essay on the topic: "Problems of management in Russia"

Topic 2.3 Planning and control

Strategic planning. Strategic planning process: mission and goals, analysis of the external environment, analysis of strengths and weaknesses, analysis of alternatives and choice of strategy, management of the implementation of the strategy, evaluation of the strategy. Tactical planning. The main stages of tactical planning. Implementation of current plans.

The concept of control. Three stages of control: selection of standards and criteria, comparison of real results with them, correction. Rules of control: "Management five". Types of control: preliminary, weaving and final. Planning forms. Types of plans. The main stages of planning.

Independent work of students:

Elaboration of the abstract of the lesson, educational literature on issues compiled by the teacher;

Topic 2.4 Motivation and needs

Motivation and criteria of labor motivation. Individual and group motivation. Group rules. primary and secondary needs. Motivation and hierarchy of needs.

Practical lesson:

Studying the needs and motivation of employees (testing)


Independent work of students: preparation of messages for the seminar "Motives and needs as a driving force of behavior";

Compilation of a thematic crossword puzzle.

Section 3. Linking Processes

Topic 3.1 Decision making

Types of solutions and requirements for them. Decision-making process: posing problems, identifying factors and conditions, developing solutions, evaluating and making a decision, implementing and monitoring execution.

Decision-making methods. Decision levels.

Practical lesson:

Business game "Making an effective decision"


Independent work of students:

Creative work on the topic: "Methods of making managerial decisions based on creative thinking";

Elaboration of the abstract of the lesson, educational literature

Independent work of students on the course work (project)(if provided)




(should correspond to the specified number of hours in paragraph 1.4 of the program passport)

Within each section, relevant topics are indicated. For each topic, the content of the educational material is described (in didactic units), the names of the necessary laboratory work and practical exercises (separately for each type), tests, as well as approximate topics for independent work. If term papers (projects) in the discipline are provided, an approximate topic is described. The volume of hours is determined by each position of column 3 (marked with an asterisk *). The level of development is put down opposite the didactic units in column 4 (marked with two asterisks **).

To characterize the level of mastering the educational material, the following designations are used:

1. - introductory (recognition of previously studied objects, properties);

2. - reproductive (performing activities according to a model, instructions or under guidance)

3. - productive (planning and independent implementation of activities, solving problematic tasks)

3. conditions for the implementation of the discipline program

3.1. Minimum Logistics Requirements

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a study room of "general educational disciplines".

Study room equipment:

Seats by the number of students;

Teacher's workplace;

A set of legislative and regulatory documents;

A set of teaching materials

Technical training aids:


multimedia projector.

3.2. Information support of training

Main sources:

1. E.L. Dracheva, L.I. Yulikov "Management"

2. Knyshova E.N. Management: Textbook for students of institutions of secondary vocational education. -M.: ID Forum - INFRA-M, 2006.

3.Salimzhanov I.Kh. Management: educational for students of secondary professional institutions - M .: Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2003

4. Reichenko A.V., Khokhlova I.V. Management: textbook. -M.: Forum. 2007 - 368s - (Professional education).‎

4. Control and evaluation of the results of the development of the Discipline

Control and evaluation the results of mastering the discipline are carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes and laboratory work, testing, as well as the performance of individual tasks, projects, and research by students.

Learning Outcomes

(learned skills, acquired knowledge)

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes


Use in practice the methods of planning and organizing the work of the unit

Analyze organizational management structures

Written test in the form of a dictation;

Protection of the abstract (computer presentation);

Carry out work to motivate the work of staff

Oral survey in the form of an interview

Apply business and managerial communication techniques in professional activities

Evaluation of the results of a business game;

Make effective decisions using a system of management methods

Written check in the form of a test dictation;

Expert verification of the implementation of practical work;

Take into account the peculiarities of management in the field of professional activity

Expert assessment of the defense of practical work;

Protection of the abstract (computer presentation)


Essence and characteristic features of modern management

Test control

Management theory

The main discipline of the program, which includes the study of such issues as modern management and manager, modern theory and management tools, the main indicators of the manager's work. Students form a systematic idea of ​​the manager's profession.

Business communications

This discipline teaches you to achieve your goals. To do this, students understand the communicative features and needs of both their own and opponents, master various communication techniques and formats.

Management decisions

The result of a manager's work is a managerial decision. The success of the unit and the organization as a whole depends on how well and timely the decision is made. Therefore, students master the process of developing solutions in full, from setting goals to assessing the risks and consequences of their implementation.

Leadership and team building

A modern manager faces a difficult task: on the one hand, he is expected to demonstrate leadership qualities, on the other, the skills of a team player who knows how to cooperate with his colleagues and partners. Students learn to find the balance necessary to effectively achieve individual, team and organizational goals.

Project management

Project management is an integral part of the work of a modern organization. Students not only learn the theoretical foundations of project management, such as the content of design standards, but also work as part of a team on educational projects, from project initiation to design documentation.

Design of the internal environment of the organization

Starting with this course, students learn to work at an organizational level. They develop knowledge about organizational laws and principles, diagnostics of the organization and organizational changes. In practice, training teams explore the structure and culture of a real organization, its external environment and offer options for change.

Strategic management

This course forms strategic thinking and provides the theoretical foundations for the strategic management of an organization, which is important for improving efficiency. In practical sessions, training teams develop strategy options for a real company. The result is a business report.

Business planning

The final discipline that allows you to use almost all previously mastered knowledge and skills. Students learn to develop and use a business plan. To do this, student teams develop a business plan and a business model for a real organization, prepare and conduct their presentation for representatives of this organization. Our students have experience in developing individual business plans, which they have already successfully implemented upon graduation.

The Management program is suitable for those who want to build a career in various divisions of Russian and international companies. At GSOM SPbU you can choose an individual set of courses for yourself by choosing academic disciplines with an emphasis on different functional areas of management: marketing, financial management, information management, logistics or human resource management.

Lectures, seminars and master classes will be held not only by teachers who are experts in their field, but also by practitioners - top managers of leading companies and startup owners. Thanks to a combination of lectures and practical exercises, you will form the necessary knowledge base and develop analytical and communication skills. In addition, studying at the GSOM SPbU Management program will allow you to become a member of a friendly community of successful students, alumni, partners and friends of the School.

Individual Course Sets

First, you will study general management disciplines, and in the third year you will delve into one of the functional areas of management. Depending on your preferences, you will be able to choose courses in the area of ​​management that will interest you the most.

Basic Items

Financial management


Human resource management

Information management


Block of courses "Financial management"

If you are interested in how companies make funding decisions, choose projects to invest in, and interact with shareholders, then financial management is for you. You will study risk management in financing, company valuation methods and their activities in international financial markets.

You will study:

  • Corporate Finance
  • bank management
  • Econometrics
  • financial modeling
  • Corporate Governance
  • Management Accounting
  • Risk management
  • Company valuation
  • Insurance
  • Taxes and taxation
  • International financial management
  • Audit and International Control (Audit and Internal Control) - in English

Block of courses "Marketing"

How are the most famous brands created? Why do some consumers choose Apple and others choose Android? How to price a product or service? These and many other questions you will analyze in the classroom on marketing. At the end of the courses, you will learn how to create marketing campaigns, study consumer behavior, develop pricing strategies and manage sales.

You will study:

  • Marketing Research - in English
  • Pricing Strategies
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Communications - in English
  • Sales management
  • Quantitative Methods in Marketing
  • Industrial Marketing
  • Marketing Management
  • Brand management
  • SMM (Social Media Marketing) - in English

Block of courses "Human Resource Management"

Human resource management in a company is the selection of people for a team, training and motivation of personnel, development of corporate culture. In the courses of this block, you will understand what needs to be done to make people work as efficiently as possible, how to motivate employees, determine the level of salaries and bonuses, and why HR specialists should be good psychologists. Negotiation and conflict management skills will help you build relationships between members of any team.

You will study:

  • Assessment and recruitment technologies
  • Economics of labor and personnel
  • Staff motivation and remuneration
  • Personnel training and development
  • Leadership
  • Economic psychology
  • Coaching as a management style
  • Information technology in human resource management
  • Research in Human Resource Management - in English
  • Theory and practice of negotiation
  • HR audit and consulting
  • organizational psychology
  • Conflict Management

Block of courses "Information management"

The ability to analyze data arrays and use the information received for business development is the main competitive advantage of companies in the future. In information management courses, you will learn how to manage information flows in a company and manage digital transformation processes.

You will study:

  • Business Process Modeling
  • Data Governance - in English
  • Digital Commerce - in English
  • Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) - in English
  • Corporate information systems
  • Business Intelligence - in English
  • Information technology project management
  • Technology Innovation Management - in English
  • Knowledge Management - in English
  • Digital Marketing - in English
  • Information Security
  • Event architecture (Enterprise Architecture) - in English
  • Information systems development technology

Block of courses "Logistics"

If you like to optimize everything around you, you will love logistics. This is the science of how to properly distribute flows. For example, warehouse logistics studies how to make the most efficient use of space to store goods and manage inventory. Transport logistics deals with the transportation of goods - what are the best ways to transport goods from point A to point B so that it reaches the buyer quickly and economically. In these classes, students use augmented reality glasses to immerse themselves in production processes at leading factories in Russia and Europe.

You will study:

Program structure

Why is it cool to study with us?

Exchange semester

You can spend one semester in the 3rd or 4th year. Education at GSOM SPbU partner universities is free, you will only need to pay personal expenses (transport, accommodation, visa). There are 78 business schools in 36 countries to choose from, ranging from Australia to Japan.

Preparing for a Successful Career

Without internships - nowhere. After the 2nd and 3rd courses, you will go on a summer internship at one of our partner companies. You will have a chance to work at PJSC Sberbank, MegaFon, L’Oreal,, P&G or a startup of one of our graduates.

Second foreign language

English is a necessity for an effective manager, and a second language is an undeniable competitive advantage. Therefore, both English and the second language are part of the GSOM SPbU program. You can learn German, Spanish or French. For students of the International Management program, Chinese, Korean or Japanese are also available.

Lots of practice in class

Management is, first of all, practice. Therefore, most of your term papers will be devoted to business projects. For example, in your first year, you will do your first SWOT analysis of a real company and defend it before a panel of top managers. And in the second year, write a full-fledged business plan.

Where do our graduates work?

  • In large Russian and international companies

According to a survey of undergraduate graduates, six months after graduation, about 30% of graduates work in large companies such as Procter & Gamble, Gazprom Neft PJSC, Bayer AG, Sberbank PJSC, Google and others. About 80% of them remain in Russia, the rest go abroad. Very often, the career of graduates begins with leadership programs, where the trainee tries himself in all areas of the company and grows to the head in a few years. Here is the story of alumnus Alesya Trepasheva, who became a Unilever Ambassador in her third year of undergraduate studies.

  • Startups and own business

Often graduates of GSOM SPbU decide in the direction of start-ups or their own business projects. Here are the stories of our graduates on how to attract $250,000 in investments into your business a year and a half after university, how to open your own restaurant or create a business that sells itself.

  • In non-commercial, creative and other projects

A competent manager is a person with developed soft skills, that is, one who knows how to be flexible, learn, communicate and think critically. Such a person is in demand in many professions, therefore, no matter how the world around changes, the acquired skills help graduates to be successful in almost any activity. Here are stories about how our graduates create time travel with Konstantin Khabensky, launch their own clothing line, open a museum and produce documentaries in the USA.