Salary increase for bailiffs c. Will there be a salary increase for bailiffs? What affects the salary of a bailiff

In addition, an incentive measure will be a bonus system and benefits provided for both employees and their families. Judging by the latest news about the reform, it is planned to expand the social package in the form of sanatorium treatment and a special type of life and health insurance for bailiffs. In addition, the status of civil servants will be determined by another principle for the formation of pension payments, which compares favorably with the current one. Presumably, all these measures should raise the status of the profession, attract a large number of young specialists who want to make a career in the FSSP into the ranks of the service. The presence of a competition for places will make it possible to choose the best option among applicants, which will increase the overall level of employees of the Federal Bailiffs Service.

FSSP reform in 2018

The Federal Bailiff Service, or FSSP, is a body that reports to the Russian Ministry of Justice.

There are no special questions regarding the work of the FSSP in the Ministry of Justice and other government agencies, the service as a whole copes with the duties assigned to its employees.

Nevertheless, at the end of 2017 there was some talk about reforming the department.

The reform of the FSSP in 2018 - the latest news about possible changes in the structure of the service, what new powers bailiffs can receive.

  • How the structure of the FSSP may change in 2018
  • Other news about the FSSP reform in 2018

How the structure of the FSSP may change in 2018 In the fall of 2017, the Ministry of Justice presented a draft reform of the FSSP, according to which a new position at the level of deputy director should appear in the service, as well as a new department should be opened.

Reform of the bailiff service in 2018

The FSPP has already stated on this occasion that for the period from 2017 to 2019 they will need additional funds in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles, since additional employees will be needed to work with collectors.

Calculations voiced by representatives of the FSPP of Russia say that 42 more people will be needed in the central office alone, and 862 new employees in the regions.

Another item of expenditure will be the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals, which will cost 147.5 million rubles in 2017.

FSSP reform in 2018: latest news


What the authorities call "optimization" is in fact just an excuse to reduce the ranks of the Federal Bailiff Service. The reform initiatives immediately ran into fears of the department's leadership.

There is a high risk that with a reduced staff, employees simply will not be able to withstand the load.


In addition, they promise to expand the powers of bailiffs. The government says that the measure will be extremely useful, and higher salaries and other social bonuses will help attract people of the highest qualifications to the system.

Let's see what the essence of the reform is, and also find out what innovations it will bring in 2018. For a long time, enforcement proceedings were regulated by Federation Law No. 118 (1997).

Increasing the salary of bailiffs in 2018 in Russia

The only nuance will be the fact that only those employees who have a specialized higher education and have shown high results during the qualification test will be able to apply for the status of a civil servant.

Those who fail such high-level screening will remain as technical assistants and will not be able to claim the privileges of being a civil servant.

  • From the beginning of 2018, it is planned to reduce the number of regional offices of the FSSP.

    This will be done by merging small inter-regional divisions into larger structures, which will make it possible to quantitatively regulate the staff and reduce the cost of maintaining structural divisions.

  • The list of powers of FSSP employees will be increased. So, they will have the right to deprive citizens of a driver's license without additional ship documents.

Despite the downsizing, the overall efficiency of the service is expected to remain as the most trained and qualified staff, who currently do most of the work, will remain in their original positions, and the least effective staff will be laid off. Changes in the structure of the department In the course of the reform, the government adopted an initiative to change the structure of the FSSP.

This will happen due to the division of duties of bailiffs and their classification according to certain types of functions.

It was decided to distinguish three main subcategories of bailiffs:

  • Court employees.

    These specialists ensure the established procedure for the operation of courts (arbitration, general jurisdiction, etc.).

  • Interrogators. Specialists conducting an inquiry into a crime or criminal case.

Salary of bailiffs in 2018

There is also information that bonus amounts to bailiffs will be paid from the debt collection fund, and this, in turn, will encourage employees of this structure to act more harshly.

It is likely that they will even try to exceed the powers entrusted to them.

Therefore, taking into account all the above reasons, most likely, the new reform is capable of bringing more problems than real benefits.

FSSP reform in 2018: latest news from the State Duma

Employees are divided into three categories: bailiffs-investigators, bailiffs-executors and civil servants working in courts.

  • To reduce the budget for the maintenance of the system, it was proposed to reduce the staff in the regions by enlarging the territorial offices.
  • Bailiffs will be able to dispose of documents for vehicles.

    To suspend the validity of motor transport documents, no additional papers are now needed, it is enough to warn the owner and send a referral to the traffic police. The measure can be applied to violators with debts above 10,000 rubles. Later, the powers can be expanded: a ban on the registration of a car and a trademark.

  • Control over the collectors will pass to the bailiffs. The development of the necessary regulatory framework is carried out by legislators. To carry out these functions, the service will require new staff and budget allocations.
  1. Bailiffs serving in courts.
  2. Bailiffs-performers.
  3. Bailiffs-investigators.

The government is also considering the option of combining services, which will facilitate the creation of inter-regional divisions. This, in turn, will have a positive impact on budget savings. On the new powers of the FSSP In 2018, it is planned to give bailiffs additional powers. For example, the bailiff will have the right to deprive the debtor of the right to drive the vehicle. Moreover, for this action there will be no need to obtain a court decision. The bailiff will only send a notification to the traffic police. Similar measures apply to debtors whose debt is more than 10 thousand rubles. It is planned to give the FSSP the right to prohibit the registration of vehicles or impose a ban on passing exams in the traffic police in order to obtain a driver's license.

The Ministry of Justice has long stated that the Federal Bailiff Service should be reformed, because the work performed does not correspond to reality. The authorities plan to increase the effectiveness of bailiffs through reforms. As you can see, there have been changes in the service lately and there will be more innovations in the near future.

The Ministry of Justice announced that already in 2017 there will be qualification checks for employees. The main requirement is a higher legal or economic education. If the employee does not comply, then he will receive a lower position or even be left without it.

These changes will increase the professionalism of the service as a whole. Employees who perform their work poorly will be weeded out. Innovations will also be in the powers of bailiffs, the number of employees and wages for work. The results can be seen already in 2018.

The changes will affect most aspects of the FSSP. Almost 5,600 workers who, according to preliminary data, have not received higher education in the required areas, may fall under the reduction. Of course, management has an opinion that the burden on the employees who will remain will be great and it will be difficult for them to cope with the volume of work.

The government assures that thanks to the reform, there will be only good results and the service will become more modern and more attractive for qualified specialists.

So, what changes await service in 2018? Let's go over the main points:

  1. Division of bailiffs into executors and those working in courts. Thanks to this, there will be a clear distribution of responsibilities, which will simplify the performance of service and responsibility for the results. A category of bailiff-investigator positions will also be created.
  2. If the employee passes all the qualification checks, he will be assigned a special category, thanks to which the salary will be increased, guarantees of social significance and various incentives will be assigned.
  3. It is planned to optimize the composition of the state, which will entail a reduction. Small departments and departments can merge. This direction of the reform will be carried out to optimize the budget of the service. Officials are of the opinion that the reduction will not lead to a decrease in work efficiency, but experts and representatives of the service have the opposite opinion.
  4. Expansion of powers. In 2017, employees of the Federal Bailiff Service have already begun to regulate the collection market. It is planned to increase the capabilities of bailiffs.

Thus, completely giving the activities of collectors under the control of the service. Also, the performers began to make decisions on the disposal of documentation for cars.

A debtor whose debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles may be deprived of a driver's license by a decision of a bailiff. Perhaps in the future, such opportunities for bailiffs will be expanded, for example, passing exams in the traffic police and registering vehicles and trademarks will be prohibited.

Representatives of the Ministry of Justice believe that the reform will attract more young professionals who do not want to serve in the FSSP due to low wages.

Officials promise that the salary will be increased first by 50%, and later by 100%. Also, employees will have to be provided with health improvement, medical care under insurance, and the service will also pay for trips to resorts. One of the main expected results is a modern and efficient service.

Shortcomings of the reform

The statements about the reform are, of course, very optimistic, but the employees of the service themselves doubt its success.

  • First, how the reduction in the number of employees and the expansion of powers will be compared. This question can lead to even more staff turnover.
  • Second, funding reform. More than 1.6 billion rubles are needed to organize the normal operation of the service; for the organization of jobs - about 147.5 million rubles; to pay wages to employees - about 10 million rubles a month. With irony, they also treat the promised increase in wages in the current economic situation. There is an opinion among experts that the salary can be increased by 5-6%, but no more, because we should not forget that at the initial stage of the reform, about 9.9 billion rubles will be needed.

  • Thirdly, the question arises regarding the increase in qualification requirements. This decision may also affect the constant turnover of workers. If employees who are not suitable are fired, and salaries are not increased and the necessary social guarantees are not provided, then the service will be paralyzed.

Experts believe that the start of the reform should be an increase in the prestige of the FSSP, and not a reduction in staff

There are also rumors that the bonus fund will consist of funds collected from debtors. If this direction is implemented, then the bailiffs will act tougher, and sometimes they will even go to the extent of exceeding their powers.

In view of the above, the issue of reforming services is treated with caution. If the decisions made are ill-conceived, then many difficulties and problems will appear. However, the government is confident that the reform of the Federal Bailiff Service is necessary and the questions raised will be beneficial. They also assure that all shortcomings will be corrected during the study by experts and during the direct application of innovations.

Of course, the results will appear over time, and it is impossible to talk about the effectiveness of the reform right away.
The employees of the service themselves hope that the government will make the right decisions and working conditions will be improved.

Video news

Over the past years, the Ministry of Justice has been actively involved in the improvement and positive changes in the field of executive power. Such trends did not bypass the employees of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP).

The need for reform is ripe due to changes in the real picture of modern life, changes in the legal justification of the functions performed by representatives of this service, as well as the emergence of new requirements for the qualification training of bailiffs.

Despite the fact that a vast number of amendments and changes have already been successfully implemented over the past few years, the reform is only gaining momentum and, judging by the latest news, in 2018 this process will not lose its relevance and will reach a new level.

The government plans to launch a number of innovations for representatives of the FSSP, which will radically transform the current system, introducing fundamentally new mechanisms of work.

The changes proposed by the reform are aimed at many areas of work and functioning of the Federal Bailiff Service:

  • An innovation is the assignment of the status of a civil servant (civil servant) to employees of the service. This category expands the list of titles and other qualification gradations, which is an excellent incentive for career growth, to increase the requirements for the quality of the work performed. In addition, bonuses, additional payments and incentive payments are implied. The only nuance will be the fact that only those employees who have a specialized higher education and have shown high results during the qualification test will be able to apply for the status of a civil servant. Those who fail such high-level screening will remain as technical assistants and will not be able to claim the privileges of being a civil servant.
  • From the beginning of 2018, it is planned to reduce the number of regional offices of the FSSP. This will be done by merging small inter-regional divisions into larger structures, which will make it possible to quantitatively regulate the staff and reduce the cost of maintaining structural divisions.
  • The list of powers of FSSP employees will be increased. So, they will have the right to deprive citizens of a driver's license without additional ship documents. Such a measure can be applied to debtors with debts over 10 thousand rubles. In order to restrict the use of a driver's license, it will be enough for the employee to notify the debtor and send the appropriate direction to the transport inspectorate, on the basis of which the driver's license will be suspended. Starting in 2018, this measure will be further expanded: an employee of the FSSP will be able to impose a ban on exams for a certain person in the traffic police, as well as suspend the registration of his vehicle or license plates.

  • The bailiffs are entrusted with the control over the functioning of collection agencies. To implement this mechanism, regulatory documents will be developed to regulate the control and registration of collection agencies and other similar organizations. To perform this function, the FSSP must recruit staff in charge of interaction with collectors, which requires additional funding. In addition to the recruitment of new employees, in connection with this measure, it will be necessary to equip new jobs and purchase computer equipment. It is planned to allocate 10 million rubles from the state budget for these measures during 2018 and 2019.

FSSP abbreviation

First of all, the qualifications of the employees of this service will be subject to close attention. It is planned to conduct a full-scale multi-level audit, which will be held everywhere by all employees of the Federal Bailiff Service. This practice has been introduced since 2017, but the requirements for it will only get worse in 2018.

One of the key points that will be taken into account during the qualification check is the presence of a higher specialized education (legal or economic).

Those who do not meet these criteria will be transferred to lower positions, and for some there will be a question of dismissal. The reduction in the number may occur unevenly in different regions of the country. Since preliminary data show that about 25% of FSSP employees do not meet the requirements in terms of education alone, a significant reduction in the number of people involved in the operation of this system is expected.

Despite the downsizing, the overall efficiency of the service is expected to remain as the most trained and qualified staff, who currently do most of the work, will remain in their original positions, and the least effective staff will be laid off.

Changes in the structure of the department

During the reform, the government adopted an initiative to change the structure of the FSSP. This will happen due to the division of duties of bailiffs and their classification according to certain types of functions.

It was decided to distinguish three main subcategories of bailiffs:

  • Court employees. These specialists ensure the established procedure for the operation of courts (arbitration, general jurisdiction, etc.).
  • Interrogators. Specialists conducting an inquiry into a crime or criminal case. Their function also covers investigative and procedural actions and is aimed at preventing procedural errors in the course of inquests.
  • Performers. Specializes in the enforcement of judgments, judicial acts and other legally adopted decisions in relation to the debtor.

Such a distinction by specialization will lead to a more qualified performance of their duties with a high level of professionalism.

Increase in salaries and benefits

Since the profession of a bailiff has not been considered prestigious in recent years, the approach to the formation of salaries for employees of this service will be changed during the reform.

During 2018, it is planned to increase salaries by at least 50% of the existing level. According to some reports, the government intends not to limit itself to this figure, but to increase wages to 100% in 2018-2019. In addition, an incentive measure will be a bonus system and benefits provided for both employees and their families.

Judging by the latest news about the reform, it is planned to expand the social package in the form of sanatorium treatment and a special type of life and health insurance for bailiffs. In addition, the status of civil servants will be determined by another principle for the formation of pension payments, which compares favorably with the current one.

Presumably, all these measures should raise the status of the profession, attract a large number of young specialists who want to make a career in the FSSP into the ranks of the service. The presence of a competition for places will make it possible to choose the best option among applicants, which will increase the overall level of employees of the Federal Bailiffs Service.

Disadvantages and weaknesses of the reform

Despite the positive direction of the reform, some experts and competent officials identify a number of points that can reduce the effectiveness of the measures being implemented.

  • The announced layoffs will increase the burden on every employee. This can initiate a personnel crisis and provoke an increase in turnover, as well as a general decrease in the service life in the FSSP by one specialist, which will invariably affect the quality of the functions performed.
  • The moment of financing the reform remains in question. At this time, the financial and economic mechanisms that will allow the implementation of all the planned changes remain unsettled. The amount necessary for a full-scale increase in salaries (10 million rubles a month) is not provided for in the budget, so skeptics express concern that the increase in salaries will be limited to indexation by 5-6%.
  • The proposed option with an increase in bonuses from funds collected from debtors can provoke an excess of authority and unlawful rigidity in the work of bailiffs, which will have a sharp negative impact on the quality of the functions performed and the authority of employees.
  • Increasing the requirements for the qualifications of FSSP workers can play the role of a starting mechanism for mass layoffs of current experienced personnel, which can become a big problem if the announced salary increase does not take place. This can lead to a slowdown in the pace of work of structures at all levels, to an increase in the workload per employee and, as a result, to an increase in layoffs.
  • The selective bonus scheme can provoke an increase in corruption within the ranks of the FSSP, as has been repeatedly observed with similar measures in other structures.

Despite all the possible disadvantages, it is clear that the time has come for the reform of the FSSP, since the old mechanisms of work and structural organization have lost their relevance and are becoming less and less effective.

Most of the bills and decisions related to the reform are scheduled for 2018, after which the scale of innovations will become clear.

The results will not appear immediately after the introduction of new schemes of work, but in a few years the overall picture will become clear. Shortcomings will be corrected and eliminated already according to the first results of the application of reform actions.

Video: how bailiffs actually work

At the same time, senior officials will receive 10% less than before by the end of the year. They will cut the bonuses to the head of state, the chairman of the government, the prosecutor general and the head of the Investigative Committee. In addition, payments will be reduced to employees of the presidential administration, the Accounts Chamber and the government apparatus. They receive a reduced rate starting from 2016. Salaries of bailiffs and assistants With the high salaries of judges, the salaries of other employees of the State Department are extremely low. For example, the average income of an assistant judge is 20-25 thousand rubles. per month. At the same time, their workload is slightly less than that of civil servants themselves. This leads to the fact that the department lacks secretaries and assistants. A consequence of the problem is also a constant turnover of staff.

FSSP reform in 2018


It can be noted that the lowest salary is for providing specialists and assistants, who have a salary of 2 - uh and a half thousand rubles. up to 3650 rubles, this is without incentives and allowances. Most of all earn in this area in leadership positions. For all that, if we average the managerial, ordinary and northern pay, it turns out that the average income of a Russian bailiff is about 30 thousand rubles.

Relative to the 16th year, today the salary of SSP employees has changed upwards by 5 and a half percent. The indexation of the salaries of bailiffs for 2018 will take place based on the inflation percentage of this year. But some experts suggest a more significant increase in the earnings of the above-mentioned employees - from 10 - and up to 30 - and s.

There are still ongoing optimization efforts in the Service, and the remaining employees are getting a lot of work, again, the demands on them have also increased.


For judges, it consists of:

  • salary;
  • allowances for qualifications, length of service;
  • additional accruals formed on the basis of the complexity of professional tasks.

Various awards may also be issued. They are quite high for civil servants and amount to 1.9 salaries. In addition, the final amount directly depends on whether the judge works in a federal structure or in a local one.

The salary of a federal employee is much higher. The highest salaries in the Supreme Court. For example, the monthly income of an employee of the Constitutional Court is on average half a million rubles. Compared to this amount, the salary of a regional magistrate does not look so significant, which does not exceed 85 thousand rubles.
rub. With an increase, other payments will also be increased, which are calculated from the official salary.

Increasing the salary of bailiffs in 2018 in Russia


Also bailiffs will be able to exert some influence on collection organizations. It should be recalled that the activities of collectors are not carried out at the legislative level. To exercise control over collectors, the FSSP needs additional funding.

It is planned to allocate 16 billion rubles to them over 3 years. Risks of the new reform of the FSSP An increase in interest in the service of bailiffs is a positive quality. But it should be remembered that without the stimulation of employees, the service in the institution will not be so attractive, which means that young personnel may not be willing to get a job at the FSSP.
Increasing the salaries of bailiffs in 2018 today remains only in the plans of the government.

Reform of the bailiff service in 2018

The coming year promises a lot of new things, there are both positive and negative statements of analysts. But most of what you hear still sets you up for the good and the best. Naturally, the solution of economic problems will affect the financial fund of the country, and this will inevitably affect the earnings of the population, especially in the public sector.
For example, the salary of bailiffs in 2018 should be raised, since, according to the Decree of the President and the Government, all civil servants are entitled to an increase in their salaries commensurate with inflation data, the components of the whole salary, in addition to the main salary part, may also be revised. Profession of a bailiff The bailiffs of the Russian Federation have a state civil service.

Salary increase for judges in 2018

Disadvantages and weaknesses of the reform Despite the positive direction of the reform, some experts and competent officials identify a number of points that can reduce the effectiveness of the measures being implemented.

  • The announced layoffs will increase the burden on every employee. This can initiate a personnel crisis and provoke an increase in turnover, as well as a general decrease in the service life in the FSSP by one specialist, which will invariably affect the quality of the functions performed.
  • The moment of financing the reform remains in question. At this time, the financial and economic mechanisms that will allow the implementation of all the planned changes remain unsettled.

Will the salary of bailiffs be increased in 2018

This initiative will also apply to bailiffs. Their income depends on the following conditions:

  • rank;
  • bonus fund for work with state secrets.
  • Until recently bailiffs received no more than 23 thousand rubles a month. In the summer of 2017, salaries increased by 30%. Another increase is planned in the near future.
    Officials plan to set a minimum wage of 30,000 rubles. This will avoid problems with personnel and reduce the corruption component. In the long term, the monthly income of bailiffs should increase to 50 thousand. At the same time, no cuts are planned, since the burden on the employees of the department is already significant. The Judicial Department requires not only an increase in salaries, but also a reduction in the employment of judges. The load level in some cases exceeds all possible norms.

    Police officers, bailiffs and jailers want to increase the salary

    See also: The launch of satellites from Vostochny was postponed to 2018 Video news about the salary increase for FSSP employees Significant changes in the FSSP in 2018 Until recently, the work of the service was regulated by law No. 118 of 1997. The changes that have taken place necessitate amendments to the law. The President approved the initiative. As a result, the innovations affected the articles:

    • Since 2016, FSSP employees have been considered civil servants, respectively, they have titles, social guarantees, receive bonuses and additional payments. An economic or legal education is a prerequisite for obtaining privileges. Employees who do not meet the requirements will only be able to work as assistants.
    • The structure of the department has also changed.

    Fbsp reform 2018, the nuances of the reform

    In 2018-2019, 10 million a year will be needed. Increasing the qualifications of employees of the FSSP service According to the Ministry of Justice, innovations will allow attracting young specialists to the service. Increasing the salary and prestige of work will change the attitude of society towards this profession. In 2018, it is planned to increase salaries by 50% -100% (up to 50,000 - 75,000 rubles).

    Over the past few years, the life of FSPP workers has been influenced by significant changes. The Russian Ministry of Justice announced that from 2017 they will need to confirm compliance with the highest qualification requirements, and employees who fail to pass such a test will be demoted or even dismissed from the ranks of bailiffs. Economic or legal education was named as the main selection criterion.

    At the same time, only preliminary calculations showed that about 5,600 people, accounting for approximately ¼ of all FSPP employees, do not have a specialized education. Naturally, such information excited people working in this system. Fears were further fueled by information about the optimization of the number of FSPP employees - in some regions it is predicted that after all the measures, no more than three hundred bailiffs will remain in the local service.

    What the authorities call “optimization” is in fact just an excuse to reduce the ranks of the Federal Bailiff Service

    Reform initiatives immediately ran into fears of the leadership of the department. There is a high risk that with a reduced staff, employees simply will not be able to withstand the load. In addition, they promise to expand the powers of bailiffs. The government says that the measure will be extremely useful, and higher salaries and other social bonuses will help attract people of the highest qualifications to the system. Let's see what the essence of the reform is, and also find out what innovations it will bring in 2018.

    The main provisions of the reform

    For a long time, enforcement proceedings were regulated by Federation Law No. 118 (1997). In the past few years, questions have been raised in the government and the highest circles of the department itself regarding the need to amend the law on bailiffs, which has long been out of touch with modern realities. The initiative was supported and, after a long discussion and debate, the changes affected the following points:

    • Since 2016, employees of the executive service have been assigned a special category of civil servant, which is accompanied by appropriate titles, social guarantees, salary supplements and other types of incentives and incentives. However, privileges and incentives will be available only to those who meet the basic qualification requirement in the form of specialized education as a lawyer or economist. The rest will, at best, be content with the role of technical assistants;
    • Within the system itself, the Federal Service of Executors is proposed to be divided into several subcategories with different specializations, highlighting among them those who provide work in the courts and bailiffs. It is also proposed to introduce a new position of an interrogating bailiff;
    • The third innovation concerns the reduction in the number of FSPP representative offices in the regions. All small services should be combined into inter-territorial divisions so as not to inflate the budget of this system;
    • The powers of bailiffs have been revised. Now they have the opportunity to dispose of documents for driving a car. Particularly malicious debtors can be deprived of their rights, and no additional papers from the court are required for such an operation - the bailiff simply needs to notify the violator, and then send a direction to the transport inspectorate to suspend the rights. In 2017-2018, this measure may apply to those who have debts of 10,000 rubles or more. In the future, the rights of bailiffs may be expanded - for example, they will be able to issue bans on passing exams in the traffic police and prohibit the registration of cars and trademarks;
    • Separately, it is worth mentioning the expansion of powers to control collectors, which will be transferred to bailiffs from 2017. The Government has already commissioned the development of appropriate regulations that will provide the functions of control, supervision and registration of such agencies. The FSPP has already stated on this occasion that for the period from 2017 to 2019 they will need additional funds in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles, since additional employees will be needed to work with collectors. Calculations voiced by representatives of the FSPP of Russia say that 42 more people will be needed in the central office alone, and 862 new employees in the regions. Another item of expenditure will be the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals, which will cost 147.5 million rubles in 2017. For 2018 and 2019, financing in the amount of 10 million annually will be required.

    FSSP employees have the right to dispose of driver's documents

    Representatives of the Ministry of Justice said that such innovations should lead to an influx of young professionals who will work in the service from their student years, thereby bringing the prospect of getting a bailiff position closer. Indeed, in recent years, such work has not been particularly popular due to the lack of a decent reward and not too high prestige.

    An increase in salary and additional benefits for the bailiffs themselves and their families will make this profession a status one. For example, if the current average salary in Russia is estimated at about 27,000 rubles, then already in 2018 service employees are promised an increase from 50 to 100%. Among the declared benefits are vouchers to resorts, sanatorium treatment and insurance.

    Pitfalls of reform

    Naturally, the implementation of all the declared measures to increase the prestige of the work of bailiffs rests on the financial issue. Most experts say that you can hardly count on an instant increase in salaries. Most likely, the authorities will limit themselves to only a modest indexation of current salaries. Some sources say that the increase will be made in the amount of 5.5%, because, according to estimates, in order to introduce a new reform, it will be necessary to find about 9.5 billion rubles.

    Some lawyers have concerns too. According to Vyacheslav Lysakov, who holds the post of the first deputy chairman of the State Duma for legislation, the implementation of measures to increase the requirements for the qualifications of bailiffs can lead to the most negative consequences. There is a huge turnover in the service of bailiffs, so the reform should begin not with a reduction in their number, but by increasing the prestige of work and payment for it.

    It is not yet clear whether the state is ready for the promised injections into the FSSP

    Lysakov's opinion is also supported in the departments for security and anti-corruption. They say that there have been no direct orders to reduce the number of FSPP employees. The president only voiced the idea of ​​the need to reduce inefficient spending items, and the Ministry of Justice decided to deal with the problem in the simplest way by firing "extra" employees.

    To date, it is not known for certain how the issue will be resolved. It was rumored that in 2017, if the draft law developed by the initiative group is adopted, bailiffs will be able to receive bonuses from special funds formed at the expense of penalties. However, such an initiative is controversial. After all, it is far from a fact that the employees of the FSPP, knowing that they will receive a large bonus for a larger penalty, will not allow excesses in the performance of their duties.