How much the huntsman gets. The profession is a huntsman. Who is the huntsman. Ways to increase profits

The main task of the game manager is the protection and control over the rational use of the resources of nature. The professional pays special attention to the registration of animals of the commercial type and effectively fights against dangerous predators in the territory responsible for him.

So what is the salary of a game manager in different countries of the world?

Specialist's tariff rate on the territory of the Russian Federation

The state of the natural fund depends on the competent actions of a specialist.

The average salary of a game manager in Russia is 35,000 rubles (approximately 603 US dollars).

The largest number of official vacancies is open in the Orenburg and Tver regions, where national regional landscape parks are concentrated.

For objectivity, consider the salaries of craftsmen in the context of the regions of a huge country, namely:

  • Bryansk region - 19,500 rubles;
  • Altai Territory - 20,000 rubles;
  • Altai Republic - 20 250 rubles;
  • Republic of Mari El - 30,000 rubles;
  • Tver region - 35,000 rubles;
  • Smolensk territory - 35,150 rubles;
  • Kaluga province - 35,400 rubles;
  • Yaroslavl Region - 40,000 rubles;
  • Nenets autonomy - 40 350 rubles;
  • Moscow region - 49 625 rubles.

As a rule, a certified and responsible game manager is employed in specialized farms and research institutes.

An expert is paid well in private organizations where wild boars or moose are artificially bred.

After all, in Russia there are a large number of hunters who lay out decent sums to shoot the coveted trophy during a raid.

For a skilled contractor, there are always places where you can have a good profit.

Here are some examples of organizations:

  • Bratsk... The specialized hunting farm recruits certified and experienced hunter-rangers into its staff. The fundamental task of such experts is the protection of animal representatives, high-quality hunting organization, competent breeding of animals and registration of personal permits. A skilled craftsman receives from 30,000 rubles per month (about 517 USD);
  • Moscow... The certified organization "Intex" is recruiting specialists for the systematic protection of hunting grounds. The master must at the level of individual and collective round-ups on the beast, be fluent in technique and understand the dogs. The employer provides housing, special clothing and a full social package. A professional earns up to 52,000 RUB per month;
  • Valdai... The elite recreation center "Hunter's Shelter" has gained immense popularity thanks to the frequent visits of the President of the Russian Federation to this region. The duties of a game manager include organizing the functioning of enclosures for pheasants, mallard ducks and purebred dogs. The foreman performs the primary processing of trophies and organizes excursions. The specialist gets here from 35 to 70 thousand rubles monthly (up to $ 1206);
  • Yaroslavl... A private hunting farm is recruiting employees to organize and conduct high-quality hunting for clients. The duties of the executor also include maintaining documents, journals and cleaning weapons. The master makes here from 40 thousand RUB.

Profit of an experienced specialist in Belarus and Ukraine

A quality game manager keeps a clear record of the number of game animals in a specific area.

The professional is guided by personal experience to plan the capture and resettlement of various individuals.

Survey of land, breeding dogs and catching poachers - this is not a complete list of the functions of a game manager.

Timely control of harmful predators makes it possible to reliably regulate the number of wild boars and elk.

Hunting is quite popular in Belarus.

Therefore, the work of the gamekeeper is in great demand.

The average salary of a performer of this profile in the country reaches 600 b. rubles (approximately $ 306).

Let's consider examples of jobs for an expert:

  • Vitebsk... "Usadba" is a private hunting farm, which invites experienced specialists for the position. Applicants are encouraged to have rights (category "B") and the formation of forestry and park economy. The master's income reaches 700 bp. rubles ($ 357);
  • Borisov... Lavniki is a sports and hunting facility where tours are organized. The duties of game managers include control over the number of animals and animals. The employee's income is 400-700 bp. rubles;
  • Shchuchin. The organization specializes in hunting on towers and feeding grounds. The huntsman must systematically inspect the land and cull the herd. Also, a professional is obliged to work quickly with documentation and work fruitfully with clients.

The huntsman is an employee of a hunting farm. Its main task is to control the number of animals. He also makes sure that the hunt is conducted according to the rules.

This is a work in which there are no weekends and holidays. An important question is how much a person working in this profession gets.

The level of earnings in Russia

According to the statistics of the job search resource indeed, the average salary of a huntsman in Russia for 2017 is 16,000 rubles.

Report, what is the salary of a huntsman by regions of the country:

  1. Yaroslavl region - 40,000 rubles,
  2. Moscow region - 28 750 rubles,
  3. Kurgan Region, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, Krasnodar Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Tyumen - 27,500 rubles,
  4. in the Arkhangelsk region - 25,000 rubles.

Often, in addition to wages, they provide free housing for the employee and his family.

The largest vacancies are open in the following regions:

  • Perm Territory - 28%;
  • Tyumen region - eleven %;
  • Moscow region - eleven %;
  • Astrakhan region - 7%.

Income in different organizations

How much the huntsman earns is influenced by the place of his employment.

Some vacancies for 2018 in this profession with different salary figures (rubles / month):

  • Employee at OOO Tandem, Tver region - 9500.
  • Tver region, employee for an agricultural firm - 21,000.
  • Perm. State enterprise "PERMOKHOTA" - 10 200-18 500.
  • To the hunting farm in the Ivanovo region. - 35,000.

Many vacancies require a Category B driver's license.

Some farms cover thousands of hectares.

Bypassing them takes a lot of time and effort.

Salary in other countries

Average indicators of how much the huntsman gets in other countries:

  • Belarus - $ 150-300
  • Forester in Ukraine - UAH 18,000
  • Kazakhstan - 30-12000 tenge.

Ways to increase profits

In most cases, the salary is less than the national average for 2017: 35,500 rubles.

More entrepreneurial people use the opportunities for additional income:

  • collection and sale of firewood;
  • picking berries and herbs in the area;
  • hunting organization;
  • organization of recreation;
  • breeding of domestic animals;
  • maintenance of the garden.

Almost half of the territory of the Russian Federation is occupied by forests. The main biological resources of the country are concentrated here. Russian forests account for over 20% of the world's timber reserves. The forest zone is home to a huge variety of animals, many of which are of commercial importance. In addition, the forest is of great recreational importance.

People tend to go to the forest to relax, improve their health, and admire the beauty of nature. One of the old Russian crafts is hunting for forest animals. However, the consumerist attitude towards nature has led to a sharp decline in many species of animals.

In order to protect and restore the number of representatives of the forest fauna in Russia, a state huntsman service has been organized. The staff of this service are gamekeepers. These are professional hunters who are responsible for hunting and protecting the animal world in the area entrusted to them.

The area of ​​one ranger site is 30 thousand hectares. Therefore, the huntsman has to travel huge distances every day in order to monitor the observance of hunting rights by hunters in a given territory and to prevent illegal hunting of animals.

It should be noted that the work of a huntsman is fraught with great danger. Encountering poachers can have unpredictable tragic consequences. What is the salary of a huntsman paid by the state for such an important, and at the same time, hard and dangerous work?

Features of the service and duties of the gamekeeper

There is an opinion that any hunter can become a gamekeeper. However, it is not. In order to take office, a future huntsman needs to get an education in the specialty "Forestry" or "Forestry".

The place of work of the huntsman is a huntsman site on the territory of a nature reserve, a forestry enterprise, a forestry-technical school, an experimental forestry, a reproduced site or a national park. This position is in the staffing table of specialized forest protection organizations that belong to the Federal Forestry Service of the Russian Federation.

The basis of the huntsman service is the daily rounds of the forest area entrusted to him. During the walk, the huntsman performs the following duties:

  1. Personally protect hunting grounds and wildlife.
  2. Keep records of the number of hunting species in populations.
  3. Conduct biotechnical operations. For example, regulate the number of wild animals and shoot harmful individuals.
  4. Monitor the observance of hunting rules.
  5. Conduct security raids with community inspectors.
  6. Stop illegal hunting of poachers.

In order for all activities to be completed on time and as efficiently as possible, the huntsman must determine clear routes for his movement around the site. Every day the huntsman must record all types of work and observations in the huntsman's diary, which is a reporting document of the specialist's work for a certain period of time.

When applying for a job, the following additional requirements are imposed on the applicant:

  • a license to carry weapons;
  • the presence of a hunting ticket and your own gun;
  • category B driver's license, ability to drive a tractor and motor vehicles;
  • experience in growing cereals, vegetables, fruit and berry crops;
  • the ability to take care of animals and fish;
  • willingness to live in rural areas;
  • the possibility of moving to a new place of work with the family.

What determines the size of the salary

The gamekeeper's salary consists of salary (78%), bonuses (19%) and compensations (3%).

There are several factors that can affect the amount of the gamekeeper's salary:

  1. Region of residence. The salaries of forestry workers in the European part of Russia are lower than those of gamekeepers serving in Siberian forests. The difference is determined by the value of the multiplying coefficient.
  2. Place of work. In large, actively developing forestry, the pay is higher than in small tree nurseries.
  3. work experience... Young specialists with no experience are offered work with a salary of 12 thousand rubles, while a specialist with at least 1 year of experience is offered work with a salary of 25 thousand rubles.

Additional bonuses and guarantees

The demand for gamekeepers in Russia today is not high. About 120-150 vacancies remain open. Salaries in the forestry sector remain low, therefore, in order to attract specialists, employers guarantee:

  • housing for the huntsman and his family;
  • service transport (car, ATV, snowmobile, etc.);
  • overalls;
  • payment for mobile communications;
  • walkie-talkie;
  • free meals, etc.

Salaries in different regions of Russia

Analysis of salary offers for the huntsman vacancy showed that employers are ready to pay specialists from 11 to 35 thousand rubles.

The biggest earnings await the gamekeepers in the actively developing hunting farm in Ivanovskaya area. Work on labor protection, reproduction and accounting of hunting animals, as well as amateur hunting guarantees 35 thousand rubles. per month.

It is possible to work on a rotational basis in a hunting farm Khanty-Mansiysk... For 25-30 thousand rubles. The gamekeepers will have to look after the hunting grounds and maintain the good condition of the hunters' houses.

V Leningrad region for 30 thousand rubles. per month the huntsman will have to walk around the territory, feed the wild boars, harvest salt licks, plant willow trees and organize hunting.

The lowest salaries were recorded in Volgograd, Orenburg, Smolensk, Yaroslavl, Samara regions and Perm edge- 11.2 - 16.3 thousand rubles.

Interesting seasonal offers await young professionals in Astrakhan area. You can earn money if you get a job on a pleasure boat as a sailor-huntsman. His duties include servicing fishermen and hunters on boats, as well as cleaning and ordering on the ship. The duration of flights to the Volga delta is 4-10 days. The salary consists of a salary of 14 thousand rubles. and bonuses for each day of work - 500 rubles.

The average salary of a specialist in the Russian huntsman service is 21-27 thousand rubles.

In other countries of the world

According to the forums on the topic "Hunting, Fishing", for example, in Tanzania in just a day of hunting, the huntsman earns about $ 300 (20 thousand rubles). Finnish huntsmen earn 4-4.5 thousand euros per month (300-400 thousand rubles). V Canada professional huntsmen-hunters receive 3.5-4 thousand Canadian dollars (175-200 thousand rubles) for their labor.


The salary of the huntsman remains low-paid, therefore the pension of this category of specialists will be small - 7-8 thousand rubles.

Ranger low incomes can be increased by additional activities associated with work in forestry. These types of activities include:

  • beekeeping;
  • preparation of birch and oak brooms;
  • collection of medicinal plants;
  • preparation and sale of firewood;
  • growing vegetables on a personal plot;
  • organization of hunting and recreation for the population;
  • breeding of wild animals for hunting (wild boars, etc.).

Among the uninitiated, there is an opinion that the work of a huntsman is the most carefree and romantic in the world. You walk through the woods, communicate with animals and birds ... No matter how it is! Every day, in any weather, the huntsman disappears in the forest, monitors the movement of animals, their habits, reproduction. The main task of a specialist is to monitor the fauna in the entrusted territory. In addition, it is important to maintain a balance in the ecosystem and fight overpopulation of certain species.

How to become a gamekeeper?

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the profession is passed down from generation to generation. There is nothing surprising. If a person from childhood gets used to a certain way of life, is well oriented on the terrain, observes the duties of the father, most likely, he will become a good game manager.

Universities in Russia do not train gamekeepers, so the profession does not provide for special education. You can find work in large hunting farms, where there is at least some kind of personnel change. As you gain experience, you can apply for individual lands.

The following personal qualities will not interfere with the huntsman:

  • a normal attitude towards a secluded lifestyle, the lack of some amenities;
  • independent decision making;
  • deep knowledge in zoology and ornithology;
  • physical endurance and good health.

Do not miss:

As such, there is no career ladder in the huntsman business. The maximum that a specialist can count on is the position of chief huntsman. Additional income for the hunting industry is brought by hunting for guests.

Gamekeeper salary

The huntsman's salary rarely exceeds 25 thousand rubles. Labor market research has shown that employers of the Tyumen and Moscow regions are ready to offer the highest salaries:

The duties of the gamekeeper

  • controls the animal population on the site;
  • is engaged in the arrangement of feeders for feeding, watering places;
  • is engaged in the protection of the entrusted territory, patrols the land, draws up protocols of violations;
  • confiscates weapons and illegally killed game;
  • organizes hunting.

The duties of a huntsman are not limited to hunting alone. In winter, when it becomes more difficult to find food, animals need to be fed. It is not always possible to get to remote places by car. Sometimes you have to wade through the snowdrifts with a bag of provisions at the ready.

There is no less work in the summer. The huntsman must have time to prepare for the cold weather, fix the feeders and, of course, protect the farm from poachers.

10 25 50 per page, sort by Date (freshest) Relevance Salary (high) Salary (low)


Responsibilities: Protection of wild animals in a fixed bypass, wildlife sanctuary, hunting farm, production site from poaching. Education: Secondary vocational Qualifications: Work experience desirable. A complete package of documents for employment. ... FROM 11280 TO 11300


Responsibilities: Organization of the boat station and rental point. Heating and bath service. Condition monitoring and cleaning of beaches. Assistance to guests in carrying out amateur fishing. Requirements: Similar work experience. Well versed in ... 25,000 RUB. PER MONTH


A person is required to fish. Responsibilities are different related to the activities of the farm. Accommodation is free in a separate trailer in a picturesque place on the banks of the akhtuba river. Work for people who want to change their environment. Nutrition is discussed. 8000


Work implies business trips (delivery of equipment and people to the place of work). Work on objects. URAL, KAMAZ, UAZ, ZIL vehicles, Huntsman... Minor repairs of equipment ... 50000-60000