How to organize a construction company. How to open a construction company in Russia. Marketing approach to clients

Turnkey construction or even just repair work is a service that will be relevant anytime, anywhere. Regardless of the economic situation in the country and the region, people buy apartments, houses and make repairs in their homes.

- this is the direction where you can quickly reach a good payback level, but subject to a competently drawn up business plan, recruiting qualified personnel and proper organization of work.

Choosing a field of activity

Before making a business plan construction business from scratch, you need to decide on a specific direction. In general, this direction of entrepreneurship can be conditionally divided into three main groups:

  • Individual construction - in this case, the work will be focused on working with private orders.
  • Construction work in industrial scalethe road industry can be distinguished as a separate direction.
  • Overhaul of premises, including the design direction - the development of turnkey projects is now in demand, especially in terms of city apartments.

The first two areas require not only significant investments, but also a team of excellent specialists. You also need to purchase construction equipment, which in itself costs a lot of money, requires a qualified maintenance... Therefore, if you do not have the appropriate education and free money for such injections, it is better to start from the third direction - overhaul, decoration of premises.

check in

You can arrange your activity as Individual Entrepreneur or LLC. If you only intend to engage in apartment renovation, then an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable for a start. In all other cases, you need an LLC.

Required documents

The standard package of documents includes the following:

  • Certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  • Stamp of the company.
  • Forms of contracts.
  • Authorized capital.
  • Statutory documents.
  • Bank account.
  • SRO membership documents.
  • Permits from the fire inspection.
  • Construction license.
  • Certificates of conformity for equipment and materials used.
  • Technical documentation for equipment, special equipment, materials used in construction.

The specific list of documentation will depend on what type of construction business from scratch you decide to develop.

Purchase of machinery and equipment

If at the initial stage the budget is limited, you can rent special equipment and some equipment. You can also save money if you buy everything you need on lease.

But, even if there are enough funds for the development of the construction business from scratch, there is no need to buy special equipment and expensive equipment right away, because if the business does not go well, all this will somehow have to be sold, and this is a waste of time and money.

Consider the list of necessary equipment at the very simple form business in the field of construction - apartment renovation. To start you will need:

  • Transport - it can be a van, something like a "Gazelle" for transportation building materials, tools and brigades of workers.
  • Professional equipment for carrying out repair work - electric drills, screwdrivers, perforators, tile cutters, circular saws, small tools - hammers, screwdrivers, pliers, tape measures and so on.
  • Measuring, including levels.
  • Working overalls for the brigade.

There is no need to purchase building materials in advance - it is better to do this for a specific project.

Staff recruitment

The professionalism and quality of work of your staff is practically the basis for the success and development of the construction business, even if we are talking about a small repair team. The classic scheme of this line of business in the construction industry is the following "composition":

  • Electrician.
  • Painter-plasterer.
  • Tiler-finisher.
  • Mason.
  • Handymen.

If you will provide turnkey finishing of premises with the development of a design project, then, accordingly, you will need an interior designer and an architect.

It goes without saying that specialties and the number of working units in one direction or another must be selected based on the direction of activity and the scale of the company. But, when choosing an employee, first of all, you need to look at his experience and "track record".

Procedure for organizing work

How to organize a construction business? It is necessary to draw up a business plan for the project - this will and step by step instructions, a kind, and a forecast for the future, since financial calculations must be present.

An approximate plan for starting a construction business from scratch is as follows:

  • Choose a business line in the construction industry.
  • To resolve documentary issues - to draw up the organizational and legal form, obtain all the necessary permits.
  • Recruit staff.
  • Deal with equipment - rent, lease or purchase immediately at full cost.
  • Launch an advertising campaign, find the first customers.

And if all stages, up to the last, are only a matter of time and money spent, then the start of work will depend on the latter - there will be no profit without clients, this is obvious. Therefore, the issues of advertising and business promotion should be entrusted to professional marketers.

Advertising campaign

It is impossible to develop a construction business from scratch efficiently and quickly without a well-developed advertising campaign. In this niche, effective tools will be the following:

  • Media, radio and television.
  • Banners, advertising posters - outdoor advertising in busy areas of the city.
  • Internet advertising - targeting, contextual, website development.

The site needs to be given special attention, since it is, in fact, your business card on the Internet, and it is there that most people spend their time, who are also your potential customers.

A little advice: you do not need to save on this and create something if only it was.
Order a website from professionals, indicate on it all the necessary information:

  • Company name.
  • Actual and legal address.
  • Specialization.
  • Completed projects.
  • Duration of work in a niche, partners.
  • Company management, work experience.

Also on the site you can indicate customer reviews. And since they can be ordered for the view, it is better to place scans or photographs of written reviews. It is even better if these are video reviews of customers or partners.

Don't forget about tenders, and not only private ones, but also municipal ones. At first, the delivery of several successful municipal projects will only work as a plus and will definitely bring more than one client in the future.

Financial component

Construction as a business is a rather costly business, the lion's share of the costs falls on the purchase of equipment and special equipment. Even equipment rental is far from a budget item, but with proper planning, the costs quickly pay off.

If we consider the average check in the market with the condition of promoting the construction business from scratch, the initial costs for a year of work are approximately as follows:

  • Purchase of tools - about 100,000 rubles.
  • Transport rent - subject to the average rental cost of a truck at 10,000 rubles, 120,000 rubles per year.
  • The salary for three employees is about 1.5 million.
  • Other expenses, the amount for force majeure - about 100,000 rubles.

In total, to start a construction business in Russia, you will need about 2 million, give or take a couple of hundred thousand rubles, but it's better to write it into a business plan with a margin.

The construction business can pay off from scratch in about a year, if 3-4 cosmetic repairs are done per month, the average cost of which is 50,000 rubles, as well as one major one. Its cost for a two-room apartment with a standard layout is about 200,000 rubles.

Such financial plan, of course, approximate. At the beginning of work, most likely, there will be a low-profit time, until the ad works and begins to bring customers. As the number of successfully completed projects grows, so will the number of clients. Your task at the beginning of your work is to earn not money, but an excellent reputation, since it is this reputation that will then be converted into good income.

In conclusion

The construction business in Russia is a profitable business, although the competition in this niche is quite tough. But, adhering to simple rules: the quality of work, reasonable prices, timely delivery of the project, will inevitably lead to the fact that your construction company will grow and bring good income.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

In any respect big city today there are many construction projects. The construction of multi-storey buildings almost never stops, but, as you know, builders are not engaged in interior decoration, and the buyer of a new building receives an apartment in which a full-fledged repair still needs to be done. And in many already residential apartments, finishing and construction works... A rare person starts repairs on his own, therefore, the services of repair and construction teams are in sufficient demand on the market.

These broad-based specialists offer their customers fast execution of tasks, the cost of their services may vary depending on the level and popularity of the team, but it is not difficult to find builders and repairmen in any city. This business niche is quite densely occupied, because it does not require serious investments, and a person with a construction education, if he wants to do his own thing, will probably choose not to open a full-fledged construction company. The level of competition in this direction is very high, and it is quite difficult for a beginner to enter the market, he does not have a reputation and a well-known name, while many construction teams already have an established clientele.

On the other hand, residents of new buildings, people who first encountered the need to carry out finishing work, try to find out information about repair and construction teams in general sources, for example, on the Internet, and here the young company has a chance to interest its client in a more profitable offer of services, and not famous name. In this regard, even a start-up company can take its place, but for this you will have to constantly engage in a marketing campaign and earn a positive reputation.

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In the early stages, a small number of orders may be economically justified, but later the organization must develop, and in order to survive in this market, it is necessary to offer its customers truly high-quality services without hack-work.

It is also worth noting that a relatively large number of repair construction teams today just offer low-quality services, they are builders who are engaged in finishing in their free time from their main work and therefore rarely care about good work, but offer the customer a low cost and short terms, which especially attracts consumers. These are the brigades that bypass with random orders, may not have very good feedback in the market, but at the same time survive thanks to connections and externally favorable conditions... Thus, the beginner must end up offering competitive conditions, but also strive to set their prices below average.

The repair and construction team offers a wide range of its services, from simple cosmetic wall decoration to the laying of communications. Depending on the list of services, oKVED codes, but all such activities fall under the definition of the general grouping (OKPD 2) 43 Specialized construction works. In order to start your own business, you need to register as a subject business activities, and in the case of organizing a small company, it makes sense to choose a form of individual entrepreneurship, because it takes less time, requires less serious reporting, and as a result, registration is somewhat cheaper. If there is a need to formalize a legal entity, then the preferred form of a company with limited liability, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available.

Currently, obtaining special construction licenses is not required, but for legal business it is necessary to join a self-regulatory organization (SRO) for construction. In this regard, it is impossible to accurately name the amount of the required investments of the entry fee and other conditions for the admission of newcomers to a self-regulatory organization, because each of them sets its own conditions and requirements.

Ready ideas for your business

It is strictly forbidden to work without joining an SRO, but this has some of its advantages. For example, in a self-regulatory organization, information may appear that it will transfer to its members. It also contains information about government grants and contests that can be used. In any case, the entrepreneur now does not need to constantly apply to government agencies and engage in his activities under the supervision of the governing bodies. The SRO issues admission to work, and although it requires its members to fulfill all the conditions set, it is less demanding.

Next, you need to think about finding a room, while seriously considering the option of not having your own office and representative office at all. If the budget is limited, then you can conduct all negotiations with your customers at their home, moreover, this will allow you to combine negotiations with the assessment and calculation of the cost of work. Clients rarely judge a company by its office, because it is much more convenient for them when the team immediately arrives at the site and there is no need to go somewhere. In this regard, you can significantly save on renting premises in the first months of work, especially when there are still only a small number of orders, and the company goes without work for many days. However, later you will have to think about your own office, because the developing company increases the range of services provided, the level of its service rises, and it cannot do without its own representative office.

Ready ideas for your business

To do this, it is better to look for premises in a large-scale construction area, for example, in a new quarter under construction, which will soon be commissioned and apartments will begin to be sold. Of course, sooner or later the quarter will be fully populated, and the demand for finishing work will gradually decrease, but by that time the company will have good reputation, which will allow her to work throughout the city, and as a last resort, she should be able to move to a new quarter. Therefore, if the company has not yet become widely known, it is worth renting small offices with the possibility of quick relocation.

It should be noted that it is better to start a repair and construction business for an entrepreneur who himself understands repair and construction, but also has a higher professional education and sufficient work experience in order to personally manage the process of construction or repair. Of course, complex projects require the involvement of a large number of people, including additional management personnel, but it is preferable for an entrepreneur to personally manage the work of his employees. In other words, the businessman himself should act as a foreman at the facility, otherwise the brigade with its own foreman does not need to work for a third-party company, because, having received the facility, it will strive to keep all the profit for itself. It follows from this that a team with a superintendent involved from the outside will most likely begin to provide their services bypassing the employing company, without caring about the reputation and image of the latter.

In this regard, the repair and construction business can be recommended to those people who can independently manage the process of construction and repair and who want to organize their own business, but entrepreneurs who are far from construction should choose some other direction of their activities, and if there is a huge desire and / or prospects to engage in this particular area, it is necessary to study the main points of this business, but also constantly monitor the work of its employees.

The decisive factor in such an undertaking will be the selection of your own team. It is on people that the quality and speed of the work depends, therefore, this issue need to be approached very carefully. In the labor market today, you can easily find repairmen and builders, but not always it will be qualified employees, responsible and not seeking to deceive employers and / or the client. This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to independently carry out the work of the foreman, or at least constantly monitor the work of your team. Surely it will take a long time before you can find truly honest and qualified workers, and at first you have to cooperate with different people.

Ready ideas for your business

However, in this type of business, it makes sense to consider hiring people only after receiving the order. That is, employees are not on the staff of the company, but are outsourced only as needed, this allows you to significantly reduce the cost of maintaining your company, because there is no need to pay a fixed salary. And the repairmen themselves, in their free time from orders, can work on the side, which will bring you additional income, and therefore eliminate dissatisfaction with the main employer. A significant drawback of this approach can be called the fact that employees will not be directly subordinate, and therefore they will not always be able to take on tasks, but this problem is partially solved by finding spare people who also cooperate with the company only for the duration of the task.

For a large company that constantly has orders, it is much easier to maintain a staff of its own employees than to constantly look for them on the side, so such informal cooperation is acceptable only in the early stages of work. In addition to the brigade itself, you need to find people capable of performing additional tasks; this includes technologists, design engineers, surveyors, designers and architects. These people will be needed at later stages of work, but you need to think about finding them from the very beginning.

A repair and construction company should offer its customers not only interior decoration services, but also a whole range of additional services, which include drafting a redevelopment project, regulating all legal issues or assistance in them, creating a design project, dismantling work, installing communications, replacing windows and doors, plumbing and electrical work. This list can be substantially supplemented if available relevant staff and opportunities. All business processes that are not related to the organization's profit should be outsourced, because it is much more profitable economically.

For your work, you need to purchase several sets of appropriate equipment, but there is not always a need to purchase an expensive tool. The main task of the equipment is so that the craftsmen can quickly and efficiently perform their task, so they are often suitable for simple devices that are not equipped with various functions. All equipment is purchased in several sets so that there is a spare tool and it is enough for several teams for simultaneous calls.

The repair and construction team must compulsorily perform plastering of ceilings and walls, painting work, wallpapering, laying flooring, plumbing and electrical technical work, replacing doors and windows, including from wooden to metal-plastic. The staff arsenal must contain various devices to work with different kinds materials, and in addition there should be tools for waterproofing, thermal insulation and sound insulation. Therefore, a large amount of various small construction tool such as: level, drill, hammer drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, miter box, sets of brushes, rollers and spatulas; tape measures, knives, graters; Simple building kits including pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, chisels and an awl.

You also need to buy a large number of consumables, which are hardware and typical consumables for the work carried out (polyurethane foam, two-component mastic, glue, paint and varnishes). However, you don't need to buy too many consumables right away, you should only keep them in reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances, while purchasing all consumables is only worth receiving an order and calculating the estimated costs. Only what is needed is bought, and such materials as wallpaper, tiles and similar finishing elements should be purchased only by agreement with the customer; moreover, he often buys them on his own.

Depending on the proposed list of works, it may be necessary to purchase special clothing if employees perform work that is harmful to life or health. The most serious protection is a special suit that covers the whole body with a respirator. But it must be used only when carrying out a limited list of works; in most cases, the repair and construction team can do with simple and comfortable construction clothing.

For workers should buy special transport, on which they will get to the place of work. To do this, you can buy a small van that can hold all the necessary equipment and purchased materials. This is not always necessary, because employees may have their own car, which is more convenient for them to drive, but for their own needs, an ordinary inexpensive car can sometimes be indispensable. Its minimum cost is 200 thousand rubles, but for this amount you can only buy a used car in not the best condition.

In order to attract your customers, you need, as already noted, to closely engage in an advertising campaign. To do this, you should post information about yourself on all thematic portals on the Internet, advertise in local media: radio, television, printed editions (although there is no need to expect much efficiency from this method of promotion).

Most often today, people are looking for interior decorators on the advice of friends and acquaintances, those potential customers who have no one to ask for advice or get a recommendation are looking for information on their own, mainly on the Internet. Therefore, you need to seriously think about creating your own website, which will become an important information and advertising platform for the company. The cost of creating and promoting a site can be very significant depending on the subject matter, site content and the level of competition. However, it is through the Internet that today you can find the largest number of customers, because the site immediately offers a list of prices, a list of services and all working conditions.

The cost of the work of the repair and construction team varies depending on the complexity, and among professionals there are several groups of repair. By complexity, and therefore by price, repairs are divided into cosmetic, economical, capital and European standards (renovation). The cost of the latter is usually 3-4 times higher than the first, and therefore a renovation for 1 square meter costs the client about 6 thousand rubles, and the cosmetic one and a half thousand rubles for the same area. However, these prices are very approximate, and the exact cost is determined on the spot.

The most labor-consuming, energy-consuming and time-consuming work can cost customers several times more. Therefore, such a business is profitable when there is a large number of orders, but a significant drawback of such a business is its seasonality, because in the cold season, almost no one is involved in repairs. In this regard, to engage in the repair and finishing business together with some other, if, of course, there is a need to receive cash all year round.

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Detailed instructions for starting a profitable and successful construction company. How to register a company, what services can be offered, how to look for customers for construction and in what ways to promote the company. What are the pitfalls inherent in such a business and what are its advantages.

The construction business has been and remains one of the most profitable. And, despite the high competition, there will be enough space on the market for everyone - already established companies and young firms.

As practice shows, construction organizations many, but the demand for their services is greater than the proposals. Indeed, many companies need office buildings, warehouses, workshops, garages, shops and other facilities. People need private houses, baths, various buildings and garages. Renovation and decoration services are in constant demand. Therefore, even a young company will not be left without work.

The organization of a construction company does not have any serious difficulties. And how to open and register such a company will be described in detail below.

Buying a ready-made company is the fastest way to open a construction company

If you do not want to go through all the stages of the formation of a new company, opened from scratch, then the most the best option will buy ready-made construction company.

Buying a company requires going through the following steps:

  • The conclusion of a formal sales contract between the current and future owner of the company.
  • Appointment of a new CEO of the firm.
  • Receiving ready documents: company charter, certificates of registration and registration with the tax service, the decision to create a company, the necessary statistical codes (Goskomstat, OKVED, etc.), seal.

Buying a company should be done with caution. In particular, it is imperative to ensure that the founder of the acquired company a real man, and not a fictional person, existing only according to the constituent documents. It is very easy to face fraudsters and lose money, but it is difficult or impossible to get it back.

It is also worth noting that the registration and re-registration of all papers is already included in the cost of the company and there is no need to pay separately for such procedures.

Starting a new construction company from scratch

If the buy option is not suitable, then the best solution will create a new firm from scratch and on its own. In this case, you can independently choose the scope of the company and the list of services.

To open a construction company you need:

  • Decide on the field of activity and the list of services.
  • Calculate initial investment.
  • Register a company and obtain permits.
  • Buy the necessary equipment.
  • Hire the necessary specialists.

These and others important points will be discussed in detail below.

Choosing the scope of the future company

What can a construction company do? There are three main activities:

  1. Industrial engineering.
  2. Road construction.
  3. Civil engineering.

Additional services worth noting:

  • Rental of construction machinery, equipment or tools.
  • Building materials production.
  • Sale of building materials.
  • Training in construction specialties, holding seminars or organizing other possible thematic events (exhibitions, presentations, etc.).
  • Sale of projects of private houses.

Determination of the initial capital for the organization of the company

The starting capital figure can only be obtained by calculation. For clarity, a list of possible costs will be given below.

So, to open a construction company you will need:

  • 10 million rubles for the purchase of special equipment
  • 1 million rubles for the purchase of construction tools
  • 300 thousand rubles. for office and premises rent
  • 200 thousand rubles. advertising, transport and tax expenses
  • 100 thousand rubles on wages 4-5 specialists.

As you can see, the costs are significant. And if there is an opportunity, it is better to find an investor willing to invest in a future construction company. To do this, it is enough to develop a detailed business plan with specific figures.

You can also reduce costs by renting the equipment necessary for work.

If you plan to open a construction company that will specialize only in finishing work, then the costs will be slightly different, and in particular:

  • 200 thousand rubles. for the purchase of tools and materials
  • 30 thousand rubles. for advertising
  • 500 thousand rubles for the purchase of vehicles for transporting tools, materials and specialists
  • 35 thousand rubles. for contributions to the payroll

In this case, the costs will be covered even faster, due to the high demand for finishing work among organizations and the population.

What are the possible difficulties you will have to face

Before moving on to registering a company, it is worthwhile to clearly understand what difficulties you may encounter at the initial stage and in the future.

So, you should not expect large and serious orders in the first couples. You will have to work with small orders, since for serious projects you need to earn a positive reputation and build more than one facility with high quality. Nobody will entrust serious work to a newbie firm, as it is a risk.

“Everything should be comprehended from simple to complex. Starting from small objects you can come up with large and very large objects. Because the experience of the team is being gained. "

Dmitry Lapshov - cEO construction company

The second difficulty is the need for large financial investments in the organization of the construction business. Here you will either need to look for money on your own, take loans, or attract investors. The latter will have to be seriously worked on.

The third difficulty is very high competition. Therefore, in the beginning, you will need to focus only on a specific area and find a unique approach to customers in order to stand out in the market. Again, this is a difficult task, but quite real.

The high cost of SRO membership is also some of the difficulty in running a construction business. However, if the firm will carry out small projects, then membership is optional.

How to register a construction company and obtain permits

Now directly about the registration of the company and obtaining required package documents, building permits and further activities.

Company registration

The optimal form of ownership for a construction company is LLC (Limited Liability Company). To register you will need:

  • Application for registration in the form established by the state;
  • Information about the organization (for an individual entrepreneur, only the passport data of the entrepreneur will be required);
  • Company charter;
  • Agreement on the share distribution of funds between the founders of the company.
  • Get the tax code of the company;
  • Register with the State Statistics Committee;
  • Get an extract from the USR;
  • Choose a taxation system (general or simplified).

Collection of permits

To obtain permits, you should visit the Ministry of Emergencies and SES. Obtaining a building permit will cost about 600 thousand rubles.

Also, the company will be issued a license for structural design services and a permit for engineering surveys.

In general, it is difficult to obtain all the documents will require up to 3 million rubles.

Joining the SRO (Self-Regulatory Organization of Builders)

Joining an SRO is a mandatory event. A construction company operating without permission from an SRO is punished with a fine of 5 thousand rubles. and more.

Each member of the SRO is obliged to pay fees, the amount of which depends on the region. So, for example, the compensation fund deductions - 400 thousand rubles / year. Naturally, not every company, especially at the initial stage, is able to pay such fees. But some companies can operate without membership in an SRO. These organizations include:

  • Firms engaged in interior decoration and renovation of premises or facades.
  • Firms exclusively engaged in the installation of windows and doors.

SRO is not needed even if the company will be engaged in the construction of buildings with a height of no more than 3 floors or an area of \u200b\u200bless than 1500 sq. m., houses for one family and no more than ten residential blocks.

On the choice of equipment and personnel selection

Scroll necessary equipment directly depends on the scale of the company and the list of construction work performed.

So, for example, a large firm will need to buy large-sized equipment and construction equipment.

A small company can rent or lease equipment, as it is more profitable than, for example, a loan. You can also save money by purchasing equipment previously used... The main thing here is that the seller has documents for this equipment.

As for the staff, for a start it is worth hiring:

  • Supplier and HR officer;
  • Architect, designer and foreman;
  • Secretary and accountant;
  • Programmer and lawyer.

To form construction crews, workers will be required:

  • Painters and plasterers;
  • Electricians and Plumbers;
  • Bricklayers and Roofers;

Workers should be recruited only under specific work, which the construction company will offer.

“To open a construction company, you have to be close to some kind of construction work. That is, in any case, you must know some technological cycles, some materials and understand that these works must be performed with proper quality and on time.

Accordingly, you must be able to do something in construction. Or you must have close people who know about construction. "

Mikhail Ryabukha - entrepreneur, founder of RusAlpStroy

Search for orders: where and how to find them

Ways to receive orders

There are 3 ways to receive construction orders:

  1. Participation in the tender. Here you can apply for participation in the competition. However, before submitting it, it is better to study in detail the future project, since if this is a large construction, then no one will entrust it to a young and unknown company.
  2. Subcontracting. Here you need to negotiate with a construction company engaged in some kind of large construction. She will hand over part of the work to a subcontractor.
  3. Cooperation. In this case, a cooperation agreement is concluded with a company engaged in the construction of new buildings. That is, one firm will build houses, and the other will make repairs in apartments, stairwells and other premises.

Ways to attract customers

To attract customers, you can use one of the most effective instruments - word of mouth. It is enough to find friends who are ready to order services and leave a review. Even at the initial stage, it is possible to carry out work at prices lower than those of competitors, while maintaining good quality.

Customers satisfied with the final result and low price will recommend the company to their friends and willingly leave feedback or provide letters of thanks.

How to Advertise and Promote a Construction Firm

To promote a new company, you should use all possible advertising tools. These include:

  • Own website on the Internet. It is better to order it from publishers and not create it in free services, as this will have a bad effect on the company's image. Moreover, it is difficult to achieve at least some results from a site developed using a free constructor.
  • Leaflets and announcements. It is better to distribute them among new areas where a large number of new buildings are concentrated. So you can get a lot of orders for apartment renovation.
  • Internet advertising. In this case, it means the promotion of the company with the help contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google.Adwords.
  • Cooperation with shops. Enough at the box office of construction or furniture stores leave company business cards. In such places every day is concentrated the target audience construction company.
  • Private sector announcements. The usual posting of ads in villages will give a good flow of customers for the construction of residential country houses or other buildings (baths, garages, sheds, etc.).

On the advantages and disadvantages of business

In conclusion, it is worth considering a few more points - the pros and cons of a construction company.

The advantages include a good profitability - on average 75%, and a return on investment in 1-1.5 years. This business is stable and profitable.

Of the minuses, only very high competition can be distinguished. IN competitive struggle often it is necessary to lower prices, but at the same time always do everything efficiently and on time. Although after the company becomes famous, you can begin to bend your pricing policy.

A construction business from scratch is a profitable investment of money. It is worth saying that today many people dream of starting their own business, which can bring good profits. And therefore, some people need to pay attention to the business idea of \u200b\u200ba construction business without investment. Construction is considered the most modern commerce, which will always develop and bring good profits. Therefore, one should understand the nuances of this case and trace its features.

How to start a construction business: Business features

Let's now answer the question of how to start a construction business from scratch without money. So, like any commercial enterprise, the construction business is divided into several categories.

  1. The field of civil engineering.
  2. The field of road construction.
  3. The sphere of industrial construction of buildings.

The services of a construction firm can also be classified into two types - these are basic services and additional services. The main construction works include the construction of:

  • residential buildings,
  • warehouses,
  • baths.

Also, the main work includes: installation, dismantling of buildings and repair of premises.

Additional services include the rental of equipment and personnel. This category also includes the sale of building materials and paid training for employees of other similar companies.

To start a construction business, follow these steps. So, it is necessary:

  1. Draw up a clear and competent business plan.
  2. Complete all registration documents.
  3. Collect all the papers you need.
  4. Purchase inventory, machinery and equipment.

Also, the success of this business depends on qualified personnel. Therefore, it is worth choosing literate and skillful workers. In addition, it must be said that a successful existence depends on finding new clients. It follows from this that finding clients also needs to devote a lot of time and attention.

You probably realized that it is important to devote a lot of time and maximum attention to compilation. Why is it worth doing this? Yes, all because it will help to competently organize a company and get a loan from a bank.

It is important to include information about the liabilities and assets of your own firm in the business plan. Also in this paper it is worth writing down methods that will increase and multiply profits. In general, with the help of a business plan, you will not only answer the question of how to start a construction business, but also calculate the profit of your business.

Advantages and disadvantages of the construction business

The most important advantage of such activities will be considered - good income. The profitability of the construction business is on average 50% or 70%. It is worth noting that this result is considered impressive. Such numbers cannot be obtained from other commercial activities. In addition, such a business pays off within a year, which is very pleasant.

To open a construction business from scratch, you need to have start-up capital available. In addition, it is necessary to hire qualified and conscientious personnel who will perform their duties efficiently.

Like any other commercial activity the construction business has its pitfalls, as well as some problems. Now it is worth listing the most famous nuances of such a case.

For simply reducing profits, difficulties may arise with entering the market. To avoid this, you should hire experienced builders and other workers who will help in the shortest possible time to give your company an impeccable reputation. And a good reputation is the key to successful business.

Serious difficulties may arise for those firms that have registered relatively recently and have not yet entered the large market. In this case, problems may arise with obtaining a loan. And all because reputable banks do not issue loans to start-up firms due to the fact that they are not confident in their stability. Therefore, in order to get a loan, a novice entrepreneur should offer the bank a clear business plan and information on significant assets.

Do not forget about the high level of competition in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness. Therefore, to be successful, your customers need to provide good collaboration benefits.

How to start a construction business without investment: Financial component

If you want to know how to start a construction business? Then this publication was created especially for you. So, in order for your company to develop well over many years of activity, you need to keep correct accounting records. Indeed, without the correct calculation of costs and profits, it is difficult to maintain stable business development and make wise investments.

An important condition in the organization similar business is the implementation of permanent and impressive financial investments... Also, success can bring the delay of money in the stages of unfinished construction. If you follow the above conditions, you can get consistently good profits.

The construction business is a costly business. Financial resources will have to be spent on the purchase:

  • construction equipment,
  • special equipment.

As you can see, such an activity will require a good start-up capital and a professional approach. However, the start-up costs can be reduced by renting specialized equipment. The money saved is best spent on an advertising campaign. It should be noted that it is on advertising that many people spend a lot of money. Therefore, it is best to prepare for such waste in advance.

Collecting documentation

Each construction firm must have the following set of documentation. So, you need to get:

  • a document that confirms state registration;
  • a document that confirms registration with the tax service;
  • company charter;
  • company seal and statistical codes;
  • decision to form a business.

In order to obtain an IP, you must also submit the following documents:

  1. Building permit that is issued by local government.
  2. Engineering license.
  3. License for the design of structures and buildings.

How to start a construction business: Staff

If you have created your construction business from scratch, you will have to hire qualified and competent personnel. The reputation and profitability of the company depends on the quality of the personnel's work. Therefore, in this article, you need to provide a list of positions. So, in your construction company you will have to accept:

  • procurement manager,
  • designer,
  • hR inspector,
  • architect,
  • lawyer,
  • accountant,
  • foreman.

If you are planning to open a small company, then the entire staff of the brigade will consist of four people. It is also important to consider that half of the workers should have higher education... Without this point, it will be difficult to obtain a license.

To provide your company with good performance, you need to provide all your employees the necessary equipment and construction equipment. At the same time, construction devices and special technical means must be in good condition and comply with all safety requirements. To get success from such a business, you need to choose an expensive but high-quality tool that can be used for more than one year.

How to attract customers

For the successful development of the construction business, you need not only to be able to win your own group of regular customers. It should be said that in this business it is necessary to be able to attract new consumers. If you accomplish this task, you can expand the capabilities of your enterprise. Moreover, new clients will help to reach a new level of development.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can use the following methods to find clients. So, you need:

  1. Create your own base of potential customers.
  2. Start building a plot on your own in order to sell the property on the market in the future. At the same time, you can sell not only upon completion construction process, but also at the initial stage.
  3. You can get new clients after winning the state trend.


Here is about how to open a construction company, what is needed for this, what equipment, and also ready example business plan for its opening.

At all times, construction has been and will be the most promising type of service provision. few ordinary people can build a house themselves, repair an apartment, change pipes, because it requires special skills, knowledge and professionalism.

In this article we will consider the plan itself, as well as the basic information that is associated with the opening of repair and construction companies and their subsequent successful activities.

Business plan - example

We present to you for free a ready-made example of a typical business plan for a construction company for opening a small repair and construction organization, consisting of 11 people, including a director.

Immediately, we note that in your case, the costs, of course, can be significantly different, because it all depends on the volume of services you provide, their types, as well as the number of orders and the amount of work.

Do not forget that many construction companies and firms very often use the services of leasing companies that provide special equipment, construction equipment and personnel for its maintenance for rent, so if something happens, you can easily increase your staff by doing the same. , but read about it below in the item "Special equipment, equipment and leasing".

How to open a construction firm / company?

So, consider the information on how to open a construction firm (company) in detail.

In fact, the process of opening this company is no different from any other. Key points for LLC consist of the following points:

  1. Organization name - construction company;
  2. Location of the company;
  3. Authorized capital;
  4. Founders (participants) of the company.

Based on the above, you will need the following documents:

  • Copies of the founders' passports and / or information about legal entitiesakh who are founders (name, location, OGRN, OKPO, TIN);
  • Information about the address of the location of the registered legal entity, i.e. you;
  • Information about the main activities of the construction company;
  • Information about the size and method of forming the authorized capital.

The easiest way is to refer to law firmssince registration services are not expensive - around 3,000 rubles, but you can do everything yourself by paying the state fee and standing in line for a while.

But, of course, there are differences, or rather one thing - the need to have a special permit for certain types of work by construction firms (organizations), but read about this in the paragraph "SRO and other permits".

Areas of activity - services provided

So, what types of activities can your construction company be engaged in - an organization. The following areas exist:

  • Industrial engineering.
  • Civil engineering.
  • Road construction.

Each of them implies the provision of the following services:

  • Construction (turnkey or not) of buildings, residential buildings, warehouses, baths, garages, etc. The term "turnkey" means that you will build the entire object with a roof, utilities, etc. elements.
  • Repair, installation, dismantling.
  • Additional services of a construction company. There are three of them:
    • Renting out the equipment and personnel you have;
    • Training. If you have specialists in your company, you can provide training services for the personnel of other companies. Often, when selling any equipment, these services are required.
    • Sale of goods: building materials, projects, construction equipment. Moreover, when selling projects, for example, country houses, as a rule, they turn to your construction company again for their implementation, i.e. you will also build them.

SRO and other permits

Many people think that the registration of an SRO or some other permit is required to open any repair and construction company and firm. In fact, this is far from the case. We list all the main types of "licenses" and the moments when they are required:

  • SRO (abbr. from Self-regulatory organizations). As a matter of fact, an SRO is not a license or even a permit and admission, but the very status of a construction company (firm), on the basis of which certain types of services are allowed, which are associated with great risks. SRO is not required if you are going to build: buildings with a height of no more than three floors; block residential buildings in which the number of residential blocks does not exceed ten; buildings with an area of \u200b\u200bless than 1,500 square meters; objects of individual housing construction, which are intended for one family. Those. for an ordinary company, an SRO is not needed at all.
  • Building permit... Without it, nothing can be built anywhere. This permit is issued to construction firms and organizations by local authorities with the participation of the head municipal formation and the chief architect of the district (city). The cost of obtaining it is minimal.
  • License for the design of buildings and structures... It is necessary for the activities of legal entities and entrepreneurs who do not have a legal education in order to provide design services.
  • License for engineering surveys during construction... This is a permit for engineering work in construction and design.

Special machinery, equipment and leasing

Here we will analyze not the cost of special equipment and equipment for construction and installation work, but a service, thanks to which you can significantly reduce your costs for purchasing all of the above and its maintenance.

So, leasing is, strictly speaking, rent by use. In this case, you will be renting, although you can do it additionally. This service is simply necessary if your construction company does not have enough equipment to carry out any work. You can rent everything - from an excavator to a drill.

No construction company can provide itself with all the necessary equipmentbecause it will be expensive for her. Some companies and organizations have this equipment in their staff, but, as a rule, its amount is minimal. Plus, why buy an excavator and hire an excavator if you need them a couple of times a year? Therefore, before opening, think carefully about what you will need constantly. Usually this is the smallest tool that no construction can do without.

Cooperation options and order search

If we talk about large-scale construction projects, they are usually carried out with the participation of construction contractors. Those. one large organization - a company that has all the organizational skills, first participates in a tender, wins it and then hires other companies to collaborate on construction this object... At the same time, some construction company builds a foundation, another conducts communications, and someone supplies windows and assembles them, etc. Those. having such a contractor as a friend will be a very profitable business for you. But who knows, maybe you yourself will become one.

As for private construction (garages, baths, private houses), then it would be an excellent option here to advertise or collaborate with retail outlets building materials. Do not forget about the Internet and, of course, advertising on the territories of villages, townships, etc.

We hope that this article on how to start a construction company and its business plan will help you start your own business.