Not a bad company. Russian companies are named with the highest and bad reputation. The brightest failure

Bernard Hyz heads a list of losers on the right: he has not had time to do anything at his new post, but the largest partner Heinz, the McDonald eaterial network, has already refused to cooperate with the manufacturer of sauces. Xiz became the head of Heinz in April, before that three years He headed Burger King Worldwide, the main competitor McDonald "s in the American market. It was the last place of work of Chiza not allowed the largest partner Heinz to continue working with the company.

Stephen Elop was hired at the end of 2010, it was planned that he would save the Finnish Nokia from stagnation and give the company a new impetus. The company really received a powerful energy charge from a new CEO, but instead of violent development quickly lost even existing rigorous positions. It all started with the first speech of Elop, entitled "Burning Platform". Inspirational speaker, Elop compared his new company With a man standing on the edge of the burning oil tanker. The performance was intended only for Nokia employees, so the elopa was not shy in expressions. His example teaches us that in the era of smartphones and mobile Internet Any production meeting can become public domain. Later, the Elopova himself recognized: the statement paid to the network submitted Nokia sales on the Symbian platform.

For two years, that Elopou was at the helm, Nokia lost 26% of the market and became the object of a sad deal with Microsoft. Division producing mobile phonesEvaluated only 5.44 billion euros.

Johnson was the senior vice president of sales Apple. and was considered one of best specialists in branch. In particular, on his account was the launch of the Apple Store. In early 2012, he headed the Texas Installers of Department Stores J. C. Penney Co. He planned to change the company's business strategy, make price policies more transparent.

But it turned out that buyers love sales, and turn the old department store in the similarity of the Apple Store is not so easy: stocks begin to fall, Investors are nervous. In February, the company announced that her losses for the fourth quarter of 2012 amounted to $ 428 million. And after two months, Johnson was replaced by the old director of Majon Ulman, who headed the company since 2004.

Diamond began his career with teaching in a business school. Since 1977, Morgan Stanley has worked in the Investbank, and in 1996 he became a member of the executive committee of Barclays Bank. After 15 years, he was appointed CEO.

On July 2, 2012, the head of the Board of Directors of the Company reported that someone from employees participated in the market manipulations on the market for interbank loans LIBOR, - because of this, Barclays will have to pay a fine of 59.5 million pounds. The next day, Diamond quit.

Coordinator and head of the CHESAPEAKE ENERGY Gas Corporation in 2008 was recognized as the highest paid CEO of America: his salary was $ 112 million. At the same time, he actively used the company's capabilities for its own purposes. In particular, he took half a billion dollars from EIG Global Energy Partners, which then received special conditions for investing in Chesapeake. He created a secret fund for $ 200 million, which traded in the stock market for oil and gas futures. He used the company's aircraft for personal trips, and her employees built his house. In the meantime, the company's shares fell by 20% per year.

On April 1, 2013, he was fired from the company's general director, appointing Robert Lowler to this position.

Before Schwartz changed Scott McNely as director of Sun Microsystems, the company was one of the leaders of the server equipment market. After his appointment in 2006, the firm began to pursue failures. She began to give way to the share of the HP and IBM market. For two years, the shares fell from $ 27 to $ 4, and 6,000 employees were dismissed.

In 2008, the director tried to diversify the company's business. Sun bought MySQL, which was engaged in databases, but it did not help. Then she released Java Software, software To develop websites and applications. But it did not bring the profit of the company, since it was free, and the methods of his monetization could not be found.

In February 2010, Schwartz was fired, and after a year I bought Oracle for $ 7.4 billion. In honor of his dismissal, he wrote a haiku in Twitter: the financial crisis / loss of customers / not the director I am more. In 2012, Schwartz founded his company Carezone.

George Shahrin

Former director of the bankrupt Webvan

In 1999, Shahrin came to work in a Webvan online grocery from Andersen consulting company. The store was one of the most high-profile online startups of the beginning of the 2000s and promised buyers to deliver the order for half an hour. The company wanted to discover representations in 26 American cities, but never went beyond the western coast.

The director spent $ 1.5 billion in a year and a half. The company worked 4,500 people, but a year later he had to dismiss almost half. Shahrin did not take into account the fact that grocery benches work with a very low margin, and because of this, the company suffered losses. The worst thing was that he attracted $ 375 million during the IPO, but investors did not return their money. In 2001, the company went bankrupt.

What brands do people really trust? What companies are associated with reliability, quality and trends? Whose reputation is so clean, which makes it possible to TOP 10 One of the most prestigious ratings of brands, favorite consumers?

Today we will get acquainted with the rating compiled according to the Repeutation Quotient study data, which has been held annually since 1999 by Harris Interactive - American Research Company, Profi in the study of public opinion, sociological and marketing research. This is a global leader in its field, and the accuracy of the data is no doubt.

In the last survey conducted in December 2015, more than 23,000 adult US citizens took part. And everyone knows that the Americans know a lot about reputation: how to increase it and how to question because of any, even the most insignificant, promotion of the company.

What affects reputation?

In the course of the study were studied in detail 6 factorsForming a corporate reputation:

1. Social responsibility

  • Friendly image
  • Environmental obligations
  • Public obligations

2. Ideals and leaders

  • Market features
  • Level of management
  • View of the future

3. Financial indicators

  • Competitiveness
  • Revenue level
  • Risk for investors
  • Perspectives of growth

4. Products and Services

  • Quality
  • Innovation
  • Cost

5. Emotional attractiveness

  • Perception
  • Admiration and respect
  • Reliability

6. Status of the employer

  • Promotion of employees
  • Configuration of jobs
  • Professionalism employees

Top 10 companies with better reputation

2016 Reputation QUotient Ratings from Harris Interactive

  1. Amazon.
  2. Apple.
  3. Google
  4. Walt Disney Co.
  5. Publix.
  6. Samsung
  7. Berkshire Hathaway.
  8. Johnson & Johnson.
  9. Kellogg Company.

Palm Championship gets Amazon Not for the first time and quite deserved.

By the way, this year, the founder of Amazon 52-year-old Jeff Bezos turned out to be in the fifth place of the list richest people world of ForBS with a fortune in $ 45.2 billionDespite such a figure, Amazon always promoted savings. In appeal to shareholders, five years ago, Bezos declared war on excess waste:

"The better we optimize costs, the more attractive prices will be able to offer the consumer."

And, indeed, people are satisfied with the company and devotees to her with all the souls, which was confirmed by a single study.

The second on the list of leaders is all favorite Apple. Although there were a lot of scandals about violations of laws on non-disclosure of personal data and confidentiality of information, people trust the brand.

Not so long ago, Apple significantly strengthened the iPhone protection. After in 2014 former employee US Special Services Edward Snowden unveiled secret materials about the mass surveillance of American special services for citizens all over the world. Despite the fact that some of the violations were confirmed (incidents occurred since 2008), the public justifies Apple: "And who will refuse the requirements of the FBI?!"

To have a complete picture, it is worth a look at the entire list of companies in Top 100..

For example, that, despite all its "non-Americanity", the favorite among automakers has become Honda. (17). Next follow Audi. (29) and BMW. (33). And already for them - the American Ford. (50), which was, oddly enough, higher than the leaders of the US market - General Motors. (81) and Toyota. (63). Well, closed the top 100 until recently, loved by Russians and Europeans Volkswagen.. As you can see, the Americans praise their native car industry, but not really his chole.

Positions in the field of fast food are also somewhat unexpected. If ahead Coca-Cola. (18) Companies Pepsi. (59) 41 levels could still be predicted, then losing McDonald's (84) network Burger King. (79) was unpredictable. Does all marketing moves of McDonald's to increase loyalty passed in vain? Apparently, nor beliefs about freshness, nor the disclosure of the composition of products, nor children's holidays in restaurants do not help return the former greatness. And, perhaps, just do not throw words to the wind? ..

Not so long ago McDonald's Launched in the USA new Product - Crispy cheese sticks "Mozzarella Sticks", prepared from the "100% real Mozarella cheese." There was no month, as the claim did from Chris How, who said: "These snacks contain 3,76% Starch, which contradicts all existing standards (cheese should not have any impurities) ", with which the company categorically disagreed. Following the requirements of Chris on the restoration of justice and compensation for damage in $ 5 million, The Internet swept the content wave from the same deceived users. Many Americans, including celebrities, began boldly publish photos and videos confirming not just a low quality cheese, but also his complete absence!

Of course, not all brands allow yourself similar "pranks", but many, even the most attentive in relation to their goods and services, were in the ranking lower than could be. How else can I spoil the company's image?

What does the reputation harm?

Usually the company's name falls under the blow when society learns about the dishonesty or fraud from the brand. Also, the Company's safety and maintenance of personal data of consumers affects the company.

  • Unreliable information about products and services 80%
  • Violation of norms and laws by leaders and heads of companies 80%
  • Violation of non-disclosure laws 74%
  • Product feedback in which flaws and malfunctions are detected 66%
  • Unsatisfactory service, lack of service culture 64%

The brightest failure

Let's go back to the already mentioned Volkswagen.and we'll figure it out why he is at the very end of the list.

In connection with the problems recent years, in 2016 Volkswagen Group passed the positions on 20.5 Points. The reason for this was the famous "Diesel Scandal": Avtoconcerne fake car test results with diesel engine on emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Companies had to pay claims and releasing their cars.

VOLKSWAGEN Presentation At the Geneva Motor Show, the British comedian Simon Brodkin in the overalls of mechanic with a wrench and a box with the inscription "Device for deception" suddenly came to the scene.

Logical substantiation of estimates

Most often, positive points are based on the emotional attractiveness and financial availability of products. Low estimates are mainly related to unsatisfactory level. social responsibility Companies.

Average social responsibility assessments of 4 leaders decreased compared with community points on 4.82 . This suggests that even all the favorite brands are becoming less friendly for the consumer.

Average estimates of the emotional and financial attractiveness of 10 leaders rose on 9.25 and 8.74 Score, respectively. So, apparently, brands try to conquer the loyalty of customers by flexible pricing policies and marketing promotions.

Studying brands and exchange information

Buyers actively promote certificates before making a purchase or decision to become a company employee. This is especially characteristic of the so-called "Client elite",which has:

  • prestigious education
  • permanent job
  • regular social and cultural activity
  • certain moral installations and values.

In contrast to the elite, marketers, relying on the concept of sociology and political science, allocate " masses"(Public, general public). This segment is numerous, but less attracted, electively and aware of real life brands.

  • Cognitive activity aimed at studying companies in the elite is 72% , whereas by the masses 52% .
  • From cooperation with the brand after studying it will be 57% Representatives of the elite I. 37% Wide public.

Summarizing all this, we can draw conclusions that for world corporations, except the level of conversion, the reputation is of great importance. It is extremely difficult to earn it, but you can lose it overnight, because today each consumer will share their indignation with the whole world. Therefore, in 2016 most companies: both small and industry leaders, investigate customer loyalty and product quality programs.

Despite the fact that we live in the age of brands, not the goods, quality is what should be in priority Any business.

Companies and just people are found in our life every day. Even if we managed to entrenched in any of them, this does not mean that our real company is now a good company. In fact, it may be just a strange attachment that we experience to these people, or a simple reluctance to change something in your life. But the truth remains true: if our environment does not make us better, but, on the contrary, makes you feel a loser - this is a bad environment. It must be changed. And today's article will just help you.

1. They meet with you only when it is convenient

The very first and explicit sign. If a company or person meets with you only at a convenient time for them, leave them: these are not friends and do not even come. If you can't call them to walk with or go to drink, and any initiative goes only from them in the most inappropriate time for you - congratulations, they use you! Do not let them do it, bro! Despite beautiful words About relationships in the spirit "No one should do anything," this does not happen. If dude entered into relationships, then they should somehow.

2. They constantly remember your past

These people do not allow the thoughts that you could change. They with some pleasure recall you old mistakes, showing you what kind of dude you are. Although many years have passed. Dude, who relate to you respectful, never remember your past, because they see that it has passed, and you have also changed. Such attentive to what rushed into the fly, it is necessary to leave behind, and then you have to repair your future.

3. You feel trapped

Healthy relationships on the healthy, that you can easily come to this person and leave. You can break and run, and then go back. When the relationship is normal, the feeling arises that all the doors and windows are open: you can come, go, and breathing well. In a relationship with "not those people" (regardless of what) you feel prisoners, they were barely lured into the house, and then locked. You are uncomfortable, awkward, you can't relax. So why not find strength in yourself and do not get away from them?

4. They induct your abilities and dreams

Normal dudes will praise you for something good and quarrel for something bad. But they will not only scold you for any nonsense. In my life there was a friend, which constantly slowed down my abilities in all areas and believed that my dreams were stupid, naive and bad. And she was sure that I was engaged in an unloved business. Rather, everything that I do is not suitable for me. Over the years I realized that the girlfriend just tried to leave on my background, giving my, by the way, obvious advantages. If you are told that what you are exactly doing well (and you know it yourself), the garbage is very complete, know, bro, you got into a bad company - it's time to get out of here. And never justify these dudes, such as she / him is just their opinion. Of course, she expressed her opinion, but why do you need such people near? Frivors, friends and beloved must support you. And occasionally scold for business.

5. They lied you more than once (in large)

Love, like friendship, things that are confirmed by the case. If someone lies you, it means only one thing: he does not respect you. And your relationship too.

Suppose you forgave a person some kind of lies, and he takes you again to support you, and also in stupid and disrespectful. And why? Because he does not respect your feelings and acts in his own interests. This dude may not even realize that he actually creates, but still will chronically lie to you.

6. They are negative

There are people who are negative about everything. With them, it is also not worth a relationship. Their negativeness is expressed in negative terms not only to you, but also to all that you are currently related to you and interacts with you. These people constantly ulcerate, pusk you and people around, you will think that they are just such a nature, but in fact it's a bad company.

7. They greatly envy you

White envy does not apply to all property and personal qualities man. If a person envies the "white envy" everything, which relates to another person, then this envy is not "white", but the most common. Envy in no case means you admire you. Envy is always contempt and disrespect for man. Therefore, if you hear the eternal "What a girl you have!", "What a car you have" - \u200b\u200bknow, he envies and hates you. Is that bad.

8. They force you to be imjective and hate others.

If your friend and the company force you not to respect and hate others, this company a priori is not the most positive. He himself deches who hate you: not small!

9. They want you to be someone else

The most important reason, bro. If the remaining signs sometimes take place and good peopleThis feature almost always means that you got into a bad company. Your friends or loved ones know that you are for a person. If they are trying to change something, then only in your habits, and it is absolutely optional: you want to change, you want - no. The bad company wants to completely remake you. These people try to change you in every way and attribute to you various shortcomingswhich you have not watched at home. Digit and try to specify your place every way. And even decide for you. Why do you need them, bro? Do not mind it.

But this is not all signs of a bad company. There are many others. In the comments, you can write other signs of companies that you consider bad.

Worst of all reputation at Gazprom, it is best to "Euroset"

Gazprom is a company with a worse reputation in the business environment, showed the results of the study of the W-City Community Research. The company is generally engaged in its image and occupies a niche of "Corvenker", consider business environment. Best Reputation The company "Euroset".

Experts of the W-City Community Research research team together with the Bureau "Actual Global Sociology" surveyed more than a thousand representatives of the middle class from Moscow and St. Petersburg to find out how in 2010 the reputation of leading national business structures has changed (including the participation of the state ).

Rating "Reputation 2010", in particular, is based on the confidence of respondents to the company that appears in the survey. In addition, the results of the study are based on how the image of one or another structure is perceived by representatives of the business community, which are confident in their environment.

Thus, the largest number of negative estimates was received by the State Concern Gazprom - he ranked the first line among companies with a negative reputation in the business environment. As the head of the portal, Timofey Surovtsev, explained, "the company has an ambiguous reputation. According to the respondents, it does not improve it at all, does not consider it necessary to work with public opinion, it is not socio-oriented." According to the expert, in the representation of most people, the company ranks "Correspondence". "Companies that in non-public schemes distribute natural resources, which belong to all citizens of the country, as a rule, do not have a good image," the site's interlocutor notes.

"There is a magnificent English proverb -" Without Publicity There IS No Prosperity "(without publicity there can be no economic prosperity), - comments on the results of the rating specialist in marketing and PR Konstantin Holchepov. - Of course, such giants like Gazprom or Transneft , 1st position from this proverb is not needed at all, as they have with the 2nd position - always everything is in perfect order. For our account, really. "

Companies with a negative reputation:

Good reputation

Among the companies that have received the largest number of positive estimates, a cell retailer "Euroset" was published. "The company's reputation is very often associated with the reputation of its leader, and this is just such a case. The results of the study suggest that the business community sympathizes the ex-co-owner of the retailer Evgeny Chichvarkina. The scandal associated with Euroset, went to favor its reputation" - Timofey Surovtsev notes.

Recall that in November 2010, the jurors of the Moscow City Court unanimously recognized the innocent employees of the EUROSeti case, which the investigation accused the abduction of the freight forwarder. Later, in January 2011, Supreme Court Approved the acquittal sentence, but. Now "Euroset" on London stock Exchange.

Companies with a positive reputation:

Meanwhile, companies that appear in the negative part of the reputation rating, more than once fell into various global rating companies. Sberbank got into a hundred most dear brands In the world according to Brand Finance, as well as in the 20s of the most expensive world banking brands, its value of the magazine estimated $ 12 billion.

The brands of Gazprom and Rosneft also "littered" in the ranking, however, only in his "tail". Gazprom took the 208th line, Rosneft - 370s.

And two companies from the "positive" part of the reputation rating, along with Apple and Facebook, are among the 50s innovative companies In the world according to Fast Company. So, Yandex took 26 line, "Kaspersky Lab" - 32.

But none of the Russian players entered the global rating of companies with the best reputation according to Fortune magazine.

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