Streshinsky ivan yakovlevich family. Aunt Motya and her husband. On the sale of Apple and Facebook shares

Management Company Metalloinvest announces the election of a new Board of Directors

Metalloinvest Management Company announces the election of a new Board of Directors in the following composition:

  • Streshinsky Ivan Yakovlevich - Chairman
  • Aglyamova Galina Aleksandrovna - Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Kazikaev Valery Dzhekovich - Independent non-executive director
  • Levin Vadim Olegovich - Independent non-executive director
  • Lupicheva Irina Vladimirovna - Non-executive director
  • Chumachenko Natalia Viktorovna - Non-executive director
  • Varichev Andrey Vladimirovich - Executive Director

A.V. Varichev has been appointed General Director of Management Company Metalloinvest.

Commenting on these decisions, Ivan Streshinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MC Metalloinvest, said: “Changes in the structure and composition of the Board of Directors are aimed at further improving corporate governance in the Company. The experience and knowledge of new members of the Board of Directors will help to determine the most effective ways implementation of the chosen strategy.

The Company's shareholders expressed their gratitude for professional work Eduard Potapov, who served as CEO of Metalloinvest Management Company since March 2010. Taking the management of the company into a complex economic period, he was able to structure financial and operational activities, strengthen Metalloinvest's position as a leader in the mining and metallurgical industry in Russia.

AT modern conditions stable growth of operating results and development of production capacity Companies. The shareholders are sure that Andrey Varichev's extensive production and management experience in the mining and metallurgical industry, thorough knowledge technological processes the company will allow to solve the large-scale and responsible tasks assigned to it.

I would especially like to thank Mr. Moshiri, who can rightfully be considered one of the founders of Metalloinvest. For eight years, he has chaired the Board of Directors of the Company and made an invaluable contribution to its development. Mr. Moshiri chairs the Board of Directors of USM Holdings. "

Ivan Streshinsky is the CEO of USM Advisors, one of the most expensive top managers according to the Forbes rating.

Was born on October 2, 1969 in Kiev. According to his passport - Vladimir, but calls himself "Ivan Yakovlevich".


In 1992 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics.

Labor activity

After graduating from university in the future, a successful top manager immediately went into business. In 1993 he joined the board of directors of the Perm Motors company.

In 1994, he got a job in an international development project founded by businessman Vasily Anisimov - the Coalco group of companies. There he managed to work as CFO, Executive director, board director.

In 2006, Ivan Yakovlevich headed ZAO Gazmetall as CEO, and held this position until 2007. In parallel, in 2006-2008. He was a member of the Boards of Directors of CJSC Gazmetall and LLC Metalloinvest.

In March 2008, he became the general director of Coalco Group, and in November, in the same position, he headed OJSC Telecominvest.

For four years, he was the head of Telecominvest, and in July 2012 he took over as CEO of USM Advisors, which provides consulting services to USM Holdings for Alisher Usmanov.

At the moment, he is also the CEO of Garsdale Services Investment Limited, the chairman of the boards of directors of Metalloinvest and MegaFon, and is a member of the directors of several organizations at once:

Garsdale Services Investment;
- LLC Management Company Metalloinvest;
- JSC Kommersant;
- UTH Russia;
- USM Holdings;
- Group;

In 2012, he took the eighth place among the most expensive top managers in Russia according to the list compiled by Forbes magazine. At that time, his annual compensation was estimated at $ 10 million.

In 2013 and 2014, he was eighth and seventh, respectively, with a reward of $ 15 million.


One of the main hobbies of a businessman is music, which he has been doing for many years. “I have been fond of music since childhood, especially playing the guitar. Probably, like most young people, at one time I was a fan of the Beatles, Doors, U2. I have kept my love for music until today... I belong to the category of perfectionists, so everything I undertake I try to do professionally. My hobby grew into a serious occupation, and together with my like-minded people we created music group... We perform cover versions of famous compositions. We take group work very seriously. But for me, music is also a rest, an opportunity to switch, to pause. Music is a natural continuation for me, a part of my life, ”he said in an interview.

Also, the millionaire loves to pick mushrooms.

Family status

According to information on the Internet, he is officially married to fashion blogger Natalya Davydova and they have three children: Ivan, Dmitry and Lyudmila.

An interview for the "Snob" publication with Alisher Usmanov's partner Ivan Streshinsky about investments in Chinese projects, problems with Apple products, relations with Pavel Durov and the sale of Facebook shares.

CPU chose the most interesting Facts from the interview.

About the Facebook deal

Vasily Anisimov, then partner of Alisher Usmanov at Metalloinvest, and other partners of Usmanov were against investing in Facebook because of the crisis that flared up in 2008 and the high risk of investing.

Streshinsky says the decision to invest in Facebook was Usmanov's personal risk. He shared the received profit with those partners who remained with him.

About DST style deals

Unlike the investment model, when the project team is entangled with a board of directors who control every step, the Usmanov fund puts the founder of the company in charge. It is very important that every Internet company has a founder who is motivated and leads the business forward, believes Usmanov's partner: “The key point of DST-type deals is great trust in the founders”.

In addition, when buying shares, they are transferred to the founders of companies for voting, and the Usmanov fund does not put forward any requirements for the introduction of representatives to the board of directors. In fact, this is an IPO without an IPO, says Streshinsky:

This scheme crystallized from long conversations between Usmanov and Milner. Usmanov gave Milner a lot of advice based on his life experience. It was a mix between how business is conducted in Russia and how it is in the West. Indeed, in Russia a lot is done on trust.

Relationship with Zuckerberg

Milner and Zuckerberg have an excellent personal relationship: “These are all fairy tales when they say:“ A good team of lawyers came and did everything, ”says Streshinsky.

On the sale of Apple and Facebook shares

For USM Holdings, Apple was not a long-term investment. “We initially planned to sell the shares quickly,” Usmanov's partner says. Facebook was a long-term investment - the fund entered the social network business with a capitalization of $ 8-10 billion, and sold shares with a capitalization of about $ 100 billion.

Streshinsky called the reason for the sale a good profit that can be invested in other promising projects. There was no political motive in the deal, he said.

Investing in China

Anything you do well in Asia, especially in China, brings in a disproportionate amount of money, because more people live there, obviously.

The main task facing the fund is to find the right companies and people who can lead these companies forward, says Streshinsky. According to him, there are not many such companies, and the fund has relied on projects led by charismatic leaders: Jack Ma at Alibaba, Richard Liu at, Xiaomi founder Lei Jun.

Streshinsky admits a scenario in which Xiaomi can surpass Apple.

About Apple problems

Apple's problem, according to Usmanov's partner, is the loss of focus:

They started with the iPod, then the phones went - first one model a year, then two, then the iPad appeared, and now - wrist Watch... This can grow so that the user will be tormented, what to choose.

However, the advantage of Tim Cook's company lies in the ecosystem in which everything is concentrated, says Streshinsky: “It is very difficult to get off such an ecosystem. I've been trying, but I can't. "

For this reason, and also because of the awkward Android interface, it cannot switch to continuous use with devices such as the YotaPhone. Although the Russian smartphone liked the interlocutor Sobchak.

About the mobile operator Yota

Usmanov had three goals, two of which had already been fulfilled: to get infrastructure (Yota had more than 5 thousand base stations and coverage in 60 regions) and frequency resource for LTE. The third goal is to get a good team that would do the telecom business in a new way.

With the latter, difficulties arose, because when a large company buys a small one, it can simply destroy it - due to the fact that they have different cultures. As a result, only now we came to the understanding that Yota should be left alone and given the opportunity to experiment with some new things and technologies in the telecom market.

Yota is now operating as a separate mobile operator.

About Telegram

When Sobchak asked whether Usmanov uses Pavel Durov's Telegram, Streshinsky replied:

She uses both Telegram and Whatsapp. I also really like Telegram.

About Durov, Grishin, and VKontakte

According to Streshinsky, during the scandal surrounding the attempts of Mail.Ru Group to join VKontakte, Usmanov supported both Durov and Grishin. “Durov didn't want to merge. If he didn't want to, then it was necessary to leave him alone, ”says Usmanov's partner.

Grishin and Durov are brilliantly gifted guys who need to be supported.

The billionaire also supported Durov in a shareholder conflict with the UCP fund. Without a charismatic person who understands the Internet well, in the product and is motivated, the company is dead, Streshinsky believes, citing the story of Murdoch's purchase of MySpace as an example.

On the relationship between Usmanov and Durov

Usmanov sincerely respects what Durov is doing. They still communicate. They have human relationships and mutual interest. Usmanov asks Pasha about the Internet, and he consults with him in life.

Ivan Streshinsky is the CEO of USM Advisors, one of the most expensive top managers according to the Forbes rating.

Was born on October 2, 1969 in Kiev. According to his passport - Vladimir, but calls himself "Ivan Yakovlevich".

In 1992 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Aeromechanics and Flight Engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in Applied Mathematics and Physics.

Ivan began his career as a member of the board of directors of the Permskie Motors company. He stayed in this position for exactly a year, after which he moved to a company with an international level. Since 2006, Ivan began to cooperate with CJSC Gazmetall. In addition, he was also the general director of Metalloinvest. In fact, the guy combined two positions cEOs different companies. However, in the fall of 2008, he already held the position of Director of OJSC Telecominvest.

Cooperation with Alisher Usmanov, who has a peculiar flair for profitable projects, has become very beneficial for Ivan. ...

In 2012, he took the eighth place among the most expensive top managers in Russia according to the list compiled by Forbes magazine. At that time, his annual compensation was estimated at $ 10 million.

In 2013 and 2014, he was eighth and seventh, respectively, with a reward of $ 15 million.

It is the meeting with his life partner that Ivan Streshinsky considers the most valuable reward he received from life. The businessman more than once thanked fate for meeting Natalya Davydova in his life. The girl conquered Ivan Yakovlevich with her cheerfulness. He immediately asked for her phone number. But he dared to call the daughter of the Smolensk engineer only one week later. As Ivan himself admits, such a pause was the longest since the moment when Natalia Davydova won his heart.

Like Ivan Streshinsky, his wife also calls the meeting with her future husband the most important event in her life. In addition, she is very sensitive to their wedding.

Ivan Streshinsky met his wife at a time when they were vacationing together with their mutual acquaintances. Natalia Davydova is a teacher of the Russian language and literature by education. But at the time of meeting she was working in the modeling business. Ivan Yakovlevich does not share the opinion of the future wife that it was at that evening that the businessman should have invited the lady out on a date. Waiting for a call for a week, Natalya had already lost all hope that Ivan would call her at all. But the bell still rang. After him, Ivan and Natalya have been happily married for more than one year.