Table type of transport value advantages disadvantages. Pros and cons of various types of transport used for transportation. The main disadvantages are

It can be carried out by air, sea or river, road. Each mode of transport has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice of one or another method of transportation is influenced by the characteristics of the cargo, delivery times, and prices for transportation.

Transportation of goods by air allows for delivery in the shortest possible time and even to the most inaccessible places in the world. Disadvantages include dependence on weather conditions and high transportation costs. A high degree of safety and security of cargo makes air delivery ideal for express cargo transportation of urgent, expensive, valuable, perishable goods.

Railway transportations allow regular transportation of large consignments of goods at low rates. Transportation is carried out all year round. Freight cars provide a high degree of cargo safety. However, the risks are increased due to the large number of overloads. A significant drawback is also the low speed of movement, since freight trains have to stand idle for a long time in order to allow passenger trains to pass. In addition, in some areas the cargo cannot be delivered exclusively by rail and transportation becomes multimodal.

For transportation over a short distance, the most convenient is road transport, which has excellent maneuverability and the ability to deliver "from door to door" in a short period of time. A large selection of modern vehicles of various carrying capacity allows you to regularly deliver both small-sized and heavy and oversized cargo. Less stringent requirements for packaging. An important advantage is that it is possible to control the transportation process, since the cars are equipped with a navigation system and walkie-talkies for communication with the dispatcher. The cost of freight transportation by road is quite high. Other disadvantages also include the urgency of unloading, the possibility of theft of cargo or theft of vehicles.

Transport logistics (analysis of various types of transport: advantages, disadvantages)

Transport is a branch of material production that transports people and goods. in the structure of social production, transport refers to the production of material services.

It is noted that a significant part of logistics operations on the path of movement of the material flow from the primary source of raw materials to final consumption is carried out using various vehicles. The costs of these operations are up to 50% of the total logistics costs.

According to the purpose, two main groups of transport are distinguished: Public transport is a branch of the national economy that meets the needs of all sectors of the national economy and the population in the transport of goods and passengers. Public transport serves the circulation and the population. It is often called trunk (highway is the main, main line in some system, in this case, in the system of communication lines). The concept of public transport includes railway transport, water transport (sea and river), road, air transport and pipeline transport).

Non-public transport - intra-industrial transport, as well as vehicles of all types belonging to non-transport organizations.

The organization of the movement of goods by non-public transport is the subject of industrial logistics. The problem of choosing distribution channels is solved in the field of distribution logistics.

So, there are the following main types of transport:


inland waterway river




Each of the modes of transport has specific features in terms of logistics management, advantages and disadvantages that determine the possibilities of its use in the logistics system. Various types of transport make up the transport complex. The transport complex of Russia is formed by legal entities and individuals registered on its territory - entrepreneurs engaged in transportation and forwarding activities on all types of transport, design, construction, repair and maintenance of railways, highways and structures on them, pipelines, work related to maintenance of navigable hydraulic structures, water and air routes, scientific research and training of personnel, enterprises that are part of the transport system that manufacture vehicles, as well as organizations that perform other work related to the transport process. The TC of Russia is more than 160 thousand km of main railway and access roads, 750 thousand km of hard-surface roads, 1.0 million km of sea shipping lines, 101 thousand km of inland waterways, 800 thousand km of airlines. About 4.7 million tons of cargo (as of 2000) are transported through these communications alone by public transport on a daily basis; more than 4 million people work in the TC, and the share of transport in the country's gross domestic product is about 9%. Thus, transport is an essential part of the infrastructure of the economy and the entire social and production potential of our country.

Table 1 (4, 295) Comparative logistic characteristics of different types of transport are given.

Table 1 Characteristics of modes of transport

Kind of transport




High carrying and carrying capacity. Independence from climatic conditions, time of year and day.

High regularity of transportation. Relatively low rates; significant discounts for transit shipments. High speed of delivery of goods over long distances.

Limited number of carriers. Large capital investments in the production and technical base. High material consumption and energy consumption of transportation. Low availability to end points of sales (consumption).

Insufficiently high safety of the cargo.

Possibility of inter-content transportation. Low cost of long distance transportation. High carrying and carrying capacity. Low capital intensity of transportation.

Limited transportation.

Low delivery speed (long transit time).

Dependence on geographic, navigational and weather conditions.

The need to create a complex port infrastructure.

Inland Water (river)

High carrying capacity on deep rivers and water bodies.

Low cost of transportation. Low capital intensity.

Limited transportation. Low speed of cargo delivery.

Dependence on uneven depths of rivers and reservoirs, navigation conditions. Seasonality. Insufficient reliability of transportation and safety of cargo.


High availability.

Possibility of delivery of cargo "from door to door"

High maneuverability, flexibility, dynamism. High delivery speed. The ability to use various routes and delivery schemes.

High cargo safety. The ability to send cargo in small batches.

Poor performance. Dependence on weather and road conditions. relatively high cost of transportation over long distances.

Insufficient ecological purity.


The fastest delivery speed. High reliability.

Highest cargo safety.

Shortest transportation routes.

High cost of transportation, the highest tariffs among other types of transport. High capital intensity, material and energy consumption of transportation. Dependence on weather conditions. Insufficient geographic accessibility.


Low cost. High performance (throughput). High cargo safety. Low capital intensity.

Limited types of cargo (gas, oil products, emulsions of raw materials). Insufficient availability of small volumes of transported goods.

So, first of all, the logistics manager must decide whether to create his own fleet of vehicles or use hired vehicles (public or private). When choosing an alternative, they usually proceed from a certain system of criteria, which include: The cost of creating and operating your own fleet of vehicles. The cost of paying for the services of transport, forwarding companies and other logistics intermediaries in transportation Speed \u200b\u200bof transportation

Transportation quality (delivery reliability, cargo safety, etc.)

In most cases, manufacturing firms use the services of specialized transport firms.

Automobile transport participates in the transportation of goods over a relatively short distance (within 200-300 km), the main advantage of this type of transport is good maneuverability, which allows you to deliver goods "door to door". This type of transport allows you to ensure the regularity of delivery, as well as deliveries in small batches. Here, less stringent packaging requirements are imposed. It is necessary to note the speed of delivery of goods and passengers; in terms of its speed characteristics, it is second only to air.

The main disadvantages are:

1) high cost of transportation;

2) the likelihood of theft of cargo and theft of the vehicle itself;

3) low carrying capacity;

4) poor condition of roads and their insignificant length;

5) expensive maintenance, high cost of material and technical base;

6) vehicles are environmentally unfavorable, which reduces the possibility of their use.

Railway transport well suited for the transportation of various consignments in any weather. The organization of transportation by this type of transport is regular and carried out over long distances. The key advantage is the relatively low cost and discounts. Also, a positive aspect is the possibility of laying railway lines in almost any territory of the country and the high carrying and carrying capacity of railways. Rail transport is characterized by relatively high economic indicators and a fairly advanced transportation technology.

For the objectivity of the assessment, it is necessary to list the shortcomings, they include: limited number of carriers, impossibility of delivery in the absence of railways.

The use of rail transport is beneficial when transporting goods (coal, mineral fertilizers, metals, etc.) over long and medium distances, between enterprises that have railways. In some cases, the use of rail transport is beneficial even with an insignificant cargo turnover.

Sea transport plays an important role in the development and strengthening of economic ties with foreign countries, it is the largest carrier in international transport. In comparison with other types of transport, sea transport has a number of positive differences in providing massive intercontinental transport.

This transport is characterized by: low cost of transportation, unlimited bandwidth.

The disadvantages of maritime transport include:

1) dependence on natural and navigational conditions;

2) the need to build a complex port facility;

3) low speed and strict packaging requirements.

Sea transport is associated with overseas transportation and delivery of goods for import and export to countries with trade links.

Inland waterway transport is characterized by low freight rates and is an important link in the overall transport system in areas where there are rivers.

River transport is distinguished by a large carrying capacity, low cost of transportation, small capital investments.

The disadvantages are the limitation of the use of rolling stock, associated with the seasonality of work, lengthening of the routes of cargo, low speed of transportation. River transport is effective in areas where there are no other modes of transport.

Air Transport. The main advantage is speed. Also, air transport is distinguished by the ability to reach remote areas, high safety of goods.

Air transport is mainly engaged in passenger transportation, the freight traffic carried out by it, in comparison with the volume of traffic carried out by other modes of transport, is lightweight.

Air transport is engaged in the delivery of goods to industrial centers and the delivery of vegetables, fruits and other perishable goods to the northern regions, as well as mail and other valuable goods.

The high cost of transportation is the main disadvantage of this type of transport. The disadvantages include dependence on weather conditions.

Pipeline transport. Pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. This type of transport provides a low cost price with a high throughput and a high degree of cargo safety. The disadvantage of pipeline transport is the small amount of cargo to be transported. Pipeline transport is engaged in pumping oil and gas from fields, moving oil distillation products.

Transport documentation

The main documents governing the rules of transportation are the Charter of the Railways of the Russian Federation, inland waterways, road transport, and the Merchant Shipping Code.

The Statutes and the Code define the duties and rights, as well as the responsibilities of transport organizations and citizens using transport. They regulate the relationship of transport organizations with each other and with consumers of products.

When transporting goods, a contract is concluded in the form of an agreement, according to which the carrier assumes the obligation to deliver the goods by his own means from the place of destination to the final point within the specified time, and the sender undertakes to pay the established fee for the transportation.

There are different contracts for different types of transportation.

Contract for carriage of goods by rail is the waybill, which is drawn up by the consignor. Road bill - a document that accompanies the cargo along the route. Wagon sheet - a document drawn up for each loaded carriage.

In liner shipping, the contract is a bill of lading, which at the same time serves as a receipt of the carrier for receiving the goods There are bills of lading registered (drawn up for a specific recipient), order, presentation (valid upon presentation).

Overseas voyage, with a non-linear form of shipping, the contract is drawn up by a charter. When transporting by sea, the primary document is loading order. In direct, water or mixed traffic, an invoice is used instead of a loading slip. Consignment notes are issued towing of rafts and other floating objects, transportation by air.

A standard contract has been established for road transport organizations... When the car leaves the trip, the driver of freight transport is issued a waybill, which is the main document for accounting for the work, it is issued, as a rule, for one day and is returned at the end of work.

The waybill is the basis for settlements between the customer and the transport company.

The list of documents required for the carriage of goods: consignment note, waybills, power of attorney for carriage, specification, supplier invoice, power of attorney for carriage, summary sheets.

Routing of cargo flows

An important logistics method in determining the optimal route is full cost analysis. The optimal route is developed by the freight forwarder of the cargo owner upon receipt of an order for the provision of transport services for the carriage of a new cargo for him or a familiar cargo in a new direction.

At the end of the preliminary assessment, several competitive options are determined, each of which is additionally analyzed to select the final optimal option.

It takes into account not only the cost of transportation, but also the time of transportation, the possibility of unforeseen expenses, delays in transit and the likelihood of damage to the goods.

After determining the optimal route option, the forwarder selects the participants in the transportation and concludes the necessary contracts.

International road transport

International transportation of goods by road ensures economic ties of our country with the countries of Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

The structure of transportation is very diverse. They fall into two main groups: transportation of goods of foreign trade (machinery, machine tools, equipment, raw materials and resources) and transportation of goods of a non-commercial nature (diplomatic goods, movable property during relocation, exhibits, etc.).

International transportation, depending on the frequency of performance, can be regular and one-time. International transportation is regulated agreements on international road traffic between the governments of our country and the contracting country.

Transportation of goods is carried out on the basis of permits issued for each flight and giving the right to carry out round-trip transportation.

If the total mass of goods and vehicles or their overall dimensions are not included in the norms established and valid in the territory of another country, and if it is necessary to transport dangerous goods, then, in addition to the usual permits, special permits are also required.

All vehicles and their drivers are subject to customs control. Rolling stock carrying out international transport must have national registration numbers and decals.

In international transport, heavy vehicles and vans are used. The movement is carried out on a through system. The car's crew consists of two drivers.

Currently, the following types of transport are used for the carriage of goods, depending on the type of natural environment in which the process of movement is carried out: land (road, rail), water (sea, river), air (air transport), pipeline (depending on the location of the pipes can refer to any of the listed modes of transport).

The types of transport mechanisms used are divided into vehicles that move with the load, and transport devices that do not themselves move in space, but provide the spatial movement of the load.

There are many classifications of modes of transport, depending on the chosen classification criterion. The most common are the following classifications.

Depending on the environment in which the transportation process is carried out, the following types of transport are distinguished:

* water transport is a transport designed to move in the aquatic environment.

In turn, water transport is subdivided into:

Surface and underwater;

Sea and river;

* ground - a vehicle designed to move on the earth's surface.

This type of transport is subdivided, depending on the vehicles used, into:




* air - this is a vehicle designed to move in the air (above the ground, but in the earth's atmosphere);

* space is a vehicle designed to move in space (above the earth, but outside the earth's atmosphere).

Depending on the range of consumers of transport services, transport is divided into:

* mainline, or public transport, is a transport that serves any market participant (the circle of consumers is not limited by anything);

* departmental (industrial, non-public) - this is a transport that serves the carriage of goods only for some part of the market participants or even only for an individual market participant.

Depending on the time of use, transport is:

* year-round (all-season) - this is a transport that provides transportation of goods to market participants all year round;

* seasonal (off-season) - this is a transport that works only a few months a year, as long as natural conditions permit. For example, in our country, water transport often does not function in the winter season, as rivers and seas freeze over.

Depending on the composition of the transported goods, transport is divided into:

* universal - this is a vehicle designed for the transportation of potentially any type of cargo;

* special - this is a vehicle designed for the carriage of only a certain type of cargo. Of these types of transport, this group mainly includes pipeline transport. However, in each type of transport there is always one or another specialization of vehicles according to the types of products transported. Transport specialization is an important way to reduce transport costs.

Depending on the form of ownership, transport can be:

* public - this is a transport that belongs to the state;

* private - this is a vehicle that belongs to individuals (organizations or the public).

Depending on which carriage is served, the transport is different:

* national (domestic) is a transport that serves the transportation of goods within a given country;

* international (external) is a transport that serves the transportation of goods between countries.

A market participant, as a rule, needs to move his cargo safe and sound to the required place at a certain distance and for some time. Usually he can do this by using different types of transport, and therefore he is always faced with the task of choosing one or another mode of transport with which he can deliver his cargo. This problem is solved taking into account the various characteristics that the movement of cargo by one or another mode of transport possesses, and the criterion, ultimately, is to minimize transport costs and (or) maximize the profit of a given market participant.

Each type of transport (in this context - freight) has a number of comparative advantages (relative advantages) and comparative disadvantages (relatively negative features) at once.

The comparative market essence of the mode of transport is best shown by the unity of its main advantage and the main disadvantage for transport:

* automotive - agility versus cost;

* railway - scale against non-maneuverability;

* water - cheapness versus durability;

* air (air) - speed versus cost;

* pipeline - scale and cheapness versus cargo constraints.

Each mode of transport, ultimately, is used by market participants when its advantages for a particular carriage of goods outweigh its relative disadvantages to a greater extent than is the case with other modes of transport.

Since usually the carriage of goods can be carried out by a wide variety of modes of transport, the market participant always has a choice as to what mode of transport and on what conditions he can carry out the process of carriage of goods.

The main feature of road transport is maneuverability. This type of transport has an undeniable advantage - it allows you to deliver the goods directly to the buyer's warehouse. All other types of transport can do this only on condition that the consignee has a delivery point specially equipped for a particular type of transport, for example, its own seaport, railway junction, airport. Since in most cases a market participant does not have such delivery points, he has to use road transport to deliver the goods from the point of unloading by rail, water, air transport to their own acceptance warehouse.

Features of railway transport: this type of transport is also a land mode of transport, and therefore, like road transport, it is able to provide the necessary all-weather transportation and safety of goods more than water or air transport, to the extent that it depends on the environment of transportation of goods ... Unlike road transport, rail transport is designed by design for the transportation of large consignments of goods (ore, coal, metal, etc.) over long distances. Hence, the main distinguishing feature of railway transport is its scale.

Technically, this scale is ensured, first of all, by the fact that the vehicles used in railway transport (wagons, etc.) allow transporting large loads (by weight, dimensions). High carrying capacity is the most important technical advantage of rail transport in comparison with road transport.

Obviously, railway transport plays a big role precisely in countries large in terms of their territory, such as our country, where large distances generally exist. In small states, this type of transport usually takes a secondary place and is much inferior to the use of road transport. However, in international transportation, its role is growing significantly.

The possibility of delivering large consignments over long distances means that the costs of their transportation by rail are significantly lower than by road. Therefore, the scale of railway transportation gives rise to the main market feature of this transport - its relative cheapness.

Due to its technical features, rail transport does not have the same maneuverability as road transport, that is, it cannot deliver cargo directly to its consumer.

Unlike road transport, rail transport is capital-intensive - all costs for the construction of railways and stations in the form of depreciation deductions are directly reflected in transport tariffs. However, the scale of transportation allows these tariffs to be set at a much lower level than in road transport.

Features of water (river, sea) transport: for a large country, especially such as Russia, water transport is usually identified with river transport and is mainly an internal mode of transport, and sea transport is called water transport serving transportation by sea. In our country, sea transport is both an internal mode of water transport and an external one, serving international cargo transportation. For comparison, in many European countries, the only type of water transport is river transport, which simultaneously serves both domestic and international transportation of goods from such countries. The main market distinguishing feature of water transport is its low cost. Water transport is the cheapest form of transport in comparison with land or air transport.

The use of water transport is potentially possible if the consignor and consignee can be connected with each other by means of water transport, that is, if there is a river or sea routes connecting them. If both market participants are located on the same land space, the process of moving between them by water transport is usually impossible at all. Or, only part of the distance, the cargo moves through the water, and the other part - by other means of transport;

Air transport has two main interrelated features that significantly distinguish it from other modes of transport:

* speed is the main advantage of air transport. With the help of aviation, goods can be delivered in the shortest possible time to almost anywhere in the world;

* off-road - aviation (air) transport practically does not need any roads on the surface of the earth. The need for "roads" he has only in the form of the existence of airfields. If the off-road nature of water transport stems from the fact that its "roads" have already been created by nature itself, then the off-road nature of air transport stems from the fact that it does not need any roads at all - neither natural nor artificial, that is, created by the labor of man himself.

Despite the fact that air traffic does not need roads specially built for it, as is the case in land (road and rail) transport, a high speed of movement in the air is still achieved due to the huge consumption of energy (fuel) per unit of cargo , which leads to a sharp rise in the cost of transporting a unit of cargo per unit distance. As a result, air transport is the most expensive type of freight transport.

Features of pipeline transport: this type of transport is a specific type, which is based on the fact that the cargo itself is moving directly, and not its transport carrier. The corresponding physical process, usually created by pressure, moves the cargo in a special way, but this transport mechanism itself does not move spatially, but remains in the same place. Typically, this type of transport device includes, for example, belt conveyors, which are widely used in production processes or in warehouse activities, where the product is transported over very limited distances. However, there is one type of transport as a transport device, which is used not only within some production processes, but also in order to deliver goods to the consumer over long distances. This is pipeline transport. Pipeline transport is a device for moving a certain kind of goods (liquids, gases, etc.), consisting of pipes through which these goods move under pressure created by the appropriate equipment (pumps, etc.). We can say that pipeline transport is a transport device that is designed to move goods over very long distances, that is, to deliver goods from the place of their production (extraction) to the places of their consumption.

The market essence of pipeline transport can be summarized in the following opposite of features: cheapness and scale in exchange for the highest degree of cargo specialization.

All of the above types of transportation have their own differences, but along with this they have similarities, they have a common technological basis in the form of specific technological schemes.

Let's consider the main advantages and disadvantages of various types of transport.

Automobile transport is involved in the transportation of goods over a relatively short distance (within 200-300 km), the main advantage of this type of transport is good maneuverability, which makes it possible to deliver goods "door-to-door".

This type of transport allows you to ensure the regularity of delivery, as well as to carry out deliveries in small quantities. Here, less stringent packaging requirements are imposed.

It is necessary to note the speed of delivery of goods and passengers; in terms of its speed characteristics, it is second only to air.

The main disadvantages are:

1) high cost of transportation;

2) the likelihood of theft of cargo and theft of the vehicle itself;

3) low carrying capacity;

4) poor condition of roads and their insignificant length;

5) expensive maintenance, high cost of material and technical base;

6) vehicles are environmentally unfavorable, which reduces the possibility of their use.

But, despite the listed disadvantages, road transport actively provides freight transportation for all services of the national economy.

Road transport carries out most of the passenger movements over short distances, in suburban traffic, as well as in intercity transport at a distance of up to 500 km.

Rail transport is well suited for the transportation of various consignments in any weather. The organization of transportation by this type of transport is regular and carried out over long distances.

The key advantage is the relatively low cost and discounts.

Also, a positive aspect is the possibility of laying railways in almost any territory of the country and the high carrying and carrying capacity of railways.

Rail transport is characterized by relatively high economic indicators and a fairly advanced transportation technology.

For the objectivity of the assessment, it is necessary to list the shortcomings, they include: a limited number of carriers, the impossibility of delivery in the absence of railways.

The use of rail transport is beneficial when transporting goods (coal, mineral fertilizers, metals, etc.) over long and medium distances, between enterprises that have railways. In some cases, the use of rail transport is beneficial even with an insignificant cargo turnover.

Sea transport plays an important role in the development and strengthening of economic ties with foreign countries; it is the largest carrier in international transport.

Compared to other types of transport, sea transport has a number of positive differences in providing massive intercontinental transport.

Sea routes do not require additional costs, so this transport does not need additional capital investments.

This transport is characterized by: low cost of transportation, unlimited bandwidth.

The disadvantages of maritime transport include:

1) dependence on natural and navigational conditions;

2) the need to build a complex port facility;

3) low speed and strict packaging requirements.

Sea transport is associated with overseas transportation and delivery of goods for import and export to countries with trade links.

Inland waterway transport is characterized by low freight rates and is an important link in the overall transport system in areas where there are rivers.

River transport is distinguished by a large carrying capacity, low cost of transportation, small capital investments.

The disadvantages are the limitation of the use of rolling stock, associated with the seasonality of work, lengthening of the routes of cargo, low speed of transportation. River transport is effective in areas where there are no other modes of transport.

Air Transport. The main advantage is speed. Also, air transport is distinguished by the ability to reach remote areas, high safety of goods.

Air transport is mainly engaged in passenger transportation, the freight traffic carried out by it, in comparison with the volume of traffic carried out by other modes of transport, is lightweight.

Air transport is engaged in the delivery of goods to industrial centers and the delivery of vegetables, fruits and other perishable goods to the northern regions, as well as mail and other valuable goods.

The high cost of transportation is the main disadvantage of this type of transport. The disadvantages include dependence on weather conditions.

Pipeline transport. Pipelines are divided into oil pipelines, product pipelines and gas pipelines. This type of transport provides a low cost price with a high throughput and a high degree of cargo safety. The disadvantage of pipeline transport is the small amount of cargo to be transported. Pipeline transport is engaged in pumping oil and gas from fields, moving oil distillation products.

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