Outdoor advertising on the windows of your home

Showcase is business card any point of sale... It serves not only to attract more buyers, but also to form a certain image. If you see dirty windows, with streaks and incomprehensible substances, you will probably assume that a store, boutique or office offers inferior quality services.

That is why shop windows began to be decorated with inviting advertising - pictures, inscriptions and even flickering garlands. all year round... We will tell you about all the features of advertising on windows and showcases, as well as slightly open the curtain that will show you how to correctly apply images and take care of them.

Choosing the right material

The main feature of window advertising is its durability. A good material must withstand any temperature extremes, weather conditions, and household chemicals. As a rule, for the production of advertisements, a durable self-adhesive film is used, which, moreover, should not come off for a long period.

They use mainly vinyl film - either glossy or matte. It all depends on the personal preferences of the owner of the outlet. For example, if you need to stick an image on the street, then most often they use a matte material so that the sun's rays are not reflected in the gloss. Advertising on windows (residential, in retail outlets) is selected individually, depending on the location of the store, the curvature of the surface, the presence of corners and the quality of lighting.

Outdoor advertising material can be different. There is a film that can be easily removed and does not leave traces of glue on glass or plastic, but there are those that are disposed of with working tools - a spatula, special chemicals, hot air. If you want to save money, you can make a one-sided image. This means that such outdoor advertising cannot be seen inside the premises.

The meaning of shop window advertising

Entering a shopping center or wandering along a shopping lane, you will notice that every boutique, grocery store or coffee shop is literally full of bright images and inscriptions. All this is a marketing ploy that works for their success. Besides that outdoor advertising can be a great addition to the brand and style of the outlet, as well as able to attract the attention of new customers.

Features of advertising on the windows of a store, house, boutique in an entertainment complex

A beautiful and original image is always striking. You don't need to use fluorescent colors, which also glow in the dark with luminescence.

As mentioned above, a showcase is a business card of a store. And therefore, many marketers advise not to decorate windows with a useless picture, but use it as an additional advertising stand... That is why, passing through shopping center, we already knowingly know that discounts are taking place in clothing and footwear boutiques, new promotions in a coffee shop, and excellent cinnabons (popular cinnamon buns) are being made in a small bakery.

Preparing the surface

In order for the self-adhesive film to firmly "grab" the surface, it must be first cleaned and processed. At worst appearance the applique will be damaged: the corners will begin to peel off, the coating itself will begin to "bubble", deforming the image or inscription. This will require:

  • If there is already outdoor advertising on the surface, then it must be removed. If the film doesn't come off on its own, use a small spatula and hair dryer. Attention! You must be able to access the power grid! Hot air will melt the glue, making the film easy to remove. A prepared spatula or any hard object will facilitate this process.
  • When you remove the remnants of the self-adhesive film from the showcase, you need to clean it from dirt. To do this, dilute the detergent in water and carefully treat the surface with a lint-free cloth. It is necessary to clean not only the area where the image will be pasted, but the entire showcase - this will significantly improve its appearance. After all, advertising on windows must be firmly fixed on surfaces.
  • Now it is necessary to remove the residues of fat, traces of household chemicals, wax and alkali from the base using alcohol or vinegar diluted in water. You can only stick advertisements on the window after the surface has been pre-dried. It is important to pay attention to the material from which the showcase was made. For example, if acrylic glass was taken as a basis, then alcohol will only harm and spoil the surface.

Application methods

There are two methods of application, which are selected depending on the location of the display case and the presence of defects. It does not matter where the advertisement will be glued - on the windows of a house, shop windows or glass walls of boutiques.

  1. Dry method. It is the placement of vinyl on those surfaces that have curved lines, corners. This method allows you to firmly fix the image, without peeling or peeling off.
  2. Wet method. This method is unique in that it can be used during bad weather, especially for placing advertisements on residential windows; for decorating a showcase of a multicolor and large image, as well as if there is no application film, which is a ready-made stencil that is neatly applied as a sticker.

More about dry method

The dry method is more reliable than the wet method. If the surface has curvature and irregularities, then after the soap solution the film stops sticking, which makes it more difficult to shape the image. Especially those who wish to decorate the corner of a shop window with an inscription or a solid pattern face such a problem. For the dry method, an industrial hair dryer is used, which literally melts the adhesive base and firmly fixes the film to the surface. In this case, you need to apply the image only on a dry surface, otherwise bubbles will begin to appear.

More about the wet method

The vinyl film is applied to the surface after the display case is sprayed with soapy water. This method is ideal for large images that consist of several applications. Using the wet method, the film can be applied so that no bubbles are formed. But the main feature of the method is the formation of a single structure from several parts.

Wet vinyl can be adjusted and leveled to keep the image consistent and perfectly flat. In the wet method, as in the dry one, it is imperative to use a spatula, with the help of which the surface is leveled, the accumulated air is removed and the contours of the film are firmly fixed. Thus, advertisements on windows and shop windows will look neat.

The largest bank in the country transferred the debts of Anatoly Livada's group to a "more agile structure"

As Realnoe Vremya learned, a new turn took place in the proceedings between Sberbank and the Fon group of companies. The largest bank in the country assigned its debt to a certain Moscow-based SBK Glass LLC. We are talking about 1.3 billion rubles, which became the reason for initiating a bankruptcy case for one of the largest developers in Tatarstan.

Judicial castling

The other day Arbitration court The Republic of Tatarstan considered cases in relation to the main persons involved in the dispute between Sberbank and the structures of the Fon group of companies (Fon-Stroy LLC, Kazan LLC, Fon LLC, Brik-Stroy LLC). All processes went one after the other at half an hour intervals. The same scheme was repeated four times: the lawyer of Sberbank petitioned to replace the plaintiff with the assignee under the assignment agreement.

The court granted all petitions - thus, now 1.3 billion of Fon's debts will be recovered by a certain SBC Glass LLC, located in Moscow.

At the same time, taking into account the fact that the lawyer representing "Von" supported the petition, it can be concluded that the replacement of the plaintiff was to one degree or another agreed by the participants in the process. As far as Realnoe Vremya knows, negotiations on the terms of the amicable agreement are continuing, their completion is estimated at several months.

Almaz Akhmetshin: “In fact, many of Fon's houses just need to be completed. If at least those projects that have already begun could be completed, the main burden would go away, and people's trust would return "

How Anatoly Livada is being saved

Let us remind you that Realnoe Vremya has been tracking all these echoes from the very beginning. In 2014, Anatoly Livada's Fon Group stopped servicing a loan from Sberbank, after which the credit institution initiated a number of lawsuits, and later bankruptcy procedures. At the last moment, the bank slowed down the process, announcing that negotiations on a settlement agreement had begun.

Apparently, the factor of the administrative resource played here. As the Deputy Minister of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan told our publication, the problem of the "Background" was considered at the level of President Rustam Minnikhanov. It is clear that the authorities of the republic are afraid that in the event of the bankruptcy of a large developer, 3,500 and even more “defrauded equity holders” may appear on the street. At the same time, the republic's authorities asked Sberbank to meet Anatoly Livada's group halfway. “The leadership of the republic would like Sberbank to support (the developer - approx. ed.) at this stage so that no problems arise. In fact, many of Fona's houses simply need to be completed. If at least those projects that have already been started could be completed, the main burden would go away, and people's trust would return, ”Akhmetshin told our newspaper.

Alarming notes can already be traced: on July 4, equity holders of Zashchita and Mag-Stroy were first joined by equity holders of Fon Group

So, the Fon group is currently building 24 residential buildings, with the organization concluded 4.5 thousand contracts. In principle, alarming notes are already being traced: for the first time, equity holders of Fon Group have joined the rally of equity holders of ZAO Zashchita and Mag-Stroy.

They will give as a pledge brickworks?

Representative of Fon Group, Lilia Lysenko, in response to a request to comment on the situation with the assignment of the debt, said that the leadership is now in Moscow and she does not intend to bother him until his return. Sberbank's press service also declined to comment until next week.

However, Realnoe Vremya assumed that Sberbank could transfer its debt to its subsidiary. “This is a more flexible structure for debt restructuring, which is not under the control of the Central Bank and the Sberbank credit commission,” our sources noted.

According to information in the Fon group of equity holders in social networks, “an assignment agreement was signed with Sberbank Capital, according to which Fon’s debts are being restructured for a certain number of years, and the Klyuchischinsky brick plant is pledged to secure this agreement. According to Fon employees, the encumbrance from the land of the Symphony Residential Complex should be removed on August 30, 2015. This will not happen earlier than October. Negotiations with investors are underway. Today there is one option for investing separately 5 and 6 houses, as well as three options for investing the entire complex (5, 6 and 7 houses (RC "Symphony"). Negotiations are underway on investment with the same "Sberbank Capital", AHML and others. "

"Glass" lender

Here we must recall the history of the emergence of such structures as Sberbank Capital in banks. They are the product of the 2008 crisis, when credit institutions inevitably became developers, receiving pledged assets from bankrupt developers. So, "Sberbank" created a subsidiary company "Sberbank Capital", a structure "VTB-Development" appeared in VTB for the management of pledged property, and the company "A1" was engaged in real estate in "Alfa-Bank". There were similar structures such as "debt centers" and some Tatarstan banks. Receiving non-core assets, banks were forced to sell these pledges in a low market or bring them to a higher degree of readiness, complete, create their own development division. Thus, for example, according to market participants, Ak Bars Development has grown to its current scale.

If we talk about federal banks, VTB got 51% of Sistema-Hals, a controlling stake in DON-Stroy Invest, and the Dynamo football club. During the last crisis, Sber acquired shares in Capital Group projects in Moscow City, the Crystal Towers business center of Coalco, and a small share of the Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye project. "Alfa-Bank" from the "MIAN" group received business centers on the street. True, which were then sold.

According to the information on the official website of Sberbank Capital, the company implements projects in the field of residential and commercial real estate, the fuel and energy industry, development transport system Russia and so on.

If we turn, if I may say so, to the “personality” of the new creditor “Fon” LLC “SBK Glass”, then it is registered in Moscow. According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, SBK Glass LLC was founded on March 3, 2014, sole founder is the company "SBK" Project ", which in turn is wholly owned by LLC" Sberbank Capital ".

The official website of Sberbank Capital reports that the company is implementing projects in the field of residential and commercial real estate, the fuel and energy industry, coal industry, development of the transport system of Russia.

I accept debts of Sberbank

SBK Glass does not have a representative office on the Internet, but it is known from open sources that the company also specializes in land and real estate transactions.

Despite the fact that SBK Glass has existed for just over a year, it is already taking part in 21 processes, most of which are somehow connected with debt obligations and Sberbank.

Apparently, the name of the company stands for "Sberbank-Capital Glass", and it was created under a certain lender. The arbitration database contains information that SBK Glass was assigned 136 million rubles of debts to the Kaliningrad BaltikPlazaGroup (specialized in leasing non-residential premises), 50 million of the Bunkovsky Experimental Plant (specializing in the production of glass containers), and it also participates in litigation with debts of another manufacturer of glass containers - "Rasko" located in the Vladimir region. In addition, "SBK Glass" took part in high-profile trials around the Novgorod agro-industrial complex "Rubezh", the head of which was eventually prosecuted.

In short, to all appearances, Fon's debt will still be restructured, but the question is hanging in the air: on what conditions, what part of the developer's assets can go to the creditor.

The transfer of a company's debt from one bank to another is not equal to debt restructuring, independent financial consultant Tatyana Saprykina believes.

Or violates or improve the reporting of the bank

According to Tatyana Saprykina, an independent financial consultant, the bank concedes debts to the company owing it in two main cases. First, if he suspects that the company owing him is violating the law in its activities, the bank may decide to transfer the debt to this company. For repeated violations of the requirements of the legislation on combating money laundering and other offenses, the bank may be seriously damaged.

Secondly, the debt is assigned if there is a tendency to non-compliance with the bank's basic standard (Н1.0), its minimum value set by the regulator is 10%. Н1.0 is the capital adequacy ratio, one of the most important indicators bank reliability. The ratio characterizes the bank's ability to pay off possible financial losses at its own expense, without harming its customers. If the bank understands that this standard can be improved by cleaning the loan portfolio, it does so.

“Transferring a company's debt from one bank to another is not equal to debt restructuring. Debt transfers are not always carried out on favorable terms for the company, quite the opposite. In the event of a debt transfer, the bank decides only its own financial questions, therefore, most likely, only the bank has a benefit, ”Saprykina notes.

Photo: Roman Khasaev, chelny-biz.ru, inforotor.ru, sbrf-capital.ru

Alexander Tretyakov, Anastasia Yurieva, Arslan Minvaleev

Not so long ago in Russia appeared the new kind advertising that allows you to make money not only advertising companiesbut also to ordinary people, whose apartment windows overlook the busy streets of the city. Such an innovation could not be ignored and detailed consideration marketers, advertisers and enterprising businessmen.

Advertising on the windows of residential buildings

All the vast majority of marketing innovations and steps come to Russia from the West. If we talk about advertising on the windows of residential buildings, then this idea comes from Holland, where it has been successfully practiced for several years. It was invented by two resourceful businessmen, who actually gave this type of advertising the name “Add my window”.

1. A huge amount of advertising in all its forms simply haunts people at every stage of their lives, so they simply began to ignore it and stopped noticing it. This behavior of potential consumers is understandable, so marketers are constantly coming up with new ways to win the attention of customers. Among the innovations that are practiced today in Russia and advertising business you can distinguish street art (pictures of the ends of buildings), firewalls and advertising "Add my window".

The essence of advertising "Add my window"

Advertising "Add my window" is not really new, but it has not been seen before as a promising direction. Today, it is a new trend, as it opens up new advertising space and allows ordinary people to earn money on it.

Distinctive feature advertising "Add my window" is that it does not imply the complete closure of the window with a stretched banner, because it is impossible to live in such a room. The concept of "Add my window" assumes that the advertising sheet is placed from the inside of the premises, thereby maintaining an excellent appearance in all weather conditions. At the same time, the film that is glued to the windows is made using a special technique that allows sunlight to pass through fine perforations without creating a transparent effect from the outside.

Thus, the owners of apartments on the lower floors of busy city streets can count on replenishing their budget by leasing their windows to an advertising agency.

Advertising on windows as a business

Many companies providing advertising services, picked up the idea of \u200b\u200b"Add my window" with a bang. After all, it does not require any large costs, and it will not be difficult to negotiate with window owners, because many would like to receive additional monthly income.

Also, do not forget that this type of advertising has not yet been legalized. That is, all billboards on the streets of cities receive permits from local authorities, and no one gave permission to advertise on the windows of the city. Therefore, it is possible that businessmen will have problems with the authorities in the future.

In any case, the idea of \u200b\u200badvertising on the windows of residential buildings is good both as an alternative to annoying billboards, and as a new way to attract the attention of passers-by. In addition, such advertising should not irritate passers-by, but rather interest in something new and not yet boring. This should be used advertising agencieswho are actively exploring new types of advertising.

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