Business Plan Advertising Agency for Advertising. Effective promotion of an advertising agency. Regular cost of existence and promotion of an advertising agency

Without advertising it is impossible to submit any type of business, so many people think about the opening of their own agency. The demand for such services does not fall over for a long time. Relevance advertising business It is difficult to underestimate.

In Russia, as well as any other country, many large and small entrepreneurs enjoy the services of such firms. But in order to have a highly profitable company, it is not enough to create a company and gain to the staff. It is necessary to develop, expand the range of services and offer customers really high-quality products.

Benefits include high profitability of the firm with the right organization of work. Such services are used great demandTherefore, problems with customer search usually do not occur. Also, the advantages include relatively small capital investments at the start.

The minuses include great competition in the market. At the initial stages of work will have to work with small and medium entrepreneurs. Income may be small, but it will make it earn good reputation And the portfolio that will give the opportunity to find larger customers.

Types of similar agencies

Before opening a company you need Decide its format. She may be:

  • a full-cycle agency;
  • design Studio (specialize in the development of signs, logos, styles, and so on);
  • a narrow-profile agency, which specializes in one of the types of advertising;
  • manufacturing company (manufacture of business cards, banners, souvenir products and so on);
  • byer (placement of advertising on TV, radio and other media).

The firm that provides a full range of services is easier to unwind, but also the discovery will take a big amount of money.

Interesting information about this type of business is presented in the following video:

Possible range of services

Nowadays, advertising has different forms, ranging from printed products and ending with banners on the Internet. You need to decide which services you will provide, since the full spectrum may not be affordable at the start.

It includes:

  • placement of outdoor advertising, including banners, signs and shields;
  • production of printing products (leaflets, brochures, business cards, etc.)
  • posting information in the media;
  • holding promo shares and PR;
  • creating video and commercials;
  • website promotion;
  • production and distribution of souvenir products and so on.

To make it easier to determine the direction, you need to explore the market in your region. Find out what types of services are the greatest demand, what services are provided by your competitors. Remember to interest your customers, you need to offer them something new, what others do not have.

Registration and necessary documents

After you have decided on the concept and direction of activity, you need to register a company. For registration, select one of the organizational and legal forms :.

Package necessary documents Depends on the selected form. Clarify which documents are needed, in the management of the tax inspectorate. You also need to pay state duty:

  • for IP in the amount of 800 rubles;
  • for LLC in the amount of 6,500 rubles.

When registering LLC, you need to pay half (its minimum size is 10,000 rubles), and the second half is paid throughout the first year of the company.

Signing contracts with partners

In most cases, the Agency needs to cooperate with production bases. For example, if you are engaged in printing products, you need to work with the printing house.

Carefully treat the search for partners. Do not agree on the first sentence. Explore the conditions of cooperation in detail, find out about the company's reputation. This will help in the future to avoid unscrupulous partners who will bring you at the most inopportune moment.

Select location

The next step is to search the office. The size of the room depends on how many people will work in it. Usually meetings with customers occur at a neutral territory or in the customer's territory. Despite this, it is desirable that the office is located not far from the city center or in a well-developed area.

Before it should be convenient to get, as the customer may wish to visit you in the office.

Purchase of equipment

When the selected room completed the repair, you can buy equipment. You definitely need to be purchased:

  • several computers;
  • a printer;
  • xerox;
  • scanner;
  • telephone sets for multichannel communication;
  • devices for connecting the Internet.

Note that the designers need powerful computers. You also need to take care of installing the necessary software.

Personnel search

When selecting employees, remember that the success of your company depends on the experience and qualifications of personnel. To minimize the risk of bankruptcy, take the work frame with experience in the advertising sector. Such employees will be able to fulfill their work in advance. In addition, they often have their own clientele, which will use the services of your agency.

The number of employees depends on the size of the company and the number of services provided. For central Company need to hire:

  • creative directorresponsible for developing new ideas;
  • two managerswho will search for customer search;
  • two designers, one of which is responsible for developing a promotional product, and the second is for the layout;
  • directorswhich will negotiate with customers and sign agreements with them.

But the accountant to work is inappropriate. It is better to apply for help in.

It is also desirable that there are several freelancers on pickup. They will help staff designers to perform work when Avral will happen.

Advertising and search for customers

  • To find customers, you need to create a database of potential customers. Decide in which industry you would like to work. For example, for you priority is the development of advertising for cafes and restaurants or companies specializing in certain production.
  • It is necessary to write the names of the companies, their phone numbers and email. The manager then communicates with them and offers agency services. But note that you can find clients in this way if you offer them something new.
  • Do not forget about the so-called sundress radio. If you do your job qualitatively, customers will tell you our partners, colleagues and acquaintances.

Potential problems and measures to solve them

Many agencies are closed for a short period after opening. The fact is that this type of business has problem areas. But if you correctly approach possible problems, then your firm will be able to work for a long time and bring good income.

The main potential problem is the absence of customers. This is due to great competition in this business segment. But the problem is quite solvable, you need:

  • choose a challenge name of the company so that it is easily remembered;
  • after opening the agency, place the data on it in the reference books of the city, since many potential customers often use it;
  • at the start, working with small and medium entrepreneurs to earn experience and reputation, which will provide an opportunity to conclude a contract with large and prestigious customers.

Opening costs and current activities

Attachments at the start depend on the size of the firm, the number of employees and other factors. Below are approximate costs:

  • rental of premises - 60 thousand rubles;
  • office repair - 25 thousand rubles;
  • the purchase of furniture is from 25 thousand rubles;
  • connecting the Internet and telephone - up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - from 125 thousand rubles.

After the first month of work, it is necessary to pay salary to employees:

  • director - 30-40 thousand rubles;
  • designers - 20-25 thousand rubles;
  • manager - 10-12 thousand +% of transactions.

Also need to pay accountant services (5 thousand rubles), allocate funds for awards, pay taxes, telephone, Internet, purchase consumables.

Counting the profitability of the project

Calculate what income will be made by your company is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that each agency independently sets markdowns, but usually at least 40% of the order value is profit. In addition, cooperation with partners and their rates for work are influenced by profitability.

With an average rhythm of work and the execution of two or three orders per week the company's income is 200-300 thousand rubles per month. A good firm can reach a profit to 600 thousand per month.

All you need to make up the current business plan advertising agency - It's just slightly adapt it to the realities of your city and adjust the corresponding numbers.

The Ping Promotion Advertising Agency is created with the aim of providing its customers (customers) professional assistance in the development, organization and conduct of all sorts of advertising actions:
- thorough development and creation of the proposed product or service;
- the original creative approach to solving the client's advertising tasks;
- Planning advertising companiesoptimally relevant client budget;
- organization of press conferences, presentations and other events "Public Ryleshnz";
- Making anyone advertising equipment For projects:
- The participation of highly qualified personnel at every stage of the advertising company.

The goal of the project is to provide consumers of goods and advertisers with high-quality advertising; show what kind of real advertising should be.

A society has been chosen as the organizational and legal status of the advertising agency. limited liability. This form is easy to implement and convenient by its structure. In the case of bankruptcy, as well as on concluded agreements, each founder is responsible in the amount of its contribution. Under the form of ownership, our limited liability company has a private form. Owners - cEO and executive Director.

The magnitude of the break-even point is 4.5 services, i.e. It is necessary to carry out 4.5 promotional campaigns per month, after that the company will make a profit.

The business plan of the advertising agency offered to your attention contains tables and calculations. financial activities, Calculation of the cost of services, marketing promotion strategy and staffing.

This business plan involves the opening of an advertising agency in Moscow. The advertising agency plans to provide the following services: holding promotional companies, creating a brand of goods or services, the manufacture of a wide variety of advertising media and equipment, organizing press conferences, presentations and other activities aimed at promoting the customer's company.

The decision on the opening of the company was a marketing study, during which not a sufficient number of advertising agencies that satisfy the growing demand of the population on quality services in the field of advertising and promotion of goods and services was revealed.

goal this project - Show what should be the real advertisement and how to provide a customer with high-quality advertising.

How much money needs to open an advertising agency

The start of the project will need to attract 300,000 rubles. Source of financing - commercial Bankwhere there is a settlement account of our company.

To accommodate the company, a room was rented in a passable place, very convenient for visiting by customers. The organizational and legal form of the future Agency is a limited liability company. The estimated number of newly opened jobs is 9 people. Among them: Director, Executive Director, Accountant, Psychologist, Designer Artist, Two Manager, Driver and Courier.

Promotion of services

The promotion of the company's services and its advertising is planned to be carried out, primarily due to the distribution of facsimile and electronic messages to large companies - potential customers. It is also planned to publish information about the activities of the agency and the list of services provided by it in specialized printed publications, for example, Moskou Business Guide. As the organization's returns increase, it is planned to participate in large-scale advertising exhibitions.

How much can you earn on the services of an advertising agency

The estimated monthly income of the agency is 170,000 rubles, monthly costs - 112,000 rubles. Net income of preliminary calculations is 58,000 rubles. The break-even point is 4.5 services. That is, the company is enough to carry out 4.5 promotions per month, in order to cover everything permanent expenses And make a profit.

General business organization plan

In addition, you need to choose the tax system, carefully examine all available ways to increase business profitability and develop a plan to attract new customers.

Document design and equipment purchase

In addition to documents confirming the fact of registration of LLC in the tax inspection, PF, Rosstat, as well as social and health insurance funds, for the legal activities of the advertising agency are necessary:

  • labor contracts with staff;
  • evidence of compliance with the rules of fire safety and sanitary standards;
  • the rental agreement;
  • contracts with customers, etc.

The positive point of creating an advertising agency is the fact that to organize this direction commercial activity No need to issue special permits and licenses. Be sure to pay attention to the change in the codes of activity in all-Russian classifier (This applies to all sectors of the Russian Federation). To date, in reports or official papers it is necessary to indicate OKVED 73.11 (activities of advertising agencies). The quality and number of agency services directly depends on the equipment that is used to create promotional products. Not only the standard office equipment or the speed of the Internet is of particular importance, but also:

  • software;
  • devices for creating professional printing products;
  • Equipment for video demonstration;
  • audio equipment.

Tax regime

For the advertising agency, the optimal taxation regime (according to the main criteria: the preparation of reports, the economic burden on the activities of the company) is USN. Working on this system, you can pay 15% of the difference between gross income and costs (when there are documents confirming the expenditure operations) or transfer 6% of revenue to the budget.

*Attention! The business plan may contain several outdated data, as the market is constantly changing, prices increase (inflation), etc.

Thomas Makhalya

Life is a series of elections. You are encountered every day with some situations that require you to make a certain decision. But one day you have to take the most important and difficult decision - to determine your choice in life. We all remember the Russian fairy tales and their heroes standing in front of the stone on the stripping. They needed to choose such a way to lose weight. For us similar situation Not suitable. You need to choose this path to get the most.

And then you begin to think about how to do it? Go to work for uncle, and all my life to sit in the office without real perspectives, looking at the world through the computer screen, or start your own business, which will bring joy, will give financial freedom and independence. It is clear that many dreams of starting their business, to achieve this level of profit when all dreams and desires can be realized without any care. Continuing our cycle of articles "Business ideas for beginners", we decided to tell about how to open an advertising agency from scratch, or with minimal investments. Believe me, 90% of any business does not require money for the start, or costs will be minimal, for each of you.

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So, if you are interested in this topic, if you decide to open your advertising agency, if you are going to make a business plan of the advertising agency, but do not know where to start, then we will help you. In this article we will reveal many aspects of the advertising business, we will give advice for beginners, focus on those moments that cannot be released from the initial stages of your company's work. After reading the article to the end, you will understand what is an advertising agency, and how to open it without serious investments.

Composing a business plan of the new advertising agency Do not be afraid competition

Someone may have thought about the advertising agency as opportunities for his own business, but decided to leave this idea due to the great competition and the saturation of the advertising market. But you have never thought about why there are so many advertising: the Internet, newspapers, TV, radio, outdoor advertising, Various newsletters, flyers, flyers, business cards? As they say, if there is a demand, then there will be a sentence. Surprisingly, 98% of the entire business is built on shopping and sales. And for normal functioning, they need advertising, a lot of advertising, a lot of quality advertising. And one who will give it will always be ensured. Greater competition in the advertising business is, most likely, plus rather than minus. You can always explore the activities of competitors, understand their methods of work, make certain conclusions, look at the reaction of the market. You can also find that niche in which no one offers its services, or these services are not going to the Favor. For example, no longer sure for anyone that the Internet is much more efficient than other types of advertising. But many advertising agencies persistently ignore him, or they pay very little attention to the Internet. They focus on the "last century" - newspapers, magazines, leaflets. Miss the market with new offers, tell us about the advantages of online advertising, show its effectiveness, take a free niche.

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The main thing is to believe in yourself, and not be afraid to start a new thing. Remember that the advertising business is creativity, and even a newcomer, working only a few months, but offering non-standard advertising solutions, is able to significantly press the "local bison" that uses old ways to promote goods and customer services.

Opening an advertising agency need to decide on the main niche.

On the Internet, many articles that tell how to open an advertising agency and make up good business plan. But many articles are very far from reality, or they were written by those who saw the advertisement only on TV.

"Experienced Guru" advise to start advertising business from sales of Bords. Undoubtedly, this type of advertising is very in demand, especially in major cities. But this market is filled to failure, especially to put your Bord Borde, just. You will come across hundreds of difficulties, you will pass dozens of bureaucratic procedures, pay not one bribe, and not the fact that you get a fishpiece under your advertising place. It's worth it? Huge investments in that niche, which is already filled out so much. We need to look for such advertising methods that can pay off without huge investments.

The first thing to do is to find with a dozen advertising agencies of your city. Take their prices from them, see the presentations, analyze their scope of activity. You can even go to offices, chat with the manager, find out what they offer and how your advertising budget will be distributed. All this will give food for reflection. You can find the pros and cons, reveal to the failure filled niches, and find those in which you can "shoot" well. We advise you to pay attention to advertising on the Internet, adding a special point on social networks there. Everyone understands that social networks are a huge sphere for advertising, but I know the units what and how to do there. You can take a certain percentage for drawing up proper advertising in sociors, or moving a product or service through publics and groups, focusing on the target audience. It all depends on you, your knowledge, opportunities and desires.

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So, the first thing you have to do is to decide on the main niche, so to speak, choose your chip. Do not climb there, where big competition and need serious investments. Analyze, consider choose the optimal solution. It also needs to be understood that the advertising business is an integrated approach to any task of the Customer. It is impossible to limit ourselves to advertising on the Internet, and do not do anything else. You can offer comprehensive solutions - advertising on the Internet, outdoor advertising, flyer and business cards, while emphasis is always done on your main scope of activity.

Basis of advertising business - customers

Many newcomers wishing to open an advertising agency are afraid of only one thought about where and how to take customers. Yes, the customer is your bread, your financial stability, your holiday Caribbean, Goa, and delicious cocktails on the seashore. To be honest, then find customers are not so difficult. All from advertising want one - response. If you are honest with the customer, make a transparent monitoring system, you will give advice to carry out regular analysis, then people will flow by the river.

Well, think about yourself, what effect brings beat Bord? Maybe there is benefit from him, but how to find out about it? Client swept thousands of rubles into advertising, and it does not have the idea, or an ad in a free newspaper.

  • Give the customer a clear understanding of what he can control the efficiency of advertising, and if it is below a certain indicator, he will be able to return his money. Mani Beck works as an amazing way. But making such a proposal, you must understand that the response will be. You must be confident in your strength and efficiency of your advertising.
  • Show examples of working advertising, its effectiveness. Outline how much money has invested another customer, and how much effective responses he received. Your proposal should not be based on the mythical figures, possible results, and probable indicators. Always let's clear figures, reinforcing them with a real advertising project.
  • Reporting is another important component of your presentation. Comperate with the customer the period for which you will analyze the effectiveness of a particular advertising campaign. A person who has invested money in you and your methods of promotion must understand what and how it moves which results it receives. Give him some control, while always lead the game.
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Note that these tips are not for those who want to sell air at the price of gold. Modern advertising business should be built on efficiency and clear indicators. If you want to earn hundreds, or even millions of rubles per month, you will have to not be exchanged for small fish, but attempt to see the whale in our networks. No serious company will work with you if you do not show the result. Conversion, response, calls, orders - this is the basis of your advertising activity.

Where can I find customers?

Remember that your legs will feed, especially at the initial stages of the development of the advertising agency. You will have to spend hundreds of meetings, presentations, tell about the advantages of your company, about your methods for promoting services and products. It will not be easily, very not easy. If from 100 presentations at least 2-3 will be successful - then this is a victory. First you need to implement a dozen advertising companies, and then everything will go like on the rolled. You will have experience, portfolio, recommendations. You will be advised to others, you will know about you.

To all come with a creative. Let people have something new, unusual, clinging. If you offer advertising on the radio or in newspapers, then to whom it is necessary. There are dozens of other agencies that this is already sold for more than one year, and they will most likely order, they have. You must differ dramatically, and offer something unusual, but effective.

Expenses and revenues of the advertising agency

If you decide to make a business plan of an advertising agency, you will definitely come across the cost of expenses and potential income. There is not everything so definitely as it may seem. Costs depend on your initial possibilities. You can remove the beautiful office in the center of the city, to furnish with His office equipment, print dear business cards, hire professional workers, and you can not do all this. The result in both cases may be the same. In the advertising business, much depends on your creativity and presentation. You can not put a penny to the start at all, but then the development will take a little longer than you imagine. If you already make a business plan of the advertising agency, and to sign expenditures, then you need to consider this:

  • Office is an important component. It should be not big, but the most cozy. It is better to remove the room and 15-20 squares, but to make it properly. A person who came to your office should think - there are creative and interesting people.
  • Next you need to buy computers, laptops, printers and gears. In general, a separate cost of costs will be computer technology. Without it, the modern advertising agency will not be able to function.
We recommend reading:

  • As we have already written, the presentation is an important component. For maximum effect, you need to use all technical developments. You can buy several tablets that will be from company executives who are presentation. It is also not bad to have a projector to broadcast your work on a large screen. The first impression is very important, and it will not be very good if you spend the presentation "on the fingers", and trying to explain something.
  • Payment of personnel. This is not the main graph of expenses. You can open an advertising agency without hired workers. If everything is so bad, then start the work one, and in the development process, take people to yourself. You can open a business with someone, finding like-minded people.

If you think so, then the costs are minimal. The main is an office. Everyone has personal laptops, and you can initially work with them. Printers and gears are not so expensive now, and this should not be a problem.

Our advice - analyze foreign experience. See which ideas are implemented in Europe and the United States, how they do it, what approach use. Many advertising "chips" come from the West. You should always be one step ahead of competitors, offering our customers new and new ways to increase their income.

The advertising sphere is developing every year: any beginning company is interested in the rapid development and attracting clients. Professional assistance in this business is offered specialized advertising agencies. Due to the high demand for advertising services It makes sense to start own business in this direction. Below - detailed business plan Advertising agency from scratch with indicative calculations and development forecast for 2019.

Advertising agency: Project goals

The company's activity will be formulated as an advertising production enterprise, the placement of the finished advertising product on the advertising platforms of the agency.

The main objectives of the project:

  • - the discovery and development of a highly profitable-elastic agency;
  • - profit at a high level;
  • - Filling out a free niche of the advertising services market.

Summary of the future project on preliminary calculations will have the following form:

  • - starting attachments - about 2 million rubles;
  • - the return period of investments - 10-24 months;
  • net profit Project - from 330 thousand rubles per month.

To prepare for the opening of an advertising agency, you will need to contact the banking structure to obtain a commercial loan for business development. Approximate loan size - 1 million 900 thousand rubles. It is credit funds that will become the main part of the starting investments in the opening of the enterprise, so the total cost of the project will be equal to the amount of lending. The total amount of paid interest, or the income of the investor, will be 129.5 thousand rubles. Return borrowed funds are planned from the first month of the enterprise. Subject to interest rate on a loan in the amount of 17.5% payback period should reach 18 months, and the general economic effect For conditional life cycle The project under consideration is 1 million 135 thousand rubles.

Such calculations are very exemplary and require confirmation. Therefore, in the financial part of the Plan, detailed cost calculations and future profits in all major points are given.

Advertising agency: features and characteristics of the object

Most modern companies Alone is not engaged in their own advertising. In most cases, they entrust this task by professionals - advertising agencies, which allows you to save time and achieve greater efficiency. The agency's specialists analyze each specific situation, constitute a specific task, relevant to a particular client, create and approve the plan. According to the results of the work performed, the agency managers prepare a presentation and a media plan, coordinating it with the customer.

When planning the opening of the business, you need to consider all the tasks that are put before advertising, and therefore, before its creators:

  • - informing about the assortment of goods or services, features and advantages of their use;
  • - Message of potential consumers about the emergence of new products;
  • - formation of task for the target audience;
  • - Proposals for seasonal purchases, which may be due to any events, such as discounts or sales;
  • - Call to acquire goods or services in a specific firm, which contributes to trading interests;
  • - informing about new or more convenient places of purchase of goods;
  • - Message to representatives of the target audience on the expansion of the product range or improving its quality;
  • - Stimulating demand among buyers.

Thus, the main task of the agency will be the creation of advertising to attract the attention of the potential consumer to the object of advertising - the product or service. The basis of most promotional products is a creative component - a creative approach allows you to fix the image of a certain brand in the thinking of a potential consumer and create a solid association. Goods.

Advertising agencies can be divided into 2 groups - creative and media. The first type of enterprises specializes in creating advertising, the second - on its placement and reporting to the addressee. These major two directions can be combined in one company, but there are also agencies narrower specialization. For example, companies engaged in interactive marketing, event marketing, branding, communicative design and other destinations. Them the target audience It may be somewhat already, but such companies have a sufficient audience due to the high level of services provided in their direction.

Most advertising agencies have such a structure:

  1. - Customer Service Department - managers performing a link between clients and directly by the advertising agency;
  2. - Department of P. strategic planning. In his department - communication planning, working with consumer research and development of an advertising campaign strategy;
  3. - Creative Department - Department, creating a creative part of the product. A strategy is based on a pre-developed specialist. This department employs copywriters, creating a text element of advertising, and specialists responsible for the visual series. At the head of such a department, a creative director is usually located;
  4. production Department. His representatives - designers and experts on prescription preparation, work directly on the embodiment of the already created idea;
  5. - Department of Media Planning - Responsible for Advertising in Media, which have sufficient relevance;
  6. - Department responsible for placing advertising on television and in other media, on the Internet and outdoor advertising.

Thus, the full range of services performed and offered by the Agency includes such aspects:

  1. - development and construction of a specific advertising campaign strategy;
  2. - generation of ideas for advertising;
  3. - media planning, providing for the creation of a campaign plan, structured by the media;
  4. - purchase of advertising in the media according to the placement coordinated with the customer;
  5. - production of finished promotional products;
  6. - Analysis of the effectiveness of the campaign.

The plan provides for the creation of a medium-scale agency, so it may not be strictly structured due to the limited number of employees and the lack of a large number of departments. Therefore, planning the opening of the company, it is worth preferred to multidisciplinary specialists. Some functions can be entrusted to partner companies, as well as attract freelance specialists.

Stages of opening an advertising agency

  1. - development of the strategy and format of the future organization;
  2. - preparation of documentation, the opening of the entity entrepreneurship and issuing a license;
  3. - rent or purchase of office facilities;
  4. - acquisition and installation of equipment, computers and office equipment;
  5. - staff set;
  6. advertising campaign, customer search.
Stages Terms of implementation Deadlines
Beginning of the project 1 - 2 year
1 month project The first 30 banking days
Obtaining a loan Availability of a compulsory package of documents 1 month
Insertion in the State Registration, registration in administrative and tax authorities Prisoner investment agreement From 1 to 30 calendar days
Select location, documentation Preliminary work 1 month
Buying equipment Conclusion of the investment contract Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Getting investment equipment Up to 30 calendar days
Hiring Production activities Up to 30 calendar days
Training End of the stage of organization of the production process Up to 30 days
Marketing campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 calendar days
Ending project 12 - 24 months

Office advertising agency

Most of the work in advertising agencies is carried out remotely, so the office is not necessarily open in the city center. But regardless of territorial location, a qualitatively furnished reception is required, where meetings with customers will be held.

The secondary advertising agency can be located in a standard office space of 60 square meters. meters. If the company refers to the enterprises of the full cycle, its area should be greater: then it can be 100 and even more sq.m. If at first the company's activities will include mainly the creative part, the minimum office will suit, because some employees will be able to perform their work remotely at home. All these features will allow to significantly save money for renting premises and utilities.

Regardless of whether the agency will be located in the central part of the city or in a residential area, it must be equipped with a noticeable sign. Such outdoor advertising will be one of important methods Attracting customers. Staed to the office will be properly equipped by making parking. The room itself is planned to zonite well: since all employees will perform various workIt is important that their jobs are in different cabinets. Therefore, a standard office building is most suitable for a company of this kind. Such rooms usually do not require overhaulThey often have a connection to the phone and the Internet, and also differ in a favorable territorial location.


The main office equipment are:

  • - Computers with quality software;
  • - peripherals;
  • - Furniture: tables and chairs for employees, cabinets, chairs and armchairs for customers and partners, full equipment reception: reception desk, sofa for expectation by visitors;
  • - if necessary - televisions;
  • - Strip repeater.

If you plan to open a full-cycle agency, a set of tools and materials will be more extensive:

  • - thermoclauses;
  • - laminators;
  • - cutters;
  • - press for embossing;
  • - Office board and projection equipment;
  • - Document shredder;
  • - mini-typography;
  • - currency detector;
  • - Banknote Counter;
  • - Various stationery.

All technical equipment is selected in such a way that it answers existing standards Quality and contributed to the growth of the company's performance. All equipment must meet the safety standards for a person and ambient. And the estimated costs of its acquisition are necessarily entered into the project marketing plan. In most cases, the technical part of the costs turns out to be the most costly business plan.


If the advertising agency will refer to the enterprises of the full cycle, the team will be more numerous. In this case, leaflers, folders, rebakes and other workers responsible for the execution of the technical part of the work will be needed.

The peculiarity of this industry is that there are many specialists in the market, but still there is a shortage of professional personnel. This is due to the fact that there is no qualitative training personnel training in the field of advertising in the country. For about a month, the search for suitable specialists is given to the selection of personnel in advance.

Official registration

The opening of the business from scratch requires a mandatory registration in the tax service. For the company providing advertising services, both common forms are suitable - LLC and IP. If a mini-format of the company is planned without further expansion, you can definitely choose PI. With a larger project, which in the future should be a full-fledged complex for the development of advertising and manufacturing promotional products, it is better to immediately register a legal entity - LLC. More suitable LLC will be with several founders.

If during the planning it was decided to open legal entity, it is necessary to explore the provisions Federal Law "On limited liability societies" (). The document is in detail about the requirements for which the enterprise must meet to obtain the status of the LLC, as well as the introduction of authorized capital and other features.

Regardless of the format - LLC or IP, you need to submit a statement in the FTS, which indicate the basic personal data of the founder and the OKVED code for a special classifier. All types of promotional activities in this document can be found under COD 73 (). To be sure that none of the services offered will go beyond the code selected by the classifier, the founder of the agency can choose several thematic codes at once. To start businesses in the advertising industry, such regulatory documents must be explored:

Marketing campaign. Target audience and competitivenessb

An absolute majority resorts to promotional services modern enterprises Not only medium and large, but also small business. But the most in demand, according to statistics, advertising experts, among medium and large companies. Such are:

  • network stores
  • manufacturing enterprises
  • fMCG sector companies (offering for sale of daily demand),
  • large law firms.

As a rule, they prevent high demands for advertising agencies in terms of terms, reliability and adequacy of the salary.

Since the advertising market can already be considered formed, then this business plan should contain an accurate plan of the company's exit to the top. In the province, organize the work of such agency easier than in big cities, but also orders there will certainly be an order of magnitude less. Therefore, according to preliminary estimates, the opening of an advertising business will be more promising in big city, especially in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

There are several marketing features inherent in this business. One of the most important is the impact of the economic crisis. In previous years, there was a serious crisis, as a result of which many market participants ceased to exist. As a result, only the strongest agencies remained on the market. This factor, as well as increasing competition, today, not so much advertising enterprises of the full cycle differ in the greatest relevance, how many agencies offering a limited range of services.

The main positive feature affecting the development of the market can be considered increasing demand in the services of advertising agencies. Even companies with their own advertising department contact specialists to strengthen their position in the market.

Only in the capital at the moment there are more than 2.5 thousand advertising agencies. At the same time, as of 2015, the level of growth in the industry amounted to about 13%. In the future, this indicator should grow. At the same time, according to marketing researchOver the past few years, there has been a significant reformatting of the industry: advertising in the press strongly passed the position by giving way to the Internet, especially social networks. In turn, outdoor advertising is experiencing significant restrictions on the part of regulatory acts. According to preliminary analysis, the contextual Internet advertising is leading the growing relevance today. The level of its increase is 45% with the growth trend. Energy indicator media advertising - 15%. In general, in the online advertising segment, the growth level remains the greatest - it is 43 percent.

If you summarize information about marketing Plan Business, we can conclude that the number of market participants is gradually growing, while the demand for advertising agencies remains approximately at the same level. This means that it is necessary to enter the market with a concrete, different from the existing strategy.

Even before discovering, a set of measures to form consumer opinions and attract customers is needed. Such methods will be effective:

  • - development and development of their own website;
  • - placement of advertising on their promotional venues;
  • - the creation of thematic videos;
  • - Advertising in the thematic media.

TO effective methods Campaign promotion can be found and accommodating advertising on television, where they will see a large number of potential customers.

According to the established rule, any service will be promising if at least 1% of the economically active population enters its target audience. In the case of Russia, the number of potential customers should be from 780 thousand, which in the current conditions is very likely.

Risks and prospects

Positive is that the owner has a large amount of information that helps create new directions of profit, and useful connections. From the most such agency eventually you can develop a number of other companies:

  • design Studio,
  • Pr-agency
  • consulting company and others.
  1. - a periodically activating economic crisis that reduces the demand in most segments of the country's services market;
  2. high level Competition;
  3. - Significant financial investments, in particular, when creating a full-cycle agency;
  4. - A shortage of highly qualified professionals in the industry.

Prospects for the future company depend on the success of the segment of the market. So, the advertising agency can serve such business segments:

- Home offices: actors here - individual entrepreneurs, leading own business and seeking development and increase client audience;

- Small enterprises containing less than 100 employees in their state. They have a small budget, but are among the most important and numerical customers of advertising agencies;

- Middle-scale companies, the number of which does not reach 500 people;

- large firms. Such enterprises, the number of employees in which are more than 500 people, are considered the most solvent customers. But this category is not a few, and for its location will have to fight competing companies.

To fully enter the market, you should focus on all existing categories of potential customers. In this case, neither a possible crisis nor the activation of competitors does not pose.

Financial plan

The financial component of the business plan provides for such basic features:

1) At first, the project download plan is calculated. It will be taken into account that during the first 3-6 months, the advertising agency will work mainly "on itself" than on customers. This means that the focus will be focused mainly advertising its own services. After the expiration of the above period, the break-even point must be achieved.

2) At initial analysis of the potential profit of the future enterprise, averaged figures are used, relevant to this market direction:

The presented plan is standard, compiled by the individual nuances of a separate plan. Applied to concrete plan And taking into account strictly planned cost items, you should calculate the consumable part in several cuts - starting, monthly and annual waste. In this key, the project cost plan will be as follows:

Article expenditure For 1 month, rub. Per year, rub. One-time costs Per year, rub.
Purchase (or rent) of premises (from 60 sq.m) 45000 540000 90000 630000
Purchase of equipment, 10 units 34000 815000 815000
Acquisition of computer equipment 69000 69000
Creating and promoting the site, buying a script, hosting, software 120000 120000
Advertising costs 45000 540000 540000
Salary (for 12 months) From 630000. From 7.5 million From 7.5 million
Tax payments (for 12 months) 190000 2 million 275 thousand 2 million 275 thousand
Unexpected expenses 110000 110000
TOTAL from 700000. 8 million 700 thousand 1 million 204 thousand 9.9 million

Planning the income of the enterprise, one should consider average prices for advertising services operating in the market. The minimum indicators will be as follows:

- development of the logo - from 30 thousand;

- Creation corporate style brand - over 70 thousand;

- Development of the original-layout of the corporate edition - 25 thousand or more.

The feature of the advertising business is that the product created in it has no specific cost. The cost of advertising services almost completely depends on their reputation in the market and the ability to establish and sell their product to the client. Nevertheless, although in this industry there can be no upper price border, initially need to be repelled from the average market prices in its city and the region.

The 2-year period under consideration - an approximate period for the opening and removal of an advertising agency for self-sufficiency. The plan of production and implementation of the agency services during this period can be divided into two main stages:

Period Type of service The volume of production and implementation for 1 month. (PC.) price, rub. Revenue from sales, rub.
1 - 12 month investment Manufacturing texts From 60 texts From 340. 21700 or more
1 - 12 month investment Creating audiolains from 15 rollers From 6800. 107,5 thousand
1 - 12 month investment Advertising placement From 30 ethers From 23000. 716.8 thousand
1 - 12 month investment From 1000 per month From 120. 120 thousand
Manufacturing texts From 64 texts From 380. 24,5 thousand
13 - 24 month of functioning Creating audiolains from 16 rollers From 7530. From 120,5 thousand
13 - 24 month of functioning Advertising placement From 32 ethers From 25000. 800 thousand
13 - 24 month of functioning Production of printing products From 1100 per month From 135. 148.5 thousand

If the current market gains is currently 13% per year, will remain at the same level, the annual implementation of the enterprise will exceed 10 million rubles.

Sales forecast are based on such factors:

- conclusions for the analysis of the overall state of the provision of services in the advertising sector;

- General conclusions regarding the state of the relevant market segment. The threshold of profitability during calculations will be the lowest, which will make it possible to make the analysis as objective and accurate as possible.

Taxes obligatory to pay any private enterprise regardless of the kind of activity and the chosen tax system, the following:

So, the advertising agency's business plan is one of the modern and in-demand areas of the service sector. This industry is specified, as its target audience - subjects business activities Various scale. Since advertising services do not belong to the sphere of necessity, crisis phenomena in the economy significantly affect this type of activity. However, with a competent marketing campaign and high quality The services provided in claimed agencies even in economically unfavorable periods have a chance to keep their positions. With successful start and active development, the return on the enterprise occurs within 2 years.