Outdoor advertising trends. Smart outdoor advertising trends New technologies in outdoor advertising

Formation modern market outdoor advertising in Russia began simultaneously with economic reforms in 1992. The conditions for market formation were favorable. The urban environment in most Russian cities provided sufficient space for effective outdoor advertising.

At the first stage, the process was rather chaotic and experimental, which was largely due to both the lack of necessary experience, work practice, and the lack of a legal framework regulating the advertising business.

In 1992-1994, RAs were created in Moscow, specializing in the placement of outdoor advertising. As in other market sectors, the first advertisers in outdoor advertising there were large foreign corporations - The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Mars Inc. Over time, a circle of leaders in the outdoor advertising market has formed - tobacco companies, producers of beer, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, companies cellular communication, as well as automotive concerns and manufacturers of audio, video and household appliances.

Since the city authorities have not yet practically regulated the process of installing billboards (only 2-3 approvals were required, and permits were issued by several people in the Moskomarkhitektura), the outdoor advertising market grew and developed rapidly. This period of market development was the most profitable for operating companies. The cost of placement was determined by a personal agreement with the customer, and the costs associated with the rental and maintenance of structures were much lower than at present.

By 1995, more than 20 types were involved in Moscow advertising structures, and by 2000, the number of advertising structures on the streets of Moscow equaled that of London: in both cities it exceeds 20 thousand surfaces, not counting advertisements in the metro and other modes of transport. Data from monitoring firms and expert assessments testify: about 50 thousand advertising surfaces have been installed in the largest cities of Russia. Of these, cities with a population of over 1 million inhabitants (13 cities in 2000) account for more than 43 thousand. At the same time, the share of Moscow is almost half of all installed advertising surfaces, and St. Petersburg - 19%.

In the first half of the 1990s, the outdoor advertising market developed most intensively in Moscow, but already in the second half of the decade, active development began in other large russian cities... For 10 years, the volume of the outdoor advertising market has grown 500 times (from $ 0.55 million in 1992 to $ 275 million in 2001). At the beginning of the XXI century, outdoor advertising remains one of the most actively developing segments of the Russian advertising market. "Whereas in 1992 outdoor advertising accounted for about 5% of total media spending, by 2001 this figure exceeded 20%."

The share of outdoor advertising in the total volume of advertising is steadily growing from year to year. The volume of advertising expenses in 2005 amounted to 710 million dollars, the growth of budgets - 34%. Most of the advertising budgets in outdoor advertising fall on Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The second period is the time when the dominant design formats of 3x6 meters and 1.2x1.8 meters were identified. Companies that began to develop in these areas moved forward over time, others - on the contrary, lost customers.

The third stage was characterized by the need to promote outdoor advertising outside Moscow to regions of Russia in order to provide customers with the opportunity to conduct nationwide advertising campaigns... One of the key factors was the guaranteed service, which led to the need to invest in service maintenance designs and information technology.

IN last years there are changes in the structure of the leading advertisers in the outdoor advertising "Appendix 1,2". The share of tobacco companies is decreasing, which is associated with the lack of growth in the tobacco market. The largest tobacco companies Philip Morris, BAT and Japan Tobacco have cut their outdoor advertising costs by more than 1.5 times. In 2005, these companies were in the first three places in the Top 10. According to tobacco marketing specialists, outdoor advertising is not effective for working with existing customers. [Appendix 1.2]

At the same time, there is a trend towards an increase in the share of outdoor advertising placed by mobile operators.

According to a study of advertising budgets by Espar-Analytic agency, mobile operators became the leaders in terms of outdoor advertising in 2006: the aggregate budget of the three leading campaigns in the first 8 months of 2006 amounted to USD 33.1 million. According to Espar-Analytic's estimates, their costs in the first eight months of 2006 have almost doubled, by 15 million US dollars compared to the same period last year. The fastest growing product categories in 2006, according to Espar-Analytic, were video equipment: compared to 2005, DVD advertising grew by 570%, and plasma TVs - by 440%. Samsung and LG have combined advertising budgets of US $ 15.5 million. At the same time, both companies consistently rank fourth and sixth in the Top 10 advertisers. The only beer company, BBH, entered the Top 10. According to Espar-Analytic estimates, in eight months of 2006 the company spent 6.5 million US dollars on outdoor advertising. According to Andrey Rukavishnikov, Baltika's Marketing Director, the company will continue to increase its investments in outdoor advertising, which is associated with legislative restrictions on television advertising of beer.

  • 1. Communication services, communication facilities
  • 2. Wholesale and retail trade
  • 3. Audio and video equipment
  • 4. Tobacco products
  • 5. Cars and service
  • 6. Real estate and construction
  • 7. Tourism, entertainment
  • 8. Financial services, Banks
  • 9. Alcoholic drinks
  • 10. Furniture

A detailed list is given in Appendices 1 and 2. [Appendix 1.2]

The financial growth of the market is also due to the increase in prices for outdoor advertising. According to experts, prices in Moscow have grown over the year and averaged 1000-1200 US dollars for a 3x6 m surface per month. The rise in prices was due to the interest of advertisers in this media, the introduction of UTII, city government politicians regarding this media and the cost of social advertising.

Analysis of the distribution of advertising structures by city shows that, despite regional differences, two dominant national formats have formed in Russia: billboards measuring 3 x 6 m and city-format light boxes (1.8x1.2 m). "Table 1.3.2" "In the largest cities of Russia, standard billboards account for 50.2% of all advertising surfaces, and for long-term city-format boxes - 35.9%."

Table 2. The structure of the market for stand-alone advertising media

The main problem of the development of the outdoor advertising market in large cities the central part of cities becomes overloaded with advertising structures. In these conditions, the administrations are taking measures to reduce the number of advertising media, which is especially true for free-standing structures.

The number of places where it is physically possible to place advertising significantly exceeds the number of places where such placement is advisable in terms of reaching a potential audience and advertising efficiency.

In these conditions, the extensive path has almost exhausted itself, so operators are increasingly using new technologies, introducing prism and roller dynamic carriers.

Since 2000, in the central parts of the largest Russian megalopolises, the process of installing new advertising media has been practically frozen (in Moscow - everywhere), and since 2003, the process of dismantling free-standing advertising media installed on the most significant highways due to congestion has begun.

The main reasons for the development of the dynamic advertising media market are:

  • Deficit advertising spaces, especially in the central part of large cities, i.e. in the most attractive areas for potential advertisers;
  • Toughening the law on advertising, restricting television advertising certain types goods;
  • · Features of calculating taxes on outdoor advertising, the introduction of UTII;
  • · The trend towards standardization of advertising structures associated with the creation of a regulated architectural appearance of cities;
  • · Continuous technical development and improvement of outdoor advertising media ..

In connection with the relevance of the use of dynamic advertising media in large cities, the second chapter of the diploma project will analyze the trends and development prospects of the relevant market.

Outdoor advertising posted solid growth in the past year, according to a Nielsen study. Big data, digital strategies, targeting and audience analytics will continue to transform UN advertising, and advertisers will change their ad planning and creative approach. As new data collection methods and integration digital channels become available online, they will further increase the value of outdoor advertising by making it integral part media plan.

The UN will continue to implement digital marketing strategies

Marketers are increasingly looking at how UN advertising and digital media intersect. Combining these two components into a comprehensive strategy will help strengthen the position of each of them. Analysis of digital media will help in planning outdoor advertising, and that, in turn, through geofencing and other interactive technologies will be able to attract more target audience to the advertiser's digital environment.

The integration of digital marketing strategies at the UN will provide an opportunity to streamline consumer data. The smartphone will mine and combine demographic and individual behavior information to provide advertisers with better performance. This data will allow for more proactive feedback because the virtual message will better adapt to the daily habits of the consumer.

Geofencing and other digital outdoor advertising technologies provide real-time data that can be quickly analyzed and reused in future campaigns. Thanks to site geoprocessing, consumer information is generated at the time of purchase for better marketing.

Combined with geo-local technologies, outdoor advertising will become the main component of personalized advertising strategyreaching target audience in the right place at the right time. When we are interested in a product or service, we actively search for it on the most convenient device for us - most often a smartphone. According to Google, 76% of people who search for a location on their smartphone visit that location during the day. With its localization character, the UN will help manage the behavior of the target audience.

Every day we pass by outdoor advertising that provides personal point contact, creates interest and helps manage digital interactions. Notably, Nielsen's latest report, Ads Driving Online Activity 2017, states: “While OOH ads account for 26% of the top searches generated by TV, radio, print and OOH combined, they account for only 7% of the total the amount of advertising costs ".

"Figital" (that is, combining physical and digital world) the pairing strategy aspect is of great importance. Personalizing a message triggers an instant, direct response through searching, sending links to friends, and more, similar to the immediate response mechanism of digital ads. The advantage for the consumer who is constantly on the move is personalized advertising. While this type of advertising is in its infancy, it will continue to evolve and become more unique and data more relevant.

To be continued

Illustration depositphotos

For the first time since the crisis of 2014-2015, the advertising market as a whole has grown. The most positive development dynamics was observed in the first two quarters, as a result of the effect of the low advertising base at the beginning of 2015. However, at the end of the year, all media, except for the press, came out in plus. Including investments of advertisers in outdoor advertising grew by 6% compared to last year.

OOH market leading experts - Andrey Berezkin, general director ESPAR-analyst and Fedor Lyakh, director of outdoor advertising procurement at OMD OM Group, summed up the year and outlined key trends in the segment in an article for Sostav.

Investment growth is taking place against the background of a reduction in the number of advertising structures. Experts note that growth is mainly due to an increase in prices for metropolitan markets, and especially - due to the development of digital formats. In November, the operator "Vera-Olymp" was absent from the market, which affected the dynamics by some collapse. When, in December, the operator returned, the dynamics recovered.

Before the 2008 crisis russian market had the largest share of OOH in the media mix among other countries. Then outdoor advertising in Russia occupied 18% of advertising in all media. Over the past 8 years, the share has decreased to 10%, but still, we are in 2nd place among the most developed and strongest world markets. The minimum gap between Russia and the countries following us is 4%, which is very significant on a global scale.

Moscow and St. Petersburg provide more than 55% of investments

Comparing cities federal level with the regions - the territorial centers attract the bulk of investments and demonstrate a noticeable growth (in the capital centers, and especially in Moscow, the inventory becomes less and it becomes more expensive). The number of advertising surfaces is decreasing approximately equally in all regions of Russia.

Cities are getting rid of illiquid inventory. At the same time, the occupancy rate of commercial advertising is growing. Andrey Berezkin clarifies that in the 1st half of 2016, Russ Outdoor and GEMA actively dismantled structures that were not for sale. A little later, Gallery had to temporarily dismantle the former OMIS 92. And all this happened against the backdrop of the appearance of the GORINFOR State Budgetary Institution with non-commercial advertising. The introduction of new inventory isolated from commercial ads has formally lowered the load.

“In the first half of the year, the boards of shopping malls, Russ Outdoor and Gallery were reduced (OMIS was removed from the summer), the number of Vera-Olymp structures was constantly decreasing. Since September, Russ Outdoor has exhibited 30 new 3x6 digital billboards (300 sides), 400 sides of GORINFOR have appeared, and since November, new designs of the Vera-Olymp operator began to appear, ”commented the CEO of ESPAR-analyst. Fedor Lyakh draws attention to the fact that the number of digital formats began to grow since autumn.

Digital already takes 15% of all 3x6 boards

Andrey Berezkin noted that the situation with the loading in the second half of 2016 for the main operators in both digital and classic shields was close to the limit. “Russ Outdoor, Gallery and Vera-Olimp have a commercial load at 90%, the shopping and entertainment complex also rose and by the end of 2016 had a commercial load at 75%,” the expert commented.

“Since January 2017, work has begun on the metro,” said Fyodor Lyakh, “and significant budgets have already been confirmed. Contrary to expectations, so far the most attractive format for advertisers is escalator vaults, and not advertising inside train cars. Perhaps, this was influenced by a significant increase in prices for advertising placement inside the carriages. "

Operators in regions

In 2016, the long-awaited auction was supposed to take place in St. Petersburg, however, they never passed. It is not known when they will pass, but any of their results will significantly affect the distribution of the weights of investments in outdoor advertising in capitals and regions. As a result, Gallery and LISA operators, digital boards should appear in St. Petersburg, low-quality inventory will be dismantled, and, accordingly, prices for placement in OOH will rise. All this should finally stabilize the market of the northern capital.

Top advertiser categories

Top advertisers

The TOP-20 advertisers are headed by the Megafon company, also entered the TOP-3 mobile operator TELE2, having increased its investments in OOH by 56% in 2016. A new player, the PIK holding, has appeared in the TOP-10, having doubled investments in outdoor advertising compared to last year. 5 companies, three car brands (representatives of the business most affected by the crisis), and retailers IKEA and L'Etoile left the TOP-20.

Summing up, Andrey Berezkin noted that for the outdoor advertising market 2016 will be remembered not only as the beginning of the post-crisis recovery period, but also as the acceleration of digitalization processes and some weakening of administrative pressure on the industry. “The adoption of changes to the notorious GOST at the beginning of the year pushed the industry away from the edge of the abyss, at which it stood,” the expert summed up.

From 28 to 30 September, the 24th international specialized exhibition Reklama-2016, the largest international show of advertising industry achievements in Russia and the CIS countries, will be open at Expocentre Fairgrounds, which has been demonstrating key areas of industry development for more than 20 years.

"Advertising" occupies an important place in the business calendar of specialists in the field of media, communications, advertising. This exhibition project helps to understand all the diversity of the advertising world and rapidly changing trends, gives a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe trends in the development of the advertising market in Russia, its market infrastructure.

According to the All-Russian rating of exhibition events 2014–2015. "Advertising" was recognized as the best exhibition project in Russia on the topic "Advertising, design" in all nominations. For high achievements in the advertising industry, the exhibition was awarded the marks of the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) and the Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs (RUEF).

In his greeting to the participants and organizers of the Advertising 2016 exhibition, Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Andrei Kashevarov noted: “Over the years, the exhibition has been proving its uniqueness, since it covers all segments of the advertising market, reflects the whole variety of innovative products and services in the field of advertising. Introducing the latest technology and industry products, the exhibition, by tradition, serves as an indicator of the development of the country's advertising market. "

At the exhibition, leading players of domestic and foreign markets will demonstrate the latest equipment for the production of a wide variety of promotional products, innovative technologies and ideas, original solutions. The exposition is formed in the following areas: outdoor advertising, advertising services and printing, PR, marketing, P.O.S., business souvenirs, branding, online advertising, Digital and much more.

This year the exhibition presents a new direction - festive decoration mass events, where LED decorations, light structures and compositions, special equipment, special effects, as well as window dressing and retail space will be demonstrated.

Advertising business in all its forms and diversity will be represented by over 200 companies from China, Belarus, Republic of Korea, Russia, USA, Ukraine, Switzerland. Such well-known foreign companies as Grace, Point Techno, Iqdemy SA, Neofoam Ltd., Sharplase, Uprofi, Zhejiang Ganglong New Materials Co., Shenzhen Top Technology Co., Ltd. other.

A significant proportion of the exhibitors are Russian companies presenting their developments and achievements. The latest advertising technologies are increasingly in demand in the formation of a positive business image and to increase the export opportunities of our country.

At the exhibition stands, more than 190 leading russian companies, including Zenon, Russian Primetech, Initpress Digital, Ford, VeMaTek, RICO Rus, SMART-T, Inquin, Papillons-Trade and many others.

The exhibition is accompanied by an interactive business program. Professionals will discuss topical issues development of the advertising market, strategy and functioning of the industry in modern economic conditions.

An important event in the business program of the exhibition will be the round table “Contemporary Russian Advertising: Development Trends and government regulation... Social Aspects ”, organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (AKAR), Expocentre AO with the support of the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Place and time of the event: September 29, 2016, 11:00, conference hall No. 6 (FORUM pavilion).

The round table is expected to discuss the changes in the structure of the advertising market in connection with the development of digital media, to consider the latest edition of the law "On Advertising" and new standards in outdoor advertising.

Representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Heads of Departments and Directorates of Mass Media and Advertising of Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod are invited to participate in the event.
Following the discussion, a resolution will be adopted, which is planned to be sent to the Russian government. Also within round table a master class and presentation of the book “History russian advertising», It is planned to show commercials of the Soviet period (1920-1990).

On September 28-30, within the framework of the international exhibition "Advertising-2016", the V Forum "Advertising Matrix: Matrix of Solutions" will be held with the participation of leading specialized associations, prominent experts in the field of advertising and marketing. Organizers - Congress and Exhibition Company "Empire", a community of business development organizations SOMAR. General partner - Expocentre AO.

This year, for the first time, the Forum will be held in the format of the Megapracticum "Matrix of Decisions". Thanks to this format, top managers of companies will be able to diagnose their business, develop effective strategies for its development, get advice and support from reputable marketers. Marketing managers will acquire new technologies for the successful promotion of goods and services, and specialists will acquire practical tools for their implementation.

The forum will bring together 30 sessions, workshops, seminars, master classes and over 50 presentations by leading advertisers and marketers on all aspects of traditional advertising, marketing, online promotion and advertising strategy.

The rapidly developing outdoor advertising market is becoming more and more technologically advanced. Now ordinary billboards and signboards will not surprise anyone - advertising should be original, unusual, surprising every passer-by. To provide information, each advertising agency strives to create a structure that will become a kind of city landmark. It will be noticed not only by passers-by, but also by the media, which means that not only advertising will be effective, but its creator will also become famous.

From 26 to 29 September 2017, the 25th international specialized exhibition "Advertising-2017" will be held at the Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow, which will present many novelties and modern technologies in the field of creating and positioning advertising.

3D technologies in outdoor advertising

The creation of multi-level structures was a real breakthrough in the field advertising business.

Agree, embossed, expressive shields, on which life-size objects flaunt instead of photographs, are able to attract much more attention.

When creating 3D effects it is used:

  • computer graphics;
  • projection advertising;
  • holographic installations;
  • optical illusions;
  • design and art development.

Each type can be safely called art, because to create such an advertisement it is necessary to spend more than one hour on implementation, but even more on the development of an idea.

It is very beneficial to support it with the same technologies, making out, for example:

  • shop windows;
  • foyer and lobbies of entertainment, cultural, shopping centers;
  • signs of shops and offices, restaurants and cafes;
  • sidewalks, driveways and floors in crowded, high-traffic areas.

Even souvenirs are created with interactive elements or 3D effects. Three-dimensional images sometimes seem unreal, they are so masterfully executed.

The process of creating 3D structures is rather complicated, so not all advertisers want to use it. However, if you want to draw attention to your product or organization, then of course, this way of presenting information will be noticed unambiguously.

Outdoor advertising

Floor advertising, which is increasingly used in large cities, both outside and inside, has become another expressive and memorable way of informing.

Large images, placed right under the feet of passers-by, simply cannot go unnoticed, it is somehow awkward to step on them, especially if they depict depressions, hills, or objects that can be stumbled over.

And it's not just footprints or signs that lead to the right direction... With the help of 3D graphics, it became possible to draw so naturally that it seems as if there is a cliff ahead, an abyss or other insurmountable obstacle. Such installations cause delight, surprise, they are photographed against their background, which means that advertising is distributed through all possible channels.

The floor of the elevator was also made in the form of an entrance to the pool, forcing all visitors to involuntarily pause and withdraw their leg in fear. Needless to say, such ads are remembered for a long time, they are discussed, they are shared on social networks.

LED Advertising

  • extend the service life of any design:
  • significantly save energy costs;
  • an abundance of shades of LED strips allows you to convey the smallest details of images;
  • such structures are not afraid of voltage drops and do not need to be replaced for many months;
  • do not fade or fade in the sun like paper banners or paper;
  • work at humidity up to 90%;
  • do not fail at temperatures from -45 to +50 degrees C.

Electronic screens broadcast not only text information, but also video clips, promotional films, product presentations, animations, creeping lines.

With the help of video screens, sports competitions and festive events are often shown that attract a large number of spectators. In between shows, ad units are broadcast.

Another type of projection broadcast is laser advertising. Watch a video on how the show looks like:

Projection advertising

A great way to use the empty walls of tall buildings is to broadcast advertisements with a projector.

Any flat surface can be used to display advertisements, videos, informational texts or images.

This technology is very easy to install. With the help of the projector, you can transmit messages to the facades of buildings, any vertical surfaces. The scale of the projection is not limited to the size of the billboard, which means that the display will be clear, visible from a distance, and impressive. Advantages of projection advertising:

  • the ability to display in places that are inaccessible for the usual types of advertising;
  • the facade of the building is actually not used, which means that it will not collapse from the accumulation of moisture, from the severity of the advertising structure;
  • although the design requires permission from the owner of the building, it is much easier to obtain it than if it is necessary to install a heavy metal frame for mounting a billboard;
  • advertising messages can be changed as often as the advertiser wants.

See what a showcase equipped with a projector might look like:

Methods for installing projection equipment

There are two ways to mount a projector:

  • Stationary, in which it is necessary to install a protective installation to prevent moisture and other atmospheric precipitation from entering the projector.
  • A truck with a gas generator is used, which supplies power to the projector.

International Exhibition "Advertising 2017"

All kinds of new technological developments in the field of advertising will be presented at international exhibition in September 2017 on Krasnaya Presnya at the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

Specialists from not only our country are invited here, but also representatives of the advertising business from the countries of near and far abroad.

The exhibition will be attended by:

  • representatives of advertising and marketing agencies;
  • manufacturers and creators of novelties in the field of advertising;
  • suppliers of consumables and equipment;
  • representatives of printing companies and printing houses;
  • journalists, correspondents, television operators and other media representatives;
  • customers and advertisers interested in placing their advertising messages using new technologies.

Exhibition theme

The following types of advertising directions will be presented at the exhibition:

  • services in the development, creation, design and promotion of advertising;
  • visual technologies;
  • POS materials;
  • souvenir products.

Every day the exhibitions will be held:

  • presentation of novelties in the field of advertising;
  • discussion of pressing issues in the field of advertising business;
  • seminars and conferences;
  • master classes on the creation and operation of new types of advertising media;
  • screenings latest developments in the field of advertising and marketing.

Each participant will be able to find partners, suppliers of new equipment, customers for their products. No wonder this event is called created by professionals for professionals.