Anti-crisis operational summary of the Russian market for design and survey work. Formation of the market for design and survey work in the coal industry

Nikolay Alekseenko

Vladimir Putin

Market statistics

Lagging government support

Systemic measures required


Nikolay Alekseenko: About 85 percent of the market for design and survey works is formed due to the state order

Member of the Council of the Association "National Union of Prospectors" Nikolay Alekseenko published an article on topical issues support for small and medium-sized businesses in the field of design and survey work. We believe that our readers will also be interested in getting acquainted with the thoughts of Nikolai Nikolaevich. The text is voluminous, published with some abbreviations.

It is estimated that 92% of companies eligible for engineering surveys are micro and small businesses and 4% are medium and large businesses. The pool of organizations preparing design documentation has a similar structure, among which micro and small businesses account for 95%, and medium and large businesses - 2.5% each.

And, nevertheless, despite the government's policy of supporting small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), the engineering survey industry is in a very difficult situation when it is almost impossible to get work directly from a customer. Many are left to be content with only low-paid subcontracts. This is due to a number of systemic barriers and errors, which are discussed in this article.

Small and medium business development is considered by the highest officials Russia as one of critical areas state policy. In the past two years, the leadership of our country has taken a number of measures aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses, ranging from the creation of specialized development institutions to financial incentive programs. As noted Vladimir Putin at the meeting of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects on September 21, 2016, “by 2018, the number of workers employed in small and individual entrepreneurship should grow to 20 million people. In the long term, in terms of employment in small business and its share in GDP, we should reach comparable indicators with countries where entrepreneurship, primarily small and medium-sized businesses, are the backbone of the economy. "

Market statistics

This publication provides an assessment of the design and survey work (R&D) market within the framework of 44-FZ and 223-FZ and an attempt is made to determine what place small and medium-sized enterprises occupy in it, as well as how state support affect the increase in the share of purchases from SMEs.

The total annual volume of the design and survey works market is estimated by us at the level of 650 - 700 billion rubles. About 85% of this market is formed by government orders and purchases of large companies with state participation.

As of the end of May 2016 in the territory Russian Federation 10,811 companies have permits for engineering and survey work; to carry out work on the preparation of project documentation - 49.350 companies. It is important to note that of these companies, 22,845 have design and construction permits, 6,766 have design and survey approvals, and 3,553 companies have permits for all three activities. Most of the companies present in the design and survey market are small and micro businesses. To understand the structure of participants in the design and survey work market, as well as to determine the level of competition between them for the market size of 650 billion rubles, an analysis of open data was carried out on all companies entitled (SRO approvals) to provide services for conducting engineering surveys and preparing design documentation ...

To determine the number of organizations belonging to different business categories, the gradation of companies depending on the size of annual revenue, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2015 No. 702, was taken as a basis. The distribution of companies by business size was taken taking into account the following values \u200b\u200bof their annual revenue:

Micro - up to 120 million rubles;

Small - from 120 to 800 million rubles;

Medium - from 800 million to 2 billion rubles;

Large - over 2 billion rubles.

As a reminder, from January 1, 2013 until the above resolution was issued, the maximum annual revenue was set at 60 million, 400 million and 1 billion rubles, respectively, for referring to SMEs. According to the Government of the Russian Federation, a doubling of the revenue limit should have opened preferential access to the government order market for a large number of new medium-sized companies.

To determine the effectiveness of this measure, we also compared data on the execution of contracts for design and survey works in the context of 223-FZ and 44-FZ in accordance with the new and old systems of grading companies by revenue.

Among the companies that have permission to perform engineering surveys, 92% are micro and small businesses and 4% are medium and large businesses. The pool of organizations preparing design documentation has a similar structure, among which micro and small businesses account for 95 percent, and medium and large businesses - 2.5% each.

It should immediately be noted that among the representatives of the middle and big business in the design and survey industry, the vast majority of companies have permits for both design and survey or construction, or for all three types of activities.

As a result of the analysis, 54,694 unique organizations operating in the market for design and survey work were identified, 49,350 of which have permission to prepare design documentation.

Such an imbalance towards design organizations is due to the peculiarities of the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and the established practice of combining by the customer the works on the implementation of engineering surveys and design in one lot. More than 97 percent of these organizations are SMEs and only 3 percent are large businesses.

About government contracts and their execution

As mentioned above, 85 percent of the annual volume of the design and survey work market is created at the expense of the state order (including purchases large corporations with state participation) and the contracting and subcontracting works created by it. After analyzing the open data on the state order for 2015, one can understand what is the real share of work performed by SMEs.

The volume of contracts signed for design and survey work in 2015 amounted to 418 billion rubles under 44-FZ and 161 billion rubles under 223-FZ. In just a year, about 50 thousand contracts were concluded for a total amount of 579 billion rubles.

As part of the analysis of contracts for 2015 under 44-FZ, 10,938 unique suppliers and 11,906 unique customers were identified. In accordance with 223-FZ, contracts were concluded with 1.646 customers and 3.795 suppliers. The share of SMEs among unique suppliers averaged 97.5%, and the share of large businesses - 2.5%. As you can see, the structure of companies participating in public procurement as suppliers of design and survey services is almost identical to the structure of the entire design and survey market.

It can be noted that the increase in the threshold values \u200b\u200bof the revenue of organizations for attribution to SMEs in design and survey activities did not lead to any noticeable increase in the share of participation of small and medium-sized businesses in public procurement. According to our estimates, the number of unique suppliers increased by 1%, the share of contracts they fulfill increased by only 3%, and the volume - by 2%.

Despite the fact that the industry is mainly represented by SMEs, as well as by an impressive share of the contracts they fulfill, in terms of the volume of work performed in monetary terms, SMEs occupy much more modest positions.

Most contracts under 44-FZ, namely 90%, were executed by SMEs, but in monetary terms, the volume of contracts executed by medium, micro and small enterprises amounted to only 42%.

Most of the volume of government contracts under 44-FZ (58 percent) is still taken by large business, which is represented in the design and survey work by 2.5% of companies. A similar situation has developed with the execution of contracts under the 223-FZ placement. The share of the number of contracts where SMEs became the winners is 87%, and the volume of work performed by them is only 52%. Almost half of the volume of contracts, or rather 46%, is performed by the same 2.5% of large companies. For a number of companies, whose share in public procurement was 7% in terms of the number of completed contracts and 2% in terms of the volume of work, it was not possible to find revenue data in open sources.

Lagging government support

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 11, 2014 No. 1352 in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 8 of article 3 of Law No. 223-FZ approved the Regulation on the specifics of the participation of small and medium-sized businesses in the procurement of goods, works, services separate types legal entities, the annual volume of such purchases and the procedure for calculating the indicated volume. The regulation stipulates that the annual volume of purchases of certain categories of customers from SMEs must be at least 18% of the total annual value of contracts concluded based on the results of purchases. The SME Development Strategy until 2030, adopted in June by the Government, refers to the gradual increase in the mandatory quota for purchases from small and medium-sized businesses from 18% in 2016 to 25% (since 2018). At the same time, the total cost of contracts concluded based on the results of procurement, in which only SMEs can be participants, must be at least 10% of the total annual volume. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 819 dated August 19, 2016, from January 1, 2018 this share will increase to 15%. According to the law "On contract system»№ 44-FZ the mandatory share of small and medium-sized businesses in public procurement is 15% of the total annual volume of purchases of the customer.

As our research shows, in the segment of design and survey work, even the promising targets set by the state have already been exceeded by 2 times! Given that procurement in the construction sector accounts for almost 50% of the total volume of government orders, it is possible that in some segments, including design and survey work, the targets should be revised upwards, and there is also a need to introduce separate regulation of procurement in construction.

But in professional environment there is a well-established opinion about the lack of scope of work and difficulties with the entry into the market of the state order for design and survey work. Below we present the main barriers that impede the access of bona fide design and survey organizations to the market with an annual supply of 580 billion rubles.

Barriers for bona fide participants

Among companies from Unified register SMEs include enterprises that are part of a group of companies or are subsidiaries (with a participation share of more than 50%) of large companies with revenues of more than 2 billion rubles. For example, 14 out of 149 direct subsidiaries of PJSC Gazprom are included in the register of SMEs. Also, SMEs are many companies that PJSC Gazprom owns through its subsidiaries. PJSC NK ROSNEFT has 20 out of 85 direct subsidiaries in this register.

It can be seen from these examples that often the organizations included in the register of SMEs are small businesses only formally, but in fact they are part of groups of companies and are direct or indirect subsidiaries of large businesses. It is unlikely that these are the SMEs that the President is talking about to support and develop, and which really need support from the Government. For this reason, it is necessary to modernize the criteria for listing companies in the SME register to exclude subsidiaries of large businesses. Otherwise, there is a risk that large companies will widely use the practice of creating many dependent SMEs and splitting purchases to formally fulfill the task set by the Government of the Russian Federation to increase the share of purchases from SMEs.

The widespread practice of combining engineering surveys and design works by the customer in one lot (the so-called design and survey works), provided for by the Urban Planning Code, actually cuts off all organizations that perform only engineering surveys from the scope of work, and forces them to be content with the role of subcontractors.

According to the Association "National Union of Prospectors", this leads to a systemic violation of competition laws and the contract system, infringement of the interests of prospecting organizations, directly affects the level of competition and, as a result, to less efficient spending of funds (higher cost of contracts).

Another reason for the shortage of work volumes by SMEs is the subjectivity in the selection of winners and the engagement of the procurement participants with the customer. According to the statistics of the Building Complex Rating Agency (RASK), 54% of companies participate in tenders only once. Perhaps this indicates the widespread practice of setting up companies to participate in a particular procurement.

This is also supported by the large turnover of approvals for design and survey work (6,607 approvals only in the first half of 2016).

Selection methods often use indicators such as business reputation, experience, personnel, equipment of the company, which are assessed either by attracted experts, or by members of the competition committee, who may have “their own interests” when making decisions. According to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, in procurement in construction, up to 40% of the evaluation criteria are subjective. This allows you to manipulate the results of competitions.

One of the possible systemic, comprehensive measures to solve this problem, according to the Rating Agency of the construction complex, is the introduction of the institute of industry rating and the inclusion of ratings assigned to the participants in the competition procedure. The industry ranking should be a prequalification element in procurement. For example, a company created specially "for the competition" will no longer be able to receive a rating score sufficient for successful participation in the competition. The resulting assessment will serve as a certain marker for both the customer and other participants in market relations, will show the real level of the company's qualifications, the complexity of the work that it is able to perform.

However, this raises a natural question of confidence in the ratings of rating agencies... It is necessary to clearly spell out the mechanisms of public control over their activities and their obtaining accreditation from the authorities so that the assessments given by the agencies are truly independent and objective, reflecting the real picture.

The draft law "On the activity of rating agencies in the construction sector" being considered in the State Duma is intended to establish the legal basis for the activity of rating agencies, to ensure the independence and transparency of their activities and the objectivity of the assigned ratings.

Systemic measures required

Summarizing the above, it can be assumed that in order to increase the transparency of procurement in the design and survey work market and to facilitate access to state order for professional survey and design organizations related to small and medium-sized businesses, the following set of systemic measures will contribute.

1. Introduction of separate regulation of procurement in the construction sector through the adoption of a law on construction contracts, or at least harmonization of the Town Planning Code with 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition".

2. Development of legislative measures aimed at dividing procurement into research, design and construction, especially in the construction of large infrastructure, as well as especially dangerous and technically complex facilities.

3. Introduction of a system of independent prequalification of participants in public procurement, as one of the real market and internationally recognized instruments through the institution of industry rating.

4. Legislative expansion of the concept of "conflict of interest" in public procurement from the supplier's beneficiaries who own directly or indirectly voting shares and shares, and to beneficial owners - those who can directly or indirectly influence the company's actions. It is also necessary to introduce the practice of checking the affiliation of procurement participants with other suppliers, the ordering company and its subsidiaries.

These measures, as well as the setting of the correct targets formulated with the involvement of the professional community, will help solve the tasks facing the state to increase the share of small and medium-sized businesses in GDP to comparable indicators with developed countries, where small business is the backbone of the economy!

EDITORIAL... This is the opinion of Nikolai Alekseenko, who, among other things, is also the head of RASK, one of the most famous rating agencies in the construction industry. What do you think about the state of the market for design and survey works, dear readers? We are waiting for your comments on the forum!

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Russian market of design and survey works (article: 07646 25775)

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    Terms of revision: 12 working days.

    The proposed report contains an analysis of the situation on the studied market during the crisis and up to the present time (as of the time of the report's release).
    The analysis of both the market itself and the anti-crisis actions of its participants is made.

    Part 1 Market Overview
    1.1 Analysis of the situation in the market under study: overview, trends, prospects
    1.2 Recommendations for market participants
    Part 2 Competitive Analysis
    2.1. Anti-crisis actions of market participants and assessment of their effectiveness

    Diagram 1.1.a. The dynamics of the work performed and the change in the dynamics of the industry “Activities in the field of architecture; engineering and technical design; geological exploration and geophysical work; geodetic and cartographic activity; activities in the field of standardization and metrology; activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas; activities related to the solution of technical problems not included in other groups ", Russia
    Diagram 1.1.b. Dynamics of revenue and profit of enterprises in the analyzed industry, Russia, million rubles
    Diagram 1.1.c. Debt dynamics in the analyzed industry, Russia, million rubles

    Table 2.1. Anti-crisis actions of market participants and assessment of their effectiveness

    Excerpts from the report:
    In the conditions of market relations, survey and design organizations for the first time in the history of their existence in Russia are forced to work in conditions of limited demand for their products and fierce competition.
    Many contractors today are ready to take on any job, regardless of qualifications, experience, technical equipment and financial resources.
    On December 16-17, 2010, the VI All-Russian Conference "Prospects for the development of engineering surveys in the Russian Federation" was held in Moscow.
    On December 29, 2010, the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the development of geodesy and cartography until 2020.

    It is possible to attach a retrospective report on the results of 100 competitive tenders on the subject under study since the release of the analytical report.
    The report is paid separately.

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As a manuscript

EGRASHIN Sergey Nikolaevich




Specialty 08.00.05

Economy and management of the national economy

(Economics, organization and management of enterprises,

industries, complexes: industry)

dissertation for a scientific degree

candidate of economic sciences

Novosibirsk - 2007

Work is done

at the Faculty of Economics

Novosibirsk state university


Lychagin Mikhail Vasilievich,

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Isupova Olga Alekseevna



doctor of Economics, Professor

Bufetova Lidia Pavlovna

doctor of Economics, Professor

Untura Galina Afanasyevna

Lead organization:

Kuzbass state

technical University

The defense will take place on November 2, 2007 at 16-30 o'clock at a meeting of the dissertation council K 212.174.03 at Novosibirsk State University at the address:

630090, Novosibirsk, st. Pirogov, 2, room. 304.

The dissertation can be found in the library of Novosibirsk State University.

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council,

candidate of economic sciences,

docent A. V. Komarova


Relevance and degree of elaboration of the research problem.Coal, although somewhat supplanted by oil and gas in the 20th century, continues to play an important role in the global economy. Further growth in global coal consumption is predicted in the first three decades of the 21st century.

In the 1990s, in Russia (one of the largest coal-mining countries in the world), as in a number of other countries, the coal industry was restructured. As a result of the restructuring in the coal industry, there have been significant institutional changes that have transformed the relationship between organizations both within the coal industry and the external relations of the industry. The adoption of the Energy Strategy of Russia for the Period up to 2020 and the Federal Target Program “Energy Efficient Economy”, in conjunction with decrees aimed at strengthening the innovative nature of the Russian economy, create new conditions and incentives for activating scientific, technical and innovation policy in the coal industry. This course is also confirmed in the General Scheme for the Placement of Electric Power Facilities in Russia until 2020.

The directions of scientific, technical and innovation policy provided for in the Energy Strategy should be detailed in specific technical and economic solutions. An important place in this area is occupied by design and survey work (R&D) and design organizations that carry out these works.

Analysis of publications on project activities in the coal industry, shows that in the 1950s-1960s, technical and technological work prevailed, in which the effectiveness of solutions was primarily assessed in terms of natural-material factors (an increase in the productivity of equipment, a reduction in time and materials, etc.) ... Valuation estimates are presented insignificantly (I. M. Andreev, A. S. Burchakov, V. I. Vladimirsky, B. M. Vorobiev, N. I. Ivanov, A. M. Kurnosov, K. I. Tatomir, M. I Ustinov and others). The economic reform in industry in 1965 gave impetus to works in which the questions of determining cost indicators, economic incentives, cost accounting, etc. began to be encountered more and more often. (Yu.S. Lear, M.B. Kundin, Yu.S. Tsimerman, etc.).

In the initial period of Russia's transition to market relations, a number of factors began to act that negatively affected the activities of state design institutesemployed in the coal industry: reduction of state centralized capital investments and the depreciation of fixed assets stimulated the direction of funds of enterprise development funds not so much for new construction, reconstruction and expansion, as for technical re-equipment and equipment repair. Cooperatives, collective design organizations, design and engineering divisions of enterprises became competitors of state design organizations. This led to a reduction in orders. In addition, there was a general decrease in production volumes in the national economy, a decrease in supply discipline and responsibility for fulfilling contractual obligations, and an increase in “long-term construction”. As a result, the ability to reliably determine the technical and economic indicators of design objects has sharply decreased, and, consequently, customer confidence in the reliability design solutions and the use value of the design products. In addition, the likelihood of successful completion of construction became less likely, which led to a decrease in the interest of customers in the development of design and estimate documentation. There was an outflow of qualified personnel from design organizations.

Many managers and specialists of design organizations were not ready to work effectively in market conditions. This was aggravated by the almost complete absence of publications analyzing design services and recommendations for organizing design and the work of design institutes in the new conditions. Opportunities for acquaintance with foreign experience were (and remain) extremely limited, since the methods and specific results of creating projects in the unity of natural-material, technical-technological and financial-economic sides are a commercial secret of organizations and a powerful weapon in the competition.

Thus, the design organizations, including Kuzbassgiproshakht, faced an acute problem of transforming their activities in order to survive in the new difficult market conditions. And this served as the initial impetus that prompted the author of the dissertation to study this problem.

It is also important to emphasize that there is a problem of understanding the role and characteristics of design and survey activities and design organizations in the coal industry. The fact is that if in mechanical engineering and many other industries, planning and economic activities are 90% concentrated within the enterprise, then in the coal industry 90% of decisions on construction, maintenance and closure of a mine are responsible for the design organization, and about 10% of decisions falls on the share of the planning and economic department of the mine. Moreover, in the mine project, which is created by the design organization, it is determined timetable construction and operation of a mine with an accuracy of one quarter and in the context of all types of resources. Since this work requires high qualifications, extensive experience and special software, it can be performed with high quality only by a limited number of organizations. This inevitably leaves its mark on the scope of the market in the design business and government regulation FEAST.

The corporation and the beginning of work in a market-like manner solved some of the problems of project activities, but put a number of new ones on the agenda. One of them is that the practice of project activity is ahead of its scientific comprehension. This is aggravated by the fact that in the 1990s the number of publications on technical and technological aspects of design sharply decreased. In other words, if in the Soviet period there was a lot of technology in the design business, but little of the economy, now in the scientific and educational literature there is very little of both (although there are many advertising materials). This is becoming increasingly intolerable in the light of the tasks of scientific, technical and innovative development coal industry and when driving developed countries towards a knowledge-based economy. All of the above determined the purpose and objectives of the dissertation

goal dissertation - to develop a methodological approach to the study and formation of the market for design and survey work in the coal industry, to detail it in the aggregate of methodological recommendations and test it in practice.

To achieve the goal, the following were solved in the work. tasks:

  • as part of the work on formulating the problem, the role of coal and the coal industry in the economic development of the largest countries of the world and Russia, the importance of scientific, technical and innovation policies and design and survey work for the development of the industry are shown, the prerequisites for the formation of the IDP market are revealed;
  • substantiated the author's methodological approach to research and formation of the R&D market in the coal industry of the Russian Federation;
  • the stages of formation of the IDP market are highlighted and described;
  • developed and tested a methodology for reengineering business processes in a design organization in conjunction with guidelines for transforming a management organization and analyzing the impact of the external environment;
  • proposed and illustrated new types of projects and new forms and methods of interaction between participants in the IDP market in the coal industry.

Object of study - the market for design and survey work in the coal industry and organizations operating in this market, and, first of all, in the largest coal-mining region of Russia - in Kuzbass. Base object of observation - one of the leading design organizations in the coal industry - OJSC Kuzbassgiproshakht.

Subject of study - preconditions, stages and directions of the formation of the R&D market in the coal industry and new organizational and economic forms and methods of interaction between participants in this market.

Field of study - 15.19 "Methodological and methodological approaches to solving problems in the field of economics, organization of management of industries and enterprises of the fuel and energy complex" and 15.22. "Methodology for the development of business processes and business planning in the electric power industry, oil and gas, coal, metallurgical, engineering and other industries" Passports of the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers (economic sciences).

Theoretical and methodological basis of the research were the works of leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of economic theory, management (primarily innovation), economics and management of the fuel and energy complex with an emphasis on the coal industry, statistical data on the development of the coal industry in different countries, legislative and regulatory materials of the Russian Federation in relation to the topic of the dissertation.

The research methodology was greatly influenced by the works of specialists from the Institute of Economics and Organization. industrial production SB RAS and Novosibirsk State University, as well as other domestic and foreign research and design organizations and universities that deal with the problems of the coal industry and scientific and technological progress.

Research methods:system analysis, comparative historical analysis, expert assessments, generalization and processing of statistical data, classification methods, simulation modeling and computer calculations, bibliographic analysis using electronic databases.

Scientific novelty work is as follows:

1. The methodological approach to the research and formation of the R&D market in the coal industry of the Russian Federation has been substantiated. Distinctive features the approach is as follows: taking into account the relationship between the stages of market formation, the characteristics of its participants and the forms and methods of interaction used; analysis of interrelation between internal transformations of the design organization's activities based on reengineering of business processes and constant updating of forms and methods of interaction with the external environment; use as tools for analysis of models of innovation processes (model "lotus flower", etc.), graphical diagrams of business processes and organizational structures management and complex of simulation models of varying degrees of complexity for calculating the indicators of projects of coal mining enterprises; the use of a new definition of the concept of "project" for the coal industry enterprises, which is based on the "lotus flower" model and a systematic description of more than 50 real projects.

2. For the first time, the prerequisites and stages of the development of the IDP market in the coal industry are identified with the fixation of the interaction patterns of market participants at each stage.

3. A methodology for reengineering business processes in a design organization has been developed and tested, which has no analogues in the scientific literature. The methodology is coordinated with the simulation models for calculating the indicators of projects of coal mining enterprises, with the requirements of ISO 9001, with schemes and measures for organizing management, with the methodology for analyzing the IDP market using M. Porter's "five forces" model. The created methodology contains a general scheme, a reengineering scheme, schemes of the main business processes of design and guidelines on their adaptation, modification and application.

4. The concepts of "partial service project" and "full service project" were introduced into scientific circulation, schemes of interaction between the participants of these projects, as well as guidelines for their development and application in the coal industry, were created and introduced into practice.

5. In addition to the engineering scheme, the following innovative forms of interaction between the design organization and other participants in the R&D market were identified and tested: outsourcing; benchmarking; corporate management interactions; interactions based on integration processes; organization of innovative intermediary enterprises to accelerate the development and implementation of promising domestic technology into the coal industry.

Theoretical significance of the work is to substantiate a methodological approach to the study and formation of the IDP market in the coal industry, to highlight the stages of market formation and interaction patterns of market entities, to clarify the concept of a "project" taking into account related services as applied to coal industry enterprises, to develop and test a set of reengineering techniques business processes in the design organization, forms and methods of interaction between organizations related to the IDP market based on benchmarking, outsourcing, corporate interactions and a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001.

Practical significance of work is to create a set of methodological recommendations aimed, on the one hand, at the development of project activities in the coal industry based on the reengineering of business processes and promising types of projects, and, on the other hand, at the creation and use of new forms of interaction between organizations in the IDP market in the coal industry and related industries. The use of the methods and recommendations of the dissertation makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of scientific, technical and innovation policy in the coal industry, develop and implement effective projects for the creation and modernization of coal mining enterprises, expand the development, production and use of domestic technology, accumulate knowledge about project activities and the PIR market for adoption sound management decisions, to receive economic and social effect from the establishment of interaction between organizations of the fuel and energy complex and those associated with this complex.

Approbation of work. The results of the study have found practical application in the activities of OJSC Kuzbassgiproshakht, Kemerovo (certificate dated 09.21.2007), OJSC Koks, Kemerovo (certificate dated 09.19.2007), State Enterprise Kemerovoproekt (certificate from September 13, 2007), in the development and implementation of more than 50 projects for coal mining enterprises of Kuzbass for a total amount of more than 100 million rubles.

The main provisions and recommendations of the dissertation were discussed at international scientific and practical conferences in Kemerovo in 2006-2007. and "Actual problems modern sciences: theory and practice " Belgorod, 2006); at dozens of meetings-seminars in the period 1995-2007, which were attended by specialists from regional authorities, coal mining enterprises, research and design organizations dealing with the problems of the coal industry, manufacturers of promising equipment for the coal industry, commercial banks carrying out settlement and cash services and lending to the listed organizations; meeting of the interdepartmental scientific and methodological seminar of the Faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk State University.

Publications. On the topic of the dissertation in open press published 8 works with a total volume of 17.5 pp. (of which 6.8 pp. copyright), including one article (without co-authors) in the publication recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for the publication of the results of candidate dissertations.

A large number of materials (guidelines, reviews, drafts, statutes, regulations, agreements, minutes of meetings, reports, etc.) were created and distributed under the leadership and participation of the author in printed and electronic form, which were used in practical activities various organizations of the coal industry and related industries.

The structure of the work and its scope. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters of the main text, a conclusion, a bibliography (158 sources) and 9 appendices. The main text of the work contains 155 pages, 28 tables and 22 figures and has the following structure.



1.1. Role of coal and the coal industry in economic development

1.2. Preconditions for the formation of the IDP market

1.3. Methodological approach to research and development of the R&D market in the coal industry of the Russian Federation


2.1. The initial stages of the development of the IDP market

2.2. Methodology for reengineering business processes in a project organization

2.3. Transforming management organization in reengineering


3.1. Market research and development in the coal industry

3.2. Partial Service Projects and Examples

3.3. New forms and methods of interaction between participants in the R&D market and the development of "full service projects"





1. Methodical approach to research and development of the R&D market in the coal industry of the Russian Federation.

This methodological approach is distinguished by the following:

1) taking into account the relationship between the stages of market formation, the nature of its participants and the forms and methods of interaction used;

2) conducting an analysis in the interconnection of internal transformations of the activities of the design organization on the basis of reengineering of business processes and constant updating of forms and methods of interaction with the external environment;

3) use as tools for analyzing models of innovative processes (the “lotus flower” model, etc.), graphical diagrams of business processes and organizational structures of management and a complex of simulation models of varying degrees of complexity for calculating the indicators of projects of coal mining enterprises;

4) the use of a new definition of the concept of "project" for the enterprises of the coal industry, which is based on the "lotus flower" model and a systematic description of more than 50 real projects.

It seems possible to give another definition of the term "project" in relation to the coal industry.

Project - a set of volumes and books of documents that: 1) are developed and executed in accordance with terms of reference, in strict accordance with SNiPs, RD and others regulations, recommended techniques and software; 2) have on title page each volume of the signature of the responsible developers of the project and the approval signature of the head of the organization-developer, certified by the official seal; 3) contain texts, formulas, input and output data, drawings; 4) describe in space, in time, in the interconnection of natural and other conditions, material, labor and other resources, the construction processes (opening, mining, etc.) of a certain object (mine, open pit, technological complex for briquetting, enrichment and sorting of coal, etc.) .d.).

The sections of the project are a kind of “flower petals” that are closely interconnected. For example, the opening of a mine field should be carried out with the help of such a mechanized complex that would meet the mining-geological and mining-technical conditions, and at the same time the shafts and drifts should be of such a cross-section and formed at such a speed to meet the requirements of ventilation and degassing. All this will be reflected in economic performance and evaluating the effectiveness of investments. With a necessary fragment of each part of the project, there should be its own recommended instruction, methodology, etc.

The development of any part of the project is a complex and responsible engineering and economic work, as evidenced by the examples of individual fragments of a real project, given in the appendices to the dissertation. Since it is possible to design different objects (mine, open-cut mine, processing plant, etc.), then different types projects can be presented either as a separate “flower” or as a tier of “petals”.

The dissertation also provides other examples of the prospects of using this model and ways of combining it with other models and forms of displaying project activities and the R&D market in the coal industry.

Bibliographic analysis of domestic publications and publications on english languagereflected in the electronic databases EconLit and Social Science Research Network led to the conclusion that it is advisable to combine the reengineering of business processes for the development of management of the activities of a project organization and the search for new forms and methods of interaction with the external environment (including with other participants in the IDP market).

2. Preconditions and stages of the formation of the IDP market in the coal industry with the fixation of the interaction patterns of market participants at each stage.

Four historical stages of interaction between coal-mining enterprises and design organizations can be distinguished, and the schemes of interaction between the participants corresponding to these stages: the traditional scheme of design and development work in 1980-1990; the beginning of the formation of the IDP market in 1990-1995; formation of the IDP market in 1995-2000; development of the IDP market in 2000-2003 The formation and development of the IDP market is characterized by a transition from linear models to a “dual model”, in which attention is focused on interaction processes and a balanced approach to technology and marketing is observed as sources of successful innovations. This is confirmed by the creation of special marketing divisions in design organizations. Further development requires a transition to an integrated fourth-generation model, which is characterized by high level integration of various divisions and functional departments of the company in the innovation process. The formation of such a model in a design organization is possible when using business process reengineering. At the same time, the foundations are being laid for the transition to a fifth generation network model, which includes growing strategic and technological integration between different organizations in external environment and within the firm, supported by automation and a parallel way of organizing innovation process.

3. Methodology for reengineering business processes in a design organization.

The developed methodology for reengineering business processes (BP) in a design organization has no analogues in the scientific literature. The methodology is coordinated with the simulation models for calculating the indicators of projects of coal mining enterprises, with the requirements of ISO 9001, with schemes and measures for organizing management, with the methodology for analyzing the IDP market using M. Porter's "five forces" model (Fig. 1 shows a general scheme of the methodology, and Fig. 2 is an example of one of the power supply circuits).

The use of a development strategy based on the reengineering of business interactions and the improvement of organizational and economic management of project organizations will, to a large extent, meet the market needs for the results of design and survey work. A targeted increase in the volume of design and survey work is possible if a set of measures for the creation of an engineering structure is determined, designed and implemented.

M. - model

Reengineering directive

Stage 1 "Image of the future"

Stage 2 "Reverse engineering"

Stage 3 "Direct Engineering"

Stage 4 "Implementation"

New company

Development of the image of the future company

Creating an enterprise model

BP redesign, organizational changes

Testing, implementation of new power supplies

Defining goals

Documenting existing power supply units, their cost

Development of information system


Tools for BP reengineering (tools for describing work flows, CASE technologies, computer simulation, etc.)

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    This project is individually finalized in accordance with the wishes of the client.

    Terms of revision: 12 working days.

    The proposed report contains an analysis of the situation on the studied market during the crisis and up to the present time (as of the time of the report's release).
    The analysis of both the market itself and the anti-crisis actions of its participants is made.

    Part 1 Market Overview
    1.1 Analysis of the situation in the market under study: overview, trends, prospects
    1.2 Recommendations for market participants
    Part 2 Competitive Analysis
    2.1. Anti-crisis actions of market participants and assessment of their effectiveness

    Diagram 1.1.a. The dynamics of the work performed and the change in the dynamics of the industry “Activities in the field of architecture; engineering and technical design; geological exploration and geophysical work; geodetic and cartographic activity; activities in the field of standardization and metrology; activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas; activities related to the solution of technical problems not included in other groups ", Russia
    Diagram 1.1.b. Dynamics of revenue and profit of enterprises in the analyzed industry, Russia, million rubles
    Diagram 1.1.c. Debt dynamics in the analyzed industry, Russia, million rubles

    Table 2.1. Anti-crisis actions of market participants and assessment of their effectiveness

    Excerpts from the report:
    In the conditions of market relations, survey and design organizations for the first time in the history of their existence in Russia are forced to work in conditions of limited demand for their products and fierce competition.
    Many contractors today are ready to take on any job, regardless of qualifications, experience, technical equipment and financial resources.
    On December 16-17, 2010, the VI All-Russian Conference "Prospects for the development of engineering surveys in the Russian Federation" was held in Moscow.
    On December 29, 2010, the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the development of geodesy and cartography until 2020.

    It is possible to attach a retrospective report on the results of 100 competitive tenders on the subject under study since the release of the analytical report.
    The report is paid separately.

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You can order this report on-line right now by filling out a small form. Ordering a report does not oblige you to purchase it. After receiving the order for the report, our manager will contact you.

If this report does not suit you, you can:

  • 1. with clarification of the structure of the report
  • 2. on your topic
  • 3. on your topic

    This project is individually finalized in accordance with the wishes of the client.

    Terms of revision: 12 working days.

    The proposed report contains an analysis of the situation on the studied market during the crisis and up to the present time (as of the time of the report's release).
    The analysis of both the market itself and the anti-crisis actions of its participants is made.

    Part 1 Market Overview
    1.1 Analysis of the situation in the market under study: overview, trends, prospects
    1.2 Recommendations for market participants
    Part 2 Competitive Analysis
    2.1. Anti-crisis actions of market participants and assessment of their effectiveness

    Diagram 1.1.a. The dynamics of the work performed and the change in the dynamics of the industry “Activities in the field of architecture; engineering and technical design; geological exploration and geophysical work; geodetic and cartographic activity; activities in the field of standardization and metrology; activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas; activities related to the solution of technical problems not included in other groups ", Russia
    Diagram 1.1.b. Dynamics of revenue and profit of enterprises in the analyzed industry, Russia, million rubles
    Diagram 1.1.c. Debt dynamics in the analyzed industry, Russia, million rubles

    Table 2.1. Anti-crisis actions of market participants and assessment of their effectiveness

    Excerpts from the report:
    In the conditions of market relations, survey and design organizations for the first time in the history of their existence in Russia are forced to work in conditions of limited demand for their products and fierce competition.
    Many contractors today are ready to take on any job, regardless of qualifications, experience, technical equipment and financial resources.
    On December 16-17, 2010, the VI All-Russian Conference "Prospects for the development of engineering surveys in the Russian Federation" was held in Moscow.
    On December 29, 2010, the Russian Federation approved the Concept for the development of geodesy and cartography until 2020.

    It is possible to attach a retrospective report on the results of 100 competitive tenders on the subject under study since the release of the analytical report.
    The report is paid separately.

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