Job description of the organizer teacher at school. Job description of a teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety. Requirements for the qualifications of a teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety

General Provisions

1.1. The teacher-organizer of life safety is appointed and dismissed by the Director of the School. For the period of vacation and temporary disability of the teacher-organizer of life safety, his duties can be assigned to any teacher or senior counselor. Temporary performance of duties in these cases is carried out on the basis of the order of the Director of the School, issued in compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

1.2. The teacher-organizer of life safety must have a higher professional education and work experience of at least 3 years in teaching, scientific or leadership positions.

1.3. The teacher-organizer of life safety reports directly to the Director of the School.

1.4. The teacher-organizer of life safety is directly subordinate to:

- during training in civil defense, command-staff, tactical-special exercises and other events in civil defense, all employees of the School.

1.5. In his activities, the teacher-organizer of life safety is guided by the Constitution Russian Federation, The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", model provision "On an educational institution", by decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Moscow government and educational authorities of all levels on education and training of students of defense, civil defense and ensuring the functioning of the institution under emergency situations administrative, labor and economic legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the School (including the Rules of internal work schedule, orders and orders of the director, this job description), labor contract (by contract). The teacher-organizer of the OBZH complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The main activities of the teacher-organizer of life safety are:

2.1. Organization of preparation for the functioning of the School in case of emergency.

2.2. Management of the activities of employees and students of the School in case of emergencies.

2.3. Establishing contacts with external organizations that can assist the School in preparing to operate in emergency situations and during these situations.

Job responsibilities

The teacher-organizer of the OBZH performs the following job duties:

3.1. Analyzes:

Problems of the School's life in case of emergencies, taking into account local conditions, current and future needs of the School in personal protective equipment and protective structures.

3.2. Predicts:

Consequences of the planned activities on the School's activities in emergency situations:

Trends in changes in the situation in society and in industry to adjust the strategy of the School's activities in emergency situations.

3.3. Plans and organizes:

Educational, optional and extracurricular activities on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training

GO classes with School employees

Medical examination of young men of pre-conscription and draft age for registration and to military registration and enlistment offices in conjunction with health care institutions

Collection and accumulation of information about objects that could pose a danger to the School in case of emergency

The system of external relations of the School, necessary for the successful implementation of the School's activities in case of emergencies.

3.4. Coordinates:

Joint activities of the School staff and involved representatives of third-party organizations during emergency situations and during the command-staff, tactical-special exercises and other civil defense events.

3.5. Supervises:

Activities of students and school staff during emergencies.

3.6. Controls:

Rezus support for the construction of protective structures in the suburban area

Performance decisions taken on the construction of protective structures.

3.7 Corrects:

Plan of the School's GO, taking into account the development of infrastructure near the school

3.8. Develops:

School GO Plan

The structure of the formations of the GO of the School and the plan of their activities in case of emergency.

3.9. Consults:

Participants of the educational process on the issues of actions in emergency situations.

3.10. Takes part in:

Planning and implementation of measures for the protection of labor, life and health of students and employees of the School

3.11. Carries out:

Conducting practical exercises and trainings on the actions of students and School staff in emergency situations

Keeping records of those liable for military service at the School and submitting relevant reports to the military registration and enlistment offices

Interaction with interested institutions and organizations.

3.12. Provides:

Creation and improvement of the educational and material base, observance by students of life safety rules when conducting classes on courses of basics of life safety and pre-conscription training

Preservation of property of the civil defense.

The teacher-organizer of life safety has the right, within the limits of his competence:

4.1 Participate:

In the development of a development strategy for the School, in the creation of relevant strategic documents

In the development of any management decisionsconcerning the issues of the School's activities in emergency situations

In the development of regulations on the formation of civil society, their competence, duties, powers, responsibility

Negotiating with partners of the School on its activities in emergency situations.

4.2. Establish business contacts on behalf of the School with individuals and organizations that can contribute to the preparation and operation of the School in emergency situations.

4.3. Carry out acceptance of works related to the preparation of the School for functioning in emergency situations, commissioned by the School by various performers (both from among school employees and from outside organizations).

4.4.Give mandatory orders to the School staff during jams on civil defense and in emergency situations.

4.5 Involve disciplinary responsibility students for misconduct, disorganizing the educational process, in the manner prescribed by the Rules on incentives and penalties.

4.6. Improve your qualifications.

A responsibility

5.1 For non-performance or improper performance without good reason Of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations of the School, legal orders of the Director of the School and other local regulations, job duties established by this Instruction, including for not using the granted rights, the teacher-organizer of life safety is disciplined in the manner prescribed by labor legislation. Behind gross violation job responsibilities as disciplinary punishment dismissal can be applied.

5.2. For the use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, the teacher-organizer of life safety can be relieved of his post in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" Dismissal for this misconduct is not a disciplinary measure.

5.3 For violation of the rules fire safety, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules for organizing classes on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training, the teacher organizer of life safety is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by administrative legislation.

5.4. For the culpable infliction of damage on the School and (or) the participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties, the teacher-organizer of life safety shall bear financial responsibility in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

Relationships. Relationships by position

Teacher-organizer of life safety:

6.1. Works in the mode of irregular working hours according to the schedule based on the 36-hour working week and approved by the Director of the School.

6.2. Independently plans his work for each academic year and each academic quarter. The work plan is approved by the Director of the School no later than five days from the beginning of the planning period.

6.3. Submits to the director a written report on his activities of no more than five typewritten pages within 10 days after the end of each academic quarter.

6.4. Receives from the Director of the School information of a regulatory and organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents on receipt.

6.5. Issues orders of the Director of the School on the organization of the School's activities in emergency situations and the conduct of civil defense activities.

6.6. Systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence, with educators and deputy directors of the School.

6.7. Informs the school administration about the difficulties encountered in preparing the School for functioning in emergency situations.

6.8. Acts as the Director of the School and his deputies during the period of their temporary absence (vacation, illness, etc.). The fulfillment of duties is carried out in accordance with labor legislation and the Charter of the School on the basis of an order from the director.

6.9. Transfers to the director the information received at meetings and seminars immediately after receiving it.

Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN), 2017
Section " Qualification characteristics positions of educators "
The section was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761n

Job responsibilities. Carries out training and education of students, pupils, taking into account the specifics of courses on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training in the amount of no more than 9 hours per week (360 hours per year). Organizes, plans and conducts training, incl. optional and extracurricular activities, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and teaching aids. Organizes various types of activities of students, pupils, focusing on the personality of students, pupils, the development of motivation of their cognitive interests, abilities. Organizes independent activity students, pupils, problem learning, provides a connection between training and practice. Discusses current events of our time with students, pupils. Contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, taking into account the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, development of experience creative activity, cognitive interest, exercises control and certification of students, pupils, using modern information, computer techologies in their activities. Participates in the planning and implementation of measures for the labor protection of employees of an educational institution, as well as the life and health of students and pupils. Interacts with interested organizations. Together with healthcare institutions, it organizes medical examinations of young men of pre-conscription and conscription age to register them with military enlistment offices. Assists military enlistment offices in the selection of young men for admission to military educational institutions. Keeps records of persons liable for military service in an educational institution and submits appropriate reports to military enlistment offices. Develops a civil defense (GO) plan for an educational institution. Organizes civil defense classes with employees of an educational institution. Prepares and conducts command-staff, tactical-special exercises and other civil defense activities. Participates in ensuring the functioning of an educational institution in the event of various emergencies. Ensures the maintenance of protective structures, personal protective equipment and civil defense units in proper readiness. Conducts practical classes and trainings for students, pupils and employees of an educational institution on actions in extreme situations. Ensures the creation and improvement of the educational and material base, compliance by students, pupils with safety rules when conducting classes in the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training, is responsible for the safety of GO property. Draws up reports in the prescribed form, including using electronic forms of documentation.

The basic requirements for the personal and professional qualities of a teacher of life safety, education and training.

Makes suggestions for improving the educational process. Participates in the activities of the pedagogical and other councils of the educational institution, as well as in the activities methodological associations and other forms methodical work... Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them). Complies with the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

Must know: priority directions development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; legislation in the field of civil defense and ensuring the functioning of an educational institution in emergency situations; The Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology; theory and methodology of the basics of life safety; rules for protecting the life and health of students; method of work on sports equipment and devices; organizational structures warning systems and emergency response; the basic principles and methods of protecting the population in case of natural and environmental disasters, major industrial accidents, disasters, as well as protection against modern means defeat; the procedure for alerting the population in the event of an emergency; rules and methods for carrying out measures in emergency situations; first aid methods; theory and methods of management educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developing education, implementation of a competence-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff; technologies for diagnosing causes conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, by email and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and vocational training in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or HE without any requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or HE and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years, or secondary vocational ( military) education and additional professional education in the field of education and pedagogy and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.

Comments on the post

The above qualification characteristics of the position "Teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety" are intended to address issues related to the regulation labor relations and providing effective system personnel management in various organizations. On the basis of these characteristics, the job description of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety is developed, containing the rights and responsibilities of the employee, as well as a specific list of his job duties, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization and management of the enterprise (institution).

When drawing up job descriptions for managers and specialists, it is necessary to take into account the general provisions for this issue of the handbook and an introduction with general provisions for the first release of the handbook of positions.

Please note that the same and similar job titles can be found in different issues of the TSA. You can find similar names through the job directory (alphabetically).

Question: Hello. As I understood, in connection with the introduction of the professional standard for teachers, only graduates of pedagogical universities will have the right to teach in schools from January 1. That is, the diploma, as I understand it, should say “teacher / teacher / teacher”.
I am a graduate of 2013, my diploma says that I am a Biologist and that's it.
Under the new standards, will I be able to get a job at the school?
It seems that earlier in the diplomas of the University, the subject area (biologist, mathematician, physicist, ...) was written separated by commas, and then “teacher / teacher of the same subject”.
If with my diploma under the new rules I am not allowed to work at school, can the university make some kind of paper that would give this right? After all, the discipline "pedagogy" was in our program.

Answer of the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Educational-Methodical Work of St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Gennadievna Babeluk: According to the requirements for education and training professional standard "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" (hereinafter - Professional standard), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n, the teacher's position in general educational organization may be occupied by a person who has higher education or secondary vocational education within the framework of enlarged groups of areas of preparation of higher education and specialties of secondary vocational education "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" or in the field corresponding to the subject taught, or higher education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of activity in an educational organization.

Thus, to fill the position of “Teacher”, it is sufficient to have a higher education in the field corresponding to the subject being taught. In this case, higher education is not required within the framework of enlarged groups of areas of preparation of higher education and specialties of secondary vocational education "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" or additional professional education in the direction of activities in an educational organization.

At the same time, I would like to inform you that in connection with the receipt of your appeal, St. state university sent a request to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the information received from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, it is envisaged to postpone the start of application of the Professional Standard to 09/01/2019. The corresponding order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia was approved on December 15, 2016 and sent for registration to the Ministry of Justice of Russia, after which it will enter into force.

Job description of OBZH teacher

Before the entry into force of the Professional Standard, it is necessary to be guided by the section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of educational workers" qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 26.08.2010 No. 761n (hereinafter referred to as the EKS section). At the same time, I draw your attention to the factual identity qualification requirements to education, established in the qualification characteristics of the position "teacher" of subsection III of the CEN section, and the educational requirements for filling the position of "teacher", approved by the Professional Standard.

Taking into account the above, a person with a higher education in the specialty "Biology" and the qualification "Biologist" (without specifying the words "Teacher of biology") meets the requirements for filling the position of a teacher of biology in general education organizations. At the same time, as follows from the explanations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the issue of admitting a person with the appropriate education to the position of a teacher in other subjects can be considered by the employer independently, based on the needs staffing table educational organization and taking into account the subsequent after employment, providing such an employee with the necessary additional professional education in the field corresponding to the subject being taught.

See also:The position of the Ministry of Education and Science: there are no normative obstacles for working as teachers for SPbU graduates

Tags: Employment of graduates

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In the Central Library of Svetlograd, a well-known person in the Petrovsky region was honored - Alexei Semenovich Kostin. It happened on the day of his 70th birthday, the organizers called the holiday "And the Motherland loves her son."

As a boy, A. Kostin was fond of weightlifting, motocross, and also kettlebell lifting - he even became the champion of the region. He got his profession at the Simferopol Higher Military-Political School. Decay Soviet Union I found him in Uzbekistan, and that was the end of the service of our fellow countryman. Having returned to the village of Donskaya Balka with his faithful fighting friend, his wife Nadezhda, Alexey dropped in to his native school to just see the teachers, tell the kids stories from army life. And these conversations dragged on ... for twenty years. New profession so captured that Alexey Semyonovich became not just "the coolest" class teacher, but also took first place in the regional competition "Teacher of the Year", and then won the All-Russian national project "Education".

He tells what a difficult test the class leadership was for him, because the fifth-graders were not the most obedient and disciplined. The first thing he said to them was: "I will be strict." But at the exit it was a community of real friends, many have achieved success in life, have become high-class specialists. They still communicate with their class teacher, who taught such a necessary subject - life safety. They remember hiking, "Zarnitsa", climbing Mount Beshtau ...

For six years A. Kostin has been the head of the regional organization of veterans, it is undoubtedly the best in the region. And in general, in the Petrovsky district, such a tradition has taken shape: if a lieutenant colonel takes up a case, this is one hundred percent success. The main assistants to the chairman of the council are rural primary organizations.

Job description of a teacher of the basics of life safety

It is difficult to imagine, but Alexey Semyonovich knows everyone not only by sight, but also by name and patronymic, does not forget to congratulate them on holidays and anniversaries. There are about a dozen veteran amateur art groups in the region, they delight their fellow countrymen with their talents.

Irina Druzhbina, when she was writing the script for the holiday, was amazed: how many awards, diplomas, letters the veteran had - fifty, and maybe more. For example, last year the Governor Vladimir Vladimirov presented him with a medal "For Services to the Stavropol Territory."

The Supreme Ataman of the Union of Cossacks of Russia for the military-patriotic education of youth awarded him the Cossack rank of "military sergeant major."

The hero of the day was congratulated on a beautiful date not only by relatives and numerous acquaintances, but also by representatives of the authorities, as well as the chairman of the council of elders in the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, Alexey Gonochenko.

Nadezhda BABENKO

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Requirements for a life safety teacher in accordance with the professional standard.

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Teacher-organizer of life safety, pre-conscription training.

1. General Provisions.
1.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the rating and qualification characteristics of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety, pre-conscription training, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation of August 31, 1995 No. 463/1268 in agreement with the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 17, 1995 year No. 46). When drawing up the instructions, the Model recommendations on the organization of a labor protection service in an educational institution of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of February 27, 1995, No. 92, were also taken into account.
1.2. The teacher-organizer of life safety is appointed and dismissed by the director of the school.
1.3. The teacher-organizer of life safety must have a higher professional education and special training in civil defense or a higher military education or secondary military education without presentation of work experience.
1.4. The teacher-organizer of life safety reports directly to the director of the school.
1.5. In his activities, the teacher-organizer of life safety is guided by the Constitution and Laws of the Russian Federation, the Charter and regulations Morshansk district and the Tambov region, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the government of the Russian Federation, decisions of educational authorities at all levels on education and upbringing of students, defense, civil defense and ensuring the functioning of the institution in emergency situations, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local acts school (including this job description), employment contract, orders and orders of the school director, this job description.

The teacher-organizer of the OBZH complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The main activities of the teacher-organizer of life safety are:
2.1 teaching the basics of life safety;
2.2. Organization in accordance with the legislation of pre-conscription training of students and registration of those liable for military service;
2.3. organization and holding of civil defense events at the school;
2.4. preparing schools for work in natural disasters.

3. job responsibilities
The teacher-organizer of the OBZH performs the following job duties:
3.1 provides training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of courses on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training;
3.2 contributes to the formation of a general culture of the personality of students; observes their rights and freedoms;
3.3 organizes, plans and conducts training, incl. extracurricular and extracurricular activities, applied physical training (in the amount of 9 hours per week, 360 hours per year);
3.4 uses a variety of forms, techniques, methods and teaching tools; improves their qualifications;
3.5 participates in the planning and implementation of measures for the protection of labor, life and health of students and school employees, in the work of the pedagogical council and meetings with the director;
3.6 interacts with interested institutions and organizations on life safety, pre-conscription training and civil defense;
3.7, together with health care institutions, organizes medical examinations of young men of pre-conscription and conscription age for their registration with military enlistment offices;
3.8 provides assistance to military registration and enlistment offices in the selection of young men for admission to military educational institutions;
3.9 keeps records of those liable for military service at school and submits appropriate reports to the military enlistment offices;
3.10 develops a plan for the school's civil defense;
3.11 organizes civil defense classes with school employees;
3.12 prepares and conducts command-staff, tactical-special exercises and other civil defense activities;
3.13 participates in ensuring the functioning of the school in the event of various emergencies;
3.14 ensures the maintenance of protective structures, personal protective equipment and the formation of a HE in proper readiness;
3.15 conducts practical classes and trainings on the actions of students and school employees in extreme situations;
3.16 ensures the creation and improvement of the educational and material base, the observance of safety rules by students when conducting classes in the courses of life safety and pre-conscription training, is responsible for the safety of the property of the GO, accepted by him for safekeeping according to one-time documents;
3.17 conducts training, consultations, instructing school employees and students on life safety issues;
3.18 participates in the work of the commission for the investigation of accidents that have occurred with employees studying, in the implementation of administrative and public control on labor protection issues;
3.19 undergoes periodic free medical examinations;
3.20. Observes ethical standards of conduct at school, at home, in in public placescorresponding social status teacher;

4. Rights.

The teacher-organizer of the OBZH has the right:
4.1 participate in the management of the school in the manner determined by the Charter of the school;
4.2 to protect professional honor and dignity;
4.3 gets acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, give explanations on them;
4.4 defend their interests independently and / or through a representative, including a lawyer, in the event of a disciplinary investigation or official investigationassociated with violation of norms by the teacher professional ethics;
4.5 on the confidentiality of the disciplinary (official) investigation, except for the cases provided for by laws;
4.6 freely choose and use teaching and education methods, tutorials and materials, textbooks, methods for assessing the knowledge of students;
4.7 improve qualifications;
4.8 to be certified on a voluntary basis for the appropriate qualification category and receive it in case of successful certification;
4.9 give students during classes and breaks mandatory orders related to the organization of classes and the observance of discipline, to bring students to disciplinary responsibility in cases and in the manner established by the Charter and the Rules on incentives and penalties for students of the school;

a responsibility.
5.1 In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the teacher-organizer of life safety is responsible for:

  • incomplete implementation of educational programs in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of the educational process;
  • life and health of students during the educational process; violation of the rights and freedoms of students.
    5.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment without valid reasons of the Charter and the Internal Labor Regulations of the School, other local regulations, legal orders of the school principal, official duties established by this instruction, including for not using the granted rights, the teacher-organizer of the OBZH bears disciplinary responsibility in the order determined by labor legislation.
    5.3. For the use, including one-time, methods of upbringing associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, as well as the commission of another immoral act, the teacher organizer of life safety may be relieved of his post in accordance with labor legislation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On education ". Dismissal for this act is not a disciplinary measure.
    5.4. For the culpable infliction of damage on the school or participants in the educational process in connection with the performance (failure) of their official duties, the teacher-organizer of life safety is financially liable in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position.

Teacher-organizer of life safety:
6.1. works according to a schedule made up of a 36-hour week, and approved by the school director;
6.2. plans civil defense activities for each academic year and each academic quarter; the work plan is approved by the school director no later than 5 days from the beginning of the planned period;
6.3. submits to the director a written report on his activities of no more than 5 typewritten pages within 10 days at the end of each academic quarter;
6.4. receives from the school director information of a regulatory and organizational and methodological nature, gets acquainted with the relevant documents on receipt;
6.5. endorses the orders of the school director on civil defense, life safety, pre-conscription training, labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;
6.6. systematically exchanges information on issues within its competence with school teachers and school administration.

I have read the instructions: _______________________________________ ()

Job description of the teacher-organizer of life safety

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Municipal government educational institution

Pokateevskaya secondary school


By the general meeting of the labor collective by order of institution No. 90

protocol No. from 01 to 07.year

Job description teacher - organizer of life safety

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the qualification characteristics of the teacher-organizer of life safety, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 01g No. 000n "On the approval of the Unified qualification reference book for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers. " When drawing up the instructions, the following were taken into account: the federal state educational standard of primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 000 "On the approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of primary general education", and Model recommendations on the organization of the security service labor in an educational institution of the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 01g No. 9 1.2. The teacher-organizer of life safety belongs to the category of pedagogical workers .

1.3 The teacher-organizer of OBZH must have a higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in a field corresponding to the subject taught, without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational training in the direction of activity in an educational institution without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.4 The teacher-organizer of life safety is accepted and dismissed by the director of the school. Reports directly to the school principal

1.5 In his activities, the teacher organizer of life safety is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation (including "On Education", "On Defense", "On Civil Defense"), education at all levels on education and upbringing, defense, civil defense and ensuring the functioning of the institution in emergency situations, the rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection, as well as the Charter and local legal acts of the school (including the Internal Labor Regulations, orders and orders of the director, this job description), labor agreement (contract). The teacher-organizer of the OBZH complies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

2. Job responsibilities.

2.1. Carries out training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of courses on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training;

2.2. Promotes the formation of a general culture of the personality of students; respects their rights and freedoms;

2.3. Organizes, plans and conducts educational, including extracurricular and extracurricular activities, applied physical training;

2.4. Uses a variety of forms, techniques, methods and teaching aids; improves their qualifications;

2.5. Participates in the planning and implementation of measures for the protection of labor, life and health of students and school employees, in the work of the Pedagogical Council and meetings with the director;

2.6. Cooperates with interested institutions and organizations on life safety, pre-conscription training and civil defense;

2.7. assists military enlistment offices in the selection of young men for admission to military educational institutions;

2.8. Keeps records of those liable for military service at school and submits relevant reports to the military enlistment offices;

2..9. Develops an action plan for the school in the event of an emergency;

2.10. Organizes civil education classes with school employees;

2.11. Keeps records of those liable for military service at school and submits relevant reports to the military enlistment offices;

2.12. Participates in ensuring the functioning of the school in the event of various emergencies;

2.13. Conducts practical classes and trainings on the actions of students and school employees in extreme situations;

2.14 ... Ensures the creation and improvement of the educational and material base, the observance of safety rules by students when conducting classes on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training, is responsible for the safety of property.

2.15. Provides training, consultations, instructors, school employees and students on life safety issues;

2.16. Participates in the work of the commission to investigate accidents with employees; students, in the implementation of administrative and public control on labor protection issues;

2.17. Undergoes periodic free medical examinations;

2.18. Observes ethical standards of behavior in school, everyday life, public places, corresponding to the social status of the teacher.

3 Rights. Teacher-organizer of life safety in execution professional responsibilities has the right to:

3.1 Participate in the management of an educational institution;

3.2 Defend your professional honor and dignity;

3.3 Freely choose and use teaching and education methods, teaching aids and materials, textbooks in accordance with the educational program approved by the educational institution, methods for assessing the knowledge of students, pupils;

3.4 Submit proposals on their activities to the director of the institution;

3.5 Receive from the heads and specialists of the institution the information necessary for the implementation of their activities;

3.6 On workplace, meeting the requirements labor protection, to receive from the employer reliable information about the conditions and labor protection at the workplace;

3.7 To get acquainted with complaints and other documents containing an assessment of his work, to give explanations on them, to defend his interests independently and (or) through a representative, in the event of a disciplinary investigation related to a teacher's violation of professional ethics;

3.8 The confidentiality of the disciplinary investigation, except as otherwise provided by law;

3.9 improve professional qualifications, undergo certification.

4. A responsibility

4.1 For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of his duties under this instruction, in accordance with the legislation on education and labor legislation;

4.2 For offenses committed during the period of their activities in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation;

4.3 For causing material damage in accordance with applicable law.

4.4 For the implementation of educational programs not in full;

4.5 For the life and health of students during the educational process and extracurricular activitiesconducted by the teacher;

4.6 For the use of educational methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the student's personality.

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(personal signature) (signature decryption)

"___" ____________ _________

Job description
teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety
MOBU Romnenskaya secondary school named after I.A. Goncharova

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions Labor Code Russian Federation, Federal law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation", Order Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010 N 761n "On the approval of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers ", Resolutions The Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 "On lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is assigned ahead of schedule in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law" On labor pensions in the Russian Federation ", and on approval of the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", Resolutions Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 2002 N 724 "On the duration of the main annual extended paid leave granted to teachers" and other normative legal acts regulating employment relationship.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety (hereinafter - the teacher-organizer of life safety) belongs to the category of pedagogical workers and is directly subordinate to the director of the Romnenskaya secondary school.

1.2. A person who has a higher professional education and professional training in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or civil defense (hereinafter referred to as civil defense) is accepted for the position of a teacher-organizer of life safety without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or HE and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years, or secondary vocational (military) education and additional professional education in the field of education and pedagogy and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.

1.3. For the position of a teacher-organizer of life safety in accordance with the requirementsart. 331 Of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation a person is appointed:

Not deprived of the right to engage in pedagogical activity in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

Not having or not having a criminal record, not subject to or not subject to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution was terminated on exonerating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital , slander and insults), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, as well as against public safety;

Not having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;

Not recognized as legally incompetent in the established federal law okay;

Free of diseases provided for by the list approved federal body the executive branch responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care.

1.4. The teacher-organizer of life safety should know:

Priority directions of development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;

Laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities;

- legislation in the field of civil defense and ensuring the functioning of an educational organization in emergency situations;

- The convention on the rights of the child;

Fundamentals of Pedagogy, Psychology;

The theory and methodology of the basics of life safety;

Rules for the protection of the life and health of students;

Methodology of work on sports equipment and devices;

Organizational structures of warning systems and emergency response;

Basic principles and methods of protecting the population in case of natural and ecological disasters, major industrial accidents, catastrophes, as well as protection against modern means of destruction;

The procedure for alerting the population in case of emergencies;

Rules and methods for carrying out measures in emergency situations;

First aid methods;

Theory and methods of educational systems management;

Modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developing education, implementation of a competence-based approach;

Methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff;

Technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Fundamentals of Ecology, Economics, Sociology;

- labor legislation;

Fundamentals of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Internal labor regulations of the educational organization;

Labor protection and fire safety regulations.

1.5. The teacher-organizer of life safety is prohibited:

Provide paid educational services students in this organization, if this leads to a conflict of interests of the teacher-organizer of life safety;

Use educational activities for political agitation, forcing students to accept or reject political, religious or other beliefs, to incite social, racial, national or religious hatred, for agitation promoting the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national , religious or linguistic affiliation, their relationship to religion, including by informing students of inaccurate information about the historical, national, religious and cultural traditions of peoples, as well as to encourage students to take actions that contradictThe Constitution Russian Federation.

1.6. The teacher-organizer of life safety is appointed and dismissed by the order of the school director].

2. Job responsibilities

Teacher-organizer of life safety:

2.1. Provides training and education of students, pupils, taking into account the specifics of courses on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training in the amount of no more than 9 hours a week (360 hours a year).

2.2. Organizes, plans and conducts educational, including optional and extracurricular activities, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and means of teaching.

2.3. Organizes various types of students' activities, focusing on the personality of students, pupils, the development of motivation for their cognitive interests and abilities.

2.4. Organizes independent activities of students, pupils, problem-based learning, carries out the connection between training and practice.

2.5. Discusses current events of our time with students, pupils.

2.6. Contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual.

2.7. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, taking into account the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest, monitors and attests students, pupils, using modern information and computer technologies in their activities.

2.8. Participates in the planning and implementation of measures for the labor protection of employees of the educational organization, as well as the life and health of students, pupils.

2.9. Interacts with interested organizations.

2.10. Together with medical organizations organizes medical examination of young men of pre-conscription and conscription age to register them with military enlistment offices.

2.11. Assists military enlistment offices in the selection of young men for admission to military educational institutions.

2.12. Keeps records of persons liable for military service in an educational organization and submits appropriate reports to military enlistment offices.

2.13. Develops a civil defense (GO) plan for an educational organization.

2.14. Organizes civil education classes with employees of the educational organization.

2.15. Prepares and conducts command-staff, tactical-special exercises and other civil defense activities.

2.16. Participates in ensuring the functioning of the educational organization in the event of various emergencies.

2.17. Ensures the maintenance of protective structures, personal protective equipment and civil defense units in proper readiness.

2.18. Conducts practical classes and trainings for students, pupils and employees of the educational organization on actions in extreme situations.

2.19. Ensures the creation and improvement of the educational and material base, the observance of safety rules by students, pupils when conducting classes on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training, is responsible for the safety of the property of the civil defense.

2.20. Prepares reports in the prescribed form, including with the use of electronic forms of documentation.

2.21. Makes suggestions for improving the educational process.

2.22. Participates in the activities of the pedagogical and other councils of the educational organization, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work.

2.23. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process and during regional competitions, gatherings, gatherings, profile shifts, conferences.

2.24. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them).

2.25. Complies with the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

2.26. Carries out its activities at a high professional level in accordance with the approved work program.

2.27. Observes legal, moral and ethical standards, follows the requirements of professional ethics.

2.28. Respects the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations.

2.29. Develops students' cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creativity, forms a civic position, the ability to work and live in conditions modern world, forms a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle among students.

2.30. Applies pedagogically sound and supportive high quality educational forms, methods of teaching and upbringing.

2.31. Takes into account the peculiarities of the psychophysical development of students and their state of health, complies special conditionsrequired for education by persons with disabilities health, interacts if necessary with medical organizations.

2.32. Systematically improves his professional level.

2.33. Undergoes certification for compliance with the position held.

2.34. Passes in accordance withlabor legislation preliminary upon admission to work and periodic medical examinations, as well as extraordinary medical examinations directed by the employer.

2.35. Undergoes training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection.

2.36. Complies with the charter of the educational organization, the provision on specialized structural educational unit organization providing training, internal labor regulations.

3. Rights

The teacher-organizer of the OBZH has the right:

3.1. For all envisagedlegislation Social guarantees of the Russian Federation, including:

For reduced working hours;

For additional professional education by profile teaching activities at least once every three years;

On the main annual extended paid leave, the duration of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

For long vacations up to one year at least every ten years continuous pedagogical work;

For the early appointment of an old-age labor pension;

To provide out of turn residential premises under a social tenancy agreement (if the employee is registered as needing residential premises);

For the provision of residential premises for specialized housing stock;

To provide compensation for the cost of housing, heating and lighting;

For payment additional costs for medical, social and vocational rehabilitation in cases of damage to health due to an accident at work and receiving occupational disease.

3.2. Choose the forms and methods of teaching and educational activities of students, approved by the leadership of the educational organization.

3.3. Participate in the development of the educational program of the educational organization.

3.4. Participate in decision-making of the pedagogical council and any other collegial management bodies.

3.5. If necessary, call the parents of the students (persons replacing them).

3.6. Require management to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.7. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of necessary equipment, inventory, workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.8. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding its activities.

3.9. Improve your professional qualifications.

4. Responsibility

The teacher-organizer of life safety is responsible for:

4.1. For violation of the charter of an educational organization.

4.2. For the use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student.

4.3. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this job description - within the limits determined by the currentlabor legislation RF.

4.4. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the currentlabor and RF.

4.5. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the currentadministrative, criminal, civil law RF.

Acquainted with the instructions: N.A. Onishchenko

We bring to your attention a typical example of the job description of a teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety, a sample of 2019. should include the following sections: general position, duties of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety, the rights of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety, the responsibility of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety.

Job description of a teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety refers to the section " Qualification characteristics of positions of educational workers".

The job description of a teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety should reflect the following points:

Responsibilities of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety

1) Job responsibilities. Provides training and education of students, pupils, taking into account the specifics of courses on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training in the amount of no more than 9 hours a week (360 hours a year). Organizes, plans and conducts training, incl. optional and extracurricular activities, using a variety of forms, techniques, methods and teaching aids. Organizes various types of activities of students, pupils focusing on the personality of students, pupils, the development of the motivation of their cognitive interests, abilities. Organizes independent activities of students, pupils, problem-based learning, carries out the connection between training and practice. Discusses current events of our time with students, pupils. Contributes to the formation of a general culture of the individual. Evaluates the effectiveness of training, taking into account the development of knowledge, mastery of skills, development of experience in creative activity, cognitive interest, monitors and attests students, pupils, using modern information, computer technologies in their activities. Participates in the planning and implementation of measures for the labor protection of employees of an educational institution, as well as the life and health of students and pupils. Interacts with interested organizations. Together with healthcare institutions, it organizes medical examinations of young men of pre-conscription and conscription age to register them with military enlistment offices. Assists military enlistment offices in the selection of young men for admission to military educational institutions. Keeps records of persons liable for military service in an educational institution and submits appropriate reports to military enlistment offices. Develops a civil defense (GO) plan for an educational institution. Organizes civil defense classes with employees of an educational institution. Prepares and conducts command-staff, tactical-special exercises and other civil defense activities. Participates in ensuring the functioning of an educational institution in the event of various emergencies. Ensures the maintenance of protective structures, personal protective equipment and civil defense units in proper readiness. Conducts practical classes and trainings for students, pupils and employees of an educational institution on actions in extreme situations. Ensures the creation and improvement of the educational and material base, compliance by students, pupils with safety rules when conducting classes on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training, is responsible for the safety of the property of the civil defense. Prepares reports in the prescribed form, including with the use of electronic forms of documentation. Makes proposals for improving the educational process. Participates in the activities of pedagogical and other councils of an educational institution, as well as in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Provides protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Communicates with parents (persons replacing them). Complies with the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

The teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety should know

2) A teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety in the performance of his official duties must know: the priority directions of the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation; laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; legislation in the field of civil defense and ensuring the functioning of an educational institution in emergency situations; The Convention on the Rights of the Child; fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology; theory and methodology of the basics of life safety; rules for protecting the life and health of students; methods of work on sports equipment and devices; organizational structures of warning systems and emergency response; basic principles and methods of protection of the population in case of natural and ecological disasters, major industrial accidents, catastrophes, as well as protection against modern means of destruction; the procedure for alerting the population in the event of an emergency; rules and methods for carrying out measures in emergency situations; first aid methods; theory and methods of management of educational systems; modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developing education, implementation of a competence-based approach; methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff; technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; fundamentals of ecology, economics, sociology; labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment; internal labor regulations of an educational institution; rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for the qualifications of a teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety

3) Qualification requirements. Higher professional education and vocational training in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or HE without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or HE and work experience in the specialty at least 3 years, or secondary vocational ( military) education and additional professional education in the field of education and pedagogy and work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.

The job description of the teacher organizer of the basics of life safety is a sample of 2019. Responsibilities of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety, the rights of the teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety, the responsibility of the teacher-organizer of the foundations of life safety.