Message about any form of business. Types and forms of business. Business activities. Risky business type! Why

There is more simple views Entrepreneurial activities requiring minimal set of knowledge and small investments, such as commercial or consulting. Along with them, there are more complex varieties of business operating in a manufacturing, financial or insurance environment. Entrepreneurship may also be sole and joint, state and private.


Classification of entrepreneurship by type of activity

The key criterion for the classification of commercial activities of businessmen is the classes.

It is customary to allocate the following types of entrepreneurship:

  • based on industrial activity;
  • funded on finance-related activities;
  • based on trade activities;
  • built on the provision of intermediary services;
  • based on the provision of advisory assistance;
  • associated with insurance.

This classification is built on the principle that each business is associated to a greater extent with a certain stage of the production cycle. For example, someone produces a product, and the other is engaged in its distribution. From the list of classification, there is a item that in Russia and the world appeared quite recently - this is consulting.

Entrepreneurship and examples of its main species

Production entrepreneurship

This type of business is the basic and most important for the economy of any country. It creates things, values, benefits and many other useful products that can be sold or exchanged on the market. The manufacture of material and intellectual benefits is the basis of such an embodiment.

Production business is:

  • creation of industrial and agricultural products;
  • carrying out construction operations;
  • transportation of passengers;
  • cargo transportation;
  • provision of communication services;
  • utility and domestic services;
  • production of information;
  • education;
  • polygraphy, etc.

Building bussiness Private school Production of agricultural products Production of dairy products

Stages of industrial entrepreneurship:

  1. Study and market analysis.
  2. Acquisition or rental of fixed assets (room and equipment).
  3. Purchase current means (materials, raw materials and components).
  4. NAME work force.
  5. Organization of management.
  6. Organization of the production process.

The finished product can be implemented to the end consumer directly by the entrepreneur itself or through an intermediary. The main task of a businessman is to build a case so that capital investments They paid off as quickly as possible and the main commercial purpose of the project was achieved.

The brake in the development of this type of entrepreneurship in Russia is:

  • the risk of unrealization of the finished product;
  • high taxes and fees;
  • inaccessibility of many resources;
  • high rates for energy resources;
  • the presence of alternative and less risky sources of income;
  • high competition from foreign manufacturers (and by price, and in quality);
  • low qualifications of future businessmen, etc.

To prevent the risk of non-identization of goods / services, the entrepreneur must establish sales channels. It is advisable to conclude contracts for the sale of products with regular partners and / or organize your own trading network.

Commercial business

Characteristics of commercial entrepreneurship:

  • field of activity - trading enterprises and commercial exchanges;
  • based on operations and transactions for the purchase / sale of various products;
  • for commercial production, not material resources are purchased, which is typical for the production type, but a finished product, to implement it to consumers;
  • mobility and flexibility towards customer needs;
  • for the development of commercial entrepreneurship, two key conditions must be observed: steady demand for selling products and low purchasing price.

This business scope is actively attracting individual entrepreneurs. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that in the trade you can count on a quick return. Also in this industry, minimal requirements are presented to entrepreneurs, they do not require special knowledge and large capital investments.

The video is devoted to the description of five topical ideas in the field of trade for 2019 for small businesses. Shot by channel: "Helloboss".

Today, along with small and medium-sized businesses, large trading enterprises are increasingly based. They are focused mainly on the organization of wholesale and retail sales in corporate outlets throughout Russia.

Bright representatives of large trading networks are:

  • El Dorado;
  • M Video;
  • Media Markt;
  • Penny;
  • Pyaterochka;
  • Magnet;
  • Crossroads, etc.

Many owners of such networks have fallen into the list of the most secured people. Russian Federation. The profitability of business on the trade on average varies in the range from 20 to 30 percent, and in production - 10-15 percent.

The commodity exchange is a kind of wholesale food market, where the preliminary inspection by buyers of samples of parties of goods is not provided. Here, together and on a voluntary basis, commercial intermediaries and their representatives are being held trade operations According to the established rules.

You can most often find them when selling the following products:

  • grain in assortment;
  • textile raw materials;
  • coal;
  • oil;
  • metals;
  • animals and meat;
  • forest, etc.

In the world, approximately 20 percent of international turnover are implemented on these sites. In Russia, about 150 shopping exchanges work.

The most famous commercial exchanges:

  • London - sale of non-ferrous metals;
  • Liverpoolskaya - cotton sale;
  • New York - sale of coffee, cocoa and sugar;
  • Singaporean - sale of rubber.

Key functions of commodity exchanges:

  • assistance in concluding trade transactions;
  • assistance in resolving trade disputes;
  • regulation and control of commodity trading;
  • systematization and provision of price information and other factors affecting prices.

Stages of the organization of commercial activities:

  1. Acceptance of employees who will perform such trading and intermediary services like purchasing goods, its transportation, sale, marketing promotion, paperwork.
  2. Selection of rooms for organization trading point and the warehouse, and the conclusion of the contract of its lease or the design of the transaction of the sale of real estate.
  3. Purchase of products for implementation.
  4. Attracting borrowed funds to finance the transaction.
  5. Obtaining services from third-party organizations carrying out intermediary functions, and their payment.
  6. Search for information for planning, regulation and design transaction.
  7. Product sales to buyers.
  8. Getting income.
  9. Payment of taxes and committing other payments to federal and municipal financial authorities.
  10. Return of borrowed capital and repayment of interest for its use.

In order for commercial entrepreneurship to bring the expected income, it is important to know exactly that the product offered for sale is there is a demand in the local market. To explore the needs of consumers, their satisfaction, competition level, etc., it is necessary to carry out a professional marketing study.

Financial entrepreneurship

Financial component is present both in the production and in commercial businessBut at the same time it can be absolutely independent. For example, banking or insurance activities.

Characteristics of financial entrepreneurship:

  • scope of activity - treatment and exchange of costs;
  • the average profitability rate is 5-10 percent;
  • the main field of activity - stock Exchange, credit institutions.

In the financial market contact:

  • short-term, medium-term and long-term loans / loans;
  • short-term, medium-term and long-term deposits;
  • currency;
  • securities.

Medium-term and long-term products are implemented and bought in the capital market, and short-term - in the money market.

In kind of financial entrepreneurship is a subspecies of commercial, since it involves buying money, currency and valuable papers. Here is the exchange of some money for others in direct form or indirect. Approach to the organization financial venture Similar to the one that was described for commercial. The main difference lies in the sales object. A businessman who wants to function in this market must begin work with a thorough analysis of monetary markets and marketing research.

Forms of financial business:

  1. Release into the circulation of securities. These can be promotions or bonds, as well as credit tickets.
  2. Acquisition by a securities entrepreneur for the purpose of their subsequent resale at a favorable course.
  3. The transaction is active. It implies urgent and indefinite placement of its assets, as well as the return of securities or money for storage.
  4. Transaction "Product against futures". The futures contract goes from the buyer to the seller in exchange for the title of ownership of the real product.
  5. Deal arbitration. It is the simultaneous purchase and sale of securities in order to receive profits from the difference in courses through stock exchange centers.
  6. Transaction banknote. There is a sale of cash for non-cash, while a small commission is charged as a fee for the operation.
  7. Other transactions. This business form includes a stock exchange transaction, as well as stock exchange, closing, contact and credit.

Business in the financial and credit environment, requires special knowledge and experience from the entrepreneur. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to achieve success. This is one of the most complex types of entrepreneurship in the world, whose historical roots go from usury.

Business activities The participants of the financial market are governed by common and special legislative acts as well regulatory acts Central Bank of the Russian Federation and MF RF.

Advisory entrepreneurship

Consultative entrepreneurship refers to the tertiary sector of the economy, which is actively developing around the world over the last two decades.

Consulting involves providing on a commercial basis for professional councils and promoting on narrow enterprise management issues (for example, personnel, finance, promotion). In addition to consultation, the client receives assistance in identifying and evaluating the problem, as well as recommendations for its solution.

The services of consulting companies are predominantly used:

  • small enterprises;
  • middle enterprises;
  • large enterprises.

The spectrum of consulting services is very diverse, in total there are 84 types of operations.

Small I. medium business More often advice in the field of:

  • audit;
  • marketing;
  • taxation;
  • accounting;
  • jurisprudence.

Large business is predominantly interested in questions:

  • company development strategies;
  • optimization organizational structure management;
  • financial management;
  • promotion;
  • applications of information technology.

Counseling Methods:

  1. Expert. This is a passive consulting method, where the specialist independently conducts diagnostics, develops decisions and recommendations for their application. The client will need to provide consultant with the necessary information.
  2. Process. Here consultants interact with the customer at each stage of project development.
  3. Training. The purpose of the consulting firm specialists is to train the client, which will later be able to independently develop solutions for emerging issues. Training is made with lectures, seminars, textbooks.

In the Russian Federation, today only a few hundred consulting companies are functioning. At the same time, for example, in Holland more than 2000.

Briefly the process of implementing the consulting project is as follows:

  1. Applies to the client.
  2. Install contact with the customer.
  3. It turns out input information from the client according to the question of interest.
  4. The situation, trends and essence of the problem is determined.
  5. A proposal to solve the problem is being developed.
  6. The work schedule is formed.
  7. Legal documents are issued.
  8. A report, recommendations or plan of organizational events are formed.

Mediation business

Business, in the mediation sphere does not imply the production and sale of products. The entrepreneur acts as a link during the exchange of goods, money or in commodity-monetary operations.

The intermediary may be a legal entity, and physical.

Types of mediation entrepreneurship:

  • wholesale supplies and sales companies;
  • brokers;
  • dealers;
  • distributors;
  • stock exchanges;
  • credit organizations.

Insurance entrepreneurship

The essence of the insurance entrepreneurship is that the businessman in the framework of the legislation and the contract concluded with the client guarantees the insured compensation for harm.

This harm can be obtained under certain circumstances and is associated with loss or damage:

  • property;
  • health;
  • values;
  • life, etc.

After the conclusion of the insurance contract, the client makes a fee. A businessman receives an income that is the difference between all the insurance payments and all payments for insurance cases for the period.

Main types of risk of insurance companies:

  1. Market risk. It is associated with the likelihood of possible losses or non-treatment of planned profits as a result of an adverse change in market prices.
  2. Liquidity risk. Danger for the company lies in the insufficient liquidity of the market.
  3. Credit risk. Losses due to improper fulfillment of obligations with the other party financial transaction.
  4. Operational risk. May be caused by errors in the management system of the company during trading operations.

Classification of entrepreneurship for forms

Entrepreneurship can be classified in the context of the number of owners and by type of property.

Forms of entrepreneurship in the number of owners

Depending on how many people own the company, the following forms of entrepreneurial activity are distinguished:

  • individual;
  • collective;
  • corporate.

Individual business

This is the primary and most simple form of any business. Individual entrepreneurship provides for the situation when the property of the company belongs to only one person. This form Business does not have the status of a legal entity.

Key benefits of individual entrepreneurship:

  • full independence;
  • efficiency and freedom in management;
  • flexibility and sensitivity in relation to demand;
  • the ability to start a business with a small starting capital;
  • preferential taxation.

Most often, enterprises of this type are created in the field of trade. A businessman can hire staff, but in limited quantities, no more than twenty people.

Collective entrepreneurship

Collective entrepreneurship provides for the situation when the property of the firm belongs to two or more people. The share of each participant depends on their material contribution to the common cause. If in constituent documents Shares are distinguished, this property is called the equity. Joint property arises in a situation where the shares of each participant are not defined.

Collective property involves joint decision-making, ownership, disposal and use of the company's property.

The world's established form of collective business activity:

  • household societies;
  • economic partnerships;
  • joint stock companies.

Civil Code of Russia describes legal status Each organizational form.

Today, the joint entrepreneurship occupies a dominant position in a large and small business.

Corporate entrepreneurship

AT modern world Increasingly, enterprises of different organizational forms are combined to protect joint commercial interests. They coordinate their work, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of a common cause. At the same time, collaborating firms do not lose their independence and legal status, and relationships are built on a contractual basis.

Types of corporate entrepreneurship:

  1. Concerns. These are the interaction of enterprises for joint activities based on voluntary centralization. They can perform scientific and technical, industrial, social, financial, environmental and foreign economic functions. Concern are as diversified, so diversified, not involuntary attachment in a particular type economic activity.
  2. Economic Associations. They are still called funds or unions. The Association is a contractual association of enterprises and organizations in order to jointly conduct one / several functions, production and economic nature. This format of activity imposes less severe restrictions on participants than those that involves the concern.
  3. Consortiums. They are created for a while, until the task is solved, for which the enterprises united, and then the Union ceases to function. Often they are created to implement the state program forces of several companies of different forms of ownership. Also, the consortium allows you to jointly place loans, carry out major financial or commercial operations, carry out large industrial or other construction.
  4. Inter-sectoral and regional unions. They are formed on the basis of enterprises of various departments and producing homogeneous products. They are combined by cooperative or scientific and technical ties.

Forms of entrepreneurship

Depending on which form of ownership is observed by the company, the following forms of entrepreneurial activity distinguish:

  • private;
  • state;
  • municipal.

Private enterprise

Private business Allows economic activity on behalf of:

  • enterprises (legal entities);
  • entrepreneur (individual).

The activities of this form of entrepreneurship are aimed at extracting material benefits. Private business is organized by personal funds of one businessman or their group.

State entrepreneurship

Government entrepreneurship allows economic activity on behalf of the company established:

  1. Government agencies. Special structures are managed by the property of the country within the framework of the current legislation. Such an enterprise is called state.
  2. Local governments. In this case, the company will be called municipal.

Traits of public entrepreneurship:

  • the property of the enterprise is part of the property of the state or municipality;
  • the company is responsible for its property obligations, which is in their property;
  • the company is not responsible for the obligations of the country.

In countries with capitalist-building, this type of entrepreneurial activity occupies those niches that have a strategically important role for it. For example, mining and recycling of minerals, manufacture of weapons, aircraft, etc. Also, the state is building a business in areas in need of serious investments, with long payback and low profitability.

Some people believe that it is ashamed to have money, others, on the contrary, believe that they do not have ashamed. What do you think about it? How to achieve life success and well-being?

What is business

The word "business" is familiar to everyone. For many Russians, business has become today the main activity, some are engaged in them free from the main work or study time.

Business (entrepreneurship) is an activity aimed at making a profit.

By russian laws Each citizen has the right to free use of its abilities and property for entrepreneurship. Business formula is simple: you invest money in the case and at its end you get them back, but already with profit. Hence, probably, the expression "make money".

    What do you think, any "doing money" can be considered a business?

A man engaged in business (businessman, entrepreneur), distinguishes knowledge of his business, courage, initiative, willingness to take a risk for the sake of profit. There are always those who, despite difficulties, are always in society, ready to invest in a new business.

There are various ways to start your business. Over the centuries, merchants from different countries Bought a cheap item in one place and drove it to where he cost more. They were not frightened by difficult paths: anhydrous desert, covered seas, robbers and pirates. Recall at least spices, which in search of benefits opened new continents.

Later, the initiative in business moved to those who owned masterfully or factories.

A typical figure of the capitalist era was a person who has its own business. He seeks to succeed at the expense of the release of new goods, providing services, profitable trade. Entrepreneurs began to build factories and plants, lay new trading paths, improve means of communication, open banks.

Business is characterized by a variety of relationships - between manufacturers and consumers of goods, owners of enterprises and employees, firms and state. The conditions of interaction, the rights and responsibility of participants in the business are regulated by treaties, laws and are determined. business ethic. In an honest business, the parties agree on the rules of behavior and try to observe them, and entrepreneurial success is associated primarily with moral and ethical, and then then financial moments ("... I am the only manufacturer of such a product" or "... no one believed What I can establish this production ").

Business has an attractive force not only at the expense of personal gain. In business, such valuable identity qualities are formed as independence and responsibility, calculation, performance, the ability to relate their desires with the desires of other people, goals - with the means of achievement.

    Having started his work, a person gets a chance to build it from the very beginning, to become financially independent, to independently manage his fate, bring a real benefit to society.

However, real relationships in this area are often distant from the ideal. In practice, it is necessary to deal with the desire of businessmen to a lot of nazh, dishonesty, indifference to public interest. But life shows that Deltsi, who do not possess knowledge and experience, neglecting entrepreneurial ethics, are displaced by professional entrepreneurs, competently and honestly leading the case with benefit for themselves and for society as a whole.

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economy, it is closely related to the solution of its main tasks. All that the entrepreneur (goods, services) is produced is inextricably linked to the vital activity of people, intended for consumption by society. Therefore, it is important that the state, society as a whole helped business, created the conditions for its development.

Types of business

The activities of entrepreneurs differ in their content. The following types of business can be distinguished: Production, Trade, Financial, Insurance, Intermediary. Consider the most common of them.

The basis of production entrepreneurship is the manufacture of various economic products necessary to consumers. The manufacturer needs a lot to know and be able to organize effective production. It usually needs to spend a lot of effort to achieve success. But, despite all the difficulties, it is this type of entrepreneurship that is very important for the economy and society as a whole.

The history of the development of entrepreneurship testifies to the relationship of production and trade Business. For example, time immemorial proof products made by artisans, walked for sale.

The basis of trading entrepreneurship - the purchase and sale of goods. Profit is formed by the scheme already familiar to you as the difference between revenue and costs. The costs include the remuneration of sellers, delivery and storage of goods, the content of the commercial premises, etc. The merchant operates according to the rule: bought cheaper - sold more expensive.

Special view of business - financial entrepreneurship. An example is the provision of money by an entrepreneur for a certain remuneration. This activity has deep historical roots (remembering the activities of Rostovshchikov known since the time of ancient Greece).

In the following sections of the course "Social Studies" you will learn about other forms of financial entrepreneurship (banks, stock exchanges, etc.).

    Think how the profit of a financial businessman arises. What do the expressions mean "put money in turn", "give money in growth"?

All types of business are closely related: the production should be trading entrepreneurship, both require cash and thus are associated with financial entrepreneurship. Often, one entrepreneur is a party to all three types of business, which undoubtedly affects the results of its activities.

An example of a successful connection in the entrepreneurship of its main species is the activities of the Italian Medici family. Members of this family in the XV century. Florence organized the production of cloths, mining, deployed trade and transactions with money (offered to people of middle wealth of cheap loans). They did not just accumulate money, but found them versatile use (made generous orders to the architects, painters).

Forms of business

You can speak not only about the types, but also about the forms of business, which differ in the methods of the organization, property to the resources used (for example, public or private), the number of participants. Property is the ownership of economic benefits (both material and intellectual) to certain persons (individuals, organizations, enterprises, state). The owner has the right to hold, use and dispose of these economic benefits.

Individual business

A variety of business forms depends on whether the entrepreneur works independently or unites with other entrepreneurs, uses only its property or attracts the property of other persons, uses his work or work of workers. The following forms of business organization are common: an individual enterprise, a partnership and joint-stock company.

An individual enterprise is an enterprise who owns and manages one person (he is the only owner, but has the right to hire other workers). Because of the ease of creation and management, this is the most common form of business. However, the entrepreneur is personal responsible for the success or failure of the enterprise and is limited in the possibilities of increasing funds.

Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company

A partnership is a voluntary association of two or more people to organize your business. Participants unite their property, ability and, managing the enterprise, carry collective responsibility for the results of its activities.

Joint-Stock Company - the enterprise, whose owner of the shares. By the number of participants and the size of the combined monetary resources is the most large enterprise. It is the most expensive and complex organization, but has great opportunities for increasing funds and expanding the scope of activity.

Check yourself

  1. Why do people do business?
  2. What is the role of entrepreneurship in the development of the economy?
  3. Nazova different kinds Business. How are they interrelated?
  4. How to make business successful and make a profit?
  5. In which form you can organize a business?

In class and houses

  1. Pick up the materials of newspapers, magazines, the Internet Examples of enterprises carrying out various types of business activities.
  2. Complete the proposal: "The enterprise, created by the union of his own funds of several participants for the sake of sharing the case, is called ...".
  3. What kind of business includes listed activities: freight transportation, loan provision, purchase of computers, newspaper and magazines, delivery of fruit to the store, warranty repair washing machine, Sale of self-grown vegetables? The answer is in the form of a table. Add table with your own examples different species entrepreneurial activity.
  4. Organize in class discussion on the topic "Is it profitable to be honest businessman? ". Options for discussion: What does success in business depend on? Is it connected with the amount of profit? What are the conditions for effective business relationships? Is the opinion that a businessman who does nothing but money is the worst type of businessman? Should an entrepreneur feel his responsibility to society? How to combine personal interest and general benefit? Is it worth listening to the saying "Success, damage to others, is there fails"?
  5. In your city (village) there are business people who not only achieved personal success, but also help him economic Development. Prepare a story about them.
  6. That's how younger felt famous american businessman John Rockefeller in the book "Art is getting rich": "When choosing a call in practical activity Provide the solution of your need for the first thought: Where can I put up so that everything is more actively applying your strength to society? Where will my work be effective in the interests of the same society? With these thoughts join practical lifeAnd your first steps in her will be the first steps to success! .. That person has the right to count on the greatest success in life, who showed the greatest merit before the world. Commercial enterprises serving the mass will always be income; Enterprises are useless and cannot have success. " Is it possible to agree with the author in the fact that the absence of mercenary goals is the path to success? Explain your answer.

Learning to create your business

Entrepreneurship - the lot of young. American scientists argue that entrepreneurial abilities are found in 13-19 years. Imagine that you decided to organize your business. First of all, you need to choose the form of entrepreneurship: the sole enterprise (enough to use its own work) or collective (will have to look for partners). Then you need to choose a type of business. Here are some options: grow in household rabbits (production business); breed flowers (manufacturing) and sell them in the market (trading); disseminate information on goods and services of small firms (mediation); provide photographer services (manufacturing). Evaluating their capabilities and interests, try to make a choice. Recipes guaranteeing success does not exist, but some tips should be heard.

  1. Election of business, carefully learned the product or service that will be the subject of your activity.
  2. When choosing a business form, the scale of future activities. For example, some types of trading business, mediation, farming under the power and sole enterprise. In most cases, no partnership (partnership) can not do.
  3. When choosing a type of business, appreciate your material opportunities. Production entrepreneurship to collective business form. Separate types of trading business are feasible and individually.

Of course, the activities of all businessmen pursues one key goal - receiving good profits regardless of what types of business are used.

In terms of product produced and the breadth of the sphere of influence, the business is divided into small, medium and large.

For the average citizen of Russia, the analysis of small businesses will be relevant. It is on this, start a conversation with a detailed classification of small business species that everyone who has certain conditions for his start. Next, consider 4 main types of business, their nuances and typical mistakes.

Based on all sorts of interests of a novice entrepreneur, we offer a convenient classification of small business species according to different parameters that are schematically displayed in the two tables below.

Table 1.

Types of small business by territorial sign

Type of activity

After reading the articles on the links proposed in the tables, you can learn about 51 categories of profitable ideas for women. Each business idea, represented in the Women's Business - Unique Categories. Some ideas relate to beauty and health, other ideas relate to fashion. This category also collected many ideas relating to breastfeeding, festive mail, earnings on jewelry, as well as on image.

Types of business for pensioners will suit all who are over 50 years old. All ideas of this category are simple, light and fascinating. They will be interested in all pensioners who are sad from boredom and has at least a small entrepreneurial veil.

Types of business for beginners collected ideas for a young audience, which burns enthusiasm and energy. This category includes the ideas of earnings in perfumery, on the services of the holidays, on the design of the showcases. Here you can find ideas for making money on behavior and on the organization of rental scooters.

The category of family entrepreneurship will be relevant to those families where work will be based on family support and mutual assistance of each family member. This category includes the ideas of earning at home for breeding chinchillas, the organization of wine bank and many other cases that will be profitable and interesting.

Also, the types of business can be broken down by niches, according to the parameter of investments and by source of profitable ideas. We look at the table. According to the links, you can go and find out all the necessary information about the specific form of a business.

Table 2.

Small business niches Attachment size Source of ideas

The classification of small businesses described above is conditional. We sorted profitable ideas By categories for easy search. With this classification, each potential entrepreneur will be able to pick up the type of activity that will be relevant for him at the moment.

But before choosing a certain type of activity, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted classification of business types and learn key features Each direction.

And so, all kinds profitable businessAccording to the generally accepted classification, divide into four groups:

  • production;
  • commercial operations;
  • finance activities;
  • activities based on the provision of various kinds of services.

Below will discuss all types of business separately, we understand the features of everyone, their advantages and negative sides.

Business view based on industrial activity

This type of business is considered leading and fairly money. Although there are other of the most profitable types of business. The purpose of its creation is the organization of production. The described type of earnings implies the creation of organizations producing different products, ranging from cosmetics, clothing, perfumery, construction products. Pharmaceutical companies that produce drugs and concerns engaged in the production of cars are also included in this category.

Production entrepreneurship is recognized as a platform that forms the modern market economy of the state. Within the framework of this type of activity, raw materials are recycling and its transformation into fully finished goods.

Production activities implies the acquisition of working capital, which will be necessary for the manufacture of goods of various purposes. Extremely important for this field of activity - technology. Although this factor is important today in any area, whatever species of business understood.

Fixed assets used by entrepreneurs for the production of finished products are usually characterized by a rather long service life. In view of this, an entrepreneur who studied all existing types of profitable business and chose this activity - should not count on transferring the cost of fixed assets in finished products For one or two cycles. Practice shows that in this business, usually products are frozen by a rather long period of time.

Another important clause will be an article of remuneration of labor. You can also not forget about the payment of the delivery of materials, the payment of the rental of warehouses for storing products (if the warehouse premises are not their own, and leased).

It should be remembered that cash infants will be needed for repair work, to pay for staff training. Must be necessary for force majeure circumstances, which always occur with any production process.

Typical beginner errors or how not to make a mistake at the start?

Where to get money to start own business? It is with this problem that 95% of novice entrepreneurs are facing! In the article, we revealed the most relevant ways to obtain starting capital for the entrepreneur. We also recommend carefully examine the results of our experiment in the exchange earnings:

Despite the described number of costs, this category of business is considered quite profitable, so the production type of activity has always been relevant. If the business does not give the desired results, you need to analyze the factors that could contribute to this. Usually there are several reasons:

  • non-professional incompetent labor force;
  • saving on high-quality equipment;
  • low-quality raw materials;
  • incorrectly compiled business plan.

To better realize whether it is worth starting this business - you need to learn negative and positive moments. Positive parties show themselves:

  • in a serious social value of this activity;
  • in stable state support.

Negative sides show themselves:

  • in close communication of the business with the state of the market economy;
  • in too much interference of the state apparatus in some aspects;
  • in extremely high risks and in the complexity of business.

The production type of business is designed for the long-term prospect of payback. Therefore, the effectiveness of it will not be tangible immediately. Given this, the state apparatus is trying in every way to support him, developing a number of state programs aimed at stimulation. production view Business. But in view of the fact that most entrepreneurs seek a momentum profit - very often businessmen go to deterioration in the quality of their products, agree to the falsification of the goods and often go to the discrepancy of natural resources. The state, knowing this, obliges businessmen to license a business.

Organized commercial activity - what you need to know?

Resale points of goods can be both ground and virtual. Example - Russian shopping grounds By resale Chinese goods purchased via the Internet on popular Chinese sites such as Aliexpress or Taobao.

If you are interested in business with China, learn this useful material:

In fact, the earnings of the merchant is the difference between the procurement price and the sale. This type of activity quickly pays off, but it is dependent on the oscillations of demand. There was always a satellite of this type of business, there will be good publicity. And today, thanks to the ubiquitous internet presence, the task of developing a good advertising campaign is very quick and inexpensive. The commercial type of business can be developed to any scale - from regional, All-Russian to international.

The advantages of the activity described above are:

  • in brilliant profitability indicators;
  • in the speed promotion;
  • in a slight amount of starting capital, which may be required;
  • in a weak statelessness;
  • in the ease of operations produced.

Cons are:

  • in close connection with the level of production of production;
  • strongly depending on the level of personnel knowledge;

Choosing this successful view Business, a person must remember that the lag in the development of this business also happens. And if it takes place, there may be several reasons for this:

  • lack of marketing knowledge entrepreneur;
  • the absence of a person who is engaged in directly selling / selling goods - spectacular talent;
  • the lack of "Bonez-Allowers" from a businessman.

Business view based on financial representation

This activity requires participants in the activities of economic knowledge and ability to deal with politics. In the financial representation will be able to successfully work only the permanent, attentive and purposeful people. This area is associated with continuous monetary circulation, which also implies credit relations. In turn, this activity is divided into banking business, operations related to insurance, as well as audit, leasing business and activities based on stock exchange transactions.

Risky business type! Why?

It is believed that such a type of business is the most risky. Due to this, state regulation of processes always takes place here. "Survive" here is possible only to units. The greatest percentage of firms involved in this activity are serious market players who are characterized by important competitive advantages as:

  • the ability to quickly accumulate resources;
  • flexibility;
  • impeccable mobility of resources;
  • easy to commit all financial transactions.

The weaknesses of the activity described above consist:

  • in serious risks;
  • in the strong dependence of the business from the country and world of political events occurring in the country;
  • in a strong connection with the state of international financial markets;
  • in too strong state intervention.

Typically, major market players have access to an international format.

Organization of business on the sale of services - why so popular?

Now this type of business is significantly progressing. Everywhere open cafes, restaurants, children's clubs, mugs foreign languages. In the eyes "grow" beauty salons, car wash. Such an increase in service provision of services is explained by the simplicity of their opening. In addition to the simplicity of their opening, novice businessmen, this type of business attracts minimal investmentswhich may be required for the start.

But there are such directions of this activity when attachments are simply necessary. For example, serious investments will be required to open a beauty salon or fitness club. The sphere is considered particularly profitable in the last decade. business services. This area can include legal authorities, consulting firms.

To understand that this activity implies this activity, it is enough to delve into its weaknesses and learn about its negative points.

The strengths of this business are presented:

  • flexibility;
  • the ability to quickly accumulate resources;
  • simplicity of business operations;
  • high levels of profitability, in particular, if it is the sphere of modern business services.

Negative moments are expressed:

  • strongly depending on political incidents, in particular, if it is the sphere of modern business services;
  • in constant state regulation;
  • in direct links from the formation of involved personnel.

Let's summarize

Each potential entrepreneur must clearly distinguish the types of business among themselves and understand that the most profitable types of business necessarily require serious investments from the entrepreneur. It is followed by the type of activity that proceeds by specific conditions and circumstances - will be the optimal option.

The concept of "business" is wide enough, which absorbs business relations, entrepreneurship, the scope of activity, certain circles of society, etc. Most often, the word business reflects the activity, the final goal of which is to receive profits. The most close to the value of the synonym for "business" in Russian is "Entrepreneurial activity".
Entrepreneurship is independently carried out by registered actors associated with certain risks and aimed at making a profit from such actions as selling goods, use of property, provision of services, work.

Due to the fact that entrepreneurship and business are synonymous concepts, it is possible to distinguish certain signs inherent in equally:

  1. Independence - means that the subject has independence in its entrepreneurial actions. It is worth noting that independence in this case is divided into organizational and property. Property independence is inherent in entrepreneurs whose business is used as economic activity. Organizational independence - the ability of the subject to make decisions on all substantial issues relating to its entrepreneurial activity.
  2. Risk. The implementation of any business ideas is associated with risks. Entrepreneurial risks are not only a negative factor, but also incentive forcing more clearly develop and calculate business methods. Under business risks, it is worth understanding the potential opportunity to occur a set of events that caused adverse effects for entrepreneurship, and not only property and economic losses can be attributed to such consequences, but also the loss of business reputation, in vain spending time and work.
  3. Systematic profit profit. The implementation of any business plan is aimed at making a profit, and in order for the company sooner or later entered a break-even level, such a profit must be systematic. Profit profit gives business a commercial character that does not even lose the case if an enterprise in a certain period suffered damages.
  4. Entrepreneurial activity is expressed on sale goods, performance of work, service or use of property. This business activity has been determined by law, however, such a narrow definition is very unsuccessful because it cannot cover all the multifaceted entrepreneurial activities, the diversity of which only grows with time.
  5. Certain property of a business subject - It must be registered in the procedure established by law. If the entrepreneur has its activities without adequate registration, his business is illegal and may fall under the criminal code of the Russian Federation or the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In this way, state registration It is a condition for maintaining adequate entrepreneurial activity.

Principles of doing business in the territory of the Russian Federation.

At the legislative level, certain principles of doing business in the territory of the Russian Federation are enshrined. In order to clearly understand how the state supports and protects entrepreneurial activities, it is necessary to submit these legislative principles:

  • Freedom of entrepreneurial activity. This principle was consolidated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and others regulatory legal acts. In accordance with it, everyone has the right to free use of its abilities and property for doing business and other not prohibited economic activities.
  • Recognition of diversity and legal equality of ownership - Privileges cannot be established for certain forms of ownership, the state protects the same way and recognizes all existing forms of ownership.
  • Unified economic space - goods, financial resources, services can freely move on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Freedom of competition, restriction of monopolistic activity. The state does not allow business activities, monopolyting a certain economic sphere and unscrupulous competition. This principle is aimed at the development of an adequate market economy.
  • State regulationaimed at achieving a balance between the private interests of business entities, the state and society.
  • The principle of legality. By compiling and implementing its business plan, you must guide the fact that your activity should meet the requirements of the regulatory and legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Depending on the methods of obtaining income and the specifics, the following types of business are distinguished:

1) commercial-trading. The main type of business presented in the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, the entrepreneur does nothing, speaking only an intermediary between the manufacturer and the consumer of products. The basis of commercial commercial entrepreneurship is inventory.

Commercial-trading business is more attractive for beginner entrepreneurs, since there is no need to create a production base, the purchase of goods is possible in a much lower price than its subsequent implementation, but do not forget about the high level of competition, which does not always have a positive effect on the amount of profit.

2) production. The entrepreneur produces products on its own, performs work and provides services, and then implements them. The production entrepreneur can include any business based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating useful products, which is the demand and the implementation of which brings profit.

Production business is the most risky in the territory of the Russian Federation, since the existing economic system It is not able to fully support him, many types of resources are difficult to access, the tax system creates additional obstacles to novice entrepreneurs, which, bes, often do not have sufficient qualifications. At the same time, products from production entrepreneurship are more in demand than from his species.

3) mediation. In the case of this business, the entrepreneur does nothing and sells nothing, he acts as a link in commodity relations, presenting legal interests manufacturer or consumer.

Intermediaries are entitled to conduct entrepreneurship independently or on behalf of manufacturers / consumers. Intermediaries can protract distributors, dealers, equipped and sales companies, stock exchanges, brokers, etc. The mediator in this case makes a profit thanks to the provision of its services.

4) financial and credit - A special kind of commercial-trading business, the object of which is the securities, currency, national monetary units. In this case, the entrepreneur acquires cash And the securities of the holder, and then resell them at a higher price, thanks to which it makes a profit.

This type of entrepreneurship is the most difficult because it requires certain skills and skills.

5) Insurance. The entrepreneur carries out insurance services, receiving a profit after the conclusion of the insurance contract. The policyholder in this case receives an insurance premium, but the payment of insurance can be due only to certain events that may not occur, therefore, some of the contributions aimed at them make up entrepreneurial income.

Choosing any kind of business, it is necessary to carefully examine the demand, competition level, risks, as well as your capabilities and ability to manage such entrepreneurial activities.

Form of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurial activity can be divided into classes on various reasons. Entrepreneurship forms are distinguished depending on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise - collective or individual. The collective form of entrepreneurial activities are carried out by enterprises decorated as a legal entity, individual - registered properly individual entrepreneurs.

Depending on the legal status of the founder of the Organization, a private, state and municipal entrepreneurship can be distinguished, depending on the amount of profits, the number of employees and the participation of the Russian Federation, subjects and municipalities allocate large, medium and small business. The clear concept of medium and small businesses is given at the legislative level, therefore all enterprises that do not fit this characteristic can be safely attributed to large businesses.

Subjects of small and medium-sized businesses include properly registered commercial organizations (excluding municipal and state unitary enterprises), consumer cooperatives, individual entrepreneurs, peasant and farms. All small and medium-sized businesses should be other than those who have additional features:

  1. The number of workers for the calendar year can be a hundred - two hundred fifty - for the middle enterprise, to a hundred - for small and up to fifteen - for micro enterprise.
  2. The amount of income per calendar year excluding VAT for medium-sized businesses - 1000 million rubles, for small - four hundred million rubles, for microenterprise - sixty million rubles. These units are subject to change by the Government of the Russian Federation every 5 years.
  3. In addition, legal entities must meet certain legislative requirements in the field of authorized capital and participation in it of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, as well as other legal entities, commercial and non-Profit Organizations. The size of external participation should not exceed 25%

The state provides versatile support to the subjects of the Middle and Small Business, provides favorable conditions and contributes to the receipt of subsidies and benefits. Thus, most of the entrepreneurs begin their activities from the opening of a middle or small business, which in the future does not interfere with the consolidation and move into the status of a large enterprise.

Buisness process.

Business management is based on certain verified business processes. The business process is a combination of certain interrelated actions that are regularly repeated, as well as aimed at creating products necessary to the consumer.

The basis of business processes is the consumer who presents certain requirements To product characteristics, so the existence of some processes directly depends on the consumer. Conducting a combination of business processes is aimed at obtaining a certain result. In addition, the management of the processes should be carried out by a single manager, or a group of managers, which will be responsible for the results. It should be distinguished by the process manager from the owner, since the manager implements operational management, the owner has powers to change or terminate the process.

Main types of business processes can be divided according to the following grounds:

  • Manager - aimed at managing the main business system. These include management and corporate governance.
  • Supporting - Related processes are aimed at maintaining managers (technical support, accounting, legal support).
  • Operational - The most basic, business-makers of the company and bringing the main profit (production, sales).

The given classification of processes is not the only one and the preference of any classification is not fundamentally, the main thing is to understand what provides one or another process. A set of one or other processes depends on the specifics of the enterprise and the products manufactured.

To navigate what processes you will conduct within the framework of the implementation of your project, it is recommended when drawing up a business plan to create a map of business processes.

If you decide to realize your enterprise, regardless of what its activities will be sent to, it is recommended to carefully study the basics, giving a general concept of business, its types, forms and specifics of their implementation. This will help to avoid certain risks, as well as create a profitable business project.

The "Business and His Strategy" section describes the industry, the level of attractiveness of the industry for business, business organization, forms of participation in it board of directors, management schemes and requirements for highly professional personnel. Any entrepreneurial The project begins with the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe product, product or service. The task is to fully fully submit to the business plan the most important characteristics of the goods offered to the market (services). It is necessary to give not only the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe product, but also to disclose its advantages compared to analogues, competitiveness in the market, the demand for it, etc. The idea of \u200b\u200ba new product usually passes several stages of selection.

To compile a section, a checklist may be used to describe the business and its common strategy:

  • description of business objectives:
    • what are the economic advantages?
    • will there be an added value of the production of products or services by the characteristic process of processing and marketing?
  • business Strategy Description:
    • what stage is the business at present?
    • what stages of growth can be predicted for the next 3-5 years?
  • description of the main characteristics of products and services:
    • price and quality;
    • cost compared to competitors;
    • any negative business features and how they can be adjusted or eliminated;
    • rules and regulations, and how to follow them.

For innovative projects Of particular importance is the assessment of intellectual property development and the inclusion of it in the economic turnover of the enterprise. In most cases high-tech productsWith which the innovative projects have a case, the share of the cost of intellectual property in the cost of the product or service exceeds 50%. There is a steady tendency to grow this indicator in innovative developments. In connection with the current situation, issues related to legal registration and inclusion in the economic turnover of intellectual property objects created during the implementation of innovative projects. Consider in more detail some components of this section.

4.1. Analysis of the state of affairs in the industry

The appointment of the section "Analysis of the state of affairs in the industry" is indication of the nature of the industry - developing, stable, stagnant. It is recommended to reflect in the following questions:

  1. General characteristics of the needs and production volume in the region or Russia. The significance of this production for the economic and social development of the country or region.
  2. The expected proportion of the organization in the production of products in the region or in Russia.
  3. Potential competitors (specify the names and addresses of the main producers of goods, their strengths and weaknesses).
  4. What and where the analogs of the product have appeared over the past 3 years.
  • its raw material base;
  • segment (niche) of the market and share of the enterprise on it;
  • potential customers and their capabilities;
  • regional production structure;
  • fixed assets and their structures;

In addition, economic situations differ not only in time, but also in space - by districts and regions. In the monopolized industry, it is difficult to implement more than in the competitive. Choosing a sphere of activity The entrepreneur elects one of the main types of business (Table 4.1).

Analysis of the investment attractiveness of the business area consists of three stages:

  • multifactor analysis of the intensity level of sectoral competitiveness;
  • determination of the development stage of the elected industry;
  • direct analysis of the investment attractiveness of the industry (Fig. 4.1).
Table 4.1. a brief description of Main types of business
Type of business Main functions Organizational forms
Industrial Production of goods, works, provision of services Commercial organizations (enterprises, firms, companies)
Commercial Purchase and sale of goods and services Trade Organizations, Commodity Exchange
Financial Purchase and sale of currency, securities, investment Banks, stock exchanges, financial companies, trust and other organizations
Intermediary Service Commercial organizations
Insurance Insurance and reinsurance Insurance companies

Intensity of competition in the industry

Fig. 4.1.

When choosing a business and industry, information about their situation in the world work division and international market, export opportunities, and production and technical ties with other sectors of the national economy, for which the products of this industry may be of interest.

In any country, there are prohibited business areas (smuggling, pornography, etc.), as well as the activities that are the subject of state monopoly (weapons, pesticides, drugs, etc.). For many entrepreneurs, economic restrictions on penetration in one or another: a high level of initial capital arise: a high level of initial capital; long payback period nested funds; Uncertainty in reaching profit (education scope, etc.).

It is also necessary to take into account the current conjuncture, as entrepreneurial activity is subject to cyclicity: prosperity, stagnation, recession.

For success in business, it is not just not just the right definition for itself for the market, but also finding it on it, often a very narrow area, a place that is not yet occupied. A beginner business is looking for insufficiently used competitors "niche" of the market, i.e. Determines the limited scope of entrepreneurial activity oriented on a certain consumer and allowing a businessman to most effectively realize its capabilities. Search "Niche" on the market resembles the search for free space, vacuum, which must be filled as soon as possible. In essence, the "Niche" of the market is the combination of the crowned and fully conscious needs and problems of society with unconventional forms, methods, methods of their solution and satisfaction.

In the economy of any country, it is advantageous to discover and fill out thousands and thousands of "niche" even on traditional and long waste markets. Many successful companies are obliged not to create their leadership new ProductBecause it has introduced the same product or services in the market as other firms of the same industry, but in a completely different way.

4.2. Competition

Competition is an integral part The market, even if there are no competitors now, they will inevitably appear if your business is successful. This subsection is designed to show the knowledge of market conditions, its competitors, their characteristics, strategy and tactics.

You can learn a lot from competitors who used to go to the market, as well as those who are engaged in another city in another city. Information can be collected both indirectly and by referring to them with questions (of course, they will not answer all questions, especially if they feel a competitor in you).

There are various ways and forms of competitiveness analysis.

In the most generalized form, they can be reduced to a logical chain, showing products produced by each enterprise-competitor, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as their strengths and weaknesses compared to it.

Information on competitiveness will help in the future when assessing the risk of project implementation.

Among the main indicators considered in the analysis of competitiveness, the strengths and weaknesses of the competitor and their own, such as the range of products produced or preparing for the production of products (services), their price, advertising system, availability, sales network, sale service, warranty, customer service , Seller levels. The basis of the comparison is made by buyers to the goods to the goods, the opinions of buyers about competitors.

If necessary, a deeper analysis of the main competitors is made, including their financial condition, the structure of the balance, the flexibility of the transition to new products (modernization of the manufactured), the level of technology, the parameters of technological equipment, personnel qualifications, quality control system, production expansion capacity, system reaction rate enterprise management on changes in the market, scientific and technical and engineering base.

In the text part of the section, generalized information about your competitiveness and prospects (strategies) of its increase (or deduction) is usually given, as well as additional Information To the table in which the most significant competitors are presented and their strengths and weaknesses are listed relative to the project being developed.

In this subsection, you must convincingly show your competitive advantages in the text part of the subsection and the corresponding tables.

I would like to especially warn from the underestimation of this subsection. One of the axiom of entrepreneurship reads: "If you do not know your competitors and their weaknesses, then your project adventure."

An example of an assessment of the level of competition for the enterprise being created is presented in the table. To carry out a comparative assessment, the parameters for which a comparative assessment of enterprises is made. The parameters are combined into groups and each group is assigned a weight coefficient that determines the importance of the group indicators in the integral assessment of the quality of the estimated enterprise. The sum of these weight coefficients is equal to one. Expert estimates The classification of the enterprises under consideration for each of the parameters is carried out. Range of estimates - from 0 to 10, greater indicator corresponds to more high level development of this indicator.

Amount of group indicators It characterizes the rating of the enterprises under consideration among competitors, allows you to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. Similarly, an assessment of the quality of submitted services or manufactured goods can be made as parameters will be considered the characteristics of similar products or services issued.