Coursework, diploma and even cribs for a custom-made session - any student can use such a completely legal service - there would be money. How to open a student paper writing firm! Business plan for writing student papers

Business & Finance

Create a student paper writing business powered by mediation

Mediation business for the performance of student work. Many students do not study on their own different reasons... I want to be one of the people who help them solve their learning problems.

Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Achieving income of 30,000 rubles per month

Personal resources

1) Understanding the structure of the future business, because there is an example for copying or borrowing ideas from the organization.

2) Basic knowledge of internet marketing.

4) Basic knowledge of creating landing pages.

5) Access to information resource with the freshest training video courses.

6) Limited finances in the form of a salary from the main job.

7) Limited time 1.5-2 hours on weekdays and 4-5 hours on weekends.

Goal ecological compatibility

I have before my eyes an example of how a person can earn a lot of money and still be free. That is, not to obey anyone, not to have bosses, not to get up on an alarm clock and enjoy your work. I also want to, because I do not like my job, or rather I do not want to work for someone for handouts, called a salary. I want to be an independent person. Including financially. I am sure that when I start my business I will become really happy. I can live the way I want. I will be able to help my loved ones. I will really respect myself. One problem might get in my way. My habit of jumping from topic to topic, barely starting to do something. Probably in pursuit of the magic pill. We must already understand that it does not exist. And to make money you really need to work hard. Concentrating on one direction. And if you cannot, then you can always sit in a factory with a salary of twenty. But I do not want this and I hope that this site will help me methodically achieve my goal.

You launch an advertisement, receive an order, select a contractor and receive money for the result. The process is very simple if you know the sequence of actions and the necessary information at each stage. It is interesting and profitable business, which you can start sitting on the couch at your favorite computer.

The starter package we offer for starting a business "helping students" includes everything you need to start and be productive:

  • Database of executors of orders for writing essays, coursework and solving problems in various subjects;
  • Your personal website and its advertising on our website in the "partners" section;
  • Verified and effective types advertising;
  • Advertising brochures and leaflets;
  • Business plan;
  • Development strategy.

Today, the student assistance business is an interesting and profitable type commercial activities, allowing not only to make money, but also to enjoy the process.

Business attractiveness

One of the decisive criteria for choosing this business was the contingent of customers with whom I will work. It is very important for me who the customer is! Being engaged in this business, in the process of work I communicate with the most positive and cheerful people in our society - youth. These are schoolchildren and university students. Before starting the Student Aid business, I smoked and salted seafood. And unlike the "fish business", "helping students" in addition to money also brings pleasure to communication. I no longer have to communicate with impudent store owners, trying to put my goods on their counters, there are no eternal checks from San Epidem stations and fire departments. it perfect view business if you want to avoid nervous stress.

Fulfilling orders for writing essays, term papers, solving problems in various subjects, I in one way or another concerned their subject. This allowed me to fill in the gaps in my own education. Thus, the business “helping students” was for me a real find for personal growth - in addition to making money, I develop my worldview. I became an interesting conversationalist, I have a story to tell in any society, and most importantly - in the company of people close to me.

When choosing a business project, in addition to personal preferences, I was guided by the following requirements:

  • Demand for the offered services in the market;
  • Availability of a free niche on the market;
  • Limited start-up capital;
  • Profitability;
  • High social significance.

The organization of such a consulting center meets all these requirements. Analysis of the demand on the Internet shows that in recent years, services of this kind are extremely in demand, while the demand significantly exceeds supply, especially in the segment of complex and voluminous works (term papers and theses, as well as works involving an experimental part, making calculations, building drawings, etc.).

The organization of a consulting center does not require significant initial capital, since the work performers are not included in the staff, but are attracted to fulfill one-time orders on a piece-rate basis. The profitability is supposed to be quite high, especially during the sessions.

Undergraduate students often turn to counseling centers for lack of their own knowledge. However, it is premature to blame them for this: first, one must not biasedly assess the quality of education in Russian universities. And the more modern and more relevant specialty, the more “lame” the quality of teaching - this sad pattern is explained by the insufficient qualifications of teachers, and the lack of an appropriate material base, and the incompleteness of libraries, into which new items and topical research arrive with a significant delay or do not get at all. In this case, the student is faced with a choice: go to a counseling center or bribe the teacher, naturally, that the first option is preferable.

Modern student life is largely different from what it was 15-20 years ago. Now many senior students work, even in full-time university courses. And not everyone has time to prepare essays, term papers, tests and theses in time.

At the same time, the students' ability to pay has grown significantly, since they have not only money given by their parents for operating expenses, but also earn good money themselves, often exceeding the average. salaries by region of study or residence. Moreover, some of the students are engaged in business, which makes their income even more significant.

Along with full-time students, part-time students, as well as persons enrolled in the programs of the second higher, distance and additional education, are also in demand for practical assistance in preparing reporting materials. Moreover, the volume of demand remains recent years stable and even somewhat growing.

This fact makes the business of helping working students very profitable and profitable. Therefore, the organization of a student assistance agency has strong economic prerequisites.

Agency creation

To meet the demand of college students, undergraduates and undergraduates, a specialized enterprise called "SPS" (" Ambulance students "). The agency will be created as a company with limited liability... Its founders will be two persons with equal shares in the authorized capital (the founders of the company are themselves senior students of one of the universities). There will be 4 full-time employees (they will be in charge of separate areas), the rest of the employees will be involved in performing tasks on outsourcing terms under one-time contracts.

Entry into business and degree of competition

The entry of a new enterprise into the markets for helping students in the preparation of control and reporting materials is quite simple, does not require licensing or any additional regulation.

However, the degree of competition in this market is quite high. Assistance to students is provided by both specialized agencies and individual tutors acting as shadow entrepreneurs.

It should also be emphasized that often teachers who are leaders of scientific and educational work, curators of industrial practices, themselves are the executors of student work, performing them for a set fee. At the same time, ready-made works made by other students and only slightly modified are often used. Less often, new materials are written on other topics and based on fresh sources. In this case, the work arouses less suspicion and criticism from the management of educational institutions.

For the most part, students prefer to order work specifically to their immediate supervisors, rightly believing that in this case they will have fewer problems with passing the defense procedure and getting a positive assessment.

Thus, the main competitor for the student assistance agency will not even be other similar enterprises, but internal teachers who prevent any outside assistance.

Factors successful work

- ATP agency will provide assistance to students at prices 10-15% below market prices. This will be possible due to the fact that the founders of the company have an extensive base of diploma, coursework and test papers on a wide range of topics. Therefore, when ordering new works, performers will be transferred similar works, which will become the basis for writing the required materials. Thus, the complexity of the work of the performers is reduced;

- to write reports on practices, coursework, computational-graphic and computational-practical work, the work of senior students who previously performed similar work with excellent grades will be used. With a comparable quality of work, performers-students take 20% less pay than associate professors or professors;

- business founders have data on many teachers who are either ready to write qualifying works for a fee, or do not mind that other people will do it, and not their wards. There is also a personal contact with many laboratory assistants of the departments, who for a moderate fee are ready to assist in helping students, as well as in transferring electronic copies of other students' works to performers from the SPS company.

Given the fact that the demand for qualification and control materials is quite stable, then during 2013-2015. the SPS company will make a profit of 20-22 million rubles. annually.

Business Risks and Morality

As in any other business activitiesThere are all sorts of risks in the field of helping students.

First, there are cases when disgruntled academic supervisors begin to “wind up” a student who prepares his work with the help of an agency. More and more new claims are presented, which exhaust both the customer and the contractor.

Secondly, customer students often complain about the quality of work, although when ordering they said that they needed a satisfactory or good grade. Parents and relatives of the student interfere in the matter, relations between the parties are heating up.

Finally, there is a moral aspect in this kind of business. On the one hand, it is helping students. With another - it is, in some way, a deception, when a student passes off the work of the performer as his own... This dilemma should never be discounted. Therefore, when accepting orders, the founders of the ATP company will conclude model contract with the customer that drafts will be prepared by the contractor and auxiliary materialsthat can be used by the buyer at his own discretion. If he decides to present them to his scientific advisor (to the teacher, the supervisor of the practice) unchanged - this is his own business, the company is not responsible for this.

Price policy

When accepting orders, flexible price policy, which includes both the cost of writing papers and assistance in submitting them to a specific teacher or head of the department. The total cost of the work will be named at the lower border so as not to scare off potential customers.

For example:

- writing test papers - from 400 rubles;

- writing abstracts (10-12 p.) - from 600 rubles;

- preparation of reports on industrial practice - from 1000 rubles;

- preparation of thesis (80-100 p.) - from 14 thousand rubles.

It is common to include speed premiums in the price. If a student requires that his thesis be written in 10 days, then the performer will require a corresponding increase for the intensity of work in the amount of 20-25% of the cost of ordinary work.

Assistance in obtaining a high mark by resolving this issue with the teacher directly or with the mediation of a laboratory assistant will also require a certain allowance, which usually ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles.

To increase the flow of orders, the founders of the SPS company assume payment of intermediary services to students, the payment for which will be 10-12% of the cost of work.

For customers who apply to the agency on a regular basis, a discount will be provided, ranging from 5 to 12%, depending on the frequency of calls.

Business seasonality

The specifics of entrepreneurial activity based on providing assistance to students has a pronounced seasonality. Peaks of the load occur in November-December and March-May. Almost complete absence of orders falls on the summer months of the year. During the period of recession in activity, the founders and employees of the company will be on vacation (with the exception of two employees on duty, who are sitting on auxiliary and “hot” orders).

The main business costs of the ATP agency will be associated with office lease. Payment of remuneration for performers is made from the customer's money, which are made on a prepayment basis (full or 50 percent).

Calculations show that high profitability business will be provided, especially in the case when part of the orders will pass without official registration.

Date: 02.12.16, 12:05

Despite the decline in the abstract business, many are interested in creating online service students and authors student works. From time to time people google us for the following queries: “how to create a website for the sale of student term papers”, “how to create an essay writing firm”, “an accounting system for abstract companies”, “a firm for writing student papers”, “a firm for performing student papers how to recruit clients "," selling abstract business "," how to register an abstract agency "," I want to open an agency for writing abstracts of diplomas. "

The abstract business is highly competitive

Let's say right away that the abstract business is a highly competitive business, and it won't work to start it from scratch. There are many examples of this. People create a website that no one sees or hears. We need investments in contextual advertising and SEO. This means that you need to pay for the services of designers, layout designers, SMMs, directors, copywriters and other Internet fraternity. Enter a query in the search and you will understand everything at once (there were 10 million results). By the way, our site is in the top 10.

You will have to look for clients and authors. And if you yourself do not write these works, then you will have a hard time. Half of the authors who will send you questionnaires will be of rather dubious quality. They will rate orders by affordable price, confirm the attachment and then stupidly substitute. Some for incompetence and some for fun. Just write to them: "Where is the work?"

Clients' requirements for anti-plagiarism are becoming more and more stringent, and clients will write: "Once again rolled from the Internet!" Some clients have learned to hand over work and return money for it under the pretext that it is no good. So the authors will have to be selected by trial and error. At the same time, one must understand that there are no cheap authors who make good works... There are no miracles. Blacklists are updated regularly. Decent authors work at the appropriate rates. This also needs to be considered.

Abstract agency perspective

An abstract agency will have a very decent prospect if it is opened by a student or teacher who has connections and direct access to customers. That is real examples from life. Then you do not have to spend money on website promotion and advertising, because word of mouth will do all the work for you. So if you are one of the above characters, then you can safely rent an office. The cost of it is likely to pay off.

If you have a decent start-up capital, I think at least 500 thousand and maybe more, then you can invest and create your own Internet project (they invest ten million in a normal project at once). You can't get off with one site here, you need auxiliary services, preferably your own partnership programs, shop for sale finished works, groups in social networks And so on. However, the competition here is so high that there is a high risk of losing money spent.

You will have to regularly invest in the promotion of your project, and the return will be much less than expected. Here you will have to deal with crowd marketing and CMM, buying links, working with an SEO specialist, contextual advertising... In general, you need to invest at least a million in a normal website. You will need a modern responsive design with animation, well-written selling texts, beautiful original pictures, videos.

For all this you have to search good specialistswhich is essentially like a lottery. To promote at a low frequency, it is advisable to start a blog on your site, but then you will have to cooperate with copywriters or learn how to write SEO articles yourself. You can understand how a blog works on a website by reading this article. You type a low-frequency query in the search and get to the desired site.

What about clients and authors?

And what about your clients? Clients essentially do not care where to order term papers and essays. They send their applications to several companies at once and choose the most the best option... So at least half of all your applications will fall off. And this is, in principle, a good indicator. Moreover, you need to take another percentage for the marriage and refunds - not all work will be done by your authors perfectly. Most orders will require rework. And you will have to work at low prices to order work from you.

The authors are also very capricious as a rule. They react very nervously to the delay in payment of the fee, some may fail with the deadlines, while others just throw it. In order for everything to work clearly, it is necessary to pay salaries indecently regularly. Also, the authors love polite and live communication with the manager. In general, one cannot do without errors on this path, for sure.

Do not forget that you will always have to have a constant budget for maintaining your Internet resource - on the link exchange, on hosting, and you will have to regularly spread it for office rent. As soon as your advertising budget for Yandex Direct ends, the number of applications will immediately drop. And we must also take into account the fact that the abstract business is seasonal business... There will be practically no orders in the summer. And during the season, applications are received according to a sinusoid.

At first, you may not focus on finding new customers, because everyone new client it is very expensive in terms of cost, and working with firms with a pool of their authors, and making good money at the same time. It is much easier to recruit your own authors, and most importantly, cheaper than recruiting your clients. This is how we started to promote our abstract business. Until word of mouth starts working, while your customers start to make repeat orders and bring you new customers.

There are a lot of amenities - you don't need an office, you don't need advertising, you just don't spend money on all this. You can even not invest in the site, although you need the site to find authors. More precisely, they themselves will offer you their services, and your task is simply to choose workhorses among them. This is where it will be useful to you rent our CRM or make API sync with our service. Then the whole process will be automated. You will simply drink tea and monitor your sponsors and the receipt of funds. I know of many examples when managers started their own business by organizing a team of authors and earned quite good money at the same time. You can also participate with us in our

Would you like to open your own legal, registered business in such an interesting area as education?

Education is one of the most demanded service sectors. Business in this area is completely independent of the crisis, the ruble exchange rate and the political situation. On the contrary, with the deteriorating economic situation, the demand for educational services only growing.

One of the lucrative areas is starting a student paper writing business.

Why buy student papers

Today it is no longer a secret for anyone that the majority of students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions prefer to buy essays, completed assignments, term papers and even theses. This decision can be caused by the following factors:

  • lack of free time due to various part-time jobs;
  • lack of desire to learn, because a diploma is needed only for a tick at work, or in general for parents;
  • the student is not going to work in this specialty;
  • lack of necessary knowledge.

At the same time, the teachers themselves note that about 50% of students regularly use the services of educational centers and freelancers who perform student work. Moreover, total more than 90% of students who bought a job at least once.

Demand creates supply

In a market economy, demand necessarily gives rise to supply, and there are always people who need additional income... These are the former students and teachers themselves. Naturally, in order to satisfy the demand of this market, which, according to rough estimates, is in the range of 4 - 5 billion rubles (!), The efforts of single performers are clearly not enough and the opening consulting educational centers immediately receive an impressive number of orders, which are constantly growing, so word of mouth works very well in the student environment.

At first, the leadership of some universities tried to oppose such a business, but it turned out to be completely legal. The services of educational consulting centers are regulated by Federal Law No. 125-ФЗ dated 22.08.96. And everyone, regardless of age and education, can open a profitable business in this profile, the business of writing student papers. Since there is a high demand for such services, and there are performers of such tasks, then for the operation of such centers it is simply necessary to properly organize the process and document everything.

Are you intrigued by the simplicity and reliability of earning money from student jobs? Do you want to know how you can get the first profit from your own educational center in just a month? Especially for you, the leading coach, entrepreneur and investor Ignatovich Svetlana has developed a step-by-step course “