Actual specialties. Sophisticated specialties in Europe and USA

In 2017, the labor market in Russia was marked by some stabilization: mass layoffs stopped, which gave rise to optimism, both employers and job applicants. First of all, a tendency to increase demand for highly qualified narrow profile specialists, especially in a rapidly developing Internet segment, is preserved.

Rating of the most highly paid professions 2017

A new propagandist profession in the labor market, which takes 9 places of the list of the most sought-after professions, has slightly lost popularity over the past 2 years, therefore, the media specialists in 2017 are ready to pay from 50 to 70 thousand rubles per month.

At the eighth place of our rating there is a bodyguard profession. Specialists of this profession are very in demand in our difficult time, but for applicants of the Bodigard vacancy, very high demands need special training and experience. From 80 to 200 thousand rubles - the salary of the professional bodyguard.

Already that year in a row one of the most demanded professions is the profession of collector. It should be noted that this profession is related to a certain risk, and here it is important not so much education and experience as personal qualities of the employee, since knocking out debts from debtors is not the most pleasant and grateful occupation.

6 line rating the most high-paying professions It is deservedly, which year in a row, occupies the profession of webmaster. Site developers and promotion specialists can count on monthly income from 50 to 200 thousand rubles in 2017.

Closes the 5 highest paid professions of 2017 Profession IT - manager (IT technological specialist). The demand for Internet-industry specialists is rising every year, so the wage growth is most noticeable. From 100 to 250 thousand rubles earn IT managers in the current year.

Traditionally, one of the highest paid professions in Russia and the world remains a programmer's profession. I did not exception and 2017: from 120 to 300 thousand rubles per month and 4th place of our rating.

The third year in a row in the top of the most sought-after professions in Russia includes a bankruptcy specialist (arbitration manager), the salary of which begins from 300 thousand rubles.

The second place among the highest paid professions of 2017 is a specialist - an auditor. It should be noted that for applicants for this vacancy, you need to have considerable experience and good recommendations. Payment by such a specialist fluctuates from 200 to 400 thousand rubles.

Well, in the first place of our rating the most popular and highly paid professions, there is a translator from the Chinese language. This state of affairs is explained by the incredible economic expansion of China on russian market. Since now there is a sharp deficit of specialists of this profession, they can count on pay for their work in the amount of 100 - 300 thousand rubles per month.

Choose work in the soul and at the same time well-paid - the dream of a huge number of people. Modern world It dictates its own rules, and sometimes you have to think about the future much in advance, follow the general trends in the development of science, technology, the peculiarities of society and political life. Knowing all these factors, it can be assumed which professions will be most in demand in Russia in the near future and in particular in 2017.

This information will benefit schoolchildren who are still looking for their destination and choosing, in which university should be taken after writing, and more senior people who have already tried something in life can be conceived, and most of them may have understood that the current situation Affairs does not suit them, and it's time to find your real vocation.

What professions will be in demand in 2017

Due to the unstable economic situation in the country the question of choosing a profession is especially acute, because when choosing your own future professionThe person organizes not only his life, but also the standard of living of his future family. For those who think about this today, it will be particularly interesting to know what kind of demanded professions promise to be the most relevant in Russia by the coming 2017.

Survived professions in Russia

1. Serviceman. Russia is a military power. The Russian government annually counters no one billion rubles for the needs of the army. Salary wages can several times higher than the wage of the usual state employee, and the military retired in the last few years is considered the best of all state payments in Russia. Therefore, devoting his life to serving the state, a person not only receives a decent and highly paid profession, but also guarantees for old age.

2. Ecologist. The entire civilized world is intensively monitored by the development of the ecological sphere, because it affects the level of living and health of each person directly at the standard of living and health. Therefore, people in the future will only pay more attention to the development of new methods for preserving the planet, alternative options for obtaining fuel, food and continuing life.

3. Medical sphere. In this area, dentists are used in special demand, which, according to statistics, receive some of the largest salary in the medical sphere in our country. But even a doctor with other education can find applying to his talent and receive decent money for it, if you get a job in private medical clinic. The specialties of the pharmacist, a surgeon, a cosmetologist, a psychologist and a nutritionist remain in demand.

List of sought-after and highly paid professions 2017

These specialties are not the only ones to pay attention to when choosing your future calling. Great demand Journalists and bloggers, representatives of the new sought-after SMM-pin profession, spinning sites or groups in social societies are also used. networks computer specialists, especially in IT technologies, etc.

The highest paid professions 2017 IT sphere - video

Every year the labor market is changing, so it is difficult to predict what the most popular professions will be in 10 years. The directions that will be leading in Russia by 2019 can only be assumed, because the need for professionals depends on several factors.

Top 10 most sought-after professions in Russia in 2019

It is possible to answer the question of which the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia, you can from two positions: according to the state order in the specialty and research. By the number of budget (free) places in the country's universities it is easy to assume in which specialists are now greater demand.

According to independent research, the demand for employees directly depends on the pace of development of a sector, the level of salaries, the deficit of specialized workers.

Based on these indicators, it is possible to predict which professions will be in demand in Russia by 2019.

Engineering and Technical Workers

The development of technologies and automation of processes requires a strong engineering building, which generates the need for qualified personnel. Survived technical professions:

  • design engineer;
  • designer engineer;
  • technologist;
  • electrical Engineer;
  • heat engineer;
  • oil and gas engineer.

Medical personnel

The profession of the doctor is always in demand and prestigious. We are leading on vacancies of pediatricians and therapists, but this area of \u200b\u200bmedicine faces a strong shortage of frames. The most sought-after medical professions In Russia with high competition:

  • surgeon;
  • resuscitator;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • uzisser;
  • nutritionist.

Employees of education

In the field of pedagogy, few highly qualified specialists remained. Most teachers are still the soviet schools. For this reason, the demand for employees of various pedagogical specialties in Russia is high. Popular professions of education:

  • teacher foreign languages;
  • teacher algebra, geometry;
  • russian teacher, literature;
  • iT-teacher;
  • chemistry teacher;
  • physics teacher;
  • psychologist.

Information technologies are only gaining popularity, so most russian workers IT spheres - self-taught, which do not have documentary knowledge confirmation. This is due to the fact that state education is still adapted for the requirements of modern IT technologies.

Nevertheless, the specialists of the computer industry are some of the highest paid workers.

Original professions of IT-sphere:

  • programmer;
  • web Designer;
  • system Administrator;
  • vestigur
  • tester.

Engineers in the field of nanotechnology and robotization

This is the profession of the future, so professionals in these industries are difficult to find today. Prospects for nanotechnologies are incredible - they cover:

  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • medicine;
  • space;
  • ecology;
  • agriculture;
  • food industry.

Nanotechnologists examine materials and atoms and at the molecular level. Today, scientists who deal with regions are especially in demand:

  • microelectronics;
  • conversion of solar energy;
  • creating light-emitting devices.

As for robotization, this specialty involves the design and subsequent operation of manipulators and intelligent robots. Such systems are needed in industry and high-tech technologies, where the work of man is impossible. Robotics are programmers, cybernetics, engineers in one person.

Marketers and PR managers

Common and popular activity is marketing. Professionals learn markets, predict customer requests, analyze the work of competitors, business development on the Internet. Marketing is directly related to advertising and PR, because any, even the smallest company needs to promote its own goods or services. There are many popular and highly paid professions in this area:

  • manager contextual advertising;
  • e-mail - marketer;
  • coach coach;
  • copywriter;
  • logistics Manager (Transport Management);
  • art Director;
  • creater (creative director);
  • product Manager (Market Analysis).

Workers in the service sector

Here the list is huge. Service worker is popular creative professions For girls and guys who are just starting a professional path. High demands of specialists from different directions are due to rapid development russian business. Professions of services, popular among the population:

  • visagiste;
  • stylist;
  • the hairdresser;
  • waiter;
  • tourism manager;
  • masseur;
  • realtor.

Construction and Design Specialists

The study of the labor market trends has shown that due to the large-scale buildings initiated by the state, there is a shortage of construction workers and design. The greatest demand is celebrated in the profession:

  • architect;
  • interior designer;
  • geotechnic;
  • hydraulic engineering;
  • designer;
  • mason;
  • installer;
  • a carpenter;
  • welder;
  • malary-plaster.

The list of the most sought-after professions will be headed by IT specialists. new technologies, consider analysts of the Superjob portal. These are mobile developers, web developers, analysts Big Data with knowledge of industries, information protection and cybersecurity experts. Java programmers with experience from two years can count in Moscow at a salary of 150,000 rubles. And even students take on these posts, clarifies the head of the personnel selection team recruitment "Uniti" Georgy Samoilovich. The demand for IT specialists in the banks and in the sphere of e-commerce will increase, Marina Tarnopolskaya, managing partner of the Agency "Contact", will increase. However, it is believed that all IT specialists are in demand - a delusion, notes Samoilovich. For example, the market formed an excess of IT directors due to the closure of small and medium-sized companies and one vacancy accounts for 50 resumes. The trend will continue in 2017, clarifies the recruiter. After all large companies Do not rush to take them to work, since they need IT director with experience in solving scale problems. The demand for specialists of technical support specialists has decreased, since the flow of appeals in the company has become less.

Rare welder

The demand for workers rare professions is growing, says Samoilovich. His agency began to receive requests for gas welders who specialize in argon. "For one vacancy, we viewed 50 people, and only five of them own this technology. And the plant in the Orenburg region is ready to pay such working 50,000 rubles. a month - as much as the main technologist.

Everyone will still need sales managers, especially manufacturing and distribution companies, says Tarnopolskaya. IN retail networks Competition will exist for managers who are responsible for sales in several stores, and behind managing stores.

There was a growing increase in demand for rare personnel in animals: they are looking for specialists in the production of premixes - animal feeds, gives an example of Samoilovich. Previously, the feed was purchased abroad, now it became unprofitable. The developing agrarian sector needs technologists responsible for the production and commissioning of the equipment, notes Tarnopol. Even regional companies are willing to pay such people with the necessary qualifications of 200,000 rubles. per month. In the shortage of veterinarians whose salaries grew by last years and can be 60,000-70,000 rubles. Calculate their recruits is not easy, because they work in the fields, record recruiters.

Automation will deprive jobs for thousands of employees of the call centers. According to SuperJob analysts, the same fate will comprehend and teachers of foreign languages: knowledge of languages \u200b\u200bdue to the growth of the popularity of digital translators will cease to be an advantage in employment. But the demand for specialists with the knowledge of the principles of the organization of environmentally friendly production is growing, says Tarnopolskaya.

Recruiters believe that banks will continue to be needed by risk managers, anti-crisis managers, pledge and problematic debt specialists. The demand for engineers in the aviation and food industry, in machine builders, including in oil and gas engineering, consider SuperJob analysts. But ordinary accountants, especially without experience, will be more difficult to find work - the accounting units reduce, primarily in the public sector.

The labor market is constantly changing and the profession, popular more recently, go into non-existence, giving way to completely new specialties. So in recent years they have lost their significance of the economist's lawyer's profession, but there were new vacancies with mysterious names, like "Life-coach" or "SMM manager". Knowledge of the relevance of a particular specialty plays the last role when choosing graduates of schools as a university and faculty. Changing activity, should also take into account the prospects for the development of this industry and the amount of wages. To keep track of the rapid changes in the development trends sometimes is very difficult. Figure out what self survived professions 2017 There are currently in the labor market, our top 10 rating will help you.

HR Managers

The HR sphere in recent years is pleased with a significant increase in the number of vacancies. Modern personnel manager: conducts interviews, helps build healthy relations in the team and rally it as a team, forms motivation and develops staff potential. Therefore, it is very often that psychologists come to the position of HR managers.

Specialists in Logistics

The current logistics market can offer the applicant rather attractive options. The most numerous vacancies are a specialist in warehouse, the WED and Transport Manager. The initial specialist can really not count on the transient fees, but the executives of the governing link will delight the salary above the average.

Administrative staff

Among our professions in our time continue to be held: the Call Center operator, the office manager and the secretary. These specialties do not lose their relevance for many years. It should be true to note that the highest wages Assistants-translators and personal drivers boast. In recent years, the tendency of the opening of specific vacancies is also manifested. large enterprises, For example, an assistant manager who fulfills the customer manager.

Marketers and advertising managers

Constant competition in the market of goods and services causes steady growth in vacancies in the field of advertising marketing and management. In order to obtain regular profits and attracting new customers, employers are sometimes ready to recruit the unreal abundance of qualified personnel. Vacancies of Internet marketing specialists, SEO-promotion, graphic design, merchandisers and sales managers are especially popular. Additional requirements for applicants: Skills in sales, sociability and hard work.

Sales managers

Specialties of this area The last few years hold leading positions in the labor market. This is due to the extraordinary saturation of the market for goods and services and existing for this reason constant competition between similar products. From a good manager, the volume of goods sold, extension of profit indicators and profitability of production. The uniqueness of the profession is that it can be trained in higher educational institutions for a long time, and you can be born with talent for the promotion of goods. For this reason, the specialty is so popular among applicants. But not everyone will be able to sell, representatives of this profession need such qualities as: charm, courage and gift of conviction.


How it does not sound strange, but agriculture has been experiencing a significant increase in recent years, which led to an increase in demand for the specialty specialty. The growth of vacancies in the agricultural sector is rapidly gaining momentum. Among the most sought-after specialties can be noted by specialists: selling agricultural machinery and products, veterinary medicine, agronomy and woodworking. Low level of competition among specialists agrarian sector Increases the chances of applicants for good work.


Another not losing the status of the leader profession over the years. It is considered prestigious and profitable not only with us, but in the whole world. After all, experienced and reliable financiers always remain in demand in many organizations. So finance specialists are needed: investment funds, financial companies, banks and government departments. The easiest way to work applicants with specialties of an accountant or bank employee. But the most highly paid, today, the profession of financial analyst and director remain. But we should not forget that to obtain a prestigious workplace will have to spend years for training and obtaining experience.


Previously, unpromising and low-paid specialties today were at the peak of popularity. Since in the past few decades there was a significant boom of urban planning, designer engineers and architects expect a great future. And the rapidly developing oil and gas industry requires an increase in jobs for specialists in raw materials. Not bad perspectives are also opening for engineers mechanics that design, produce and use technical equipment. Despite the presence of symptoms of the economic crisis, the employers of the industrial sector are actively invited to cooperate engineers. And the forecasts of analysts promise a significant increase in demand for specialists in this category.


As sphere professional activityMedicine has never ceased to be demanded. That's just paying employees public institutions In the CIS countries, very little. In private clinics, workers are rewarded worthy. Dentistry remains the highest paid specialty of the medical sphere. Although according to pre-forecasts, this situation may change after 10-15 years. In recent years, the demand for narrowly controlled specialists has increased significantly: nutritionists, gynecologists, surgeons, ophthalmologists and speech therapists. Also, we slowly spread fashion for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. The rapid development of pharmacology has generated demand for specialists with knowledge of medical drugs. He did not bypass the sphere of health and the information revolution. Specialists predict a dense intersection of the medical and IT-sphere in the following areas: the architecture of modern medical equipment, computerized microsurgery and cyber simulting. The demand for geneers and platforms is also expected.

IT specialists

Rapidly moving forward, computer technologies, seduce their specialists with large salaries and a huge number of proposals, including foreign employers. Therefore, it is not surprising that this profession attracts more and more employees. Leading personnel systems predict computer sphere Sustainable popularity is still at least 10 years. In the first place in the attraction is a web development that includes the creation and support of applications and Internet sites. So a novice web developer receives an average of $ 500-600, and more experienced - from 1000. The second place was divided by NET and Java programmers. In third place is Mobile and C ++ - programmers with an income of 500 to 3,500 dollars. The following requirements are presented to applicants: a specialized education, knowledge of programming languages \u200b\u200band not excessive knowledge of foreign languages. One of the main advantages of the IT-sphere is the possibility of remote work from anywhere in the world.