Effective business advertising in the service sector. Which advertisement is the most effective for small business. Concept and types of efficient advertising

Each product or service, small business and large corporations - Absolutely all of them, one way or another, need advertising. Even the teams that dozens of "years afloat" periodically use advertising, but why do you need if they have already proven themselves? This is done in order not to miss a malicious place in the market.

Fresh advertising on the old product can radically change the opinion of even the most tary opponents of this product. If a large company will not use advertising tools - sooner or later its popularity comes to no. The empty place will immediately take more young and less developed, but competently declare themselves in all information sources. It so happened that our person was used to follow a beautiful wrapper, hence the conclusion that advertising performs a huge role when conducting any business.

A novice businessman is obliged to wonder the advertisement in parallel with the construction of a business plan, and regard it as another investment. It will be much easier to lead the advertising campaign if it initially know an exemplary potential income that it will bring.

There is an opinion that business sharks are not asked by the question "What the most effective advertising? ", It helps many years of experience to navigate the marketing world, but it is not at all. Information tools, like any other sphere, are rapidly developing. If not to be aware of all innovations and subtleties, you can stay on the spot, while losing a promising profit, and for large companies, these are colossal losses.

The unlawful law of business states that profits are closely related to advertising costs, and vice versa. Hence the conclusion that the cost of advertising campaign It will increase as income and expand the business in general.

Can be effectively and with small attachments Present your product, but it requires a lot of knowledge of promotional tricks, it is also possible when working with a small audience.

What advertising is the most effective for small business, as well as for larger companies like this, do not decide right away. It is customary to act with the details of the set of features relating to the direction of business, the subtleties of work, up to the authorities in particular. Much also depends on the regional location, the mentality of the audience, which will be advertising and a lot.

As such, there is no ideal formula for the most efficient advertising, however, there is a set of tools and subtleties, allowing each businessman individually solve the problem with advertising communication. The opposite side is that each advertisement acts in different ways in certain cases, there is always a risk of losing money, and you should not forget about it.

One of the main criteria for the choice of advertising is the method of accommodation. Stripping from the features of your activity, you can choose among:





Outdoor advertising

This type of advertising is located in the open space. One of the most budget advertising methods. Prices for this method vary from location. As an example, in the periphery of high costs, it is not necessary when in the city center the cost of the banner or billboard can reach the highest limit. In regions and small towns, a similar way also to apply cheaper than in a metropolis.

    advertising shield along the road; Very effective advertising, but also requires some conditions for due results. Considering that the motorist on the go will not always be able to read the number written by a small font, or a long advertising message, the presentation of this kind must be laconic, but striking. Mandatory condition are large letters and numbers.

    stretch marks on bridges, over expensive; These messages are amenable to longer reading than the previous option.

    pillar; Small designs with advertising messages that are familiar to the establishment. For example, these usually write stocks on the menu, and exhibit near restaurants.

    and nimators; Let's go back to the topic restaurant businessAccording to their example, it may be a person dressed in a hot dog costume and licking the advertising criteria of visitors to the institution.

    pneumaticiguroes; Inflatable advertising designs. It can be like a huge mascot of your company, and just chapel in the wind is a funny little man in a T-shirt with a company logo.

    leaflets; The options for the spread of leaflets are a huge set. They can hand out a person in a crowded place, to put out on the pillars, buses, stops and much more.

This list will not answer you the question of what is the most effective advertising now, but will significantly help in promotion, of any product or service.

There are two main types of posts:

Static called the one that is physically able to pay time. These messages are placed in the subway, at stops, in buses, etc.

Creative advertising should be mandatory, will also be a significant advantage of the ability to attract as much attention as possible to your post. It can be backlight, colorful design, contrast with location, etc.

The price component affects both manufacturing materials and location, work complexity, sizes and more.

Internet advertising

The question of what the most effective advertising on the Internet is disturbing as those who decided to attract to promote their product information Technology And keep up with the times and those who work directly with advertising on the Internet. Since development does not stand still, if not to be aware of innovations, it is possible to significantly pass positions.

Advertising on the Internet does not go slow with traditional methods, However, it is also quite effective. Its most advantage can be called a relatively low price component. In the aggregate coverage of a huge audience from these advertising tools there is a considerable result. Social networks and thematic sites make it possible to narrow the range of the audience, which will be advertised, there is an opportunity to "filter" categories of people who will be shown the informational message.

What is the most effective online advertising? This question does not provide an accurate answer, since much depends on the various parts, the combination of which will allow everyone to choose the productive version for itself. However, banners are considered the most popular tool:

    the banner is not limited in size, but the larger size entails a large price;

    it can be located any information regarding products or services;

    under the banner you can place your own link;

    the ability to brightly present information and colorfully arrange it, unlike other ways of advertising on the Internet.

In order for the advertising banner to bring due result - it should be placed on the sites of the appropriate subject. One of the main conditions is to comply with the contrasts of the color scheme of the site so that the banner rushes into the eyes, but did not bother. A bright decoration and a pleasant eye text will only put it on hand.

Another method is the text advertising that carrying a variety information. Such a message is published in the middle of the main text of the site, or near it. It can be like, and a few words about the product, and its full description.

Advertising in videos is a very effective way, however, it costs serious money. Works on the principle of placement in a cognitive (or any other) video of hidden advertising. As an example, a popular blogger can perform in the video, putting your T-shirt, or eating the products of your company. This method is similar to advertising in movies and television shows. Due to its value is more often used large companiesBut the effect of such viral advertising is appropriate.

The site contains information similar to the contents of the site and is located on banners, as well as in text form. This method Less irritable and greater account with advertisers.

Search advertising is given to the user when requesting in the search box. Specialists information sphere They consider such advertising the greatest productive. It works on the principle of key request positions than it is higher - the more expensive advertisement will cost.

The cost of advertising on the Internet depends on the duration of advertising messages, also the number of views. That is, you can pay for the month of the placement of your banner on the main page of the selected site, and you can pay as the number of views of the advertising message. In addition to these tools, it is possible to pay for transitions according to your link, the more people go - the more you pay. Either agree on fixed transitions and pay an agreed amount.

Partisan Marketing

The option that is most suitable for small businesses and gaining vast popularity. Works on the principle of discussion in in social networkswhere the opinion of the same person, as well as we, is regarded as an authoritative opinion than hidden advertising. The product is moving at the expense of relatively objective criticism of it on all sorts of social platforms.

Mass media

Printed publications are full of solvent audience, for which they are valued by advertisers.

Divided by :

What the most effective advertising can be solved for a long time, because individual tools are required for individual cases. As an example - for TV it is better to use short rollers, but the most informative. Advertising on television is most expensive and for small businesses is a loss option. Insert commercials are better first in the block, or last. To the audience seen it before the channel switches.

Many youth audience among radio listeners. Contact information is rare and poorly remembered, but creative poems can bring the result. Evening ethers are most suitable for accommodation.

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Small business and advertising: what, like why

Advertising is a trade engine, and a very important component of any business. Nowadays, when competition is growing every day, when more and more new ways to attract customers and the development of their enterprise appear, advertising plays a very important role, sometimes even key.
It often happens that small businesses do not have another chance to declare themselves how to give good and high-quality advertising. But ignorance of the basic laws of advertising for small businesses entails serious problems. Many entrepreneurs think that having hung Big Bord, buy advertising on the Internet, or creating a group on social networks, they will begin dozens, and even hundreds of orders. But over time, an understanding comes that advertising does not work, and if it works, it is completely different, as they expect from it. What to do in such cases? To be honest, it is better to prevent such cases, and before planning an advertising budget, to understand a little in the basics, understand what you need to make a small business, and from what it is worth refuse.
Today, we will talk about 5 major advertising mistakes that allow owners of small businesses, we will give advice and recommendations on what you need to pay attention to what to start.
Of course, this is a basic course, and much will depend on your particular case. But to know the foundations in which in the future it is necessary to basket everything, it does not hurt.

1. Exclude brand advertising
You have a small business that does not have huge advertising budgets, therefore, you should not advertise a brand, slogan or trademark. You are not Coca-Cola, not McDonalds, not Mercedes, so why copy ways to advertise these global market giants?
Believe me, your target clients are not interesting slogans and brands on the floor of the page. They do not sell, and should not be spent to make their logo recognizable. The name of the company that turns to the floor of the screen either will not make many advantages - clean it.
The leaders of small businesses from medium businesses who wish to beat on the squares and advertise their logos can lose a lot and pull the advertising budget deep into the pipe. You do not have huge amounts that annually stand out for advertising, you do not have the stock of the strength that companies are owned by a world name, and most importantly - you have no right to make a mistake. Each embossing can cost very expensive, and if you fall, it will be very hard.
The question arises if not to copy the market leaders, which advertise is to use, what to rely on, what to strive for?

2. Advertising must be built on the principles of direct response
A response from each of your advertising messages, from each delivery, from each transaction and another operation must be measured. The basis of successful advertising is statistics and control. You must clearly understand how effective one or another method is, how many customers per month, week, the day they saw your advertisement, how much came, and how many purchases made. You need to be able to consider the level of conversion, and clearly understand the pros and cons different species advertising.
Advertising must profit. If you have invested the dollar, and received five, this advertisement works, it is effective, you can put even more expenses on its content in the budget. But if you have invested ten dollars, and you go out two, then immediately stop such an advertisement. Advertising must work and bring money, and not "advertise the brand" and company name.
The biggest mistake of many entrepreneurs is that they have no idea what advertising really works, and which is not. Hanging Big Bord and allowing advertising on the Internet, they cannot track, which is more effective, and what should be developed more, and what to suspend.

3. One message is one idea.
Very often, entrepreneurs try to save on advertising, accompanying several different ideas in one message, and not always homogeneous and understandable to a potential client. Muchly recently saw the Bigboard, which was divided into 4rs, each of which reads: "Delivery of cement and sand", "Export of construction garbage", "Search for workers", and some other message to people. I would not pay attention to this vinaigrette if it were not my thoughts about this article and search for a suitable material for her.
The advice is simple - you do not need to try to shove into advertising more than one idea. This will not save you a budget, but on the contrary, will reduce the efficiency of advertising to a minimum. You need to be able to form one juicy, bright, high-quality message target audienceAnd try to convey it as efficiently as possible. It is better to let one idea will be qualitatively embodied than somewhat insistently buried.

4. If your market is all, then he is nothing.
Such a paradox header, but it has a completely logical explanation. It makes a very serious misconception regarding what the audience needs to be covered as much as possible, take most of the market, and move in all directions.
Do not try to sell everyone and that's it. Form a clear target audience. Let it be a very narrow and specific niche, but you will work out point, with a greater probability of return and orders. The niche is already, the easier it is to understand the potential customer that you appeal to it. Seeing or reading your advertisement, a person must say: "Oh! Yes, it's about me. " Then to sell goods such a person will be many times easier. Although stop, I said to sell? No not like this. A potential consumer will be easier to buy goods from you. People do not like when they impose something and sell them, but they love to make an independent choice and buy consciously.

5. All concentration on the market, and not on the media
A very big mistake of many entrepreneurs is a desire to light up everywhere. At some reason, an understanding of what is needed to give an advertisement somewhere else, so that the company noticed, learned, learned, spoke. But what effect from this? As I said, advertising should sell, and not advertise the logo and name.
If there are free money and you want to put them in advertising, then think about it, but do you know your market well enough and your potential customers? Maybe it can better make certain calculations, examine the needs and behavior of consumers, understand the target audience and the methods of impact on them? Listen to free money in learning, and only after that we can talk about the media advertising.

Today I suggest to consider one of the most important aspects keeping any business - advertising and talk about what is the most effective advertising. For an entrepreneur, especially beginner, advertising is often a kind of "dark horse": he does not know whether it will work, whether it will give the desired effect, or, on the contrary, will be wrapped only with extra expenses.

In this article I will consider the question from the point of view of the representative of small and medium-sized businesses, since big business Advertised by several other criteria, putting other tasks before the advertising company.

3 Rules for the selection of the most efficient advertising.

Rule 1. Yours the main objective - Not "Pouring", but to increase the client stream and sales. If a large business can only be advertised to increase brand awareness, to become more popular, to form a certain image to form a certain image, then for small businesses this approach will not fit - advertising will be unprofitable, which is unacceptable. The most effective advertising for small businesses is the one that will actually increase the number of client appeals (visits, calls, visits to the site, etc.) and, as a result, the number of sales.

Rule 2. You must perceive advertising as an investment. Namely - to invest in the advertising company, immediately calculating when they return to you and what income will bring. If, according to forecasts, your income from advertising posting will not block its cost, then such an investment is simply meaningless. And, on the contrary, the more you plan to earn, thanks to a specific advertising companyThe more effective it will be for you.

Rule 3. Consider 3 components of efficient advertising in the complex. The most efficient advertising should competently combine 3 key components:

3. Target audience.

If at least one of these components is chosen incorrectly, the advertisement will not bring the proper effect.

Well, in conclusion another general rule:

What is the most effective advertisement?

Surely every entrepreneur immediately wants to get an answer to the question "What is the most effective advertisement?" And invest in it. But, alas, there is no unique response here. The choice of an advertising company depends on a number of factors:

- The target audience;

However, whatever type is advertising, you can always highlight it. key featuresdefining efficiency. It's no secret to anyone that main function Advertising - influence the subconscious of potential customers, prompting and motivating them to take advantage of the advertising offer. Based on this, you can designate those components of the advertising proposal that best have a psychological impact on people. These constituents are determined by numerous research and analysis of advertising efficiency, so it is quite possible to serve as a starting point for the development of advertising proposal in any form, be it graphic, textual or media advertising.

Next, I will give and briefly describe 5 key points, which should include the most effective advertising, and I will give examples for each of them: you will probably find out the advertising proposals that come across daily.

5 components of efficient advertising.

1. Availability. First of all, in principle to draw attention to advertising, it is necessary to designate the problem. It can even wear a rather negative character, as people perceive the negative more subconsciously than positive. You can even in a certain way to "embellish" the problem, imperceptibly increase its importance. At the beginning of the advertisement, you need to show that there is some kind of problem that requires a solution, and it will immediately attract the attention of those people with which it is close - that is, just your target audience.

- Do you have a bad smell of mouth?

- Tired of constant stress?

- Do you? Wasamed collectors?

A competently formulated problem - already means that your target audience will surely look after / listening to your advertising, that is, at least pay attention to it. This is good! Move on…

2. Option solving the problem. So, the target audience is attracted, now it is necessary to competently "process it". She must receive what, in fact, and drew attention to your advertisement, namely, the solution of his problem. This should be a continuation of your advertising offer.

Advertising forms a massive consciousness and dictates consumers a lifestyle. Her role rose even more with the emergence of the consumer society. What are the main secrets of effective advertising? What you should pay attention to? How to conserve information to the consumer as efficiently possible and increase sales? Let's plunge right here and now in all subtleties and find out the main aspects of effective advertising!

3 main rules for the selection of the most effective advertising

Rule number 1. The goal is to increase the client stream and sales

1) Availability. the main task - Get the attention of the target audience of Central Asia), make her listen and look at your suggestion. At the beginning you need to show the problem of the CA problem that requires a solution.


  • Are you ready to start lose weight today?
  • How to get out of the debt pits and get rich?
  • How in 63 look at 43?

2) Solving the problem. The attention of the target audience is attracted - then it is necessary to show it a solution to the problem. It will be a continuation of your advertising offer.


  • The new additive guarantees weight reduction to 7 kg. per month.
  • You need to wear a magic amulet in the wallet for good luck and wealth.
  • The cream contributes to the prevention of wrinkles by enriching skin wide spectrum Vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

The potential client received an answer to his question, but does not decide to make a decision. It can be different reasons: Compare with other offers, wants to think about, will save on bookmarks. Next, you need a push that will lead it to you.

3) a unique offer.At this stage, you should answer the questions: Why should the client choose you? How is your offer find out from the offer of competitors? Form these answers in your offer. Yours uniqueness is home Raisin Effective advertising. The client is almost ready for action, but he needs another push.


  • Natural composition: group vitamins in activate metabolic processes and reduce appetite.
  • Amulet, according to a ritual based on the strength of prayer, is manufactured and tied to a specific person, in his name.
  • In our cosmetics, we give preference only to natural components. Before going to sell, our cosmetics passes dermatological control.

4) restriction. Do not leave the chance of thinking! Choose a temporary or quantitative limitation. Your potential client will definitely want to have time to get into the number of lucky. The main task of restrictions is to force the client to act faster.


  • The first 100 packages with a 50% discount. In the warehouse there are 7 products on the promotion.
  • Only until December 31: Promotion 20% Discount and delivery as a gift!
  • The first 12 buyers +50 ml. cream as a gift.

5) Call for action.The last barcode of successful advertising is a call for the necessary action.


  • Manage to order now to feel the update. Click (button "Order")
  • Click here and reform now
  • Only today you can order a cream at a discount of 43% and get a gift. Torch! The amount of goods is limited.

The same advertising campaign can bring different results in various industries and in unequal projects. However, these general rules You can always apply and they will give the maximum result. Be bolder - test advertising texts or layouts - check your hypotheses, scaling and exit in plus.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising campaign?

For analysis, you can use some ways:

Method 1. Find out from the client as he learned about you. Pros: This method does not require any costs. Cons: the client can tell a lie, maybe you can forget about what I learned about you, such a question can scare the client.

Method 2. Use different email and phone numbers.You can make several phone numbers and several contact e-mails and use them in different types of advertising campaigns. Thus, the most effective campaign will be, the one on which the largest number of sales will be fixed.

Method 3. Use unique codes. You can add a unique code to your advertising offer (for example, a discount promotion). Due to this method, you can accurately calculate the number of conversions and sales.

Method 4. UTM labels. If you make an advertisement on the Internet, then each advertising source needs to be marked with utm labels. To do this, use the Google URL linker, for example. Now placing advertising links on the Internet you will clearly see in Google Analytics from where there was a transition and how many orders.

Method 5. IP telephony. In case most of your customers call you, and does not leave an application on the site, then the optimal option would be to implement IP telephony, or a service for collegracing, for example, Ringostat.

If briefly, depending on where a person came from where the person came to you, it will be shown different phone numbers. Accordingly, depending on what number there will be more call, you can find out the most efficient source of advertising.

P.S. All methods can be combined with each other.

You probably heard not one dozen myths about the efficiency of advertising, I propose to dispel them immediately.

1 Myth first. "Advertising does not work. Why invest money in it? "

Advertising works. Of course, the use of old methods or improper definition of the type of advertising campaign for a particular business - will not be able to bring the desired number of customers. But it will be enough to determine effective selling chips and will significantly increase efficiency.

2 myth two. "On advertising you need a lot of money"

But! With a minimum budget, you can use advertising direct response, check the effectiveness of various inexpensive advertising sources. For example, SMS or Viber mailing, email marketing, targeted advertising in social. Networks can be launched with a budget from $ 3 per day, etc.

3 Myth Third. "The more often an advertisement is shown longer, it is more effective"

Indeed, its duration and sequence is important in the advertising campaign. The principle "more often better" leads to the overexposition of the advertising budget in the hope of increasing sales. In most cases, there is no expected result.

It is worth considering other more important factors that affect the success of the advertising campaign. For example, the demand and quality of the product, the quality of the advertising proposal itself. An integrated advertising analysis should be carried out and only then decide on the frequency and duration of its impressions.

The advertising industry surprises more and more. Luxurious, fascinating and most expensive advertising causes us admiration. The Melco Crown Entertainment (Melco Crown Entertainment) is considered the most expensive commercial roller in history. Impressive value of 70 million dollars! Hollywood actors - Leonardo Dicaprio, Brad Pitt, Robert de Niro and Martin Scorsese were invited to shoot. Thus, the company has advertised its branch in the city of Macau, where Asian Las Vegas Asian Las Vegas will be located according to MCE.

Pros and disadvantages of different types of advertising

Outdoor advertising on the streets

Efficiency outdoor advertising Determined by the transmission of information in the background. There are such forms of outdoor advertising for every taste and wallet:


  • Large audience coverage: the possibility of coverage of people living in a specific city or district;
  • recognition / prestige;
  • Unobtrusion - "Flashing on the background";
  • Creative;
  • For special offers and goods of mass promotion - optimal option;
  • Low price is possible.


  • difficulties at the start stage;
  • competition;
  • Targeting inaccuracy;
  • Short contact with target audience.

Printable advertisement

You can select the following types printed media:

  • Newspapers magazines.
  • Flyers and brochures.
  • Calendars.
  • Posters.
  • Business Cards.
  • Catalogs and reference books.


  • Coverage of individual segments of the audience.
  • Reputation management.
  • Exposure time.
  • Unobtrusion.
  • Themed.
  • Budget control.


Advertising on TV and Radio

Television advertising remains the main means of attracting attention to the audience, which does not use the Internet. And as well as television, advertising on the radio provides a wide range of audience.



Still the only growing segment of the market remains online advertising. The tendency of the flow of advertising budgets continues to gain momentum.

The main services of contextual advertising:

  • Yandex. Direct.
  • AdWords.


  • Quick start.
  • Effective cost control.
  • The ability to finely target the audience.
  • Increasing the awareness of the brand, companies, product, shares.
  • Statistics.
  • Minimum budget.


  • External display restrictions.
  • Difficulties in the independent launch.

Social network advertising



  • The need for continuous control and modernization of the site.
  • Competition.
  • Temporary resources.

Search Promotion (SEO)



  • Mandatory site availability.
  • The presence of specific knowledge.
  • Influence search engines and competition level.

Despite the fact that Offline advertising is still in demand, online advertising still occupies a leading position, due to the ability to control the budget, setting up targeting, limitless media capabilities and detailed and most detailed statistics.

Effective advertising for different spheres

Services (B2C)

For trade (B2C)

Do not constantly use the same advertising offer, change it at least once a month.

Advertising B2B.

Top 7 most effective moves in advertising history

  1. Philip Morris during the war years was the owner of the tobacco shop. He began to produce cigarettes when he noticed that the soldiers were uncomfortable to smoke the tube. So, thanks to the idea and advertising, the largest tobacco corporation in the world was born.
  2. "Love and other medicines" - so renamed the Book of Moopassan "Piss" and she was instantly excavated. And when the name was changed to "How the storage of one French prostitute happened" - the circulations grew 10 thousand times.
  3. Vladimir Ulyanov made a large-scale political coup, while using advertising only in the newspaper.
  4. The world-famous Motorcycles "Harley Devidson" became the bikers who received discounts on the company's services, made a tattoo with the Harley signature sign.
  5. In one of the films "Bondiada" - "Golden Eye" The products of BMW lit up and received orders for more than $ 300 million after that.
  6. Made by Napoleon Bonaparte made his country and currency: he spread the news that a bank check per million francs was sealed in one of the 5-franc coins.
  7. The largest advertising budget has Coca-Cola and the most expensive brand in the world.

Secret number 1. Title. The first thing reader pays attention is a powerful header. The title must be cling. The main emphasis is worth making what you offer.

Secret number 2. Make a unique trading offer. Focus on the uniqueness of your product, make text in an interesting and intriguing form, make you feel the potential customer your goods in your hands. Use the restriction (place the time frame for your offer, a limited amount of goods, etc.). The ad must contain a call to action - "Call Now", "Order right now" and others.

Secret number 3. Formula VIZh

  • In - Attention
  • And - interest
  • Well - desire
  • D - action

First, we capture the attention of the reader, then we cause interest, after - the desire to have a product, service, product and speak what actions need to be performed.

Secret number 4. Focus on the benefits, not on the features of the advertised product or service.

Secret number 5. Warranty. If your products or services have guarantees - be sure to mention it. Guarantees always strengthen confidence in the company.

Secret number 6. Easy order.

Secret number 7. Easy payment.

Secret number 8. Experimental. Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for efficient advertising. All individually for each project. Experiment, test hypotheses, try new, analyze efficiency and you will be waiting for success.

The main principle is to be as close as possible to your audience. A person also acquires goods and values \u200b\u200brelated to this product. An important rule - Your idea should be simple and understand everyone and you will definitely work out!

Anna Mushroom, SMM Specialist

The expression "advertising - the engine of trade" was heard by many. But few people know that this statement belongs to the founder of the first advertising agency in Russia Louis Metsely, the Pole by origin. Since then, these words have not only moved into the discharge of aphorisms, but also acquired undisputed relevance today. Agree that the most effective advertising creates miracles, and is able to do any, even the most unclaimed product or service is vital for the consumer.

If you try to briefly formulate in the form of a schema of the business organization from scratch, it will look something like this:

In this chain, it is from the last link whether a business project will depends successful, or all efforts on its incarnation will be in vain. But how to influence the consumer? How to win B. competitive struggle? Make your brand recognizable, increase conversion, and get answers to many questions on which the future of your business depends on our today's publication.

Everything will know about me!

In essence, advertising is the creation of a reliable, positive reputation. What problems are encountered by novice entrepreneurs who do not have troubled business connections? First of all, this is the lack of proven supply channels of goods. Still would! After all, suppliers simply do not know about your existence! Next - the lack of fresh information about new products in the selected business area, distrust of the proposed product by consumers, and another bunch of various negative moments.

How to make it all learned about you? After all, to create positive image The years leave! The answer lies in skillful use of spectacular and efficient advertising. This is exactly the case when the two of these words perfectly complement each other.

The most effective advertising in offline business

Some time ago, we revealed our readers a few secrets of the technical side of the organization's studio of video advertising, they told how to organize an advertising agency on the Internet, and determine the target audience for impact. It is time to get acquainted with the exactly how successful, spectacular advertising is created, which allows you to raise sales on a qualitatively different level.

Let's consider several of the most popular methods of public and other types of advertising, which enjoy successful marketers working in offline business. Immediately it should be noted that the specificity of this or that type of business imposes its requirements for publicity. .

  • The first place is definitely necessary to give television, as it covers absolutely all segments of the population.
  • Next - the Internet. Creating your own website-business card company in our time is an integral part of Any advertising campaign.
  • Then - radio to whose share is from 15 to 20% of the entire target audience as your advertisement falls.
  • Media - newspapers and magazines. Impact of advertising on the target consumer in printed publications It depends on the frequency of release of the publication, its circulation, format, and again - the audience of readers.

Comparative parameters of a particular type of advertising method can be displayed in a small table:

A televisionthe InternetRadiomass media
Product Information or Service detaileddetaileddetailedlimited
Display contact data averagemaximumlimitedaverage
Control over advertising efficiency is absentpresentis absentis absent
The possibility of psychological impact of advertising on the consumer averagehighlowlow
Coverage of the target audience maximumfulllowmiddle
The possibility of instant receipt for more information About Product is absentpresentis absentis absent
Cost of advertising highlowaverageaverage

A few words should be said about outdoor advertising, which attracts in offline business to 70 (!)% Of all customers. The undoubted advantages of using such advertising are its relative inexpensive and coverage of the consumer on a geographical basis - that is, directly at the site of localization of sales of goods or services.

  • Stands, pillars, shields, posters, stretch marks, signs. It is not so simple here, as the creation of a truly attractive outdoor advertising is a whole art.
  • Walls and roofs of houses. This item can be attributed to projection advertising, which has recently become a very popular tool in the work of advertising agencies.
  • In the subway and on public transport. It can be the use of both posters and leaflets and audio ads.

The most efficient advertising in the online business

Sources of customer stream in the online store

Where does the most customer comes from the online store? What should your close attention be paid?

  • First of all, it is promotion in search engines. Here everything is clear: if your site will be on the first page of issuing results, the transitions to it will be much larger. As practice shows, no more than 20% of users go on the first page.
  • Links from other sites, most often similar thematic content. Such links can be purchased and published as part of affiliate programs.
  • Transitions from social networks. By the way, this is a separate category of Internet business, which can be obtained more detailed by this link.

Advertising tools to attract customers to the online store

How exactly to attract the consumer? What "exposure weapons" invites us online advertising?

  • Advertising services of the two most popular search engines - AdWords and Yandex.Direct - powerful tools that any owner of the Internet resource should enjoy.
  • Viral videos that users themselves place on their pages in social networks, sites, etc.
  • Targeting - setting up advertisements to influence a certain target category of consumers.
  • Mailing - report to your potential visitors about new proposals, shares, etc. With the help of popular email systems.
  • Placing your products on publicly available trading platforms - For example, Yandex.Market, Torg.mail.ru, etc.
  • Banner advertising posted on thematic sites, forums, urban portals, etc. - With proper use, this is a very powerful tool.