How to attract new clients to massage. tips for a massage therapist: how to attract and retain a client. So now we have three main indicators

On the one hand, there is a huge demand for massage services today. On the other hand, a large number of courses, free working hours, good pay and usefulness of the business create strong competition among private craftsmen. This market is in great demand and supply. Competently composing selling texts for massage advertising is building a springboard for a dizzying takeoff in the sales of your office or studio.


The price of the issue. There are only 2 answer options, or “ Yes", or " No". To increase the likelihood of a correct answer, experienced copywriters write several packages of tariff plans.

  • The first service package is the cheapest... It has a number of shortcomings that a person is forced to put up with.
  • Second - the most optimal, it brings 80% of the profit and is singled out as a hit of sales.
  • Third- the most expensive, but comparable in value to the second. Its main purpose is to show contrast that the optimal package is not that expensive.

An ad can be compared to a human seller. Who would you be more willing to buy massage services from: smiling charms or gloomy bores?

Consider how to write beautiful massage advertisements with examples taken from real advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. For clarity, I exaggerate a little. So,
  • Make a short text for a massage master without water... Otherwise, it loses its meaning.

poorly : Our qualified craftsmen will provide you with professional assistance. You will be pleased with the beneficial result.

Good : We specialize in anti-cellulite massage. The skin becomes toned, firm and rejuvenated, and the fat layer becomes thinner.

  • Don't talk about yourself, talk about the benefits... Nobody likes narcissism, but everyone likes the result. Here's a nice example:

poorly : Our masters are constantly improving their qualifications and winning regional competitions.

Good : Our therapeutic massage at home is excellent for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, paralysis of the limbs and recovery from injuries. And also for diseases of the intestines, respiratory tract and circulatory problems.

  • Empty words... Avoid cliches and bureaucracy without evidence: “ here you will receive the necessary highly qualified professional assistance», « we are glad to offer you services», « hope for fruitful cooperation". Exchange copywriters who write text for the sake of text at 30 rubles / kilo-character are pouring water. Be more natural. Here's a good example:

poorly : We do massage inexpensively... The price for a professional massage performed by our specialists depends on various factors.

Good : The cost of a general massage at home ...rubles per hour session. Express massage price - ... rubles for 10 minutes.

  • "Creative" design... Exaggerating for clarity.

poorly : MustacheL UghimA S soot icThat .

Good : Massage services.

  • Title... This is a showcase of text. I wrote in more detail on this topic in the article about the article about.

poorly : Massage is a real panacea for stress, tension and the best armor against an unfavorable environment.

Good : Rejuvenating sculptural facial massage in the salon or at home in Moscow.

Massage advertising texts pictures

Now let's move on to examples of texts for an invitation to a massage.

An example of a massage advertisement on the radio (Duration 1 minute 20 seconds)

(Relax music playing) The magic hands of Zebra masseurs will help you to relax after a hard day, to put yourself in order for an important meeting, relieve stress after an intense workout, and recover from an illness.

Gentle therapeutic and sports massages. Massage almost any part of the body:

From back pain, heaviness in the legs, aches in the neck, buzzing in the head. Thermal wrap, cupping massage, vacuum, lymphatic drainage, from edema, stiffness and hernias, hydromassage, anti-cellulite massage of the buttocks, hips, barrels, abdomen, sculptural facial massage. Against salt deposits, osteochondrosis, scoliosis with elements of manual techniques. With nourishing oils and creams. Internal organs massage, with needles, stone massage, Chinese, traditional Thai massage ...

You can't list everything! I will only say that there are deep hour-long massages and express programs for a few minutes for the busiest. For details and a personal selection of types of massage, feel free to go to the girls and guys at the reception. The hardest part is to relax. We are located at: Moscow, —–. Phone: 000 000, again 000-000.

10 secrets of how to write the best massage texts (based on the undying classics):

  1. Get to the most important things first. Best advertisement for a massage parlor or private master at home should be short. The first 3 paragraphs of the text should be loaded with interesting (profitable) information as much as possible. And if you want to create a competent advertisement for massage services in Yandex.Direct or AdWords, then you need to fit everything in 70 characters. Isn't this art?
  2. Be specific... Kipling's six loyal servants will always work - What, Where, When, Who, How and Why. They will help to close all the client's objections and convince him of the need for a high-quality treatment therapy session. That is why “Question-Answer” advertising is so popular. The more you can describe the service, the more you will sell.
  3. And God Loves Trinity... Repeat the most important message in your ad 3 times with different wording. So that it is certainly clear to everyone.
  4. Write in present tense... As if you are already conducting a session.
  5. Indicate the price! A buyer who does not know the price tends to exaggerate it.
  6. Stock “Order a back massage and get a free neck massage” will work much better than “half price back massage”. Since the largest attendance of those who like to improve their health is on weekends and in the evening, it is best to carry out promotions on weekdays. Even the wealthiest client is happy to hear about the discount. Although it is like a rug to him when buying an apartment.
  7. Gift certificates and promotional codes also increase the effectiveness of the ad by increasing the volume of word of mouth several times.
  8. Write about yourself only towards the end of the story... When you have already interested the person enough.
  9. It doesn't matter how long the ad ends up... The main thing is to read it simply, freely and clearly.
  10. Call to action... This is the culmination of the selling text. Give the visitor a clear message by answering the question "What's next?"

Example: texts for advertising massage on the Internet and social networks

Sedentary work in one position? Are your muscles clogged after intense training? Or does your back just hurt? Welcome to my table!

Therapeutic massage is the best tool for good mood, positive attitude and well-being. Improve muscle tone, disperse lymph or lactic acid, straighten the joint, relieve spasms, remove salts, toxins, toxins and excess fluid, get rid of spasms, edema, adhesions, scars and seals, improve ligament flexibility, recover from injuries.

Free of bruises, stretch marks and vascular ruptures (blood mesh). Book a back massage and get a free brush massage. Make an appointment now!

For reposts - personally from me sincere gratitude and pluses in karma, and from my cat - an affectionate murmurmur 🙂

The structure of a competent selling invitation is standard and has not changed for centuries: introduction (client's pain), solution (offer, proposal), objection handling (proof), call to action. Only the names and interpretations of technologies change. Follow them - and you will have the happiness of sales.

Order texts for advertising massage from a copywriter

Some nice words not enough. The main income comes from regular customers, not one-time passing customers. Slightly exceed expectations - people feel when they are genuinely cared for. A hack is a validated ticket, and it's pretty silly to ride it a second time in a tram of successful sales. And to order texts for advertising massage from a copywriter means to tell about the service beautifully, shortly, honestly and clearly.

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Why are clients leaving massage therapists? And how can you avoid this?
Has it ever happened to you that your regular client suddenly left for another massage therapist or chiropractor? I am sure that everyone has been in such a situation. Remember your emotions - irritation and annoyance, which are later replaced by envy and doubt in your own skill. In fact, there is nothing shameful about it. It happens to everyone.
More often than not, if your regular client leaves for another therapist for a couple of sessions, your professional skills have nothing to do with it. Perhaps you could not accept the client at a convenient time for him, or maybe he just wanted new sensations. In any case, such a situation should be perceived as a lesson that allows you to learn more about the client and about yourself.
In understanding the reasons for leaving customers, you should pay close attention to the fact that the truth is often hidden under many different excuses. In this article, we will outline the main reasons for clients leaving for other therapists, as well as suggest ways to solve this problem.

Dense schedule
The specificity of the profession of massage therapist and chiropractor implies high employment. The schedule of sessions is often packed to capacity: sometimes there is not even time to sit down and rest between sessions. You can lose potential clients simply by not finding free time on them. It is also likely that during the hours of your invaluable rest, they will call you in your office, and without getting through, clients will look for other specialists.
Nevertheless, a well-designed schedule, which also includes time for rest, is the key to successful and long-term practice. The main thing in the work of a massage therapist is quality, not quantity. To avoid situations when clients cannot get through to you, set up your website with an online scheduling system - so clients can leave a request for a 24/7 session.

Very often, massage therapists and chiropractors complain that they feel like "squirrels in a wheel." Routine ruins even the most qualified professionals: you can simply lose interest in your work. Your clients will immediately feel this and will want to turn to other therapists, for whom each session is an opportunity to learn something new and hone their skills.
Naturally, you should not try to change various time-tested techniques to diversify your practice - you just need to introduce novelty in the details. For example, if you always start with a back massage, try starting with a shoulder or arm massage next time in preparation for your session. If you are working from head to toe, try a session starting with a foot massage. Such minor changes will undoubtedly breathe life into your faded enthusiasm.
Besides, always remember the proverb: "Live and learn". Attend seminars, master new techniques, expand your arsenal of massage techniques - you will add variety to both your practice and the feelings of your clients.
However, sometimes this is not enough, customers still keep leaving. You can update your office interior, buy new lotions and massage oils, change the musical accompaniment - clients will immediately feel the novelty of both the environment and the sensations. This will help keep loyal customers and attract new ones.

We all love making money. Even the worst massage therapist can secure an influx of clients by setting a prohibitively low price tag. Also, customers may leave you attracted by various promotions and discount programs of my competitors.
A great way to retain loyal customers and ensure the flow of new ones is to develop a loyalty program for regular visitors. You can issue cards to regular customers that allow you to increase the session time or purchase at a large discount additional options... Be sure that in gratitude your clients will undoubtedly tell their friends and relatives about you. The loyalty program will ensure a constant flow of customers, so your income will multiply.

During the sessions, very unpleasant topics of conversation can arise. For example, discussing politics. What if you don't share the client's beliefs and just can't keep up the conversation?
In some cases, clients may leave you for this very reason. Many therapists warn their clients in advance about the inadmissibility of long conversations - this distracts from the session. In addition, medical ethics also includes avoiding topics such as politics and religion when dealing with a client.
However, some techniques, especially those aimed at improving proprioception, require constant contact with the client. In particular, sometimes various meditation practices are used in massage. For some clients, this may not be acceptable - try to find out at the initial stage. If the client cannot but discuss various slippery topics, you can, together with massage during the session, practice a technique for improving the ability to concentrate on internal sensations - there are many such techniques described in the specialized literature.
If the conversation does strike up, end it on a positive note. Don't be the first to strike up a conversation - not all clients like to talk. However, it is still necessary to build a relationship of trust with the client: conversations are best done before and between sessions.

However, sometimes the reason for the client's departure remains forever a mystery to you. You can give the client whatever he wants and still you cannot control his desires. Do not think or worry about what you cannot influence in any way. The client can leave you, simply because he wanted to. Resign yourself and relax, keep moving forward - a good masseur will always find clients. About 60% of clients of massage therapists and chiropractors become permanent, the remaining 40 either turn to other therapists, or do not attend massage sessions at all.
Ask 20 massage therapists how they maintain a loyal clientele and get 20 different answers. Each of us has our own unique approach that attracts customers - unique techniques, charisma, interesting cabinet design, high-tech equipment, fame.
Every lost customer is a great opportunity to reflect on the reasons for their departure. Did you give 100% of the session? Did you do your best for the person to come to you again? If so, don't worry - you have nothing to do with it. If not, then this is a good reason to work on yourself!
(Tera Johnson-Schwartz)

Today we will talk about how to attract clients to massage, whether it is a procedure in a specialized salon or the service of a private master. In a crisis, the search and preservation customer base often become daunting tasks. Let's talk about ways to attract and retain an audience for a massage therapist.

How to start?

At the start of practice, many novice masters have a hard time - a lot of competition, lack of experience and other factors that prevent you from earning a lot do not make life easier. The following 3 ways will help you start a career in this highly competitive business, or at least understand how to attract clients to the massage parlor quickly and guaranteed.

  1. Gain experience in a specialized salon
  2. Today, massage services are offered by many organizations in any city. This is not only about salons - this also includes yoga clubs, spas and so on. The advantages here are obvious - you get customers immediately, you can earn a reputation and build your own base.
    In addition, working in the salon, you will receive relatively decent money for your work. Having gained experience and formed the backbone of loyal clients, you can go to a more interesting salon or open your own practice and think about how to find clients for massage at home.

  3. Look for your first customers among acquaintances
  4. It sounds dubious, but many start with this - and not only in the field of massage. Just tell your friends about your new activity, immediately indicate the price of the session and give a discount. Be sure to ask to leave a response - this way you will earn the first money, again - experience, and accumulate social proof.

  5. Ask for help from colleagues and partners
  6. The bottom line is this. If you, for example, have a hairdresser you know, ask him to advise you to his clients who express an interest in a massage or could potentially come to a session. This kind of " affiliate program»Offline can bring a lot of orders.

How to keep?

Having mastered the new business and getting the first loyal customers, you should think about their retention. Of course, the main advice here will be first-class service and conscientious work. But there is more.

  1. Increase your entry and remind customers of free hours
  2. The fact that you have to collect the email addresses of all your customers is not even worth talking about. Let's say you do this. Then at the beginning of each week, check the schedule of the salon / office and send information about free hours to the database. Surely someone will use this data.

  3. Always offer additional sessions
  4. Suppose came to you new person and he liked the massage. Tell us how many more sessions will be needed to fix problems, suggest a tentative schedule, etc. Remember, clients come to solve health problems - and the initiative should come from the master.

  5. Call the contact database
  6. People who stop attending classes should be attracted with discounts or special offers. You can send them a letter, but it's better to call and propose in person. This way you get the most from your customer base.

Today we will talk about how to attract clients to massage, whether it is a procedure in a specialized salon or the service of a private master. In times of crisis, finding and retaining a customer base often becomes challenging. Let's talk about ways to attract and retain an audience for a massage therapist.

How to start?

At the start of practice, many novice masters have a hard time - a lot of competition, lack of experience and other factors that prevent them from earning a lot do not make life easier. The following 5 ways will help you start a career in this highly competitive business, or at least understand how to attract clients to the massage parlor quickly and guaranteed.

1. Gain experience in a specialized salon

Today, massage services are offered by many organizations in any city. This is not only about salons - this also includes yoga clubs, spas and so on. The advantages here are obvious - you get customers immediately, you can earn a reputation and build your own base.

In addition, working in the salon, you will receive relatively decent money for your work. Having gained experience and formed the backbone of loyal clients, you can go to a more interesting salon or open your own practice and think about how to find clients for massage at home.

2. Look for the first clients among the acquaintances

It sounds dubious, but many start with this - and not only in the field of massage. Just tell your friends about your new activity, immediately indicate the price of the session and give a discount. Be sure to ask to leave a response - this way you will earn the first money, again - experience, and accumulate social proof.

3. Ask for help from colleagues and partners

The bottom line is this. If you, for example, have a hairdresser you know, ask him to advise you to his clients who express an interest in a massage or could potentially come to a session. This kind of offline "affiliate program" can bring a lot of orders.

How to keep?

Having mastered the new business and getting the first loyal customers, you should think about their retention. Of course, the main advice here will be first-class service and conscientious work. But there is more.

1. Increase the record and remind clients of free hours

The fact that you have to collect the email addresses of all your customers is not even worth talking about. Let's say you do this. Then at the beginning of each week, check the schedule of the salon / office and send information about free hours to the database. Surely someone will use this data.

2. Always offer additional sessions

Suppose a new person came to you and liked the massage. Tell us how many more sessions will be needed to fix problems, suggest a tentative schedule, etc. Remember, clients come to solve health problems - and the initiative should come from the master.

3. Call the contact base

People who stop attending classes should be attracted with discounts or special offers. You can send them a letter, but it's better to call and propose in person. This way you get the most from your customer base.

Of course, you need a landing page to promote massage services, attract new customers and build a contact base. Online marketing tools are extremely effective for small and medium businesses. Our Selling Landing Page Store has one template that is perfect for a massage parlor or private practice. You can buy it

Always be aware

How can you find out about the most important news without going to international conferences and not tracking news from the websites of leading cosmetic brands every day? The participants of the Cosmo Expo know the answer, they know where to publish their information and announcements of educational events.

6 tips for a massage therapist: how to attract and retain a client

Massage is a pleasant thing in all respects. This procedure can not only relax the body, but also improve health. Its popularity is unshakable and proven for centuries, but demand creates supply, and in order to retain a client today, your massage must be really good. What is a good massage? Are skillful hands enough, or do you need something else?

How to gain popularity and increase customer flow? Here are some tips:

1. Be unique! Surprise the client with something they haven't seen before. Stand out from the competition! It is for these purposes that a huge number of medical technologists work in the Aroma Jazz company. The formula of each product was created exclusively and has no analogues in the world. Dazzle your imagination! Let a pleasant surprise be a bonus to the service!

2. Boost your efficiency! The client should see the results immediately, not after 15 procedures. In addition to cosmetic products, Aroma Jazz products have a pronounced therapeutic effect and can be used as an additional means of local therapy. It is designed to solve such problems as cellulite, age-related changes in the skin, arthritis, arthrosis, relieve inflammation, eliminate acne, etc. Become a wonderful healer for the client, getting rid of the disease through pleasure.

3. Be a professional! Don't treat a pimple teenager for cellulite. Help the client get what they really need. "Aroma Jazz" is a professional cosmetics, which means that it is able to solve specific problems of a specific skin. This is an individual approach. From a huge list of funds, you can choose exactly what is 100% appropriate for the case.

4. Safety comes first! Earn Trust. The client should not be afraid of unwanted consequences (irritation, allergies, etc.) after going to your place. Is there any cosmetics safer than natural? “Aroma Jazz” has long understood that it is not. That is why its products consist only of natural raw materials. All products are certified and meet the ECO standard. Become an oasis for your client within the walls of the gray city!

5. Amaze with variety! Let each visit to you become an expectation of something new and unusual! Taking care of this, "Aroma Jazz" this year has released an original novelty - a line of massage cream-gels for the body, created specifically for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle.

6. Make discounts and carry out promotions! 5-10-15% is a trifle, but nice. You will not become impoverished, but the client will be delighted. Clients of "Aroma Jazz" are specialists in the beauty industry and organizations working in this field. Especially for them, the whole October ACTION is valid: when buying 7 cream gels, as a gift liquid body oils "Birch" (1 liter) and Mandarin Jazz (1 liter).

We work to make your business flourish. Aroma Jazz cosmetics are the choice of professionals striving for perfection!