What are the suppliers. Clothing suppliers from china with free shipping. Establishing contacts with suppliers

Remote business has long ceased to be an unusual phenomenon. The proof of this is the numerous online stores, where anyone can make a purchase without leaving home. Saving time and money is definitely an advantage of online shopping. In this article, you will learn how to independently organize a clothing business on the Internet, find potential buyers and successfully develop your business.

How to start selling clothes online?

Anyone can start their own on the Web. Often this does not even require large investments. It is enough to have free time, constant access to the Internet and the desire to earn money.

For example, many housewives on maternity leave are attracted to the sale of children's clothing online. Familiar mothers who are looking for unusual and inexpensive things for their children become potential buyers. Having organized their business online, women are in no hurry to return to their usual routine work and continue to develop their profitable business even after maternity leave.

In order to start your online business, it is absolutely not necessary to make bulk purchases and be afraid that the product will not be in demand. Selling clothes online allows you to act as an organizer of joint purchases. In other words, people will order the product they are interested in from you, make an advance payment, and you will buy it from the supplier and wind up your percentage for the work done. Many individual entrepreneurs work today according to this scheme, for whom it is much more comfortable to work at home at a computer than to trade on the market.

Determining the assortment

Let's say you decide to start selling clothes online. First of all, you need to decide on the assortment. The main criterion for a successful online sale is the relevance and relevance of things in the region where you live. Perhaps in your city there are no beautiful evening and cocktail dresses, or it is absolutely impossible to find high-quality children's shoes. It is important to hold comparative analysis available retail clothing stores, read the forums and find out what your friends think they would buy from you.

An important factor is the average per capita income in the region where you are going to organize your online trade. Overpriced prices can alienate potential buyers, and clothes that are too cheap can raise doubts about their quality. Try to focus on those products, in the sale of which you will have the lowest possible competition.

How to find a clothing supplier?

The wide variety of apparel vendors is confusing for the newcomer to online shopping. Today you can order clothes both in the CIS countries and far beyond the Commonwealth. The most profitable suppliers are by far the Chinese clothing manufacturers. AliExpress and TaoBao are the leaders among the resources offering online sales. However, while the latter site is aimed at native Chinese speakers, users from all over the world can shop on AliExpress.

The advantage of Chinese suppliers is high-quality, inexpensive clothing. You can order quite exclusive things from China through the Internet, which cannot be found in any retail store in Russia.

The main rule of wholesale shopping on such a site is the rating of the selected seller. Make a deal only after making sure of its good faith and the quality of the goods. You can check this by looking at the reviews of buyers who have already placed orders with this supplier.

The AliExpress resource protects the rights of both parties, as evidenced by a well-thought-out payment system. After choosing the desired product, the customer makes the full amount of its value, after which the seller sends the product by mail. The money deposited into the system will be transferred to the seller's account only after the customer receives his goods and confirms its quality and safety during shipment. Otherwise, the buyer has the right to ask for a discount or a full refund. The system guarantees that any package will arrive safely, including purchased clothes through the store. In this case, the Internet greatly simplifies the process of making a transaction.

How to find potential buyers?

After you have decided on a clothing supplier, you need to search for potential buyers who will be interested and profitable for your product. You can try to open your own online store, but this will require cash investments (website creation, design development, promotion in search enginesah, finding a hired administrator, etc.) Therefore, the most rational way for a newbie to find buyers is a group or community on social networks.

You can create such a group absolutely free of charge by advertising your services and posting an assortment of clothes to order. At first, friends and acquaintances can act as potential buyers. Gradually, people will begin to learn about your online clothing sales community and will tell their friends about it. The principle of the so-called "word of mouth" works flawlessly to this day.

However, if funds allow, then you can entrust the promotion of the community to professionals who will invite potential buyers on the basis of targeting. In other words, there will be people in your group who will actually start placing orders. Remember that buying clothes online should be as comfortable as possible for your potential buyers.

Payment methods for orders

For the convenience of making transactions, you need to offer customers various methods of payment for orders:

  • Transfer to a bank card or money transfer to a bank account.
  • Payment by electronic currency (WebMoney, Qiwi, YandexMoney).
  • Postal order or cash on delivery.
  • Cash payment upon receipt of goods.

In addition, in order to insure yourself against the buyer's refusal from the order, you can enter a prepayment system, which can be from 30 to 50% of the total cost of the goods. This item may even include making payment transactions much easier and more convenient, which significantly saves time and money for customers.

Delivery of the order to the buyer

The correct organization of the delivery of the order to the buyer will not only have a good effect on the reputation of the online store, but will also significantly reduce the time of the transaction. You can arrange delivery in the following ways:

  • Take the order to the buyer at home on your own.
  • To deliver the goods at a pre-agreed place on neutral territory.
  • Asking buyers to pick up the goods directly at the seller's home.
  • Hire a courier who, for a nominal fee, will deliver the goods to the right place and time.
  • Send goods by mail with cash on delivery.

The advantage of online shopping is that you can buy this or that item without leaving your home. That is why it is better to give preference to home delivery to the buyer. It will be convenient if the delivery is positioned as free, and you include its real cost in the total purchase price.

Agreement between the seller and the buyer

A competently drafted service agreement will be able to save the seller and the buyer from possible misunderstandings in the course of the transaction. And it doesn't matter whether it is a legal document or a formal agreement in words. The main thing is that both parties fulfill their obligations.

For example, a mandatory clause of such an agreement may be an advance payment of 50% of the purchase price or a refund if the product turns out to be defective or does not fit in size. The buyer must be sure that he will not lose his money and will receive a quality order that will meet his expectations.

Taxes - to pay or not to pay?

Any business activity on the territory Russian Federation must be legally registered and registered with the tax authority. Contributions to the state treasury will not only save you from possible problemsbut also help create a confident future. After all, by registering as individual entrepreneur, you will make monthly social and pension payments, from which your pension will be formed in the future.

However, if you are not yet sure about the success of your online business, you can try making some trial orders for friends or family. If you see that selling clothes over the Internet brings positive results, then it makes sense to continue to develop your business, formalizing it in accordance with the law. In the past few years, it has become possible to register online businesses in accordance with the Russian tax code.

What else can you sell online?

Selling clothes over the Internet is not the only way to organize online shopping. You can sell anything you want. The main thing is that the product is in demand and relevant among the residents of your city or region. So, unusual women's jewelry and accessories, various devices for the kitchen and home, accessories for a car and copies of watches of famous brands are very popular. People will always be looking for unusual things that can be easily purchased without traveling abroad.

Online business is a responsible and hard job. Selling clothes over the Internet or any accessories requires a certain investment of time in the first stages. However, with a properly planned business project, the result in the form of a stable income will not be long in coming.

It has recently become easier to open a store on the Internet, and taking into account the upcoming increase in real estate taxation, it is even more profitable from a financial point of view. As in every case, there are pros and cons, risks and difficulties. One of the most important and pressing questions that arises before both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur: "where to get suppliers for your online store?"

In general, there is not much difference whether you will sell clothes, electronics, household appliances, baby products or something else - the issue of wholesale supplies always remains acute. At the same time, even those who managed to find the first contacts with manufacturers continue to solve a number of various difficulties associated with the work process itself: from regulating the delivery time and payments for goods before or after its sale to the return of a defective product or simply stuck in the warehouse. At the beginning of their work, many online stores organize activities according to a scheme with a ready-made product base of a partner.

If we leave for a while the subtleties of direct trading activities, then we can single out only three sources of goods for an online store:

  • Create something with my own hands (physical or electronic product).
  • Sell \u200b\u200bthe fruits of someone else's labor for a certain percentage. To do this, it is enough to create a platform and equip it with suitable mechanisms that will allow your partners to interact with customers directly or through you as an intermediary.
  • To order products from specific companies that are engaged in wholesale trade.

In the first two cases, you will need to find a team of good programmers and work out a business plan. In the latter option, you will have to establish contacts with wholesale suppliers and solve a number of issues to minimize risks, protect against fraud and many others, but most importantly, you need to find potential partners, with which newcomers often have problems. At first glance, it is enough to come to the wholesale base and buy goods, but in reality the buyer does not seek to purchase on the Internet what he can find on the market at a reasonable price.

Advice: before working with one or another supplier of goods, carefully double-check all the points of the agreement, find its competitors and compare the conditions, choose those that are more profitable and safer for you, and only then start work. The more nuances you take into account at once, the less unforeseen expenses will eventually arise.

How to find a supplier for your online store?

Choosing a supplier for an online store is a process similar to a tender, but in this case you will not only have to find the database of candidates yourself, but also assess their reliability, shorten the list, and subsequently also convince the “finalists” that it is profitable for them to work with specific network site. With those who remain, it will be necessary to agree on separate terms of supply and conclude agreements.

The first way to find wholesale suppliers for an online store remains search engine databases. You type the name of the product, add “buy in bulk” and at the exit you get a huge number of pages on which the corresponding words were found. Of course, you will have to look through many pages that are only distantly related to the topic, but there will also be the necessary contacts. On the sites of potential suppliers of goods for your online store, it is worth collecting as much information as possible, and in case of a shortage, contact for details directly. Special attention should be paid to assortment, prices, terms of cooperation.

Advice: do not judge a supplier by his site, even if an incompletely made resource appears in front of you. You need a product database, not a pretty business card. The state of the site does not indicate the quality of the products, since wholesale suppliers, as a rule, do not receive a large number of customers through the Internet. Your online store should be convenient.

The second source of wholesale suppliers for the network businessman will be the databases of specialized Internet catalogers. In their headings you can find a variety of product groups that you can sell in your online store. These portals include:

  • optlist;
  • opt-union;
  • optom;
  • openmarket;
  • postavshhiki.

Another option when looking for suppliers for an online store can be a thematic exhibition of goods or a conference of manufacturers of a particular product. Such events traditionally attract industry professionals who intend to conclude agreements on the supply of their products. It should be borne in mind that both representatives of companies that have been working for a long time and newcomers to the market meet there.

Last but not least, the fees are carried out for the exchange of experience, so specialists can give a number of useful tips, will help you choose a product that is more interesting to the end customer, as well as understand market trends, avoid purchasing outdated goods. A logical continuation will be a direct visit to production sites. In the offices of manufacturing plants, you can talk with the director of the company or the person responsible for the implementation of wholesale supplies. It is easier for a beginner to negotiate with small businesses, since at the initial stage, it is advisable not to make large purchases due to the lack of constant turnover and customer base.

Few people today do not know about such a source of purchasing goods for an online store as Taobao, Alibaba, Dealextreme, Aliexpress, whose homeland is China. These bases offer a variety of products at low cost. At the same time, the waiting time for the arrival of the goods is significant enough for buyers to try to find an alternative in the local market, albeit a little more expensive. Quality also remains a big question. You can find wholesale suppliers in other countries, but you need to own foreign languages at a level sufficient for negotiation.

It is worth considering the fact that foreign suppliers do not differ high level trust in Russian stores. This became a consequence different reasons, but the situation can be corrected by holding a personal meeting with a representative of a foreign company. This will require additional costs, and positive result not guaranteed at all. Among the negative factors this decision the need for customs clearance is highlighted. It increases the final cost of goods, which means it can reduce the competitiveness of the online store.

At the same time, some manage to conclude agreements for the supply of high-quality goods from foreign partners at fairly low prices. As a result, cooperation becomes mutually beneficial, and competitors often cannot make an appropriate offer to customers.

First, you need to soberly weigh your chances of getting a lucrative contract. It may be worth postponing a visit to foreign partners until such time as you can gain a little more experience in this form business activities... Over time, you will need to recruit staff. Many of them are looking, so it is important to take care of giving them possible guarantees... Submit your store to the network directory base at the beginning vigorous activityto have a long history of work by the time the team expands.

Clothing suppliers

Clothing is one of the most common types of products for an online store. The easiest option for an entrepreneur is to open his own warehouse, from which the delivery of pre-purchased goods will take place. Availability of stock increases the speed of customer service, and hence, his loyalty to the online store. At the same time, there is a need for additional expenses for the maintenance of the warehouse and the first purchase of goods that are not always sold out. This point can be solved quite simply if in a particular city and sell things from the window, but the cost of the business will also increase significantly.

Another option is to sell goods to order. In this case, the online store makes a purchase from clothing suppliers only after receiving an application from the customer, who makes a choice from the cataloged product base. This method is time consuming for intermediate operations. It is necessary to check the availability of goods from suppliers, then place an order, receive funds from the client.

The advantage is the ability to send goods from the supplier directly to the client, without affecting the employees of the online store. In order to keep customers interested, despite the lengthy purchase process, it is worth offering a high discount, which will make them come to terms with the inconvenience, or offer an exclusive product for which there is a constant demand.

You can organize the activities of an online store so that you get a kind of compromise option - keep a small warehouse and supply certain types of clothing exclusively on pre-order. Store on warehouses it makes sense only for the product that is in constant demand or is suitable for the season.

Outmaxshop is one of the most well-known domestic suppliers for an online low-cost clothing store. In fact, it is a dealer of shoes and clothing from well-known world brands. On this portal, you can agree on the wholesale supply of Nike, Reebok, Asics, Adidas, etc. products. In this case, deliveries will be made directly from the factory sites. DropShipping is a good factor for a budding internet entrepreneur. This gives the online store the ability to trade well-known brands with a small margin, but without having to maintain its own warehouse.

In the database of this supplier, you can find the cost specifically for partner online stores. The supplier will independently send the ordered goods to end customers. Before starting a full-fledged interaction, it is necessary to conduct the first trial purchase in order to assess the usability and debug the mechanisms of intermediary activities. In the standard version of the work, all information regarding the characteristics of goods, as well as their photographs, will be supplied to partners, but it is advisable to create your own unique content.

Altermoda may become another clothing supplier for the online store. This is a domestic supplier that offers potential partners to determine the level of markup on goods themselves, and also provides the tools necessary for auto-shipment of goods. Programmers will connect to your online store pretty quickly. To get started with Altermoda, talk to the portal representatives. Several different volumes are available today for shipments. There is a possibility of both free delivery and an option with a deposit amount of 20% of the total order value.

Supplier LightInTheBox will expand the range of the online store not only with clothing, but will also offer to supply bags, jewelry, watches, products for the home and garden, as well as electronics and a large number of other goods. Among the shortcomings, one can note the location of the supplier outside of Russia, so delivery will take longer than in cooperation with domestic companies.

To get started with LightInTheBox as part of a partnership, you need to register as a member of the direct selling process with your online store. After that, you will be given the opportunity to select the goods that you plan to trade on your own network site, as well as place your first order and, after payment, receive the goods as part of a test purchase.

Checking the details for the payment will be carried out 2 times after the registration is completed, and this should be taken into account so as not to get into a mess when registering a partnership. The supplier, for his part, gives the online store guarantees that the customer will receive the goods intact. Separately, the clause is indicated that it will not contain a list of contacts of the supplier himself, as well as information about the wholesale cost of the product and the intermediary's markup. For those who receive a VIP membership, the portal provides more favorable conditions for collaboration. In particular, the terms of delivery are significantly improved, as well as special offers from the supplier are provided.

According to the most conservative estimates, today you can find several hundred suppliers of clothing for an online store, everyone has different conditions for cooperation and different areas of activity. It should be noted that the audience and options for maintaining cooperation with suppliers of seasonal clothing and underwear will differ significantly. First of all, you need to understand what kind of product you are ready to work with, what audience to target. Based on these prerequisites, it is necessary to build both your own entrepreneurship strategy and the design of the site itself, advertising materials.

Suppliers of electronics and home appliances

Cooperation with suppliers of household and electronic technology differs in certain nuances. First of all, when choosing a supplier for your online store, you need to focus on the breadth of the assortment of a potential partner. Electronics is a commodity that does not tolerate a narrow offer. If you want to expand your audience as much as possible, then a small nomenclature should be avoided. Naturally, it will be quite difficult to purchase a large amount of goods, however, when working according to the pre-order method, it is quite easy to ensure the availability of a large number of device options on the site for performing certain functions.

It is necessary to pay attention to a number of main points of cooperation. In addition to the cost of the goods for the purchase, it is important to know how quickly the delivery takes place, what may be the reasons for the delay, at what distance from you the supplier's warehouse is located, how the delivery process of the ordered equipment can be controlled, as well as methods of checking the quality of the goods and the possibility of returning. A number of suppliers stipulate an order for a certain minimum amount or quantity of goods. It is worth paying attention to the possibility of synchronizing the number of products from a supplier with indicators on the pages of an online store. Be sure to ask about the availability of permits, licenses, quality certificates.

Advice: Don't limit yourself to just dealing with dropshipping partners. For the corresponding product options, at first, you can set a minimum margin close to zero in order to attract the first audience. At the same time, the online store should also have those goods that will bring profit and ensure the effectiveness of commercial activities.

An example of a supplier of household appliances and electronics is the BuySKU portal, whose main office is located in China. It is distinguished by a fairly wide assortment for the commercial circulation of goods. In addition to gadgets, which he focuses on, the supplier offers online stores tools for various types of work, clothes, souvenirs, office supplies, as well as many products from other groups.

Working with this supplier follows an algorithm that differs little from partnerships with other companies. The first step is registration on the portal, the second is the selection of goods for purchase. Next, you need to select the "DropShipping" option, which will allow you to interact as an online store. After that, you pay for delivery addresses for specific goods or their groups, as well as pay for the order made.

After that, you will receive a list indicating the delivery time for each addressee. The supplier guarantees that all goods will be delivered to your online store customers on time. In terms of working with partners, the company provides a guarantee that its labels are not on the packaging or product, as well as contact information. Thus, the direct work of the client and the wholesale supplier is excluded.

Among other things, BuySKU offers partners a number of special offers... For example, transfer of product images without any watermarks for use in the catalog of an online store. During the processing of the delivery of goods, it is the partners who are given priority in the delivery queues, and the discount from the moment of signing the cooperation agreement remains constant, regardless of the total order amount, which eliminates the need to accumulate orders and create delays in deliveries for customers. At the same time, the discount is cumulative and will only grow when taking into account the total volume of turnover during the interaction.

Watch suppliers for online store

One of the relatively free areas in e-commerce is the sale of watches through online stores. It should be understood that it is not novelty that makes him free, but competitiveness. The most attractive price is offered by the manufacturers themselves, so you should not limit yourself exclusively to watches. At the very least, you can expand your assortment with various jewelry.

Advice: Add expensive premium models to your watch range. Such a solution will make it possible to give the online store a more "expensive" look, as well as to increase the confidence on the part of the buyer, since consumers are traditionally distrustful of the sites on which there are exceptionally cheap products.

A good option is to enter into agreements for the sale of watches with a large number of small manufacturing companies. This promises large profits, however, in terms of the time required to conclude agreements, a rather high burden arises. To keep the online store from idle, you can fill it with products from the supplier Focalprice.

This portal offers a huge assortment of watches from various brands from near and far abroad. It should be noted that the total assortment exceeds 50 thousand units. In addition to watches, the catalog of this supplier contains products of almost 1000 brands. Thus, in addition to watches, you will have the opportunity to collect a portfolio of accompanying products - bijouterie, wallets and other goods up to mobile gadgets and jewelry from world-famous companies.

To start cooperation as a partner, you need to register on the resource and go to the section personal accountlabeled "Drop-Shipping". From the list of all products, you need to choose the one for which you found buyers on your own site of the online store. The next steps will be to enter addresses and pay for goods.

The company traditionally provides partners with access to databases with images and descriptions of product characteristics, logos of manufacturing companies, etc. In addition, you can integrate with the API of your online store's portal. This will allow you to control the quantity of goods in the supplier's warehouse and manage orders more efficiently. A good solution would be the automation of order payment, configured to transfer all the basic data (product names, delivery addresses, etc.). This will increase spending on the programmer's services, but at high turnovers it will significantly save time.

Suppliers of children's goods for online stores

Buying children's toys is relevant at any time of the year and depends on the level of customers' incomes rather indirectly. For this reason, opening an online toy store seems to be a profitable business for many entrepreneurs. Doing business through the network is especially promising due to the cost reduction in starting a business. In general, selling toys in an online store is a rather laborious business that can turn into failure at the slightest mistake. If you are not ready for a scrupulous study of the market and taking into account many insignificant, at first glance, nuances, then it is better. The demand for the product is constant, and the prospects at the initial stage are much higher.

Among the key advantages is the absence of an urgent need to find premises for shopping room, although if you combine an online platform with a physical store, it will be a solution that will increase profitability. The main problem when organizing the sale of children's goods through an online store is to minimize the delivery time of products. Therefore, first of all, the entrepreneur will need to think over how the order delivery system will be carried out. Very often, baby products are purchased in a hurry, in addition, children are not inclined to be patient, waiting for the promised presentation. This leads to the fact that buyers are often willing to pay more, but receive the goods faster.

It is very important for a toy store to have clear navigation, a selection for fashionable novelties and the ability to view the product from the greatest possible angles. Product reviews have a significant impact on sales. The description should contain enough options so that customers can be sure that their child can safely use a particular toy.

The quality of the goods is of great importance. If you find that one of the products is dyed with products that can cause an allergic reaction in children, remove it from sale in your online store. In this case, the product card itself should not be deleted. Just add in the description the reason why the product can no longer be found on your electronic site.

As with other goods, it is advisable to conclude agreements for the supply of goods with several suppliers at once, which will minimize downtime in the event of a problem with one of the companies that supplies you with products. To speed up the delivery of goods, you will have to create at least a minimum stock in your own warehouse. In this case, it is advisable to choose optimal options delivery in terms of speed and cost. The larger the region you can ship to, the more your sales will be. It makes sense to sign agreements with several courier services and provide the user with the opportunity to choose the delivery himself

Before selling goods in your own online store, ensure the legality of your activities. It matters a lot. It makes sense to carefully study this issue in order to ensure maximum profit and the absence of claims from regulatory authorities. A simpler business that can generate a stable income is. If you are determined to create an online store, get ready to spend some of your income on advertising in order to attract customers.

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You can organize a successful trade with almost any product, but it is advisable to expand the range. In the case of online stores, a good move is to reduce the cost of goods at the initial stage of work. The latter can take a year or more, but in network business there are also payback periods. From time to time you will have to change the design of the site to increase the convenience of buyers, which also reduces the total profit. Nevertheless, when your site gains popularity among users, really serious development prospects open up.

In contact with

It is normal for a business to be constantly in an active search for suppliers of goods for an online store. For example, the owner of one successful gift shop said that in five years of work he changed almost one and a half hundred suppliers, and over the past six months he made trial purchases from 70 companies.

Even if you have already found partners that suit you, be open to new proposals. In this article, we will list five sources where to find suppliers for an online store, cite several wholesale companies in different popular niches and give advice on how to choose a reliable partner and what to look for.

What are the suppliers for an online store

All suppliers are usually divided into two large groups:

An online store for those who have no time to understand development. Ready in 5 working days, over 100 sales tools! Just upload your products and start selling! Shopconstructor will do the rest.

The unit cost of goods in the DTshop catalog directly depends on the total order volume. The minimum amount of the first order on the site is 20,000 rubles. Subsequent shipments of goods are possible for smaller amounts.

http://berado.ru/ - wholesale supplier of toys and leisure goods from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong. The Berado website presents a wide range of toys, children's furniture, stationery and summer goods.

Belado offers favorable terms of cooperation to wholesale buyers, individuals and legal entities... To obtain special conditions for cooperation, you can issue a wholesale buyer card, which makes it possible to purchase goods in the center wholesale trade Cash & Carr toys. When paying in cash, the minimum amount of the first purchase is 15,000 rubles.

http://portaltoy.ru/import/ is an online exhibition that offers visitors a wide selection of children's products from suppliers from the USA, Great Britain, Asia and the CIS. The portal allows you to search for suppliers at exhibitions or take part in them yourself.

You can see the calendar on the Portaltoy website largest exhibitions children's goods, which will be held in the near future in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. More than 280 suppliers are participating in the online exhibition on the site. Here you can find new business partners, expand the range of your online store and get favorable terms of cooperation.

Search for foreign suppliers

Due to the depreciation of the ruble, Internet providers from Europe, Asia and the United States are no longer as attractive as they were several years ago. But even today they offer entrepreneurs an exclusive product. high Quality, often cheaper than domestic counterparts.

To find a supplier abroad, you need at least two things:

1. Knowledge of English. If a website with an assortment is translated into Russian by an online translator, then in order to communicate with sellers and to conclude a contract, you need to know English at a level not lower than the basic one.

2. Time for. Usually, goods from abroad come from a month or more. It all depends on the country of the supplier and on the checks at customs.

You need to search for foreign suppliers for an online store through Google. Enter in the search the name of the product of interest in English or in the language of the country where you want to find a supplier. Do not use Yandex for search - it finds foreign sites reluctantly.

How to find a foreign supplier in Google

Here are some proven European and American suppliers for online stores:

http://www.4wholesaleusa.com - Sells everything from cosmetics and coffee to toys and appliances.

British supplier of goods for online stores around the world. Sells clothing, beauty and health products, household goods, computers and household appliances, auto and sporting goods.

europages.co.uk is a major supplier aggregator from Europe.

Goods from Europe and the USA are the ultimate dream for many customers, because not all of them can be ordered at retail. This type of trade could be called a “gold mine” for entrepreneurs, if not for a number of difficulties: not all companies want to work with Russia, you will have to pay a considerable price for quality, and the passage of goods through customs does not always go smoothly.

If you are looking for an easier way, turn to trusted and already well-known suppliers of goods from China. Chinese goods are now sold everywhere, but the number of manufacturers and names is so great that it is quite possible to find something unique or little-known.

The most famous sites where you can find suppliers from China are AliExpress, Alibaba and TaoBao. The first is simpler - it is translated into normal Russian and is a familiar online store. The other two are seller aggregators, where not even everything is translated into English.

TaoBao. You can't figure it out without intermediaries.

1. A high rating and positive feedback from a seller is not yet an indicator of its reliability. For example, you can buy gold status on Alibaba, and users sometimes delete negative reviews in exchange for a refund for a product that they did not like. A more reliable indicator of reliability is the date when the seller's account was created and the number of completed transactions.

2. Before transferring money, even for a test batch, talk to the seller in correspondence - ask about the properties of the product, ask to show more photos, request a quality certificate. This is where you need English.

3. If the seller has sent you a sample, and you like it, do not order a large batch at once - it may be worse in quality than the test items.

4. If possible, use the “secure payment” function. For example, there is one on the Alibaba website. This function means that your money will be frozen in the system and the seller will not receive it until he fulfills all obligations to you.

5. Study the average prices for the product you decide to trade. If the seller offers too low a price, do not rush to rejoice. This is done, most likely, for one of the following reasons: the product is of poor quality, the seller sells the product without documents and it can be confiscated at customs or in front of you scammers whose goal is to collect money for orders and disappear.

A significant drawback of suppliers from China is the long delivery through. Usually, the goods take about two months, so you need to place orders ahead of time.

China - low prices, but a high percentage of returns due to poor quality. Despite this, many have learned to do business with Chinese goods. If you calculate everything and do it right, you can too.

How to find a supplier for an online store and get it right: 5 must-have rules

As you can see, finding a supplier for an online store is not a problem today. It is much more difficult to find a good partner you can trust. To make your searches not too tedious for you and unprofitable for your business, take the following rules:

1. If possible, communicate personally with a company representative. In extreme cases - by phone.

2. Check with the supplier as much as possible. What is the price of the goods per unit and per batch, what is the minimum order amount, what is the minimum purchase for certain period, is there a transport for delivery, is it necessary to make an advance and is it possible to buy the goods in installments, how often the assortment is updated, how is the return done, can the supplier unilaterally terminate the contract ... There are many nuances. It is better to go to a meeting with a supplier with a list of questions.

3. At first, do not rely on one supplier. Test multiple.

4. At first, give preference to suppliers from Russia. This will help you get the first batch of goods faster and start selling.

5. Carefully read the supplier's contract with the online store. Most likely, you will have to sign the contract that the seller drew up for wholesale buyers, and come to terms with its terms. Large wholesalers rarely agree to sign store contracts and work on their terms. You are only a few percent of their profits.

And the last piece of advice - do not stay too long on the question of where to find suppliers. The more options a person is offered, the longer he chooses. This is bad practice. While you think the product will become irrelevant, competitors will start selling it earlier, or you will simply lose interest in this business.

Make informed decisions, but don't waste time. Good luck!

Nowadays, finding the right clothing supplier for a store is not so easy, but it is still possible if you have the necessary knowledge of search methods and the ability to build long-term relationships based on trust. Suppliers are needed primarily to assist in the delivery of goods.

How and where should you look for a clothing supplier for the store?

First, you need to target a specific customer.

Secondly, the product must be the latest and in line with fashion trends.

Thirdly, things must be combined with each other.

Fourth, the product must be in demand.

It is by these criteria that you need to look for a supplier of clothing for the store.

Suggestions from clothing suppliers.

Suppliers are classified into two types of sales: large wholesale and small wholesale. Large wholesale supplies goods in large quantities. This is only suitable for large organizations that already have a thriving business. For those who are just opening a store, it is better to use the services of a small wholesale supplier, then it will be possible to buy goods in small quantities.

In shops operating on a franchise system, the question of suppliers disappears by itself.

Proposals for such a system are often unprofitable for an entrepreneur.

Many suppliers are involved in the supply of clothing to stores such as second-hand and stock. By offering its customers product sanitization, low wear and tear, good quality, direct purchase from manufacturers from Europe, Huge assortment.

The price depends on the weight of the bag, place of delivery, quality of goods, sorting. Goods purchased over the Internet are delivered using a shipping company.

Stock things are of two types.

  1. Remains of the previous collection from stores
  2. Factory leftovers because clothes are sewn with a 10-15% margin

Suppliers sell stock either in coolers, or individually, the price will depend on the brand, the price of the product name will be higher in comparison with the second-hand.

Stores that sell multiple brands have two options:

  1. Make purchases from suppliers who take clothes from manufacturers.
  2. Order high-quality stock.

Stores that sell one brand buy collections from suppliers who work directly with the manufacturer.

Supplier search.

Most effective method looking for clothing suppliers is the internet. To do this, in the search engine, we type wholesale trade clothing, wholesale supply of clothing, wholesale clothing, etc. You can also view a list of popular clothing suppliers.

Purchasing on the Internet very often threatens that we are not buying what we imagined, since the pictures from the sites do not correspond to reality. If the company from which you choose the product is located in your region, then these problems can be avoided by visiting it in person.

You can also visit a business forum on the Internet, where you can communicate with entrepreneurs, consultants, suppliers.

It would be very nice to visit regional exhibitions, where you can communicate directly with manufacturers and conclude an agreement on more favorable terms for you.

It is necessary to study all suppliers: delivery time, terms of cooperation, product cost, reputation, customer reviews, product quality and much more. After you have analyzed everything, you can proceed to the selection.

How not to be mistaken when choosing a clothing supplier?

You have already formed a huge list of suppliers as a result of your search. Now let's start sorting out the unprofitable and unscrupulous ones from our list. After that, there are not so many options left.

There are five typical mistakes when choosing "your" supplier:

  1. Poor presentation. If the catalog contains low-quality images, then most likely the quality of the material leaves much to be desired. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material, dimensions and more detailed information, it is better to find out from the company's managers.
  2. Unreliable suppliers. It is best to be guided when choosing common sense... You should choose time-tested companies that have already proven themselves in the sales market, and not newly minted ones.
  3. Huge purchase volume. The first batch should not be purchased in large quantities. Even if you are being offered a good discount, it might just be a gimmick to dispose of a substandard or outdated product. A small purchase volume will help us assess the quality of the clothes.
  4. You should not purchase the current season. The winter collection of clothes is always purchased in the fall, but by no means in the winter.
  5. You should not buy a variety of goods from a supplier at once, it is more expedient to start small, and in the future, if necessary, expand the range. If there is a huge amount of unsold things, it will be impossible to sell them in the future.

Registration of the transaction.

A contract is concluded for the supply of goods, in which the conditions for the delivery of the goods, their payment, conditions for the goods must be prescribed. It is necessary to indicate the exact information about the purchased product (article, size, quantity, quality, etc.) this is required in order not to bring you the product that you did not order.

Very often there are disagreements about settlements between the supplier and the entrepreneur. To do this, it is better to immediately stipulate the payment process so that it suits both parties. Both the supplier and the buyer are liable for neglect of the contract. In order to avoid disputes, you need to fulfill your duties on time.

Supplier relationship options.

In order to get profitable cooperation, you need to be able to convince the supplier of your position during negotiations, thereby forcing the supplier to agree to unfavorable terms. This method is considered to be the most profitable in terms of economics.

This method will certainly not be long term. Only those entrepreneurs who have already achieved a certain status in the market can count on favorable conditions. One way to get a discount is the method of comparing two suppliers, reducing the cost of the product until one gives in to acquire a customer.

There is also another type of cooperation - partnership. It will be designed for a long-term relationship. In the case of supplier support, it is not always favorable terms, you can be sure that any receipt will be completed on time and in the right quantity.

It would be quite reasonable to adhere to both principles, since the first method is not designed for long-term relationships, but it is not worth cooperating with all suppliers to your advantage.

There are actually plenty of bona fide suppliers. You just need to learn how to sort out unnecessary companies. The first purchase should be done very carefully so as not to run into poor quality product... Thoroughly check all possible options to compare all offers. And only after careful analysis to conclude an agreement.

Finding a reliable supplier is the most important stage in organizing a retail business. At first, all trade entrepreneurs face this problem. Buy goods abroad or look for suppliers in Russia? How not to lose your money by concluding contracts with foreign suppliers on the Internet? Read about this, as well as the most common mistakes made when choosing suppliers in our article.

"How to find a supplier?" - this question torments hundreds of novice businessmen, since it is a serious task to arrange the supply of goods at a low price for sale at a higher price. Many entrepreneurs in a hurry trying to start their business as soon as possible, make the wrong choice of suppliers, conclude contracts with unreliable firms, which further leads to disruption of the trading process, loss of profits, and sometimes the closure of the store. Where can I find a supplier? How to eliminate errors when ordering goods? What are the requirements for a retail store supplier? Here are some useful tips on how to find a supplier.

How to find suppliers: visit trade shows

A large number of exhibitions are held in large cities of each region of our country, in which manufacturers of the most various goods... It can be clothes, shoes, food, appliances, gifts, souvenirs, cosmetics, furniture, industrial and other goods. Large suppliers and manufacturers participate in exhibitions and fairs pursuing two goals - to sell goods at retail to end consumers and to find large dealers to sell batches of products through retail stores. The exhibition is thousands of products grouped by type, price, quality, manufacturer, where each visitor can find his supplier.

Entrepreneurs also need to attend exhibitions, especially international ones, in order to track modern tendencies in one area or another. Specialized exhibitions are a great way to establish contacts with several suppliers of goods at once, conclude preliminary agreements and get acquainted with the range of products presented. Often, companies from other regions of the country or countries participate in exhibitions - by cooperating with them, you can purchase goods that differ from the range of competing companies in your region. Visiting exhibitions, you have an excellent chance to compare the quality and prices of goods from different manufacturers, delivery terms, without wasting time looking for the necessary information.

By visiting specialized exhibitions and communicating with company representatives directly, you immediately declare yourself as a businessman with serious intentions, which means that specialists from the supplier or manufacturer will be more willing to cooperate with you - they are also interested in expanding the channels for selling their goods.

In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a supplier company participating in a specialized exhibition, specify the information with which retail stores she cooperates in your region or in a neighboring one. Then, information about the reliability of the supplier can be clarified directly with colleagues or competitors - if there are any problems with this company, they will certainly tell you about it.

Many businessmen point out that it is really easy to find reliable suppliers at specialized exhibitions throughout the country. When communicating with employees of a supplier company, it is important to immediately build partnerships so that your company or store is perceived not as a one-time customer, but as a colleague and comrade in business. By establishing mutually beneficial cooperation, in the future you can expect to receive discounts from the supplier or priority delivery best goods at competitive prices.

We are looking for the right suppliers: we study Russian wholesale online stores

Today, the most popular "place" to find suppliers of goods is by far the Internet. And an excellent option for entrepreneurs who, at first, are afraid to take risks by ordering large quantities of this or that product from abroad on the Internet is cooperation with the largest Russian wholesale online stores of consumer goods. They usually work with dozens of countries around the world and have a wide range of products. Finding a supplier among such companies is easy.

For instance, russian company Sima-Land. On the website of this company, any retailer will be able to find hundreds and thousands of necessary goods, including exclusive ones, which can be purchased for further resale. This includes household goods, clothing, children's products, and electrical goods, souvenirs, games, jewelry, tools for construction and repairs and many other things. Regular customers of such wholesale online stores in our country are retail chains and small-scale specialized stores, as well as educational institutions - schools, colleges, kindergartens and other various organizations.

Such a supplier has several advantages at once. Firstly, there is no need to order delivery of goods from abroad - this eliminates the risk of losing money. An extensive network for organizing the transportation of such wholesale online stores allows resellers to save on delivery - often it is free of charge. It is beneficial and convenient for the owners of retail stores, as the goods are delivered in the shortest possible time safe and sound.

Secondly, thanks to the wide range of such a supplier, you can immediately and in one place order different kinds of goods in the minimum acceptable quantities. For example, bedding or baby clothes. That is, there is no need to conclude agreements with several suppliers at once, since all the necessary goods can be purchased from one. The development of the assortment of large Russian wholesale online stores is carried out by employees of these enterprises, who are guided by the needs of customers, the demand for certain goods. As for prices, in such enterprises they are really affordable and not much more expensive than when buying goods from abroad. Wholesale online stores work directly with manufacturers of goods, while avoiding extra charges, and delivery of goods in large quantities and well-thought-out logistics help reduce the company's transportation costs. According to retail businessmen, finding suppliers from similar firms is one of the the best options for retail.

An indisputable plus in the supplier's piggy bank from among the wholesale Russian online stores of goods is the quality control, which is carried out by employees of these companies. Companies such as, for example, "Sima-land" have their own warehouses and offices in other countries. Local employees of the company have the opportunity to carefully select manufacturers, control the quality of purchased wholesale products and control the procurement process.

Some large Russian wholesale online stores have their own "real" retail stores - analogs - on the huge areas of the hypermarkets of the same name, anyone (including a novice businessman looking for a supplier) has the opportunity to personally assess the quality of goods.

Cooperating with such suppliers, you no longer need to buy goods abroad, there is no need to risk money in advance by paying for goods from an unknown foreign supplier, whose products you have not even seen and "did not hold in your hands", as well as worry about the methods of delivery of the purchased goods and its "customs clearance" and the availability of quality certificates. All of the above tasks are solved by employees of the largest Russian wholesale online stores of consumer goods. Finding a supplier among such companies will not be difficult today.

Foreign suppliers: we order goods from abroad

Working with foreign suppliers is considered by Russian businessmen to be quite complicated and costly, but the most common "scheme". Most often, the choice of retail store owners falls on China. As you know, the vast majority of things and goods around us are made in China. The prices for the products purchased there are really low, and the choice of goods is unlimited, which means that you can earn significant amounts on the resale of goods. Chinese manufacturers are true "experts" in the creation and sale of consumer goods. But russian entrepreneurs one should beware of fraud and deception of Chinese suppliers.

The easiest way to find a foreign supplier is on the Internet. On the World Wide Web, you can find both a "one-time" supplier of goods, and a long-term partner. For example, the well-known trading floor from China - the site "aliexpress.com" unites tens and hundreds of sellers of Chinese goods on one portal. Here, in a huge assortment of goods, you can find the most suitable offer for yourself - in terms of price and quality. Here you can buy phones, accessories, tools, and clothing, bijouterie both in bulk and by the piece.

In order to protect buyers of goods on large sites, there are ways of protection - a refund if the goods were not received, were not received on time or did not match the description. You can return the goods to the seller to the warehouse in Russia without giving any reason. Now there are representative offices of the company in our country in almost every region, you can pay for goods and choose a delivery method (self-pickup or delivery directly to your store) yourself.

One of the disadvantages of cooperation with such suppliers is that you can buy only "consumer goods" goods on the websites of Chinese manufacturers, but you can hardly find exclusive items or highly specialized goods here. It is also not uncommon for the ordered goods to arrive of inadequate quality or of the wrong type or size. The process of returning money or goods is quite long. Also, one of the disadvantages of such suppliers is the inability to “touch” the product and assess its quality. The buyer (especially the wholesale lots of goods for resale in a retail store) acts "blindly", acquiring a "pig in a poke" by prepayment.

“We are looking for suppliers on the Internet, typing in the search engine the name of a certain type of product on english language... This is the easiest option. After that, go to various websites of suppliers of Chinese goods, ask questions of interest, businessmen advise. - Communicate with representatives of firms on Skype, always negotiate delivery times, methods of payment and return of goods. "

Today it is possible to search for a supplier of goods virtually in simpler ways. For example, many companies on the Internet offer special services on the selection of reliable suppliers. You negotiate with the company's manager the types of goods that you would like to order on the Internet, and they, in turn, are looking for a supplier for your store or check the reliability of those companies with which you plan to cooperate. They will compare prices for you, check the availability of quality certificates, product photos, find all the contacts of the supplier you are interested in. Also, such firms take on the customs clearance of goods, money transfers, intermediary services. All this can facilitate the work of a novice entrepreneur, but these services, of course, are paid.

Where else to find a supplier: product catalogs

If you need a supplier, refer to the product catalogs. They are of two types - online directories and traditional printed editions... Thanks to online catalogs - search systems for wholesale suppliers, anyone can find both a distributor and a manufacturer of goods. Wholesale companies in our country post information about themselves on these services, telling about the range of goods, prices and publishing all contact information. Thanks to this, you can directly contact the organization you are interested in and negotiate the conditions for the purchase of products.

A good example in this regard is the wholesale supplier search system "OptList.ru". Here you can find products of various categories from companies from different cities of the country for free, and also leave your request for the supply of a particular product - and the supplier will find you himself. Here you can find both a reliable supplier of tires for cars, mobile phones and potato manufacturers - you will find any necessary product in the right quantity thanks to such services.

Print catalogs or product magazines are less popular in the technology age. But not infrequently it is the manufacturers of highly specialized products that publish information about their enterprises on the pages of various catalogs.

How to find a reliable supplier: we work directly with manufacturers of goods

Working directly with manufacturers of goods is certainly beneficial. First of all, because of the ability to purchase goods for resale at their purchase price. But, as you know, manufacturers prefer to work with wholesalers, and retailers they are less interested in trade.

A good option for grocery store owners is to cooperate directly with agricultural producers, farmers, small firms that produce quality goods under their own trade marks... For example, semi-finished meat products, dairy products. Manufacturers in the regions are always interested in new partners, including with retailers.

When considering working directly with manufacturers, look for products or products that are made directly in your area. You can buy them at the lowest prices, not spend money on delivery and resell them at a higher price. The only drawback is a large number of competing stores selling identical products.

Don't be intimidated by the opportunity to work directly with one or another manufacturer of goods from any city in the country as a supplier for your retail store. They are interested in selling their products, just as you are interested in buying them for resale. You can also buy goods directly from a manufacturer in another region of the country in conjunction with several retail stores in your region. In this case, you can carry out periodic delivery of the assortment of goods you need, saving money on transportation of goods.

Today, there are many ways to look for a reliable supplier of goods for your store, but this is a truly crucial stage that requires a competent approach and an objective long-term assessment of the market for offers.